Sacred Heart Catholic Community of Wilton

Sacred Heart Catholic Community of Wilton
October 26, 2014 • Thirthieth-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: Gather # 1067
Parish Community
Father Jerry Rogers
Church Mailing Address: PO Box 1897, Bemidji, MN 56619-1897 Church Physical Address: 135 3rd St NW, Wilton, MN 56687
Mailing Address: PO Box 189, Red Lake, MN 56671 • 218-679-3615
Fellowship Hall.............................. 751-8446
Deb Heineman.............................. 444-3287
Bulletin Information
Ruth Walters................................. 444-7075
[email protected]
Please call or email bulletin info by 7:00 pm on Thursdays.
The bulletins are available via email. Please email Ruth at
[email protected] to be place on the email list.
Shelly Fredriksen.......................... 556-8023
Richard Anderson......................... 467-3275
Ben Rucinski................................. 854-7328
Community Outreach &
Hall Rental
Shelly Fredriksen.......................... 556-8023
If you would like to use the church or social hall for an event,
(wedding, reunion, etc) please contact Shelly to schedule
and for rental information.
Zelda Cartier................................. 751-9517
Millie Lundberg............................. 467-3227
Liturgy Coordinator
Karen Shafer................................. 968-2488
Music & Choir
Polly Scotland............................... 444-8847
Parish Outreach
Zelda Cartier................................. 751-9517
Deb Heineman.............................. 444-3287
Religious Education
Ruth Walters.................................444-7075
Doris Vleck.................................... 751-6810
Jerry Cartier.................................. 751-9517
Pastoral Council
Tina Klisch..................................... 759-1676
Howie Zetah.................................. 766-5169
John Trammell.............................. 467-3376
Joe Rucinski................................. 444-2305
Shelly Fredriksen.......................... 556-8023
Kirsten Trammell ......................... 556-9802
Regular meetings are the third Tuesday of
Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct.,& Dec. starting at
7:00 pm in the church social hall.
Restrooms are located at the far end of
the social hall, and in the nursery. The
nursery is available for anyone with
small children, so that all may participate in celebrating Mass.
If you are in need of a gluten free host,
please let the Sacristan know before
New Parishioners
New Parishioners are always welcome!
Please see Shelly Fredriksen to register.
The first Sunday of the month, Potluck immediately following Mass.
Everyone Welcome!
Mass Intentions
If you would like Mass to be said for someone, please contact Ruth at 444-7075 or
fill out a Mass Intentions envelope found in
the bulletin rack and give to Ruth.
First Sunday of the month before Mass.
Please contact Father Jerry. When a date
is set, please contact Ruth Walters.
Keep Us Informed
Please keep the priests and other church
members informed of the hospitialized,
sick or shut-ins or a recent family death.
Contact Zelda Cartier or Deb Heineman for
a visit from a Eucharistic Minister or a card.
If your name appears next to Gifts, your
family is scheduled to bring up the offering
gifts. If you are scheduled for Mass and
unavailable, please find a substitute to take
your place and let Marge Luadtke know.
Mark Your Calendar
November 1, 2014
Craft Sale
9:00 am - 3:00 pm - Social Hall
November 2, 2014
Food Shelf Sunday
Please bring an item for the Food Shelf
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Prior to Mass
Second Collection
Capital Improvements
Following Mass
November Serving Crew
Karen Shafer, Millie Lundberg,
Polly Scotland, Trammell family
November 7, 2014
Middle School-High School Youth Group
6:00 - 8:00 pm - Social Hall
November 8, 2014
Hunters Mass
5:00 pm
November 23, 2014
Second Collection
Catholic Campaign for
Human Development
Serving Crews
If it is your month to serve on the cleaning
crew, and you are unable to help, please
find a substitue to take over for you.
Bible Study
A Bible Study group meets every Thursday
at 7:00 pm at 714 Cloud St NW in Bemidji.
Everyone is welcome to come and study
and learn about the readings that are
proclaimed during Mass on the Sunday
following Bible Study.
Victim Assistance
Diocese of Crookston
Louann McGlynn
PO Box 117
Mentor, MN 56736
[email protected]
Please pray for those who have been
called to leave their families in service to
our country.
Mass Intentions
For the repose of the soul of
Evelyn Birchem
by Lucille Hendricks
the Food Shelf
Hot & Cold Cereal
Chicken Noodle Soup
Pancake Mix
Peanut Butter
Remember in prayer
We pray for the repose of the soul of
Evelyn Birchem, sister of Lucille Hendricks, who passed away recently. May
she be at peace in the arms of Jesus and
for her family during this difficult time.
October 26
Ken Weeks
Lee Skunes
Happy Birthday!
Ken Weeks
• October 26 •
Jerry Cartier
Ben Rucinski
• October 29 •
Lois Rucinski
Keith Larson
Anderson L
• November 1 •
Altar Servers
Nathan Vleck
Ellen Walters
Eucharistic Ministers
Kirsten Trammell
Madonna Cook
Millie Lundberg
November 2
Happy Anniversary!
• October 26 •
Keith & Rosie Larson
Lee & Polly Scotland
Ben Rucinski
John Carrlson
Adventures in LifeAnnouncer
long Learning
Deb Heineman
October 28: “BombLector Vange Anderson
ing the Big Bog and Bemidji
Naval Base WWII”. Doug
Altar Servers
Logan Klisch
Learn about the history of the
Big Bog as a target range in
Eucharistic Ministers
the 40’s & 50’s, including the
Richard Anderson
use of the naval air base in
Lee Skunes
Bemidji, We will discuss some
Margie Luadtke
of the military events that have
November 9
occurred on Upper Red Lake
and the Red Lake Peatlands.
Mr. Easthouse researched
Bruce & Lorraine Galland
primary sources in the Waskish
Jerry Cartier
area for this interesting record
Keith Larson
ing of history during and after
World II. All are Welcome.
Doris Vleck
30th Sunday in
Rosemary Amundson
Ordinary Time
Anderson R&V
“…the Church is called upon
Altar Servers
to offer support and guid
Ethan Klisch
ance, wherever she be, in
Eucharistic Ministers
faithfulness to the Lord’s
mandate to proclaim the
Ken Weeks
beauty of family love. The
Mary Sorensen
Holy Father encouraged
Tina Klisch
everyone to look with hope to
November 16
the future and recommended
a manner of acting which
Robert & Alys Ann Edwards
preserves and fosters love
Ken Weeks
within the family, namely,
Roger Reese
by saying “Can I? May I?”,
Announcer Lois Jenkins
“Thank you” and “I’m sorry”
and never allowing the sun to
Jim Brewer
set on a quarrel or misunderGifts
standing, without having the
Altar Servers
humility to ask forgiveness.”
Cara Mart
Preface to the Instrumentum
Shayla Mart
laboris for: III General AsEucharistic Ministers
sembly October 2014
Lee Skunes
Ken Weeks
Lorraine Galland
November 1st is the
Annual Crafter/
Vendor Event
24 crafters and vendors will
scheduled to be part of this
event (no duplicate crafters or
vendors). Lunch will be available. All proceeds from will go
the the Youth Account. The
monies in the account is used
for scholarships to youth retreats, various Youth Diocese
events, Catholic youth camps
and mission trips. If you would
like to help with the event,
donate for the Sacred Heart
Church craft table, be a crafter
or vendor please speak to
Tina Klisch, 218-760-9660.
Help Needed
Zelda and Millie wish to be
relieved of their Funeral
Ministry. We are grateful for
their many years of service!
They certainly put the “heart”
into Sacred Heart’s ministry
of hospitality at critical times
when families experience grief
at the loss of a loved one.
They will help to train whoever
comes forward to continue this
ministry. Following their example, it would be nice to have a
couple people to co-chair this
ministry. If you are interested,
or if you can think of someone
good for this ministry, please
contact Zelda and/or Millie or
let Father Jerry know.
Kitchen Signup
It’s time to sign up for Kitchen
duties (cleaning up after just
one potluck and 3-4 Sundays
after coffee and donuts) in
2015. Please sign-up for the
ONE month next year that
you wish to serve. We need
from 3-5 family units for each
month. Even if you have an
established month to serve,
please re-sign up. NEW members are encouraged to help.
Thanks so much!
Polly Scotland
The Office of the New Evangelization will lead the recitation of the Holy Rosary at
12:00 p.m. on Saturday,
November 1st, outside of
Planned Parenthood located
at 2504 Hannah Ave NW,
Bemidji. Questions? Please
call the Office of the New
Evangelization at (218) 2814533, ext. 425.
Remember in Prayer
Reminder: please notify Ruth when loved
ones no longer need to be on our prayer list.
James Amundson
Gloria Baker
Agnes Carrier
Judy Christianson
Regina Cook
Nancy Brewer Dodge
Agnes Grenier
Cecelia Gross
Michael Hartman
Bob Hendricks
Lucille Hendricks
Mary Hoodie
Clara Hoyum
Donald Illies
Kati Jansen
David Jones
Darlene Kloeppner
Leon Kramer
Marilyn Kramer
Fran Larson
Philip Larson
Brandon Lindell
Fran Loeffler
Msgr. William Mehrkens
Ethan Miller
Troy Morris
Jessie Pederson
Evelyn Rafferty
Janice Rafferty
Bill Raiter
Frankie Renner
Janice Renner
Marcia Rolfson
Mary Roysland
Lois Rucinski
Doris Selzler
Richard Selzler
Prudence Shereck
Pat Siddens
Esti Sieber
Julian Smischney
Kyle Strand
George Vossen
Carl Wettschreck
Feast of All Souls
This year the Feast of All
Souls, November 2nd, falls
on a Sunday. Because of
the unpredictability of the
weather, Mass will be held
in the church, not in the
busy bags
Thanks to some sewing
Angels, there are some Busy
Bags available for little ones
to help them stay busy during
Mass. They are available on
the bottom shelf of the bulletin rack. Please return them
to the shelf after Mass. There
is more material available if
someone would like to sew
more bags. See Lois Jenkins.
Be a Hero. Fight Hunger.
The weekend of Oct. 24-26
Pa c k
Minnesota FoodShare works with 300 food shelves around the state to make sure
their shelves are stocked year-round.This October, help support Minnesotan
families-in-need by packing the pews with food shelf donations.
• Join forces with congregations across the state.
• Pack your pews with bags of food.
• Keep your local food shelf stocked through the fall months.
• Consider a special collection to benefit Minnesota FoodShare.
a program of the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches
For more information, contact Courtney Zaato
at [email protected], or visit