From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 1995 85: 2537-2545 Biotherapy for xenografted human central nervous system leukemia in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency using B43 (anti-CD19)- pokeweed antiviral protein immunotoxin R Gunther, LM Chelstrom, L Tuel-Ahlgren, J Simon, DE Myers and FM Uckun Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. Biotherapy for Xenografted Human Central Nervous System Leukemia in Mice With Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Using B43 (Anti-CD19)Pokeweed Antiviral Protein Immunotoxin By Roland Gunther, Lisa M. Chelstrom, Lisa Tuel-Ahlgren, John Simon, Dorothea E. Myers, and Fatih M. Uckun The study of central nervous system (CNS) leukemia has been hampered by the lack of a suitable animal model.We report that severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice invariably develop rapidly progressive fatal CNS leukemia within 3 weeks after intravenous injectionof NALM-6 pre-B acute lymphoblasticleukemia (ALL) cells. Colonization the of dura mater andsubarachnoidspace, usually of the distal spinalcord with occasionalextension into the VirchowRobin spaces of blood vessels subjacent to the meninges, followed involvement of bone marrow in the skull, vertebrae, and, occasionally, the appendicular skeleton. Occult CNS leukemiawas detectable by polymerase chain reaction amplification of human DNA as early as 8 days postinoculation of leukemia cells.We used this in vivo model of human CNS leukemiato examine the therapeutic efficacy and toxicity of intrathecally administered B43 (anti-CDlS)-pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP), an anti-B-lineage ALL immunotoxin directedagainst the pan-B-cellantigenCD19/Bp95.Intrathecal therapy with B43 (anti-CD19)-PAPimmunotoxin at nontoxic dose levels significantly improved survival of SCID mice andwas superior to intrathecal methotrexate therapy. 0 7995 by The American Society of Hematology. P intrathecal CNS therapy with B43 (anti-CD19)-pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) immunotoxin, a new anti-ALL agent that does not cross the blood-brain b a r ~ i e r , ' ~was . ' ~ more effective in achieving long-term event-free survival (EFS) than systemic therapy with the same agent, suggesting that seeding of BM and other extramedullary sites by blasts from the CNS plays a major role in progression of leukemia in this model system. The SCID mouse model of human CNS leukemia described in this report is devised to provide a basis for future comparative studies of the toxicity and efficacy of new CNS therapy regimens in B-lineage ALL. A major finding of clinical significance reported here is that leukemic blasts in the CNS can be effectively eradicated by weekly intrathecal administration of B43-PAP immunotoxin without side effects. These experiments provide a paradigm for the critical evaluation of a new CNS therapy regimen in B-lineage ALL. ROPHYLACTIC central nervous system (CNS) therapy, which consists of intrathecal chemotherapy with or without high-dose intravenous (IV) methotrexate or cranial/ craniospinal irradiation in conjunction with intrathecal chemotherapy, has reduced the incidence of CNS relapse in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to 5% to However, patients who develop a CNS relapse despite prior prophylactic therapy have only a 15% to 45% chance of long-term disease-free survival (DFS).'s','o," The primary cause of treatment failure in these patients is the recurrence of leukemia in the CNS as well as other extramedullary sites and bone marrow (BM).',7,10,"Patients who sustain a second CNS relapse have a dismal outcome."." Furthermore, contemporary CNS radiochemotherapy regimens are often associated with prolonged myelosuppression and neurotoxicity."" Therefore, more effective and less toxic CNS prophylaxis and treatment strategies to prevent seeding of leukemia cells from the CNS to other extramedullary sites and BM, along with more effective systemic therapy to prevent reseeding of the CNS with clonogenic leukemia cells, are needed to further improve long-term DFS after a recurrence in the CNS. Until recently, the study of new therapeutic modalities for CNS leukemia has been hampered by the lack of a suitable model system. Before clinical trials are initiated in patients with CNS leukemia, information regarding an agent's in vivo activity is desirable. Clonogenic assays are useful indicators of the in vitro antileukemic efficacy of new drugs against freshIy isolated primary ALL blasts. However, in vitro clonogenic assays do not provide direct evidence for the in vivo activity of a new agent, nor do they provide an estimate of toxicity. Furthermore, clonogenic assays do not offer an opportunity to evaluate the toxicity and efficacy of multiagent therapeutic regimens. Therefore, we were motivated to establish an in vivo model system of human CNS leukemia. We and others have used mutant CB.17 mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) as a model system to examine the in vivo homing, engraftment, and growth patterns of normal and malignant human hematopoietic celis.'2"s In this report, we show that NALM-6 human pre-B ALL cells cause overt and fatal CNS leukemia when injected IV into SCID mice. Intriguingly, histologically detectable engraftment of leukemia cells in skull or vertebral BM and meninges preceded engraftment in other sites. Furthermore, Blood, Vol 85,No 9 (May l), 1995: pp 2537-2545 MATERIALS AND METHODS SCID mice. SCID mice were produced by specific pathogenfree (SPF)CB-l7 SCID/SCID breeders in the American Association for the Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC)-accredited Research Animal Resources Facility of the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN). SCID mice were housed inmicroisolator cages containing autoclaved food, water, and bedding. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was added to the drinking water for a 3day period each week. From the Biotherapy Program, the Departments of Therapeutic Radiology-Radiation Oncology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, and Comparative Medicine, Universiry of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Submitted June 28, 1994; accepted December 15, 1994. Supported by the Parker HughesTrust and US Public Health Service Grants No. CA-42633, CA-44114, CA 42111,CA-21737, CA-60437, CA-13539,and CA-61549 fromthe National Cancer Institute, Department of Health and Human Services. F.M. U. is a Stohlman Scholar of the Leukemia Society of America. Address reprint requests to Fatih M. Uckun, MD, PhD, University of Minnesota Biotherapy Program, 2685 Patton Rd, Roseville, MN 55113. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 I995 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/95/8509-0021$3.00/0 2537 From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. GUNTHER ET AL 2538 Cells and inoculation. The previously described human NALM6-UMI (NALM-6) pre-B ALL cell lineI7 was maintained by serial passage in RPM1 1640 medium (GIBCO Laboratories, Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 10% (vol/vol) heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (Hyclone Laboratories, Logan, UT), 50 pg/mL streptomycin, 50 IU/mL penicillin, 2 m m o l L L-glutamine, and 10 mmollL HEPES buffer.Cellswereculturedintissuecultureflasksat 37°C ina humidified 5% COn atmosphere. Before injection, cells were washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and resuspended in PBS at 2.5 X IO'/mL or S X IO'lmL. Inoculation was into the dorsal tail vein. Drugs. B43-PAPimmunotoxinwasproducedintheImmunotoxin Production Facility of the University of Minnesota Biotherapy (25 mglmL) was Program, as previously described." Methotrexate obtained from Lederle Parenterals Inc (Carolina, Puerto Rico). Intrathecal and systemic therapy for xenografedhuman CNS leuuskemia. Intrathecal injections were made into the lumbar space ing a syringe with a 25-gauge needle, and 20 ng substance P (total volume, 1 pL) wascoadministered to confirmthesuccessofthe intrathecalinjections;substancePinducesacaudallydirected scratching and biting response when injected into the lumbar space of mice." To evaluate the efficacy of intrathecal therapy with843PAP immunotoxin, 6-week-old male SCID mice were inoculatedin thedorsaltail vein with 1 X lo6 NALM-6cellsandtreatedwith weekly intrathecal injections of B33-PAP (0.5 pg, I .0 pg, 2.0 pg, 2.5 pg, or 10 p g per dose in IO p L normal saline) on days 14, 21, 28, and 3.5. For comparison, control mice were treated with intrathecal normal saline, methotrexate, or systemic (ie, intraperitoneal) B43PAP. Intrathecal treatments of 15 pg methotrexate (total injection volume, 10 pL) diluted with normal saline were delivered weekly for 4 weeks according to the same schedule as for intrathecal B43PAP. Mice were observed daily for evidence of disease and killed when moribund or unable to obtain foodor water because of paralysis. Long-termsurvivingmicewereelectivelykilled at 11 I days afterinoculation of NALM-6cells. For eachtreatmentgroup,at least two mice that died early in the observation period and two mice that diedlatewerehistologicallyexamined to assesstheir CNS and systemic leukemia burden. NALM-6-inoculated,untreated control mice were killed at 14 days postinoculation to assess their leukemiaburdenatthetime of initiation of treatment.Afterthe discovery of drug-related paralysis in SCID mice after intrathecal administration of B43-PAP,single IO- to75-pgintrathecaldoses were administered to Balb/c mice to further characterize the histologic lesions of the spinal cord. Exatninarion of SCID mouse tissuesf o r xenografted huntan leukemiacells. Atthetime of death,necropsieswereperformed,and tissues, including BM and brain, of SCID mice were collected for evaluation of the human pre-B ALL leukemia burden. Tissues from mice that died or wereeuthanized by exposure to CO2 gaswere fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin by perfusion via the lef ventricle or by immersion.Theaxialandappendicularskeleton, containing the CNS and BM, were subsequently decalcified i n 10% formic acid for 48hours. Representative portions of tissues, including multiple sections of all regions of the spinal column, were dehydratedandembedded in paraffin by routinemethods.Six-micron. hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections were examined. For immunophenotypic studies, leukemic cells were dissociated from the leptomeninges of the brain by gently vortexing the whole brain in PBS in a test tube. BM suspensions were preparedby flushing the marrow cavities of long bones with PBS using a syringe with a 25-gauge needle.Othertissuesweregentlyhomogenized in PBS.Multiparameter flow cytometric analyses using two-color immunofluoreccence staining techniques and pairwise combinations of a selected panel of fluorochrome[fluoresceinisothiocyanate(FITC) o r phycoerythrin (PE)]-labeled monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) were peras previously described.""' The formedonthecellsuspensions, following MoAbs were included in the analyses: B43 (anti-CD19). J-S (anti-CD10; Coulter Corp. Hialeah, FL), Leu- 12 (anti-CD19). Leu- 16 (anti-CDW), Hle- 1 (anti-CD45; Becton-Dickinson, RutherHuford, NJ), and anti-lgM p-chain (Tago, Inc, Burlingame, CA). man DNA was detected in mouse tissues by amplifying a 1 IO-bp fragment from the first exon of the human P-globin gene using a previously published polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Sfutisticalunulyses. Eventtimesweremeasuredfromtheday of inoculation of NALM-6 cells to the day of paraplegia or death. The probabilitiesof paraplegia and EFS were determined, and eventfree interval curves were generated using the Kaplan-Meier product limit method, as previously r e p ~ r t e d . ' ~The " ~ log-rdnk test was used to assess the effectsof various treatment protocols on the probability of EFS of SCID mice inoculated with NALM-6 cells. RESULTS Human pre-B ALL cell line N A M - 6 causes fatul CNS leukemia in SCID mice. Of 83 SCID mice challenged with an IV inoculum of 1 X 10' NALM-6 cells, 83 developed symptomatic CNS leukemia. The first clinical sign of CNS leukemia was a muscle weakness in the rear legs with a slight lowering of the lower back at a median of 32 days (mean ? SE, 33 ? 1 days; range, 26 to 58 days). Subsequently, mice developed a rapidly progressive paralysis of the rear legs, and at a median of 39 days (range, 36 to 56 days), they were nolongerableto obtain food or water Table 1. Kinetics of Colonization of SCID Mouse Tissues by NALM-6 Cells Days After Inoculation With 5 x lo6 NALM-6 Cells Tissue ~~ _________~ BM Brain Dura mater of the brain Leptomeninges of the brain and/or Assay 1 PCR Histopathology PCR Histopathology - 2 Histopathology ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ 29 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 - + + + + N +D N +D ND + + + + t- i l - l + I ND ND ND _____ - + ~ - - - ~ - + 26 + + + + Groups of three SClD mice were killed o n the indicated days after inoculation with 5 x lo6 NALM-6 cells, and assays were performed as detailed in Materials and Methods. PCR was performed on whole brain without dura mater. Histology of the CNS was performed on sections of the brain and spinal cord. Abbreviations: PCR,PCR amplification of human 0-globin gene sequences; ND, not done; f, detection byPCR or histopathology in three of three mice; -, absence of leukemic cells byPCR or histopathology in three of three mice. * First day any animal in a group was positive From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. BIOTHERAPY OF CNS LEUKEMIA Fig l. Colonization of dura mater andsubarachnoid space of SClD mice by human leukemia cells. (A) Caudal spinal column of a paralyzed SClD mouse showing extensive colonization of the B M space of the vertebra (BM), theepidural space (ES), leptomeninges of spinal cord, and sheaths of ventral nerve roots. Hematoxylin andeosin (H& E) stain; original magnification (OM), x 25. (B, C) Ventralcaudal spinal cord andventralnerverootsshowingcolonization of sheaths of nerve roots as well as of subarachnoid space around the ventral spinal artery (arrow) of spinal cord. H&E stain; O M (B), x 5 0 ; IC). x 100. because of paralysis. Some of these mice suffered a generalized tonic-clonic seizure followed by sudden death. whereas others either died without a preceding seizure or they were electively killed in moribund condition. Postmortem histopatho- 2539 logic studies showed that the CNS was extensively involved, with dense leukemic cell infiltrates in the subarachnoid space and the superficial perivascular Virchow-Robin spaces (data not shown). Large numbers of CDIO'CDI9'CD20- human NALM-6 leukemia cells could be dissociated from the leptomeninges of the brain by gently vortexing the whole brain of paralyzed SCID mice in PBS in a test tube. To further study the pathobiology of xenografted human CNS leukemia. SCID mice were inoculated in the dorsal tail vein with S X 10" NALM-6 cells. Micewere observed daily, and groups ofthreemicewerekilled on days I , 2. and S and at 3-day intervals fromR days to 30 days postinoculation and subjected to pathologic analysis to assess their leukemia burden.Xenograftedhumanleukemia cells were first detected in the BM, always starting in the skull or vertebrae. All micehadhistologically detectable BM involvement in the skull or vertebrae and occasionally theappendicular skeleton by day I 1 (Table I). NALM-6 cells in hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of paraffin-embedded mouse BM were easily distinguished from murine hematopoietic cells. Leukemic cells were 10- to 13-pm in diameter. with oval to irregularly polygonal nuclei with smooth borders, finely stippled chromatin, anda single prominent eosinophilic nucleolus. They hadscant.lightlybasophilic cytoplasm anda high mitotic rate. Colonizationof the dura mater andsubarachnoid space,usuallyofthedistalspinal cord,was observed as early as 20 and 23 days postinoculation, respectively, and colonizationof both sites wasaconstantfeatureafter 23 days (Table I , Fig 1 ). Histologically evident CNS involvement was limited to the dura mater and subarachnoid space, with occasional extension into the Virchow-Robin spaces of blood vessels subjacent to the meninges: no leukemic cells wereseen in theVirchow-Robin spaces ofbloodvessels deep within the parenchyma of the CNS. The kineticsof engraftment of NALM-6 cells in SClD mouse tissues was also examined by PCR analysis. Groups of three mice were killed on days I . 2, and S and at 3-day intervalsfrom day 8 to day 20. and theiroccultleukemia burden was evaluated by PCR amplification of human DNA, as described.".'* As shown in Fig 2A. no PCR evidence of occult CNS leukemia was found in SClD miceat 1 to 5 days afterinoculation of NALM-6 cells. By contrast, positive control SCID mice that died of disseminated leukemia with CNS involvement showed strong PCR positivity for human @globin gene sequences in DNA specimens from BM and brain (Fig 2B). Similarly. PCR analysis of SClD mouse BM and braininvariablyshowedpresenceofhumanDNA at 8. 1 l , 14, 17, and 20 days (Fig 2C through E). Although histologically detectable engraftmentofleukemia cells in skull or vertebral BM and meninges preceded engraftment in other sites. PCR analysis of human DNA detected leukemic cell engraftment in extraneural sites (eg. liver) as early as in the CNS and BM (Fig 2C). Several features suggest that a major mechanism of colonization of the meninges by NALM-6 cells was by direct extensionfromthe BM ofthe calvariaand vertebrae. ( I ) Colonization of the BM of the calvaria and vertebrae always occurred earlier in the course of disease than did colonization of the meninges. (2) Meningeal disease was always accompanied by leukemicinvolvementoftheadjacent BM. (3) From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. GUNTHER ET AL 2540 C SClD 4287 SCID 4288 SClD 4293 (Ed) I D ' E (206) 7 -t-r led) t ,, (Ed) SCID 4249 SClD 4253 l 1 W I,Id)(1 ,pas ,, NEG BM BR LIV BM BR LIV BM BR LIV BM BR LIV BM BR LIVCON -CON SC;y4r2 BM LIV SCID4228 (17d) BR CH "BM SClD 4231 Pod) SClD 4933 (14a PUS LIV BR CH 'CONI - SClD - 4802 BM POS CON 2 - NEG CON SClDSClD4240 4237 P -O -S BM BR LIV SPL BM BR LIV SPL BM BR LIV SPL BM BR LIV SPL CON - NEG CON Fig 2. Kinetics of human leukemic cell engraftment in SClD mice. DNA specimens from various organswere analyzed for the presence of human p-globin gene sequences by a previously published PCR m e t h ~ d . ' ~(A) ' ' ~Lack of engraftment on days 1,2, or 5 after inoculation of NALM-6 leukemia cells. (B) Presence of human DNA in BM and brain of SClD mice electively killed after becoming paralyzed 33 (SCID mouse 47921,or 36 days days(SCIDmouse47911,37days (SCID mouse 4796) after inoculationwith NALM-6 leukemia cells. (C through E) Presence of human DNA in BM, brain, and liver of SClD miceelectively killed 8 to 20 days after inoculation with NALM-6 leukemia cells. The time of elective killing (ie, days after inoculation) is indicated under each SClD mouse number. BR, brain; LW, liver; SPL, spleen; CH, spinal cord. Colonization of the endosteum occurred earlier than colonization of the dura mater, and colonization of the dura mater was alwaysaccompanied by involvementoftheadjacent endosteum. (4) Colonization of the subarachnoid space was always accompanied by involvement of the adiacent dura. whereas thereverse was not always true. ( 5 ) Streams of leukemiccellscouldbe seenenteringthe CNSfrom the BM by direct penetration through the cortex. along vascular channels or along nerve roots (Fig 3). lntrrrtheccrl R43 (anti-CD19)-PAP therap! is cflectiw agrrinst .renogrqfted human CNS leukemia in SClD mice. Occult leukemia of the CNS was shown by PCR analysis of brains at the time of initiation of treatments (14 days after inoculation of I X IOh NALM-6 cells) in four of four SCID mice that were randomly selected at the time of assignment to treatmentgroups.Histologic examination of the CNS showed leukemic cells in one of six mice at this timepoint. All 23 saline-injectedcontrolmicebecameparalyzedand developed histologically demonstrableCNS and systemic leukemia. Intrathecal administration of methotrexate did not significantly increase survival of the SClD mice, and all I O micethatreceivedintrathecalmethotrexatetreatmentdied with extensive CNS leukemia at a median of 49 days (Table 2. Fig 4). Three mice treated with intrathecal injections of unconjugated B43 antibody (2.5 pg per dose) died of leukemia at 46. 52, and S9 days. respectively (data not shown). Similarly, all mice treated with weekly intraperitoneal B43PAP injections died of disseminated leukemia at a median of 44 days (Table 2). The presence of xenografted NALM6 cells in BM andor CNSof SCID mice treated with normal saline, intraperitoneal B43-PAP, or intrathecal methotrexate was confirmed by PCR detection of human DNA (Fig SA andB).Intrathecaladministration of B43-PAP prolonged survival of SClD mice inoculated with NALM-6 leukemia cells(Table 2, Fig 4). The mediansurvivaltime of mice administered weekly intrathecal doses of 2.5 pg B43-PAP (ie. 68 days) was significantly greater than the median survival time of the saline control group (ie. 41 days) or the methotrexate-treated group (ie, 49 days: P < .OOOl: Table 2). Two mice in the 2.5 pg intrathecal B43-PAP group were in good health at the end of the I I 1 day observation period and had no histologic evidence of leukemia in the CNS or BM. The human DNA contamination in the BM or brain of these mice appeared to be less than 0.001% (Fig SA. C. and B43-PAP treatment D). For each ofthethreeintrathecal groups receiving B43-PAP at 1.0. 2.0, or 2.5 pg per dose, four mice that died during the 120-day observation period were evaluated histologically. All 12 mice had disseminated leukemia with CNS involvement. Systemic administration of B43-PAP does not provide an alternative to intrathecal B43-PAP therapy for xenografted CNS leukemia,as B43-PAP immunotoxin molecules are too large to cross the blood-brain barrier. As shown in Table 2, intraperitoneal administration of 2.5 pg B43-PAP, given at the same dose scheduleas the intrathecal B43-PAP regimen. did not increase survival, indicating that intrathecal administration was the key factor in increasing survival time. Intraperitoneal administration of 20 pg B43-PAP in three equally divided consecutive daily doses on days 14, 1S , and 16 after inoculation with NALM-6 cells significantly prolonged survival (median survival, 65 days; P < .02), but all mice in this group died with CNS leukemia (Table 2). There was no histologic evidence of neurotoxicity in the mice that received intrathecal B43-PAP doses up to 2.5 pg. However. all 10 mice that received intrathecal injections of IO pg B43-PAP developed rear leg paralysis shortly after From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. BIOTHERAPY OF CNS LEUKEMIA 2541 Fig 3. Penetration of human leukemia cells from BM into CNS.Caudalspinal column of a paralyzed SClD mouse showing streams of leukemia cells (arrows) penetrating from the vertebral BM space (BM) to the epiduralspace IESI. H&E stain; OM: (A), x 50; (B), x 200. the onset of treatment (Table 2). All but one of these mice only developed signs of neurotoxicity after two or more injections of B43-PAP. All six histologically examined mice in this group had severe damage of the terminal sacral spinal cord (site of injection), characterized by severe necrosis of grayandwhitematter, as well as degeneration of tracts within the ventral nerve roots of this region (Fig 6). There were no morphologic lesions of the blood vessels.Neurotoxicity wasthe cause of paralysis in these mice. as no histologic or PCR evidence of CNS leukemia was found. DISCUSSION We report that the SClD mouse microenvironment permits the development of a rapidly progressive and invariably fatal CNS leukemia after inoculation with human NALM-6 preB ALL cells via a tail vein. Also provided is experimental evidence thatintrathecalB43 (anti-CD I9)-PAP immunotoxin therapy at a nontoxic dose level significantly improves survival of SClD mice with xenografted CNS leukemia. The first histologic evidence of CNSleukemia in this modelisoftenfound in the distal spinal cord.preceding From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 2542 GUNTHER ET AL Table 2. Antileukemic Efficacy of Intrathecal B43 (anti-CDlS)-PAP Cumulative Proportion Surviving Event-Free (%) Treatment Regimen NS it qwk x No. of Mice 4 wk 0.5 p g 643-PAP it qwk x 4 wk 1.0 p g 643-PAP it qwk x 4 wk 2.0 p g 643-PAP it qwk x 4 wk 2.5 p g 643-PAP it qwk x 4 wk 10.0pg 643-PAP it qwk x 4 wk 23 2.5 @g643-PAP ip qwk x 4 wk 20 p g B43-PAP ip divided qd x 3d 15 pg methotrexate it qwk x 4 wk Median EFS (dl 30 d 60 d 0 0 10 20 60 0 9 10 10 41 42 36 40 10 68* 100 100 80 100 100 10 29 37 10 10 44 65 100 100 10 49 100 20 90 10 90 d 0 0 0 10 20 0 0 0 0 SClD mice were injected IV with 1 x lo6 NALM-6 cells. Administration of it B43-PAP or methotrexate was done weekly for 4 weeks, starting on day 14 after inoculation of leukemic cells. Controls were treated with normal saline (NS). Mice were monitored for paralysis and survival and data analysis was performed as described in Materials and Methods. Abbreviations: it, intrathecal; ip, intraperitoneal; qwk, every week. * P < .0001. involvement of the brain. The reason for this predilection is not known, butmaybe related to inoculation withthe NALM-6 cells into the tail vein. There are anastomoses between abdominal veins and vertebral veins in other species, suggesting that these maybe avenues of colonization of the CNS.*' Of interest isthe finding that one avenue of colonization of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord appears to be direct extension from adjacent BM, as has been suggested by other^.^^,^^ This may not be the consequence of specific tropism of these cells for the CNS, however, as invasion of the adjacent skeletal muscle from the BM also commonly occurred. PCR amplification detected human DNA in the CNS of "p-? 1.o b . ----O"- NS ( b 2 3 ) .. $ & J 0.6 * . --+-MTX (N-10) h ! T ! : ! Fig 4. Efficacy of intrathecal B43-PAP immunotoxin therapy aaainst xenoarafted human CNS leukemia in SClD mice. SCIDmice " " were injected IV with 1 x lo6 NALM-6 cells. W - P A P (2.5p g per dose)or methotrexate l15 @gperdose) was administered intrathecally weakly for 4 waeks starting on day 14 after inoculation with leukemia cells. Controls receivednormal saline. The cumulative proportion of mice surviving event-freeare shown accordingtothe numdays ber of after inoculation of leukemia cells. the SCID mice before histologically demonstrable proliferation of NALM-6 cells in the adjacent BM, suggesting that colonization of the CNS may also occur by a means other than direct extension from the marrow. These leukemic cells in the CNS may account for the eventual disseminated leukemiain mice treated only by intraperitoneal administration of B43-PAP, as seen in this and a previous study." Intrathecal therapy for occult CNS leukemia with B43PAP significantly prolonged survival of SCID mice inoculated 14 days previously with 1 X lo6 NALM-6 pre-B ALL cells and resulted in the apparent cure of several mice. Intraperitoneal therapy with B43-PAP (20 pg total dose administered on 3 consecutive days) was not as efficacious as intrathecal therapy, as would be expected from therapy that does not pass the blood-brain barrier. However, it increased survival of SCID mice, suggesting that it eliminated many, if not all, accessible leukemic cells. PCR assay showed that human leukemic cells were present in the CNS of the SCID mice at the initiation of intraperitoneal treatment, suggesting that these cells may be the progenitors of the systemic leukemia found at the time of death in these mice. Interestingly, mice treated intrathecally or intraperitoneally with 22.0 pg B43-PAP and that died with leukemia early (less than 45 days) in the course of the study tended to have only leukemic involvement of the spinal cord and adjacent vertebral BM, whereas mice that died later (greater than SO days) had disseminated disease with leukemic involvement of the spinal cord, BM, and viscera. Therefore, we speculate that (1) CNS leukemia causes paralysis that necessitates euthanasia before severe morbidity due to involvement of BM or viscera occurs, and (2) the CNS serves as a source of cells that seed extraneural sites. According to this hypothesis, incomplete elimination of leukemia cells in the CNS have resulted inParalysis from CNS leukemia before dissemination of the disease, whereas late deaths from disseminated leukemia could have occurred if a small number of cells in the CNS survived therapy, lea&ng to Slow colonization of the CNS and migration to extraneural tissues before CNS involvement resulted in paralysis. This From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 2543 BIOTHERAW OF CNS LEUKEMIA ‘ MTX B43PAP B43 PAP (i.p) NS 4003 4000 “ 4 7 9477 9 9 d56 d54 d41d41 (it) ” 4044 d53 (i.t) ” 4943 dl11 ‘ - n n - 1 - 1 - BM BR BM BR BM BR BM BR BM BR BM BR - - NEG CON POS CON A MTX fi.t) 4041 d43 405Q‘ 405Q‘ d61 r-lPOS BR BM BR BM BR BM BR ‘BM ’BM BR’ BM CON 4042 d40 4045 4046 d49 d44 “ m n n BM BR BM 4047 d40 4040 d40 - NEG CON B Fig 5. Absence of occult CNS leukemia after intrathecal (i.t.1B43-PAP immunotoxin therapy. (A, B) PCR detection of human DNA in BM andlor brain from normalsaline (NSI-, i.t. methotrexate-, or intraperitoneal (i.p.1 B43-PAP-treated SClD mouse i.t. B43controls. SClD mouse 4943 was treated with PAP (2.5 p g per dose every week x 4 weeks). (C, D) BM and brain specimens from normalSClD mice (not inoculated with any human cells) were mixed with various amounts of NALM-6 DNA t o determine the sensitivity of the PCR assay. Less than 0.001% human DNA contamination was observed in the brain or BM from t w o SClD mice (SCID mice 4943 and 4985) treated with B43-PAP immunotoxin (2.5 p g per dose every week x 4 weeks). SClD mouse 5053 was i.t. B43-PAP (2.5p g per a control mouse treated with dose every week x 4 weeks) starting 1 week after inoculation with NALM-6 leukemia cells. Human DNA was observed in the BMs as well as brains of SClD mice treatedwith i.t. methotrexate (15 p g per dose every week with the intent of a 4-week therapy; SClD mice 4848 and 4847). Both mouse 4848 and mouse 4847 were electively killed on day 48 after becoming paralyzed secondary t o CNS leukemia. % NALM-6 DNA C r B43PAP (i.t) + % NALM-6 DNA I 100 50 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 ’ MTX (1.t) +‘ 9 4’ 9 8 8 8 08 48 9 9 b 0 @ $g? D hypothesis is supported by the fact that in the described SCID model, massive medullary and visceralleukemic burdens did not cause morbidity; neurologic signs of CNS disease were the first clinical evidence for onset of human leukemia. There was no clinical or morphologic evidence of toxicity in mice given four weekly intrathecal treatments with 2.5 pg B43-PAP, a dose level that produced significantly prolonged survival and apparent cure in some SCID mice. However, intrathecal administration of B43-PAP at dose levels 210 pg per weekly single dose caused major damage to the spinal cord. Interestingly, neurotoxicity of intrathecal B43-PAP appeared to be cumulative. Only one mouse became paralyzed after a single intrathecal injection of I O pg, whereas paralysis developed in the others only after multiple weekly injections of 10 pg. Damage only occurred near the site of injection, suggesting that neurotoxicity is caused by high local concentrations of B43-PAP, a situation that might be prevented by slow infusion of a dilute solution of the immunotoxin. This hypothesis can be tested in larger species. The SCID mousemodelofhumanCNS leukemia described in this report provides a basis for future comparative studies of the toxicity and efficacy of novel CNS therapy regimens in B-lineage ALL. These experiments provide a paradigm for the critical evaluation of a new CNS therapy regimen in B-lineage ALL. This report also extends previous studies that showed the potential therapeutic benefit of in- From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. GUNTHER ET AL 2544 Fig 6. Toxicity of intrathecal 643-PAP immunotoxin therapy. 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