Request For Quote (RFQ) For Media Planning and Booking Television and Radio Air Time For a Communication Campaign on Tuberculosis (TB) Tuberculosis Program South Africa USAID Contract No. 674-C-00-09-00121-00 Solicitation Number: TB SA-FY-15-01 Issuance Date: October 23, 2014 Submit Questions to: [email protected] Responses to Questions will be posted at: Closing Date for Submission of Proposals: October 31, 2014 Managed by: University Research Co., LLC Funded by: United States Agency for International Development FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................3 2 BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................3 3 OBJECTIVES AND AUDIENCES OF MEDIA C AMPAIGN .............................................3 3.1 Objectives of the media campaign through TV and Radio ................................................ 3 3.2 Audiences ................................................................................................................................ 4 4 SCOPE OF WORK - MEDIA BUY AND PLACEMENT.....................................................4 4.1 Specifications for TV: ............................................................................................................ 4 4.2 Specifications for Radio: ....................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Audience Analysis .................................................................................................................. 5 5 VALIDITY...................................................................................................................................6 6 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA..........................................................................................................6 7 EVALUATION CRITERIA .......................................................................................................6 8 AWARD OF THE CONTRACT ..............................................................................................6 9 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES ..............................................................................7 10 ANNEX 1: BUDGET TEMPLATE..........................................................................................1 FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 2 1 INTRODUCTION The Tuberculosis (TB) Program South Africa is seeking an organization for planning, negotiating and buying Television (TV) and Radio air time. The services are required for placement of public service announcements (PSA) aimed at increasing people’s knowledge and awareness about TB. The video and audio materials for TV and Radio will be provided by the project. The TB program South Africa is implemented by University Research Co., LLC (URC) with funding support from United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project e project works closely with the South African National Department of Health (DoH) and other stakeholders to support the government’s health sector reform through the expansion of quality and accessible TB services. 2 BACKGROUND The USAID TB Program South Africa supports the National TB Control Program (NTP) strategies for improving early case detection, increasing access to diagnostics, ensuring treatment support for patient on TB treatment and ensuring that there is provision of appropriate and timely HIV care for TB patients and ART treatment for all TB/HIV co-infected patients. Overall, the USAID TB Project continues to develop its multi- level support working closely with NTP to build national support by mobilizing resources and creating a conducive environment for expansion of TB services. This includes TB/HIV and developing strategic interventions that could rapidly address Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR)/ extensively drug-resistance (XDR) TB threats. In addition, the project works with provincial and district health departments in the development, implementation, and evaluation of needs-based strategies to combat TB, TB/HIV, and drug-resistant TB and to promote best infection control practices. This support is also helping communities create appropriate advocacy, social mobilization, and health systems strengthening and innovate service delivery models for the rapid expansion of Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS) for the control of TB. Key focus areas of the project include: Increasing the quality of TB services Increasing the availability of TB services Increasing the demand for TB treatment Improving management of TB support systems Test and scale up new approaches for expanding DOTS coverage 3 OBJECTIVES AND AUDIENCES OF M EDIA CAMPAIGN 3.1 Objectives of the media campaign through TV and Radio Enhanced awareness of TB prevention, diagnostic and treatment services Increased TB testing and screening, leading to earlier detection and management of regular and MDR TB, especially among PLHIV Increased treatment adherence/Improved Case holding, reducing the incidence of failed treatments and emergence of MDR/XDR TB Sustained high levels of case detection by encouraging the concept of “community fighting TB” FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 3 3.2 Reduction of stigma/discrimination and improved treatment adherence through building and showcasing individual success. Audiences The proposed communication campaign through TV and Radio is aimed at reaching the following groups: TB patients People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) Health care providers Parents/Family members of TB patients General population Rural and Peri-urban South Africans of all ages from low to middle income households 4 SCOPE OF WORK - M EDIA BUY AND PLACEMENT Under this scope of work, the selected group(s) will be responsible for buying media time for placing public service announcements (PSAs) covering targeted TB messages during specified times on radio and television. The respondents should submit two separate media time buying quotes and placement plans for radio and TV. The plans should be consistent with the campaign objectives and target populatio ns. The proposed plan must demonstrate that it will maximize available funds to reach the largest number of viewership/listenership by purchasing ad space in programs which are rated most popular among the targeted audience. The following information should guide the development of the media buying plan: 4.1 Specifications for TV: Duration: The duration of the TV campaign is 3 months Spots Duration: 30 seconds Number of bursts: A total of 3 TV bursts (November - January); 4 weeks of each of the 30 seconds PSAs during the 3 month campaign period. Channels: SABC 1, SABC 2, SABC 3, ETV, and other channels Programs: Respondents should propose highly rated popular programs to enable the required reach (average 80% of the target market Languages: English, Zulu, Sotho, Afrikaans Estimated Budget: The quotes should include the cost of media placement during above specified time slots. In addition, the quotes should also include special volume discounts for each TV channel for the 3-months duration. 4.2 Specifications for Radio: Spots Duration: 45 sec FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 4 Channels: Metro FM, Ukhozi FM, Umhlobo Wenene FM, Motsweding FM, Lesedi FM, Thobela FM, and other community radio stations Number of spots: A total of 3 bursts (November 2014 – January 2015); 4 weeks each of the 45 seconds PSAs during the 3 month campaign period. Program: Programs popular among the target audience Languages: English, Zulu, Xhosa, Setswana, Southern Sotho, Sepedi and Afrikaans Estimated Budget: The quotes should include the cost of media placement during above specified time slots. In addition, the quotes should also include special volume discounts for each radio channel/station for the 3-month duration. 4.3 Audience Analysis The organization need to have media planning software programs such as TELMAR or ARIANA to track every campaign and perform post analysis. The organization will be required to submit an audience analysis (quantitative and qualitative) report at the end of every burst. The respondents shall submit a technical proposal and a cost proposal. The proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected] and cc [email protected] Technical Proposal: a) A Title Page with name of the organization, contact person’s name and title, full address including telephone, fax and email; b) A narrative section explaining why the proposed media time buying plans for TV and Radio including proposed channels and programs are appropriate for reaching the target audience; c) Separate Program Schedules for TV and Radio showing distribution of 30/45 seconds spots by proposed channels and programs; d) Plan for monitoring the actual airing of PSAs to ensure that the project gets value for its money. e) Provide a clear description of other management tasks that need to be performed including tracking placement of ads as per approved schedule; f) A section on organizational experience and capacity. Provide a list of different types of media, specifically TV and Radio, that your organization has purchased in the past three years including budgeted amount; provide a list of your organization’s top 3 (three) current clients including name, address, email and phone number of the clients. Cost Proposal: The cost application must be presented in Microsoft Excel with no hidden worksheet and showing all the formulas as applicable. Please be sure to review and confirm that all amounts and formulas are correct and in South African Rands. The cost proposal shall include the following: a) A summary budget by different channels and other line items b) A detail budget by channels and other line items giving adequate breakdowns of all costs showing the formulas used for cost calculations; c) All VATs and Taxes associated with advertisement rates must be identified separately; FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 5 d) Provide budget narratives explaining applicability and costs determination; e) Discount rates based on the volume of media placement. f) See Annex 1 for a budget template 5 VALIDITY The technical and cost quotes should remain valid for not less than 90 calendar days after the deadline specified above. The technical and cost proposals must be signed by an official authorized to bind the OFFEROR to its provisions. 6 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The Respondent submitting the proposal should meet the following eligibility criteria: Be a legally registered organization under the laws of the Republic of South Africa Have demonstrated experience in media planning and buying TV and Radio air time Have demonstrated financial capacity to manage grant funds; Possess audited financial statement 7 EVALUATION CRITERIA URC will establish a Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) to evaluate and score the technical and cost proposals based on the criteria below. The individual scores by TEP member will be averaged to determine the final score. The respondent receiving the highest score will be selected for the award. Criteria Technical Proposal Cost Proposal Understanding of the scope of work; clarity of the explanations and rationales provided in support of the proposed TV and Radio channels and programs to reach the target audience; Proposed Program Schedules for TV and Radio maximize the potentials for reaching the target audience Ability to identify and describe the management tasks to be undertaken Organizational experience and capacity Proposed budget is reasonable and maximizes efficient and effective use of anticipated funds; reflects discounted advertisement rates as applicable to ads for public good. TOTAL 8 AWARD Points 20 15 10 15 40 100 OF THE CONTRACT a) The contract will be awarded to the Respondent whose offer scores highest average points based on the evaluation criteria mentioned above; FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 6 b) URC, at its sole discretion, may request clarification from the Respondent concerning technical and/or cost issues; may conduct negotiations with the Applicant it is considering for award; or may award a contract without discussion; c) Issuance of this RFP does not constitute an award or commitment on the part of the URC nor does it commit to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application; d) URC reserves the right to accept other than the lowest price proposal; e) The budget proposed by the Respondent is subject to reduction if cost or pricing informatio n submitted in the budget is incomplete, inaccurate and not current. 9 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES a) Finalize the advertisement schedule after award of the contract; b) Evaluate existing demographic information relevant to TV and Radio exposures to determine how best to reach the target audience; c) Negotiate a discounted rate as applicable to advertisements supporting public good; d) URC will pay VAT. The contractor shall make arrangements with the media channels accordingly. e) Generate all media placement paper works; f) Monitor placement of ads for run verification; g) Verify and reconcile media invoices/billings; h) Other services as needed for implementation of the scope of work. FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 7 10 ANNEX 1: BUDGET T EMPLATE Company Name Period: Type of Strategy Duration Ex: Television 30 seconds 500 10 60 seconds 600 10 TOTAL Unit Cost # of Spots # of weeks Proposed Budget Proposed Air Time Time Frame 24 Prime ZAR 120,000.00 Time April 2013Oct 2013 24 Prime ZAR 144,000.00 Time April 2013Oct 2013 ZAR 264,000.00 FY 2015: TB Program South Africa: Request for Quote for Booking TV and Rad io Air Time 1 Target Areas Channels KZN, Mpumalanaga, NW and Eastern Cape SABC 1& 2 KZN, Mpumalanaga, NW and Eastern Cape SABC 1& 2 Message to be shown Children PSA Children PSA
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