Carolyn’s Corner, NFMC Monthly Newsletter for January 2012 Would you believe that I actually had some free time over the holidays? I cleaned out a couple more boxes from our move to this apartment 7 years (that’s right, 7 years) ago. I found the following from my granddaughter who was about 7 years old when she wrote it; the report was part of the state’s assessment test. I’ll share it with you. “How to Make Breakfast”, by Elle Erlandson MATERIALS SPOON MILK EGGS SYRUP FLIPPER (SPATULA) FLOUR STOVE PAN BOWL BUTTER I’m going to tell you how to make pancakes. First you take the flour and pour it in a bowl. Next you pour three cups of milk in the bowl. Then put eggs in the bowl. After that get the spoon and mix the batter. Then pour the batter on a pan and make the batter into a circle. Next you put it on the stove. After that you get a spatula and you flip the pancakes over. Finally you eat the pancakes. FINAL SCORE: 8 (8 was the highest score you could get.) Love Elle PS. I was the only kid in my class that got an 8!! Elle with two of her brothers, Ryan and Luke, taken in October, 2011. Elle is now a sophomore in college but she still makes pancakes (using a slightly different recipe.) But it’s still a cute remembrance of when she was small. Happy New Year. I hope you all had happy holidays. As we look back at the year just passed, what changed? The timing of our two magazines was moved up to be in sync with the seasons. The winter issues are in the mail and the deadline for the spring issue is February 1 with delivery date in April. A headquarters operations succession plan has been written and is filed. The property tax situation with the county was settled and we won. The refunds have been received. The roof was damaged by hail and has been replaced. The president’s loft has been decorated and can now be used. Tonya Engel is the new lady at the front desk. The beautiful bronze logo now greets you as you enter the front door. This was a gift from Lana Bailey, PNP. The NFMC Directory is issued quarterly. The January 2012 version is included with this newsletter. You will find some changes including the following: James Kessler is the new NE region Junior Composers Chairman Jennifer Griffin is the new advertising chairman. Both advertising and circulation are now inhouse operations. Elizabeth Paris has a new address and email; Judy Sorrell has a new address; Mavis Ness has a new email. Jeana Tamminga resigned as Festival Chorus pianist; a successor will be chosen soon. Rose Suggs and Mary Helen Bowers, both Rose Fay Thomas Fellows, died since September and now have an asterisk behind their names. The Young Artist and Ellis brochures were redesigned and printed and are posted on the website. The NFMC website is being redesigned to make administration and navigation easier. The National Music Week theme is being used throughout the year. We have large posters, small postcards, a new brochure, and Music…Sounds that Inspire is the theme for the Indianapolis fall session. (There is a large supply of our old NMW pins. If you want some, I’m sure we can make it possible for you to get a deal). The deadline for the NMW essay contest is February 1. The winter issue of Junior Keynotes is 32 pages long (average is 28). It’s nice to have an abundance of material. I hope you enjoy reading it. If you do not get JRK, it can be ordered for only $6 per year. Find out all the wonderful things our juniors are doing; they are amazing! The archives committee consists of George Keck, chairman; Sue Breuer, historian; Carole Flatau, TWS chairman and me. We will be working in Greenwood January 23-27. The co-chairmen of the Indianapolis meeting are Kathleen Guillaume and Jeanine Morris. The overview, call, tentative program and registration form are in the winter issue of Music Clubs Magazine; the call and program are in Junior Keynotes and the fall session information will be online. I am writing personal letters to 275 schools of music, conservatories and music departments introducing them to NFMC and telling them what we have to offer their students. Young Artist and Ellis brochures are included with each letter. The letter also guides the reader to our Competitions and Awards chart, student auditions and other opportunities. It is interesting to note that of all the winners we have had in YA and Ellis since 1983, less than 40 colleges/conservatories of music have been represented. We can do better. In the review I did of those winners, most are still performing professionally although some no longer reference winning our award. We have to stress the importance of the awards. The increased prize amount may be an incentive for more entrees. Thanks to the clubs that have sent me their yearbooks. I am so pleased to see the variety in programs and that so many of you are singing!!! Remember to send any programs using folk music to Naomi Sanchez, Folk Music Chairman. Sacred music programs go to Martha Sheets Choral music programs go to Cynthia Elmore. String programs go to Crusade for Strings chairman, Tracie Turnbull and Chamber Music reports go to Karen Erickson. Check your manual for other certificate awards or cash award opportunities for your clubs. This newsletter and previous ones are posted on our website, under Member News. Copies can be shared with those without a computer. The purpose is to expand communication throughout all levels of our membership. I try to have a new newsletter on the first of each month. Deaths are posted as they are received and included in the next newsletter. Communication goes both ways. You need to keep me posted too. Thank you and have a great 2012. Tragedy Strikes South Carolina pianist. Emile Pandolfi A fund has been established by The Music Club of Greenville at Palmetto Bank for the purpose of helping the Pandolfi Family after a devastating fire destroyed their home recently. Contributions may also be made at any Palmetto Bank Branch, mailed % Palmetto Bank to 306 North Street, Greenville, SC29601, or via Pay Pal on website. All contributions will be tax deductible. For questions, contact Beth Lee at 864.250.0027 or [email protected]. Thank You. You can listen to Mr. Pandolfi’s music on his website: . He has been a benefactor to the SCFMC in the past.
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