This Week Weekly News Sunday, October 26, 2014 Worship Services 9:00 am Traditional (Sanctuary) 10:30 am Contemporary (Sanctuary) 6:00 pm Praise (Sanctuary) Today Connection Groups - Adults 9:00 & 10:30 am See list at Information Center 6:00 pm See list at Information Center Student Ministries (Grades 6-12) 9:00 am Connection Groups (Family Center) 10:00-10:20 am Breakfast/Fellowship Time (Family Center) 10:30 am Worship Service (Sanctuary) 6:00 pm Small Groups (Family Center) Children’s Ministries (Nursery-Grade 5) 9:00 am Children’s Church “252” (Downstairs) 10:30 am Connection Groups (Downstairs) 6:00 pm Connection Groups (Downstairs) Other 2:00 pm Pastor Janelle’s Ordination Council (Room 230) SHOWING THE LOVE OF CHRIST TO THE COMMUNITY By Pastor Janelle Mon., Oct. 27 9-11:00 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Diabetes Self-Management Workshop (Room 231) Pound Fitness (Family Center) Zumba (Family Center) Tues., Oct. 28 Wed., Oct. 29 Thurs., Oct. 30 Fri., Oct. 31 Sat., Nov. 1 3:15-5:00 pm Student Ministry Open Gym (Gr. 6-12) (Family Center) 5-6:00 pm Feed Your F.A.C.E. Dinner (Fellowship Hall) (Pizza, Garden Salad, Dessert) 5:15 pm Church-n-Treat 6:00 pm Children’s Ministries (Nursery-Gr. 5) (Downstairs) 6:00 pm Student Ministries (Gr. 6-12) (Family Center) 6:00 & 6:30 pm Adult Classes & Groups (see list at Info Center) 6:00 pm “Elijah” Bible Study (Room 230) 7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir (Room 221) 9:00 am Thursday AM Bible Study (Room 231) th On October 12 we had our annual Community Fall Festival. Despite the weather being a little chilly and wet, we had a great turnout!! The petting zoo was a huge hit, as always, and the baby camel had lots of people asking “Heyyy, what day is it?” as they posed for pictures. The rock climbing wall, which was reported as being the tallest in West Virginia, brought out the rock climber in all of us! Young and old alike lined up to take their turn to see how high they could make it. The most popular attraction of the day, though, had to be the mechanical bull! Again children, youth, and adults all showed off their bull riding skills (or lack thereof) as they tried to see who could stay on the longest! There was plenty of food for everyone, and the soup beans were especially good with the cooler weather. This was a great day and a wonderful way to connect to others in our community. We were able serve our community, provide them with a great afternoon, and show them the love of Christ. A BIG THANK YOU to all who volunteered and gave of themselves to make this event a success! 1655 Blizzard Drive Parkersburg, WV 26101 304.422.SPBC (304.422.7722) 304.428.8818 (fax) One Service on November 9 @ 10:30 Pastor Lloyd Announces Retirement Plans Mark your calendars for November 9 as Dr. Tom Lipsey will share his trial sermon. On that morning, we will have one service at 10:30. There will be a business meeting immediately following the service to vote on Dr. Lipsey as the Lead Pastor, as well as the upcoming budget for 2015 and a presentation from the Nominating Committee. The business meeting will include all three campuses through a media connection. Please make a point to be here November 9 and be in prayer about this special time in our church. During the September meeting of the Executive Board, Pastor Lloyd communicated his plans to retire effective at the end of 2014. He joined the SPBC staff in 2004 and has served since then in both a full-time and part-time capacity. He and Barbara plan to remain in the community and continue to be part of the SPBC family. Don’t Forget to “Fall Back” Next Week Pastor Janelle’s Ordination Council Today Daylight Saving Time ends next week. Don’t forget to turn your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed next Saturday night! You are invited to come and support Pastor Janelle Skinner as she presents her paper at the Ordination Council today at 2:00 pm in Room 230. New Church Calendar Special Prayer Time for Carrie Kerr This Evening This evening we will be having a special prayer time for Carrie Kerr and her family. Everyone is invited to attend this special prayer time at the end of the Sunday evening service. What greater way to show our support and love than through the power of prayer. Please join Carrie and her family during this time. Church-n-Treat on Wednesday Come and join us for Church-n-Treat! This is a great time to come and meet some of your church family. We will be inside where it is warm, dry and well lit – so no worries about the weather or having to wear a coat to cover up that super cute princess dress or super cool super hero costume! We will start at 5:15 and end at 6:00 so our regular classes can start on time. Look forward to seeing you on October 29th! Upward Basketball Sign-Ups Upward Sign-Ups and Evaluations will be the first week in November. They will take place in the Family Center on Nov. 3, 4 & 6 (between 5:30-7:00 pm) and Nov. 8 (between 9:00 am-Noon). The league is open to boys and girls in Kindergarten thru 5th Grade. Registration cost/child is $55 and scholarships are available. Everyone must attend one basketball evaluation. Contact Ryan Cochran (304-917-1633) for more information. Brochures are available at the Information Center and Kids Central. Please be sure to pick up a copy of the new November 2014-April 2015 church calendar. Copies can be found at the Information Center, Reception Area, Café and Kids Korner. Church-Wide Skating Party on November 14 Everyone is invited to a church-wide skating party on November 14 from 5:007:00 pm at Skate Country. This is a free event, but we do ask that you bring individually packaged drinks or snacks to share and a non-perishable food item to be donated to the “Feed My Sheep” food pantry. Pizza will be provided as well as a special gift for each family to enjoy during the upcoming Christmas season. Be sure to invite your friends and family! Thanksgiving Dinner on November 23 We will be having a special church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner on November 23 at 6:00 pm in the Family Center. This is a great opportunity to come together and connect with your church family. The meal will be provided but we are asking that you bring a dessert to share. Watch your Weekly News for a reservation card. Kevin Mills Concert Kevin Mills will be in concert at SPBC on Sunday, November 2 at 6:00 pm. A love offering will be collected. Join us for a special evening with Kevin as he sings praises to God. Church Women United World Community Day SPBC will host Parkersburg Church Women United World Community Day on November 7 in the Fellowship Hall with registration beginning 10:00 am and programming beginning at 10:30. The theme for the gathering will be "Through God Our Hands Can Heal." Rev. Ian Reed of First Lutheran Church will be the "Pastor of the day" and special music will be provided by PSHS students, directed by Melissa Life. Those attending are asked to bring sandwiches, salad, or dessert that would feed four to share for lunch. All women at SPBC are invited and encouraged to attend. Attendance Last Week: Morning Worship LifeSpring-Mason Campus LifeSpring-Jackson Campus Total SPBC Worship C2O: 251 SE: 155 WE: 120 751 66 25 842 General Fund Offering Last Sunday: $13,755.01 Building Fund: October to Date $11,486.63 Monthly Amount Needed $14,298.00
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