Sunday 26 October (week 4)

Sunday 26 October (week 4)
Communion Service
Morning Service - The Armour of God – The Sword
of the Spirit Speaker – Neil Cleveland
Music Group set up.
Evening Service – World Without End
Keep Fit
Home from Home
Wednesday @ 8 – Bury Town Pastors (5
Please continue to pray for the Alpha Course at Stella and
Andy’s on Friday evenings.
11:15 Service with ‘Tough Talk’ – Sunday 9 November
Tough Talk are coming to HSC to take the 11:15 service on
Sunday 9 November. Please note there is a change to the
morning in that we will not be having a Bring and share
lunch after the service, because the team have family
commitments. The Tough Talk team have a powerful
testimony to share and an interesting presentation which
is evangelistic in approach. Their message is easy to listen
to, fun and approachable - yet very challenging and
powerful. This is an ideal opportunity for you to invite you
family, friends and neighbours along to hear about God’s
love. Please pray for who you can bring along.
See Phil or Wendy Banks for more details.
Jo Copsey will be with us Wednesday (29th) to give us an
update on the work of Bury Town Pastors. Several people
at HSC either go onto the streets or support in prayer, so
please come and encourage them in this important local
Morning Service – Mark Cleveland
Explorers & Creche
Music Group set up
Evening Service – A Missionary Evening
Lessons from the Vine – Just as I have loved you
“This is My commandment: that you love one
another [just] as I have loved you.” John 15:12
‘“I am the true Vine: I give you all you need as a
branch, I give all I Myself have.”
I pray you, let the sense of past failure and present
feebleness drive you to the Vine. He is love. He
loves to give. He gives love. He will teach you to
love, even as He loved.’ Andrew Murray
Please note any items for HSC notice sheet for the weeks Sundays 2 and 9 November to Andy Hart please,
by end of the Thursday 30 October and Thursday 6 November.
Any cheques required between Thursday 23 October and Monday 10 November, please speak to George.
Any prayer items to Wendy Bassett please.
Your prayers will be appreciated for Pam who is away in Kenya at present.
It’s ‘shoe box’ time again, an opportunity to give to children who have very little – please speak to Ruth Clarke
regarding the deadline for these.
Forms for the Sizewell weekend away in January 2015 will be available on Sunday 16 November.
News from Stephen & Muriel Studd missionaries in Zambia who we are supporting this month:
‘We were encouraged this year when one of our young people wanted to help those less fortunate than
herself. She mobilised some other young people to collect unwanted clothing and then she asked us to help
them transport it to a village on the outskirts of Chingola They gave the clothing to the elder of the church
to distribute to those in need. We all had a good time of fellowship and they would like to do it again !’
Duty Teams:
Week 1 Neil, John & Christine, Mary, Barrie, Martin, David R, Brian & Val
Week 2 Tony, Peter & Tracy, Nic, Eric and Wendy, Ivan, Phil, Linda
Week 3 Mark, Tim & Heather, Lyn, Pam, Mike Goodwin, Ray and Maureen
Week 4 Mike, Andy Clarke, Robin, Dave Brown, Tim & Joanne, Lucy, Matthew, Sam & Paul
Week 5 Mike, Alan, Andy Hart Ann, Teresa, Keith & Sue