DM # 1499549 Yhteiskunnalliset haasteet: SC5 Ilmastotoimet, resurssitehokkuus ja raaka-aineet Yhteyshenkilö: Jaana Lehtimäki, H2020 NCP Suomen Akatemia puh. 02953 35060 [email protected] Yhteenveto vuoden 2015 yksivaiheisten hakujen tuloksista Komission on julkistanut vuoden 2015 yksivaiheisten hakujen (H2020-SC5-2015 one-stage, H2020-Waste2015 one-stage, H2020-Water-2015 one-stage, H2020-SMEINST-2-2015) tulokset ja päivittänyt luetteloaan rahoitetuista hankkeista. Luettelo löytyy EUTIn nettisivuilta –Lisätietoa-kohdasta. Vuoden 2014 hauista tehtyjä analyysejä löytyy aiemmasta NCP -uutiskirjeestä (2/2015, 21.4.2015). Neljästä hauista rahoitettiin 25 hanketta, joista kahdessatoista oli suomalaisosallistujia yhteensä viisitoista. Eniten osallistumisia oli Teknologian tutkimuskeskuksesta (VTT Oy, 3 kpl), Ilmatieteen laitokselta (2 kpl) sekä Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta (2 kpl). Yhdessä hankkeessa on suomalaisena koordinoijana VTT Oy (METGROW PLUS). Vuoden 2015 kolmesta yksivaiheisesta hausta rahoitetut hankkeet sekä suomalaisosallistujat Hakukoodi ja -aihe (rahoitusmuoto) Konsortion lyhenne ja numero (suomalaisosallistujat) Hankkeen otsikko 5.1. Fighting and adapting to climate change SC5-2-2015 ERA for Climate Services (ERA-NET cofund) Hankkeen kokonaiskustannukset (EU:n osuus), € Osallistujien määrä, kpl ja hankkeen kesto, kk ERA4CS 690462 (Ilmatieteen European Research Area for 76,238,829 (25,000,000) 33 & 60 laitos ja Suomen ympäristökeskus) Climate services SC5-5b-2015 Earth ECOMS2 689029 system modelling and climate services (CSA) European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 3,052,435 (2,994,373) 11 & 60 5.2. Protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources, water, biodiversity and ecosystems Water-3-2015 Stepping WaterWorks2015 689271 up EU research and (Suomen Akatemia) innovation cooperation in the water area (ERANET cofund) Water Works 2016-2020 in 30,733,472 (9,554,645) Support of the Water JPI (WaterWorks2015) Sustainable water use in agriculture, to increase water use efficiency and reduce soil and water pollution 32 & 60 1 DM # 1499549 SC5-10c-2015 An EU support mechanism for evidence-based policy on biodiversity & ecosystems services (CSA) EKLIPSE 690474 (Suomen ympäristökeskus) Water-5b-2015 A coordination platform (CSA) AfriAlliance 689162 Establishing a European 2,997,273 (2,997,273) Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Africa-EU Innovation 3,238,735 (3,238,735) Alliance for Water and Climate 10 & 48 16 & 60 5.3 Ensuring the sustainable supply of non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials SC5-13e-2015 Raw materials intelligence capacity (CSA) MICA 689648 (Geologian tutkimuskeskus) Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis 1,998,955 (1,998,955) 24 & 16 SC5-13c-2015 Innovation friendly minerals policy framework (CSA) MIN-GUIDE 689527 (Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö) Minerals Policy Guidance for Europe 1,999,625 (1,999,625) 10 & 36 SC5-11d-2015 New ROBUST 690416 sustainable exploration technologies and geomodels (RIA) SC5-11e-2015 New metallurgical systems (RIA) Robotic subsea exploration 5,986,723 (5,986,723) technologies METGROW PLUS 690088 (VTT Metal Recovery from Low 7,911,463 (7,911,463) Oy, koordinaattori) Grade Ores and Wastes Plus 9 & 48 19 & 48 SC5-11d-2015 New UNEXMIN 690008 (TTY-säätiö) sustainable exploration technologies and geomodels (RIA) Autonomous Underwater 4,869,565 (4,869,565) Explorer for Flooded Mines 13 & 45 SC5-11d-2015 New HiTech AlkCarb 689909 sustainable exploration technologies and geomodels (RIA) New geomodels to explore 5,395,296 (5,395,296) deeper for High-Technology critical raw materials in Alkaline rocks and Carbonatites Sonic Drilling coupled with 9,775,538 (9,775,488) Automated Mineralogy and chemistry On-Line-OnMine-Real-Time 12 & 48 7,834,976 (7,834,976) 13 & 36 Breakthrough Solutions for 7,991,138 (7,991,138) the Sustainable Harvesting and Processing of Deep Sea Polymetallic Nodules 14 & 48 SC5-11d-2015 New SOLSA 689868 sustainable exploration technologies and geomodels (RIA) SC5-11e-2015 New metallurgical systems (RIA) INTMET 689515 (Outotec) SC5-11c-2015 Deep Blue Nodules 688975 mining on continent and/or in sea-bed (RIA) Integrated innovative metallurgical system to benefit efficiently polymetallic, complex and low grade ores and concentrates 9 & 48 SC5-12b-2015 Materials under extreme conditions (RIA) EQUINOX 689510 A novel process for manufacturing complex shaped Fe-Al intermetallic parts resistant to extreme environments 4,678,345 (4,678,345) 11 & 36 SC5-12b-2015 Materials under extreme conditions (RIA Flintstone2020 689279 Next generation of superhard non-CRM materials and solutions in tooling 4,996,180 (4,996,180) 9 & 48 2 DM # 1499549 SC5-13d-2015 Raw VERAM 690388 (VTT Oy) materials research and innovation coordination (CSA) Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials 1,431,499 (1,431,499) 11 & 30 WASTE-4d-2015 Raw IMPACTPapeRec 690182 materials partnerships (CSA) Boosting the 1,486,783 (1,486,783) implementation of participatory strategies on separate paper collection for efficient recycling 21 & 24 SC5-13f-2015 Strategic STRADE 689364 international dialogues and cooperation with raw materials producing countries and industry: (CSA) Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe WASTE-4d-2015 Raw MSP-REFRAM 688993 materials partnerships: (Geologian tutkimuskeskus, (CSA) Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto, VTT Oy) Multi-Stakeholder Platform 1,499,760 (1,499,760) for a Secure Supply of Refractory Metals in Europe SC5-20-2015 (SME-2) IRON 685074 (Gasera Oy) High sensitivity multi-gas handheld gas analysis technology 1,977,509 (1,977,509) 7 & 36 21 & 18 3,351,725 (2,346,208) 1 & 24 752,463 (526,724) 2 & 24 5.4 Enabling the transition towards a green economy and society through eco-innovation SC5-20-2015 (SME-2) CHeap 685074 Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans SC5-20-2015 (SME-2) HTC4WASTE 684143 Up-scaling, demonstration 3,561,233 (2,492,863) and first market application of Loritus’ patented hydrothermal carbonisation as an eco-efficient and costeffective organic waste processing technology 1 & 24 5.5 Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information system SC5-18b-2015 Integrating North African, Middle East and Balkan Earth Observation capacities in GEOSS (CSA) GEO-CRADLE 690133 Coordinating and 3,070,175 (2,910,800) integRating state-of-the-art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS SC5-15-2015 Strengthening the European Research Area in the domain of Earth Observation (ERA-NET cofund) ERA-PLANET 689443 (Ilmatieteen laitos) The European network for observing our changing planet 21 & 30 60,804,890 (11,000,000) 35 & 60 3
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