WYOMING HIGH SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTE - ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL BE READ AT 9:30am (Start of 3rd hour) PLEASE POST IN YOUR CLASSROOM DAILY. Good Morning! Here are your announcements for Wednesday, November 12, 2014: GENERAL NEWS Remind your parents!!! PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Wednesday – November 12, 4:00-7:00 pm Thursday – November 13, 4:00-7:00 pm Art Club has a meeting at 2:35 this Wednesday in Mrs.Warnos’ room Do you play guitar? Join other guitar playing students after school every Wednesday in Mr. Pittman's room. (Acoustic guitars only, please). Students who wish to check out Chromebooks from the Media Center for short-term use must have an Equipment Checkout Form that has been signed by a parent/guardian on file. Quantities are limited! The library will be closed after school on Wednesday and Thursday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. Attention all BPA members, there is a meeting this Thursday, November 13th at 2:40 p.m. in Mr. Bushen's room 53, please plan on attending and working on your events. Key Clubbers, stop by Mr. Lorenz's room to get the code for google classroom FOOD DRIVE Attention Students, we will be holding a food and personal care items drive beginning this week. Donations should be brought to 3rd hour teachers from now until November 25th. Students who donate at least 15 items will receive a free T-shirt and will also be eligible enter a drawing for a $50.00 gift card to Rivertown Mall. The Drawing for the gift card will take place on November 25th....Just in time for Black Friday shopping :) It’s that time of year again: OPERATION WARTH Donate blankets, coats, sweaters, etc. to keep the homeless warm this winter. There is a donation box located in front of the High School office. Questions, (616)334-9484 or www.facebook.com/operationwarmth or [email protected]. ***** SENIOR INFO ***** Seniors, Mrs Huizinga will be here during lunch at Friday if you need to order your sweatshirt. Order forms can be picked up in the office. Money is due when you place your order. Your senior sweatshirt is your ticket to the All-Nighter. Senior Parents, if you'd like to order your student's sweatshirt as a Christmas gift please contact Doreen Huizinga at [email protected] or 516-0862. SENIORS! We need your pictures for the YEARBOOK! Please either email Ms. Rodgers your picture or drop a wallet off to her in room 30 ASAP! THEATRE There is an ALL Company Theater meeting today from 3 pm to 4pm. All cookie dough orders are due today at the meeting. Bring your sponsorships-- all fundraising goals are due today as well. Please make sure you make plans to pick up and deliver your subs today--they will be available for pick up at the end of the Theater meeting. Rehearsal for It's a Wonderful Life is today from 4 pm to 5 pm for ALL CAST. ********************** Don’t understand that math assignment? Writing, not your thing? Are you behind on that project? We have several opportunities for you to get extra help. Math Cafe Need help in math? Need somewhere cool to do your math? Come to The Math Cafe! Beginning this Thursday, the Math Cafe will be open in Mr. Retan's room, room 45, from 2:45 - 3:45 every Monday and Thursday. Math, coffee drinks, and cool tutors. The Math Cafe is open to all students in all math classes. Take advantage of this great opportunity! EXTENDED LIBRARY HOURS: The Media Center will be open for extended after school hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. A snack and late bus will be provided. The Media Center Lab will be open for student use Monday through Friday from 6:45 to 7:15 in the morning. Please be reminded that the use of the Media Center is reserved for school work and study time, students who are found to be disruptive or wasting time will be asked to leave. Writer’s Workshop: Trouble with writing? Need to polish up a rough draft? Come to Room 47 on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school for Writer's Workshop to work through those issues. ********************** Counseling Attention seniors who have applied to GRCC and still need to take the Accuplacer: There will be an opportunity for you to take the test here at school on December 16. Please sign up in the counseling office. Band Boosters Please consider joining us as we value your input. Any parent, student or grandparent is welcome to attend our monthly booster meetings. Hope to see you there. ATHLETIC ANNOUNCEMENTS 11/12/14 · Attention boys and girls soccer players – there will be a meeting this Friday in the Media Center at 2:35 regarding winter activities. · Attention JV and Varsity Boys Basketball Candidates: MUST HAVE PURPLE SHEETS COMPLETED TO TRYOUT next Monday. As of Tuesday morning the following basketball candidates do not have physicals on file in athletic office. JV: Jaylen, Ezra, Frankie, Dylan. Varsity: Marvin, Jeremiah, Chase H, PeterMichael, Nick, James · Winters Sports are starting soon – remember you MUST have a current physical on file BEFORE tryouts begin. · Bowling tryouts will be next week Mon, Tues and Weds at Spectrum Lanes from 3-5pm. · Any student interested in broadcasting Wyoming High School girls and boys basketball games this year via stream technology please let Mr. Hollern know ASAP · Attention Student Athletes: The Athletic Department has applications for MHSAA Student Athlete Award. This is the most prestigious Athletic Award to receive. Please stop and pick one up if you would like to apply. · You can get your "Win Forever" wrist band for $10 from Mr. Hollern, Mr. Mast, or Mr. Vander Klay. The wristband gets you into all home athletic contests all school year.
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