Atwood and Trinity United Church October 26, 2014 Atwood United Church 143rd Anniversary Guest Speaker: Brian Hymers WE GATHER WE EXPERIENCE THE STORY CHILDREN’S TIME and SONG: “I’m Going to Live” VU #575 Children leave for Sunday School PASSING THE PEACE WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS MUSIC: Choir Anthem CENTERING MUSIC: MV 7 “Gather Us In” Gather us in, ground us in you. Gather us in, ground us in you. Gather us in, gather us in, ground us, ground us in you. SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 4: 1-16 Psalm 119 VU page #840 Refrain 5 Part 5 Acts 2: 1-4 LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE Jesus Christ is the light of the world Let the light of Jesus Christ shine through us this and every day. REFLECTION Ecclesiology (The nature of Church: What does it mean to be church) WE RESPOND CALL TO WORSHIP Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations In you, we find home a place to rest, to remember, to love, to be loved. We dwell in you here in this place Thanks be to God. HYMN: “Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore” VU #563 OPENING PRAYER (unison) Creator God we have returned to your house, not mine, to remember the past but most importantly to look towards the future, searching to find solid ground to renew our spirit and rekindle a flame of passion for this congregation: your congregation. Lead us Lord, and we will follow. Amen OFFERING MUSIC: Choir Anthem OFFERTORY RESPONSE: Grant us, God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, that ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully. HYMN: “As a Fire is Meant for Burning” VU #578 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE LORD’S PRAYER: VU 959 (sung) Minute for Mission Basket offering collected for Gifts of Vision (Atwood only) WE ARE SENT OUT HYMN: “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty” VU #315 CHANGING THE LIGHT CHOIR: “Go Now in Peace” THREEFOLD AMEN: VU 969 ***************** Worship Schedule Atwood 9:30am Trinity 11:00am ***************** Ruth Long is the Pastoral Care Minister for Atwood and Trinity United Churches. Ruth will be the primary staff person for both churches for visiting at homes, nursing homes, and in the community. As a caring community we want to know who would benefit from a visit so we need your help in keeping us in the loop. Please share this information which will remain confidential with Ruth, Colleen Crossland and Rhonda Bristowe (co-chairs of Pastoral Care for Trinity). ANNOUNCEMENTS – October 26, 2014 Please continue to call either the Atwood office (519 356 2822) or the Trinity office (519 291 3460) if you are in need of pastoral support and we will direct your call to the appropriate person. Atwood is looking for two people to work with Trinity members on the Search Committee for a full time minister after the Interim minister is finished. Training in the fall. Anyone interested please call the Atwood church office 356 2822. All announcements for the bulletin can be sent to [email protected] Please have any announcements e-mailed or on the Atwood church voicemail by 10 am Thursday. 519 356 2822 Trinity is looking for counters for their weekly collection. Anyone interested please call the Trinity church office at 519 291 3460. Thank you to Brian Hymers, our guest speaker, and to everyone who contributed to the service today. Everyone is invited to join downstairs following the service for a light brunch and fellowship. At this point in time, the Interim Minister Committee does not feel, in all fairness to our congregations, that we can make a qualified decision or choice for an Interim Minister, based on the fact that we have had only one application. Please pray for more applications to come our way. Any questions may be addressed to Kathy Watt, Donna Stirling, Sheila Adams, or Marj Martin. Oct. 28: Presbytery will meet at the Thamesview UC in Fullarton. Thursday Oct. 30: Trinity Church choir would like to invite the Atwood choir to join us as we are preparing some special music for Trinity’s anniversary on Nov. 2nd. Our practice will be at 7:30 pm. Nov. 2: Trinity church will celebrate their 155th anniversary. Worship service will begin at 11 am with guest speaker Rev. Paul Ellingham. Nov. 2: Atwood will be joining Trinity church for their anniversary service at 11 am. Therefore there will not be a service in Atwood on Nov. 2. Nov. 4: The Atwood UCW will meet at 1:30 at the church for dessert. All are welcome to come and be a part of this group. At the meeting, we will be making donations to various organizations, and making plans for 2015. If you have never been at an Atwood UCW meeting we would really appreciate your input. The meeting is open to everyone. The planning meeting for November 14 has been cancelled. Friday November 14: Atwood church will be hosting another Coffee House Night featuring The Crippled Ducks from 7pm to 9pm at the church. Please plan to attend and bring a friend! If you would like to help out that night or can make a donation for the silent auction please contact Tyler Martin 356-8841 or [email protected]. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Volunteers are needed to change the messages in Trinity’s church sign. Working in co-operation with the office, the sign messages need to be changed about once per month. This could be an ideal family venture to assist Trinity or volunteer hours for an LDSS student. If interested, please call Keith @ 291-4603. Trinity Coffee Hour. Wednesday morning coffee hour runs from 10 to 11 am. We will meet in the Parlour upstairs. EVERYONE WELCOME! Please feel free to join either Atwood or Trinity church choirs. You are welcome to meet in Atwood on Wednesday nights at 7:30 or meet with Trinity choir on Thursday nights at 7:30. See you in the choir loft! Trinity Youth T.E.A.M Plans are in the works to do some fun activities with the youth at Trinity in the coming year. Some of these activities include painting/decorating the youth room, going to the movies, tubing, bowling, and camping. If you have any other ideas for activities, please talk to Jodi Town. Also, if you are interested in spear-heading one of these activities, please talk to Jodi. Stay tuned for more details….. Atwood is looking for someone to shovel snow from the walk. Please call the Atwood office 519 356 2822. Christmas Is Closer Than You Think! “Brian’s Christmas Sale-a-bration” is just around the corner. On Nov. 7 @ 7:00 p.m. Trinity’s Fair Auditorium will be bulging with Brian Hammond’s collection of Santa’s and Christmas décor which he has donated for a fundraiser. Monies earned will be directed toward youth initiatives at Trinity. An evening of fun, food, entertainment and various auctions has been planned for the entire family. Admission is a non-perishable item for the Listowel Salvation Army Food Bank. Bring along your loonies and toonies!! Plan to attend And bring a friend Get in gear For Christmas cheer! Anyone from Trinity that would like to subscribe to the Observer, the sign up sheet is on the table in the back hallway and needs to be done by Nov. 9th. People from Trinity United, Fordwich United and Atwood United have been working hard at making pie crusts, apple dumplings, and apple crisps to raise money for work in Nicaragua. The proceeds will all go to work with children and women, our student doctor and a new connection with Habitat to build houses. A bag of 5 dumplings costs $10. 7” apple crisps cost $5. 10” apple crisps cost $10. A bag of 2 pie shells cost $4. To order call Nancy Bowman at 291-1806, George Gracey at 291-3494 or Wilma Rathwell at 356-1032. Helpers would be most welcome at Trinity at 9:00 a.m. on Nov. 10 and 13 to prepare more dumplings and crisps. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Oct. 29: Finding Your Way Launch Day! I hope that you will be able to join us at the Stratford Country Club for a discussion about the impact of dementia in Perth County, a delicious (& free lunch) and an opportunity to be part of developing a future action plan that will help to increase community effectiveness in reducing the risk of wandering in our own neighbourhoods. Please register by calling at your earliest convenience. More info on the flyer on your church bulletin board. TEL: (519)271-1910 EXT. 25 OR (519)4181911 FAX: (519)271-1231 TOLL FREE: 1-888-797-1882 The Board of Directors of Camp Menesetung is currently in search of a Director who can work full-time from May until the end of August as well as some part-time work during the off-season to prepare for the camping season. This work would include program development, promotion, hiring and training summer staff, management of the site, staff and summer programming. Salary range is $12,000 - $18,000 dependent on qualifications and previous experience. All inquiries and resumes should be directed to the Board Chair, Barbara Knox, [email protected] or 519-523-4290. Potential candidates are asked to submit a resume and cover letter no later than October 31. Nov. 1: COUNTRY CRAFT BAZAAR: The annual Listowel Christian School bazaar will be held, the Lord willing, from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Palmerston Community Centre. Enjoy a buffet breakfast from 8-10 a.m. and hot lunches begin at 11:30 a.m. There will also be crafts, knitting, home baked goodies, fresh olie bollen (a donut type treat), toonie jars, games and prizes, books, greeting cards, plants, flowers, garden produce, and Dutch Imports. Skating and a RADAR GUN SLAP SHOT CHALLENGE from 11-12 noon in the arena and new this year, a PHOTO BOOTH. Bring the whole family, there’s something for everyone!!! If you missed the presentation by Robert and Keiko Witmer from Hokkaido, Japan at the Presbytery meeting, and would like to hear them speak you still have an opportunities to do so. An updated list of speaking dates: - November 2 at Londesborough United Church at 11:00am - November 9 at Lakeshore United Church in Goderich at 10:00am - November 16 at St. Andrews United in Bayfield at 11:00am - Nov. 23rd at Grace United Church Tavistock at 10:30am Nov. 9: LEAP OF FAITH in concert at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 505 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel, 3:30 pm. Free will offering. Proceeds to Canadian Lutheran World Relief. Nov. 9 at 11:00 am at Calvary United Church, Listowel, there will be a service in honour of Mary Jane Lowe's 50 years as a supply minister. Her sons will be presenting a Christ Candle in her honour and in memory of their father, Richard Michael Garant (1933-2006). Members of presbytery are invited to attend this service. Refreshments will follow the service. Nov. 12: Annual Turkey Supper with all the trimmings! Knox Presbyterian Church, Listowel, 5 pm to 7 pm. Eat-in and take-out available. Delivery available to those who are unable to pick up their meal at the church. Tickets: adults $12; children 6-12 yrs. old $6; children 5 yrs. old & under free. Tickets available from the church office (519-291-4690) Mon.- Fri. 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm. Nov 13: – “Sweet Success with Diabetes: Laugh and Learn with Mrs. Pudding”. To register call 519 673 1630 ext.223 or [email protected] Held at the Strathroy District Collegiate Institute, Strathroy beginning at 5:30 pm. Nov 14: Annual World Diabetes Day celebration, with the addition of an afternoon celebration of Dr. Banting’s birthday at Banting House National Historic Site of Canada RSVP by Nov. 7 If you have any questions on either event, register for Nov 13th or RSVP for Nov 14th – please feel free to give me a call (519-673-1630 ext. 223) or email me at [email protected] Nov. 24: CAMP BIMINI ANNUAL MEETING 7 pm Thamesview United Church, Fullarton For the purpose of receiving committee reports, financial statements, budget, election of officers. Followed by refreshments and regular monthly meeting. I am excited to be able to share with you my new album “By Request”. This is a collection of songs by Agnes-Marie Henderson. And in the spirit of “paying it forward” and helping my community, proceeds from All CDs sold at the “LIVE at The Livery” show in Goderich on November 8 AND at select retailers in the Town of Goderich throughout the holiday shopping season will be donated towards the Maitland Valley Medical Centre Expansion Project. It will be the perfect gift for the music lover on your list! Camp Bimini would like to introduce a Christmas gift idea. It’s the gift of camp for a child. Think about it, pass it on…it really does just take a spark…In 2014, we were able to help dozens of families. We hope to be able to offer that support again. With our thanks in advance. See the flyer and donation forms in your church. ************ Trinity and Atwood United Churches Trinity church office: 519 291-3460 Atwood church office: 519 356-2822 [email protected] [email protected] Pastoral Care Minister: Ruth Long In ministry: Each one of us! Organists: Helen Elliott, Connie MacEwen and Nan Doe Upcoming speakers: Paul Ellingham, Kathy Douglas, Paul Ross, Mark Cudney, @atwoodunited Join us on
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