1 Your national security history magazine without malice. U nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenistydskrif sonder kwaadwilligheid. Om die verlede te bewaar sonder om in die verlede te leef. To preserve the past without living the past. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS WIE IS ONS? / WHO ARE WE? ..................................................................................................................3 WELCOME...................................................................................................................................................4 FRONTPAGE ...............................................................................................................................................5 EDITORIAL ..................................................................................................................................................5 DEVOTION...................................................................................................................................................9 PERSONALIA ............................................................................................................................................10 COL EUGENE DE KOCK: DR PIET CROUKAMP .....................................................................................13 EUGENE DE KOCK: BAREND JACOBUS KRUGER ...............................................................................14 EUGENE DE KOCK: DIANNE LANG ........................................................................................................15 EUGENE DE KOCK: ANEMARIE JANSEN...............................................................................................18 NONGQAI WEBSITE .................................................................................................................................19 PROJECT: ROLL OF HONOUR ................................................................................................................21 PROJECT: NOMINAL ROLL .....................................................................................................................22 POLICE /POLISIE ......................................................................................................................................22 SECURITY BRANCH / VEILIGHEIDSTAK ................................................................................................25 MURDER ON THE HIGHVELD: JIM HOOPER ..........................................................................................35 LAW ENFORCEMENT & HUMAN RIGHTS ...............................................................................................44 DEFENCE ..................................................................................................................................................46 NATIONAL SECURITY ..............................................................................................................................52 FOOD SECURITY ......................................................................................................................................52 TAU SA MEDIA RELEASE / TLU SA MEDIAVERKLARING..................................................................... 53 2 WATER SECURITY ...................................................................................................................................55 ENERGY ....................................................................................................................................................57 HUMOUR ...................................................................................................................................................57 SPORT .......................................................................................................................................................63 NEW BOOKS / NUUT OP DIE RAK...........................................................................................................66 POLICEMENS HOBBIES...........................................................................................................................69 ONTSPANNING .........................................................................................................................................77 LATE NEWS & REPORTS .........................................................................................................................81 WELFARE / WELSYN................................................................................................................................89 INDEMNITY CLAUSE: VRYWARINGSKLOUSULE ..................................................................................89 CONTACT DETAILS / KONTAKBESONDERHEDE ..................................................................................89 WIE IS ONS? / WHO ARE WE? We are an informal group of police and defence veterans who would like to foster an interest in South Africa’s police, defence and national security history from 1652 with cut-off-date 1994; when the new South Africa came into being. We only tell and explain what we did; for we were the “on the spot” eyewitnesses! In fact we are the ones you saw in the news reels of the time following orders from parliament. However we have to debate the incidents because our memory is fallible as we grow older. In the terms of the day "we earned the T-shirt and right to tell our stories for you to enjoy with malice towards none." In the suburbs we see so many gardeners wearing those T-shirts! We all can learn from the past. The Editorial Team Editor: Hennie Heymans, MA (National Strategic Studies) Special Correspondent: Anemarie Jansen (MA) Legal Advisor: Len Els, MMM, LLD, SC Defence: William Marshall (SANDF) Technical Advisor: Glenn Elsden Some Regular Contributors: Anemari Jansen Bob Smith Derek de Beer (voorbladfoto) Fanie Bouwer Glenn Elsden Jim Hooper Len Els Lt-kol AC Pretorius Morne van Zyl Patrick Coetzee Phil & Pam Beck Sarie van Niekerk Terry Schwartz TLU-SA: Persvrystelling Vryheidsfront Plus: Persvrystelling Wel en Wee van die Militêre Veterane 3 Some Other Contributors: Dalene Steenkamp Nico Visser Derek de Beer Judy van der Westhuizen LEGALITIES This publication is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in policing/ national security or to cover all aspects of those referred to. Readers should take legal and other advice before applying the information contained in this publication to specific issues or transactions. The eNongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents and neither the compiler of eNongqai nor eNongqai will be held responsible for any of their comments which is entirely their own and not necessarily that of eNongqai or its publishers. To all future correspondents This condition must be placed at the end of your article: "The author of this article shall indemnify and hold harmless eNongqai and its publishers from any and all third-party claims, proceedings, actions, expenses, and damages (including attorney fees) in connection with a breach or alleged breach of the representations and warranties made in this article." This is not a literary magazine, but a magazine by and for veterans of the SA Security Forces; we want to capture the words and moods as written by our former veterans. Our languages are Afrikaans and English CORRESPONDENTS Anemari Jansen Bob Smith Derek de Beer (foto) Fanie Glenn Elsden Judy van der Westhuizen Len Els Lt-kol AC Pretorius Morne van Zyl Patrick Coetzee Paul Els Phil Beck Sarie van Niekerk Terry Schwartz TLU-SA: Persvrystelling Vryheidsfront Plus: Persvrystelling Wel en Wee van die Militêre Veterane WELCOME 4 FRONTPAGE Derek de Beer skryf: "Kan nie onthou wie die foto geneem het nie, dit was met my kamera. Ek, Derek de Beer is op regterkant met die swaarloop-FN en Karl (Mossie) Mostert links. Dit was gedurende Desember 1968 toe ons op grensdiens in Rhodesië gedoen het. Ons was op Kazungula basis geplaas. Ons het die Botswana / Rhodesiesegrens daagliks met die Landy gepatrolleer op soek na spore!!! Gelukkig nooit ʼn landmyn getref nie!!!" Landrover SAP 82042 EDITORIAL Verslag aan oud-kollegas U word verseker dat NIEMAND in ons voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag se geskiedenis belangstel nie. Ons word gebrandmerk as die “apartheidspolisie” van die verlede. U glo seker in die audi partem-reël? Dit beteken “hoor die ander kant!” U kan gerus die huidige polisiemuseum besoek: Daar is feitlik niks van ons geskiedenis nie. Kom ons doen iets! Kom ons stel ons kant vir die wêreld om te sien! Indien u ons roemryke en trotse verlede vir die nageslag wil bewaar moet u nou bereid wees om iets te doen! As u voel u is ʼn leier tree na vore! Ons “ou” manne het nog net 10 jaar oor om ʼn museum in die kuberruimte vir ons nageslagte daar te stel! Dan is ons nie meer daar nie. Wanneer ʼn ervare, wyse en deurwinterde polisieman sterf dan word ʼn biblioteek van kennis vernietig. Doel Dit is ons doel om ʼn leierskorps, of te wel ʼn direksie, daar te stel wat rigtinggewend kan dien sodat ons, ons doel en doelstellings kan bereik. (Iemand aan wie ons verslag kan lewer.) Ons hoofdoel is om • ʼn volwaardige nasionale kultuurhistoriese polisiemuseum met al sy verskillende fasette in die kuberruimte daar te stel en in stand te hou vir die nageslag. (Dit gaan geld kos; MAAR dit is die mees koste effektief.) Ons ander doelstellings is, om: Polisieargief • • ʼn nasionale geskiedkundige polisieargief daar te stel in digitale formaat ten einde belangrike SAP- en historiese dokumente te digitaliseer en vir die nageslag te bewaar; Digitale fotoargief, film-argief en video-teek daar te stel. Dink aan al ons sportprestasies. Dink maar aan al die opspraakwekkende misdade opgelos! Moet al hierdie goed verlore gaan soos die beeldegroep wat by Maleoskop was? Soos genl Sterkhans Dreyer se borsbeeld? 5 SAP-ererol • ʼn databasis te skep van ons lede wat gesterf het in die uitvoering van hul pligte; maw ‘n ererol. Ons moet aan lede en hul families toon dat niemand verniet gesterf het in die uitvoering van hul pligte nie. SAP-ledelys • Om ʼn ledelys van SAP-lede daar te stel maw ʼn nasionale SAP 15. Spoorwegpolisie • Regtens is die SA Polisie die opvolger in titel van die ou Spoorwegpolisie. Een doelstelling is om die SAS & H Polisie wat met die SAP geamalgameer het, se voorgeskiedenis te bewaar. (Die ou spoorwegmuseum bestaan nie.) Vinnige kommunikasie • kosteloos met ons oud-SAP-lede spoedig/vinnig te kommunikeer bv in die geval van waar ‘n lid oorlede is. Kameraderie • ons kameraderie van ouds te herleef Die Nongqai Ons trek nou met die maandelikse Nongqai by Vol 6 No 3. Oor die jare het die elektroniese Nongqai gegroei; eers het ons “te min” inligting gehad, nou het ons “te veel” inligting. Die tydskrif word vir ewig gebêre op die platform ISSUU. Lede het aangedring op die naam “Nongqai” soos in die “ou” dae. Dan het ons ‘n webtuiste en die tydskrif word ook bewaar solank ons natuurlik die webtuiste se jaarkostes betaal en in standhou. Ons Webwerf Dit is ons tweede webtuiste. Die afgelope bykans twee jaar het die webtuiste vreeslik gegroei. Ons het deur ‘n leerkurwe gegaan en noem bloot die webtuiste “NONGQAI” maar dis geregistreer as “enongqai publications”. Ons het die naam “Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie” gebruik maar is oorval deur amptelike versoeke en inligting mbt vuurwapenlisensies en allerhande navrae van die publiek wat daarop dui dat kommunikasie met SAPS nie na wense is nie. Webmeester Ons webmeester van ons tweede poging is luit-kol Glenn Elsden ‘n funksionele polisieman wat later oor is na Forensies waar hy as ‘n ballistiese kenner wetenskaplike en hofwerk verrig het. Wenslys • om ʼn “direksie” tot stand te bring wat kan toesien dat die webblad voortleef. Tans is die Nongqai en webblad rondom twee mense gebou. Dis verkeerd. 6 • Verskillende gedenkdae te reklameer bv op Vrouedag kan ons as oud-SAP-lede ons gades op ‘n geskikte plek vereer vir hul bydrae in die verlede, ook op 16 Des kan ons as oud-lede byeenkom en hulde aan ons voorgangers bring. Wat doen ons op die webwerf? • • • Eerstens het ons ʼn blog (werfjoernaal) – hier kan veterane en lede opinies lug. Dan het ons verskeie kategorieë van polisiegeskiedenis bv foto’s en artikels van perde, vervoer, oproep, TIN, mynbestande voertuie, uniforms, medaljes, persoonlikhede en dies meer. Ons sal graag elke onderwerp aan ‘n bepaalde persoon wil vasmaak, bv Vervoer in die SAP, Mynwerende voertuie en hul ontwikkeling, uniforms, plofstof, honde in die SAP, perde in die SAP, medaljes, ons ou polisiestasies, kolleges en depots. Ons het ʼn teller en reeds 20,700 besoekers gehad. Wat is ons planne? Ons plan is die volgende: • • • • • • Ons wil ʼn “direksie” daarstel met ʼn voorsitter en lede. (Ons as “werkers” wil nie betrokke raak by die “bestuur” nie – ons is gefokus en het die passie vir wat ons doen.) om verantwoordelikheid aan direkteure toe te ken vir die verskillende portefeuljes op die webblad. om minimale fondse te genereer om die webtuiste se onkostes te betaal daarvoor het mens miskien ‘n borg nodig. om die webmeester/webmeesters ʼn honorarium te gee. (Nota Hennie Heymans is ‘n geskiedkundige en navorser en wil nie met geld werk nie, hy soek ook geen honorarium nie; hy wil net voortgaan met die bewaringsaksie.) Vryetydsbesteding: om voorsiening te maal vir oudlede se stokperdjies “Real time”: personalia, “lief en leed” / “siekboek” / “begrafnisbriewe” / huwelike/ geboortes te plaas sodat lede elke dag kan sien wat gebeur onderling. Taalbeleid Geskrifte kan in Afrikaans en Engels wees. Ons moet net ingedagte hou dat ons verkieslik in Engels sal moet skryf sodat ons nageslagte en akademici dit kan lees. Google speel alreeds ʼn reuse rol met hul soekenjin. Of ons sal ten minste ons opskrifte in die Nongqai tweetalig maak sodat die soek-enjin dit in sy registrasie kan opneem en sorteer. Slot Ons is ook op soek na “tikkers” en “tiksters” om inligting en foto’s op te laai en mense of foto’s af te tas en op die webwerf te laai. Ook persone om op die werfjoernaal te skryf. Tree met ons in verbinding by: [email protected] as u voel u wil u gewig by ons ingooi as sameroeper, as leidinggewer, as raadsman as kultuurman as geskiedkundige of as administrateur. Hier is u kans om tye keer dat dinge nie doodloop nie! Of as u dink ʼn sekere oudkollega mag help, gesels met hom en hoor of hy belangstel en laat ons weet. Ons het behoefte aan leiding en rigting; u het reeds ons passie en deursettingsvermoë gesien. Loer gerus na bylaag “A”. Groete Hennie Heymans 7 BYLAAG “A” deur Glenn Elsden Hoofbladskakels - Webtuiste: Neem asb kennis: Sommige blaaie op die webtuiste is nog in aanbou. Webtuiste voorblad: http://www.enongqaipublications.com Kommissarisse: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/commissioners.html SAP Tydskrifte: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/sa-police-magazines.html Sluit in: Die Nongqai, Justitia, SARP, SAP en Servamus. Boekwinkel: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/book-store.html Polisiegeskiedenis: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/south-african-police.html Polisie Dekorasies: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/police-decorations.html Fotogalery: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/picture-galleries.html Die fotogalery sluit in verskeie onderafdelings. Gasteboek: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/3/post/2014/03/guestbook.html PUBLIKASIES (eTydskrifte) NONGQAI: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/e-nongqai-magazine.html SAS-SAR: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/uloliwe-magazine.html HUDIGE PROJEKTE Nominale Rol: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/nominal-roll.html Ererol: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/roll-of-honour.html Sien ook: Koevoet Ererol: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/koevoet.html Ons webtuiste het ‘n blad waar aankondigings gemaak word sodra daar iets noemenswaardig bygevoeg of verander word: http://www.enongqaipublications.com/whatsnew.html Ons webmeester stuur ook ‘n maandelikse nuusbrief via e-pos uit om intekenaars op hoogte te hou van nuwe verwikkelinge. Klik hier om die laaste nuusbrief te besigtig. 8 DEVOTION Good Morning Hennie, I trust that you are keeping well, and that you enjoyed a great time of fellowship with your friends during their recent visit to you? Herewith is my next Devotional for the S.A. Police Journal. The article has no copyright and you may alter anything that you want to. Bob Smith. Cell: 082 858 6616. KNOCKING ON MY DOOR: LUKE 19: 1 to 7 & 9. And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. There was a man named Zacchaeus, who was the chief among the tax collecters, and he was rich. He was anxious to see Jesus, who he was; and could not for the crowd, because he was so short. So, he ran ahead of the crowd, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus passing that way. When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said to him, Zacchaeus make haste and come down: for today I must abide at your house. Zacchaeus hurriedly came down, and received Jesus joyfully. When the crowd saw it, they all murmured, saying that Jesus was gone to be a guest with a man that is a sinner! v9. And Jesus said to him, This day is salvation come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham. COMMENTS: 1) Jesus was passing by that way. We would be surprised to know that in many ways, in our lives, that He has also passed by our way, Perhaps many times? Perhaps we have heard His voice calling us, but we never responded? 2) Zacchaeus was very rich and he could buy whatever he wanted. But despite his wealth, there was still an emptiness in his soul that could never be filled, except by Jesus. 3) He wanted to see Jesus, who He was, but there were always people in his way, because he was short. So he ran ahead of the crowd. There was an eagerness to see Jesus, so he climbed a sycamore tree to get a better view of Jesus. 4) To see and learn about Jesus, there is always some effort required from our side. Sometimes there are also people in our way; family or friends, or circumstances or difficult events. So, we need to make an effort to meet with Jesus ... whatever that may require! 5) Jesus wanted an abiding relationship with Zacchaeus, and so too, He wants a forever relationship with us as well. Jesus said to Zacchaeus, I must abide at your house today, which is similar to the words of Jesus found in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 3:20. "Behold I stand at the door of your heart and knock: if any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me." 6) Finding out who Jesus was: This is always a revelation to the seeking soul, and Zacchaeus soon knew that although he was proud of his Jewish heritage that linked him to Abraham, a greater person than Abraham was there with him. But always, some people will grumble! 7) Jesus once asked His disciples, "Who do men say that I am?" And they answered, "Some say, John the Baptist, others say, Elijah; and others say, One of the Prophets. And then Jesus asked them, "But whom 9 do you say that I am?" And Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God! Matthew 16:13 & Mark 8:27. This is The Same Question that we all have to answer before God. 8) Peter and Zacchaeus (and millions of people since then) have discovered this essential, amazing truth, and now we have to also confess that Jesus is ...... who He really is .... the Son of the Living God! 9) Now, it is our turn to respond, like Zacchaeus, to the Truth of God's Word as found in the Bible. John the beloved disciple wrote..." But these words are written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God' and that by believing, you might have Eternal Life through His name." John 20: 31. Here is the Key of Hope! Please read, the Gospel of John, to find all the answers that you are looking for! PRAYER: Dear Lord, even if You have passed by me before; today I want to respond and confess you as the Son of the Living God, and my Saviour who died for me at Calvary's Cross to cleanse me from all my sins. While you are knocking at the door of my heart, I want to let You into my life, and for You to give to me Your Forgiveness, and Grace and Strength to enable me to live for You throughtout my life ahead. Amen. God Bless! Kind Regards, Bob Smith. Cell: 082 858 6616. PERSONALIA Personalia vanaf 31 Desember tot 27 Januarie 2015: Opgestel deur Patrick Coetzee Afsterwe Dit is met innige leedwese dat ons die afsterwe van die volgende oudlede van die Mag of die van ons vriende moet aankondig: We deeply regret to announce the deaths of the following former members of the force or those of our fiends: 2015/01/04 Tubby Myburg Die nuwe jaar begin ook op `n slegte nood vir ons draers van die goue ster. Julle wat vir Brian Geyer geken het, hy gister middag oorlede na `n motorfiets ongeluk. Hy het laaste aantal jare na sy aftrede op Onrusrivier gewoon. Dit word vermoed dat hy `n hartaanval gehad het. RUS IN VREDE Vriend en Kollega. 2015/01/06 Beverly Lancaster Olivier It is with extreme sadness that we were informed that one of our friends (we regarded him as a colleague) from Flying Squad, Sergeant Curt Oosthuizen was killed... in the line of duty last night. According to reports he was busy searching a vehicle in Cosmo City when a driver of a bakkie drove into him. His head injuries were so extensive that he was airlifted to Milpark Hospital where he fought for his life. Unfortunately at 06:00 this morning he passed away. Sergeant Oosthuizen always assisted the Iron Fist 2015/01/13 10 Jaco Rassie Erasmus Oud-AO O.C. (Ockert) Engelbrecht van Ceres en vroeër jare van Pofadder ook gister op Ceres oorlede. Beide sy kinders nog steeds in die Diens. Seun op Caledon en dogter op PA Hamlet. RIV. 2015/01/13 Tubby Myburg Vir die van julle wat vir, Ben Lambtecht van Oos-Londen Tegniese Ondersteunings -dienste Kaapstad geken het, moet ek berig dat hy voor verlede week oorlede is en dat sy roudiens verlede week gehou is. Jammer dat ons nou eers kan berig maar niemand het ons in kennis gestel nie. RIV Ben. 2015/01/16 Tom van Rensburg Oud-kaptein Chris Wright, vroeër Spoorwegpolisie, af by Silverton Speurdiens is in die nag oorlede. Hy was 57. Rus in Vrede Chris, Saluut! 2015/01/22 Francois Pretorius Sopas verneem dat lt-kol Dawie Oelofse voorheen van die De Deur honde-eenheid sopas oorlede is. Rus in vrede kameraad. Paul Mills 14 Oct 2014 Ter inligting van die oud-Johannesburgers. With sadness, to announce the passing of rtd-W/O Okkie Goussard, ex Cleveland and Jeppe SAP. He was 90. Funeral arrangements : 10:00 Thursday 16th October 2014, NEDERDUITSE GEREFORMEERDE KERK BOKSBURG-WES GEMEENTE c/o Rietfontein & Bass St, Boksburg West. RIP Oom Okkie. Just for info, Oom Okkie had 53 years service, 43 years active and lastly 10 years as a T/W/O when he was made to retire at the age of 70. And even then he carried on working at Cleveland Canteen. That must be a record. 10 February 2014 Tom van Rensburg Weet nie of hier iemand is wat Okkie Ferreira geken het nie? Ek dink hy was vroeër by Veiligheid, Hoofkantoor. Wil maar net sê hy is Saterdag aan 'n hartaanval oorlede. Ongelukkig weet ek ook nie wat sy laaste rang was nie. Siekboek 2015/01/09 Hennie Heymans 'n Ou vriend en kollega, genl Herman Stadler is in die Wilgers Hospitaal. Dink asb aan hom in u gebede. Hy het pasaangeër en ontvang buisvoeding deur die maag. 11 Verjaarsdag: Denise Schwartz Terrence Schwartz: She was 67 yesterday.....still looking good?? Terry & Denise Schwartz on 6 February 2015 12 COL EUGENE DE KOCK: DR PIET CROUKAMP Eugene het sy eie vrylating moontlik gemaak en bewerkstellig. Ek was nie sentraal tot die proses nie; verskeie mense en instansies het dit deur hul steun en betrokkenheid vir die minister moontlik gemaak om ʼn positiewe besluit te neem. Eugene se betrokkenheid by die Vervolgingsgesag se eenheid vir vermiste persone het ook nie ten doel gehad om te lei tot enige vervolging nie. Hy het geglo in wat hy doen en dat families verdien om die storie te hoor van hul kinders en geliefdes wat verdwyn het maar uiteindelik moes dit ’n sinvolle ervaring vir almal wees en nie ʼn poging om mense tot verantwoording te roep nie. Tans is Eugene nie beskikbaar nie maar dit sal kom en hy sal graag by almal wil uitkom wat vir hom belangrik is en wat hom deur die jare ondersteun het. Intussen is hy diep dankbaar vir die steun en hulp wat deur so baie mense oor die jare verleen was. 13 EUGENE DE KOCK: BAREND JACOBUS KRUGER So, I get to climb on the soap box to say something about Eugene de Kock and Dianne Lang. Other than expressing my personal joy at him being granted parole I am not going to say much about him. He is a high profile personality, much to his dislike I believe; nevertheless a lot has been said and written about him. Unless one is way too young and/or ignorant about recent history there is no middle ground as far as Eugene de Kock is concerned. You either think of him as Prime Evil or as the defender of law and order. I am going to leave it at that. Before I go any further I want to state the following. Eugene de Kock was granted parole because the Constitution of South Africa was written for ALL South Africans and the Minister of Justice had the courage of his convictions to make the right decision based on the spirit of the Constitution and adherence to the letter of the law. Credit must be given to the Dr. Piet Croucamp who initiated the effort to get Eugene de Kock released from prison. He spent his political capital and dug deep into his own pockets in the process. There are a number of groups that had Eugene de Kock's release at hart and for very different reasons. None of which has any bearing on my scribbling. Thanks to social media and Facebook in particular. People got more informed; more connected and afforded more opportunity to be involved in shaping life in general. That brings me to a very special lady by the name of Dianne Lang. Former SAP Brig. Hennie Heymans once told me that he saw her name come across his desk. 'Nuff said on that. Dianne Lang spent Christmas of 2008 in hospital, she passed the time reading A Human Being Died That Night- Pumla Madikizela Gobodo. The subject matter was Eugene de Kock and the reasons he should be forgiven and released from jail. Dianne found a new cause to champion as an activist. She researched Eugene de Kock, decided that his was a cause worth fighting for and duly wrote him a letter to that effect. Months later she received a response from him advising that his was a lost cause and that she would do a lot better supporting something that would be attainable. Dianne Lang immediately responded by committing to spend all of her effort on getting him a presidential pardon. After a lot of frustrating exercises, investigating existing efforts and groups she finally started the FREE EUGENE DE KOCK-group on Facebook to grow awareness about Eugene de Kock and obtain a presidential pardon for him. This happened in 2009, I joined her group that year and shared in the battle to get things get off the ground. Recruiting members was a major challenge. Suffering from a Wyatt Earp syndrome, Dianne had her hands full controlling me and guiding me on the direction necessary to achieve success. My, how things would change. By then Dianne was fondly known as the Merc Chick. The group grew globally, across racial prejudices, political , religious, national and personal opinions to form a unified forum for compassion. Here the term “Ex Unitate Virus" came to be. During the effort various people and organizations stepped up to the plate, when funds were needed for the legal process, individuals dug deep in too their pockets, and I will be negligent not to mention the contribution the Former SAP Member Benevolent Fund 1 headed by former SAP Commissioner Gen Johan van der Merwe. The Fund made a considerable contribution, it is noted and appreciated. I also would like to thank James Marx, Dewald Louw, Riana Herold and Arthur Randall. 1 Oud-SAP-Lede Liefdadigheidstrust - HBH 14 Back to Dianne Lang: It is public knowledge that she is terminally ill. In spite of that she spends all of her energy to get a presidential pardon for Eugene de Kock. I asked her for some background information to use in this article. After reading what she sent me, I think is best to forward it as written in her own hand to me. Merc Chick, you are indeed the modern Joan of Arc! What can I add? My wish is that Dianne gets to meet EdK in person and that she may find the release from pain she so deserves. Ben EUGENE DE KOCK: DIANNE LANG Ceaseless warrior and activist … and loveable personality Dianne Lang – note “Free Eugene de Kock”-Tshirt. 15 From: Dianne Lang Date: February 10, 2015 at 12:41:01 CST To: Barend Kruger Subject: I hate talking about me I learned to speak Xhosa before I learned English. I was the fifth generation born and brought up in the Transkei. Since it became self governing in 1963 we did not really have apartheid issues. The first hiding I got was from the headman (Nthabonzima) for throwing stones at cars. My earliest memory is of waking up one night and looking for my mother. I found her in the lounge in the dark with a rifle pointed out the window and she told me to be quiet. The fear was tangible. The Poqo were on a murder rampage and petrol bombs were the weapon of choice. At the end of Standard 8, not knowing a single word of Afrikaans, my father decided the best punishment to knock me into line and make me a good South African was to put me into an Afrikaans medium school for Standard 9 and 10. I remember him saying that I would never make it. Right there in the new principal’s office, where I had been taken - I thought, "Fuck you - I will show you". That gave me my fuck you attitude which I still have. After the first 3 months I refused to speak any other language to my father but Afrikaans. Then he had the problem. I went deaf to any other language. In 1976 I woke up to find that I was an alien in my own land and had to apply for a residence permit to live in the land where generations of my family had lived. Thank you very much NP!! And then I got arrested three times. Once for dope, once for transporting indigenous plants over the border and once for contravening the sea fisheries act twice. Well, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. My name was crossing a lot of cop’s desks in the Transkei. I was shocked when in 1978 I came to SA for the first time and saw white’s only signs. I was even more shocked for being arrested with my two young children for being on a black's only beach. I was indignant - not because blacks were not allowed in certain places, but that I was not allowed in certain places because I was white. I joined the Black Sash - was part of their information chain but found them to be too nansy-pansy for my liking. So I went down to the banned ANC offices, paid my R12 and became a member and asked what they needed and wanted. Much more exciting - could outride the security cops with no problem. I suppose that is when my name crossed the desks of the police in SA. Next bit of activism was finding a school for my son because he was dyslexic and the waiting period for the correct school was two years. I staged a sit-in at the Dept of Education and refused to leave until they had put my son in the right school. They called the cops who took me away. Next I got other parents to help and we staged a sit-down on the road, blocking all traffic to the school. Then it was fighting the school system and I led the Education without fear in Port Elizabeth - but only after I had hit a school principal for beating my young son. I went to lay a charge against him before he could get his breath back. No husband, no money and two children and only an Afrikaans matric!! I held down two jobs to put the roof over our heads and got my BA in psychology in 3 years and in the top 10 in the country. The Honours degree came after that and then I became a professional student in my spare time. I found I did not know enough about anything. 16 I was shattered that the ANC was not what they promised to be. They did not give a damn about the constitution and we were in shit with unemployment, rising crime and people dying like flies from AIDS. Since my kids no longer needed a 'mommy' and I had enough money, a home and everything that opened and closed (by the sweat of my brow) - I decided that I would not be a whining white bemoaning the state of our country, but I would do something about it. The only thing I could do was become an AIDS activist. I found the place with the highest AIDS rate and the highest unemployment and where there were no resources or NGO's - Middelburg, EC and went there to help. I stayed in Lusaka, the oldest township in the country at the time so that I could feel what it was like to live under those conditions before I could help. I ended up spending the next 10 years taking care of 76 children and selling my home to keep them. They were abandoned, neglected, sick orphans. The very government departments that were supposed to protect the children - the cops and the social development did not give a damn so I took them on. Twice I got court orders against the Social Development for contravening the children's act - but that made me unpopular. I also got evidence of police corruption which I passed along ... then I was deep in the shit. I had too much evidence ... so I got raided by the Scorpions on 6 December 2006. They returned everything on 17 December 2008, including all the broken computers. I was never charged. Death threats aplenty ... Amnesty International pulled me out of SA because the risk analysis was serious that I was going to be killed. hahaha here i am still. While in the UK, got sick, read a book about Eugene de Kock in Dec 2008 and thought - fuck this, now I am going to choose my fights. And I chose Eugene de Kock after doing as much research as I could. A good fight to fight. I also continued speaking internationally and raising funds to keep the children's homes going. Before I got ill, I was doing a bit of save the trees stuff and chained myself to a beautiful tree that had birds nesting in it. The council called the cops (they don't carry guns) and they asked me nicely to leave so that the council could cut the tree down. But what the hell for ... the tree was beautiful and they wanted to cement the place and put an artificial fountain in its place. I lost that fight because the council cut the tree down at night. I have to always have a purpose bigger than myself to give my life meaning - Eugene de Kock gave me reason to fight for my own life. I am very tired now. I think I have to fight for me now but don't know how. Ask questions Ben ... I will answer - bit difficult to put all the hair-raising stuff in. Once upon a time I had health. Once upon a time I had money. Once upon a time I had energy ... I don't have that now. I am so very tired. Dianne Lang 17 Dianne Lang Work: 041-5821996 Mobile: 0787430254 amazon.com/author/diannelang Book available from me in SA as well. Enquiry through email or phone. Author Coach - everyone has a story to tell: See it in print. Contact Dianne at this address. http://www.blurb.com/my/store http://diannelang.blogspot.com/ https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Free_Eugene_de_Kock (Free Eugene de Kock petition) and ... Illegitimi non carborundum 2 NB: “Boys let reach out and help Dianne!” - HBH EUGENE DE KOCK: ANEMARIE JANSEN Die Nongqai sê dankie Eugene de Kock was vanaf middel 1994 gevangene 94616105. Die byna 22 jaar wat Eugene in die tronk spandeer het was tegelyk `n boetedoening en `n stryd om oorlewing. Uiteindelik, op 30 Januarie 2015, kondig mnr. Michael Masutha, minister van Korrektiewe Dienste aan dat Eugene op parool vrygelaat sal word. Tydens die mediakonferensie het die minister vir president Jacob Zuma bedank vir sy raad en bystand aangaande die besluit oor Eugene. Hy het genoem dat hy kennis geneem het van die verskeie positiewe verslae wat ingedien is, Eugene se voorgesette pogings om sy vaardighede te verbeter, die bystand wat hy aan die Missing Persons Task Team en die nasionale vervolgingsgesag verleen het en van die feit dat Eugene voldoende met die familielede van slagoffers gekonsulteer het. Eugene kan weer die lug diep in sy longe trek. Die Nongqai wil van hierdie geleentheid gebruik maak om elkeen wat ondersteuning verleen het aan Eugene deur die jare heen, op welke gebied ook al, hartlik te bedank. Ons beste wense vergesel hom op sy reise vorentoe. 2 Illegitimi non carborundum is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down". - HBH 18 NONGQAI WEBSITE FROM THE DESK OF THE WEBMASTER (aka Technical Advisor) w w w .enongqaipublications.com ‘NONGQAI’ For short Glenn Elsden CONTACT DETAILS: [email protected] or cell phone: +27(0)82 426 7706 Dear readers, I believe the first and foremost statement I need to make, is that the website is the only one of its kind on the entire World Wide Web! While the site is hardly one year old, created on 15 February 2014 and launched in mid-March 2014, it is bursting at the seams and steadily evolving into an online museum for the former SA Police. The site currently boasts an assortment of 298 pages of content and has, to date, attracted an approximate number of 20,800 visitors. The majority of visitors are from South Africa, followed by the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Belgium, France, Germany and New Zealand. The following graph speaks for itself, but allow me to explain how the site managed to attract a total number of 4,356 visitors on a single day - 18 January 2015. THE NOMINAL ROLL PROJECT The project commenced on Saturday, 17 January 2015. Facebook was utilized as the sole marketing platform to announce the project, hence the reason why we see this remarkable upward trend in the popularity of the site, reaching a peak of 4,356 pageviews on 18 January 2015. Incidentally, for readers who are not aware what this is all about, the purpose of the Nominal Roll Project is to list the details of all members who served in the former South African Police, in other words, an electronic version of a National SAP 15. Any member who served in the SA Police prior to April 1994 is welcome to list their details. This includes Reservists, members of the Civil Service, and members who are 19 still currently serving, but who have enlisted prior to April 1994. Persons are also welcome to list the details of deceased members. The Listing Form has a comment section where additional details can be provided. A total number of 1364 names are already listed on the latest version of the Nominal Roll. It’s a small number but at least the foundation has been set! CLICK HERE to view the latest version. CLICK HERE to get listed. HOSTING FEES Our hosting company has provided us with UNLIMITED storage space, so there is no end to the number of pages we can publish, that is IF we are able to keep up with the yearly hosting fees which currently amount to $99 per year. The bad news is that the hosting plan expires on 14 February 2015. The 2-year plan amounts to $159 which is a saving of 33%, hence the reason why it’s our aim to rather opt for the 2-year plan. Any form of support in this regard will be much appreciated; consequently a SUPPORT US page has also been created on the site which suggests various ways people can assist in this regard. One easy form of assistance is to spread the word by using the Facebook Share buttons located either on the top or bottom of the site’s main pages. NONGQAI FACEBOOK GROUP The NONGQAI Facebook Group was created recently, on 3 February 2015. Its main purpose is to share, discuss and promote the content of the Nongqai Website. Group Address: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nongqai ROLL OF HONOUR PROJECT This is another project, unconnected to the Nominal Roll project. It commenced on 24 January 2015 and is therefore still in its early stages. Its purpose is to pay tribute to South African policemen who died in the line of duty during the years 1913 to 1994. Terence King, author of Gallantry Awards of the South African Police Force, 1913-1994, has also offered his cooperation in this project. VOLUNTEER ASSISTANTS Anybody who is willing to assist with any one or both of the projects mentioned here may contact Hennie Heymans or myself. Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Excel would be a basic requirement for this task. VOLUNTEER BLOGGERS NEEDED! (Afr.: Webjoernaal - http://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webjoernaal). CLICK HERE to visit the blog. The main advantage of a blog is that entries (also called posts) can be grouped together in categories. The entries are then displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). For example, there is a category called, “In Memoriam” where information, kindly provided by Christo Giani, has been published. Other categories include History, Poetry, News, Video, Afrikaans (for entries in Afrikaans), and so forth. Clicking on a specific category will bring up all posts dealing with that subject in reverse chronological order. According to Wikipedia until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject. More recently "multi-author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with 20 posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. Although various people, including myself, Hennie Heymans, Christo Giani, and Fanie Bouwer have contributed posts. It has become near impossible for a single individual to maintain the website and simultaneously edit and manage the blog as well. We thus desperately need more people to assist with this task, people with a passion for writing, in English or Afrikaans, and who are willing to learn. Training will, of course, be provided free of charge Thank you for taking the time to read through this rather wordy statement! Onthou asb – ek praat ook baie graag Afrikaans. Lesers is dus baie welkom om met my te kommunikeer in hul moedertaal, die mooiste en mees beskrywende taal op aarde! Best Regards / Beste Groete Glenn Elsden Email: [email protected] Cell phone: +27(0)824267706 PROJECT: ROLL OF HONOUR We will remember them! They did not die in vain! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PROJECT ON OUR WEBSITE 21 PROJECT: NOMINAL ROLL CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PROJECT ON OUR WEBSITE. POLICE /POLISIE SA Women Police / SA Vrouepolisie Judy van der Westhuizen: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie - Afgetrede Lede Die eerste naweek wat ek gewerk het was daar 'n ongeluk waarin 'n gesin van 4 en die ander drywer dood is. Net die passasier van die ander voertuig het oorleef. Daar het ek die smart van 'n ma gesien wat my tot vandag by bly. Die tweede een is deur my ma geneem. Die soldaat is my nefie wat presies twee maande jonger as ek is Sy lyk so deftig in haar uniform dat ons besluit het om ook ‘n portret grootte foto ook te plaas. 22 Christo Giani, Gerhard Pieters, Div De Villiers and 37 others like this. Irene Conradie die moeilikste van so iets is as jy vertel word om die familie te gaan inlig ek moes ʼn vriendin eendag gaan vertel van haar broer ek sal dit nooit vergeet nie dit bly by my elke dag. Bruce Strachan Ja dit bly by jou, ek moes familie bel op erg beseerde se selfoon en hulle ontbied. Nie lekker nie. 23 Japie de Jager As student in 1966 moes help by ʼn noodlottige voetganger ongeluk. Ek en die konstabel dra die erg verminkte liggaam na die vangwa en van die in ingewande sleep saam op die grond !! As ek terug dink aan die geval dan hoor ek nog daai geluid van ingewande wat oor die grond sleep. Min het ek geweet dat ek as volwaardige SAP-lid nog vele sulke gevalle sou deurmaak. En ek het oor ʼn tyd van 10jr in die mag baaaie traumatiese gevalle beleef. Foto’s van vrouelede: Nr W407550B (oud-AO) Annake Visser Louw Bogenoemde oud lid was op 27.12.1983 deur haar Pa, dis nou ek, ingesweer en sy het Desember 1984 uit passeer. Op die foto’s is sy waar hulle uitpasseer en sy by brig Botha. Sy het gevorder tot AO maar is ongeveer 8 jaar gelede medies af. 24 SECURITY BRANCH / VEILIGHEIDSTAK Organisation: Security Branch: South African Police /Organigram Veiligheidstak: SuidAfrikaanse Polisie OC: Maj-Gen MCW “Mike” Geldenhuys A Brig CF Zietsman B3 Black Power, APDUSA, PAC, Other Blacks A1 Whites, students, SACP B4 Trade Unions & Labour A2 Administration C Col JA du Preez A3 Registry C1 Investigation, translations, sources, law library, informers, SB service in Rhodesia A4 Keurings / Vetting C2 SWAPO, Non-RSA affairs & Terror A5 Technical C3 SWA affairs A6 Border control C4 Evaluation: Terror threat A7 Explosives D OC: Maj-Gen MCW Geldenhuys B Col DJD Jacobs D1 Staff Officer & Secret Fund 25 B1 Indians & Coloureds D2 Library, Training, Security Reviews, Banned Literature B2 ANC D3 VIP Protection 1976 - 1987: Terror: Statistics: SAP Divisions: Security Branch: South African Police /SAP Afdelings: Terreur: Statistiek: Veiligheidstak: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie 26 1976 - 1987: Terror: Statistics: Security Branch: South African Police /Terreur: Statistiek: Veiligheidstak: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie 1976 – 1987: Acts of Terror: Targets 27 Unrest KZN / Onrus KZN 1987: Preparedness: South African Police / Waaksaamheid: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie 28 During 1987 I was the Staff Officer of Maj-Gen DK Genis, he was the Inspector General of the SA Police. I was also the Section Head of the Nodal Point at police head office (Compol x 94). I was a “naughty boy” and twisted the General’s arm to sign a questionnaire to all divisional commissioners across South Africa. In those days we also governed Walvis Bay from Pretoria. The purpose of the questionnaire was, I wanted to see how the police, who were the first line of defence, were strategically deployed over South Africa. The so-called police forces in the homelands were excluded. We had 19 police divisions and a district commandant at Walvis Bay. Here are some interesting facts – only the totals are given: Question Stations & Staff Number of police stations per police division in South Africa Number of policemen on duty in Charge Offices Number of policemen on guard duty at police stations Number of policemen on guard duty at police cells Visible policing Members on Patrol Number of vehicles Kilo’s patrolled Arrests Radio Control & Flying Squad Number of policemen on duty in Control Rooms (10111) Number of policemen on patrol Number of police dogs deployed Number of vehicles Kilo’s patrolled Number of arrests Reservists Number of reservists on duty in Charge Offices Number of reservists on patrol Riot Squad Number of policemen on riot duty deployed Number of policemen on riot duty on detached duty Number of special constables on duty CID Detectives on duty, including various specialist units Command & Control Number of Duty Officers Number of stations visited Number of stations not rendering 24 hr service Grand Total 809 1175 567 129 1444 621 82492 1256 82 210 78 105 17765 159 113 428 385 34 408 518 91 110 184 29 Lt-genl Ben Stevens SARP Junie 1966 SAP Tydskrif Mei 1977 Om ’n SAP-offisier te geword het Fanie Bouwer Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie - Afgetrede Lede 15 January at 21:47 · Edited · So kortliks: Jy moes 3 sg. polisie-eksamens (mens kon ook seker daarna verwys as die staasdiensekamens in die regte) slaag – eers na sersant; toe na adjudant-offisier en dan na luitenant. Die twee laaste se eksamens was regtig moeilik. Ek was/is ’n swak akademikus en moes my alie af leer. Alternatiewelik kon jy eerder ‘n graad verkry deur UNISA of by ’n ander universiteit. 3 Ná die luitenant-eksamens, of graad natuurlik, as jy ook slaag met die geskiktheidsdverslag, is jy gestuur na ’n 3-maande offisierskursus. Ek was in die polisiekollege, maar verstaan ook dat dié kursus later ook in die Paarl aangebied was. Die ‘Vader van Opleiding’ in die SAP, lt.-genl. Ben Stevens het aan die hoof gestaan van ons offisierskursus. Ek dink nou met agting aan hom terug – hy wat verantwoordelik was dat ons behoorlik ‘geskool’ was en geslyp word vir ons take later jare. 3 Toe ek in 1969 gradueer het mens slegs 100 punte in die eksamen gekry en twee salariskerwe - HBH 30 Daar was 5 eksamens gewees tydens die offisierskursus. As jy een van hulle gedop het, is jy huis toe gestuur en kon jy eers weer die volgende jaar toegelaat word. Ek kry nou nagmerries oor hierdie kursus – ‘tough’ en senutergend. Toe ek later my ‘pips’ opsit, het ek soos ’n ware, goed-opgeleide offisier gevoel, met ’n trots wat geskrik het vir niks. Ek dink ons was ons range waardig. In my (nog) jonger dae het ek ’n sersantkursus ook in die kollege deurloop, asook ’n aanklaerskursus by die Justisieskool in Pretoria en die praktiese gedeelte in die Johannesburgse howe. Daarna het ons so ± 4-5 jaar (later minder) in ’n rang gedoen voordat jy bevorder was na die volgend rang. Watter luitenante en kapteins en ook die rang verder boontoe van vandag is só geslyp vir polisietake? Glenn Elsden, Tom van Rensburg, Paul Mills and 18 others like this. Pierre Nel Onthou daai dae goed. Ek was bevoorreg om my offisiers kursus op 22 te gedoen het en het elke 2 jaar daarna bevordering gekry. Op 27 was ek Sup en het daarna bedank. Eerste jaar na skool en na 6 maande kollege het ek my sersant eksamens ens gedoen en die res daarna elke jaar. Ek moes my 5 jr eers gewerk het om offisier te word. Was bevoorreg om op ʼn klein stasie te werk, Tolwe, waar ek alle fasette van die diens kon leer. In my eerste 6 maande na kollege was ek al onder sersant en kon waarnemende SB wees. Latere jare by Nas Inligtingstelsels het ek my eintlike roeping gekry om in IT rigting buite SAP te werk. Was nogal moeilike jare om as so jong offisier gesien te word. Ek het voor ek ontslag gekoop het landswyd betrokke gewees om alle SAPS kantore met MAS te implementeer. Vandag kan ek nie glo hoe sleg die meeste vd huidige polisiemanne en -vroue is nie en lê dit aan die hand van onbevoegde en onopgeleide offisiere. Hendrik Johannes van Staden Fanie, ja dit was ons ou skool wat genl-maj Engels nog na die toetse gekom het en dan het hy so asof hy dit geniet het vir kandidate gesê het om hulle goed te gaan pak, hul gaan huis toe. Daar was 'n lid saam met ons wat besig was met sy B.Iurisgraad en moes sy eksamen by universiteit gaan aflê terwyl ons op kursus was, hy het toe die toets gedruip, dink dit was voorlaaste toets, hy moes ry, dit was vir my onregverdig 4. Hul kan sê wat hul wil ons het onder die bestes geleer en ek is nie skaam om te sê, ons was die bestes, vanaf konstabel tot die generaals. Ek moet sê ek het net soveel geleer by my ondergeskiktes, indien nie die meeste nie, as wat ek by seniors geleer het. 4 Ek is skaam, ek het die graad behaal maar die AO-eksamen in 1969 gedruip! Die AO eksamen was moeilik! Seker die moeilikste eksamen in my lewe; die offisierseksamen was baie makliker! Gedurende die senior bestuursontwikkelingskursus te Graaf-Reinett het ‘n man met ‘n D Phil et Lit die (brigadiers)kursus gedruip. ‘n Ou wat heeldag geslaap het, het sommer chop-chop bykans ses maande later generaal geword. Hy het langs my gesit en ek het foto’s geneem van die ou wat “aan diens slaap” - HBH 31 Fanie Bouwer Ons het die generaal wat elke Woensdag na die Vrydag eksamen ingekom het om die 'doppers' huis toe te wys, die 'doodsengel' genoem. Claude Titley Daai eerste polisie eksamens moes jy al die vakke skryf en deurkom anders moes Jy weer wag tot die volgende maar. Taai maar lekker.. Hendrik Dewet Oosthuizen Toe ek ‘81 op offisierskursus was daar ‘n kol Shenck wat die bynaam “Doodsengel” gehad het wat daai ou joppie aan toe vertrou was en hy het dit nogal as ek reg kan onthou heel ordentlik, beskaafd en natuurlik baie formeel gedoen en op ʼn mooi manier gesê jy kan maar jou sak pak en "fxck xff". Niel Van Heerden Ek was die 1979 groep. Ons was die eerste wat die Nasionale Diploma in Pol Admin geskryf het. Net 42 het in die land geslaag. Genl Engels bring toe die manne van Namibië by ons net twee klasse vol te maak. Was nogal 'n groot "issue" toe een van ons manne die tweede keer sy Engels dop en hy huistoe gestuur word. Hy moes al in 1978 Offisier word toe slang hy eers die kursus in 1980. Hy was op Randfontein Speurtak (uitstekende offisier). Die meeste Namibiërs het gedop maar daar is aan ons gesê dat hulle nie dadelik offisiere gaan word nie. Dit het inderdaad so gebeur van hulle het eers in die laat ‘80 offisiere geword. My offisierskursus was een van hoogtepunte, die manne was yster en het almal diep spore in die polisie getrap. Manne wat miskien te hardegat was maar uit die boks kon dink. Om net 'n paar te noem Neil Moss, Piet Otto, James Oosthuizen ens. Later het die middelvlak bestuurskursus in Silverton gevolg met dieselfde hoë akademiese standaard. Dit was afgesluit met die senior bestuurskursus in Graaf Reinet. Net so uitstekend kursus met genl du Toit aan die stuur. Ek mag maar spog ek was eerste in 1979, beste kandidaat 1984 en beste kandidaat 1987. As ek terugdink was ons almal leergierig ek het 13 jaar deeltyds gestudeer vanaf my BA (Pol) tot diplomas en O&W en inligtingstelsels. Ons wou almal onself verbeter want ons wou beter polisiemanne en vroue wees. JA en moet nie vergeet van die Boskursusse op Maleoskop en selfs 'n meganiese kursus by Meganieseskool op Benoni waar ek moes leer om 'n Casspir te bestuur. En wat van die TIN-kursusse en Oshakati en Okatopi, ja, daar was ons ook. Lekker dae lekker manne. Manne wat saam swaargekry en saam ook lekker stout was. Groete Gebruik van weermag- en polisierange na aftrede Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie het 20 jaar gelede tot sy verdrietige einde gekom, ek weet nie of die Mag vermoor is of in die rug tydens ‘n sluipmoord aanval dood gesteek is nie! Ek wag nog vir die post mortemverslag. So daar is geen SA Polisie en geen Transvaal of Suidwes-Afrika of Rhodesië nie. Angola en Mosambiek het egter hul landname behou. Vir ‘n geruime tyd wonder ek oor die gebruik van range tussen ons afgetredenes? Kom laat ek u vertel; Ek het ‘n wye vriendekring. Van my vriende is bv ‘n korporaal in die Britse leer. Die soldaat noem my doodeenvoudig “Hennie” en as hy van my sou praat by ander verwys hy na my rang. Eintlik is ek en sy vader vriende; maar hy besoek die RSA gereeld en dan braai ons vleis en praat oor die oorlog in Afghanistan en die aanwending van “drones” om “terries” uit te haal. 32 So het ek ‘n polisievriende in ander lande. Net vooraftrede het ‘n vriend offisier geword. Ons noem die afgelope 25 jaar mekaar op die voornaam. Die vriend is ook onder andere vriende met SAP-generaals en hulle noem mekaar op die voornaam. In die geselskap is ek die enigste wat die my voormalige SAPmeerderes op die rang aanspreek. Vir hom en sy vrou speel rang geen rol nie. Ek het ‘n ander vriend wat ‘n AO in Belgie was en afgetree is. Ons het mekaar nog nooit op ons range aangespreek nie – doodeenvoudig net op voornaam. Range is nie in daardie opsig belangrik nie. Nou die dag woon ek ‘n geselligheid by en die oud-geneesheer-generaal se vrou is aanwesig; toe ek wil “mevrou” toe dring sy aan op die haar voornaam. Dis vir my mooi! Ek sien die oud-SAW-offisiere gebruik nie range nie behalwe wanneer hulle na die voormalige hoofde van die SAW verwys, dan is dit bv genl Viljoen, genl Geldenhuys en genl Meiring. Ek het waardering vir hierdie standpunt. Wat my die joos in maak is wanneer ons braai en iemand sê: “Senior Superintendent gee bietjie die sout aan, asb.” Of “Brigadier kry ‘n choppie of nog ‘n doppie!” Ek sit nou die dag by ‘n “steakhouse” en eet; so luister ek na die tafel langs my. Dis net range voor en range agter. Vergeet van range as jy in ‘n eetplek is! Mens speel nou rugby en moet nou sê: “Sersant gee die bal aan asb!” Waarom nie net: “Hey Mof paas, man!” Dit is eenvoudig absurd om range op die verkeerde tyd en plek te gebruik en dit irriteer my. Kan ons nie liewer mekaar wedersyds as “kollega” aanspreek nie? Of eerder mekaar “oom” nie? Ja soms is dit nodig om range en titels en kwalifikasies te gebruik bv in ‘n historiese feitlike verslag oor ‘n spesifieke aangeleentheid, dan sal ek bv my rang en nagraadse kwalifikasie gebruik om geloofwaardigheid aan die inhoud te verleen. Ek getuig immers oor sekere gebeure vanuit ‘n kundige hoek. Sou ek ‘n kortverhaal skryf sou en net my naam en van gebruik. Ek sê kom ons word meer informeel en gesels met mekaar terwyl ons mekaar wedersyds respekteer. Neem ‘n sersant wat ‘n mediese dokter geword het: Moet hy nou vir ewig vir sy “oud-kolonel” letterlik op aandag staan? Party van ons het aanbeweeg, ander het stil gestaan, ander lewe weer in die verlede en het sy rang nodig as kruk, want dis al wat hy op steun. Ons het ‘n baie rangbewuste offisier in veiligheid gehad. Die offisier word bevorder na majoor en ek “kaptein” hom – uit respek. Ek was ‘n AO en het “nie alles geweet nie”. Net daar, tree hy my aan omdat ek die verkeerde rang uit onkunde maar met respek gebruik! My ou “partner” vra waarom ek so bekaf lyk? Vertel hom die storie en sy reaksie was: “Hy moet sy uniform aantrek en by Sentraal se petrolpomp gaan staan sodat “almal” hom kan salueer.” Neem bv die brigadiersklub – as een van my voormalige brigadiers nog gelewe het sou ek hom op die voornaam genoem het, sonder disrespek. Hy het maar net voor ons ander ‘n brigadier geword. Ek ontvang daagliks baie oproepe, ook van generaals, party gebruik hul voorname, is beleefd en vra of hulle kan gesels, ander weer gebruik hul rang en ek voel soos ‘n konstabel in die “charge office”; ek wil net op aandag spring! Generaal Johan van der Merwe het ‘n navolgenswaardige voorbeeld gestel. Hy antwoord bloot die foon as “Johan van der Merwe”. Hy teken ook sy briewe as “Johan van der Merwe”. Sy naam is groter as sy rang en ek respekteer hom daarvoor. Protokol, konteks, geleentheid en omstandighede bepaal wanneer mens range gebruik. Gee asb vir my u mening, stuur dit na [email protected] 33 U kan onderskuilnaam skryf indien u nie die moed van u oortuiging het nie, maar u moet u besonderhede verstrek wat ek dan nie sal gebruik nie. Dis belangrik om te vernaam hoe oud-SAP-lede hieroor voel. Callie van Greunen Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie - Afgetrede Lede Oom Hennie, Ek sit en dink nou so, terwyl ek deur my ou albums blaai, waar het die dinge vir ons dan nou verkeerd geloop! Ek het op 5 Desember 1977 uitpasseer by die SAP-kollege Pretoria en is na Windhoek uitgeplaas. My eerste standplaas was Katutura polisiestasie wat die Swartwoonbuurt Katutura en die Bruinwoonbuurt Khomasdal bedien. Ek was 19 jaar oud en is by die skofte ingedeel. Op 'n skof was ons 4 lede. Die AK Sersant, 'n kampwag, ek as Wyksersant en 'n Wapassasier. Oom Hennie ek het baie agterna gewonder hoe ek as kind, want dis wat jy is as jy 19-jaar oud is, soveel gevaar, soms alleen in die nag, kon trotseer en heel anderkant uitkom. Oom Hennie ek het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat hulle wat my vooraf gegaan het, die draers van die Goue Ster, het soveel respek verdien onder die bevolking dat dit my krag was. Wat ook 'n groot rol gespeel het was hierdie voertuig op die foto!! Ek aanskou vandag se 19jarige seuns en ek wonder hoe oud was ek op my 20ste verjaarsdag? Ek wonder maar net Oom Hennie! You, Dana Kruger, Marius Avenant, Paul Du Preez and 21 others like this. 34 Paul Mills Amen Callie! Paul Boktoon De Villiers jistie ou Callie nou verlang ek jong daai tyd toe ry ek dieselfde een op Mariental saam met Tap Nortier, Ven van Heerden, Christo Mans en ou Tallies Dit was darem lekker Suidwes dae daai gewees Callie Toe was trots nog trots en jy as junior het jou senior Konstabel gestrek uit volle respek Leon Strauss great van Barend Du Plessis Hi ou Callie van Greunen. jy het daai terroriste/ polisie aanval met ʼn paar maande gemis in Katutura buite Windhoek in 1976..ek was daar. MURDER ON THE HIGHVELD: JIM HOOPER Surrounded by hundreds of square miles of harsh and desolate farmland dominated by the red kopjes rocky outcroppings - of the Transvaal, Erasmia is a small rural community a few miles west of Pretoria, South Africa's capital. Winding through it all are narrow dirt farm tracks familiar only to those who live there. To an outsider, the hard landscape has a brooding, almost sinister quality about it. Especially when the sun disappears. When the sun disappears it can be a very frightening place. William Masipa, a 28-year-old black labourer, and two friends had spent the evening of 18 May 1986 drinking at the Koedoe Cafe near Erasmia. It was late when they climbed into Masipa's light blue Datsun 40 and headed down the Hennops River Road towards Laezonia. In Masipa's statement to the police later that night, he said he noticed the lights of another car following them. The lights suddenly went out, but he gave no thought to it. En route, Masipa and his companions decided to stop to visit friends. An hour later they said goodbye and set off towards Laezonia again. They had driven not more than 200 metres when the lights reappeared behind them. A few minutes later they were switched off, only to come on once more within a few kilometres. Action-journalist Jim Hooper on assignment in Bosnia 35 'Then I saw the car turn off behind us onto a side road leading to a small farm house,' Masipa said. 'We had gone only a few hundred metres when I saw it again, this time about 10 metres off the side of the road ahead of us, and as we passed someone started shooting at us. My friend in the back of my car started screaming that he was wounded, then I was hit in the left hip.' Masipa raced out of range and stopped at the Paradise View nursery to call the Erasmia police station and an ambulance. The investigation fell under the jurisdiction of the CID section of the Erasmia police station. As soon as the bullets were recovered they were sent to the South African Police forensics lab. Because of the number of shootings every year in South Africa, the ballistics section enjoys a reputation comparable to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's laboratory in Washington, DC. The ballistics experts quickly determined that William Masipa and his friend had been wounded by 5.56-mm bullets fired from a Colt AR-15, an unusual weapon even in a country where firearms are endemic. Within days, the weapon was traced to one Davis Lee Martin. He was arrested, charged with the attempted murder of William Masipa and released on bail. The pre-trial investigation was still under way by the time by the time a real murder occurred in the same area, one that would capture headlines across South Africa. Though literally hundreds of murders are committed each year in South Africa, the (then – Ed) South African Police manage to solve close to 90% of the cases. It is an enviable conviction rate, though given the experience of the SAP's homicide investigators, perhaps not entirely surprising. But even within that core of seasoned investigators there are few who have been quite as successful as Major Hendrik Viljoen, one of the founding members of the Pretoria Murder and Robbery Squad. Experience, intuition and an uncanny eye for detail have made him something of a legend. A big man with thick black hair and a narrow moustache, he is reminiscent of a 1930s Hollywood detective film. Or a Kojak with hair. Direct, personable and uncomplicated, he was described by a colleague in another department as 'a real diamond in the rough, a policeman's policeman.' On a recent trip to South Africa, Real Life Crimes was given permission to visit the Pretoria Murder and Robbery Squad and go through some of their previous investigations. Sitting at his desk, Major Viljoen opened one of his many untidy scrapbooks, thumbed through it while answering a constant stream of calls from the three telephones on his desk, and finally came to the case he was looking for. 'This isn't a bad one,' he said nostalgically. 'Let me tell you about it.' On the evening of 6 June 1986 then-Lieutenant Hendrik Viljoen and his team of investigators from the Pretoria Murder and Robbery Squad were in his office discussing a recent murder in Pretoria. They had received a tipoff about the whereabouts of two suspects in the case. It was 11:40pm and they were preparing to head out and begin their search when a call came in from the Erasmia police station. As Major Viljoen now recalls, 'We were told that the body of a black policeman had been discovered on the Gerhardsville Road not far from the Hennops River Road west of Erasmia, and that he had been necklaced. Because a policeman was involved we forgot about the tipoff on the other case and didn't waste any time getting there, arriving just after midnight. The tyre around the victim's waist was still burning, and there was enough of his clothing left to identify it as an SAP uniform.' The gruesome 'necklace' was closely associated with African National Congress (ANC) and Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) activists, who by 1986 were employing it extensively against other black South Africans accused of supporting the apartheid system. Black policemen in particular had been regular victims of this barbaric method of killing. So at first glance the death of yet another black member of the SAP, however tragic, was nothing out of the ordinary. It was just one more politically motivated murder to add to the hundreds of others that were occurring regularly around the country. But there were two things that immediately puzzled Lt Viljoen. The first was that necklacings tended to 36 occur in the highly politicised black townships around Johannesburg or Cape Town, rather than in rural areas of the platteland. 'The other thing that was strange,' Major Viljoen told Real Life Crimes, 'was that the tyre was around his waist, and all the previous necklaces I had seen, the tyre was around the neck or neck and arm.' After his arrival on the scene Viljoen extinguished the fire, then made an initial examination of the body. There was a Casio watch on the left wrist and a second watch next to him that in Viljoen's opinion had spilled from his pocket when the fire burned through the uniform. That they hadn't been taken made him conclude robbery wasn't the motive. Additionally, though there was an open wound on the back of the head that appeared to have been inflicted with some sort of blunt instrument, along with a knife wound in the right side of the stomach, there were no signs of a struggle within the immediate vicinity of the body. 'All this told me that the deceased had been knocked out or killed elsewhere, then brought here and necklaced,' Viljoen said. The first crucial piece of evidence discovered was the diamond-patterned footprint of a plimsoll underneath the body. There was no doubt in Viljoen's mind that it belonged to the person who had placed the body on the road. A plaster cast of the footprint was made by Sgt Scholler, while the body and immediate vicinity were photographed by Warrant Officer Hatting, both from the Pretoria Murder and Robbery Squad. There was no identification on the body, so Viljoen's investigators began contacting all the local police stations in the areas around Pretoria. By the end of the next day the victim, 26-year-old Police Constable Buti Jacob Johannes Ndimande, had been traced to the South African Police Training College in Pretoria, where he had been in charge of grounds maintenance. An autopsy would reveal smoke in the victim's lungs: Constable Ndimande, though most probably unconscious, had still been alive when the tyre had been slipped around his waist and set alight. In order to fix the time of the murder - or at least when the body had been left on the road - Viljoen took a tyre of the same type that had been put around Ndimande and set it alight. By the time it had burned down to the stage which Viljoen and his investigators had found when they arrived on the scene, the tyre had been blazing for 40 minutes. That placed the killer at the scene at 10:30pm or a little before. 'This is a particularly lonely stretch of rural dirt road,' Viljoen related. 'I drove the entire length of it a number of times, but I couldn't find any tyre marks to indicate someone had turned around. This suggested that the killer or killers had come from one end or the other and continued after dropping the body. That and the fact that the deceased had been left where there were no houses anywhere near made me suspect that whoever had killed him was very familiar with the area.' The victim's mother was contacted, who said that her son had recently been accused of theft by some acquaintances, and that perhaps some of them might have been involved. Her daughter added that another friend, William Masipa, had given her brother a ride that night. Lt Viljoen and his team soon tracked down Masipa at his place of work. Masipa's nervousness in the presence of the grim-faced murder investigators raised enough suspicion in their minds that he was taken in for questioning. Masipa began by telling Viljoen about the attempt on his own life a little more than two weeks earlier. He then explained that on the night of the murder he had met Const Ndimande, who was waiting for a lift from a white friend after catching a bus from the police college to Erasmia. When the friend didn't arrive Masipa asked Ndimande to accompany him to the Erasmia police station to enquire about any progress in Masipa's case. After hearing that little headway had been made, Ndimande and two other men climbed into Masipa's car and they headed toward the Paradise View nursery where Ndimande planned to spend the night. En route they passed a number of cars coming from what appeared to be a meeting of some sort. Masipa suddenly recognised the last car as the one from which the shots had been fired at him on 18 May. 'That was the car of the shooting man!' he told Viljoen. When he saw it turn around to give chase, Masipa 37 slammed on his brakes, jumped out of the car and, along with the two others, ran into the cover of darkness. Only Const Ndimande stayed. From his hiding place Masipa saw Ndimande climb into a green Datsun Stanza, which drove to a farmhouse about 600m away. The house would soon be identified as belonging to Davis Martin. It was the last time William Masipa saw his friend alive. On 10 June the car was traced to Henry George Burt, a maintenance worker at the Pelindaba nuclear energy facility a few kilometres away. Burt freely admitted that on his return from a civil defence meeting on the night in question he had seen a black policeman hitch hiking and had given him a ride. When he last saw him the policeman was quite alive. After dropping him, Burt explained that he had gone to visit his friend Davis Martin. Burt added that if he could be of any further help he would be only too happy to assist. His initial questioning of Burt at an end, Viljoen visited Davis Martin. Martin confirmed that Burt had visited him at around 11pm that night. Shortly after Burt's arrival they heard dogs barking and decided to take a drive around the area to see if they could find anything suspicious. There wasn't any more to add, Martin shrugged. As he was leaving Martin's plot he saw footprints in the dirt similar to the ones found at the scene of the murder. By now, Viljoen's investigators had already tracked down the make and model of shoe that fit the pattern of the footprints found at the scene. The tread pattern matched an Adidas 'San Diego', none of which had been sold in South Africa for the last three years. Viljoen said nothing, but another part of the puzzle looked to have found a place in the jigsaw. As far as Lt Viljoen was concerned, if anything was suspicious, it was Burt and Martin's story and he began to focus his investigation on the two. Not far from Martin's home was a narrow dirt track which Viljoen soon nicknamed the 'Rabbit Road' because it passed by a remote rabbit farm-and-abattoir. Acting on a hunch, he followed the track and discovered it led to the road where Ndimande's body had been discovered. Clocking himself a number of times over the route, Viljoen determined that at best speed it took a minimum of nine minutes to make the trip. There was no question in his mind now that Burt and Martin could have been at the scene at the time of Ndimande's murder. It was time to start applying some gentle pressure. On 14 June Lt Viljoen returned to Martin's home and confiscated his Adidas 'San Diego' plimsolls, which, Viljoen now relates with some amusement, Martin was wearing at the time. Martin claimed that he'd had two pairs but that his second pair had been stolen. When later compared with the footprints found at the scene they provided a perfect match. However convinced Viljoen was by now of the probable involvement of Burt and Martin, all the evidence so far was circumstantial. Burt was brought in for further questioning, during which he gave a detailed statement of the events that night: 'I the undersigned, HENRY GEORGE BURT, do hereby make oath and say that: 'I, the 1st Applicant in this matter, am a major white male mechanical maintenance planner employed at the Atomic Energy Corporation, Pelindaba and residing at Plot 47 Laezonia, Pretoria. All the facts herein are within my own personal knowledge and are true and correct. 'On Friday the 6th June, 1986 I had attended a civil defence meeting, being the Laezonia branch of Pretoria South West Civil Defence. I occupy the position of Fire Chief. The meeting was held at Portion B, Doringrandjies from which I left at approximately 9.30 that evening alone. 'I was travelling home in an easterly direction on School Road. I observed a light blue car passing me in the opposite direction which residents in my area have noticed recently and of which we have suspected has been involved in house breaking incidents. I add that our area consists of agricultural holdings and has 38 been prone lately to an escalation of crime. I have already made complaints to [the police] as a concerned resident and member of civil defence in the area as to the situation here. 'I decided to keep an eye on the vehicle and turned around and followed it. The driver then turned into a plot. I drove past that entrance and [turned around] to pass it again. I then observed a black policeman in uniform waiting on the left side of the road. He had a top bag in his hand. 'I stopped next to him and got out of my vehicle. It appeared to me that he had been riding in the blue vehicle which had turned into the plot. I asked him if he knew the people in that vehicle and asked him about his relationship with tsotsis [criminals]. He replied to me that the people in the vehicle were unknown to him and that he had just got a lift from Johannesburg with them. The policeman smelt of liquor and appeared to be under the influence of drink. He said he was on his way to the Paradise View, which is a nursery where he intended to stay that evening. As I was proceeding in that direction I offered him a lift. 'I accordingly took him in my car and went as far as the intersection of School Road and the old Hennops River Road, where he got out. I then proceeded home, where my fiancée was at that stage. I woke her up and I stayed for about 15 minutes. I then went to visit a neighbour of mine, named Martin, who had recently became unemployed. I have been trying to assist him with his problems and had previously arranged an interview for him with the Legal Aid Board in order to obtain legal help relating to the shooting incident in which he received the said injuries. We discussed this matter as I wanted to know why he did not keep his appointment with the Legal Aid. I was there a short while, during which we also took a drive. We then drove around in the area on the lookout for anything suspicious. As previously stated the crime rate is of great concern to local residents. However, we found nothing suspicious. I dropped Mr Martin at home and went home to sleep. 'On Saturday the 7th June, I happened to hear news on the radio that the charred body of a black policeman had been found in the white suburb of Erasmia. At this stage I did not connect my experience of the previous day with this incident.' As Major Viljoen explained to Real Life Crimes, 'There were too many discrepancies in Burt's story. He said he turned around to follow a car "which he suspected of being involved in house breaking incidents." Given his personality, it was pretty obvious to me that he had been looking for a confrontation. Then he claimed that he'd driven a mile beyond his own turning to drop a drunken black policeman. That just didn't make any sense to me.' Eleven days later, the 25th of June, Lt Viljoen returned to Burt's home and confiscated his car, a green Datsun Stanza. Burt insisted on driving it himself to the SAP forensics lab at the Lothar Neethling Building where an initial examination by the forensics staff revealed what appeared to be a blood stain on the back seat. Burt explained that it couldn't be human blood, though possibly it had come from some fresh sausage he had purchased from a local farmer in the last few weeks. Another possibility, he said, was that it had come from his dog, which he had placed on the back seat to take to the vet after the dog had cut its paw. The seat was removed and Burt was allowed to drive the car away. Three days later Burt telephoned Lt Viljoen wanting to know when he could collect the seat. He then asked what kind of blood had been found. Viljoen explained that until the forensic examination had been completed he couldn't answer either question. Clearly nervous, Burt offered yet another excuse for the presence of any blood, saying that it could be his own from when he'd recently cut his hand. After speaking with Viljoen, Burt rang Colonel Claasen at the forensics lab to ask what kind of blood had been found. Colonel Claasen referred him back to Lt Viljoen. 39 It wasn't until the 16th of July that the forensics lab completed its report. The 5-mm spot of blood found on the back seat of Burt's car belonged to group A and MM. It was a perfect match with the victim's blood group. Another spot of blood found on one of Martin's Adidas 'San Diego' plimsolls appeared to be the same blood group, but the lab could not be sure. With this crucial, albeit still circumstantial piece of evidence in hand, Lt Viljoen immediately drove to the Pelindaba power station where Burt was working, arriving at 3:55pm. He warned Burt according to Judges Rules, then arrested him for the murder of Police Constable Buti Johannes Ndimande. As the handcuffs were being put on him Burt continued to claim nervously that the blood had come from his dog. When he was searched a hidden tape recorder was found in his pocket. On their return to Pretoria Murder and Robbery Burt asked for a lawyer, and was allowed to ring from Viljoen's office. After speaking with a solicitor from the Lawyers for Human Rights, Burt refused to make any statement. As soon as Burt had been processed and placed in a cell, Viljoen and his team drove back to Martin's home, arriving at 10:30pm. No-one was home, so they waited in hiding until Martin and his wife arrived at 11:40pm. Viljoen was invited in and settled on the couch in the sitting room with Martin across from him. 'I mentioned the shoes being a match with the footprints at the scene of the murder, told him of the blood found in Burt's car matching the victim's blood group. Then I casually mentioned that one of his shoes had blood on it that possibly matched as well. His voice trembling, Martin repeated his claim that he'd had two pairs of plimsolls, but that one pair had been stolen. I told him that his and Burt's movements that night placed them both at the scene at the time of the murder. Martin denied everything, but I could see that he was becoming more and more frightened. He finally excused himself for a moment, saying he had to discuss something with his wife in the kitchen.' When Martin left the room Lt Viljoen noticed a photo album on the coffee table in front of him. As he was idly leafing through it he came to one snapshot that riveted his attention. To a less experienced investigator what he was looking at might have had no significance, or been missed entirely. It certainly wasn't obvious. But the photo, apparently taken during a party in Martin's back garden, showed a group of friends. And something else. As he studied it he knew he had stumbled on a crucial piece of evidence. What he was looking at in the photo's background were two tyres. Yet at this moment and in the same place in Martin's garden there was only one tyre. Martin returned after a few minutes, still denying any involvement in the murder. Viljoen waited until he finished, then asked him where the other tyre was. Martin's denial dried on his lips. 'I have nothing more to discuss,' he said. Looking very frightened, he asked for a few more minutes of privacy with his wife. Viljoen nodded and stepped outside. Martin eventually reappeared, invited him back into the sitting room and said, 'Alright, look, I wasn't involved, but I'll give you my side of the story.' On a legal pad supplied by Lt Viljoen he wrote out his statement. 'Full Name: Davis Lee Martin Residential Address: Erasmia, Pretoria White Male Date of Birth 1947-09-02 States under Oath in English; 40 I have known Mr Henry Burt for about 6 weeks before the night of the 6th of June 1986. On Friday night 1986-06-06 at about before 10pm I was in bed when I heard a car hooted. On getting up I saw Mr Burt standing at my gate. I let him in and we spoke about civil defence matters in our area. Mr Burt had brought a large beer with him. After a while he told me he had picked up a drunk policeman in a car that was driven by a certain William [Masipa]. He told me that the policeman was dead and he did not know what he should do. I said phone the police station. He said no as he had killed him. I know now that we were both panicky. Mr Burt said that he had to get rid of the body, to make it look like a black man's way. A car tire was a few meters away and he suggested we burn him to get rid of the evidence. I gave him the bottle of petrol from my bakkie. He put the tire in the boot of his car. We drove away from my home for about 15 minutes. I helped Mr Burt pull out the body out the right side of the car. I still thought that the body would just be left there. After a short while I saw flames behind the car and I knew the reality of what was done. We drove home to my home where Mr Burt had another beer then went home. After he left for his home I noticed some personal effects of the dead policeman. I did not want to be involved so I burnt them. It was clothing. I put the contents into a tin and put petrol in it. The next day I put the bag in Randburg [Johannesburg] to be collected and dumped at the municipal dumping ground. I don't recall any blood or other injuries to the policeman as I did not want to look at him at any stage. While I was helping him pull the body out of the car, he seemed to be dead. Today Thursday the 17th July 1986 I am handing over the red bottle that was used on the night of the 6th June 1986 to Lt Viljoen of the SAP Murder and Robbery Squad Pretoria. I know and understand the contents of the above statement. I have no objection taking the prescribed oath. I consider the prescribed oath binding on my conscience. [signed]Davis Lee Martin Pretoria 86-07-17 The above statement was done in my (Martin) own handwriting in front of Lt Viljoen on 1986-07-17.' [witnessed] H.P.J Viljoen 'I was so relieved we'd made the final breakthrough,' Major Viljoen now recalls. 'I should have arrested Martin then, but he was being so cooperative I left him there and told him to be at my office at 8am the next morning to speak with the Attorney General.' When Martin failed to appear the following morning, Viljoen drove to Martin's home. His wife said that he had left and she didn't know when he was coming back. Martin never did return. That night he boarded British Airways Flight 645 for London. At the subsequent trial in 1987 Burt's fiancée, (name withheld), a member of the South African paraplegic national athletic team [Springbok], took the stand. She defended Burt and denied there had ever been any blood stains on the back seat of car which belonged to her. She added that Burt was a patient and nonviolent man. 'I love that man,' she said. 'We met in Windhoek [Namibia] in 1981 when I was working in the state hospital. He'd been admitted to the psychiatric ward because he had tried to commit suicide. We fell in love, moved to Pretoria and got engaged in 1983. We'd set the date for December 19, [1986]. I'd bought the material for my dress, made all the arrangements. It nearly broke my heart when Henry was arrested. But I believe in his innocence.' 41 A psychiatrist's report revealed an entirely different picture of Burt. It stated that Burt admitted having smoked cannabis in school and while in the army, that he had twice been admitted to mental institutions, that he lied with ease, displayed emotional shallowness and showed no signs of being depressed or worried about his possible sentence. He admitted to having a violent temper and once assaulting his former wife so severely that she was hospitalised for two weeks. He had also severely assaulted his father-in-law and assaulted an officer while in the army. The psychiatric evaluation of Burt also showed that, while he was not a psychopath, there were traces of traits of an anti-social personality disorder during his early years. Standing in the dock, Burt told the court that he had been stripped and beaten during interrogation to force him to admit that he had killed Ndimande. He maintained his innocence and clung to his original story, denying that the seat of the car in which he had given the policeman a lift had blood stains on it that matched Ndimande's blood group. His state counsel stated that the case against Burt consisted of speculation and circumstantial evidence. None of it worked. On May 4 1987 the judge, Mr Acting Justice W.J. Human called the murder a 'barbaric act,' a 'heinous crime,' a 'deed of staggering wickedness.' Addressing Burt, he said after Burt had clubbed and stabbed Constable Ndimande, he set alight a tyre round the policeman's body, choosing the necklace method in order to cast suspicion on black people. Finding no extenuating circumstances, he condemned the 34year-old Henry Burt to 'hang from his neck until he is dead.' On 19 September 1988 the appeal of Henry George Burt against his conviction and death sentence for the necklace murder of PC Buti Johannes Ndimande was dismissed. In May 1993, still on death row, Burt was released in a general amnesty. Those who went free - blacks and whites - were people who had committed crimes that might have been construed as being politically motivated during the apartheid era. One wonders in how many cases the course of justice was perverted. Because Britain will not extradite suspects to countries that have the death sentence, Martin Lee Davis still lives in England. Copyright Jim Hooper 1993 42 The Death of Mr Jackie Selebi: First African National Commissioner of the SAPS First how the Press perceived the death of Mr Selebi and then how the governing party perceived the death: It’s is a pity he never chose to be a symbol of decency in these troubled and corrupt times. The police need decent, honest and loyal officers with a sense of pride and dignity. 43 LAW ENFORCEMENT & HUMAN RIGHTS VF Plus sal Menseregtekommissie vra oor duidelikheid rakende haatspraak en dubbele standaarde: Dr. Pieter Mulder: VF Plus-leier Die Menseregtekommissie behoort alle klagte en alle Suid-Afrikaanse burgers oor dieselfde kam te skeer in sy ondersoeke. Tog wil dit voorkom of die kommissie nie konsekwent is in sy optrede nie as die VF Plus se klagte oor die EVV met die Sunette Bridges-klagte vergelyk word nie, sê dr. Pieter Mulder, leier van die VF Plus. Die VF Plus het met die aanloop tot die verkiesing verlede jaar verskeie klagte van haatspraak rondom Julius Malema en die EVV ingedien by die Menseregtekommissie (MRK), die Openbare Beskermer (OB) en die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie (OVK) waarvan tot op hede niks gekom het nie. Die presiese bewoording van die VF Plus se skrywe aan die drie liggame lui: VERSOEK OM ONDERSOEK IN TE STEL NA VERKONDIGING VAN HAATSPRAAK EN OPSWEPING TOT GEWELD ONDER DIE VAANDEL VAN DIE EKONOMIESE VRYHEIDSVEGTERS (EVV) Hiermee versoek die Vryheidsfront Plus u kantoor om ondersoek in te stel na baniere wat onder die naam en in die kleure van die EVV in die openbaar en tydens byeenkomste van die EVV vertoon is waar gesê word: 1. “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate”; 2. “Honeymoon is over for white people in South-Africa”. Wanneer die boodskappe naas mekaar vertoon word, is die afleiding duidelik dat die eerste boodskap gemik word teen wit mense in Suid-Afrika. (Foto’s word aangeheg). 44 Dit is ʼn oortreding van die Grondwet asook die Kieswet van Suid-Afrika. 1. In die Grondwet bepaal artikel 16(2)(a),(b) en (c) duidelik dat die reg van vryheid van uitdrukking nie die volgende omvat nie: (a): Propaganda vir oorlog. (b): Aanstigting van geweld, en (c): Die verkondiging van haat wat op ras, etnisiteit….. gegrond is nie, en wat aanhitsing om leed te veroorsaak, uitmaak nie; 2. Die Kieswet (Wet 73 van 1998), Skedule 2(99)(9) lui dat ‘geen geregistreerde’ party of kandidaat taal mag gebruik of op so ʼn wyse optree dat dit geweld tydens ʼn verkiesing uitlok nie. Die Vryheidsfront Plus versoek u ook om ondersoek in te stel na voorvalle van haatspraak en aanhitsing tot moord en verkragting van wit mense op ’n sosiale-netwerkblad (Facebook) van die EVV. (Voorbeelde word aangeheg). (Einde van brief). Een van die facebook-boodskappe op Julius Malema se blad is geplaas is deur ene Thato Mbateti en bevat skokkende detail oor hoe wit vroue verkrag moet word, kinders verbrand moet word en mans gemartel moet word. Hy noem dat Malema sy volgelinge voorsê om wittes te vermoor. Die MRK het vandeesweek in die Bridges-saak aangevoer dat sy artikel 10 (1) van die Wet op Gelykheid geskend het deur haatspraak te pleeg en dat sy ook artikel 11 van die Wet geskend het wat handel oor teistering op grond van ras. Volgens die klagte moet sy ook instaan vir dit wat ander mense op haar webblad skryf. “Die VF Plus sal daarom die MRK vra om te verduidelik waarom daar nie opgetree is in die EVV- en Malema-geval nie en op die dubbele standaarde wys,” sê dr. Mulder. Bron: VF Plus-nuusbrief 427: Clive Derby-Lewis se mislukte parool dui op politieke oorwegings en dubbele standaarde; ANC bedreig eiendomsreg en voedselsekuriteit met grondvoorstelle; VF+ sal MRK vra oor duidelikheid rakende haatspraak en dubbele standaarde 45 DEFENCE Die groot Duitse spoorwegkanon 46 Monthly Serial: Chapter 3 Nietschka: Hstk 3: Lt-kol AC Pretorius (SAMHS - Ret) Ons vervolgverhaal – ʼn militêre-mediese roman Terwyl die reën nog steeds saggies val het Nelis vir Risanne die volgende oggend om verskoning gaan vra. Risanne se intense groen oë bly ‘n vraag wat pla. Waar het hy daardie groen oë gesien? Met gemoedere wat nog steeds hoog loop is Nelis daar weg op pad na sy pa, wat nog in die hospitaal lê. Met Risanne wat vir twee weke weg gaan wees, bly die tekort aan dokters ʼn groot probleem. Ou Dok vra sy seun om in die teater te gaan uithelp. Met genoeg tyd op hande, besoek Risanne oom Paddie by die winkeltjie. Oom Paddy het ʼn probleem en so staan Risanne vir hom in. Nelis kom daar aan om ʼn koerant te koop en so word haar roeping agter die toonbank as ʼn winkelassistent, bevestig. Hoofstuk 3 Risanne het die nag slaaploos gelê en luister na die reën en die wind. Dit was pas sesuur en vaak-vaak maak sy haar oë oop. Sy hoor Siena in die kombuis werskaf en dink daaraan om vir hulle te sê om nie so vroeg in te kom nie. Die hele dag lê voor en daar is nie sulke dringende werk, so vroeg in die oggend nie. Gershka, haar hond lê rustig en slaap. ’n Sagte motreën slaan teen die ruit vas en onwillekeurig lê sy en terugdink aan die vorige aand. Voor sy haar kon kry, word sy weer van voor af kwaad. Sy besluit egter dat Retha en haar familie haar lank genoeg uit die slaap gehou het. Sy draai op haar regtersy en sluimer omtrent weer onmiddellik in. Heelwat later word sy wakker en merk dat die reën nou opgehou het. Met ʼn swaai van haar bene, staan sy op en maak die voordeur wawyd oop. Die wind waai egter sterk en dan trek sy dit weer net so vinnig toe. Sy gaan staan voor die venster en kyk na die berge wat mistig blou in die verte lê. Sonder om tyd te mors loop sy na haar hangkas en haal ’n swart langbroek en dik woltrui uit. Sy trek vinnig aan en glimlag breed toe Siena met ʼn stomende koppie koffie in die deur verskyn. Sy hoor ʼn voertuig buite stop en kyk dan nuuskierig deur die venster. Dit is niemand anders as die hooghartige dokter nie. Nelis klim uit die klein motortjie. Risanne sit haar koppie koffie neer en maak dadelik die deur oop terwyl sy kyk hoe hy nader stap. Sy staan eenkant toe en met ʼn groet stap hy binne. Risanne groet terug en dan merk sy dat hy haar intens aankyk. Die skoonheid voor hom oorbluf hom onverwags. Sy lyk vars en verruklik mooi met haar wange en lippe wat rosig teen die sagte vel vertoon. Vir ʼn oomblik is sy sonder woorde, dan vou sy haar arms ongemaklik voor haar bors. Nelis is steeds sonder woorde en onwillekeurig wonder hy hoe so ’n dinamiese mens haar lewe agter ’n winkeltoonbank kan deurbring. Vir ʼn verdere oomblik is hy steeds van sy beheer gestroop. ʼn Paar sekondes later sê hy egter heeltemal in beheer: “Ek wil jou net kom bedank vir die hulp van gisteraand.” Risanne antwoord nie en hoor hoe hy ongemaklik kug. “Ek wil ook om verskoning vra vir Retha en haar familie se swak optrede.” Voor Risanne haar kon keer sê sy: “Moet nie jou eie swak maniere vergeet nie Mnr. Roveck. Dit is interessant dat jy iemand in ʼn kategorie kan plaas op grond van ʼn eenvoudige huisie. Ek kan aan niks anders dink wat jou enige mening oor my kon gegee het nie. Jy is egter baie reg as jy sê ek is nie jou tipe nie.” Nelis voel skaam en hy besef dat hy aan niks anders kan dink om homself te verdedig nie. “Ek kan verstaan dat jy so voel.” Die groen oë spat weer koue vlamme. Dan kyk hy haar intens aan. Hoekom lyk haar oë so bekend? Risanne gee hom nie regtig tyd om lank te wonder nie. “Jy weet, dit maak nie regtig saak oor hoe jy oor my voel nie. Moet nie jou kop breek oor die winkelassistent nie. Ons tipe is so gemaak en so gelaat staan!” Steeds bly hy stil, want 47 daar is nie woorde om dit wat hy gesê het, ongedaan te maak nie. Sy donker oë kyk intens in die smaraggroen van hare. Dit lyk of die ligbruin spikkels in haar oë, vuurtonge spat. Nelis besef dat die vrou hier voor hom besig is om hom by sy selfbeheersing verby te tart. Dan groet hy vinnig en wil net omdraai om te loop as sy sê: “Siena is besig om die sweetpak te was. Jy kan dit later kom kry as jy weer in die rigting ry.” Nelis frons as hy besef dat niemand dit nog sover gewaag het om hom so openlik uit te tart nie. Die pad na die dorp is stil en Nelis moet konsentreer om nie in die nat grondpad te gly nie. Hy voel vies oor die situasie wat so hand uit geruk het. Die groen oë dans steeds tartend voor hom. Hy kan die ysigheid daarvan nie ligweg afskud nie. Dan frons hy en wonder waar hy die vrou met die vernietigende en strydlustige oë gesien het. Sy donker oë kyk intens in die smaraggroen van hare. Dit lyk of die ligbruin spikkels in haar oë, vuurtonge spat. ... Dan frons hy en wonder waar hy die vrou met die vernietigende en strydlustige oë gesien het. Die plattelandse dorpie, De Doorns, is skielik in sig en dan ry Nelis stadiger. Dit is ’n skilderagtige plekkie wat omring word met hoë berge en uitgestrekte wingerd oorde. Hy ry reguit hospitaal toe om gou sy pa te gaan groet. Die dokters het klaar rondtes gedoen en Nelis is verheug om sy pa soveel beter te sien. Hy kyk na die bloed wat nog steeds stadig inloop. Versigtig druk hy die drupstel dat die bloed hoër in die drupstel moet val. Hy voel vies en wonder of die personeel nie daaraan kan dink dat die rooibloedselle vernietig word met die afstand waarteen die bloed na onder val nie. Sy pa is nog swak en bleek en met moeite haal hy die suurstof af. “Ek is bly jy is hier. Ek verstaan jy het geopereer. Waar was dokter Risanne?” “Pa moet my nie kwalik neem nie, maar pa was naby aan dood en ek het oneties opgetree en die operasie oorgeneem. Ek is op pad na die teater om die dokter om verskoning te gaan vra.” Ou Dok sit weer die suurstof terug en sê dan: “Dan is dit reg so. Ek het haar vanoggend laat roep, maar hulle sê sy is vir twee weke af. Jy sal haar dus nie in die teater kry nie.” Hy haal weer die suurstof af en sê: “Die kind is ʼn bekwame sjirurg.” “Sy is ook ʼn bekwame tier,” las Nelis by. Ou Dok glimlag net en vra dan: “Ons het ʼn probleem met dokters. Kan ek jou nie vra om in die teater te gaan uithelp nie? Met my hier moet die dokter wat in die teater werk in my plek waarneem. Die lading op die dokters is net te hoog.” Nelis wat die afgelope tyd met navorsing besig was, sien dit as ʼn goeie uitkoms om weer sy operasie vaardighede te beoefen. “Ek kan reël 48 om later terug te gaan.” Met die suurstof wat ongemaklik onder sy ken hang, sê Ou Dok: “Dit sal baie help.” “Dit is reg so Pa, ek sal nou by die teater gaan uitvind watter gevalle ek vandag kan doen.” Risanne het in die twee weke beplan om groente in die groentetuin aan te plant. Alles is egter nog nat en dan besluit sy om vir oom Paddie te gaan groet. Die dierbare ou siel sal sy nooit vergeet nie. Was dit nie vir daardie plaaswinkeltjie nie, sou sy nie ʼn inkomste tydens haar lang studies kon genereer het nie. Sy besluit egter om eers haar vyf kilometer te gaan hardloop voor sy dorp toe ry. Met ʼn rooi geoefende gesig stop sy heelwat later voor oom Paddie se winkeltjie. Met die intrapslag sien sy hom agter die toonbank staan en roep opgewonde uit: “Hallo oom Paddie!” ʼn Glimlag versprei oor die goedige ou gesig en hy kom agter die toonbank uit om haar te omhels. “Haai kind, dit is so goed om jou te sien! Die tannie gaan ook bly wees om jou weer te sien!” Hy hou haar ʼn armlengte van hom af. “Jy lyk goed!” Risanne sien die skielike trek van kommer oor sy gesig en vra dan wat verkeerd is. “Aag my kind, dit gaan nie goed met tannie Gretha nie. Ek wil haar dokter toe vat, maar wag nog steeds vir mev. Jansen om my te kom aflos. “Foeitog oom, wat makeer sy en wie is oom se dokter?” Die frons plooi diep terwyl hy antwoord. “Ek weet nie wat haar makeer nie. Sy gooi vreeslik op en die bene is so geswel!” Met kommer kyk Risanne hom aan terwyl hy verder praat. “Ou-Dok was mos maar al die jare ons dokter.” Hy kyk op sy horlosie en sê dan half ongeduldig: “Waar bly mevrou Jansen tog?” Risanne loop nou om die toonbank en sê: “Gaan gerus oom, ek weet darem nog wat hier aangaan, al het oom so baie uitgebrei.” Sy glimlag bemoedigend. “Ek sal net die beste kliëntediens lewer!” Oom Paddie glimlag ook nou. “Natuurlik weet ek dit my kind, jy het gekom asof jy gestuur is! Baie dankie!” Oom Paddie gryp sy motorsleutels en verdwyn deur die deur. Risanne was met haar eie gedagtes besig terwyl sy met groot vaardigheid die een kliënt na die ander help. Sy kyk op haar horlosie en sien dat dit nou spitstyd is en mevrou Jansen is nog nie hier nie. Die volgende oomblik staan Nelis Roveck lewensgroot voor haar met ʼn koerant in die hand. Hy glimlag breed. “O, ek sien jy is in die tuig!” “Soos jy sê!” sê Risanne kortaf en lui die bedrag om sy kleingeld te gee. Sy oë hou haar vir ʼn oomblik gevange dan sê sy: “Die sweetpak is gewas en droog. Jy kan dit enige tyd gaan kry. Siena is daar.” Nelis groet hoflik en draai dan om en loop uit. Skielik voel Risanne vererg. Bid jou aan, sy is in die tuig! Sy stik amper van verontwaardiging terwyl sy op haar polshorlosie kyk. Die volgende oomblik stap mevrou Jansen in. Risanne stel haarself voor en dan soos oudergewoonte handig sy die sleutels tot die kasregister oor. Risanne wil net gou ʼn draai by Ou Dok gaan maak. Sy verlustig haar aan die natuurskoon van die skilderagtige plattelandse dorpie. Die pad kronkel opwaarts na die hospitaal. Om haar verrys die hoë berge. Dan dink sy aan die tye toe sy en haar man hier kom kuier het. Haar gemoed bly nog steeds vol en sonder dat sy dit so wou hê, kom die warboel van gedagtes terug. Daar is ʼn duidelike kontras van hoe sy voel in teenstelling met die pragtige natuur hier om haar. Sy voel soos ʼn gebergte in ʼn dorre woestyn. Moet sy vorentoe weer teruggaan stad toe, of gaan hierdie plekkie haar tuiste word? Die tyd sal alles heel. Sy sal weer die lelies wat in haar lewe blom, sien. Oral sal daar lenteblomme wees en sy sal weer gelukkig wees. Risanne steek in haar spore vas toe sy merk dat Nelis en sy vriendin by Ou Dok se bed staan. Sy spring gou agter ʼn deur in en loer deur die gleufie van die deur. Nelis staan met sy rug na haar en sy kyk direk na die popmooi gesig van sy vriendin. Risanne voel jammer dat sy nie sy gesig kan sien nie. Sy wonder hoe hy lyk sonder die gramskap op sy gesig. Sy sien die sjarme en warmte 49 waarmee sy vriendin nou na Nelis kyk. Skaamteloos loer sy na hoe die vriendin haar netjiese geplukte wenkbroue optrek. Met ʼn helder stem hoor sy haar duidelik praat. Haar ronde oë loer van Nelis na Ou Dok. Risanne besluit om nie langer tyd te mors om na die twee mense wat haar so grensloos irriteer, te kyk nie. Hulle pas voorwaar by mekaar. Twintig minute later ry sy by haar plaaspad in. Sy verlustig haar aan die struike wat so tussen die palmbome geplant is. Die voetpaadjie na die huisie is met stene gepak, met gras aan weerskante van die paadjie. Sy gaan staan by die tuisgemaakte dammetjie waarin daar ronde klippe geplaas is. Die vissies geniet hulself in hul omgewing en dit vertroos Risanne om na hulle te kyk. Sy dink met heimwee aan haar oupa en ouma en loop dan na die kombuis om Siena te gaan opsoek. “Waar is Ovambo?” vra sy. “Hy is al vroeg weg en moes al hier gewees het.” Sy maak die yskas oop en sê: “Ons het nie genoeg melk nie. Ek sal maar gou die koei gaan melk. Netnou word dit laat dan kan ons niks in die stal sien nie.” Risanne kyk ook nou in die yskas en vra: “Het hy nie vanoggend gemelk nie?” Dit lyk of Siena die skuldige is en sy sê dan verskonend: “Hy het gesê hy sal nie lank weg wees nie, maar lyk my die tyd het hom ingehaal.” “Los Siena, ek sal gou gaan melk. ʼn Mens verleer dit darem nie.” Die wind sny geniepsig. Risanne draai haar dik trui styf om haar vas terwyl sy met die skoongewaste, blink melkemmer in haar hand na die stal toe loop. Daar is net een koei. Sy sit die wit vadoek binne-in en stap na buite. Sy was so lank in die stad dat sy nie genoeg kan kyk na die skoonheid om haar nie. Hier vanuit die koeistal kan sy die blou berge sien. Daar is weer mis wat stadig dikker word. Die laaste strale van die son gooi bloedrooi strepe in die weste. Dan verdwyn dit stadig agter die berg in. Risanne was net besig om met die emmer tussen haar knieë die koei te melk, toe ʼn lang skaduwee skielik in die deur val. Nelis Roveck se stem klink helder toe hy sê: “Die huishulp het gesê ek sal jou hier aantref. Ek het gedink jy werk nog!” Nelis glimlag met tande wat skitter selfs in die skamel lig. Risanne kyk gesteurd op. Sy sien weer sy aantreklike gesig en besluit dat sy so min as moontlik die man moet sien. “Ek het net die sweetpak kom haal.” Ongesteurd hou Risanne aan met melk terwyl sy sê: “Ek is nog besig hier. Ek kan nie verstaan dat Siena dit nie maar net vir jou gegee het nie.” Sonder dat sy haar kon keer sê sy: “Hierdie stal is nie ʼn plek vir jou nie. Jou skewe waardes plaas jou op blink teëls en dik matte.” Nelis se kake klem styf opmekaar en die beweging van sy wangspiere is sigbaar. Sy blik is venynig. “Jy is ʼn onverbiddelike mens!” sê hy woedend. “Verskoon my!” Hy draai summier om en loop uit. Daar is ʼn onpeilbare uitdrukking in Risanne se oë as sy hom agterna kyk. Sy dink daaraan hoe Nelis sou gewees het as sy hom onder normale omstandighede ontmoet het. Tans is daar net vonke tussen hulle elke keer as hulle met mekaar te doen kry. Hoofstuk 4. Risanne is ʼn kranige atleet. Gedurende die tyd wat sy af is gaan besoek sy Ou-dok in die hospitaal. Nelis is steeds onbewus van Risanne se status as sjirurg. Sy was onder die indruk dat Nelis in die teater is, toe sy houtgerus vir Ou-dok gaan besoek. Hy was egter weer langs sy pa se bed en Risanne moes weer agter dieselfde deur inspring. Vir ʼn derde keer luister sy na sy gesprek met Ou-dok. Nelis is ʼn majoor in die weermag en is betrokke by ʼn hoogsgeheime navorsing. Risanne word tydens haar rusperiode op die plaas uitgeroep na ʼn noodgeval. Met haar terugtog plaas toe, raak sy in ʼn motor ongeluk betrokke. Sy verloor haar geheue. Twee weermaglede voer haar af na die naaste militêre siekeboeg. Hulle word ontplooi na Zimbali, buite die landsgrense. 50 Military Police in Southwest Africa “”””27. Die Militêre Polisie in SWA. Die informasie oor die SAKMP in SWA wat ek na soek het kry ek toe wraggies in Rowley Medlin se Nuusbrief van 20/08/2010. Ek wil net beklemtoon hoe belangrik ons Nuusbriewe is. Rowley het die volgende van Hennie Heymans van die ZARPe ontvang en dit soos volg gepubliseer: In 1968 is sers P.P.D. du Plessis aangestel om Provoosdienste te verrig en voor dit was daar geen MP in SWA nie. Hierna het ‘n sub-eenheid, Kmdmt SWA MP, onder leiding van staf-serse J. van der Westhuizen (1969 – 1972), J. de Bruin (1972 – 1974), N. Jooste (1974 -1975) en J.N. Bacon (1976) ontstaan. Die eerste offisier, kapt J.A. de Klerk, is in 1978 aangestel. In 1980 is die eenheid se naam na 1 SWA Pro Eenh verander en is Buiteposte by van die Sektor HKe, by SWA Mil Skool op Otavi en by 911 Bn op Oamites ingerig. Die Noordelike deel van SWA is bedien deur die Log Basis Grootfontein Provoos Eenh, wat poste in Sektore 10 en 20 en by 61 Meg Bn op Tsumeb gehad het. Van die belangrikste take wat aan 1 SWA Pro opgedra is, was misdaadvoorkoming, hantering van aangehoudenes, handhawing van militêre dissipline en stasie- en lughawepatrollering. Die eenheid het selfs verkeers- en sleutelpuntbeheer gedoen onder meer by die brug oor die Angola-grens by Rundu en het algemene dissipline tydens Ops Modular, Hooper en Packer in 1987 en 1988 gehandhaaf. Konvooibewegings tydens alle operasies het die eenheid ten nouste geraak, omdat alle verkeer na die Suide deur Windhoek moes gaan en is die MP begin 1989 op die roete tussen Otavi en Karasburg ontplooi om die SAW se ontrekking uit SWA te reguleer. Ingevolge die vredesplan is die eenheid se polisiëringsfunksies op 01/02/1989 beëindig. Die sterkte van die eenheid het gewissel van 12 in 1978 tot ongeveer 120 in 1989.”””””” Bron: WEL EN WEE VAN DIE MILITÊRE VETERANE : BERIG 03/2015 : LYS B Vanoggend weer aan my ou liedjies gedink en die woorde onthou... Voorjukspan se spanlied: Chris van Ginkel Spanlied van die Standerd IV/V Voortrekkerseuns aan Laerskool Eendracht (1972/73). Geïnspireer en opgedra aan die ontslapenes Nig Janette Ehlers (later Jorna) hul spanoffisier en Kommandant Mike Roos. (Op die wysie van “The Green Berets” deur S/sersant Barry Sadler en Robin Moore, 1966) Lirieke deur Chris Van Ginkel (Juk-kop A) Voorjukspan, O Voorjukspan Jou gelyke ken geen man Vir land en volk, en moedertaal Sal ons vir jou met bloed betaal Brons Voorjuk op die skouer Penkoppe, Suid Afrika se beste Vele wou die wiel kom rol 51 Weinig kon die fakkel dra Opgelei te oorleef in die veld Ons kan veg, maar ook liefhê Dag of nag, dit maak geen saak Krag geput vir ons lewenstaak Voorjukspan, O Voorjukspan Jou gelyke ken geen man Vir land en volk, en moedertaal Sal ons vir jou met bloed betaal Tuis op wag die huisgesin Voorjukspan het ‘n taak te verrig Eendracht Kommando het gaan kamp Voorjukspan getrou die wag Brons voorjuk op my seun se skouer Maak hom die Voortrekkerwet eer Hy sal ‘n man wees binnekort Met trotse kennis van die Voorjukspan Voorjukspan, O Voorjukspan Jou gelyke ken geen man Vir land en volk en moedertaal Sal ons vir jou met bloed betaal NATIONAL SECURITY FOOD SECURITY ANC bedreig eiendomsreg en voedselsekuriteit met grondvoorstelle: Dr. Pieter Groenewald: VF Plus-LP “Mnr Gwede Mantashe, hoofsekretaris van die ANC, se aankondiging dat die ANC besluit het dat daar ‘n plafon vir grondeienaarskap in Suid-Afrika moet wees ten einde grondhervorming te bespoedig, getuig nie net van onkunde nie, maar bedreig eienaarskap en voedselsekerheid in Suid-Afrika. “Om boere te wil beperk tot maksimum twee plase of 12 000 hektaar getuig van totale onkunde oor die landboutoestande en die landbou in die land. Die opbrengs per hektaar van ‘n plaas in die Karoo verskil aansienlik van ‘n hektaar in die Vrystaat, Mpumalanga of Noordwes. Die ANC moet ook sê wat beskou hy as ‘n plaas. Sommige plase word as ‘n eenheid bedryf, maar het verskeie kaart- en transportaktes wat daarop geregistreer is. “Dit wil voorkom asof die ANC begin swig voor die EFF oor grondherverdeling en probeer die EFF uit bie oor grond. Hierdie besluite sal groot onsekerheid in die landbousektor skep. Op hierdie tydstip het die Suid-Afrikaanse kommersiële landbousektor sekerheid oor die toekoms nodig om met nuwe beleggings en uitbreidings te verseker dat daar genoeg kos vir almal in die toekoms is,” sê dr Pieter Groenewald, parlementêre woordvoerder oor landbou en grondsake van die Vryheidsfront Plus. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox/14b5eef60b4c6dcc VF Plus-nuusbrief 427: Clive Derby-Lewis se mislukte parool dui op politieke oorwegings en dubbele standaarde; ANC bedreig eiendomsreg en voedselsekuriteit met grondvoorstelle; VF+ sal MRK vra oor duidelikheid rakende haatspraak en dubbele standaarde 52 TAU SA MEDIA RELEASE / TLU SA MEDIAVERKLARING Issued by: TAU SA Enquiries: Mr Louis Meintjes Uitgereik deur: TLU SA Navrae: Mnr. Louis Meintjes President: TAU SA President: TLU SA Cel. 082 461 7262 Sel. 082 461 7262 Mr. Bennie van Zyl Mnr. Bennie van Zyl General Manager: TAU SA Hoofbest.TLU SA Sel. 082 466 4470 Cel. 082 466 4470 Date: Wednesday February 4, 2015 Datum: Woensdag 4 Februarie 2015 Government dishonest: farmers urged to remain calm It is very disturbing to learn that there are suddenly more than 13 000 agricultural properties for sale in the market which complicates the outlook for agriculture and food security in South Africa. Mr. Louis Meintjes, TAU SA President, has squarely placed this development at the door of the ANC. "Farmers remain the target of unfair accusations, such as accusations that they have stolen the land which resulted in unreasonable legislation such as expropriation and illconsidered ceilings on land ownership," said Mr. Meintjes. "It is political dishonesty of the ANC and the government to invite organized agriculture to submit proposals until March, but then unilaterally announcing that it will continue with its plans, irrespective of those proposals. This makes all participating processes a farce. "Government has drawn the line very clear with these actions as it is heading towards a serious confrontation with the agricultural community and organized agriculture. It should therefore not complain if it can no longer rely on any form of benevolence due to this arrogant attitude and behaviour. Forthwith TAU SA increases its defence of the interests of its members. The Minister has already defiantly stated that it is willing to defend the expropriation proposals in the Constitutional Court. He should take note: TAU SA will follow suit", said Mr. Meintjes. Meanwhile Mr. Meintjes is concerned that the sudden increase of available agricultural land will put the value of agricultural property under severe pressure. "It also confirms that if Government would have paid attention to the proposals tabled by TAU SA to simply purchase available land 53 which comes up for sale in the open market, there will be no need for ideological land reform projects which amounts to forced removal of existing farmers. TAU SA reaffirms that agriculture is an economic process and the appropriate principles should be handled with one goal in mind, namely to produce food. If one considers that most of government’s land reform projects failed miserably , South Africa must take note that the current policy environment is fast becoming a failed agricultural environment, creating poverty and hunger."Furthermore, the government should take note that TAU SA is not prepared to get involved in any process or position that will cause more damage to the country and its economy," said Mr. Meintjes. "Meanwhile we appeal to farmers not to be discouraged by the threats from Government but rather to join hands with organized agriculture and stand up for what is our right. Farmers should not panic and make impulsive decisions which in the long run would have very negative effects," said Mr. Meintjes. Regering oneerlik: boere gemaan om kalm te bly Die feit dat daar skielik meer as 13 000 landbou-eiendomme in die mark is, is ontstellend en hou geen positiewe vooruitsigte vir landbou en voedselsekerheid in Suid-Afrika in nie. Mnr. Louis Meintjes, TLU SA se President, het hierdie verwikkeling vierkantig voor die deur van die ANC gelê. “Boere bly die teiken van onbillike beskuldigings dat hulle kwansuis grond sou gesteel het, en van onredelike voorgenome wetgewing soos onteiening en nou ook ondeurdagte grondplafonne,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “Dit is politieke oneerlikheid van die ANC en die regering om georganiseerde landbou te nooi om tot in Maart sy voorstelle op die tafel te sit, maar dan eensydig aan te kondig dat hy ongeag dit, voortgaan met sy planne. Dit maak van alle deelnameprosesse ‘n klug. “Met hierdie soort optrede het die regering die lyn nou duidelik getrek. Hy stuur af op ‘n ernstige konfrontasie met die landbougemeenskap en georganiseerde landbou, en hy moet nie kla as hy met hierdie eensydige en arrogante optrede nie meer kan staat maak op enige vorm van welwillendheid nie. TLU SA sal nou meer en sterker as ooit opkom vir die belange van sy lede. Die Minister het reeds uitdagend gesê dat hy bereid is om sy onteieningsvoorstelle tot in die Grondwetlike Hof te voer. Hy moet net weet: TLU SA ook!”, sê mnr. Meintjes. Intussen sê mnr. Meintjes dat die skielike toename in beskikbare landbougrond, die waarde van landbou-eiendom onder druk kan plaas. “Maar dit bevestig ook weer dat as die regering gehoor sou gee aan die voorstelle wat TLU SA al jare gelede gemaak het, deur bloot die beskikbare grond wat in die mark kom, vir sy projekte aan te skaf, daar geen noodsaaklikheid is vir ideologiese grondhervormingsprojekte nie, wat neerkom op gedwonge verskuiwing van bestaande boere. TLU SA bevestig opnuut dat landbou ‘n ekonomiese proses is en volgens die regte beginsels hanteer moet word met een doel voor oë naamlik om kos te produseer. Indien in ag geneem word dat die projekte van die regering rondom grond sover grootliks misluk het moet Suid-Afrika kennis neem dat die huidige beleidsomgewing afstuur op ‘n mislukte landbouomgewing, armoede en hongersnood. “Verder moet die regering kennis neem dat TLU SA nie betrokke sal raak by enige proses of standpunt wat die land en sy ekonomie verder skade kan aanrig nie”, sê mnr. Meintjes. 54 “Intussen wil ons ‘n beroep doen op boere om nie moedeloos te word by die aanhoor van al die regeringsdreigemente nie, maar eerder hande te vat met georganiseerde landbou en op te staan vir wat ons reg is. Boere moet nie nou paniekerige en impulsiewe besluite maak wat op die lange duur vir hulle baie nadelig kan wees nie,” sê mnr. Meintjes. WATER SECURITY Kariba Dam Many policemen visited the Kariba Dam in the old Rhodesia and stood on the wall looking at Africa’s largest man-made lake. Even then one could feel the might Zambezi pulsating as it went through the sluice-gates in the wall. There is even enough water to export some to South Africa. Kariba: Photo: Heymans 1974 Here is an article doing the rounds on the Internet: Because NOTHING has been maintained since Independence 34 years ago! Africa’s creaking giant Kariba dam threatens to unleash biblical deluge RW Johnson, Cape Town Published: 30 March 2014 Sunday Times The Kariba dam provides much of southern Africa with power (Ariadne Van Zandbergen) FEARS of a humanitarian disaster are growing as engineers warn that Africa’s mighty Kariba dam, opened by the Queen Mother in 1960, has developed severe structural faults. A collapse would unleash 180bn tons of water from the largest man-made lake on the continent, sweeping thousands of hippos and crocodiles into an area of Zambia that is home to 3.5m people. The torrent could roar on into Mozambique and Malawi. Much of southern Africa, which depends upon the dam’s turbines for electricity, would be plunged into darkness. This month Felix Nkulukusa, permanent secretary at the Zambian finance ministry, told reporters that the wall of the dam had developed serious structural weaknesses. We are told by engineers that if nothing is done in the next three years the dam may be swept away, he said. A Zimbabwean engineer at the dam, who did not wish to be named, told The Sunday Times last week that the vibrations are downright scary when the floodgates are opened to allow water to be discharged after heavy rains. You can hear and feel the dam wall vibrate, he said. 55 The water cascades into a plunge pool beneath the 420ft-high dam. It is supposed to be 30ft deep but has eroded at points to more than 250ft, potentially undermining the dam wall. Adding to the problem is a risk of earthquakes. The dam is built at the southern end of the Rift Valley, a tectonically active area where there have been at least 20 quakes of a magnitude greater than 5.Elizabeth Karonga of the Zambezi River Authority, which is jointly owned by Zambia and Zimbabwe, sought to allay fears but admitted that the situation at the Kariba dam wall is cause for grave concern. Chris Yaluma, the Zambian minister of mines, energy and water, managed to spread further disquiet when he said: There is no need to panic. The dam wall will not collapse overnight. A collapse of the Kariba dam could trigger further disasters. Once the tidal wave of water reached Mozambique it would overwhelm the mighty Cahora Bassa dam and release another 51bn tons of water, making the spillage four times bigger than the largest on record. The river authority regards repairs to the plunge pool as urgent and it is sufficiently worried about a failure of the floodgate to suggest the construction of a new emergency gate. At least $250m is needed for the repairs. But Robert Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe has kicked out the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and anyone else who might lend the money. The Zambians are more optimistic and say the World Bank, the European Union and the African Development Bank are all likely to help. Even so, such repair work will not start for many months. People are worried, perhaps irrationally, said Richard Maasdorp, a Zimbabwean engineer. But they know the clock is ticking. 56 ENERGY Beurtkrag En daarvoor, onder andere, het jy nou beurtkrag R egstellende aksie, pariteit, gelyke indiensneming ensovoorts. Baie kaperjolle is die afgelope paar jare by Eksdom aan die gang. Hierdie is so enetjie: So ’n paar jaar gelede het die hoof: Menslike Hulpbron Bestuurshoof trots aangekondig dat hy sy doelwit om 50% swart vroue tov alle aanstellings op al die vlakke van hierdie organisasie bereik het. Vir dít het hy ’n bonus van R2.7 mijoen ontvang. En jý beurtkrag ... Fanie Bouwer HUMOUR Famous comebacks via Len Els 57 58 Humour and National Crisis Miss Emely Hobhouse once remarked that during the times of the Anglo Boer War one thing that stood out amongst the Boers was their sense of humour, especially when the going got tough! In the midst of our crisis we are still seeing the funny side! Old Sgt Wessie van der Westhuizen always said: “You can’t keep a good man down!” IN difficult times he could always make the men in the ranks smile! Jan van Riebeeck-jokes At a glittering gala dinner of the African National Congress in Cape Town during January 2015, President Jacob Zuma said Jan van Riebeeck’s arrival in the Cape was the beginning of all SA’s problems. "A man with the name of Jan van Riebeeck arrived in the Cape on April 6 1652 ... What 59 followed were numerous struggles and wars and deaths and the seizure of land and the deprivation of the indigenous peoples’ political and economic power ... The arrival of Van Riebeeck disrupted SA’s social cohesion, repressed people and caused wars," Zuma said. [http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/2015/01/26/zuma-is-the-president-of-all-south-africans] Since then the jokes started rolling in on the social media: 60 61 On the lack of electricity 1947 (UP) vs 2015 (ANC) In 1947 onder die Sap-bewind was dit 35 minute sonderkrag en voorbladnuus op ‘n Nat-koerant! Nou onder die ANC is ons soms ‘n week sonder krag en water! O wye droewe land! 62 SPORT A brief history of cricket at the Cape: Phil Beck While we rightly applaud the achievements of the Protea’s cricket squad, and particularly the amazing feat by AB de Villiers in achieving the fastest 50 and 100 runs ever seen in one-day cricket, we ought not to forget that these players are merely standing on the shoulders of the great players of the past. Those of us who remember players in the 1960s and 1970s such as Barry Richards and Graeme Pollock, should remember the debt they owed to players such as Eric Rowan and Jackie McGlew. They, in turn, owe a huge debt to the players in earlier years, going right back to the beginnings of the game in the 1800’s. 63 The first recorded cricket match took place on January 5th, 1808 (two years after Britain took the Cape for the second and final time). Evidently spectators were welcome for the following advertisement appeared in the Cape Town Gazette and African Advertiser: ‘A Grand Match at Cricket will be played for one thousand dollars (Editor: presumably Rixdollars) a side on the Camp Ground between officers of the Artillery Mess, having Colonel Austin of the 60th Regiment, and officers of the Colony with General Clavering. Wickets will be pitched at 10 o’clock.’ Similar matches for a money purse were advertised to be played at Green Point in 1810 and on the Simons Town Race Course in 1814. Unfortunately none of the results is available for study. Reference: South Africa’s Heritage Magazine. Part 3: Their customs, amusements and sport Horse racing and Crime In days of old, policemen did duty at the races. Whilst stationed at Wentworth I was a “blougat” and a member of the Raiding Squad for Durban South. Part of our duties was to do duty on some Wednesdays and some Saturdays at the Clairwood Race Course. We were then dressed in full blue and grey uniforms. The sergeant did duty in the Gold Ring; I performed duties in the Silver Ring and the African members did duty in the Brass ring. The sergeant regularly visited us to check if all was in order. If the police was needed, a message was broadcasted for Mister “S.A. Perry” to go to such and such an area and to interview Mr Soand-So. 64 One of the perks was a free meal, each of us were issued with meal tickets. We would arrive in a big riot truck and do crowd control. We are arrested people who were gambling. My father, Sgt Heymans, later explained to me that horse racing was based on “skill” while gambling – like Crown & Anchor - was based on “chance”. So we arrested chaps playing Crown and Anchor. In the Sliver Ring people would be friendly and take your number and then use it to back on the horses. I don’t know if any member of the public was ever lucky by using my number. I know from experience the back of the big truck was also shared with disappointed drunk punters – HBH. Horse racing: Phil Beck On Saturday 31st January 2015 enthusiastic punters, young socialites and fashion aficionados from all over South Africa flocked to the Mother city’s Kensington Racecourse to attend the annual equestrian event of the year, the J & B Met! This event brought to mind our own racecourse here in Durbanville! The horse was treasured by the pioneering families in the Cape during the time of the VOC. The daring and prowess of the riders plus the stamina and form of the horses racing on Green Point Common was a magnetic spectator draw card to entertain the townsfolk of Cape Town. Shortly after the British took control of the Cape, in 1807, a list of rules and regulations were drawn up and the South African Turf Club was born. ‘Mr Duminy from Welgemoed Farm played a large role in forming the informal D’Urban Hunt Club which had its first outing near the town (perhaps close to the original race course), under the name of the Cape Hunt Club in 1843.’ 65 There is a strange allusion to the ‘Sport of Kings’ as can be seen from this drawing (at left) by H Egersdorfer of a scene from the play, ‘The Flying Scud’ performed at the Theatre Royal in Cape Town. Isn’t it a pity that Durbanville no longer plays host to spectacular events! NB: Information and excerpts taken from an article written in 2007 by Dr Nico Walters and Mr Alfie Bester. The pictures are from the book ‘South Africa’s Heritage Part 3’ published in 1962. NEW BOOKS / NUUT OP DIE RAK Eugene de Kock: Sluipmoordenaar van die staat: Anemari Jansen Uitgegee deur Tafelberg-Uitgewers: 'n Druknaam van NB-Uitgewers | Published by Tafelberg Publishers: An imprint of NB Publishers 66 Die eerste boek wat Eugene de Kock se lewe in diepte blootlê gaan einde Maart op die rakke wees. Dit is deels gebaseer op sy dagboeke en tronkgeskrifte, sielkundige verslae, asook honderde ure se gesprekke met hom in die tronk. Die skrywer is Anemari Jansen, ’n skrywer en sakevrou van Alberton, met een roman op haar kerfstok. Jansen het in 2011 onverwags die kans kry om De Kock in PretoriaSentraal te ontmoet. Sy was dadelik gefassineer deur “die man met die sagte stem en netjies versorgde hande”. Die einste hande wat sy geweet het etlike mense vermoor het. Jansen wou weet hoe dié intelligente, welbelese mens met die “monster” van die Vlakplaas-moordbende versoen kon word. Sy het vir die volgende drie jaar asof gedrewe De Kock se storie nagespeur: Sy het sy vertroue gewen en hom Sondag ná Sondag in die tronk besoek. Sy het ook eksklusiewe toegang tot sy familie, vriende en oudKoevoeten Vlakplaas-kollegas verkry. Haar soeke na antwoorde het haar na alle uithoeke van die land geneem en haar lewe onherroeplik verander. Jansen, wat vir die grootste deel van haar lewe apolities was, is in die proses gedwing om die gruwels van apartheid te konfronteer en te herbesin oor haar identiteit as Afrikaner. In die boek word groot dele direk uit De Kock se dagboeke en ongepubliseerde manuskrip aangehaal. Hierin is De Kock skreiend eerlik, nie net oor Vlakplaas-wandade nie, maar ook oor sy ervarings in die Grensoorlog as lid van Koevoet. Hy identifiseer ook sy opdraggewers in die tyd wat hy by Vlakplaas was. Die boek belig nie net die kompleksiteite rondom De Kock as mens en die keuses wat hy moes maak nie, maar ook die onlangse Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis op ’n openbarende, soms skokkende, manier. * Eugene de Kock: Sluipmoordenaar van die staat (English: Eugene de Kock: Assassin for the State) word in Afrikaans en Engels uitgegee deur Tafelberg-Uitgewers. Die voorgestelde verkoopprys is R250. Ander interessante punte: • Die boek is geskryf met De Kock se volle samewerking en goedkeuring. • Die skrywer moes soms aantekeninge op haar binne-arm maak, omdat sy nie papier mag ingeneem het by die tronk nie. • Bevat tientalle voorheen ongepubliseerde persoonlike foto’s. • De Kock ontbloot korrupsie by Koevoet. • Eerlike ontboesemings deur De Kock oor sy lewe in die tronk. • 'n Aangrypende tweede storielyn van ’n Afrikaner-vrou wat die verlede beter probeer verstaan. Die boek is beskikbaar in winkels in Afrikaans einde Maart 2015 en in Engels Mei 2015. 67 Eugene de Kock: Assassin for the State by Anemari Jansen The first comprehensive investigation into the life of former operative Eugene de Kock will shortly be available on South African bookshelves. The book, which includes innumerable hours of in-depth conversations with De Kock whilst in prison, is based on his diaries, prison writings and psychological reports. The writer, Anemari Jansen, is also the author of a novel, published last year. Jansen was unexpectedly introduced to De Kock in 2011 at Pretoria Central. She was immediately fascinated by “the man with the soft voice and well-groomed hands”, well aware that those were the very hands that had murdered several people. Jansen wanted to know how this intelligent, well-read individual could be the “monster” from the Vlakplaas death squad, the man the media dubbed Prime Evil. For the next three years she researched De Kock’s story intensely. She won his trust, paying him visits in prison Sunday after Sunday. She also had exclusive access to his family and friends, as well as old Koevoet and Vlakplaas colleagues. Her quest for answers took her to all the corners of South Africa and changed her life irrevocably. Jansen, who has been apolitical for most of her life, was forced in this process to confront the horrors of apartheid and to reassess her own identity as an Afrikaner. Huge sections of De Kock’s diaries and unpublished manuscript are included in the book. De Kock is blatantly honest, not just only about the Vlakplaas atrocities, but also about his experience in the Border War as a member of Koevoet. In this book he discloses the names of his superiors who gave him his orders, many of whom have escaped sanction. The book not only illuminates the complexities of De Kock as person and the choices he had to make, but also exposes South Africa’s recent history in an open and sometimes shocking manner. *Published in Afrikaans and English by Tafelberg Publishers. The recommended retail price is R250. Other interesting points: • The book was written with De Kock’s full cooperation and approval. • Jansen was sometimes forced to make notes on her inner arm, as taking paper into prison is prohibited. • The book contains a myriad of unpublished personal photographs. • De Kock exposes corruption at Koevoet. • The book contains honest confessions about De Kock’s life in prison. • A moving parallel story of an Afrikaans woman struggling to understand the past. The book will be available in stores in Afrikaans in March and in English in May. 68 POLICEMENS HOBBIES Stokperdjies: Arabier Perde: Dalene Steenkamp Daar vêeeeeeeeeeeeer in die ou Kalahari boer oud-polisievrou, Dalene Steenkamp, ook met Arabiere. Skielik spring die liedjie van ou Jim Reeves my gees binne: “Ver in die ou Kalahari. Daar sing die Boere so! Gee ons die ou Kalahari. Die ou Kalahari bo. Wyd lê jou eindelose vlaktes. Kameeldoringboom en sand. Eensame, vreedsame wêreld. Dis ons Kalahari-land. Sonbesies sing in die bosse. Die hittige son versmaai. Rooi Afrikaner osse. Sien jy om elke draai. Ver in die ou Kalahari. Tot daar in die Malopo. Gee ons die ou Kalahari. Die ou Kalahari bo!” Dalene vertel: “My eerste perd gekoop as jong polisievrou in Keetmanshoop vir R50 en daar op stal gehou. Verplaas Windhoek toe en moes noodgedwonge weer ou Poon verkoop. In 1989 koop en my tweede perd – weer op ʼn veiling. Basoeto poon met die naam Brenda. My kinders word gebore en raak op haar rug groot. Ek raak later bietjie meer betrokke by die resiesperd bedryf, maar hulle temperament is nie vir my lekker nie. In 1996 land ek amper in die tronk oor ek “een” bo van sy perdekar gaan afhaal en hom met sy eie sweep bykom, want hy ry die perde tot lê toe. Ek span die perde uit, bel die SPCA en verwittig hulle. Gevolg – ek betaal skulderkenning op die konsuise aanranding en die SPCA ken die perde aan my toe vir R200. Die merrie, Aylah, raak later ʼn ongelooflike ryperd. Ek sien haar temperament en konformasie en besluit om met haar te begin teel. Skaf my boerperd hings, Kanaka aan. Ja, en daar ontstaan my kleine boerdery. Later koop ek my Arabier hings, Sidi Mac Master, en skaf nog ʼn paar ander Arabier merries aan vir teling. Nie vir geldmaak of roem nie – suiwer omdat ek ʼn ongelooflike liefde het vir ʼn perd. Nou ja – nodeloos om te sê: my kinders word groot saam met die perde. Ek hoef nie bekommerd te wees oor hulle in die strate en hole nie, want die maats kom kuier op die plaas. Hulle raak naweke en vakansies weg op die plaas met die perde – al hoe ek weet hulle is veilig is die vleis in my vrieskas verminder by die dag. 69 So het menigte vul al aangekom en elkeen het sy eie persoonlikheid en maniertjies. So is menigte vul al na nuwe eienaars toe, maar ek probeer tred hou van elkeen, hoewel dit nie maklik is nie. My kleinkind word gebore op 25 Maart 2014 en hierdie ouma se droom is dat hy net soos sy ma sal grootword saam met die perde, dat hy ʼn sorglose lewe sal hê tussen hulle en ʼn liefde vir hulle sal ontwikkel en dat hy die psige van ʼn perd sal verstaan soos sy ma. Dit in kort saamgevat. Hoop oom kan dit gebruik. Groete Dalene Steenkamp” Foto beskrywing: Perd 1 - My teelhings “Sidi Mac Master” – Perd 2 - Ek saam met my merrie “Peggy” volbloed geregistreerde Arabier. sy is ongelukkig oorlede na ʼn slangbyt. Perd 3 - “Mac” vertoon mooi op kraal. Perd 4 - Ek saam met “Mac” in die veld 70 tussen die merries. Perd 5 - Ek besig om skadu afdakke te bou vir die Perd 6 - Die siel van ʼn perd is in die oë - my perde. Jennah-merrie. Perd 7 - Ek saam met “Friday” in die veld – een Perd 8 - My dogter Susan op van my vullens wie by ʼn goeie nuwe eienaar is. boerperdhings “Kanak” tydens vlegresieskompetisie. my ‘n 71 Perd 9 - “Valentine”, my volbloed geteelde Arabier Perd 10 - Ek wou die foto wys van die merrietjie saam met “Ciggar”. “Ciggar” is ook by ‘n Kalahari- sonsondergang op die plaas - die nuwe eienaar. foto het bietjie klein gekom ....... Perd 11 - Hier is die 1ste foto van my kleinkind Perd 12 - Jacobus op 3 weke ouderdom Jacobus wat in sy ouma se perdelewe kom inval maak kennis met die perde. het ... 72 Perd 13 - My Ouf-hond wie saam met my loop en Perd 14 - Een van die gronddamme op die beweeg as ek tussen die perde is en saamdraf. plaas waar die perde gaan suip en rol en bad. Perd 15 - “Naliah” – by Jacobus-kleintjiekind se perd. Boerperd x Arabier. Sy ouma gaan hom en die perdjie saam leer. Sgt (Ret) Joseph Borda: Malta Police We wish Sgt Borda many happy returns with his birthday on 15 February, 2015!!! From all our readers, mostly policemen from the former South African Police Force we all wish you a happy birthday! Our wish for you is health, wealth and happiness. Happiness to you is off course to build out your formidable collection of policiana or police memorabilia. Anemari Jansen had the opportunity to visit Joseph Borda when on holiday in Malta. She popped in to visit him and here is her photo report: 73 74 75 76 ONTSPANNING Braai 13 Jan 2015: Neelsie, Abrie Grobler, Oom Tiny & Christo Giani Braai 10 Februarie 2015: Groenkloof 77 Die BO, die braaimeester en hoof-aanstigter Hugo Hannemann Phillip Malherbe 78 Marius Morland Jan Ackerman Vick McPhearson Tienie Bosman Boet Meintjes Chris van Ginkel & Vick McPhearson 79 Boet Meintjes & Paul Murphy (VSA) Marius Morland, Nico Freylinck, Abrie Groobler en Ferdie Vermaakt Foto’s deur HBH 80 LATE NEWS & REPORTS Afsterwe Genl HD Stadler Hennie Heymans 10 February at 14:58 · Pretoria Doodsberig: Met leedwese word die afsterwe van wyle genl-maj HD Stadler aangekondig. Hy is vanoggend 10-02-2015 tussen 07:30 en 08:00 oorlede. Ons eer sy nagedagtenis. Leon Strauss, Flip Jacobs, Coert Marais and 113 others like this. 100 of 119 View previous comments Nico Frylinck Sterkte aan die familie. RIV Tom van Rensburg R I V Saluut! Mickey Friedenthal Rose-marie van der Merwe RIV Saluut Pottie Potgieter RIV SALUUT 81 PW van Zyl Gideon Ras R I V Genl Peter Sutton RIV. Saluut Sarie Van Niekerk Ek het gehoor nou die dag hy is baie siek, toe ek verlede jaar so November met hom gesels het, het hy self ook gese hy voel regtig nie goed nie. Rus in vrede ou grootte. Jy sal lank onthou word. Conrad Johann Reyneke R.I.V. Tom Clack RIV genl. Jan Hendrik van Niekerk RIV Generaal... Koot Swanepoel Aggenee, ai jammer om dit te hoor. Ons kan net vir die naasbestaandes bid dat die Trooster, die Heilige Gees, Self hulle sal kom vertroos en versterk. Jakes Jacobs RIV...SALUUT Anthony Muller RIV Generaal Willem D A Basson Riv 82 Douw Ferreira RIV SALUUT Paul Du Preez Condolences to the family. Hentie Arlow Saluut! Andre En Alma Myburgh RIV Sharon Münz Saluut! Nicolas Erasmus "Saluut!" R.I.V. Generaal! Andre Van Taak RIV Generaal Callie van Greunen SALUUT Generaal! Tom Spies RIV Danie Robbertse "SALUUT!" RIV Generaal. Fanie Bouwer RIV Saluut! Nick Nel RIV... Louis Mostert RIV 83 Boet Meintjes RIV General. Johan Bezuidenhout RIV Ronnie Beyl SALUUT RIV Glenn Schooling RIV Welmar O Reilly Saluut !! RIV Wickus Deysel Saluut!!!!!!! Ben Morris Crouse Riv Kobus Botha Rus sag Generaal en oneindig dankie vir u bydrae. Koos Venter RIV Hein Kilian RIV Nico du Plooy RIV Generaal Nico du Plooy Saluut Andries Greyling RIV Saluut Generaal Deon Retief Saluut Gen RIV 84 Lionel Ehlers RIV Marius van Niekerk RIV. Dries Vaatjie de Klerk Saluut!! Johann Langeveld JOHANN LANGEVELD PRES VAN SERVAMUS/GPF/NOODKOM EN SY LEDE OP RADIO STASIES OOR DIE WERELD GROET U NA GEDAGTENES RUS IN VREDE GEN ZS5POL (POLISIE) EN IPA STASIES. Stephan Botha RIV Abrie le Roux RIV Japie de Jager Herman Stadler ? Piet Botha RIV Johan Piesang Nel RIV Genl Riaan Pretorius RIV Generaal. My innige meegevoel met familie en vriende Daniel Joubert Siebrits RIV Danie Terblans RIV Gert W Willemse RIV SALUUT! 85 Bart Pieterse RIV...Saluut !!! Boela Snyman RIV Abrie Grobler SALUUT RIV Cassie Kruger RIV Saluut Christo Els RIV Esme Olivier Els Genl. Jack Olivier stuur sy medelye xx Paul Grabe Salute General. Selwes Blomerus R I V. SALUUT Johan Venter RIV Generaal Stoffel Uys Rus in vrede Generaal.uHet die reis voltooi.RUS IN VREDE. Marius Morland RIV. Saluut Generaal. Neelsie Borea Ai Hennie dankie dat jy dit onder ons aandag bring. Saluut Generaal. RIV ... seenwense aan sy geliefdes. Jaco Van der Merwe Sir, you have done your part, now rest in peace. John Phillip Lambert RIV Generaal.Saluut! 86 Shirley von Benecke R I V Saluut Piet Van Zyl Eisshhh...nog n legende weg. Walk Tall David Steynfaardt R.I.V. Saluut! Fanie Vermaak RIV! Was my bevelvoerder Durban Veiligheidstak. Ware gentleman!! Marius Coetzee R.I.V. Bertram Oswald Moggee RIV Buks Bluff Botha Ai nog n soliede ou skool .ysterhoud deur gaan toe. .....vir so n man kan jy jou bors uitsteek en se!! Ons vir jou SUID Afrika! !!!! Deon Vermaak R.I.V Gerhard Pieters R.I.V. Saluut Steve Seargent RIV Jan Homann Simpatie ook aan sy Familie. Wens hulle alle sterkte toe vir die tye wat nou voorlê. Dit is nie maklik nie, Net HY kan die pad vir hul verlig en lei in hierdie tyd. Charmaine Poolman R.I.V en simpatie aan sy familie en vriende Gawie Botha Saluut! 87 Hennie le Roux Saluut Dorothy Bell 29546...RIV Martin Weyers R.I.P David Obie Oberholzer R.I.V Izak van Zyl RIP Generaal. Paul Greyling Saluut! RIP Generaal. Freek Vermaak Rus in vrede Generaal. So gaan ons bestes heen...een vir een!! SA is vandag nog n legende armer!!! Sterkte aan al die naasbestaandes, vriende, oud kollegas en Alma-Mater!!! Chris Smith Ons gun hom n ewige rus Leon Strauss RIP Salute Danie van Niekerk RIV Generaal !!.....sterkte aan die familie !! Pieter Francois Du Plessis Jammer om te hoor. André L du Toit Generale saluut Rus in Vrede kolega. 88 WELFARE / WELSYN “Projek Nongqai”: Verarmde volksgenote: Genl Bertus Steyn [O-SAP-LT] Shakespeare het geskryf: "Neither beggar nor borrower be ...." Bertus Steyn het nou die dag vir ons kom kuier. Hy is die sekretaris van die Oud-SAP-Lede Liefdadigheidstrust [O-SAP-LT]. Hy het "mooi" tweedehandse klere kom haal. Hy versprei kos en klere aan ons verarmde volksgenote. [Dit is 'n saak wat ek goed gesind is – ons mense veral dames kry werk maar het nie klere om aan te trek nie. Terloops ek het reeds al my “pragtige” pakkeklere wat ek in die V-tak gedra het en die “mooi” skoene, ook vir liefdadigheid geskenk - wat maak mens met al die klere?] Ek het hom gewys dat ek dit hier sal adverteer. Indien u, u weg oopsien om ordentlike klere te skenk, kontak ons gerus en ek sal u aan Bertus oordra ..... “onthou wat ons aan die geringstes doen ......” • Dankie vir die dames en here wat alreeds geskenk het – Bertus sal vir u ‘n kaartjie stuur - HBH INDEMNITY CLAUSE: VRYWARINGSKLOUSULE Die e-Nongqai bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende korrespondente en die opsteller van e-Nongqai kan nie vir enige deel van die inhoud daarvan in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid verantwoordelik gehou word nie. The e-Nongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents and the compiler of e-Nongqai cannot be held responsible for any of their comments. Enige advertensies of enige sake voortspruitend is tussen u en die ander party. May our friendship never come apart, Especially when it's straight from the heart! CONTACT DETAILS / KONTAKBESONDERHEDE Hennie Heymans: [email protected] Anemari Jansen: [email protected] Glenn Elsden: [email protected] William Marshall: [email protected] Greetings – Groete Salute! Saluut! Hennie Heymans No 43630 © 2015 89
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