July 2011 The reading/language arts component of a state’s NCLB test may align to both reading and writing standards or may align to only reading standards. If the state’s test aligns to both reading and Every state has adopted tests that comply with NCLB. For high school, these tests must include reading/language arts and mathematics and must be aligned to content standards at 10th grade or above. NCLB Testing Attached is a chart listing the acceptable tests for AIMS Reciprocity. The chart was compiled in July 2011 and believed to be accurate at that time. Any questions about the chart or AIMS Reciprocity may be directed to Irene Hunting, Director of State Test Administration at [email protected] or 602.542.5450. AIMS Reciprocity applies only to the AIMS high school graduation requirement. There are no reciprocal tests for the Arizona Board of Regents High Honors Tuition Scholarship (commonly referred to as the AIMS Scholarship) or for the early graduation scholarship (authorized by A.R.S. §15-105). Students who transfer into an Arizona public school prior to their junior year are still required to test on AIMS during the spring semester of their sophomore year even if they have met the AIMS HS graduation requirement via reciprocity. AIMS Reciprocity Guidelines are in compliance with the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (A.R.S. §15-1911) Article VII, Graduation. In 2005, state legislation (A.R.S. §15-701.01 (A)(3)) was enacted that allows high school students who transfer from out-of-state into an Arizona public school to be exempt from the AIMS graduation requirement if the student “has successfully passed a statewide assessment test on state adopted standards that are substantially equivalent to the state board adopted academic standards.” This provision is commonly referred to as AIMS Reciprocity. Also in 2005, the State Board of Education adopted policy that identified a state’s high school test used for No Child Left Behind (NCLB) school accountability as the acceptable test for AIMS Reciprocity. Background Arizona Department of Education High school students transferring into an Arizona public school are responsible for providing official documentation of test results for AIMS Reciprocity purposes. Required Documentation For states with high-stakes tests, notes regarding those tests and AIMS Reciprocity are included in the reciprocity chart. For some states, the high-stakes test is totally separate from the NCLB test. In all such cases, the high-stakes test is not reciprocal with AIMS regardless of score on the high-stakes test. For some states, the high-stakes test is the same as the NCLB test. When states use the same test for two purposes, the passing scores for the two purposes are not always the same. Some states have a lower passing score for graduation purposes than for NCLB purposes. In all such cases, the NCLB passing score is the score that is reciprocal with AIMS. A test that students must pass as a provision for high school graduation is commonly referred to as a high-stakes test or an exit exam. Approximately half of the states have high-stakes tests. It is a common misconception that AIMS Reciprocity is based on a state’s high-stake tests. High-Stakes Tests/Exit Exams When the state’s NCLB test was not reciprocal with AIMS Writing, the entire state’s testing program was reviewed to determine if the state has another high school state-wide testing program that includes a writing component aligned to the state’s writing standard. If such a test exists, it has been identified as reciprocal with AIMS Writing. Other State Testing In all cases, a state’s NCLB high school test is reciprocal with at least AIMS Reading and Mathematics. writing standards, then the test is reciprocal with both AIMS Writing and Reading. Otherwise, the state’s test is aligned with only AIMS Reading. AIMS Reciprocity Guidelines for High School Graduation – Revised July 2011 M? All states have a mathematics component to their NCLB test. This column is marked “Y” for every state. When the title of the test component is something other than “Mathematics,” a brief explanation is included in the “Notes about the Test” column. State Each of the states, other than Arizona, and the District of Columbia are listed alphabetically in this column. The two letter postal abbreviation for the state is also included. July 2011 If one of the components of the state’s reciprocal test is titled “Writing,” this column will be marked with a “Y.” In all cases, this component of the state’s test will be reciprocal with AIMS Writing. W? If one of the components of the state’s reciprocal test is called “Language,” “Language Arts,” “English,” or another title that is not “Reading” this column will be marked with a “Y.” When this column is marked with a “Y,” see the “Notes about the Test” column for an explanation about how to count this component of the test for reciprocity purposes. LA? The official name of each state’s reciprocal test(s) is listed in this column. When the state commonly uses an abbreviation or acronym for the test, the abbreviation or acronym is also included. Tests that are not listed in this column are not reciprocal with AIMS. Arizona Department of Education This column includes notes about AIMS Writing reciprocity when the state does not have a test component titled “Writing.” This column also includes additional notes regarding reciprocity issues when the reciprocity matching is not immediately obvious. If the state has a high-stakes test, information about that test and AIMS reciprocity is included in this column. If students have multiple opportunities to take the reciprocal test, that will be included in this column. Notes about the Test A list of acceptable score descriptions is included in this column. Scores that are not listed in this column are not accepted for AIMS Reciprocity. Acceptable Scores Information about the grade and time of year for the administration of the reciprocal test is provided in this column. When Administered If one of the components of the state’s reciprocal test is called “Reading,” this column will be marked with a “Y.” In all cases, this component of the state’s test will be reciprocal with AIMS Reading. The chart attached lists the acceptable tests for AIMS Reciprocity and gives some details about the test. Below is an explanation of each of the columns included in the reciprocity chart. Name of Reciprocal Test(s) R? Reciprocity Chart AIMS Reciprocity Guidelines for High School Graduation (continued) Grade 10 Standards Based Assessment (10 SBA) Grade 11 Literacy Exam End of Course Algebra I Exam End of Course Geometry Exam Alaska (AK) Arkansas (AR) July 2011 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) State Alabama (AL) Y Y Y Y Y xLiteracy: Spring - Grade 11 x Algebra I: Winter & Spring Grade 9 x Geometry: Winter & Spring Grade 10 Spring - Grade 10 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Y Spring - Grade 10 Scale scores of 200 and above are acceptable scores for each of the three exams. Proficient Advanced Scale scores 300 and above are acceptable scores for each of the three content areas. Proficient Advanced Scale scores of 560 and above in Language Arts, 563 and above in Reading, and 477 and above in Math are acceptable. Meets Exceeds Level III Level IV Acceptable Scores Pass Mastery AIMS Reciprocity Chart Arizona Department of Education x The Grade 11 Literacy Exam is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x Students must pass both the Algebra I and Geometry Exams to met the reciprocity requirement for AIMS Mathematics. xPassing the Algebra I Exam is a graduation requirement. x Passing 10 SBA is not required for HS graduation. x Alaska students must pass the Alaska High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE) to graduate from HS. x 10th graders take the "Combined Test for Tenth-graders." Students receive two sets of scores, one for the 10 SBA and one for the HSGQE. x HSGQE SGQ is s not ot reciprocal ec p oca with t AIMS. S Notes about the Test xThe Language portion of AHSGE is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. xAlabama students must pass AHSGE to graduate from HS. xThe passing scores for NCLB and HS graduation are the same. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. Y District of Columbia Comprehensive Assessment System (DC-CAS) District of Columbia (DC) July 2011 Y Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) Y Y Y Y Spring - Grade 10 Spring - Grade 10 Notes about the Test x The Language Arts portion of CAHSEE is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x California students must pass CAHSEE to graduate from HS. xThe passing scores for NCLB are higher than for HS graduation. x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, CAHSEE scores are reported as "passing" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. x AIMS reciprocity must be based on CAHSEE scale scores. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. x CSAP - Grade 9 is not reciprocal with AIMS. Arizona Department of Education Scale scores of 210 and above in Writing, 205 and above in Reading, and 221 and above in Math are acceptable. Proficient x The DC-CAS Writing test is also referred to as Advanced DC-CAS Composition test. xThe DC-CAS Reading test is also referred to Scale scores of 7 and as DC-CAS English Languages Arts test. above in Writing, 956 and x DC-CAS Grade 9 is not reciprocal with AIMS. above in Reading, and 951 and above in Math are acceptable. Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Scale scores of 578 and above in Writing, 663 and above in Reading, and 627 and above in Math are acceptable. Proficient x Students may retest on CAPT in Grade 11 Goal and Grade 12. Advanced Performance Level 3 Performance Level 4 Connecticut (CT) Spring - Grade 10 Proficient Advanced Y Y Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) - Grade 10 Colorado (CO) Y Acceptable Scores Scale scores of 380 and above are acceptable for both content areas. Name of Reciprocal Test(s) LA? W? R? M? When Administered California High School Exit Exam Y Y Spring - Grade 10 (CAHSEE) State California (CA) AIMS Reciprocity Chart Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test - Grade 10 FCAT for Mathematics and Writing FCAT for Reading (Spring 2010 and before) FCAT 2.0 for Reading (beginning Spring 2011) Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT) English Language Arts (GPS) Math (QCC or GPS) Florida (FL) Georgia (GA) July 2011 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Delaware Student Testing Program (DSTP) - Grade 10 State Delaware (DE) Y Y Y Y Y Spring - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 10 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Y Spring - Grade 10 Notes about the Test xDSTP - Grade 9 is not reciprocal with AIMS. Basic Proficiency (GPS) Adv. Proficiency (GPS) Honors (GPS) Proficient (QCC) Advanced (QCC) Arizona Department of Education x The English Language Arts portion of GHSGT is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. xGeorgia students must pass GHSGT to graduate from HS. Beginning with Cohort 2015 students, only a Writing test will be required for graduation. Scale scores of 200 and x The Math (QCC) passing score for NCLB is above in English higher than for HS graduation. Language Arts (GPS) and x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with Math (GPS) are AIMS. However, GHSGT Math scores are acceptable. Scale scores reported as "pass" or "pass plus" with respect of 516 and above in Math to the HS graduation requirements. (QCC) are acceptable. x AIMS reciprocity must be based on GHSGT achievement levels or scale scores. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grade 12. Scale scores of 8 and above in Writing, 501 and above in Reading, and 523 and above in Math are acceptable. Level 3 x FCAT - Grade 9 is not reciprocal with AIMS. Level 4 xFlorida students must pass FCAT (Grade 10) Level 5 Reading and Mathematics to graduate from HS. x The passing scores for NCLB are higher than Scores of 4 and above in for HS graduation. Writing are acceptable. x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, FCAT scores are reported as "passing" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. x AIMS reciprocity for Reading and Mathematics must be based on FCAT or FCAT 2.0 achievement levels. xStudents have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Acceptable Scores Meets Exceeds Distinguished AIMS Reciprocity Chart Graduation Qualifying Exam (GQE) English 10 (end of course) Algebra I (end of course) Iowa Test of Educational Development (ITED) Indiana (IN) Iowa (IA) July 2011 Prairie State Achievement Examination (PSAE) Illinois (IL) Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Hawaii State Reading and Mathematics Assessment Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) State Idaho (ID) Hawaii (HI) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Notes about the Test x No Hawaii test is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. Level 3 Level 4 Meets Exceeds xThe Language Usage portion of ISAT is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. x Idaho students must pass ISAT to graduate Scale scores of 226 and from HS. above in Language Usage, x The passing scores for NCLB and HS 220 and above in Reading, graduation are the same. 238 and above in Math are x Students have multiple retest opportunities in acceptable. Grades 11 and 12. Scale scores of 300 and above are acceptable for both content areas. Proficient Advanced Acceptable Scores Meets Exceeds Grade 11 Percentile scores of 41 and above are acceptable for both content areas. Intermediate High Proficient Arizona Department of Education xNo Iowa test is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. Scale scores of 156 and above in Writing, 155 and above in Reading, and 156 and above in Math are acceptable. various dates and grades Pass xThe English 10 test is reciprocal with AIMS Pass Plus Writing and Reading. x Indiana students must pass the English 10 For school year 2009-2010 and Algebra I tests to graduate from HS. and later, scale scores of x The passing scores for NCLB and HS 360 and above for English graduation are the same. 10 and 564 and above for x Students have multiple retest opportunities. Algebra I are acceptable. Spring - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 10 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y October - May - Grade 10 AIMS Reciprocity Chart Kentucky Core Content Test (KCCT) Graduation Exit Examination (GEE) Maine High School Assessment (MHSA) Kentucky (KY) Louisiana (LA) Maine (ME) July 2011 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Kansas State Reading and Mathematics Assessment State Kansas (KS) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Spring - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 10 Writing: Fall - Grade 12 Reading: Spring - Grade 10 Mathematics: Spring - Grade 11 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Y Spring - Grade 11 xThe English Language Arts portion of GEE is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x Louisiana students (Cohort 2013 and below) must pass GEE to graduate from HS. p g scores for NCLB are higher g x The passing than for HS graduation. x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, GEE scores are reported as "passing" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. x AIMS reciprocity must be based on GEE performance levels or scale scores. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. Notes about the Test x The Writing test is administered only every other year. x Students may take the assessment early, but scores are "banked" until spring of Grade 11. Proficient Proficient with Distinction Arizona Department of Education xThe Maine High School Assessment in the content areas of Writing, Reading, and Mathematics is the standard, nationally SAT scale scores of 450 administered SAT test that is administered to all and above in Writing, 460 Grade 11 Maine students on a designated date. and above in Reading and Math are acceptable. MHSA scale scores of 1142 and above are acceptable for all content areas. Scale scores of 299 and above b in i English E li h Language Arts and 305 and above in Math are acceptable. Basic Mastery Advanced Scale scores of 1240 and above in Writing, 1040 and above in Reading, and 1140 and above in Math are acceptable. Proficient Distinguished Scores of 3.00 and above for Writing are acceptable. Scores of 68% and above for Reading and 50% and above for Math are acceptable. Acceptable Scores Meets Exceeds Exemplary AIMS Reciprocity Chart Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) Michigan Merit Examination (MME) Massachusetts (MA) Michigan (MI) July 2011 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Maryland High School Assessment (HSA): English Algebra/Data Analysis State Maryland (MD) Y Y Y Y Y Spring - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 10 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Various dates and grades Scale scores of 1100 and above are acceptable scores for each of the three content areas. Level 2 Level 1 Proficient Advanced Scale scores of 240 and above are acceptable for both content areas. Proficient Advanced Acceptable Scores Scale scores of 396 and above in English and 412 and above in Algebra/Data Analysis are acceptable. AIMS Reciprocity Chart Arizona Department of Education x The English Language Arts portion of MCAS is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x Massachusetts students must pass MCAS to graduate from HS. x The passing scores for NCLB are higher than for HS graduation. x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, MCAS scores may be reported as "passing" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. xAIMS reciprocity must be based on MCAS performance levels or scale scores. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. Notes about the Test x The English HSA is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x The Algebra/Data Analysis HSA is reciprocal with AIMS Mathematics. x Maryland students must pass HSA to graduate from HS. x The passing scores for NCLB and HS graduation are the same. x Students have multiple retest opportunities. Montana Comprehensive Assessment System (MontCAS) Criterion Referenced Test Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) Montana (MT) Nebraska (NE) July 2011 Y Y Missouri End of Course (EOC) Assessments: English II Algebra I Missouri (MO) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Spring - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 10 Various dates and grades Various dates and grades LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Y Writing (GRAD): Spring - Grade 9 Reading (MCA-II): Spring - Grade 10 Mathematics (MCA-II): Spring - Grade 11 Subject Area Testing Program (SATP): English II Algebra I GRAD Writing Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments - Series II (MCA-II) Mississippi (MS) State Minnesota (MN) Scale scores of 250 and above are acceptable scores for both content areas. Proficient (W) Exemplary (W) Meets (R, M) Exceeds (R, M) Scale scores of 200 and above are acceptable scores for both tests. Proficient Advanced Proficient Advanced Scale scores of 650 and above are acceptable scores for both tests. Proficient Advanced Arizona Department of Education x No Montana test is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. x The Grade 11 MontCAS is a Norm Referenced Test that is not reciprocal with AIMS. x EOC English II is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x The SATP English II is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x The SATP Algebra I is reciprocal with AIMS Mathematics. x Mississippi students must pass SATP to graduate from HS. x The passing scores for NCLB are higher than for HS graduation. x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, SATP scores are reported as "passing" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. xAIMS reciprocity must be based on SATP performance f levels l l or scale l scores. xStudents have multiple retest opportunities. Notes about the Test xPassing MCA-II is not required for HS graduation. xMinnesota students are required to pass the Scale scores of 3 and Graduation Required Assessments for Diploma above in GRAD Writing, (GRAD) to graduate from HS. 1050 and above in MCA-II xGRAD Reading and Mathematics are subsets Reading, and 1150 and of questions from the MCA-II. above in MCA-II Math are xGRAD Reading and Mathematics are not acceptable. reciprocal with AIMS. x GRAD Writing is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. Acceptable Scores Meets Exceeds AIMS Reciprocity Chart New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) New Mexico Standards Based Assessment (SBA) New Hampshire (NH) New Jersey (NJ) New Mexico (NM) July 2011 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) High School Proficiency Examination Program (HSPE) State Nevada (NV) Y Y Y Y Y Spring - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 11 Scale scores of 1140 and above are acceptable for each of the three content areas. Scale scores of 200 and above b are acceptable t bl scores for both content areas. Proficient Advanced Pass Proficient Advanced Proficient Scale scores of 7 and above in Writing and 1140 and above in both Reading and Math are acceptable. Level 3 Level 4 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Acceptable Scores Y Y Y Writing: Meets Fall - Grade 11 Exceeds Reading & Mathematics: Spring - Grade 10 Scale scores of 7 and above for Writing, 251 and above for Reading, and 242 and above for Math are acceptable. Y Y Y Fall - Grade 11 Proficient Proficient with Distinction AIMS Reciprocity Chart Arizona Department of Education xBeginning with Cohort 2012, New Mexico students must pass the SBA to graduate from HS. xNMHSCE is not reciprocal with AIMS. xAIMS reciprocity must be based on SBA performance levels or scale scores. xThe Language Arts Literacy portion of HSPA is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x New Jersey students must pass HSPA to graduate from HS. x The passing scores for NCLB and HS graduation g aduat o a are e tthe e sa same. e x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grade 12. Notes about the Test x Nevada students must pass HSPE to graduate from HS. x The passing scores for NCLB and HS graduation are the same. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. July 2011 Y Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT) Ohio (OH) Y Y North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) North Dakota (ND) General Writing Assessment at Grade 10 Y Y Spring - Grade 10 Fall - Grade 11 Writing: Spring - Grade 10 English I and Algebra I: Various dates and grades x No North Dakota test is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. Arizona Department of Education Scale scores of 700 and above in Reading and 739 and above in Math are acceptable. Proficient x Ohio students must pass OGT to graduate Accelerated from HS. Advanced x The passing scores for NCLB and HS graduation are the same. Scale scores of 400 and x Students have multiple retest opportunities in above are acceptable for Grades 11 and 12. each of the three content areas. Proficient Advanced Level III Level IV xGeneral Writing Assessment at Grade 10 is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. x English I is reciprocal with AIMS Reading. Scale scores of 12 and x Algebra I is reciprocal with AIMS above in Writing, 146 and Mathematics. above in English I, and x North Carolina students are required to pass 148 and above in Algebra I English I and Algebra I tests to graduate from are acceptable. HS. xThe passing scores for NCLB are higher than for HS graduation. x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, English I and Algebra I scores are reported as "passing" or "met" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. x AIMS reciprocity must be based on performance levels or scale scores. xStudents have multiple retest opportunities for English I and Algebra I. Y North Carolina End-of-Course Tests: English I Algebra I North Carolina (NC) Y Notes about the Test x English Regents Exam is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x Mathematics A or Mathematics B or Integrated Algebra or Geometry or Algebra II is reciprocal with AIMS Mathematics. Level 3 x New York students are required to pass five Level 4 Regents Exams, but not necessarily the exams that are reciprocal with AIMS, to graduate from Scores of 65 and above HS. are acceptable for all x The passing scores for NCLB and HS reciprocal Regents Exams. graduation are the same. x Students have multiple retest opportunities. Y Acceptable Scores Proficient Advanced Proficiency Pass Pass with Distinction Name of Reciprocal Test(s) LA? W? R? M? When Administered Regents Examinations: Y Y Various dates and English grades. Mathematics A (Spring 2009 and prior) / Mathematics B (Spring 2010 and prior) / Integrated Algebra / Geometry / Algebra II State New York (NY) AIMS Reciprocity Chart Y Y Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) Pennsylvania (PA) Rhode Island (RI) July 2011 Y Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) Oregon (OR) Y Y Y Y Y Y Fall - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 11 Spring - Grade 11 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Various dates and grades Name of Reciprocal Test(s) End-of-Instruction Tests (EOI): English II Algebra I State Oklahoma (OK) Scale scores of 7 and above in Writing and 1140 and above in both Reading and Math are acceptable. Level 3 Level 4 Proficient Proficient with Distinction Scale scores of 1236 and above in Writing, 1257 and above in Reading, and 1304 and above in Math are acceptable. Proficient Advanced Scale scores of 40 and above in Writing and 236 and above in both Reading and Math are acceptable. Meets Exceeds Acceptable Scores Satisfactory Proficient Advanced AIMS Reciprocity Chart Arizona Department of Education xStudents have one retest opportunity in Grade 12. x Cohort 2012 students must demonstrate reading proficiency for HS Graduation. Passing the reading section of OAKS is one of several ways to demonstrate proficiency. Notes about the Test x English II is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x Algebra I is reciprocal with AIMS Mathematics. x Beginning with Cohort 2012, Oklahoma students must pass EOI tests to graduate from HS. x Students have multiple opportunities to retest. Y Language Arts L A t (English (E li h II) Mathematics (Algebra I) Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Grade 10 or Grade 11 Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) July 2011 Y Dakota State Testing of Educational Progress (Dakota STEP) South Dakota (SD) Y Y Y Y Spring - Grade 10 Spring - Grade 11 Various dates V i d t and d grades Reading and Mathematics: Spring - Grade 11 LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Spring - Grade 10 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) High School Assessment Program (HSAP) State South Carolina (SC) x No South Dakota test is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. Notes about the Test x The English Language Arts portion of HSAP is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x South Carolina students must pass HSAP to graduate from HS. x The passing scores for NCLB are higher than for HS graduation. x NCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, HSAP scores are reported as "passing" or "met" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. x AIMS reciprocity must be based on HSAP performance level or scale scores. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. Arizona Department of Education Scale scores of 604 and above in Reading and 715 and above in Math are acceptable. Proficient P fi i t x Language Arts (English II) is reciprocal with Advanced AIMS Writing and Reading. x Mathematics (Algebra I) is reciprocal with Scale scores of 701 and AIMS Mathematics. above for English II and x Students have multiple retest opportunities. 712 and above for Algebra I are acceptable. Met x English Language Arts is reciprocal with AIMS Commended Writing and Reading. x Texas students are not required to pass TAKS Scale scores of 2100 and - Grade 10 to graduate from HS, but they are above are acceptable for required to pass TAKS - Grade 11 (or Exit both content area. Level) to graduate from HS. x TAKS - Grade 10 is reciprocal with AIMS x TAKS - Grade 11 is reciprocal with AIMS Level 3 Level 4 Proficient Advanced Scale scores of 223 and above in English Language Arts and 220 and above in Math are acceptable. Acceptable Scores Level 3 Level 4 AIMS Reciprocity Chart Y Y Standards of Learning (SOL) E d fC E End-of-Course Exams: Writing Reading Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II Virginia (VA) July 2011 Y Y Y Y Various dates and d grades Fall - Grade 11 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) LA? W? R? M? When Administered Core Criterion Referenced Tests Y Y English Language Arts: (Core CRT): Spring - Grade 10 English Language Arts Algebra 1 Algebra: Spring - various grades New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) State Vermont (VT) Utah (UT) Scale scores of 400 and above are acceptable for all exams. Proficient Advanced Pass Scale scores of 7 and above in Writing and 1140 and above in both Reading and Math are acceptable. Level 3 Level 4 Proficient Proficient with Distinction Scale scores of 160 and above are acceptable for both content areas. Level 3 Level 4 Acceptable Scores Sufficient Substantial AIMS Reciprocity Chart Arizona Department of Education x Algebra I or Geometry or Algebra II is reciprocal with AIMS Mathematics. Students need a passing score in only one of these tests for AIMS Mathematics reciprocity. x Virginia students must pass several SOL tests, including Writing, Reading, and one math, to graduate from HS. xThe passing scores for NCLB and HS graduation are the same. x Students have multiple retest opportunities. Notes about the Test x English Language Arts - Grade 10 is reciprocal with AIMS Writing and Reading. x Algebra 1 is reciprocal with AIMS Mathematics. xUtah students are required to test on the Utah Basic Skills Competency Test (UBSCT) until they pass all three content areas, or until they have completed all coursework required for graduation. Students who pass all three content areas of UBSCT receive special recognition on their high school diplomas. x UBSCT is not reciprocal with AIMS. Y Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination (WKCE) Wisconsin (WI) July 2011 Y Y Y Y Fall - Grade 10 Spring - Grade 11 End-of-Course: Various dates and grades LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Y HSPE: Spring - Grade 10 West Virginia Educational Standards Tests (WESTEST 2) Beginning Spring 2011, End-ofCourse Math Exam: Algebra I/Integrated Math 1 Geometry/Integrated Math 2 Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Beginning Spring 2010, High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE): Writing Reading Mathematics West Virginia (WV) State Washington (WA) Arizona Department of Education x The Language Arts portion of WKCE is reciprocal with AIMS Writing. Beginning Spring 2010, scale scores of 501 and above in Reading/Language Arts and 680 and above in Math are acceptable. Proficient Advanced Scale scores of 428 and above in Language Arts, 503 and above in Reading, and 541 and above in Math are acceptable. x The Reading/Language Arts portion of WESTEST 2 is reciprocal with AIMS Writing Reading and Reading. Mastery Above Mastery Distinguished Notes about the Test xAlgebra I/Integrated Math 1 or Geometry/Integrated Math 2 is reciprocal with AIMS Mathematics. Student need a passing Level 3 score in only one of these tests for AIMS Level 4 Mathematics reciprocity. xWashington students in cohort 2012 must Scale scores of 17 and pass HSPE in writing and reading to graduate. above in Writing and 400 xWashington students in cohort 2013 and later and above in both Reading must pass HSPE in writing, reading, and one and Math (HSPE) are end-of-course mathematics exam to graduate. acceptable. x The passing scores for NCLB are higher than for HS graduation. xNCLB passing scores are reciprocal with AIMS. However, HSPE and EOC scores may be reported as "passing" or "met" with respect to the HS graduation requirements. x AIMS reciprocity must be based on HSPE or EOC performance level or scale scores. x Students have multiple retest opportunities in Grades 11 and 12. Acceptable Scores Proficient Advanced AIMS Reciprocity Chart July 2011 State Wyoming (WY) Name of Reciprocal Test(s) Proficiency Assessment for Wyoming Students (PAWS) LA? W? R? M? When Administered Y Y Y Spring - Grade 11 Scale scores of 333 and above in Writing, 159 and above in Reading, and 148 and above in Math are acceptable. Level 3 Level 4 Acceptable Scores Proficient Advanced AIMS Reciprocity Chart Arizona Department of Education Notes about the Test
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