OVIE-AKSENT NR. 31 VAN 2014 23 Oktober 2014 Beste Ouers 1. 1.1 LEERDER/AKADEMIESE AANGELEENTHEDE OKTOBER/NOVEMBER-EKSAMEN Gr.12 : 20 Oktober tot 27 November Gr. 10 en 11 : 3 November tot 25 November Gr. 8 en 9 : 3 November tot 20 November Alle leerders het reeds hulle eksamenroosters ontvang. Dit is elke leerder se eie verantwoordelikheid om die eksamenrooster deeglik te raadpleeg rakende die dae en sessie wanneer hulle die eksamen aflê. GEEN TOEGEWINGS OM OP ҆N ANDER DAG OF ҆N ANDER TYD ҆N BETROKKE VRAESTEL TE SKRYF, SAL TOEGELAAT WORD NIE. Ons skryf saam met talle ander skole departementele vraestelle wat deur die distrik versprei word en ons kan GEEN toegewings maak nie. Die skool word daagliks deur departementele amptenare gemoniteer om te verseker dat daar by alle eksamenreëls en -regulasies gehou word. Waar ʼn leerder sy rooster verkeerdelik interpreteer, meer as ʼn uur laat is of glad nie vir ʼn betrokke vraestel opdaag nie, sal hy/sy vir dié betrokke vraestel nul kry. Leerders moet stiptelik by die aantreetye hou. Departementele beleid bepaal dat leerders gr. 8-11 glad nie van die skool toestemming mag ontvang om tuis te studeer nie. Leerders moet dus elke dag by die skool wees. In geval van baie ernstige siekte word slegs doktersertifikate om vir ʼn siekte-eksamen te kwalifiseer, aanvaar. Siektetoestande moet duidelik deur die geneesheer omskryf word. ʼn Doktersertifikaat moet binne 3 dae by die akademiese adjunkhoof, mev. W, Swanepoel, ingehandig word. Alle siekte-eksamens moet voor 26 November afgehandel wees. Departementele beleid bepaal dat ʼn leerder glad nie ʼn selfoon of ʼn tas (skoolsak) in ʼn eksamenlokaal mag hê nie. Leerders is dus verantwoordelik vir die veilige bewaring van hulle selfone en tasse/sakke en die skool kan nie verantwoordelik gehou word vir enige verliese nie. Ons beveel sterk aan dat selfone tuis gelaat moet word. As ʼn leerder se selfoon lui of as hy/sy in besit van ʼn selfoon betrap word, sal hy/sy voor ʼn interne eksamentugkomitee verskyn. Hy/sy sal van eksamenongerymdheid aangekla word. Sodanige leerders gaan nul vir die betrokke vraestel kry. Departementele beleid bepaal dat ʼn leerder niks mag eet/drink/kou tydens ʼn eksamensessie nie. TYE: GR. 10-11 Aantree, opening, inhandiging van handboeke 07:20 Sessie 1 08:00 – 11:15 Pouse 11:15 – 11:45 1.2 Sessie 2 (Aantree) 11:45 Sessie 2 12:00 – 15:00 TYE: GR. 8-9 Aantree en opening 07:20 Studie 08:00 – 09:00 Pouse 09:00 – 09:45 Aantree by studielokaal 09:45 Eksamensessie 09:45 – 12:00 Gr. 8 en 9 Sorg asseblief dat leerders elke dag by die skool is. Indien ʼn leerder nie 08:00 in die eksamenlokaal teenwoordig is nie, sal hy/sy nie toegelaat word om die vraestel om 09:45 af te lê nie. Leerders moet dus vanaf 07:20 tot 12:00 by die skool wees. Handboeke Leerders moet hul handboeke inhandig op die dag wat die betrokke vraestel geskryf word. TOP 10 AKADEMIE Baie geluk aan die onderstaande akademiese presteerders: GRAAD 8 GRAAD 9 GRAAD 10 NAAM Stefani Odendaal Monique Pretorius Karien Nel Annay Du Plessis Stelmarié le Roux Imke Smith Laura de Wet Dian Crous Dané Niemann Anést Kruger Carmen Steyn Angelique van Rooyen Gerda Pienaar Zinzan Volkwyn Danelle Mouton Mieke Swart Annika Strydom Bianca Gothe Alexander Carstens Johan Degenaar Estee Croukamp Nedine Nortjé Vincent Wilson Bianca Kinnear Luzanne Kurtz Lisa-Kate Heslop Charlene Engelbrecht Henriko Collins KLAS 8D 8D 8B 8C 8C 8D 8A 8E 8D 8B 9F 9F 9D 9F 9C 9D 9D 9C 9A 9B 10A 10E 10G 10E 10D 10C 10B 10B % 94.3 91.8 91.8 91.5 90.1 89.2 89.1 88.6 88.2 88.1 95.3 93.9 93.9 93 91.8 90.3 89.5 89.4 89.1 89 86.5 86 83.2 82.1 81.7 81.6 81.2 81.2 GRAAD 11 GRAAD 12 1.3 Danelle van Heerden William Munnik Charin Kruger Luke Invernizzi Nichola Müller Aldridt Kölzow Ilandré Visser Gemma Gatticchi Chantell Rademeyer Wikus Steyn Angelique Mulder Jennifer Barrett Teneal Harding Liza Roos Anri Odendaal Clarise Viljoen Renate Schoeman Michelle Fuhri Quan Coetzee Monique Duvenage Danelle Hanekom J.J Jacobs 10G 10E 11E 11B 11D 11C 11G 11D 11E 11F 11D 11A 12A 12E 12C 12G 12F 12B 12A 12B 12D 12C 80.3 80.3 89.8 89.3 89.3 85.7 85.6 85 84.9 84.6 83.9 81.9 92.4 92.3 90.3 87.1 86.2 85.5 84.7 84.5 83.8 83.1 SPORTPRYSUITDELING: 28 OKTOBER 2014 Die naamlys van leerders wat provinsiale kleure vir sportsoorte buite skoolverband verwerf het, verskyn op die Ovie-ogie. Leerders moet hulle name kontroleer en enige probleem onder mev. Spreeth se aandag bring. ʼn Volledige naamlys van AL die leerders wat dié aand moet bywoon, is reeds op die Ovie-ogie. Leerders sal op 28 Oktober om 13:00 saal toe geroep word om die sitplekplasings te doen. Alle leerders wat dus by die sportprysuitdeling betrokke is, moet op 28 Oktober by die skool wees. 1.4 GALA-PRYSUITDELING: 29 OKTOBER ʼn Vollige naamlys sal teen Maandag 27 Oktober op die Ovie-Ogie ter insae wees. Leerders word deur die loop van die dag op 29 Oktober geplaas en moet die aand reeds om 18:45 hul plekke inneem. Ouers van pryswenners is welkom om die funksie by te woon. 2. KULTUUR 2.1 KOOR Die koor oefen Donderdag 23 Oktober vanaf 18:30 tot 21:00 in die skoolsaal. Die koor se Gewyde Somerkersfeeskonsert vind op Saterdag 25 Oktober om 19:00 by die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerk op die hoek van Louis Trichardtstraat en 28ste Laan in Rietfontein plaas. Kaartjies sal teen R50 by die deure te koop wees. 3. SPORT 3.1 SAGTEBAL Uitslag van die plaatfinaal teen Hoërskool Zwartkop op 16 Oktober: Span o.16 Uitslag Verloor Telling 11 – 15 Speler van die wedstryd Lizaan Engelbrecht. Nathasia Oeschger en Toni Shongwe dring deur na finale rondte o.17sagtebal proewe wat op 23 Oktober te Crafford College plaasvind. 4. ALGEMEEN 4.1 ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING 2014 Die Algemene Jaarvergadering vind op 4 Novemer 2014 om 18:30 in die skoolsaal plaas. Tydens die vergadering sal die nuwe begroting aan die ouers vir die goedkeuring van skoolgeld wat vir 2015 gehef gaan word, voorgelê word. Ouers word vriendelik uitgenooi om hierdie belangrike vergadering in belang van hul kinders en hulle opvoeding by te woon. 4.2 JAARBLAD Plaas bestellings vir die Jaarblad (2014) by die voogpersoneel. Kostes verbonde aan die verjaardaguitgawe beloop R250. 4.3 GEDENKARTIKELS Die volgende gedenkartikels ter viering van die 40-jarige bestaan van die skool is beskikbaar: Sleutelhouer – R35 Pennestel – R70 Vlekvrye staal waterbottel – R75 Vriendelike groete MNR. P.J.NEL HOOF OVIE ACCENT NO. 32 OF 2014 23 October 2014 Dear Parents 1. LEARNER/ACADEMIC MATTERS 1.1 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER EXAMINATION Gr.12 : 20 October to 27 November Gr. 10 and 11 : 3 November to 25 November Gr. 8 and 9 : 3 November to 20 November All learners have already received their exam time tables. It is each learner’s own responsibility to thoroughly consult the exam time table regarding the days and sessions on which they are writing the exam. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED IN ORDER TO WRITE A PARTICULAR PAPER ON ANOTHER DAY OR AT ANOTHER TIME. We are writing departmental papers that are circulated by the district with many other schools and we CANNOT make any accommodations. The school is monitored daily by departmental officials in order to insure that all examination rules and regulations are abided by. Where a learner interprets his/her time table incorrectly or is not present for a particular paper, he/she will receive a zero for that particular paper. Learners have to be punctual regarding assembly times. Only doctor’s certificates will be accepted in case of serious illness in order to qualify for a sick examination. Illnesses should be clearly described by the physician. A doctor’s certificate should be handed in at the Academic Deputy Principal, Mrs W. Swanepoel, within 3 days. All sick examinations should be written before 26 November. Departmental policy states that a learner may not have a cellphone or a suitcase/bag in the examination venue. Learners themselves are therefore responsible for the safekeeping of their cellphones and suitcases/bags. The school cannot be held responsible for any losses. We strongly recommend that cellphones be left at home. If a learner’s cellphone rings or he/she is in possession of a cellphone during an examination session, he/she will appear in front of an internal disciplinary committee. He/she will be guilty of an examination irregularity. These learners will receive zero for those exam papers. Departmental policy determines that a leaner may not eat/drink/chew during an examination session. TIMES: GR. 10-11: Assembly, opening, submission of textbooks 07:20 Session 1 08:00 – 11:15 Break 11:15 – 11:45 Session 2 (Assemble) 11:45 Session 2 12:00 – 15:00 TIMES: GR. 8-9 Assembly and opening 07:20 Study 08:00 – 09:00 Break 09:00 – 09:45 Assemble at study room 09:45 Examination session 09:45 – 12:00 Gr. 8 and 9 Please make sure that learners are at school every day. If a learner is not present in the examination room by 08:00, he/she will not be allowed to write the paper at 09:45. Learners should thus be at school from 07:20 to 12:00. Textbooks Learners should submit their textbooks on the day that the concerned paper is written. 1.2 TOP 10 ACADEMICS Congratulations to the following academic achievers: NAME GRADE 8 Stefani Odendaal Monique Pretorius Karien Nel Annay Du Plessis Stelmarié le Roux Imke Smith Laura de Wet Dian Crous Dané Niemann Anést Kruger GRADE 9 Carmen Steyn Angelique van Rooyen Gerda Pienaar Zinzan Volkwyn Danelle Mouton Mieke Swart Annika Strydom Bianca Gothe Alexander Carstens Johan Degenaar GRADE 10 Estee Croukamp Nedine Nortjé Vincent Wilson Bianca Kinnear Luzanne Kurtz CLASS 8D 8D 8B 8C 8C 8D 8A 8E 8D 8B 9F 9F 9D 9F 9C 9D 9D 9C 9A 9B 10A 10E 10G 10E 10D % 94.3 91.8 91.8 91.5 90.1 89.2 89.1 88.6 88.2 88.1 95.3 93.9 93.9 93 91.8 90.3 89.5 89.4 89.1 89 86.5 86 83.2 82.1 81.7 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 1.3 Lisa-Kate Heslop Charlene Engelbrecht Henriko Collins Danelle van Heerden William Munnik Charin Kruger Luke Invernizzi Nichola Müller Aldridt Kölzow Ilandré Visser Gemma Gatticchi Chantell Rademeyer Wikus Steyn Angelique Mulder Jennifer Barrett Teneal Harding Liza Roos Anri Odendaal Clarise Viljoen Renate Schoeman Michelle Fuhri Quan Coetzee Monique Duvenage Danelle Hanekom J.J Jacobs 10C 10B 10B 10G 10E 11E 11B 11D 11C 11G 11D 11E 11F 11D 11A 12A 12E 12C 12G 12F 12B 12A 12B 12D 12C 81.6 81.2 81.2 80.3 80.3 89.8 89.3 89.3 85.7 85.6 85 84.9 84.6 83.9 81.9 92.4 92.3 90.3 87.1 86.2 85.5 84.7 84.5 83.8 83.1 SPORT ACCOLADE: 28 OCTOBER The list of names of learners who obtained colours for sports outside of school, is on the Ovie-ogie. Learners should check their names and bring any problems under the attention of Mrs Spreeth. A complete list of names for ALL the learners who have to attend the evening, is already on the Ovie-ogie. Leaners will be called on 28 October at 13:00 in order to do the seating. Therefore, all learners who are involved at the sport accolade must be at school on 28 October. 1.4 GALA ACCOLADE: 29 OCTOBER A complete list of names will be on the Ovie-ogie by Monday 27 October. Learners will be placed during the duration of the day of 29 October and should already take their places by 18:45. Parents of prize winners are welcome to attend the function. 2. CULTURE 2.1 CHOIR The choir will practice on Thursday 23 October from 18:30 to 21:00 in the reception hall. The choir’s Devotional Summer Christmas Concert will take place on Saturday 25 October at 19:00 at the Vrye Gereformeerde Kerk on the corner of Louis Trichardt Street and 28th Avenue in Rietfontein. Tickets are available at the doors or beforehand at the general office at a cost of R50. 3. SPORT 3.1 SOFTBALL Results of plate final against Hoerskool Zwartkop on 16 October: Team u.16 Result lose Score 11-15 Player of the match Lizaan Engelbrecht Nathasia Oeschger and Toni Shongwe will go through to the final round of the u.17 softball try-outs which will occur on 23 October at Crafford College. 4. GENERAL 4.1 GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING The General Annual Meeting will take place on 4 November at 18:30 in the assembly hall. During this meeting, the new budget for the approval of school fees for 2015 will be submitted. Parents are cordially invited to attend this important meeting in the interest of their children and their futures. 4.2 YEARBOOK Place orders for the Yearbook (2014) at register teachers. Cost of this birthday addition amount to R250. 4.3 MEMORIAL ITEMS The following memorial items in celebration of the 40 year existence of the school are now available: Key ring – R35 Pen set – R70 Stainless steel water bottle – R75 Kind regards MR P.J. NEL PRINCIPAL
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