THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 25-26, 2014 5:30 pm PREACHER: Fr. Joel Warden INTENTION: Edna Harrison READERS: Karla Denalli, Anne Preston 9:00 am PREACHER: Fr. Joel Warden INTENTION: Vincenza Marrone READERS: Neil Scriptunas, Patrick Preziosi, Glen Gregorio EM: Chris Morrison HOSPITALITY: George Garber, Cherry Gordon MC: Rick Randig 11:15 am PREACHER: Fr. Michael Callaghan INTENTION: Pro Populo READERS: Patty Lenartz, Barbara Higgins, Martha Burgess EM: Sonia Fry, Ellen Rios, Mary Ann Gentile HOSPITALITY: Elizabeth Di Guglielmo, Melvin Foster, Robert Regan MC: Meg Mazzeo CROSS AND CANDLE BEARERS: Rania, Katiana, Kira, Leila 6:00 pm PREACHER: Fr. Michael Callaghan INTENTION: For The Intentions of the Pope READERS: Angela Loguercio, Chris Nevin READINGS 1st Reading: Ex 22:20-26 nd 2 Reading: 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Gospel: Mt 22:34-40 T HE O RATORY C HURCH OF S T . B ONIFACE 109 Willoughby Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA Tel: 718-875-2096 Fax: 718-875-4678 Website: Email: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @brooklynoratory Deadline for Bulletin Info: November March 302 Bulletin: Bulletin:Noon, Noon,March October 2528 November March 309 Bulletin: Noon, March November 25 4 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 27, October, Weekday John Tuzzolino Jacqueline Lauri Tuesday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 28, October, Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles Jacqueline Elie Andree Praileur Smith Wednesday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 29, October, Weekkday Bill Fissinger Joseph & Pat Brintle Thursday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 30, October, Weekday Andree Praileur Smith Robert Franza Friday 7:30am: 12:10pm: 31, October, Weekday Margaret Landry Diane Tinsley Saturday 5:30pm: 1, November, All Saints Magdalena Alvarez Community Prayer for Those Who Are Sick: Kathleen Garber, Fr. Daniel Vitz, Linda Paranko, Duncan Fraser, Jacque Jehle, Anna Marie Tripodi, Margaret Slattery, James Houghton, Melia Scalletty, Mary Pat Ahern, Ken Dray, Bob Doxsey, Maria Rabb, David Turilli, Edward O’Reilly, Ed Cranston, Kim Serrano, Barrett Mansfield, Charlotte White, Paul Goodloe, Jon Batkay, Constance Richardson, Stephanie Roker, Steven Carlson, Susan Tenner, David Straub, Andrew Jerdon, Lauren Van Roten, Richard Batten, Patricia Winsemius, Lorraine Diahy, Margaret Shea, Gideon Abbas, Dennis McCoy, Marie Smith, Kathy Leitman, Donald Corrado, Jeff Almaii, Larry Bressler, Patricia Henson, Frank Sweeney, Mary Casey, Edie Brown, Maureen Lally, Hilary Liberty, John Moogan, Alex Wallace, Nello D’Aponte, Rachel Owens, Ellen Barrett, Gabriel Ricci, Elaine Heron, Ann, Camille Ryan, Rosemary Weill, Jack Smith, Sr., Maureen Dorr, Caitlin Kavanaugh, Richard Piers, Maura Wozniak. For Those Who Have Died: Bill Fissinger, Edward Vincent Cortes, John P. Tuzzolino, Arsenio Luis Cruz, Wade Abbadessa, Jennifer Monaghan, Joe Dougherty, Andree Praileur Smith, Richard Patrick, Dylan Cronick, Robert Kiernan, Thomas Carley, John Barrera, Richard Freeman, Mary Pat Aker, Veronica Testani Kasack, Patricia Sheridan. PARISH STAFF – Rev. Fr. Joel M. Warden, C.O., Ph.D., Pastor (ext 103); Rev. Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, C.O., Ph.D., Parochial Vicar (ext 109); Eileen Randig, Pastoral Associate, Formation Tel. 718.222.2983, [email protected]; Christopher Smith, Business Manager (ext 104); Carole Fabrizio, Administrative Assistant (ext 101), [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY – Christopher J. Hatcher, Director of Music/Organist (ext 105); Benjamin Niemczyk, Associate Director of Music/Choir Director (ext 105); Stephen Parahus, Cantor. IN RESIDENCE – Very Rev. Fr. Dennis M. Corrado, C.O., Provost, Rev. Fr. Mark J. Lane, C.O., Bro. James Simon, C.O., Rev. Fr. Michael Callaghan, C.O. PARISH TRUSTEES – Karla Denalli, William Vinicombe FINANCE COMMITTEE – William Weigel (Chair), Bridget Rohde, Tom Levy (Stewardship), Beth Skelley, Carlo Trigiani PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 2014 –2015 Larissa Payne (Chair), Pam Guigli (CoChair), James Murphy (Secretary), Marie Bresnahan, Martha Burgess, Ramona Candy, Suzanne Carlson, Amy Deal, Michael Devlin, Linda Douglas, Patty Evers, Kathy Gaffney, Rose Halligan, James Ryan, Cara Tuzzolino. ANNOUNCEMENTS Coffee Hour today is hosted the Walker Family. Happy Halloween! Annual Catholic Appeal Goal: Every year we are invited as a parish community to join with the other parishes of the Diocese in important efforts of pastoral outreach through organizations that cannot rely on regular sources of grassroots funding. The Catholic Migration Office (which assists newly immigrated persons our Diocese), family life initiatives (which seek to support parents and children in the often daunting work of creating small, domestic communities) and Catholic healthcare chaplaincies (among many other things) rely on funds raised through the Annual Catholic Appeal for their continued ability to serve others. This year our parish goal is $41,400 and, as of October 6th, we have only reached $22,870 worth of pledges. If you have not been able to give to this effort yet, please consider doing so. And if you already have, please consider supplementing your generosity with another gift. Checks or donations can be made payable to St. Boniface with a notation in the memo (or otherwise) that the donation is to go towards our goal for the Annual Catholic Appeal. Contributing our resources in concert with those of other parish communities in this way is a powerful symbol of our standing in solidarity with the good efforts taking place outside of our walls -- and demonstrating our unity with all people of good will who strive for the benefit of the poor and vulnerable. Eyeglass Collection - No longer using certain prescription eyeglasses or readers? Donate them to us! They will be brought on a Medical Mission to Nicaragua by parishioner Ellen Rios, a nurse, who will be joining a team of medical professionals to provide eye care and eyeglasses to the people. Bring your donations to the church and look for specially marked boxes in the back of the church. All weekends October through December. For more information contact: Ellen at [email protected] Commemorate the Anniversary of the First Abolition of the Death Penalty - All around the world, cities will commemorate the anniversary of the first abolition of the death penalty. Join us and the Community of Sant’Egidio to hear former warden, Ron McAndrew. Mr. McAndrew oversaw executions in Florida and became aware of the injustice. Wednesday, November 5, 2014 7:00pm, location TBA. Questions? Email: [email protected] PROGRAMS FOR YOUTH The K/preK and Nursery programs have begun meeting on the second floor of Newman Hall during the 11:15am mass. These parent cooperative programs provide an opportunity for fellowship for some of the youngest members of our parish. Please stop by or email Brigida Munoz ([email protected]) to learn more. Seeking teen helpers for the Nursery and K/preK programs that take place during the 11:15 Sunday Mass. Gain experience as a classroom assistant, welcome our youngest parishioners to St. Boniface and earn community service hours. If interested, please contact Brigida Munoz at [email protected]. BAPTISMS: If you would like to have your child baptized here at St Boniface, please contact the priest coordinating that baptismal session. Fr. Anthony can be contacted at 718-875-2096, ext. 109 or at [email protected] Fr. Joel can be contacted at718-875-2096, ext. 103 or at [email protected]. Baptisms for the 2014-2015 pastoral year will be celebrated on: January 11, 11:15am mass (Fr. Joel), April 12, 11:15 mass (Fr. Anthony), May 31, (11:15) (Fr. Joel). NOTE THESE DATES AND EVENTS 2015 RETREATS FOR YOUNG ADULTS - Highly Recommended by Father Anthony. SEEKERS RETREAT: Friday, Jan. 30 - Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015 Are you wondering: What’s important in my life? What am I looking for? How can I let God in? You’re not the only one. Take time to reflect on your journey, your desires, and God’s hopes and dreams for you. ‘WHAT NEXT?’ RETREAT: Friday, Mar. 20 - Sunday, Mar. 22, 2015 Starting a new job? Not sure where your relationship is headed? Contemplating a change in your life? Our careers, living situations, relationships, and identities are always changing. Explore the transitions that define who we are, and consider how faith can carry you through them. For more information and to register: Encountering the Other: Faith and Identity in a Religiously Diverse Society - Jerusha Tanner Lamptey, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Islam and Ministry at Union Theological Seminary, and our very own Fr. Joel Warden will discuss Muslim and Catholic perspectives on religious plurality. What does it mean for us to identify with a particular faith in today’s diverse society? How is our faith affected or influenced by our interactions with those of other faiths? And what do our religious traditions have to teach us about living in community with one another? Join us for this important and timely conversation. Copies of Dr. Lamptey's Book, "Never Wholly Other: A Muslima Theology of Religious Pluralism," will be available for purchase. Sponsored by the Adult Faith Formation Committee. Sunday, November 9, at 1 p.m. in the Church – Reception to follow in Newman Hall. Sponsor a Cantor - If you would like to underwrite a cantor, please contact Fr. Anthony at [email protected] CAFE for Men ages 22-39—Interested in learning more about a group of Catholic young men who come together regularly to pray, to discuss what it means to be a Christian in a post-modern city and to perform practical acts of service and charity? We call ourselves CAFE (Catholics/Coffee and Fake Eggs) because we meet before work in the morning twice monthly over coffee and egg whites (real men need both caffeine and protein). To learn more contact Fr Anthony at [email protected] Food Pantry Collection - The Social Justice Committee collects and delivers to food pantries, 12 months a year, non-perishable unopened food. This is becoming even more important with the decrease of government benefits such as food stamps and unemployment insurance. Food is collected in the Seat Boxes marked Food Pantry in Newman Hall. MID-WEEK MEDITATION – People of all faiths, and of no particular faith, are invited to “Be still and know” (Psalm 46:10). Experience contemplative prayer strengthened by the presence of others. Instruction in Zen meditation provided. Wednesdays, 6:15pm to 7:30pm (beginners 6:00pm), starts on time, no reservations, beginners welcome. 111 Willoughby Street (Newman Hall). Host: Christopher Smith: 718.875.2096 x-104. Hospital-based Pastoral Care: If you would like to volunteer providing the Eucharist to patients at a local hospital on a regular basis, and you have gone through EM training with a Catholic diocese in the last two years, please contact Fr. Joel at [email protected] or 718-875-2096 for more information. St. Boniface Parking Validation Cards - If you park at Vic’s parking and you mention St. Boniface Church you will receive an extra discount. You must present the St Boniface validation card to the attendant. See hospitality at morning masses. TO GIVE, TO CELEBRATE, TO BUILD OUR COMMUNITY As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10 The 2015 Stewardship Appeal Many of you may have already received the letter from Fr. Joel accompanied by a brochure about our Annual Stewardship Appeal. Our Stewardship Appeal is, by far, our most essential fundraising effort. It enables us to better estimate our level of financial support and earmark funds for special needs such as unscheduled repairs and improvements. If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment and read through the brochure and consider the request we have made of our parish community: To prayerfully consider the level of support that you are able to pledge and consider a pledge that is commensurate with the importance of this community to you and relative to your spending in other areas. To respond by pledging and make a statement of commitment to this community that we have built, nourished and own. It is our goal, as it is every year, to receive a pledge from every parish household. Our faith community needs you in a real, day-to-day way. Please make your pledge accordingly, without undue or unhealthy sacrifice, but stretch yourself to the outside limits of your comfort level so that your contribution is substantial, not incidental. We ask each parish family to respond and return their commitment card promptly to help us confirm our financial planning for the upcoming year. If you did not receive the brochure and reply card in the mail, they are available in the back of the church and from the office. Sustaining our Parish, a parishioner’s perspective “We have always been, and will continue to be, the sole source of financial support for our Oratory community. The support provided through our Stewardship Appeal and other fundraising efforts keep the lights on, the paint from peeling, and pay for our dedicated and talented lay and clerical staff. We have built a faith community that many of us could not have conceived of in our lives, a community that has sustained, strengthened, in some cases restored, the faith in all of us. Let us continue to sustain it now, in these difficult times and tomorrow, when the sun will shine again, so that the building has not been in vain; so that our parish continues to grow and prosper with the gift of our faith.” 2015 Pledge Campaign – Year-To-Date – Week 1 2015 – Pledges: 66 – Pledged: $115,840 2014 – Pledges: 51 – Pledged: $91,013 (A pledge is an expression of gracious intention; it is not a binding contract) ANNOUNCEMENTS Friends of Turkana - Please join us on October 29th at the 10th Anniversary Gala for the Friends of Turkana. Over the last decade, FOT has invested over one million in various projects suggested to us by the residents of Turkana, principally in endeavors related to sustainable agriculture. This has only been possible because of the generous support from friends like you. This year's event will be held at the Brooklyn Historical Society from 6:30-9:00p.m. We will honor the FOT travelers who have helped to make a difference in that desperately poor region in Africa. Through their visits to Turkana and the kindness shared by our travelers to everyone they met, as Bishop Dominic of Lodwar shared with us on our last trip, “ ..confers dignity and self-respect to those (they) have touched". In doing so, our travelers have acted as ambassadors for FOT and advanced our mission, for which we are grateful. For more information and to purchase tickets, please contact Kat Ansink at [email protected] Advent Lecture—The Infancy Narratives: Texts of Terror: Texts of Hope The stories of Jesus’ birth and the events leading to it have inspired our imaginations for generations. The infancy narratives diverge on some key points— annunciations, witnesses to Jesus’ birth, lineages— but converge on others. Brian Pinter will explore these stories’ context ( historical, cultural, theological, and literary) with time for sharing how these jewels of biblical literature can nourish our souls through the Advent season and beyond. Saturday, November 15, 9:30am—12:30pm in Newman Hall. Advent Vespers 2014 - Sundays, In the Church, 4:00pm. Theme; Like a shepherd, he feeds his flock: in his arms he gathers the lambs, carrying them in his bosom, and leading the ewes with care.....Isaiah 40,11. November 30, Advent 1 – Pam Keating, Member, Community Writer, Etymologist December 7, Advent 2 – Rev. Nadine Hundertmark, Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn Heights December 14, Advent 3 – Roger Knight, Oratory Community, Board Member, Nazareth Housing December 21, Advent 4 - Richard Adams, Oratory Community – “outside the walls”, Computer Design Consultant HOLY STROLLERS: A Group for Parents of Small Children will be held the first and third Friday of the month, at 11:30am. Join us in Newman Hall for fellowship and prayer - light refreshments provided. Contact Tera Tarulli for more details: [email protected] Book Club - November 16, The Siege/The Lie by Helen Dunmore; December 21, The Call of the Wild/White Fang by Jack London; New members welcome,1:00pm, Aula Maxima. PARKING PASSES: Through NYC relaxed enforcement regulations we are allowed to park private vehicles on both sides of the block of Duffield Street on which the church stands immediately before, during and immediately after weekend Masses and, by special arrangement, for weddings, funerals and other oneoff events. For parking during weekend Masses it is necessary to display a Sunday Mass parking pass (available from the hospitality ministers in the back of church) in your windshield. Please note that parking anywhere else, even when using the pass, could result in being ticketed. For questions or concerns, please contact Fr. Joel.
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