TH 4 NURER 2014 – FINAL PROGRAMME INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR AND RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES (NuRER 2014) 26 Oct 2014 Sunday 15:30-20:30 Registration 27 Oct 2014 Monday 08:00-09:00 Registration 09:00 - 09:10 09:10 - 09:20 Opening Session Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Şahin (Chairman) Prof. Dr. Sümer Şahin (Honorary Chairman) Plenary Session 1 (Hall A) Chairman: Prof. Dr. Sümer Şahin KEYNOTE: The ITER project – taking fusion energy 09:20-10:10 to the industrial scale KEYNOTE: Renewable Electricity: Technology and 10:10-11:00 Regulation 11:00 – 11:20 Coffe Break Parallel Session 1 (Hall A) “Advances in Nuclear Technology” Atmospheric dispersion modeling for an accidental 11:20-11:40 release from the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant using HYSPLIT Generating the cross section library for VVER-1000 11:40-12:00 reactor based on JENDL IV by MCNPX Optimum Design of Shim-rod Assembly Absorber 12:00-12:20 Bundle For LBE-cooled Fast Reactor Radiation analysis of the spent fuel pool of the Bushehr 12:20-12:40 nuclear power plant in the time of an incident Influence of Void Fraction on BWR Spent Fuel 12:40-13:00 Direct Recycling Scenario Parallel Session 1 (Hall B) “Bio-energy researches and policy” Biogas production by anaerobic co-digestion of sewage 11:20-11:40 slurry and cheese whey Effect of food wastewater on biomass and bioenergy 11:40-12:00 production by microalgae Technology Development through Biofuel for Growing 12:00-12:20 Energy Demand in Pakistan Renewable policies and challenges in greece towards 12:20-12:40 achieving its 2020 energy targets: A questionnaire survey Numerical study of radiation effect on the municipal 12:40-13:00 solid waste combustion characteristics inside an incinerator Parallel Session 1 (Hall C) “PVs and energy efficiency” Reactive power issues in grid connected photovoltaic 11:20-11:40 systems 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:20 12:20-12:40 Osamu Motojima (Director-General of the ITER Organization) Prof. Dr. Cayetano López (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) Chairman: Prof. Dr. Cayetano López Kamal Hadad*, Peyman Dehghani, Mohammadreza Nematollahi Mohammadreza Nematollahi*, Amin Golestani, Kamal Hadad Kanglong Zhang, bo Chang, Haomin Guo, Jianye Wang*, Yunqing BAI, Yican Wu Kamal Hadad*, Amin Golestani, Mohammadreza Nematollahi Abdul Waris*, Zaki Su’ud, H. Mehmet Şahin, Erol Kurt, Sümer Şahin Chairman: Shadia Ikhmayies Tirichine Nassima* Min-Kyu Ji*, Hyun-Shik Yun, Sanghyun Park, Young-Tae Park, Jaeyoung Choi Raza Haider*, Ayaz Jarwar, Attaullah Khidrani Panagiotis Kontakos*, Aristidis Bitzenis, Charisios Kafteranis Jingfu Wang*, Xue Yan Qing, Xinxin Zhang, Xinran Shu Chairman: Omar Bait Kamel Abdeladim*, Saïd Ould Amrouche, Salim Bouchakour, Amar Hadj Arab, Farida Cherfa, Karim Kerkouche Selection of the best location to set up solar plants in Erdem Çiftçi*, Adnan Sözen, Amin Turkey Mirzapour Power Quality Monitoring of the grid-connected PV Kamel Abdeladim*, Amar Hadj Arab, System at CDER, Algeria Saïd Ould Amrouche, Salim Bouchakour, Farida Cherfa, Bilel Taghezouit Prediction of energetic and exergetic performance of Ahmed Hamed*, Abdalla Hanafi, Sayed double-effect absorption system Kaseb 12:40-13:00 13:00-14:00 Conference Photo and Lunch Parallel Session 1 (Hall A) “Nuclear plants and fuels” Upper limits of accelerator-driven systems with breeder 14:00-14:20 materials The MYRRHA ADS project in Belgium enters the 14:20-14:40 front end engineering phase Chairman: Abdul Waris Sümer Şahin*, Başar Şarer, Yurdunaz Çelik Jeroen Engelen *, Didier De Bruyn, Hamid Aït Abderrahim, Peter Baeten, Paul Leysen Robust control of a nuclear research reactor based on Amina Allalou*, Mohamed Tadjine, 14:40-15:00 multimodel and parallel distributed compensation Mohamed Seghir Boucherit Development of Virtual Reality-Based Simulation Tao He*, Liqin Hu, Pencheng Long, Qin System for Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Its Zeng, Yuetong Luo, leiming shang, 15:00-15:20 Application to Fusion and Fission shaoheng zhou, jinbo zhao, shu zhang, zihui yang, xiang cheng, ting li, jing wang, jie wang, Yican Wu Analysis of turbulent heat transfer enhancement in Mohammad Nazififard*, Mohammadreza 15:20-15:40 VVER-1000 fuel rod bundle Nematollahi, Kune Y. Suh Parallel Session 1 (Hall B) “Solar Energy Applications” Chairman: Murat Kunelbayev Estimation of global solar radiation for Kano region Auwal Muhammad*, Tijjani Darma 14:00-14:20 Nigeria based on meteorological data Integration of solar PV technologies in cash crop M. Effendy Ya'acob, Wan Azman Saidi production for Malaysia Wan Ngah, Hashim Hizam, Henry Tan, 14:20-14:40 M. Amran M. Radzi, Noor Fadzlinda Othman* Establishing new model for predicting the global solar Bülent Yaniktepe* 14:40-15:00 radiation on horizontal surface in Osmaniye, Turkey An investigation of thermal performance and Hatem Kayed* 15:00-15:20 temperature control of stratified storage tank in solarmed desalination unit Study of New Configuration Photovoltaic Pumping Mehdi Ouada* 15:20-15:40 System Parallel Session 1 (Hall C) “Wind Energy Explorations” Chairman: Ismahan Mahdi Wind characteristics and wind energy potential analysis Ghida Al Zohbi*, Philippe Bouillard, 14:00-14:20 in five sites in Lebanon Patrick Hendrick Wind power potential in selected Algerian Sahara Dahbi Mammar*, Sellam Mabrouk, 14:20-14:40 regions Benatiallah Ali, Harrouz Abdelkader WFSG-based fuzzy sliding-mode control of wind Tahir Khalfallah* 14:40-15:00 energy conversion system under three-phase voltage dips Power control of wind turbine based on fuzzy sliding- Tahir Khalfallah* 15:00-15:20 mode control Determination of Weibull parameters for wind speed Levent Bilir*, Mehmet İmir, Yılser 15:20-15:40 distribution at İncek region - Ankara Devrim, Ayhan Albostan 15:40-16:00 Coffee Break Parallel Session 2 (Hall A) “Numerical Approaches” Chairman: Munir Nayfeh Comparative study of evaporative air cooling systems: Walid Taane* 16:00-16:20 Direct, indirect and two Stages Design and functional analysis of earth- air heat Nadia Saifi*, Noureddine Settou, Hicham 16:20-16:40 exchanger (EAHE) systems in South East Algeria Necib, Rebha Ghedamsi Numerical Study of a double slope solar still combined Bait Omar* 16:40-17:00 with a cylindrical solar water heater Enhancement of PEM fuel cells performance at higher Yılser Devrim*Ayhan Albostan temperatures and lower humidities by high 17:00-17:20 performance membran electrode assembly based on Nafion/Zeolite membrane Cutting down the Carbon Dioxide emission through Nayma Moury* Mohammad Subail Alam 17:20-17:40 cumulative community solar power plant: A case study 2 in Dhaka Parallel Session 2 (Hall B) “Fluids and Energy” Chairman: Luis Coco Enriquez Applicability of CFD simulation of film boiling around Ruben Arevalo*, Javier Muñoz-Antón, 16:00-16:20 a vertical cylinder for safety analysis of abnormal Alberto Abánades nuclear reactor operation Investigation of heat transfer enhancement and friction H. Mehmet Şahin*, Eşref Baysal, Ali Riza 16:20-16:40 characteristic in a heat exchanger with coiled wire Dal, Necmettin Şahin turbulators Numerical Investigation of nanofluids swiral flow in Ali Akbar Abbasian Arani*, Saeed 16:40-17:00 circular tube equipped with twisted tape Khandan Siar, Behnam Ghadimi, Ghanbarali Sheikhzadeh MHD numerical analyses of hydrodynamically Selcuk Selimli*, Ziyaddin Recebli, Erol 17:00-17:20 developing laminar liquid Lithium duct flow Arcaklioglu Numerical study of flow accelerated corrosion in a t- Mohammadreza Nematollahi*, Ali 17:20-17:40 junction using computaional fluid dynamics Erfaninia Parallel Session 2 (Hall C) “Thermodynamic Issues in Energy” Chairman: Said Benkaciali New generation line-focusing solar power plants with Luis Coco Enriquez*, Javier Muñoz16:00-16:20 molten salts and supercritical Carbon Dioxide Joule Antón Brayton Cycles Integration between direct steam generation linear solar Luis Coco Enriquez* 16:20-16:40 collectors and supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Power cycles Contribution to the study of heat transfer of an air solar Faris Aissaoui*, Abdelmoumen Hakim 16:40-17:00 collector Benmachiche, Abdelhafid Brima, Yousef Belloufi, Amar Rouag Fuzzy logic based MPPT for direct coupling PV water Aicha Melit* 17:00-17:20 pumping system Effects of compression ratio on performance and Selim Tangöz*, Selahaddin Akansu, Nafiz 17:20-17:40 emissions of a modified diesel engine fuelled by Kahraman, Yusuf Malkoç HCNG 19:00 (CONFERENCE DINNER) 28 Oct 2014 Tuesday Planary Session 2 (Hall A) Chairman: Eurico Seabra KEYNOTE TALK: Silicon nanoparticle renewable Prof. Dr. Munir Nayfeh (University of 09:00-09:30 energy advanced devices Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) KEYNOTE TALK: Effect of energy technologies on Prof. Dr. Bülent Aydoğan (University of 09:30-09:50 health and environment Chicago, USA) Parallel Session 3 (Hall A) “Simulations of PV and fuel-cell systems” Chairman: Erol Kurt Modeling, evaluation and optimization of the complex Ismahan Mahdi*, Bécharia Nadji 09:50-10:10 strategies of maintenance of the photovoltaic systems (Part 1) Thermal degradation of poly methyl methacrylate Mohammed AYAD*, Mohamed Fathi, 10:10-10:30 (PMMA) doped with optically active molecules / Abdelkader Aissat, Mahfoud Abderazak, applications in photovoltaic conversion Toufik ZARADE Design and simulation of a unified power quality Yahia Bouzelata, Erol Kurt, Rachid 10:30-10:50 conditioner (UPQC) fed by solar energy Chenni*, Necmi Altın Parallel Session 3 (Hall B) “Auxilary units for energy systems” Chairman: Youcef Soufi 09:50-10:10 Computer aided design of a linear generator inductors Dalila Lahouel* Effect of impeller blockage ration on pump Ahmed Alarabi* 10:10-10:30 performance under cavitating and non-cavitating conditions Experimental and numerical analysis of one Ahmet Ali Sertkaya*, Ali Ateş 10:30-10:50 dimensional heat transfer on open cell aluminum foams Parallel Session 3 (Hall C) “Simulations in Nuclear Energy” Chairman: Young Nam Jang Thermal analysis of air blockage accident for a spent Sule Ergun*, Acelya Gokselkinav 09:50-10:10 nuclear fuel dry storage cask 3 Theoretical Study of the Phenomenon of Cold Fusion Fulvio Frisone* within Condensed Matter and Analysis of Phases (a, b, g) Thermal-neutronic analysis in a VVER-1000 nuclear Sinem Key Uzun, Kadir Yıldız, Hasan 10:30-10:50 reactor Çoşkun, Adem Acir 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break Parallel Session 4 (Hall A) “Hydrogen and combustion” Chairman: Özgür Aslan 11:10-11:30 Conceptual design of Lead-Bismuth cooled modular Minghuang WANG*, Yunqing BAI, Chao reactor for Hydrogen production LIAN, Jieqiong JIANG, Yican WU 11:30-11:50 Development of semi-spherical premixed porous metal Muhammed Omar*, Kemal Altınışık matrix burner for combustion systems 11:50-12:10 Hydrogen production via the aqueous phase reforming Chul Ung Kim*, Tae-Wan Kim, Soonof polyols over Pt/CMK-9 catalysts Yong Jeong, Yoon-Cheol Yang, Ho-Jeong Chae, Ho-Dong Kim, Young-Ho Kim 12:10-12:30 Numerical modeling of Hydrogen diffusion in metals Ozgur Aslan* accounting for large deformations Comparison between rail system and bus transportation Mine Sertsöz* 12:30-12:50 in terms of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions Parallel Session 4 (Hall B) “Control of Radioactivity” Chairman: Mustafa İlbaş 11:10-11:30 Automatic controller for daily load follow operation in Keuk-Jong Yu* an advanced nuclear power plant 11:30-11:50 Thorium fuels for improved safety and sustainability of Klara Insulander Björk*, Øystein light water reactors Asphjell, Saleem Drera, Julian Kelly 11:50-12:10 Ion exchange characteristics of Rhodium from a Mustafa Can*, Emrah Bulut simulated radioactive liquid waste 12:10-12:30 Thermal Control Strategy of Lead-cooled Fast Reactor Minghan Yang*, Jianye Wang, Peng Xu, with Natural Circulation Guangyu Zhang, L Hu Modeling of Force Acting on a Heated Rod Surface in Mohammadreza Nematollahi* 12:30-12:50 Subcooled Flow Boiling Condition Parallel Session 4 (Hall C) “Solar Energy Applications” Chairman: Kwan Hyun Kim 11:10-11:30 Empirical correlation of global solar radiation with Said Benkaciali*, Kacem Gairaa meteorological data for south of Algeria 11:30-11:50 Simulation of Tracking Configuration Effect on The Hatem Kayed* Performance of Solar Parabolic Trough – Storage Tank Combination 11:50-12:10 Tracing current-voltage curve of solar panel based on Arar Hemza*, Haouam Abdeslam, Chenni LabView Arduino Interfacing Rachid, Marcel Pasquinelli, Damien Barakel 12:10-12:30 Study and modelling of a photovoltaic thermal hybrid Kerbache Tahar* solar collector with cylindro-parabolic concentrator 12:30-12:50 Modelling and simulation of a hybrid photovoltaic Ekin Özgirgin*, Yılser Devrim, Ayhan (PV) module-electrolyzer-PEM fuel cell system for Albostan micro-cogeneration applications 12:50-14:00 CONFERENCE PHOTO-2 and LUNCH Parallel Session 5 (Hall A) “Neutronics and reactor engineering” Chairman: Yican Wu 10:10-10:30 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 14:40-15:00 15:00-15:20 MCAM 5.2: CAD Based Modeling Program for Shengpeng Yu*, Mengyun Cheng, Multiple Neutronics and Radiation Transport Pencheng Long, L Hu, Yuetong Luo, Qin Simulation Codes Zeng, Dong Wang, Quan Gan, Wen Wang, Bin Wu, Liang Dong, Qi Yang, Yican Wu Use of subcritical system in the nuclear fuel cycle of Yican Wu*, Minghuang Wang, Jieqiong china Jiang, Xuewei Fu, Wenliang Zhang Design and R&D activities of China LEAd-based Yican Wu*, Yunqing Bai, Yong Song, reactors Qunying Huang, Zhumin Zhao, Chao Liu, Liqin Hu, Minghuang Wang Utilization of Nuclear QA elements in R&D adopted Kwan Hyun Kim*, Ji-Hoon Ha, Ja Young from Nuclear QA Criterias for Nuclear Facilities Kang, Ki-Jong Jang, Jae-Eon Jeon 4 Feasibility study of using nano-fluids as a neutron absorber in reactor emergency core cooling system Parallel Session 5 (Hall B) “Material modeling for energy systems” Investigation of microcrack effects on tubular solid 14:00-14:20 oxide fuel cell production parameters by slip casting method Dynamic modelling of a small-scale standalone solar 14:20-14:40 organic rankine cycle system Energy analysis of a household vapor compressor 14:40-15:00 refrigerator supplied by PV energy using a phase change material as a cold storage device Prospect of carbon dioxide conversion into synthetic 15:00-15:20 fuel using renewable energy in Algeria 15:20-15:40 Mohammadreza Nematollahi*, Amin Golestani, Behnam Behzadinejad Chairman: Numan Gözübenli Uğur Çatik*, Abdullah Mat, Murat Canavar, Ömer Genç, Fatma Aydin, Yüksel Kaplan Khaled Hossin*, Khamid Mahkamov, Basim Belgasim Mohand Berdja* Recioui Bakhta* Reduction of core damage frequency via new design Mohammadreza Nematollahi*, Ali for emergency core cooling system in a typical PWR Erfaninia Parallel Session 5 (Hall C) “Bio-products for Energy” Chairman: Jacques Dufour Biogas potential of Arapgir district and comparison of Serhat Aksungur*, Tarkan Koca 14:00-14:20 electricity consumption with biogas investment costs Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using Muhammad Farooq* 14:20-14:40 bifunctional heterogeneous solid catalysts Scalable fabrication of electrodes of organic generators Numan Gözübenli* 14:40-15:00 based on ordered colloidal structures by LbL method Temperature dependency of the physicochemical Fouzia Chetibi, Abderrahim Reffas, Tahar 15:00-15:20 properties of a vegetable oil in the perspective to be Toudja*, Hocine Moulai, Azzeddine used as power transformer insulation Nacer Contribution to the study of the Chlorella growth Souad Zighmi*, Djamal Zerrouki, 15:20-15:40 grown in the region of Algeria-Ouargla for biofuel Mohamed Bilal Goudjil, Salah Eddine I production Bencheikh, Segni Ladjel 15:40-16:00 Coffee Break Parallel Session 6 (Hall A) “Material Research for Energy Systems” Chairman: Rachid Chenni Gypsum carbonation for the in-situ plant Young Nam Jang*, Kyung Won Ryu, 16:00-16:20 Hwanju Jo, Soo Chun Chae Pico-chemistry: a possible clean and abundant energy Jacques DUFOUR* 16:20-16:40 15:20-15:40 Photovoltaic and structural properties of Al-doped ZnO/Si Heterojunction deposited by spray pyrolysis method Thickness dependence of the optical parameters of 17:00-17:20 spray-deposited CdS:In thin films Electrochemical characterization of Al3+ doped spinel 17:20-17:40 cathode active nanoparticles for Li-Ion batteries Parallel Session 6 (Hall B) “Hydrogen production and burning” Combustion behaviours of hydrogen-enriched low 16:00-16:20 calorific value coal gases: A numerical study Depletion evaluation of an ads using reprocessed fuel 16:20-16:40 16:40-17:00 Mohammadreza Khanlary, Farnia Rashvand* Shadia Ikhmayies* Emrah Bulut, Mustafa Can, Hatem Akbulut, Mahmut Özacar Chairman: Mohammadreza Nematollahi Mustafa İlbaş, Serhat Karyeyen* Graiciany Barros, Carlos Velasquez, Claubia Pereira*, Maria Auxiliadora Veloso, Antonella Costa Development prospects of industrial hydrogen Chennouf Nasreddine*, Dokkar 16:40-17:00 production from renewable energies in the south of Boubekeur Algeria Design of a pre-mixed porous radial burner for a Essam Abo-Serie*, Kemal Altınışık, 17:00-17:20 uniform exit flow velocity Muhammed Özgür Flow rate affect in an electrochemical hydrogen Ömer Genç*, Abdullah Mat, Murat 17:20-17:40 compressor which has 50 cm2 active area Canavar, Nebi Yelegen, Yüksel Kaplan Parallel Session 6 (Hall C) “Energy-environment explorations” Chairman: Aicha Melit 16:00-16:20 Water Vapor Plasma Technology For Organic Waste Viktorija Grigaitiene*, Andrius 5 Treatment 16:20-16:40 16:40-17:00 17:00-17:20 17:20-17:40 Tamosiunas, Pranas Valatkevicius, Vitas Valincius Using micro-turbine for pressure containment in urban Morteza Ahmadifar* water distribution networks Effects of sawdust blends on the stability and thermal Stephen Nwanya characteristics of Nkpologu clay as a pyrolysis fixedbed reactor lining Mineral fibre catalyst for flue gas treatment Vitas Valinčius*, Viktorija Grigaitiene, P; Romualdas Kezelis Modeling of conical fluidized bed combustors: Hamada Abdelmotalib, Ik-Tae Im* Influence of specularity coefficient on hydrodynamics and wall to bed heat transfer 19:30 DINNER 29 Oct 2014 Wednesday Parallel Session 7 (Hall A) “Explorations on Auxilary Energy Units” Chairman: Ahmed Hamed Turbulent natural convection-radiation interactions in a Ghanbarali Sheikhzadeh, Majid 09:00-09:20 square enclosure Dastmalchi*, Ahmadreza Rahmati Method of calculation of optimum parameters of the Murat Kunelbayev*, Azhumakan 09:20-09:40 spiral Chamber micro hydro electric power stations Zhamalov, Azhumakan Zhamalov A heat and mass transfer model in LaNi5-H2 reactors Murat canavar*, Abdullah Mat, Yüksel 09:40-10:00 Kaplan Investigation of anode and electrolyte layer Abdullah Mat*, Murat Canavar, Ömer 10:00-10:20 manufacturing parameters for tubular SOFC Genç, Fatma Aydin, Adem Çiçek, Yüksel Kaplan Simulation of solar double-effect absorption air Ahmed Hamed*, Abdalla Hanafi, Sayed 10:20-10:40 conditioning system in Egypt Kaseb Parallel Session 7 (Hall B) “CFD studies” Chairman: Minghuang Wang Design of regenerative organic Rankine cycle and Atilla Biyikoglu*, Asghar Mollazadeh 09:00-09:20 selection of working fluid Pre-design and multi-objective optimization of organic Atilla Biyikoglu*, Murat Erbas 09:20-09:40 Rankine turbine Experimental and numerical void fraction measurement Mohammadreza Nematollahi*, Ali 09:40-10:00 in two- phase flow inside a vertical pipe Erfaninia Theoretical analyses of immiscible MHD pipe flow Ziyaddin Recebli, Selcuk Selimli*, 10:00-10:20 Mehmet Ozkaymak Air/soil heat exchangers for desert climate Yousef Belloufi*, Rachid Atmani, 10:20-10:40 ABDELHAFID Brima, Faris Aissaoui Parallel Session 7 (Hall C) “Material Production” Chairman: Vitas Valincius The influence of the substrate temperature on the Shadia Ikhmayies* 09:00-09:20 optical parameters of spray-deposited SnO2:F thin films Influence of trivalent cation doping on lattice vibrations Emrah Bulut, Mustafa Can, Hatem 09:20-09:40 of spinel cathode active nanoparticles for li-ion Akbulut batteries Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid on Gumaa M. El-Nagar* 09:40-10:00 Controlled Shape Copper Modified Pt Nanoparticles Electrode: Morphology Effect Investigation of the Effect of Using the Nano-TEG on Mehdi Taherifar*, Ghanbarali 10:00-10:20 the Size of Reboiler of Dehydration Unit of South Pars Sheikhzadeh, Behrooz Zafarmand 2nd Refinery Influence of ammonium salts solutions on indirect Hwanju Jo, So Hee Park, Ho Young Jo, 10:20-10:40 mineral carbonation of cementitious material Young Nam Jang, Myung Gyu Lee, Soo Chun Chae 10:40-11:00 Coffee Break Parallel Session 8 (Hall A) “Modelling in Energy” Chairman: Young Nam JANG Particle swarm optimization based sliding mode control Youcef Soufi* 11:00-11:20 of variable speed wind energy conversion systems 6 11:20-11:40 Optimal Wind based DG Placement Considering Belal Mohamadi Alesar* Monthly Changes Modeling in Wind Speed Simulation of machine vision-based solar tracking Nirudh Jirasuwankul* system Comparison Between Fuzzy and P&O Control for Tahir Khalfallah*, Doumi M'hamed, 12:00-12:20 MPPT for Photovoltaic System Using Boost Converter GIS-based analysis of Hydrogen production from Abderrahmane GOUAREH*, Boubekeur 12:20-12:40 geothermal electricity using CO2 as working fluid in Dokkar Algeria Mineral carbonation from serpentine by modified direct Kyoung Won Ryu, Sang Hoon Choi, 12:40-13:00 method Young Nam Jang, Soo Chun Chae Parallel Session 8 (Hall B) “Energy systems design” Chairman: Hamada Abdelmotalib Simulation of graded band gap CdS/CIGS Ben Slimane Hassane*, Dennai 11:00-11:20 heterojunction solar cell by AMPS-1D Benmoussa, Helmaoui Abderrachid, Evaluation of reliability of static converters for Khelifi Fateh*, Bécharia NADJI, Tadjer 11:20-11:40 photovoltaic applications Sidahmed Micro cogeneration power plant design: Automation Eurico Seabra* 11:40-12:00 and control Electric Energy Harvesting from Mechanical Energy by Numan Gözübenli 12:00-12:20 Contact Electrification based on Self-Assembled Colloidal Films Optimization study of electricity production from Mustafa AYDIN, Metin Gürü 12:20-12:40 geothermal resources by combined flash and binary systems ALFVEN modes in the presence of BOHM potential Zahoor Ahmed* 12:40-13:00 and SPIN-1/2 dense quantum magnetoplasmas Parallel Session 8 (Hall C) “Planning and efficiency” Chairman: Nirudh Jirasuwankul The Evolution of Renewable Energy Sources in the Aristidis Bitzenis*, Dimitris 11:00-11:20 Electricity Sector of Greece Manolopoulos, Konstantinos Kitsopoulos, John Kaldellis Energy performance of a sawdust dryer Paraschiv Spiru*, Paraschiv Simona, Ion 11:20-11:40 Ion Evolutionary Approach for Hybrid Solar and Wave Kyung-Ho Cha* 11:40-12:00 Energy Converter Determining optimum tilt angles of PV arrays for Ahmet Şenpınar* 12:00-12:20 different seasons in turkey Geothermal energy and rural development Salima Ouali, Khedija Bouzidi, 12:20-12:40 Abdelkader Ait-Ouali 12:40-13:00 Geothermal resources in Algeria Benziada Mebrouk* 13:00-14:00 LUNCH 14:00- 14:15 Planery Session 3 Closing Talk and Invitation to NuRER 2016 (Prof. Dr. Sümer Şahin & Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Şahin & Prof. Dr. Erol KURT) 11:40-12:00 POSTER SESSIONS (*) 27-28 October 2014 P1 P2 P3 P4 Experimental investigation of the optimum air passage in a flat plate air solar collector with two passages Optical comparison study of two sun tracking method applied for linear fresnel collectors Suitable prediction of the compactness for different heights of walls Moukhtar Lati*, Slimane Boughali, Hamza Bouguettaia, Djamal Mennouche, Djamal Bechki, Ahmed Bahadj Amor GAMA*, Chérif LARBES, Ali MALEK, Fatiha YETTOU Sidi Med El Amine Bekkouche*, Tayeb Benouaz, Maamar Hamdani, Mohamed Kamel Cherier, Mohamed Rédha Yaiche, Noceir Benamrane Performance parameters determination by Fatiha Yettou* 7 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 experimental testing of box solar cooker with south tilted collecting surface Assessment of the anemometer position on the Madjid Tata*, Smaïli Arezki, Ouahiba Guerri wind turbine nacelle Fusion-driven transmutation of nuclear waste Bong Guen Hong* with tokamak neutron source The effects of urbanization on environmental Özlem Sertkaya Doğan* pollution Mesut Doğan* The effects of human activities on environmental pollution Supercritical steam power cycle for line-focus solar power plants Conceptual design of a Lead-Bismuth cooled small modular reactor (CLEAR-SMR) Assessment of radioactive material dispersion from BUSHEHR nuclear power plant during normal and accident conditions Monte Carlo calculation of radial burnup distribution of VVER-1000 fuel pellet with temperature effect Shading effects on the different configurations of solar cells PV Non-azeotropic working fluids used in organic rankine cycle for low grade energy utilization Polybenzimidazole/titania composite membranes for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell applications Safety analysis of LBLOCA with station blackout for the BUSHEHR’s VVER-1000 nuclear power plant Generation of Multi-group Neutron Cross Sections Using Monte Carlo Method Modeling and simulation of nuclear reactor dynamic equation using discrete-time cellular neural network (d-t cnn) and its implementation on fpga VVER-1000 core monitoring using ex-core neutron detectors and neural networks Development of η-P matrix for nuclear power plants integrated with thermal cycle Lab-scale coal gasification system simulating use of High Temperature Reactor excess heat for synthesis gas production Thermodynamic study on advanced configurations for SCO2 Brayton cycles coupled with parabolic trough solar field Absorption of CO2 in Boron solutions and recovery as industrial chemical products Synthesis of LiBH4 as Hydrogen carrier and its catalytic dehydrogeneration New technologies in the dairy industry wastewater treatment Modern joining technics for novel materials in renewable energy systems Possibility of geothermal uses in Algeria Luis Coco Enriquez*, Javier Muñoz-Antón Minghuang Wang*, Chao Lian, Dong Wang, Jieqiong Jiang, Yican Wu Ahmad Pirouzmand*, Peyman Dehghani, Kamal Hadad, Mohammadreza Nematollahi, Ebrahim Sharifi Fatemeh Roosta, Ahmad Pirouzmand Chenni Rachid*, BENIS Halouma, HAOUAM Abdeslam Xinxin ZHANG*, Sujuan BAI, Maogang HE, Jingfu WANG Yılser Devrim* Ahmad Pirouzmand*, Armin Ghasemi, Farshad Faghihi Ahmad Pirouzmand*, Fatemeh Mohammadhasani Ahmad Pirouzmand*, Abolhasan Nabavi, Kamal Hadad Ahmad Pirouzmand*, Shiraz University; Morteza Kazem Dehdashti Hyeonmin Kim, Yeon Kwan Kang*, Gyunyeong Heo Adam Smolinski*, Natalia Howaniec Luca Moretti, Luis Coco Enriquez, Javier Muñoz-Antón* Murat Bilen*, Orhan Yılmaz, Metin Gürü Murat Bilen*, Orhan Yılmaz, Metin Gürü Nacera Lahouel Benabbes*, Omar KHEROUA, Sara Lahouel Hakan Ateş*, M.E. Çakır, I. Uygur Khedidja Bouzidi* 8 (*) - Since the Scientific Committee assigned for the poster review may have questions and Suggestions, please stand aside your poster(s). - Please do not forget to get back your poster(s) at the end of assigned day. - The preferred dimension for each poster should be 100 cm height and 60 cm width as also stated in website of the conference. 9
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