MULLER Florian, JADOUL Raynald, BOGAERTS Jerome, CONDE Laure Public Research Centre Henri Tudor 29, avenue John F. Kennedy – L-‐1855 Luxembourg-‐Kirchberg Building on its previous experiences of developing supportive processes and tools dedicated to the mobile assessment [1], and fully committed to the enforcement of widely accepted standards like QTI [2], TAO, an open and versatile computer-based assessment platform [3], recently experimented on the porting of QTI item types to the mobile devices. This poster describes the motivation, the challenges, the technological solutions, and the outcomes of this experimentation. –o– Mobile devices differ from traditional computer set-ups in many ways: 1) hardware capabilities (display resolution, keyboard availability, GPS, motion sensor, and so on); 2) operating system and software services; 3) interactions modes with the device (examples: touch screen, stylus); 4) connectivity (i.e. Internet access, WiFi, 3G,...) The project structured in two steps: first, identifying the shortcomings of TAO’s QTI item types with regard to the mobile devices, the constraints, the required adaptations. Second, porting TAO QTI to mobile devices. Create QTI Item QTI interacZons Retrieve HTML file and its resources Add tags, ahributes Mobile orientaZons Mobile plaaorms OS versions and incompaZbiliZes Adapt style and behavior with CSS/ JavaScript Design, mobile capabiliZes, etc. Manage, catch, use touch events (e.g. jquery drag & drop)… …so many challenges! getSubjectName logEvent(‘xyz’) Re-‐import it ? Future development setScore(1) All these researches, experimentations, and solutions will be useful for the coming versions of TAO ! Mobile technologies are part of the future of CBA, so it’s obvious that we should go for it ! [1] Damien Arcani, et al. 2010. The MATAO Plaaorm or the Mobile Assessment using TAO. Conference IMCL2010 September 15-‐17, 2010 Hasselt, Belgium. [2] IMS QTI – hhp:// [3] TAO – hhp:// [4] Canalys – hhp:// (31 Jan. 2011) florian.muller, raynald.jadoul, jerome.bogaerts, laure.conde {}
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