Central Florida St ained Glass Guild Volume 3, Issue 10 Dates to Remember! CFSGG General Meeting October 27, 7:30pm CFSGG Board Meeting November 8, 7:00 pm CFSGG General Meeting TBA!! NOVEMBER MEETING PLANS Because our regular scheduled meeting for November falls on Thanksgiving, we will make a decision for the date at our October meeting. And you will NOT want to miss the November meeting! It’s our annual Holiday Party and Second Chance Drawing event. It’s also the time to turn in all those Christmas ornaments you have been working on for our annual Christmas tree. It doesn’t matter what art form you use; we just like to see all hand -made ornaments from our Guild members. October , 2011 OCTOBER PROGRAM DETAILS! As some wise man once said, “The best laid plans of mice and men are usually screwed up by the weather.” (I’m sure it was something like that.) The Board had a challenge with our October program, due to some technical difficulties. Although we still have high hopes for our original plan, we were forced to make a quick adjustment. So, one of our members suggested that we as Guild members share some secrets, so to speak. We all get various magazines, catalogs, and the like. Where are your favorite places to order from online? Do you have a favorite place here in the tri-county area? (Hint—We have some GREAT business members!) Is there a book that has really helped you with a problem? Or a site online that has a blog or a forum you like? (For instance, I like to visit http://www.mosaicglasssource.com for fusing information, hints and photos.) Or do you have some money-saving ideas that you have found? In other words, we’re having a great oldfashioned Swap Meet of the Minds! So bring one, bring all and share your secrets with the Guild! We won’t tell a soul, honest! Refreshments by Millie Barnes and Lisa Costa...YUM! RUSSELL HOME IS A WINNER! One of the four panels created by Guild members was presented to the Russell Home for Atypical Children earlier this week. Shown here in the photo is President Mike Barnes, his wife Millie, Janet Nixon from the Russell Home, and Guild member Sue Neumeyer. Janet has long wanted a stained glass panel for the home, so the Guild decided to grant her wish by presenting her with Give yours to any this panel. Mike, Millie, and Sue also got Board member and you to see the plans for the new home they will be an angel!!! hope to build on the property. www.centralfloridastainedglassguild.com V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e 10 G L A S S TA L K Page 2 LOOK AT OUR WINNERS! Our drawing at the September meeting had two great prizes. The proud winner of the $75.00 gift certificate from Unique Glass Colors was new member Sandy Patton. (Our new members have a habit of winning great prizes!) And hats off to Achille Antonelli for donating the prize he had won but could not use. Chris Carey is a very happy owner of a Mud Kit from Unique Glass Colors. Congratulations to you both! And remember, you, too, can be a winner in our Second Chance Drawing, held at the November meeting. Just keep buying those tickets. Every time you lose, you get a chance to win! Tickets are just $1.00 each or be a big spender and get six tickets for only $5.00. Good luck! COME VISIT! Some of the Guild members will be selling their art at two nice upcoming events. The Lake Eola Fall Arts & Crafts festival is the weekend of November 5th & 6th. And Great Day in the Country, sponsored by the Oviedo Women’s Club, is Saturday, November 12th. Visit a show and support your fellow Guild members! SHOW & TELL! Once again our members shared some terrific things they had been working on. Guild members were asked to create a 6x6 panel we could sell (to raise money for the Russell Home). Here is Cissy Heaton’s creation, a beautiful red flower. Jimmy Woolf brought several of the bottles he decorated in such unusual ways. This green bottle had a wonderful seascape on it. And here’s a beautiful candle panel made by recent member Achille Antonelli. (More photos on page 3.) OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Mike Barnes 407-388-1429 [email protected] Vice President Mo Rigante 407-855-1282 [email protected] Secretary vacant [email protected] Treasurer Millie Barnes 407-388-1429 Public Relations Sue Neumeyer 407-841-6791 [email protected] Social Director, Librarian Pat Tarry 407-296-5384 [email protected] 386-473-7420 [email protected] Ambassador Warren Schiebold Historian vacant Webmaster/Purchasing Agent Rick Miller 407-323-3640 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Sara Chisari 407-695-5505 [email protected] www.centralfloridastainedglassguild.com V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e 10 G L A S S TA L K Page 3 More Show & Tell…. Friends Cindy Spelcher and Treena Litka must have had a grand time at the recent Las Vegas Glass and Bead Show. They brought back some gorgeous pieces they made in classes there. Each was unique in its own right. Many used recycled materials, showing how forward thinking the glass arts have become. And though they must have had a good time, it is now even more special by the pieces they got to make that will last a lifetime. Great job, girls! And not be be forgotten was the beautiful Morning Glory and Cross panel Achille created. His style of simple yet breath-taking work is just wonderful. It just shows that while we are all a part of a stained glass guild, we each have our own style and though different, we are all glass crafters. Keep up the terrific work, members and please, continue to bring your pieces to the meetings. While it’s great to see finished pieces, we also like to see problems, solutions, and tragic endings. Come on...admit it...we’ve all had them. Why not make the rest of us feel good by sharing yours?!! MEETING PROGRAM IDEAS...PLEASE! At each Board meeting, the Board members rattle their heads to come up with ideas for interesting, entertaining, and informational ideas for programs. Now this is not to say that the heads are empty...far from it. They are just running out of ideas and need your help. If you have something you would like to see at a future meeting, just let any Board member know. And we are always interested in guest speakers who would be willing to share their talents and art with us. New products, or even old reliable products for any of the glass arts are always interesting as well. In other words...we need your help and ideas. Let us know what sounds good to you! www.centralfloridastainedglassguild.com V o l u m e 3 , I s s u e 10 G L A S S TA L K SECOND ANNUAL GARAGE SALE & SWAP MEET HUGE SUCCESS! Our September meeting was our Second Annual Garage Sale and Swap Meet. We had the biggest turnout of members in quite some time. And to say it was a success would be an understatement! Glenda Long brought some of her wonderful jewelry creations, that she is sharing with member Rick Miller. Patti Conn also brought goodies to sell to members wanting to branch out in different directions. (Some really neat stuff, too!) And Jimmy Woolf had some extra items in his collection that he needed to get rid of before the wife would let him buy more! Margot Clark and Dr. SJ brought some of their ‘mistakes,’ which are always a big hit for our recycling artists. Nothing lasted long on this table! And Sara Chisari, (along with partners Chris Carey and Kim Boulnois), shared their SunSpots and Christmass ornaments with Glenda Long and Sandy Patton (left) as well as Margot Clark (right). Think it’s safe to say a great and successful time was had by all!! Please try to come next year to our Third Annual Garage Sale and Swap Meet! You won’t want to miss it! www.centralfloridastainedglassguild.com Page 4
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