National Indian Education Association CALL TO CONVENTION 42nd ANNUAL CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW B U I L D I N G A L L I A N C E S T O S T R E N G T H E N N AT I V E E D U C AT I O N VA L U E S October 27–30, 2011 • Albuquerque, New Mexico Albuquerque Convention Center • 401 2nd Street NW • Co-Hosted by the All Indian Pueblo Council/Albuquerque Local Planning Committee About the Convention Theme Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values The theme of this year’s convention is a call for us to recommit ourselves to building alliances that support and strengthen our Native values and to assure that they are embedded in the ways we educate our children. Our students, families, communities, and tribal nations are encouraged by NIEA to build bridges with those individuals and entities involved in educating our children. We know that together we are stronger and more effective, together we can better serve the education needs of our children, and together we can realize shared solutions aligned with those beliefs we hold most dear. Together we stand firmly rooted in our traditions, culture, and languages. As we look towards a future and share more with one another about how we can find ways to seek and find common ground among people and organizations who are involved in educating our Native children. It is important to build the best possible future for our Native children, families, and communities. Welcome to the Convention and to Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values. Cover photo courtesy of BUILDING ALLIANCES TO STRENGTHEN NATIVE EDUCATION VALUES The National Indian Education Association (NIEA) is proud to announce the 42nd Annual Convention that brings together Indian leaders, congressional representatives, and educators from throughout the United States and Canada. Forums and workshops will be held for educators to share concerns, ideas, and solutions to education-related issues that affect Native communities. Topics from early childhood through postsecondary education will be discussed. We hope to bring in the highest attendance ever at this year’s Convention. Contents Convention Theme/Convention Deadlines NIEA Profile/NIEA BOARD of Directors/NIEA Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 President’s Welcome Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau Welcome Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Local Planning Committee Welcome Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Albuquerque Local Planning Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Albuquerque Local Planning Committee Roster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Albuquerque Host Hotel/Convention Transportation Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Indigenous Language Institute Symposium Series 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 U.S. Department of Education Federal Technical Assistance Workshop Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tribal Education Departments National Assembly’s Annual Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pre-Convention for Native Charter and Tribal Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tribal Leader’s Summit on Indian Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Convention Registration Form (Pre-registration deadline 9/23/11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–15 Convention Registration Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Youth Day Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Workshop Proposals Form (Due 8/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18–19 Workshop Strand Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–21 Workshop Proposals Explained. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 NIEA Indigenous Language Forum (Due 8/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Call for Research/NIEA Research Symposium (Due 8/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 NIEA Undergraduate & Graduate Poster Competition (Due 10/3/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1st Annual NIEA Research Poster Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 NIEA Board of Directors Nomination Form (Due 7/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 NIEA Board of Directors Nomination Explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 John C. Rouillard and Alice Tonemah Memorial Scholarship Form (Due 7/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5th Annual NIEA Native Oratory Celebration (Due 10/29/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Annual Awards Nomination Form (Due 7/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Annual Awards Nomination Explained. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Gala Banquet Sponsorship/Tickets Form (Due 9/1/11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Resolution Form (Due 10/12/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Resolution Explained. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35–36 Convention Sponsorship Form (Due 9/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Convention Sponsorship Categories and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38–39 NIEA 42nd Annual Convention Program Advertising Insertion Form (Due 10/17/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Trade Show Exhibit Form (Due 8/1/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Trade Show Exhibitor Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42–43 2015/2016 Convention Site Selection (Due 6/30/11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Tentative Agenda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45–46 1 ABOUT NIEA Mission The mission of the National Indian Education Association (NIEA) is to support traditional Native cultures and values, enable Native learners to become contributing members of their communities, promote Native control of educational institutions, and to improve educational opportunities and resources for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians throughout the United States. Background NIEA is the largest and oldest Indian education organization in the nation and strives to keep Indian Country moving toward educational equity and excellence. Founded after a merge of two original conferences, NIEA, a 501(c)(3), was incorporated in 1970 to give American Indians and Alaska Natives a voice in their struggle to improve access to education opportunities. In 2000, Native Hawaiians were included as voting members by a Constitutional amendment. Purpose and Goals Advocacy: NIEA advocates to assure optimum educational opportunities are based on tribal cultures, enhancing tribal sovereignty, and maximizing participation in the education of American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian people. Technical Assistance Services: NIEA promotes appropriate educational services to be provided with sensitivity to individual, tribal, and cultural values wherever American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian learners reside, utilizing the most effective methods to meet special needs. Coordination: NIEA collaborates with tribal groups and other organizations to provide future directions, increased communication, and effective leadership in education, cultural, social, and economic development for American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians. Communication: NIEA communicates regularly with Native leadership throughout the nation to promote research services, curriculum resources, and personnel development. Governance: NIEA is governed by a twelve-member board of directors made up of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian individuals from across the nation. Elected by the voting membership during each annual convention, board terms are three years for general board members and two years for student board members. 2 NIEA Board of Directors (2010/2011) President Mary Jane Oatman-Wak Wak, Nez Perce Vice President Robin Butterfield, Ho-Chunk/Chippewa President-Elect Quinton Roman Nose, Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Treasurer Dr. Star Oosahwe Yellowfish, Keetoowah Cherokee Secretary Renée C. Holt, Diné/Nez Perce Board Member Denny Hurtado, Skokomish Indian Tribe Board Member Dr. Walter Kahumoku III, Native Hawaiian Board Member Dr. Teresa Makuakane-Drechsel, Native Hawaiian Board Member Dr. Heather Shotton, Wichita & Affiliated Tribes/Kiowa/Cheyenne Board Member Patricia Whitefoot, Yakama/Diné Student Board Member Krista Goudy-Sutterlict, Yakama Student Board Member Natalie Youngbull, Southern Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma NIEA Staff Executive Director Colin Kippen, Native Hawaiian Convention/Events Director D. Wanda Johnson, Diné Director of Research, Data & Policy Dr. Dawn Mackety, Odawa Director of Policy & Outreach Danny Cup Choy, Native Hawaiian Director of Communications Michael Woestehoff, Diné Accountant Kim Narcisso, CPA WELCOME FROM THE NIEA Thank you to all of our members and partners for a fabulous 2010 convention in San Diego, California! We invite all of you to join us for the 42nd Annual NIEA Convention October 27–30, 2011 at the Albuquerque Convention Center. This year’s theme, “Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values.” It is both timely and relevant to the situation we face especially in these uncertain economic times with the national policy conversations heating up across this country concerning the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act by the U.S. Congress (referred to as the No Child Left Behind Act). We welcome all of you to attend our convention and to recommit yourselves to renewing friendships (and building new ones), sharing your experiences, and learning from one another about how to increase the role that our values, language, and traditions have in the way we care for and educate our Native children. The local planning committee, in collaboration with the NIEA, has been working hard to assure you the best possible experience, from the exciting cultural and educational events, to numerous opportunities to engage with and learn from fellow educators from across North America, Alaska, and Hawaii. During these economic times, we know that your budgets are tight and we want to assure you that Wanda Johnson, our convention manager, has negotiated the best possible rates to assure that your stay in Albuquerque is both affordable and enjoyable. We also know how important it is for our youth to attend and assume their rightful place as future leaders who will carry our work forward. Our youth day activities this year will feature a leadership forum as well as the first ever NIEA Undergraduate and Graduate Poster Competition. We encourage our youth to attend and hope you will assist us in spreading the word and helping them to assume these leadership roles and to fundraise as necessary to attend this event. I cannot say enough about how important it is to light fires and inspire our young people to become involved with NIEA. When I was a student, I joined NIEA and was exposed to a very different world outside my tiny reservation town of Kamiah, Idaho, in the heart of Nimiipuu weteespe (Nez Perce lands). It was a life changing event, and one that helped me to understand how crucial it is for each of us to live and breathe our culture, language, and values in all we do, especially for those of us whose life work is to teach Native children. Please join me in lighting these fires for our youth and to help them carry on the legacy of leadership and accomplishment of past NIEA leaders. Enclosed is our Call to Convention containing information about our tentative agenda, workshops, tradeshow, awards nominations, elections, and other important deadlines. Also included is information about our pre-convention strands on Tuesday and Wednesday. I look forward to seeing you at the convention and to building bridges with one another for the benefit of our children and for future generations of Native Americans. Mary Jane Oatman – Wak Wak President, NIEA 3 April 1, 2011 Dear NIEA Members: I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how delighted we are that the 42nd Annual Convention of the National Indian Education Association is being held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Albuquerque is a culturally rich destination with authentic attractions and opportunities nestled in the valley formed by the silvery thread of the Rio Grande. Spectacular sunsets and breathtaking vistas abound, from atop the 10,378-foot Sandia Mountains to the ancient cottonwood Bosque (forest) forming a greenbelt through the heart of the city. You and your delegates will be thrilled with what Albuquerque has to offer: a rich cultural diversity and heritage rooted in pre-history, from the surrounding Indian Pueblos, historical sites, and Museums to the Indian Pueblo and Hispanic Cultural Centers, to name a few. The Sandia Mountains create the perfect backdrop for outdoor recreation such as hiking, biking, golfing or a breathtaking journey on the World’s Longest Tram. A variety of entertainment and shopping venues can be found throughout the city in Old Town, Nob Hill, Albuquerque Uptown, and at the surrounding Tribal Casinos & Resorts, you also have to savor the unique flavor of New Mexico at our many fine restaurants that offer a plethora of choices. We’re known for our Southwestern hospitality and service, 310 days of sunshine, intriguing local cuisine and top-rated, affordable year-round golf and spa opportunities. Albuquerque is a world-class destination, whatever your meeting or seminar needs are and we know you will have a wonderful convention experience in Albuquerque. Bienvenidos! Best wishes, Dale Lockett President/CEO 20 FIRST PLAZA NW SUITE 601 • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87102 505.842.9918 • FAX 800.733.9101 • WWW.ITSATRIP.ORG Photo by 4 WELCOME FROM THE NIEA 2011 LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE Greetings from the Land of Enchantment and from the ancient cultures of the Pueblos, Apaches and Navajo! We welcome each and every one of you to Albuquerque. As NIEA embarks on its 42nd Convention, “Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values” will be what transforms and shapes the future of our Tribal Nations and communities. In concert with our theme, the All Indian Pueblo Council Education Sub-Committee and the New Mexico Indian Education Advisory Council are serving as your co-hosts for the Local Planning Committee. New Mexico is home to 205,167 American Indian/Alaska Native citizens, who compose nearly 10.5% of the state’s entire population. There are 22 Indian tribes in New Mexico—19 Pueblos and two Apache tribes—the Jicarilla Apache Nation, the Mescalero Apache Tribe, the Navajo Nation, and a considerable urban Indian population. The 19 Pueblos are comprised of the Pueblos of Acoma, Taos, Santa Clara, San Ildefonso, Tesuque, San Felipe, Jemez, Zuni, Zia, Nambe, Picuris, Ohkay Owingeh, Santo Domingo, Laguna, Isleta, Santa Ana, Sandia, Cochiti, and Pojoaque. Each Tribe is a sovereign nation with its own government, life-ways, traditions, and culture. Each Tribe has a unique relationship with the federal and state governments. The 22 Tribes in New Mexico are actively engaged to maintain and preserve their indigenous languages, religion, culture, the environment, and for quality education, housing, and health care for all members, especially youth and elders. Economic development as a means to achieve these goals is important to Tribal leadership for their respective communities and tribal members. We are very excited to share our rich historical, linguistic, and cultural diversity with the National Indian Education Association membership and to highlight the unique work that is happening in education within our rural, urban, reservation, and tribal education programs, organizations, and schools systems. We hope that you will join us in Albuquerque in October 2011 for what is set to be the most unique and trend setting NIEA Convention yet! Come share in the rich history and diversity of our state, take in the beauty of our enchanted landscapes, fall in love with our breathtaking sunsets, and enjoy the plethora of entertainment and recreation venues available for all. Respectfully, LPC Co-Chair Gil Vigil, Pueblo of Tesuque Government and Tribal Liaison, Santa Fe Indian School LPC Co-Chair Kevin Shendo, Pueblo of Jemez’ Executive Director, Pueblo of Jemez’ Department of Education 5 LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE The All Indian Pueblo Council Education Sub-Committee, made up of education representatives from the 19 Pueblos and the New Mexico Indian Education Advisory Council (NMIEAC), a 16 member council made up of representatives from the Navajo Nation (4), Pueblos (4), Jicarilla Apache (1), Mescalero Apache (1), urban representatives (3), Head Start (1), Bureau of Indian Education (1), and one non-Native are serving as the Local Planning Committee (LPC) for the 42nd Annual NIEA Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sharing a common vision in concert with the convention theme, “Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values,” the co-hosts have partnered with higher education institutions, community organizations, tribal and non-tribal programs, and tribal, state, and national offices to showcase and provide Convention delegates what we envision to be a dynamic Convention this fall. New Mexico has taken strides to become one of the leaders in native education reform through state legislation, policy initiatives, creating unique community based education models, developing promising practices, prioritizing language and culture, and strengthening local and tribal control of education. Without the collaborative efforts of all our partners, the success our schools, districts, tribes, and state have realized in Native education would not be possible. 6 We are very excited to host the 42nd Annual NIEA Convention! The Albuquerque LPC shares the NIEA commitment to increase educational opportunities and resources for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students while protecting our native cultural and linguistic traditions. We have much to learn from one another, to teach, to share and to inspire. We look forward to the friendships we can form and the movement we can create for education reform for our native children and youth. LPC Roles & Responsibilities The LPC, in consultation with the NIEA Board, will assist in making recommendations and planning the President’s Welcome Reception, Tribal Leaders Summit on Indian Education, General Assembly grand entries and performances, Workshop Strands, College Symposium, Health/Fitness/ Fun Run and daily energizers, Cultural Night, Youth Day Activities, Social Pow Wow, Native Oratory Speech Celebration, Elder’s Network, volunteer coordination, pre and post-Convention events, and the Convention evaluation. The LPC will create the convention theme and logo approved by the NIEA Board. All activities shall be planned in accordance with the budget determined by the NIEA Board. The NIEA Board authorizes the LPC to act as a local spokesperson of NIEA to solicit sponsorship funds to help offset approved expenses for the Convention. LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE ROSTER Gil Vigil All Indian Pueblo Council Education Sub-Committee Co-Chair, Santa Fe Indian School Tribal Liaison Kevin Shendo New Mexico Indian Education Advisory Council Chair, Jemez Department of Education Steven Abbot, American Indian Graduate Center Louis Abeita, Santa Fe Indian School Terry Abraham, VISIONS Sarah Adeky, NMIEAC, Navajo Nation Pam Agoyo, UNM American Indian Student Services, Office of the President Dr. Sherry Allison, President -SIPI /Bureau of Indian Education, ’99 NIEA President Barbara Alvarez, NM PED, Indian Education Division Sylvia Andrew, NMIEAC, UNM Gallup Benjamin Atencio, NMIEAC, Bureau of Indian Education Christle Bearheels, Isleta Pueblo Department of Education Mary Jiron Belgarde, Native American Alliance for Charter Schools Pauleen Billie, NMIEAC, Navajo Nation Jackie Bird, Santo Domingo Office of Employment and Training Penny Bird, American Indian Language Policy Research & Teacher Training Center, UNM Pamela B. Cordova, NMIEAC, Mescalero Apache Tribe Donna T. Coriz, Santo Domingo Tribe, Office of Employment & Training, SFIS PAC Chair Tina Deschenie, NMIEAC, Navajo Nation Kelly Dineyazhe, Curriculum Consultant Myrna D. Dingman, NMIEAC, San Felipe Pueblo Head Start Shawna Douma, Southwest Youth Services Andrew Duff, APS, IPC Susan Duran, AGIC Larry Emerson, NMIEAC, Navajo Nation Wilfred Eriacho, Sr., NMIEAC, Pueblo of Zuni William Estevan, Acoma Pueblo, Grants Cibola County Schools Harold Felipe, NMSU ABQ Center, NM College Pathways Keith Franklin, NMIEAC, Albuquerque Public Schools Janelle Frederick, Senator Jeff Bingaman’s Office, Field Representative Dr. James Gonzales, Santa Ana Pueblo Department of Education Gus Keene Jr., Pueblo of Zuni Jay M. Leonard, APS, Indian Education Department Florence Loretto, SFIS, Pueblo of Jemez Scholarship Committee Josh Lucio, Zuni Education Career Development Center Herlinda Mann, GMCS Lucinda Bitsoi, GMCS Georgia Manning, GMCS Dorothea “Dee” Bluehorse, Central New Mexico Community College Joann Melchor, Southwest Youth Services Joseph Carpio, SIPI Melvin Monette, AIGC Clarice Cata-Montoya, NMIEAC Secretary, Pueblo of San Ildefonso Jaunette Nahohai, SFIS, PAC Curtis Chavez, Cochiti Pueblo Education Department Jeanelle A. Chavez, Indian Resource Develop, NMSU E. Frances Cherino, Pueblo of Isleta Board of Education Shelly Chimoni, All Indian Pueblo Council Darva Chino, San Felipe Pueblo Education Department Howard Connick, APS, IPC Carmen Moffett, GMCS Jolene Nelson, Santa Clara Pueblo Education Department Donna Pino, Pueblo of Santa Ana Language Program Sarah Pino, Pueblo of Zia Department of Education Stephanie Poston, AIGC Charlene Reano, Santo Domingo Pueblo Education Office Jenny Rodgers, NMIEAC, GMCS Alvino Sandoval, EPICS Lester Sandoval, NMIEAC Vice Chair, Jicarilla Apache Tribe Andrea Shije, Pueblo of Zia Rudy Shije, Pueblo of Zia, Former Governor Chris Sims, American Indian Language Policy Research & Teacher Training Center, UNM Cristal Suazo, NMIEAC, Pueblo of Pojoaque Velma Teba, Santa Fe Indian School Patricia Tenorio, Parents Reaching Out Lloyd Tortalita, All Indian Pueblo Council Education Sub-Committee Co-Chair, Pueblo of Acoma Janice Tosa, Jemez’ Detartment of Education Dave Tsosie, Lukachukai Community School Bus Driver Lonna Valdez, SFIS, Parent Advisory Committee Marveline Vallo Gabbard, AIGC Claudia J. Vigil Muniz, Jicarilla Apache Department of Education Odessa Waquin, Jemez’ Department of Education Ronalda Warito-Tome, EPICS Patrick Werito, NMPED, Indian Education Division Kalvin White, Navajo Nation Office of Diné Education Fernie Yazzie, Diné Bi Olta Inc. ANSSCB Inc. Kathleen Yeppa, SIPI * Albuquerque Public Schools, Indian Parent Committee (APS/IPC) * American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) * Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs (EPICS) * Gallup McKinley County Schools (GMCS) * New Mexico Indian Education Advisory Council (NMIEAC) * New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) * New Mexico State University (NMSU) * Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) * University of New Mexico (UNM) Treva Roanhorse, NMIEAC, Department of Diné Education 7 NIEA HOST HOTEL TAXI CAB Hyatt Regency Albuquerque 300 Tijeras Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (P) 505-842-1234 • (F) 505-766-6778 • 800-233-1234 Albuquerque Cab Company • 505-883-4888 Reservation Code: NIEA $149.00 per night (plus tax) Cut-Off Date: October 2, 2011 RENTAL CAR SITE TOURS Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico are full of unique destinations and activities not to be missed! For more information about fascinating day trips in and out of town, visit: AIRLINE INFORMATION Southwest Airlines • 800-435-9792 Nonstop service to Baltimore-Washington, Chicago (Midway), Dallas Love Field, Denver, El Paso, Houston (Hobby), Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Lubbock, Midland/Odessa, Oakland, Orlando, Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Seattle, St. Louis, Tampa (seasonal) and Tucson United Airlines • 800-241-6522 Nonstop service to Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington-Dulles US Airways • 800-428-4322 Nonstop service to Phoenix American Airlines • 800-433-7300 Nonstop service to Chicago and Dallas-Fort Worth Continental Airlines • 800-525-0280 Nonstop service to Houston Delta Airlines • 800-221-1212 Nonstop service to Atlanta, Salt Lake City and MinneapolisSt. Paul with connections across the nation 8 Yellow Cab Company 505-247-8888 Advantage Car Rental 800-777-5500 Alamo Rent a Car • 800-462-5266 Avis • 800-331-1212 Budget Rent a Car • 800-527-0700 Enterprise Rent a Car • 800-736-8222 National Rent a Car • 800-227-7368 Thrifty Car Rental • 800-847-4389 SHUTTLE Sunport Shuttle • 505-883-4966 PUBLIC BUS TRANSPORTATION • 505-243-7433 Route #50 transports from the Airport to the Downtown area FREE Downtown Sunport Nonstop Express TRAIN (TO SANTA FE) New Mexico Rail Runner: • 866-795-7245 New Mexico Rail Runner Express: • 866-795-7245 INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE INSTITUTE SYMPOSIUM SERIES 2011 Save the Date! October 24 - 25, 2011 (ILISS to be held prior to NIEA Annual Convention) INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE INSTITUTE SYMPOSIUM SERIES 2011 “Language Everywhere, Everyday for Everyone: Immersion Methods for All Environments” Hyatt Regency Albuquerque, New Mexico Early Bird Registration: July 1- August 25, 2011, $175 Regular Registration: August 26 - September 25, 2011, $200 Late Registration: September 26 - October 10, 2011, $225 For more information contact: [email protected] INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE INSTITUTE 1501 Cerrillos Road, U-Bldg. Santa Fe, NM 87505 Phone: 505-820-0311 Fax: 505-820-0316 E-mail: [email protected] 9 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION OFFICE OF INDIAN EDUCATION Federal Technical Assistance Workshop Day Wednesday, October 26, 2011 The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) invites you to participate in the Federal Technical Assistance Workshop Day scheduled for October 26, 2011, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This ED sponsored event is scheduled prior to the opening of the 42nd Annual National Indian Education Association Convention. The purpose of this day is to provide greater awareness of ED grant programs and to inform, update, and provide guidance on a myriad of programs serving American Indian and Alaska Native students nationwide. ED Senior Management Leaders and key grant program officials will lead discussions, share information, and provide direct feedback on applying for fiscal year (FY) 2012 Federal education grant assistance and how to meet grant program requirements. To register for the free event and for more information and details on the event, please visit: 10 SAVE THE DATE TRIBAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS NATIONAL ASSEMBLY’S ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, October 26, 2011 TO BE HELD IN ALBUQUERQUE, NM IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 42nd ANNUAL NATIONAL INDIAN EDUCATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION JOIN US FOR A DISCUSSION WITH STATE EDUCATION INDIAN ADVISORY COUNCILS AND TRIBAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS 11 PRE-CONVENTION SEMINAR FOR REGISTERED CONVENTION DELEGATES REGARDING NATIVE CHARTER AND TRIBAL SCHOOLS Wednesday, October 26, 2011 • 9:00 am – 4:30 pm In 2007 (Honolulu, HI) the NIEA Board and its membership approved a resolution to include workshops, forums, and networking sessions for Native American, Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian charter schools. The Pre-Convention seminar for Native charter/ tribal schools will offer teachers, administrators, and school board members a one-day opportunity to learn how charter and tribal schools are incorporating Native language, culture and traditions into their pedagogy and are achieving increased student engagement and success. The participants will hear keynote speakers and will participate in interactive discussions facilitated by leaders in the field. Educators who work with Native American students and are registered for the NIEA convention are encouraged to attend. As space is limited, registration for this seminar is required. Please fill out information completely. Please print clearly. First two lines will be printed on name badge. Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable):__________________________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe/Company Representing:_________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________________ State:__________ Zip:__________________________ Office Phone: __________________ Mobile Phone: _____________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Return this completed form to the NIEA Office: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Questions? Contact Mary Jiron Belgarde at [email protected] Photo by 12 TRIBAL LEADER’S SUMMIT ON INDIAN EDUCATION ONE DAY REGISTRATION FORM Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Please fill out information completely. Please print clearly. First two lines will be printed on name badge. Name:________________________________________________Title:____________________________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable):____________________________________________________________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe/Company Representing:_________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________________________State:__________Zip:___________________ Office Phone: ________________________ Mobile Phone:_______________________ E-mail: ______________________________ One Day Registration Invoice Fee $50 q $100 pre-registration q Yes q $150 on-site q No Single Gala Banquet Ticket $60 x ______ = ________ *Table of 10 $1,000 x ______ = ________ Grand Total: ______________ *Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage at Gala event. Sponsor will be provided a business card ad (color) in the convention program. One prime table of ten will be reserved at the gala banquet. Payment Information (Please do not send cash) Type of Payment: q MC q Visa q AMEX q Discover q Check q Money Order Credit Card/Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Month:_____________ Expiration Year:__________________ Card Verification Number (3 digit # on back):____________ Card Holder’s Name (as it appears on card):__________________________________________________________________________ Return this completed form to the NIEA Office: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Questions? Contact Wanda Johnson at [email protected]. Photo by Derek Matthews 13 REGISTRATION FORM Pre-registration rates end: September 23, 2011 Read Carefully—Important Registration Information DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE NIEA OFFICE after September 23, 2011. All registrations will be processed at the On-Site Registration rate beginning September 24, 2011. PAYMENT must be postmarked by deadline date to receive pre-registration rates. Registration fee is non-refundable. NO exceptions. DO NOT FAX registration form without payment. Registration forms without payment or copies of checks do not constitute payment. •• NIEA does not accept purchase orders. Invoices can be processed for a $50 fee. •• NIEA annual membership of $50. is included in registration fee. An amount not less than $10 from each registration fee will go toward the NIEA Endowment Fund. Registration: Please type or print clearly and fill out information completely. The first three lines will be printed on your name badge. Name:___________________________________________________Title:_________________________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable):______________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:__________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________________________________________ State:____________Zip:_____________________ Phone:_____________________________________________E-mail: ____________________________________________________ Check only one: Pre-Registration (Deadline: 9/23/2011)/On-Site (After: 9/24/2011) q General (American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian) q Associate (Non-Native, Advocate) q Elder (60 years or older) q Student High School (7th –12th) q Student Post Secondary (attending college) $450/$500 $450/$500 $100/$150 $100/$150 $150/$200 q Lifetime Member (NIEA Past President/Educator of the Year)Complimentary Gala Awards Banquet Ticket $60 x___________ Contribution NIEA Endowment Fund:$_______________ Contributions to NIEA are Tax-Deductible. (Federal Tax I.D. No. 41-097-6048) Registrant Information: Gender: q Male q Female Age: q 13–19 q 20–29 q 30–39 q 40–49 Race/Ethnicity: q African American q American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian q Asian American q Caucasian q Hispanic q Other 14 q 50–59 q 60 and over Education Level: q Current Student q High School q Some College q Associate’s q Bachelor’s q Master’s q Ph.D. q Professional REGISTRATION FORM CONT’D Pre-registration rates end: September 23, 2011 Check what best describes you. Please check only one. q Student attending K–12 q School administration q Student attending higher education q Tribal Government q Educational association or related programs q Local/state/federal government q Pre and K–12 schools and programs q Adult/higher education q Language/culture programs q Parent/guardian/elder q Other How many NIEA Conventions have you attended? q First convention q 2–5 q 6–10 q 11–20 q More than 20 What is your main source of funding for attending the NIEA Convention? q Federal grants q Institutional/organizational funding q Tribal funding q Personal funding q School/district funding What are your main areas of interest? (Please check up to 3 areas) q Adult Education q Early Childhood Education q Higher Education q K–12 Education q Language/Culture q Parental/Community Involvement q Policy q School Administration q Special Education q STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) q Technology q Urban Joint NIEA/AISES Membership! NIEA members are invited to enjoy a joint membership with AISES, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society. Founded in 1977, AISES, has worked to substantially increase American Indian and Alaska Native representation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields—as students, professionals, mentors, and leaders. AISES “Educator” members can take advantage of exciting benefits including: •• Subscription to the award-winning quarterly Winds of Change Magazine and the annual College Guide •• Access to a job board •• Members-only content (coming soon: podcasts, reports, educational resources) •• Online members’ community •• Discounted registration for AISES 33rd annual National Conference to be held November 10–12 in Minneapolis, Minnesota For a discounted “joint membership” fee of $80 (add $30 to your regular NIEA membership). For more information about AISES, visit q Joint NIEA/AISES Membership $30 Invoice Fee (add $50) q YES q NO NIEA does not accept purchase orders. Invoices can be processed for a $50 fee. Grand Total:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Information (Please do not send cash) Type of Payment: q MC q Visa q AMEX q Discover q Check q Money Order Credit Card/Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Month:_____________ Expiration Year:__________________ Card Verification Number (3 digit # on back):____________ Card Holder’s Name (as it appears on card):__________________________________________________________________________ (1) Please print clearly and fill out information completely (2) Attach payment (registration is not complete without payment) (3) For Students: Current Student ID (4) Mail/Fax/Scan/Email: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] 15 CONVENTION REGISTRATION INFORMATION Membership The National Indian Education Association (NIEA) invites all to join our association. As a member you will support NIEA’s capacity to provide better services for our American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian (AI, AN, NH) students and their educators. NIEA depends on the support and contributions of our members to continue our work to promote and protect Indian education. Your contribution allows NIEA to engage in both legislative and administrative advocacy on behalf of its membership. NIEA memberships cover one-year beginning at the start of the annual convention. Ten dollars ($10) from each membership fee will be applied towards the NIEA Endowment Fund. Membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. General Membership, Voting The General Membership is available to all AI, AN, NH 18 years and older. Associate Membership, Non-Voting The Associate Membership is available to all non-Native U.S. citizens, 18 years and older International Membership, Non-Voting The International Membership is available to all non-U.S. citizens, 18 years and older. Elder Membership, Voting The Elder Membership is available to all AI, AN, NH, 60 years and older. Lifetime Membership, Voting The Lifetime Membership is available to all former NIEA Board President’s and all former Educators of the Year recipients. Annual membership fee is waived. Photo by 16 Student, Voting The Student Voting Membership is available to all AI, AN, NH, 18 years and older. Proof of enrollment as a full time student in an institution of higher learning is required. Student, Non-Voting The Student Non-Voting Membership is available for those who are either non-Native or under 18 years of age. Proof of enrollment as a full time student in an institution of higher learning is required. Registration All registrants will receive badges verifying their registration status. Badges MUST be worn at all times during the Convention. Registration fee is non-refundable. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The Albuquerque Convention Center and host hotels are wheelchair accessible and ADA compliant. Individuals who require special needs should contact their host hotel or the Albuquerque Convention Center at 505-768-4501. Alcohol and Drug Policy NIEA prohibits the use of alcohol and drugs at all events. NIEA YOUTH DAY ONE DAY REGISTRATION FORM The Youth Day at the 42nd Annual NIEA Convention is a special event designed exclusively for 7th – 12th grade students. The registration fee is limited to only one attendee for one day, Friday, October 28, 2011. If the student/chaperone is attending the entire convention, then they must register at the regular convention rates and complete the NIEA Convention Registration Form. Please fill out completely. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. First three lines will be printed on name badge. School/Organization Information Organization/School/Tribe Representing:__________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________________________ State:__________ Zip:__________________ Phone #:______________________________________________Alt. Phone #:_____________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________Fax #:___________________________________________________ Student Information *Use additional registration forms for additional students as needed Name:________________________________________________Native Affiliation: _________________________________________ School:_______________________________________________Grade:_______________Email:_______________________________ Emergency Contact Name & Phone #:____________________________________________________________________________ Chaperone Information *Chaperone(s) must remain with students at all times Name: _______________________________________________Title:____________________________________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________________________Email:___________________________________________________ Payment Information *Payment must be attached to this form. Registration is NOT COMPLETE without payment. Total # of Students Total # of Chaperones __________ x $50/student = __________ __________ x $25/chaperone = __________ Invoice Fee __________ x $50 = __________ Type of Payment: Grand Total = __________ q MC q Visa q AMEX q Discover q Check q Money Order Credit Card/Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Month:_____________ Expiration Year:__________________ Card Verification Number (3 digit # on back):____________ Card Holder’s Name (as it appears on card):__________________________________________________________________________ National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] 17 WORKSHOP FORUM PROPOSALS FORM Submission Deadline: August 1, 2011 Confirmations to be emailed by NIEA to presenters: August 29, 2011 NIEA Workshops are designed to enable us to share our best practices with attendees. Your exemplary programs should be developed by and for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. Your workshop should enhance growth and awareness. Appropriate workshops should include technical assistance sessions, professional development, classroom teaching strategies, successful cultural integration models, etc. Workshop presenters must be registered for the convention. We appreciate your proposals and your involvement. Please fill out information completely. Please print clearly. 1) Lead Presenter Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable):_________________________________ Title:___________________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________ State:__________ Zip: ______________ Phone:______________________________ Mobile Phone: _______________________ Email (workshop confirmation letter will be e-mailed):_____________________________ 2) Workshop Strand (check one; see descriptions of strands on the following pages): q Community and Family Engagement q Native Charter and Tribal Schools q Parents, School Board, IEC/Grandparents q Promising Practices q Early Childhood q Professional Development q Health and Wellness (K–12) q Urban Education q Higher Education q Other:___________________________________________ q K–12: q Data and Accountability q Educational Leadership and Administration q Classroom Models q Special Education 3) q Workshop q Forum Workshop/Forum Title:______________________________________________________________ Workshop/Forum Summary (50 word limit) as you wish to be printed in the Convention program:________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If applicable: 1)Co-Presenter/Panelist Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable): _______________________________________ Title:_____________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:______________________________________________________________________ 2) Co-Presenter/Panelist Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable): _______________________________________ Title:_____________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:______________________________________________________________________ 3) Co-Presenter/Panelist Name:������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Native Affiliation (if applicable): _______________________________________ Title:_____________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:______________________________________________________________________ WORKSHOP FORUM PROPOSALS FORM CONT’D Deadline: August 1, 2011 • Confirmations to be emailed: August 29, 2011 Who should attend? q Administrators q School Board Members q Early Childhood q Para-Professionals q Parents/Caregivers q Post-Secondary Students q Teachers Adult/Higher Education q Teachers K-12 q K-12 Students q Other_______________________________________________________________________ Indicate date and time preferred. Mark 1st and 2nd Choices: Thursday Afternoon Saturday Afternoon ________ Session A 10:30 am – Noon ________ Session I 10:30 am – Noon ________ Session B 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ________ Session J 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ________ Session C 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm ________ Session K 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Friday Afternoon ________ Session E 10:30 pm – Noon ________ Session F 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ________ Session G 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Mail/fax or email form to: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Audio Visual Information You must make arrangements with the Contracted AV Vendor for audio visual equipment and provide your own handouts (i.e. PowerPoint, extension cords, etc.). Presenters will be mailed Audio Visual Vendor Information/Cost Sheet upon workshop acceptance. Attendees you can accommodate: Promoting a product? q Yes Is this your own data/research? q 1–15 q 16–30 q 31–50 q No q Yes q No Workshop Guidelines (Please Read Completely): Presentations can be up to ninety (90) minutes in length and may be repeated (space permitting). Workshop meeting rooms accommodate 10-75 people. Presenters must conduct their workshops at the designated time and location. “No shows” or cancellations place an unfair burden on convention organizers and are unfair to participants who are interested in the presentation topic. Confirmations will be e-mailed August 29, 2011. No honoraria or expenses will be paid to the presenters by NIEA or by the host Local Planning Committee. Presenters are responsible for the arrangement and costs of audio/visual equipment needs for their presentations. Audio/visual order forms will be sent with workshop confirmation notice. Please report to the PRESENTER’S CHECK-IN to verify room assignment, name badge, receipt and evaluation package. All workshop rooms are setup theater style with one head table. NIEA does not provide storage and assume liability or responsibility for damaged or lost equipment. 19 WORKSHOP STRANDS EXPLAINED Community and Family Engagement Parents, School Boards, Indian Education Committees, and Grandparents (K-12) An all too common situation is that Native communities are not well involved in the school system that educates Native children. In order to have an effective voice, a plan of engagement is needed. We want to hear from Indian parent committees (parents, grandparents, and community groups), school boards (directors and supervisors), and others. If you have a story of success that you would like to share, this workshop strand is for you. Some examples of topics in the field of community and family engagement are: •• Understanding the rights and responsibilities of parents in the school system •• Outreach and advocacy to Native Americans who are homeless •• Ways to create successful Indian parent committees •• Proven techniques to successfully advocate for children, families, and communities in the school system •• Creating and using family school liaisons •• Developing effective counseling techniques •• Effective advocating for special needs students •• Building effective relationships amongst school boards, parent committees, teachers, and school administrators •• Researching, measuring, evaluating, and communicating what effective student/parent/school engagement means •• Understanding issues of anger, depression, and violence and seeking appropriate help in the home, school, or community Early Childhood The Early Childhood strand will focus on increasing the knowledge of educators, parents, tribal leaders, and administrators interested in increasing early childhood education in their communities. Proposals should address the education of children from prenatal to age eight and should include children with disabilities in this age group. We encourage teachers, researchers, and community members to share their stories of success and early childhood education best practices with all those in attendance. 20 Some examples of offerings in the field of early childhood education are: •• Effective Early Head Start/Head Start programs •• Increasing home visitation (home-based support) programs •• Increasing the use and effectiveness of family literacy programs in early childhood •• Increasing preschool and school-readiness •• Increasing and developing tribal child care programs •• BIE-FACE •• Improving infant mental health •• Increasing and improving early intervention (Part C of IDEA) •• Increasing and improving Preschool Special Education Services •• Increasing and improving family education, support, and partnerships •• Increasing program accreditation and licensing for early childhood programs •• Researching, monitoring, and evaluating early childhood programs and systems •• Improving tribal governance of early childhood programs and systems •• Increasing the presence of language and culture in early education pedagogy •• Promoting high-quality early care, education programs, and workforce development Health and Wellness (K–12) Three years ago the NIEA adopted the Healthy Child Initiative in concert with other national Indian organizations. Our rationale was that a holistic approach to education should include taking the necessary steps to assure that our children are healthy, safe, and ready to learn. The Health & Wellness K–12 strand encourages workshop proposals that share innovative stories of success which foster the health, wellness, and well-being of Native students, their families, and their communities. We seek stories related to nutrition, physical education, counseling and psychological services, healthy school environments, and ways to increase healthy lifestyles. Health protective factors are some of the common themes involved in this strand. The venue for these programs will range from the home, the classroom, the school, the public commons, and the various organizations and institutions which are involved in the daily life of the Native child and family. We know that the qualities of our lives are affected by our health and our wellness. Presenters are sought to raise our awareness and show us ways to improve the health and wellness of our Native children. Higher Education Pursuant to board resolution, the NIEA supports higher education and seeks to increase college readiness, improve access to financial aid, increase college student support services, support tribal colleges and universities, and increase data collection and research on the state of Native education and on the best practices to improve Native higher education. The 2011 Local Planning Higher Education Committee seeks presentations from individuals or organizations working to ensure equitable access to higher education for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students. Some examples of stories of success and best practices discovered within the Higher Education strand might be: •• Increasing high school to college bridge programs •• Increasing financial support and advocacy programs •• Increasing college readiness •• Increasing Indian student service provider professional development WORKSHOP STRAND EXPLAINED CONT’D •• Improving adult teaching, learning, and educational opportunities •• Leadership, planning, and policy development in the field of higher education •• Research addressing the factors influencing the graduation of Native students from institutions of higher learning K–12 Education The K–12 Education strand is intended to share stories of success and best practices across the K–12 spectrum. Proposal topics may include practical methods being used within classrooms that positively impact student performance, the ways in which limited education resources may be most effectively used, and the ways in which data is being collected and analyzed to improve classroom education. Workshop proposals should provide teachers with the tools they need to improve their instruction and should provide administrators with the ability to collect, marshal, and understand student data to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of current education policy. A key focus is addressing and identifying the needs of at-risk and special needs students. Another key focus is to highlight effective teacher and administration practices. Collaborative proposals of school (Public, Charter, Bureau, Tribal, and Private), tribal, and community based entities are sought for presentation across the K–12 spectrum. Native Charter and Tribal School Pursuant to a 2007 NIEA resolution, the NIEA board created a workshop strand to address the needs of Native American, Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian Charter and Tribal Schools. The resolution affirmed that charter and tribal schools are developing innovative education systems to serve the unique circumstances, needs, and aspirations of Native children and are creating positive school climates in which culture, language, and traditions are respected and incorporated into the subject matter and manner of instruction. Teachers, administrators, and school board members with experience in charter, tribal grant, contract, or BIE schools are encouraged to submit workshop proposals. A key feature of this strand should be a presentation of the stories of success and best practices discovered by each of these schools in meeting the needs of their respective Native communities. Proposals highlighting stories of success and best practices should describe the community and the school as well as the curriculum and the assessments being utilized. Proposals should also explain how Native language, culture, and traditions are infused into the essential elements of instruction and assessment. Promising Practices The Promising Practices strand is intended to capture practices that are anticipated to cause great leaps forward in the education of Native students. These promising practices may cover the entire education spectrum and are not limited by venue, location, or education sector. Presently much attention is directed to highlighting practices which increase the use of Native language, culture, and values in the education process; however, the promising practices presented need not be limited only to these items and may cover a wide range of potential subjects. Stories of success and best practices are sought which cover the entire field of education including issues relating to cognition, motivation, and social and emotional adjustment. Workshops are encouraged which feature innovations in culturally respectful research and evaluation design, program and curriculum design, innovative teaching practices, and the innovative use of technology. Additional best practices which feature advancements in communication; the development of strategic partnerships amongst family, school, and community; and innovative methods of assessing student progress, teacher effectiveness, and effective school administration are sought. Finally, best practices which assist attendees in better understanding how to design, collect, analyze, translate, and communicate statistical and other information to assist Native parents and communities to better advocate for improvements in the schools educating Native students. The boundaries of this category are nearly limitless though it is expected that any presentation will meet commonly shared expectations of rigor, reliability, and relevance. Urban Education In 2010 the NIEA passed a resolution calling for increased attention to the needs of Indian students attending public, charter, and Bureau of Indian Education schools in urban areas. In response to this resolution, the NIEA asked the U.S. Department of Education to hold field hearings in urban areas to address the needs of urban American Indians. Those hearings are presently being conducted across the United States by the U.S. Department of Education. The NIEA has also created a new strand intended to highlight the needs, best practices, and stories of success as they relate to the education of urban American Indians. Examples of stories of success and best practices presented include the creation and development of indigenous curriculum, instruction methodologies, and assessment and evaluation measures. Further examples of stories of success and best practices include a discussion of the policies, procedures, administrative rules, and statutory provisions that will aid in assisting teachers, schools, and communities in addressing the holistic needs of urban Indians to be educated in a manner which respects their unique identity and which honors their history, their culture, their language, and their traditional values. 21 WORKSHOP PROPOSALS EXPLAINED Deadline: August 1, 2011 • Confirmations to be emailed: August 29, 2011 NIEA workshops are designed to give you direct access to members. Your exemplary programs should be developed by and for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. Your workshop should enhance growth and awareness. Appropriate workshops should include technical assistance sessions, professional development, classroom teaching strategies, and successful cultural integration models, etc. Presenters will have to be registered before they are to be listed in the Convention program. Workshop presenters must be registered for the convention. Thank you for your proposal(s). Workshops are sessions designed to give the audience direct access to the presenter(s). NIEA has placed a priority on presentations that are focused on scientifically-based research and practices which positively influence the teaching and learning of Native students. Exemplary programs developed by and for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians should enhance growth and awareness through introspection and experiential learning. Appropriate workshops should include technical assistance sessions, professional development, classroom teaching strategies, and successful cultural integration models, etc. Forums are intended to be larger than workshops and with an audience up to 100. Forums are designed to help NIEA members understand the latest federal policy and legislative developments and, national education trends impacting Indian country, and provide members with an analysis of how programs and communities may be affected. Guidelines For Presenters: •• Each presenter must pay for the 2011 Convention registration fee. There is no one day registration fee for presenters and no rescheduling of scheduled workshop location and time. Workshops are scheduled in order received. Applications from potential presenters who have registered receive priority placement. Photo by 22 •• Presenters must conduct their workshops at the designated time and location. “No shows” or cancellations place an unfair burden on convention organizers and are unfair to participants who are interested in the presentation topic. Confirmations will be e-mailed by August 29, 2011. •• Handouts and resource information must be provided by workshop presenter for each workshop/forum. Presenters are responsible for the expense of a minimum of 50 copies for each workshop and a minimum of 100 copies for each forum. •• No honoraria or expenses will be paid to the presenters by NIEA or by the host local planning committee. •• Workshop/Forum rooms are not equipped with audio visual and are set-up theater-style. •• Presenters are responsible for the arrangement, rental and cost of audio/visual equipment needs for their presentations. Once workshop/forum is accepted, audio visual vendor contact information will be provided regarding price and availability of equipment. Presenters may bring own audio visual equipment; however, NIEA does not provide storage, assume liability or responsibility. •• The lead presenter is required to verify room assignment(s) and pick up the evaluations package at the Presenter’s Check-In, Registration Desk. Review Process Is Based On: •• Interest level to NIEA participants •• Benefit to American Indian, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian educators and students •• Use of research-based practice •• Originality of session and approach •• Evidence of effectiveness •• Please submit a 3-line workshop/forum summary (50 words). Please submit all information in one electronic correspondence file to: [email protected]. •• Incomplete applications will not be considered NIEA INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE FORUM, OCTOBER 26–27, 2011 CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline: August 1, 2011 • Confirmations to be emailed: August 29, 2011 The National Indian Education Association’s Language Strand Planning Committee invites language program directors, Native language practitioners and instructors, tribal leaders, language advisory committees, and advocates of indigenous language survival to submit proposals related to issues of language maintenance and revitalization. Selected proposals that focus on issues related to American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian languages will be invited for presentation at the Annual NIEA Convention during the NIEA Indigenous Language Forum on Thursday, October 26 and/or Friday, October 27, from 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm each day. We invite you to share information about language and culture teaching initiatives, best practices, revitalization efforts in your community or school, current challenges in language maintenance and revitalization, language planning issues and policies that are critical to long-term stabilization of native languages beyond the 21st century. Proposals focused on the following topics are especially encouraged: •• Early childhood education (ages 0-5) language revitalization efforts including Language Immersion Nests, Montessori schools, charter schools, tribal daycare programs and other Native language development initiatives. •• Language restoration programs and models aimed at revival of “sleeping languages” or languages with no speakers. •• Language and culture youth programs (kindergarten through school age) in communities and schools such as language survival schools, school based immersion programs, after-school programs and other initiatives to produce fluent speakers of the language. •• Community and/or tribal based language and culture retention or revitalization initiatives. •• Preparation of Native speakers teaching language and culture in schools, communities, and other settings. •• Federal or state education policy impacts on language efforts in schools such as No Child Left Behind, early childhood education standards and benchmarks, and Native language instructor certification. •• Policies that strengthen indigenous language maintenance and revitalization. Proposals must be no more than three (3) single spaced pages in length and should include the following: •• A 50 word abstract •• A brief title •• A brief biography of the researcher/presenter (175 words or less) Presenter’s First/Last Name:_____________________________________________Title:___________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:__________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________________________State:___________ Zip:____________________ Phone:_________________________________________________Email:_________________________________________________ (1) Please fill out information completely. (2) Return this completed form and all supporting documents by electronic email to [email protected] by August 1, 2011. National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Questions? Contact Christine Sims. Email: [email protected] 23 CALL FOR RESEARCH • NIEA RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM OCTOBER 27–28, 2011 Deadline: August 1, 2011 • Confirmations To Be Emailed: August 29, 2011 The NIEA Research Committee invites researchers and scholars to submit proposals on issues related to American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian education. Selected proposals will be invited for presentation at the Annual NIEA Convention during the Research Symposium Thursday, October 27, and/or Friday, October 28, from 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm. We invite you to share your research and scholarly perspective on American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian education issues. Presentations should be research based with supporting qualitative and/or quantitative evidence that informs the findings. PLEASE FILL OUT INFORMATION COMPLETELY. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Proposals focusing on the following topics are especially encouraged: •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Research within American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities Epistemological Considerations of Indigenous and Local Knowledge Assessment/Testing/Measurement Issues Language Revitalization and Immersion, Language Nests, Language Survival Schools and Language Restoration Programs Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Secondary Education and Adult Education Early Student Preparation, Recruitment, Placement, Retention, Support, Sustainability and Success in Pre-school to Ph.D. Education Models (Pre-school to Ph.D.) Issues related to No Child Left Behind – Schools that Meet Adequate Yearly Process (AYP), Professional Development for Highly Qualified Teachers, and Recognition of Cultural Practitioners Proposals must be no more than three (3) single spaced pages in length and should include the following: •• A 50 word abstract •• A brief title •• A problem statement, relevance to the convention theme “Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values,” theoretical grounding and findings, and implications for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian educational advancement •• A brief biography of the researcher/presenter Researcher’s First/Last Name:_____________________________________________________ Title:__________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:__________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________ State:___________________ Zip:__________________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ (1) Please fill out information completely. (2) Return this completed form and all supporting documents by electronic email to [email protected] by August 1, 2011. National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Questions? Contact Tim Begaye. Email: [email protected] 24 NIEA UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE POSTER COMPETITION Deadline: October 3, 2011 Graduate students are invited to present posters of their scientific research on Friday, October 28. To apply for this competition, students must submit an abstract in electronic form. Abstracts must include the poster title, the authors’ name(s), institution(s), e-mail address, contact phone number(s), and sponsors (if applicable), as well as a brief summary of the project and a two- or three-sentence bio of the presenter(s). Submissions must be sent to [email protected]. The submission deadline is 12:00 noon MST, October 3, 2011. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted. Students need to check their email account often until they have been notified of abstract acceptance. Cash awards will be presented at the Awards Banquet for undergraduate and graduate poster award winners. Poster Specifications The poster should be printed as a single sheet, laid out to occupy a 4’ x 4’ space and will be attached to canvas display boards by pushpins (supplied). No other displays such as tables or audiovisual equipment will be provided for this part of the session. Participants are expected to mount their posters for preview between 9:00 am and 9:30 am on Friday. Author(s) must be present at the poster during the judging period on Friday. Author(s) will provide the judges with a color print copy (8.5” x 11”) of their poster. A minimum of a 48 font size is to be used on the poster. Posters must remain mounted for public display during the Friday Trade Show session, but afterwards they must be removed promptly. Posters will not be stored, shipped or saved for any reason. For additional information please contact [email protected]. Times, Locations and Judging •• Please sign-in with the NIEA staff prior to setting up your poster. Competition begins at 10:00 a.m. sharp and our staff will be there 30–60 minutes before competition begins. •• Please stay with your poster until the judges meet with you. You need to be present at your poster to answer any questions that the judges may have and to receive feedback during the poster competition. •• All posters will be on display the entire day of competition, unless you receive permission from the NIEA staff to remove your poster. •• Late entries, if accepted, may present for judges’ comments, but will not be scored for competition or be eligible for prizes. •• No group presentations are permitted. Several student presentations may originate from the same research; however, each student must showcase an original presentation and must present individually. Handouts If you would like the audience to have handouts of your presentation please bring 10–15 copies with you. We will not be able to make copies of your handouts for you. The goals of the poster presentation are to encourage research, provide a forum for students to interact with faculty and peers, and bolster students’ skills as researchers and communicators. •• If all required documents are not submitted with the application on the deadline date you will not be eligible to compete. •• You will be notified of presentation times and locations and they will be posted at the Convention. •• Participation in this event implies permission to use your photograph and name for promotional purposes. Photo by Kim Ashley 25 1ST ANNUAL NIEA RESEARCH POSTER COMPETITION “Call for Judges” The goal of the NIEA Higher Education Committee is to increase the number of American Indians achieving degrees in education, educational leadership, educational leadership development, organizational development, educational research, and other education related areas. The goals of the NIEA Poster Competition are to: •• •• •• •• Encourage AI, AN, NH students in undergraduate and graduate level research Provide a forum for students to network with faculty and peers Bolster Native students’ skills as researchers Provide opportunities to encourage Native students to achieve higher level degrees in all education fields NIEA will host its 1st annual student research poster competition at the National Indian Education Association Annual Convention on October 28, 2011 (Friday) at the Albuquerque Convention Center in New Mexico. We are seeking volunteers to judge our poster competition. If you are interested or would like further information please fill out this form or contact Melvin Monette, American Indian Graduate Center at 505-881-4584 ext. 116. Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Please indicate which competition you would prefer to Judge: q Undergraduate Poster Presentation q Graduate Poster Presentation q Both Poster Presentations Please either e-mail or fax this form (no mail) by October 22, 2011 to: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Photo by Uptown 26 NIEA BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATION FORM Deadline: July 28, 2011 (postmarked/emailed/faxed) The NIEA Board of Directors is open to any American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian over 18 years of age at the time of nomination. Any eligible General, Student, or Lifetime voting NIEA member in good standing may nominate, be nominated, and/or be elected to the NIEA Board of Directors. Current NIEA Board members may not nominate an individual, and board candidates may not nominate themselves. For the 2011 NIEA convention election, there will be (4) General Board Member vacancies only. Statement of Nomination Please fill out information completely. Please print clearly. I, _______________________________________________ a NIEA member in good standing, nominate ___________________ ______________________________ a NIEA member in good standing, as a candidate for the position of NIEA General Board Member. I attest that _________________________________________meets all of the eligibility requirements as outlined in the NIEA Constitution and understand that nominations received after the deadline or without all required documents will not be accepted. I have included the following required documents for the above NIEA Board of Directors candidate: q☐ A (500 word limit) biography highlighting Indian education experience and level of academic achievement q☐ A (500 word limit) personal statement stating why he/she should be elected to the NIEA Board and, if elected, how he/she should serve NIEA and promote Indian education advocacy (this will be printed in NIEA Newsletter and/or broadcast). q☐ A recent high resolution photo (color, head shot, 300dpi) jpeg file ☐ q Please submit all documents in one file Nominator Information Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title:__________________________________________________ Organization:___________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ NIEA Membership Level (please check one): q General q Student q Lifetime Candidate Information Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title:__________________________________________________ Organization:___________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ (1)Please fill out information completely. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. (2) Return the completed nomination form and all supporting documents to the NIEA Office in one complete file via fax, email or mail to: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Questions? Send email to: [email protected] 27 NIEA BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATION EXPLAINED Deadline: July 28, 2011 (postmarked/emailed/faxed) The NIEA Board of Directors consists of 12 seats held by ten (10) General Board Members and two (2) Student Board Members. For the 2011 Board of Directors election, there will be four (4) General Board Member vacancies and no Student Board Member vacancies. NIEA General Board of Directors serve a three-year term and must remain members in good standing for the duration of their three-year term of office. Board of Directors Election Procedures: NIEA Board of Directors Candidate Qualifications: Voting On-Site: • On-site elections will be conducted on Friday, October 29, 2011 between 8:00am – 5:00pm at the designated voting area. • Voting members of NIEA are entitled to one vote. •• Any American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian who is a NIEA voting member in good standing, and at least 18 years old at the time of nomination is eligible to serve on the NIEA Board of Directors; •• NIEA General, Student, or Lifetime voting members in good standing may nominate, be nominated, and/or be elected to the Board of Directors; •• Current NIEA Board Members may not nominate individuals and board candidates may not nominate themselves; •• NIEA Board nominations must be postmarked by July 28, 2011. Board of Directors Candidate Requirements: •• Board candidates are encouraged to participate in the Board Candidate Orientations. Two orientations will be conducted for all Board candidates; one via teleconference and onsite during the NIEA convention. •• Board Candidate Orientation Teleconference: A Board Candidate Orientation Teleconference will be held August 12, 2011. Board roles and responsibilities, expectations of candidates, election procedures & rules, and campaigning guidelines will be reviewed in the Board Candidate Orientation Teleconference. •• Convention Board Candidate Orientation: The on-site Board Candidate Orientation will be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm; Board candidates will review candidate expectations, election procedures and rules, campaigning guidelines, and Board roles and responsibilities during the orientation. •• Eligible candidates will introduce themselves and their platforms to the NIEA membership at the NIEA Convention 1st General Assembly on Thursday, October 28, 2011. •• Newly-elected Board members will take their oath of office on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at the NIEA Convention 4th General Assembly; •• Newly elected Board members must make arrangements to attend the NIEA General Board meeting on Monday, October 31, 2011 from 8:30am to 4:00pm, after the convention adjourns. 28 Election of Board of Directors will be held on-site at the NIEA convention. Election procedures will be in accordance with election procedures established and published by the NIEA Board of Directors. Election of the Board of Directors will be by vote of the voting membership of NIEA. Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote; proxy votes shall not be allowed. Voting by Absentee Ballot: • Individuals who have paid their membership for 2010-11 may request absentee ballots if they are unable to attend the 2011 convention. • Requests for absentee ballots must be submitted in writing, either by fax or mail, to the NIEA office. The deadline for requests for absentee ballots is September 2, 2011 (postmark/fax). Requests can be faxed to (202) 544-7293 or mailed to: NIEA Annual Convention 110 Maryland Ave NE, Suite 104 Washington, DC 20002 • Telephone requests for absentee ballots WILL NOT be accepted. • All absentee ballots must be returned by fax, or postmarked, at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the first day of the NIEA convention, on or before October 5, 2011. Election Results: •• The process of tabulating the official votes for Board of Directors candidates will adhere to Article IV of the NIEA Constitution, and all votes will be tabulated on-site by the NIEA Board Elections Committee and/or their designates. •• The replacement officers will be determined by an allotment of the most votes received per individual as voted on by the NIEA membership. Election Challenge Procedure: If there is a challenge to the election results, it must be filed with the current NIEA President or the NIEA Executive Director by 12:00pm on Saturday, October 29, 2011. In the event of an election challenge, the NIEA Board of Directors will convene a meeting to address any challenges. JOHN C. ROUILLARD AND ALICE TONEMAH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FORM Deadline: (postmarked/emailed/faxed) July 1, 2011 Awarded to post-secondary American Indian, Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian (AI, AN, NH) students who are enrolled full time pursuing an associate, bachelor, masters, or doctoral degree for the Fall 2011 semester. Nominees must demonstrate leadership qualities, maintain high academic achievement, serve as a role model for other students, and exhibit cultural involvement. These students promote an understanding and an appreciation of AI, AN, NH culture in an educational setting, demonstrate positive, and active leadership in student affairs, and demonstrate student involvement in educational or community activities. Scholarships may be used for educational expenses not covered by other funding sources. Notification letters will sent to scholarships recipients on August 1, 2011. PLEASE FILL OUT INFORMATION COMPLETELY. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Nominator’s Name:____________________________________ Title:__________________________________________________ Please indicate your membership classification: q General q Associate q Elder (60 years or older) q Student (high school) q Student (post-secondary school) q Lifetime Member Nominator’s Mailing Street Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Student/Nominee’s Name:____________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate your membership classification: q General q Student (Post Secondary, attending college) q Student (8th-12th) College/University:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Degree seeking: q Associate q Bachelor q Masters q PhD q MD q JD q Other:__________________________ Classification:________________________________ Major:______________________________________GPA:__________________ Indicate Affiliation: q American Indian—Tribe(s):__________________________________________________________________ q Alaskan Native—Tribal Enrollment:___________________________________________________________ q Native Hawaiian Nominee’s Mailing Street Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Required documents with this form: •• A one-page statement written by nominee highlighting educational and community achievement •• Biographical information giving examples of nominee’s work or résumé •• Two letters of recommendation (one letter must be from the nominator). Letters from family members will NOT be accepted. •• A photo of nominee (color, head shot only). Please send a high resolution (300dpi) jpeg file. •• Current official transcript(s) and Fall 2011 class schedule. Seniors graduating from high school, please submit college acceptance letter and Fall 2011 class schedule. Optional, but encouraged: Other supporting documentation (i.e., copies of awards, articles, etc) Complete and submit form with required documents by fax, email or mail to: NIEA Scholarship Committee 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] The late John C. Rouillard (Santee Dakota Sioux) tirelessly championed Kumeyaay language courses at San Diego State University in California. Alice Tonemah (Kiowa/Comanche) was the Director of the Sands Springs Indian Education Program in Lawton, Oklahoma. We honor these individuals with our annual scholarships. 29 5TH ANNUAL NIEA NATIVE ORATORY CELEBRATION Saturday, October 29, 2011 Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tribal Affiliation:_______________________________________ School/Tribe Representing:________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________________________ State:___________ Zip:__________________ Phone:_______________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________ q Student (8th-12th) q Student (Post Secondary, attending college) Member Event: Oratory Speech: A 5-10 minute speech that advocates ways of thinking, belief systems, or an attitude towards specific issues related to Alaska Native, American Indian, Native Hawaiian or other indigenous cultures. (Optional) I wish to deliver my speech in a Native language and I will provide an English translation. Language:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Release: For education and promotional purposes, NIEA may record and publish oratory speeches delivered at this contest. Your signature below indicates release for such recordings. Signature:_____________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________________ Send registration form and speech script to: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • [email protected] DEADLINE: Thursday, October 28, 2011 Oratory Speech: A 5-10 minute speech that advocates ways of thinking, belief systems, or an attitude towards specific issues related to Alaska Native, American Indian, Native Hawaiian or other indigenous languages. The speaker may use limited notes or deliver it from memory. Topic must address the theme of the conference, Building Alliances to Strengthen Native Education Values, and relate to Native languages. Speeches must make strong use of supporting materials such as elders’ teachings, cultural lore, and public record (magazines, newspaper, internet, etc.). Sources of information should be clearly cited during the speech and included on notes or in a manuscript and must be made available to contest officials prior to the competition. If a speech is delivered in a Native language, an English translation must be provided to the contest officials. Who may register? The NIEA Oratory Contest is open to all registered NIEA Convention youth and postsecondary students. Certificates, prizes and incentives for all participants! *** Speak Your Mind - Be Real - Be Kind - Be Honest *** 30 ANNUAL AWARD NOMINATION FORM Deadline: July 1, 2011 The members you are about to nominate must have made outstanding contributions to Native education! Only NIEA voting members may nominate and/or be nominated for awards. Awardees will be recognized and honored at the Annual Gala Awards Banquet. Your presence is required. Finalists will be notified by August 1, 2011 of their nomination and award status. Expenses such as Convention registration, lodging and transportation are the responsibility of the nominating individual or organization. Nominator and nominee must hold current membership status. NIEA will verify nominator and nominee membership status. Please fill out information completely. Please print clearly. q Classroom Teacher of the Year q Educator of the Year q Elder of the Year (female) q Elder of the Year (male) q Parent(s) of the Year q Community Service Award I will mail/email the documents listed below to the NIEA address below: •• •• •• •• •• A one-page statement about the nominee justifying nomination (500 word limit) Biographical information giving examples of nominees’ outstanding work Two letters of recommendation (letters from family members will not be accepted) Supporting documentation (i.e., newspaper clippings, articles, awards, etc.) 2–5 Photos (color, head shots/in action) high resolution JPEG (if awarded, photos will be used during the award presentation) Award nomination packets must not exceed 10 documents (photos include the 10 document limit). Nominations with more than 10 documents will not be accepted. Nominator Name:______________________________________________________ Title:___________________________________ Tribal Affiliation (if applicable):____________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:___________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Nominee’s Name:______________________________________________________ Title:____________________________________ Tribal Affiliation:_________________________________________Organization/School/Tribe Representing:___________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ (1) Please fill out information completely. (2) Return this completed form and all supporting documents to the NIEA Office: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] 31 ANNUAL AWARD NOMINATION EXPLAINED Deadline: July 1, 2011 The awards nomination application packet is due postmarked July 1, 2011. Notification of Awardees will be made by July 29, 2011. NIEA will honor five (5) General AI, AN, NH Voting Members for their accomplishments and efforts to improve the quality of life for AI, AN, NH communities through education. Classroom Teacher of the Year Awarded to AI/AH/NH currently teaching in the public schools, tribal/community schools, BIE schools, tribal colleges or university settings. Nominees must show exceptional achievement or performance in providing quality instruction to AI, AN, NH students in one or more of the following areas: 1) practiced innovative teaching techniques; 2) improved student academic achievement; 3) significantly impacted school or community; 4) promotes bilingual and multicultural instruction; 5) promotes educational equality for students. Educator of the Year Awarded to an AI, AN, NH individual with significant work in one or more of the following areas: 1) developed and established innovative education program(s); 2) worked for passage of legislation designed to improve student success; 3) advocated for educational equity for students; 4) promoted training for educators of Native students; 5) advocated for native language or culture based program(s); 6) developed program(s) to improve the education of Native peoples. Elder of the Year Awarded to an Elder, 60 years or older, who has made outstanding contributions to Native education in these areas: 1) promoted understanding and appreciation of AI, AN, NH cultures in an educational or community setting; 2) given lifelong service to promoting quality education through active community service; 3) served as a role model or mentor for AI, AN, NH children, youth, or adults. 32 Parent(s) of the Year Awarded to an AI, AN, NH parent for outstanding leadership, commitment, concern, and voluntary efforts in these areas: 1) influential service on local, regional, or national committee, board or other such entities working to improve educational quality for AI, AN, NH; 2) demonstrated strong commitment through volunteer work to improve educational opportunities for Native children, youth, or adults; 3) worked to strengthen Native education programs at the community, tribal, state or national level. Community Service Award Awarded to an AI, AN, NH that exemplifies the positive role an individual can provide in their local community like: 1) improved educational quality in nominee’s community or region; 2) significantly impacted a local community. Award Rules Only NIEA voting members in good standing may nominate and/or be nominated for awards. Awardees will be announced at the Annual Gala Awards Banquet and are expected to be present. Finalists will be notified by July 29, 2011 of their nomination and award status. Expenses such as Convention registration, lodging, and transportation are the responsibility of the nominating individual or organization. NIEA will verify nominator or nominee’s membership status. NIEA Board Members may not nominate. Please submit all information in one electronic correspondence file to [email protected] or please submit one set of hard copies of all items. Partial or incomplete applications will not be accepted. You are a member if you paid registration for the San Diego Convention, the 2011 Legislative Summit, or paid a membership fee between October 2010–October 2011. GALA BANQUET SPONSORSHIPS/TICKETS Deadline: (postmarked/emailed) September 1, 2011 PLEASE FILL OUT INFORMATION COMPLETELY. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. Gala Banquet q Gala Sponsor $12,500 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage at Gala event. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. One complimentary prime table of ten will be reserved at the gala banquet. q Awards Sponsor $10,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage at Gala event. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. One complimentary prime table of ten will be reserved at the gala banquet. q Entertainment Sponsor $7,500 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage at Gala event. Sponsor will be provided a quarter-page ad (color) in the convention program. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One complimentary prime table of ten will be reserved at the gala banquet. q Centerpiece Sponsor $5,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage at Gala event. Sponsor will be provided a quarterpage ad (color) in the convention program. Brand name and logo will appear in official gala program. One complimentary prime table of ten will be reserved at the gala banquet. q Table $1,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage at Gala event. Sponsor will be provided a business card ad (color) in the convention program. One complimentary prime table of ten will be reserved at the gala banquet. q Supporter $500 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage at Gala event. Two complimentary prime seat tickets will be reserved at the gala banquet. Single Gala Banquet Ticket $60.00 x _____ = ________ Grand Total: ________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable):_______________________________________________Title:_________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe/Company Representing:_________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________State:_________ Zip:________________Office Phone: _________________________ Mobile Phone:_________________________________________E-mail:__________________________________________________ Payment Information (Please do not send cash) Type of Payment: q MC q Visa q AMEX q Discover q Check q Money Order Credit Card/Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Month:_____________ Expiration Year:__________________ Card Verification Number (3 digit # on back):____________ Card Holder’s Name (as it appears on card):__________________________________________________________________________ Return this completed form to the NIEA Office: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] 33 RESOLUTION FORM Deadline: October 12, 2011 Please check one (see NIEA resolution rules): q Non-emergency resolution q Emergency resolution Only NIEA voting member may submit resolutions and introduce, move, and/or second resolutions at the annual convention. Use this format for all resolutions. This form may be used or a resolution may be typed separately. A member may not submit more than five (5) resolutions. PLEASE FILL OUT INFORMATION COMPLETELY. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Resolution Title:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, the National Indian Education Association (NIEA) was established in 1970 for the purpose of advocating, planning, and promoting the unique and special educational needs of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians; and WHEREAS, NIEA as the largest national Indian organization of American Indians, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian educators, administrators, parents, and students in the United States, provides a forum to discuss and act upon issues affecting the education of Indian and Native people; and WHEREAS, through its unique relationship with Indian nations and tribes, the federal government has established programs and resources to meet the educational needs of American Indians, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiians, residing on and off their reserved or non-reserved homelands; and WHEREAS,___________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now therefore be it resolved that the National Indian Education Association___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Be it further resolved that the National Indian Education Association_________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Submitted by Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Native Affiliation(s):__________________________________________________Title: ______________________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:__________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________________________State:______________ Zip:____________________ Phone:______________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________ NIEA Membership: q General q Student q Lifetime Connection for NIEA mission (state mission here):____________________________________________________________________ Rationale for NIEA advocacy:____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed, original non-emergency resolution must be emailed or mailed by deadline date of October 12, 2011. Send to: 34 National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] RESOLUTION EXPLAINED Deadline: October 12, 2011 NIEA resolutions guide the organization’s national policy development and help establish its legislative priorities. They provide guidance and direction by bringing attention to issues of concern to NIEA members. The annual convention represents a forum where these resolutions are brought before the membership for deliberation and possible vote. The NIEA Board’s Resolution Committee is responsible for reviewing all resolutions and determining whether a resolution is of an Emergency or Non-Emergency nature. Resolutions of a more permanent nature are considered Continuing Resolutions or Non-Emergency and those of a more immediate nature requiring timely action due to pending legislation or action. I. Emergency Resolutions must meet this three-part test: a.Are submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the last general assembly (by 9:00 am on Saturday, October 29, 2011 and require actions which must be completed within two weeks of the last day of convention by November 12, 2011. b.Absence of such actions should mean NIEA would not otherwise have direction from within the existing scope of its goals and objectives. c.Non-Emergency Resolutions are those which do not require NIEA to take action within two weeks of the last day of the Convention. If the action stated in a resolution does not have to be completed within two weeks of the last day of the convention and is not substantially different from existing NIEA goals and objectives, then that resolution does not warrant emergency status. It may then be directed to the NIEA Board of Directors to take necessary action. II.Non-Emergency Resolutions are those which do not require NIEA to take action within two weeks of the last day of the convention. Resolution Rules and Instructions 1. Submission and Passage: Only NIEA voting members in good standing (General, Lifetime, and Student) may submit and vote on resolutions. Resolutions considered at the convention must be moved and seconded by voting members, and approved by a majority vote of voting members present. 2. Other Submissions: Resolutions may also be submitted by the NIEA Board of Directors, the Board’s executive committee, and ad hoc or standing committee of the Board, and/or by the local convention planning committee. 3. Scope of Resolution: Resolutions must be national in scope and address a single issue. 4. Length and Format: Keep resolutions to one (1) typewritten page. Use the form on the previous page or follow the format. 5. Submission Deadline: Non-emergency resolutions must be sent to NIEA on or before October 12, 2011. Signed originals must follow e-mailed or faxed copies (202-544-7293). Email to: [email protected]. 6. Submission Limit: A member in good standing or body may submit no more than five (5) resolutions. 35 RESOLUTION EXPLAINED CONT’D Deadline: October 12, 2011 7. 2011 Convention Resolution Procedures: The NIEA Resolutions Committee will review all resolutions that meet the deadline date. NIEA reserves the right to correct grammar, misspellings, typos, and other errors, to revise resolutions to conform to its official format, and/or to consolidate similar resolutions into one if they cover the same issue and call for similar actions. After final selections are made the resolutions will be deemed ready to be presented at the convention using the following process: a. A summary of Proposed Resolutions with copies of the resolutions will be handed out at the convention. b. The Resolutions Committee will adopt a schedule for voting on resolutions at the convention, and the schedule will be posted in the convention program. c. Time will be provided for the resolution’s sponsor or a supporter to speak in favor of the resolution, for discussion and questions, and for voting. d. All adopted resolutions will be referred to the NIEA Board of Directors for publication and implementation. e. The Board will report to the membership at the 2011 convention on the implementation of resolutions adopted at the 2010 convention. The Board will also report to members during the year on the implementation of resolutions adopted at the 2010 convention. 8. 2010–2011 Resolutions Committee Chair: Robin Butterfield, NIEA Board Vice President If you wish to submit a resolution for consideration at the 2011 Convention, please follow the Resolutions procedure and form. Non-emergency resolutions must be mailed by deadline date of October 12, 2011. Send to: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Photo by 36 CONVENTION SPONSORSHIP FORM Deadline: September 1, 2011 (to include brand name/logo in official Convention program) Platinum Silver q Presenting Sponsor $50,000 (or 2 at $25,000 each) q Youth Day Sponsor $7,500 q Convention Tote Sponsor $25,000 q Elder’s Network Sponsor $7,500 q General Assembly Sponsor $20,000 q Name Badge Sponsor $5,000 q Trade Show Sponsor $15,000 q Tradeshow Coffee Break Sponsor $3,000 (3 available) q Welcome Reception Sponsor $15,000 q Coffee Break Sponsor $3,000 (4 available) q Scholarship Sponsor $10,000 q Close-Up Program Scholarship Sponsor $10,000 q College Symposium Sponsor $10,000 Bronze q Marketing $1,500 (10 available) q Supporter $500 (10 available) q Youth Day Sponsor $10,000 q Mini Plenary/Forums Sponsor $10,000 (3 available) q Social Pow Wow Sponsor $10,000 Brand Name/Logo Submission Requirements: Please submit company name and logo (as you would like it to appear on acknowledgement material in High Res (300 dpi or more) jpeg or pdf file. All art and fonts need to be included. Files in CMYK or black and white only. Please email files to [email protected]. No refunds will be extended. Grand Total:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Information (Please do not send cash) Type of Payment: q MC q Visa q AMEX q Discover q Check q Money Order Credit Card/Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Month:_____________ Expiration Year:__________________ Card Verification Number (3 digit # on back):____________ Card Holder’s Name (as it appears on card):__________________________________________________________________________ (1) Please print clearly and fill out information completely (2) Attach payment (registration is not complete without payment) (3) For Students: Current Student ID (4) Mail/Fax/Scan/Email: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Photo by Verna Wood 37 CONVENTION SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIES AND BENEFITS Deadline: September 1, 2011 Platinum 38 Presenting Sponsor $50,000 (or 2 at $25,000 each) Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a full-page ad (color, center spread) in the convention program, and offered two prime booth spaces at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Two tables will be reserved at the gala banquet and two tables at the President’s Welcome Reception. Scholarship Sponsor $10,000 Scholastic scholarship(s) awarded in the Fall to NIEA student members. Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One table will be reserved at the gala banquet. Convention Tote Sponsor $25,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a full-page ad (color, back cover) in the convention program, and offered two prime booth spaces at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One table will be reserved at the gala banquet and one table at the President’s Welcome Reception. Close-Up Program Scholarship Sponsor $10,000 Close-Up Program scholarship(s) awarded in the Spring. Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One table will be reserved at the gala banquet. General Assembly Sponsor $20,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a full-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered two prime booth spaces at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One table will be reserved at the gala banquet and reserved at the General Assembly. College Symposium Sponsor $10,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One banner will be displayed at symposium entrance. Trade Show Sponsor $15,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered two prime booth spaces at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One table will be reserved at the gala banquet and reserved seating at the General Assembly. Youth Day Sponsor $10,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). Five one-day youth registrations will be complimented at $50 each (total $250). Welcome Reception Sponsor $15,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a full-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered two prime booth spaces at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). Two tables will be reserved at the President’s Welcome Reception. Mini Plenary/Forums Sponsor $10,000 (3 available) Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One banner will be displayed at mini plenary/forum entrance. CONVENTION SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIES AND BENEFITS CONT’D Deadline: September 1, 2011 Social Pow Wow Sponsor $10,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a half-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). One banner will be displayed on pow wow stage. Silver Youth Day Sponsor $7,500 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a quarter-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Brand name and logo will appear on youth day attendee lanyards. Elder’s Network Sponsor $7,500 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a quarter-page ad (color) in the convention program, and offered one prime booth space at the trade show for product demonstration, distribution, or direct sales. Provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). Name Badge Sponsor $5,000 Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site signage. Sponsor will be provided a quarter-page ad (color) in the convention program, and provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). Tradeshow Coffee Break Sponsor $3,000 (3 available) Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site (coffee break) signage. Sponsor will be provided a quarter-page ad (color) in the convention program. Coffee Break Sponsor $3,000 (4 available) Sponsor’s brand name and logo will appear on on-site (coffee break) signage. Sponsor will be provided a quarter-page ad (color) in the convention program. Bronze Marketing $1,500 (10 available) Sponsor may provide one item for inclusion in the official NIEA tote bags (2,000 bags). Sponsor will be provided a business card size ad (color) in the convention program. Supporter $500 (10 available) Sponsor will be provided a business card size ad (color) in the convention program. Photo by 39 NIEA 42nd Annual Convention Program • Advertising Insertion Order and Agreement Form Deadline: Ad reservation August 1, 2011/Ad materials September 1, 2011 Publication: October 17, 2011 Advertiser Name:______________________________ Organization/School/Tribe Representing:_____________________________ Mailing Street Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________________________ State:______________ Zip:____________________ Phone:________________________________________________Email:__________________________________________________ Premium Program Advertisement (color only) Premium Center Spread: $5000 Premium Inside Back Cover—$2000 q Bleed: 17.25” x 11.25” q No-Bleed: 7” x 9” q Bleed: 8.75” x 11.25” Premium Inside Front Cover—$2000 Premium Outside Back Cover—$2000 q No-Bleed: 7” x 9” q Bleed: 8.75” x 11.25” q No-Bleed: 7” x 9” q Bleed: 8.75” x 11.25” Regular Program Advertisement Full Page Half Page Vertical— 3.625” x 9.3125” q $1500 (color) q $1200 (b/w) q $900 (color) q $600 (b/w) q 7” x 9” No-Bleed q 8.75” x 11.25” Bleed Half Page Horizontal Quarter Page— 3 3/8” x 4 5/8” q $900 (color) q $600 (b/w) q $500 (color) q $375 (b/w) q 7.375” x 4.5” No-Bleed q 8.75” x 5.75” Bleed Program Advertisement Grand Total:___________________________________ Business Card— 3 3/8” x 2” q $300 (color) q $150 (b/w) Payment Information (Please do not send cash) Type of Payment: q MC q Visa q AMEX q Discover q Check q Money Order Credit Card/Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Month:_____________ Expiration Year:__________________ Card Verification Number (3 digit # on back):____________ Card Holder’s Name (as it appears on card):__________________________________________________________________________ Return contract & ad material to: NIEA Communications 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] Ad requirements: Please submit high res (300 dpi or more) jpeg or pdf file. All art and fonts need to be included. Files in CMYK or black and white only. Please email files to [email protected]. The advertiser, by signing below, agrees to indemnify and defend NIEA from and against all claims, loss, liability or expense including but not limited to, the cost of defense, arising from the of publication of such advertisement. NIEA reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject any advertisement displaying inappropriate content. Authorized Signature_________________________________________ Date______________________________________________ 40 TRADE SHOW EXHIBIT FORM Deadline: August 1, 2011 (to include brand name/logo in official Convention program) Please type or print clearly and fill out information completely. Faxed forms without payment do not constitute registration. Exhibitor fees are non-refundable. NIEA does not accept purchase orders. Meals are not included. Exhibitors and co-exhibitors are not registered convention attendees. If you are a workshop presenter, you must register at the convention registration rate. 1) Lead Exhibitor Name:_________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable):_____________________________ Title: ____________________________ Organization/School/Tribe/Company Representing:_____________________________ Mailing Street Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________________________________ State:__________ Zip:________________ Office Phone: ____________________ Mobile Phone:__________________________E-mail:_____________________________ 2) Booth Name (to be printed on booth signage):_______________________________________________________________________ Description (50 word limit to be printed in program):__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Co-Exhibitor Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable): _______________________________________________ Title:_____________________________ Additional Badges are $50 each. Add $50 for Extra Badge Add $50 for Extra Badge Co-Exhibitor Name:____________________________________ Co-Exhibitor Name:_____________________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable): ____________________________ Native Affiliation (if applicable): _____________________________ Title:_________________________________________________ Title:__________________________________________________ Prime Space (corner) (add $100 if available) q Yes q No Non-Profit/Educational Institution/Tribe $400 x ____ = ______ Corporations/Federal Agencies Arts & Crafts or Sales Booth $500 x ____ = ______ Extra Badges $1,000 x ____ = ______ $50 x ____ = ______ More than one booth space may be purchased. Invoice Fee (add $50) q Yes q No NIEA does not accept purchase orders. Invoices can be processed for a $50.00 fee. Contribution NIEA Endowment Fund: $__________________Contributions to NIEA are Tax-Deductible. (Federal Tax I.D. No. 41-097-6048) Payment Information (Please do not send cash) Type of Payment: q MC q Visa q AMEX q Discover q Check q Money Order Credit Card/Check Number:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Month:_____________ Expiration Year:__________________ Card Verification Number (3 digit # on back):____________ Card Holder’s Name (as it appears on card):__________________________________________________________________________ (1) Please print clearly and fill out information completely. (2) Attach payment (registration is not complete without payment). (3) For Students: Current Student ID (4) Mail/Fax/Scan/Email: National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] 41 TRADE SHOW EXHIBITOR RULES & REGULATIONS Deadline: August 1, 2011 The Trade Show is an integral part of our convention. This is an excellent opportunity for colleges and universities, arts and crafts, suppliers of school equipment and services, public and private sector employers to showcase their products, programs, services, and academic and employment opportunities to over 3,000 individuals who attend the annual convention. Booth Construction When designing exhibits and planning for the display of products and literature, for both in-line and island booths, good judgment and consideration for neighboring exhibitors and attendees should be the exhibitor’s primary objective. Standard Booth All linear booths are 100 sq ft (10’ x 10’). Booths have a back wall drape that is 8’ high, with sidewall drapes that are 36’ high. Total height of exhibits (including decorations) may not exceed 8’3”. All display fixtures over 4’ in height and placed within 10 lineal feet of an adjoining exhibit must be confined to that area of the exhibitor’s space that is at least 5’ from the aisle line. No solid exhibit construction may exceed 42” in height, except in the rear one-half of the booth. The intent of the height and depth restrictions is that each exhibitor is entitled to a reasonable sight line from the aisle regardless of the size of exhibit. Exhibit Booth Package Each 10’ x 10’ booth is provided with: one (1) 8 foot draped table; two (2) chairs; one (1) identification sign; one (1) waste basket and exhibit registration for two (2) people. Exhibitors may not sublet or share the whole or any part of their booth. All booths selling raffle tickets must be preapproved by the NIEA Board. Construction and Arrangement Guidelines Booth decorations are to be professional, standard booth design. No gimmicks or attention-getting decorations are permitted. Exhibits are not permitted to span an aisle by ceiling or floor covering. No signs, part of exhibits, supplemental lighting or any other exhibit material may be suspended from or attached to the ceiling of the exhibit hall or taped, posted, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, 42 drapes, floor, or any other interior or exterior surface of the center. Exposed or unfinished sides and/or backs or exhibits and displays must be draped or finished so as to present an attractive appearance when viewed from aisles or adjoining exhibits. All exhibits will be inspected during set-up and, at the direction of the NIEA Convention Manager, the decorator will install draping at the exhibitor’s expense to any part of the exhibit deemed objectionable by other exhibitors or NIEA. Exhibit Hall Information Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall is not carpeted. Booth cleaning is mandatory after move-in and is NOT included in the exhibit rental fee. NIEA has the right to order daily cleaning if booth appearance is unsightly. Cost will be charged to the exhibiting company. Electrical requirements, projection requirements, and all furniture and accessories are the responsibility of the exhibiting company. Order forms for the above services and equipment will be included in the Exhibit Service Kit, which will be mailed to exhibitors on August 1, 2011. Noise from electrical or mechanical apparatus must not interfere with other exhibitors. No exhibitor shall operate equipment or voice reproducing machines that would cause annoyance to other exhibitors. Earphones must be provided or such recording devices must be enclosed in a special booth. NIEA reserves the right to determine at which point sound constitutes interference with others and if it does, it must be disconnected. Cylinders containing oxygen, compressed air or other gas must be secured by a strap stand or cart in any upright position to prevent tipover. Exhibitors not complying with this rule are not permitted to use such cylinders in the exhibit area. Combustible materials used in the exhibit hall must be flame-proof in accordance with the City of Albuquerque Fire Department Codes. Use or storage of flammable liquids, gasses or solids is strictly forbidden. Facility Protection Nothing shall be posted, tacked, nailed or otherwise attached to the walls, floors or other parts of the convention center or furniture contained in the facility. The use of stickon decals is discouraged and the distribution and display of helium balloons are prohibited in the convention center. TRADE SHOW EXHIBITOR RULES & REGULATIONS CONT’D Americans with Disabilities Act Exhibit Schedule Each exhibitor shall be responsible for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within its booth and assigned exhibit space. Wednesday, October 26 Check-In/Set-Up Noon–5:00pm Thursday, October 27 Show Open 8:00am–4:30pm Tradeshow Information Friday, October 28 Show Open 8:00am–4:30pm Saturday, October 29 Show Open 8:00am–4:30pm Sunday, October 30 Show Open 8:00am–4:30pm Dismantle Booths 1:00pm–3:00pm • Location: Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall, Albuquerque Convention Center • Ceiling Height: 30’ • Floor Load Capacity: 250 lbs. sq. ft. • Utilities: Wireless Internet, Phone, Electrical, Water, Waste and Drainage • Elevators: N/A First floor Exhibit Hall, Loading Ramp Insurance NIEA and the Host Local Planning Committee are not liable for any theft or damage to an exhibitor’s property or personal possessions. All exhibitors are advised to carry their own insurance for theft or damage to their property or personal possessions. Damage Exhibitor shall not damage in any way the walls or booth materials, including the use of nails, tacks, hooks, screws, staples, or any other devices which will mark or deface property. Exhibitors may not obstruct or hide other exhibit areas. Decorator All exhibitors will be sent forms from the decorator to arrange for shipping electrical outlets, audio/visual equipment, etc. Read instructions carefully. Booth Rules All exhibitors agree to: 1. Comply with the conditions under which exhibit space in the Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall as leased to NIEA. 2. Understand that, upon acceptance of the exhibit application form by NIEA, a contract between the exhibitor and NIEA is in effect consisting of the application and the exhibit regulations. I hereby apply for an exhibit booth at the NIEA 42nd Annual Convention, October 27–30, 2011 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I understand that booths will be assigned upon payment(s) processed by the NIEA headquarter office. There will be no trades or deals made for space assignments, no exceptions. NO REFUNDS—NO EXCEPTIONS. Exhibit Booth Fees are not a substitute for registration and membership fees to attend convention functions; the applicable registration fee must be paid. Check-in/Set-up/Dismantle Exhibitors may check-in to set up their booth displays on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 from noon to 5:00 pm. Booth dismantle is from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Sunday, October 30, 2011. I agree to comply with the above exhibit rules. First/Last Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Representing:________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________Date:____________________________________________________ 43 2015/2016 CONVENTION SITE SELECTION Deadline: June 30, 2011 NIEA members will vote for the 2015 and 2016 convention sites at the 2011 Albuquerque Convention. The National Indian Education Association holds an annual convention to conduct their yearly membership meeting, workshops and forums to share concerns, ideas and pursue solutions to education related issues that affect Native communities. Bids must meet the following criteria to be considered. 4. Bidder must demonstrate that it has a tangible, substantive knowledge of, and/or cooperative relationship with other local, statewide, and regional American Indian, Alaska Native, and/or Native Hawaiian organizations or tribal groups from which it can draw support for the convention, referred to hereafter as the “Local Planning Committee” for all convention purposes. Please read completely. 5. Local Planning Committee must be willing to provide a sound financial accounting system that can be audited in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Documentation must be provided by the selected Local Planning Committee for all convention income and expenditures. 1. Site must be easily accessible by air and ground transportation, and have an attractive mix of hotel properties, offer a good range of amenities and room rates which are within a reasonable distance from the convention facility and host hotel. 2. Site must have the capacity to house and have meeting space for at least 2,500 general assemblies, 25–30 break-out rooms for workshops, exhibit hall for 200–300 10’ x 10’ exhibit booths, and 3–4 meal functions comprised of receptions and banquets. 3. A major local hotel must be willing to serve as the convention’s host hotel and must be able to offer quality accommodations at competitive rates. NIEA prefers a reasonable block of 1,500 rooms at the host hotel in the site area. 6. Local Planning Committee must submit an outline of a fund-raising plan for defraying convention costs. The plan must include but not be limited to the following: how bidder will 1) raise cash funds and in-kind donations of supplies and services to support core convention; and 2) carry out post-convention closeout tasks. 7. The Local Planning Committee will sign a letter of Agreement with NIEA at least one year prior to the 2015 convention. A draft convention center contract, price quotes, and letters of support from the Local Planning Committee must accompany the written bid. National Indian Education Association ATTN: Convention Director 110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 104 • Washington, DC 20002 P: 202-544-7290 • F: 202-544-7293 • Email: [email protected] FUTURE CONVENTION SITES 2012 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 18–21 2013 Rapid City, South Dakota, October 29–November 3 2014 Anchorage, Alaska, October 16–19 2015 Site Selection at 2011 Convention 2016 Site Selection at 2011 Convention 44 TENTATIVE AGENDA Albuquerque Convention Center TUESDAY October 25, 2011 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Pre-Convention Meetings 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm U.S. Department of Education Federal Technical Assistance Workshop Day Registration WEDNESDAY October 26, 2011 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Pre-Convention Meetings THURSDAY October 27, 2011 7:00 am – 8:30 am Health/Fitness Energizer 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Convention Registration 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Elder’s Network Cimarron 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Tradeshow/Exhibits/Vendors Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall 8:00 am – 5:00 pm U.S. Department of Education Federal Technical Assistance Workshop Day 8:30 am – 11:00 am First General Assembly & Opening Ceremonies NIEA Board Candidate Forum Kiva Auditorium 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Pre-Convention for Native Charter and Tribal Schools 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Health/Fitness 5K Run/Walk Registration 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Tribal Leader’s Summit on Indian Education 10:30 am – Noon Workshops and Forums (Session A) 9:00 am – 5:00 pm National Tribal Education Departments Forum/TEDNA Membership/Board Meeting 11:15 am – Noon Mini Plenary Sessions 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm NIEA Regional Caucuses (Session D) 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Culture Night FRIDAY Youth Day October 28, 2011 7:00 am – 8:30 am Health/Fitness 5K Fun Run/Walk 8:00 am – 11:00 pm Trade Show/Exhibits/Vendors Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Elder’s Network Cimarron 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Convention Registration 8:00 am – 5:00 pm NIEA Board Elections 9:00 am – 11:00 am Second General Assembly Kiva Auditorium Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch (on own) 10:30 am – Noon Workshops and Forums (Session E) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Workshops and Forums (Session B) 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Junior High/High School Student Strand 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm Native Language Revitalization Forum 11:15 am – Noon Mini Plenary Sessions 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm NIEA Board Candidate Orientation 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm Research Strand I Noon – 1:30 pm Youth Day Luncheon (for Youth Day registrants only) 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm President’s Welcome Reception Aztec 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Workshops and Forums (Session C) Noon – 5:00 pm Convention Registration Noon – 5:00 pm Trade Show/Exhibits Registration (set-up) Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall Noon – 2:00 pm Partnership Lunch (invitation only) 45 TENTATIVE AGENDA CONT’D Albuquerque Convention Center 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Workshops and Forums (Session F) 9:00 am – 11:00 am Third General Assembly Kiva Auditorium 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm 5th Annual NIEA Native/English Oratory Contest 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm Native Language Revitalization Forum 10:30 am – Noon Workshops and Forums (Session I) 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Workshops and Forums (Session K) 11:00 am – 4:30 pm College/University Symposium 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm NIEA Annual Gala Awards Banquet Ballroom B-C 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm Research Strand II 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Workshops and Forums (Session G) 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm NIEA Role Group Issues (Session H) 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Social Pow Wow SATURDAY College Symposium October 29, 2011 7:00 am – 8:30 am Health/Fitness Bike Ride 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Elder’s Network Cimarron 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Trade Show/Exhibit/Vendors Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Convention Registration 46 11:00 am – 4:30 pm Family Day Activities 11:15 am – Noon Mini Plenary Sessions Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch (on own) Noon – 1:00 pm Registration Desk – EMERGENCY RESOLUTIONS DUE Noon – 2:00 pm NIEA Past President’s & Past Educator of the Year Luncheon (invitation only) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Workshops and Forums (Session J) 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm Native Language Revitalization Forum 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm Community and Family Engagement Forum SUNDAY October 30, 2011 7:00 am – 8:30 am Health/Fitness Energizer 8:00 am – Noon Trade Show/Exhibits/Vendors Fran Hill NE Exhibit Hall 8:00 am – Noon Elder’s Network Cimarron 9:00 am – Noon Closing General Assembly Kiva Auditorium Noon Adjourn Convention 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Trade Show/Exhibits/Vendors (dismantle) 47 National Indian Education Association 110 Maryland Avenue, N.E., Suite 104 Washington, D.C. 20002 P: 202-544-7290 F: 202-544-7293
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