The Catholic Community Of Whitesboro New 1972 Founded 1883 Pastor Rev. Thomas P. Durant Address: 16 Park Ave. Whitesboro, NY Oct. 26, 2014 For Sacramental Information Please Call the Parish Office Parish Trustees: Chuck Harvan Mary Lou O’Connor Ed O’Toole Patricia Samarco Parish Council Members Lynn Crowley Judy Dimbleby Fred Folino Debbie Gibbs Mike Sewall Visit us on the web @ Email: [email protected] Facebook: St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Whitesboro Phones: 736-1124, 736-4018 Day Care, 736-4807 Fax 768-7915 Saturday Confessions 3:00 - 3:45 Deacons, Chr istopher Engle & Anthony Papar ella Business Administrator, Dar leen Riggles Music Director & Organist, Ger ar d Pecor ello Nazareth Day Care Director, Sue Gentile Maintenance Supervisor, Car los Molina Nazareth Maintenance, Ken Sullivan Director of Religious Education, Cynthia Godemann Adult Education, Mar cia Alcur i & J anet O'Toole Family Life Minister, Andr ea Cittadino Youth Team, Kevin & Denise Jaskolka, Joe & Martha Pietruch, Patti Althoff, Butch Meyers, Amanda Cieslewitz, Lisa & Tony LoConte , Celeste Pytko, Melissa Hillage, Patricia Carroll , Deacon Tony Paparella and Ben Schrantz R.C.I.A., Deacon Chr is Engle, J ohn & Mar y Gazak Ministry to Sanctuary, Car ol Babowicz Altar Servers, Lynn Cr owley Human Development, J oyce McKevitt & Patr icia Samar co Wedding Coordinators, David & Candy Haas Ministry Coordinator for Sick & Shut-Ins, Deacon Anthony Paparella Ministry of Social Justice, Ray Lee Prayer Group & Prayer Chain, Patr icia Moor e-736-7210 Parish Secretary, Peg Hyland-736-1124 ex: 0 St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York Page 2 This Week in Our Parish Fr. Tom’s Column Annual Christmas Novena Begins This Monday, Oct. 27 at 7:00 p.m. in Church for the nine Mondays before Christmas. Mass for the Deceased of the Parish Next Sun., Nov. 2 11:00 a.m. Liturgy (There are no 8:15 a.m. Liturgies on Mondays during the Christmas Novena.) Recitation of the Rosary will take place at 6:30p.m. Oct. 26, 2014 God Our Father, we ask that you hear our prayers and bring us some consolation in our lives. As we remember in our prayers all our loved ones who have died, we pray that they have received the promise of eternal life and that they are with you in experiencing the joy of Heaven. Amen A few reminders for all……... Morning Mass at 8:15a.m. during the week, will now be celebrated in the Guardian Angel Chapel in Nazareth until spring. Be a part of our Holiday Projects (Thanksgiving and Christmas). Both projects begin soon and the info is in the bulletin. Remember that God never requires more from us than we are able to do. Reach down deep and help where and in whatever way you can. Next Saturday, Nov. 1 before you go to bed! Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 3:00-3:45 p.m.—Confessions—Ch Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 9 & 11a.m. Liturgies—Child Church, Pre-K, K 9:45-10:45a.m.—Gr. 1 & 2 Religious Education 12:00-1:30p.m.—Gr. 9 Religious Education—Session 1 12:00-1:30o.m.—Gr. 10 Religious Education—Session 1 Monday, Oct. 27, 2014 1:00 p.m.—Legion of Mary—Church 6:30p.m.—Recitation of Rosary—Ch 7-8:30p.m.—Bible Study—30 Meditations on Healing—FDH Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014 1:30 p.m. —Family of God Prayer Mtg. Have 4:15/5:30p.m.—Gr.3,4,5,6 Religious Education 6-7:15p.m.—Gr.3,4,5 Religious Education you 7:00p.m.—RCIA Class—DH made Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014 your 9:00 a.m.—Sandwich Ministry—FDH Hope 9:30-11a.m.—Bible Study—The Covenants of God —FDH 6-7:15p.m.—Gr. 6,7,8 Religious Education Appeal 7-8:30p.m.—Bible Study—The Covenants of God —FDH Pledge? 7:00p.m.— Choir Rehearsal—Ch Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014 9:30-11a.m.—Bible Study—Spiritual Warfare—FDH 7-8:30p.m.—Bible Study—Spiritual Warfare—FDH Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014-First Saturday 9:00a.m.—Christmas Volunteers meet at Whitesboro American Legion! 3:00-3:45 p.m.—Confessions—Ch Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014 9 & 11a.m. Liturgies—Child Church, Pre-K, K 9:45-10:45a.m.—Gr. 1 & 2 Religious Education 12:00-1:30p.m.—Gr. 9 Religious Education—Session II begins 12:00-1:30o.m.—Gr. 10 Religious Education—Session 1I begins 5:30-8:30.m.—Life Teen Bowling/King Pin Lanes—Bus Schedule-Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers -Sat./Sun., Nov. 1/2, 2014 Mass Lector 4:00 p.m. Patti Hartnett 7:30 a.m. James Wurz 9:00 a.m. Patricia Deck 11:00 a.m. Cindy Godemann Euch. Ministers A/JA/JE Falk C Haas D Hellinger D Kelly Altar Servers L/C Almy K/S Frieberger N Hillage M Goodman S Harris S Harris L Williams M Hillick S O’Callaghan C Sorrell/M Swiderski R Blum A Calabrese A Cencetti Daviau P Deck/J Drager G St. Pierre K/B Hill C Collea S Ross G/S Barrie A Cittadino N Conti M Dabowey L Engle P Ashwell R/B Svitka M Luizzi C Krager B Wargo Eucharistic Ministers: Please do not forget to sign in before Mass. Page 3 St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York GENERAL PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Oct. June26, 8, 2014 2014 GENERAL PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Paul’s Human Development needs your help with… Our Christmas Project begins SOON! Even though it is still Oct., the Christmas Project NEEDS HELP NEXT SAT., NOV. 1! On Nov. 1, we will assist our Boy Scouts in distributing flyers announcing the annual Food Drive to be held on Sat., Nov. 8. We NEED donations of canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, fruit cocktail, jello, and stuffing mix. Please leave your donations at the church entrances. Monetary donations to help purchase perishable foods are also appreciated. Money donations may be placed in the collection baskets marked “Human Development–Thanksgiving Donation.” If you or someone you know will need assistance for Thanksgiving Dinner, please call Pat Samarco at 736-0756 or the Parish Office at 736-1124. Cut off date for requests for assistance is Wed., NOV. 19. We are not able to take requests after that date. If you can help, please come to the Whitesboro American Legion at 9a.m. Sat., Nov. 1. We appreciate any time (an hour or two) you can volunteer. You will be given a route to follow to hand out the flyers! Now is the time to knit and crochet hats and mittens (any size) for our Christmas Project. Please bring your completed items to church or the parish office by Dec. 1. Our Life Teen Group WELCOMES any student in Grades 7-12. Life Teen Bowling Next Sun., Nov. 2 5:30-8:30p.m.-King Pin Lanes St. Paul’s Bus will transport us both ways. Cost is only $5.00 Permission Slips signed by a parent are required. Join us for some fun! We will bake bread for our shut ins on Nov. 16, and participate in the Healing Mass/Dinner on Nov. 30 followed with a trip to Hoopla's! St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York Page 4 June 2014 Oct. 26,8,2014 St. Paul’s Hope Appeal Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 4:00 p.m.—Audrey Rumont (2nd Anv)—Cummings Fam. Virgil Hutton—Gloria (Wife) Richard Wilson—John/Darlene O’Connor David Riggles—Darleen (Wife) & Family Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m.—Ted Belch—Teddie Clinton/Mary Adams—Nelson/Pat Adams 9:00 a.m.—Sophie A. Dobies—Dobies Children Peter Wald—Florence (Wife) & Family 11:00a.m.—Alexandria Belewich—Family Leo/Rose Kirk—Grandchildren Suzanne Barry—Janice Godfrey Monday, Oct. 27, 2014 7:00p.m.—Christmas Novena (Week 1) Eleanor White—Joe/Kathy Edic Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014 Feast of Ss. Simon & Jude, Apostles 8:15a.m.—Orphaned Children throughout the World Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014 8:15a.m.—Priest Vocations Friday, Oct. 31, 2014 8:15a.m.—End to Abortion Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014—First Saturday Feast of All Saints 4:00p.m.—–Rita Pasick—Daughter Jeanette Daviau—Donald (Husband) Lela Idell—Gloria Schreck Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014 Feast of All Souls 7:30 a.m.—Veronica Ogiba—Judith Mohr William J. Snyder Jr.—M/M Edward Waskiewicz 9:00a.m.—Deceased Members Legion of Mary Jenny Provancher—Bob/Jill Humphrey 11:00a.m.—Anthony Veschusio (3rd Anv)—Angela (Wife) Michael Mehaffey—The Knights Sylvester—Mom & Family If you would like a Mass offered for a loved one (deceased/ living/special intention), please stop at the Parish Office or call Peg at 736-1124 ex. 0. If you are having a Mass offered, and would like to bring up the gifts, please see one of our Sacristans, Lorraine or Stephanie, before Mass. Sanctuary Lamp Intentions Ada Tarnowski Ann Brown Our assessment is: $60,105.36 Pledges to Date: $56,558.00 We still need $3,547.36 to meet our Hope Appeal Assessment. Thank you to all who have gotten us so close to meeting our goal. God bless you. A “cushiony, fluffy, squishy” Thank You to our Adult Bible Study members for their contributions to “The Pillow Project” which benefits the homeless who visit the Rescue Mission every day. Special Blessing for Expectant Mothers will be given next SUNDAY, Nov. 2, after Mass, to all women awaiting the birth of a child. Simply let either Fr. Tom or Deacon Tony or Deacon Chris know you wish to receive this special blessing. The St. Gerard Medal and Prayers are on the tables in church. “Stewardship is the act of organizing your life so that God can spend you.” - LYNN A. MILLER, AUTHOR Page 5 St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York Stewardship of: Time, Talent & TREASURE Weekend of Oct. 18/19 Weekly envelope…………… ........... $9,686.01 Loose Basket…………… .................... $615.51 Total Weekly Collection……… .... $10,301.52 Diocesan… ........................................ $1,121.20 Repairs…….. .......................................... $20.00 Have YOU picked up your envelopes yet? The envelopes are in alphabetical order on a table in church. This is the last week we will have them there so please………….pick yours up! Envelopes that are not picked up will not be automatically ordered next year. June26, 8, 2014 Oct. 2014 Join us for a cruise! Feb. 7-14, 2014 We fly via Southwest from Albany to San Juan, Puerto Rico on Feb. 6 and spend the night there. The next day, we board Royal Caribbean's Jewel of the Seas and our ports of call are St. Thomas, St. Croix, Antigua, Martinique, St. Lucia, and Grenada. If you would like to join us, please call Melinda at Travel Masters (315-768-4161) ASAP. Pricing is per person based on two passengers and includes airfare, transfers, one night’s hotel stay in Puerto Rico, taxes and fees. Inside cabin: $1547.48* per person; Ocean View cabin: $1637.48* per person; Balcony cabin: $1947.48* per person. Deposit of $300 is due at time of booking and final payment is due by Nov. 24, 2014. *Pricing is subject to change based on availability at time of booking.* St. Paul’s Church Whitesboro, NY 13492 06-0048
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