The Catholic Community Of Whitesboro New 1972 Founded 1883 Pastor Rev. Thomas P. Durant Address: 16 Park Ave. Whitesboro, NY Nov. 16, 2014 For Sacramental Information Please Call the Parish Office Parish Trustees: Chuck Harvan Mary Lou O’Connor Ed O’Toole Patricia Samarco Parish Council Members Lynn Crowley Judy Dimbleby Fred Folino Debbie Gibbs Mike Sewall Visit us on the web at our new domain@ Email: [email protected] Facebook: St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Whitesboro Phones: 736-1124, 736-4018 Day Care, 736-4807 Fax 768-7915 Saturday Confessions 3:00 - 3:45 Deacons, Chr istopher Engle & Anthony Papar ella Business Administrator, Dar leen Riggles Music Director & Organist, Ger ar d Pecor ello Nazareth Day Care Director, Sue Gentile Maintenance Supervisor, Car los Molina Nazareth Maintenance, Ken Sullivan Director of Religious Education, Cynthia Godemann Adult Education, Mar cia Alcur i & J anet O'Toole Family Life Minister, Andr ea Cittadino Youth Team, Kevin & Denise Jaskolka, Joe & Martha Pietruch, Patti Althoff, Butch Meyers, Amanda Cieslewitz, Lisa & Tony LoConte , Celeste Pytko, Melissa Hillage, Patricia Carroll , Deacon Tony Paparella and Ben Schrantz R.C.I.A., Deacon Chr is Engle, J ohn & Mar y Gazak Ministry to Sanctuary, Car ol Babowicz Altar Servers, Lynn Cr owley Human Development, J oyce McKevitt & Patr icia Samar co Wedding Coordinators, David & Candy Haas Ministry Coordinator for Sick & Shut-Ins, Deacon Anthony Paparella Ministry of Social Justice, Ray Lee Prayer Group & Prayer Chain, Patr icia Moor e-736-7210 Parish Secretary, Peg Hyland-736-1124 ex: 0 St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York Page 2 Fr. Tom’s Column Sunday, Nov. 30 3:00 p.m. There will be Anointing of the Sick and the Laying on of Hands The special Healing Mass will take care of your Sunday obligation. What is the Anointing of the Sick? It is one of the Seven Sacraments of the Church. Through this Sacrament, we call upon the Son of God (Jesus) to pour forth healing and remove any afflictions in the person’s life. Anointing is for those who are physically, emotionally or spiritually ill. You are invited to come down the center aisle where Fr. Durant will anoint you with the chrism. Then if you wish, you may go to one of the Deacons for the Laying on of Hands. This Week in Our Parish Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014 3:00-3:45 p.m.—Confessions—Ch Sunday, Nov. 16, 2014 9 & 11a.m. Liturgies—Child Church, Pre-K, K 9:45-10:45a.m.—Gr. 1 & 2 Religious Education 12:00-1:30p.m.—Gr. 9 Religious Education—Session II 12:00-1:30o.m.—Gr. 10 Religious Education—Session 1I 2:00-5:00p.m.—Life Teen –Meeting & Baking Bread—FDH Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 1:00 p.m.—Legion of Mary—Church 6:30p.m.—Recitation of Rosary—Ch Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014 1:30 p.m. —Family of God Prayer Mtg. 4:15/5:30p.m.—Gr.3,4,5,6 Religious Education 6-7:15p.m.—Gr.3,4,5 Religious Education 6:30p.m.—Prayer Shawl Ministry Mtg.—Nazareth 7:00p.m.—RCIA Class—FDH Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014 9:00 a.m.—Sandwich Ministry—FDH 6-7:15p.m.—Gr. 6,7,8 Religious Education 7-8:30p.m.—The Covenants of God—FDH 7:00p.m.— Choir Rehearsal—Ch Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014 9:30-11a.m.—Bible Study—Spiritual Warfare—FDH 7-8:30p.m.—Bible Study—Spiritual Warfare—FDH Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 3:00-3:45 p.m.—Confessions—Ch Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014 9 & 11a.m. Liturgies—Child Church, Pre-K, K 9:45-10:45a.m.—Gr. 1 & 2 Religious Education 12:00-1:30p.m.—Gr. 9 Religious Education 12:00-1:30o.m.—Gr. 10 Religious Education Christmas Sign Ups FDH Week 1 Euch. Ministers John Worth C Hass D Hellinger D Kelly J O’Toole B Wroblewski/K Beha J Walicki K Kulaway M Kozyra S Gillette/D DeCarlo M Swiderski L Williamson C Babowicz D Boehlert D/P Donnelly S Harris L Williams V Sheppard D Young G Billman R Blum A Calabrese A Cencetti G/S Papale A Furmanski Z/M Blackburn N Olney B Redmond P Ryan J/R Stanhope L Wargo A Williams E Oakley R/K Potasiewicz T/A Williams 4:00 p.m. Carol Babowicz What is the Laying on of Hands? There will be a “lite” meal in Father Donovan Hall following the Healing Mass. Mondays 7pm-Church Lector 7:30 a.m. You are asking the Deacon to call forth the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in your life. It is through the Laying on of Hands that a person opens up his life to the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit pours forth God’s gifts. Christmas Novena Schedule-Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers -Sat./Sun., Nov. 22/23, 2014 Mass If you do not need the Anointing of the Sick, You are invited to experience the Laying on of Hands by one of our Deacons. Nov. 16, 2014 9:00 a.m. Dan Sullivan 11:00 a.m. Robert Stanhope Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers: Please do not forget to sign in before Mass. Page 3 Nov. 2014 June16, 8, 2014 St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York GENERAL PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS GENERAL PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS The Knights of Columbus will be selling raffle tickets THIS Sun., Nov. 16 after all the Masses with prizes of: ten $1,000 winners, a prize of $5,000; $10,000, and grand prize of $25,000. Tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5, 12 for $10. The drawing is Dec. 6. All local profit will benefit our St. Paul’s Day Care Programs. St. Paul’s Human Development needs your help with Thanksgiving Dinner Drivers Needed Mon., Nov. 24 11:00a.m. at Church We need people to help us deliver the Thanksgiving Dinner bags to the families that need our assistance. A sign of the times...we have many families that asked for help this year. Many Hands make Light Work! Call Pat at 736-0756 or the Parish Office at 736-1124 if you can help. We STILL NEED donations of canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, fruit cocktail, jello, and stuffing mix. Please leave your donations at the church entrances. Monetary donations to help purchase perishable foods are also appreciated. Money donations may be placed in the collection baskets marked “Human Development Thanksgiving Donation.” Next Weekend, Nov. 22 & 23 is the first weekend for signing up to purchase gifts for the children on Santa’s List! Fr. Donovan Hall Our sign up sheets allow for two toys per child as well as a set of pajamas, underwear, shirt, pants and socks. All gifts items must be brand new and if possible include a gift receipt inside the wrapped gift. Thank you for following these guidelines. All gifts should be returned the weekend of December 13th and 14th with the blue slip you received at sign up. We look forward to seeing you downstairs next weekend!! You may come down before or after any Mass. Lots of Volunteers Needed! If you have time (any time) to help with our Christmas Project, please call Joyce at 736-0438 or Diane at 736-1124. (We will need lots of help sorting and packing gifts.) Now is the time to knit and crochet hats and mittens (any size) for our Christmas Project. Please bring your completed items to church or the parish office by Dec. 1. St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York Page 4 Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014 Feast of All Saints 4:00p.m.—–Mary Ellen Whitman—Bob/Jill Humphrey Tony/Shirley Castelli—Celia Fedor & Friends George Jack Linder—Agnes Giacovelli Sunday, Nov. 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m.—James P. Moore—M/M Richard Maynard Special Intention Nicole Robertello—Grandparents 9:00a.m.—Mary Cherubin—Louie/Chris Gardner Chester Mandry—Utica College Classmates Jenny Provancher—Peggy/Neil Waterman 11:00a.m.—Charles/Stephanie Pankiewicz—Pankiewicz Estate Pete Kirk—Children Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious 7:00p.m.—Christmas Novena (Week 4) Richard Barnum—Denise/Peter Dalton Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014 Feast of Dedication of Basilica of Ss. Peter/Paul, Apostles 8:15a.m.—Richard J. Boehlert—Wife Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014 8:15a.m.—Clara Wilson—Terrance Luchniewick & Family Friday, Nov.21, 2014 Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:15a.m.—Betty Schaaf—Pat DeLett Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 Feast of St. Cecilia, Virgin/Martyr 4:00 p.m.—Michael Olenik (20th Anv)—Mother Patricia Gray—Shirley (Sister) Ellinor Kula—Teddie Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014 Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 7:30 a.m.—Dominick Robertello—MaryLou O’Connor 9:00 a.m.—Sophie A. Dobies—Dobies Children Jenny Provancher—Joe/Nadine DiCiollla Betty J. Schaaf—OCS Transportation Dept. 11:00a.m.—James P. Moore—Family of God Prayer Group Gregg Robert Doule—Heller family June 2014 Nov. 16,8,2014 Annual Christmas Novena at 7:00 Church for the nine Mondays before Christmas. Recitation of the Rosary will take place at 6:30p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting This Tues., Nov. 18, 2014 6:30 p.m.—Nazareth If you are interested in joining us but are unable to make one of these meetings, have any questions or would like to learn how to knit or crochet -- OR - - If anyone needs yarn to make a prayer shawl, would like to donate a prayer shawl, lap robe or baby blanket or knows of someone in need of these items - -please call Kathy Dodge at 736-0293. All those who will receive our shawls, lap robes, and baby blankets that they bring love and comfort to those in need of God’s special comfort. News from Nazareth: Attention parents of 3 and 4 year old children: Openings are available in our Full Day Preschool! If you would like a Mass offered for a loved one (deceased/living/special intention), please stop at the Parish Office or call Peg at 736-1124 ex. 0. Please call 736-1124 for more information. We would be happy to give you a tour of our classrooms and show you all we have to offer! Sanctuary Lamp Intentions Nicole Robertello Grandparents Page 5 St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York June 16, 8, 2014 Nov. 2014 Stewardship of: Time, Talent & TREASURE Weekend of Nov. 8/9 Weekly envelope…………… ........... $8,541.00 Loose Basket…………… .................... $454.25 Total Weekly Collection……… ...... $8,995.25 Diocesan… ............................................. $34.00 Parish Human Development .. .............. $280.00 Holy Days…… ....................................... $57.00 Fuel……… ........................................... $110.00 Visit us on the web at our new domain name @ or Oriskany Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary Bus Trip to New York City Sat., Dec. 13. Spend the day shopping, sightseeing, etc. Cost is $65 per person includes fees/tip. Pickup/drop-off in front of the Oriskany Fire House. For more info/reservations, call Ms. Banas at 315-292-6808. Our Life Teen Group WELCOMES any student in Grades 7-12. Life Teen Baking Bread THIS Sun., Nov. 16 2:00-5:00.m.-Fr. Donovan Hall We plan to bake bread for our members of the parish who are not able to get out into the community. We will participate in the Healing Mass/Dinner on Nov. 30 followed with a trip to Hoopla's! Basketball Sign Ups For Grades 7—12 Call Louis Rugari at 269-3766. St. Paul’s Church Whitesboro, NY 13492 06-0048
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