Gg LOCAL SUPPORT FOR CHILDCARE SERVICES IN WALES Webinar Training courses August 2014 –December 2014 PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 1 Contact us Wales Office: The Maltings, East Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF24 5EZ 0845 880 1299 [email protected] Claire Protheroe, Direct Services Manager (Wales) 07766 568546 [email protected] Joanne Morris, Quality and Training Officer - North Wales 07734 734124 [email protected] Elinor Stafford, Quality and Training Officer – Mid and West Wales 07734 734162 [email protected] Shelley Rees, Quality and Training Officer - South Wales 07793 845410 [email protected] Keep in touch with PACEY Cymru Our PACEY Cymru Facebook page is now available, please take a look and like the page. Feel free to share any information, ideas or activities. Join our PACEY Local online forum where you can connect with childminders, nannies and nursery workers in England and Wales to share advice, concerns and best practice PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 2 What is a Webinar? A webinar is a web-based seminar which is transmitted over the internet. One of the key benefits is that it is interactive – participants are able to give, receive and discuss information Why is it beneficial? • • • • • • Lower delivery costs than face-to-face training that can be passed on to you. Can support delivery of training in rural areas. Helps to ensure consistent messages across the country. Can be tailored to a local or national need. Can be scheduled at short notice to support any arising issues. Can bring groups of learners together (i.e Welsh speakers) to support their training needs. Participating in a webinar • Attendees can log in and test out the format prior to the live Webinar to increase confidence • Attendees can participate in the Webinar regardless of their Internet connection speed. • Attendees will need access via a computer, with or without a web camera and can connect via telephone (free phone) or web. • We recommend the use of a headset (headphone with microphone attached) to support audio quality. • Once registered onto a Webinar you will receive an email in advance which provides a link and password to access the webinar, this also provides troubleshooting information and a free phone number should you need to access sound via a telephone. Bilingual delivery The webinar sessions can be delivered bilingually in Welsh and English. Please ask for further information, you can specify bilingual delivery when booking if this is your preference. PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 3 Frequently Asked Questions • I’m not familiar with using the computer for training, will that be a problem? Try not to worry, follow the instructions given in the confirmation email • • • • • • and you should find it straight forward. Rest assured that the Hosts delivering the Webinar are PACEY Cymru Quality & Training Officers, which you may contact for support regarding your concerns. Details of which are listed below. Can I use my tablet/Ipad/Smartphone? Yes you can! Please download the free ‘Cisco Webex Meeting’ App from the Android Play Store or the Apple App Store. You can then either enter the meeting number at the ‘Join by Number’ prompt, or click on the link in your invitation email and this will start the Webinar. I’m nervous about logging in, what if I can’t access the training? You shall receive step by step instructions prior the training, via email. If at any time you feel you need assistance, contact the free phone number provided or the Quality & Training officer, listed to deliver the training, who will talk you through any technical issues that may occur. How will it work? What do I need to do during the training? At the beginning of each webinar the trainer will take time to walk attendees through how the webinar works, they will ensure that all learners are familiar and comfortable with the webinar system before beginning the session. Will I need anything else? You may find using a headset (eg one used for gaming/Xbox, Playstation) etc useful, but the microphone and speaker built into your computer/tablet/smartphone could be fine. You will have the opportunity to test your sound before the Webinar starts, and the host will check that you can all hear and be heard OK. If you do not have speakers or a microphone on your laptop/computer then you can calla freephone number once you log into the webinar to access the audio via your phone. Do you have to have a webcam/front facing camera? No – it is not essential for you to use a webcam/camera, this can be turned off if you wish. Will I receive a certificate of attendance? PACEY Cymru shall provide a certificate via email following your attendance. This can be count towards and recorded on your continuing professional development (CPD) log as part of PACEY Professional Standards as well as your SAS or Quality of Care Report. Important information for those accessing training Do not forget that training costs are an allowable expense for your business, plus you can record you CPD hours as part of your professional occupational standards. Please contact your local Quality and Training Officer for further information (Page 2). Costs Briefing Session £10 per person incl VAT – Special offer until 30/09/14 All other webinars PACEY Members: £15* per person incl VAT Non Members: £18* per person incl VAT *Prices valid from January 2014 to December 2014, and are subject to availability PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 4 Information on completing enrolment form All cheques to be made payable to PACEY, alternatively payment can be received via BACS, please contact PACEY Cymru for further information on 0845 880 1299 Please send cheque or postal order to: PACEY Cymru The Maltings East Tyndall Street Cardiff CF24 5EZ Cancellation Policy: Cancellations can only be accepted by e-mail to [email protected]. Should PACEY Cymru cancel the training, a full refund will be made. Should candidates cancel or postpone the following charges will apply; 7 days or less (or failure to log on) – 100% of course fee or your contribution. Bookings: • Candidates will be allocated a place on a course once a booking form and payment has been received. • Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis – please check with the Cardiff office for availability BEFORE sending in this form. • Completing a booking form does not guarantee a place. • We reserve the right to alter published course dates at our discretion. • Candidates will receive an email acknowledgement on receipt of their cheque or BACS payment, which will also explain your log-in details. • You will need to log into the system approximately 10 minutes in advance of the session to ensure you are ready for the training delivery to begin promptly. PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 5 PACEY Webinar Enrolment Form Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS Course Start Date: Course Location: WEBINAR Title: First Name(s): Last Name: Address: Town: County: Postcode: Email Address: Home telephone number: Mobile number: PACEY Membership Number: (if applicable) Please place a tick in the box below to confirm that you have read all our cancelation policy information Please remember to send this enrolment form with your payment. PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 6 INDEX Page Taster session - Free 8 Briefing sessions 8 Statement of Purpose 9 Writing your policies and procedures 9 Completing your registration application 9 ‘Growing my business’ 9 ‘Completing your annual service review’ – Self Assessment of Service 10 ‘Sharing with care’ – use of social media in childcare settings 10 ‘Confident communication’ – Assertiveness 10 ‘Learning through play’ – Foundation Phase 10 Treasure Baskets and Heuristic Play 11 ‘This is me’- Supporting children’s emotional development 11 ‘Fun with Welsh’ – Introducing Welsh language in the Early Years 11 ‘My Choice My Voice’ – Participation 11 Risk Assessment 11 Full webinar programme 12 PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 7 PACEY Webinar dates and times Taster session – Free (*Deposit of £10 which is put towards payment for next webinar) PACEY Cymru now has a programme of webinars specifically developed to support your practice in Wales. A webinar is a web based training seminar which is transmitted over the internet. To help support the use of these we are running free ‘taster’ webinars where you can experience how webinars work and see the benefits of these. During these sessions we will also be giving an update on member benefits available to you. Day Thursday Wednesday Date 04th September 2014 29th October 2014 Time 7.00pm - 8.00pm 7.00pm - 8.00pm Briefing Sessions Why choose becoming a registered childminder? If you are passionate about giving children the best start in life and would like a career that fits in with your family commitments then becoming a registered childminder could be an ideal choice. As a childminder you will be making a difference in many ways developing your own skills and your own business whilst supporting children, their families and working as part of your local community. Day Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Date 13th August 2014 30th September 2014 01st October 2014 23rd October 2014 14th November 2014 PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 Time 7-8pm 10-11am 7-8pm 7-8pm 10-11:30am Medium English Welsh English English Welsh 8 ‘Getting Registered’ - Statement of Purpose This Webinar provides information and guidance to help you get started with writing your Statement of Purpose, or reviewing/rewriting your Statement of Purpose following registration. Day Wednesday Thursday Date 08th October 2014 13th November 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm 10:00-11:30am ‘Getting Registered’ - Writing your Policies and Procedures This Webinar provides some information and guidance to help you get started with writing your policies for your CSSIW childminding application or for reviewing/rewriting your policies and procedures following registration. Day Tuesday Date 21st October 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm ‘Getting Registered’ - Completing your Registration application This Webinar is aimed at pre-registration childminders who are looking to submit an application to CSSIW to become a registered childminder in Wales and supports learners with the process and paperwork involved in submitting a CSSIW application. Day Tuesday Date 02nd December 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm ‘Growing my Business’ Improving your business – an opportunity to discuss and ask queries on any aspect of running and developing your service, including filling your vacancies, developing an action plan, finances, record keeping and review your policies and procedures. Day Monday Date 13th October 2014 PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 Time 7-8:30pm 9 ‘Completing your Annual Service Review’ – Self Assessment of Service This Webinar is for childcare professionals preparing to complete their annual Self Assessment of Service Forms and Quality of Care Report and explores the benefits of self assessment and the areas of childcare practice that could be included in your reports. Day Tuesday Date 11th November 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm ‘Sharing with care’ – Use of Social Media in Childcare settings This Webinar raises childcare practitioners awareness of the risks to children and young people of using social media and explores the use of technology as a means of communication and promotion, considering potential risks and safeguards. Day Tuesday Date 09th September 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm ‘Confident Communication’ - Assertiveness This Webinar introduces the concept of assertiveness and encourages childcare practitioners to value themselves, and so build their self-esteem and self confidence. Day Tuesday Date 30th September 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm ‘Learning through play’ – Foundation Phase How does the Foundation Phase link to your service? Explore the aims of the Foundation Phase, with practical ideas and templates for planning and evidencing included. Day Wednesday Date 20th August 2014 PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm 10 Treasure Baskets and Heuristic Play This Webinar enables learners to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in order to utilise treasure baskets and encourage heuristic play to support babies and children’s learning and development. Day Thursday Monday Date Time th 09 October 2014 7-8:30pm rd 03 November 2014 7-8:30pm ‘This is me’ – supporting children’s Emotional development This Webinar enables learners to development the knowledge, understanding and skills to support children’s emotional development. Day Monday Date Time th 24 November 2014 7.00pm – 8.30pm ‘Fun with Welsh’ – introducing Welsh Language in the Early Years This Webinar enables learners to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to develop activities that support children’s Welsh language skills. This workshop is aimed at those with little or no Welsh language. Day Monday Date 29th September 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm `My Choice My Voice’ - Participation Who knows best? Explore how and why involve children of all ages and their families, improving your service and quality of care through simple activities, games and ideas. Day Thursday Date 25th September 2014 Time 7.00pm – 8.30pm `Risk Assessment This webinar provides the knowledge and understanding for childcare professionals to identify the importance and benefits of risk assessments, and to develop effective risk assessments for their childcare setting. Day Tuesday Date 25th November 2014 PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 Time 7.00pm – 8:30pm 11 Full Webinar Programme Day Date Wednesday 13th August 2014 Wednesday 20th August 2014 Time 7pm - 8pm 7-8:30pm Monday Thursday 01st September 2014 04th September 2014 7-8:30pm 7pm - 8pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday 09th September 2014 17th September 2014 25th September 2014 29th September 2014 30th September 2014 30th September 2014 01st October 2014 08th October 2014 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 10am -11am 7-8:30pm 7pm - 8pm 7-8:30pm Thursday Monday Tuesday 09th October 2014 13th October 2014 21st October 2014 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm Thursday 23rd October 2014 Wednesday 29th October 2014 Monday 03rd November 2014 7pm - 8pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm Tuesday Thursday 11th November 2014 13th November 2014 7-8:30pm 10am-11:30am Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday 14th November 2014 24th November 2014 25th November 2014 02nd December 2014 10am-11:30am 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm 7-8:30pm PACEY Cymru Webinar Brochure 2014 V1 Webinar / Medium Briefing (English) Learning Through Play Foundation Phase Risk Assessment Taster session* (transferable deposit) Sharing with Care –Social Media Quality Comes Home Participation-My Choice My Voice Fun with Welsh Briefing (Welsh) Assertiveness Briefing (English) Getting Registered Statement of Purpose Treasure Baskets Growing my Business Getting Registered Policies & Procedures Briefing (English) Taster * (transferable deposit) Treasure Baskets and Heuristic Play Completing your SAS Getting Registered Statement of Purpose Briefing (Welsh) This is Me – Emotional Wellbeing Risk Assessment Getting Registered Completing your Application 12
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