Phone No :- 2225-0975 Fax No:2225-5446 e-mail :[email protected] GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER KOLKATA HEALTH CIRCLE, P.W.Dte. 1st FLOOR, K.I.T Building, P-16, India Exchange Place Extension KOLKATA – 700 073 Memo. No.: 1329 Dated: 27/10/2014 WBPWD/SE/KHC/NIT02/2014-15 NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER No. 02 OF 2014-2015 OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER, Kolkata Health Circle, P.W. Dte. (Through Pre-qualification) The Superintending Engineer, Kolkata Health Circle, Public Works Directorate, invites e-tender for the work detailed in the table below. (Submission of Bid through online) Sl. Name of work No. 1. 2. Estimated Earnest Amount Money (In Rs.) Construction of 4 (four) 49,14,820.00 storied building for (Rupees Forty extension of Labour Nine lac fourteen Room & O.T. room thousand eight adjacent to hundred twenty) North Block of G&O only Building at R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata --Structural and Finishing work of 2nd & 3rd Floor. (R&B Works). Proposed New building 1,09,10,364.00 within the College campus of the Calcutta (Rupees One crore nine lac two National Medical College thousand seven & Hospital, Kolkata hundred and fifty (Ground Floor, 1st Floor one) only and 2nd Floor balance work including S & P works). (Phase-II). NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 (In Rs.) In the shape of Bank Draft / Pay Order from any Nationalized / scheduled Bank 98,296.00 In the shape of Bank Draft / Pay Order from any Nationalized / scheduled Bank 2,18,207.00 Cost of Period of Documents completion (In Rs.) 2,505.00 (per set) (vide Notification no. 199-CRC/2M10/2012 dt. 21.12.2012, Intending tenderers shall not have to pay the cost of tender documents for the purpose of participating in eTendering.) 2,505.00 (per set) (vide Notification no. 199-CRC/2M10/2012 dt. 21.12.2012, Intending tenderers shall not have to pay the cost of tender documents for the purpose of participating in eTendering.) 60 (Sixty) days 60 (Sixty) days Name of Eligibility concerned of Bidder Division Executive Engineer-I, P.W.D, North Kolkata Health Division. Executive Engineer-II P.W.D, Central Kolkata Health Division. Bonafide resourceful & reliable outsider eligible through prequalification as per Clause No. 5(i) of this NIT. Bonafide resourceful & reliable outsider eligible through prequalification as per Clause No. 5(i) of this NIT. Page 1 3. Proposed New building 83,95,173.00 within the College (Rupees Eighty campus of the Calcutta four lac fifteen National Medical College thousand and fifty & Hospital, Kolkata (3rd seven) only Floor and 4th Floor balance work including Sanitary & Plumbing works). (Phase-III). In the shape of Bank Draft / Pay Order from any Nationalized / scheduled Bank 1,67,903.00 2,505.00 (per set) (vide Notification no. 199-CRC/2M10/2012 dt. 21.12.2012, Intending tenderers shall not have to pay the cost of tender documents for the purpose of participating in eTendering.) 60 (Sixty) days Executive Engineer-II P.W.D, Central Kolkata Health Division. Bonafide resourceful & reliable outsider eligible through prequalification as per Clause No. 5(i) of this NIT. 1. In the event of e-filling, intending bidder may download the tender documents from the website : http:// directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate & necessary cost of earnest money may be remitted through demand draft/pay order issued from any nationalized / scheduled bank in favour of the Executive Engineer, P.W.D, North Kolkata Health Division for Sl. No. 1 and in favour of the Executive Engineer, P.W.D, Central Kolkata Health Division for Sl. No. 2 and Sl. No. 3, and also to be documented throughe-filling. The lowest bidder has to submit the hardcopy of the demand draft /pay order in original against EMD to this office within 48 hrs. of receipt of Letter of Acceptance (LOA) through online. Failure to submit the hardcopy within the specified time as mentioned, the bid will be liable to be cancelled without any further notice and this will be treated as an attempt to disturb the tendering process and dealt with accordingly legally including blacklisting of the bidder. However every bidder shall have to upload soft copy of earnest money during e-filling of bid documents. 2. Both statutory cover (Technical Bid and Financial Bid) and non-statutory cover are to be submitted concurrently dulydigitallysigned in the website 3. The Technical bid and Financial Bid submitted online on or before 18/11/2014 upto 2.00 pm. 4. The FINANCIAL OFFER of the prospective tenderer will be considered only if the TECHNICAL BID of the tenderer found qualified by the Tender Evaluation Committee formed vide order no. 3330ENC/2012 dated 19.03.2012 of the Engineer-in-Chief & Ex-Officio Secretary, PWD. The decision of the Tender evaluation committee will be final and absolute in this respect. The both list of Qualified Bidders will be displayed in the website and also in the Notice Board of the office of the Superintending Engineer, Kolkata Health Circle, PWD & the Chairman of the Tender Evaluation Committee on scheduled date and time. 5. Eligibility criteria for participation in the tender. i) The prospective bidders shall have satisfactorily completed as a prime agency during the last 5 (five) years from the date of issue of this Notice at least one work of similar nature under authority of State/ Central Govt., State / Central Govt. undertaking/ Statutory Bodies Constituted under the Statute of the Central/ State Govt. and having a magnitude of 40% (Forty percent) [price updated @ 10% per annum, compoundable from the date of completion of work] of the estimated amount put to tender. [Non statutory Documents] N.B. :- 1. Completion certificate should contain a) Name of work, (b) Name of Client, (c) Amount put to tender, (d) Schedule month and year of commencement and completion as per work order (e) actual month and year of completion. 2. Payment certificate in respect of the completed work. NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 Page 2 ii) The prospective bidders shall have in their full time engagement experienced technical personnel, the minimum being one Graduate Engineer and one Diploma Engineer (Authenticated documents in respect of qualification and engagement shall be furnished for Technical Evaluation.) [Non statutory Documents] iii) Valid Income Tax return / Professional Tax Clearance Certificate / P.T. (Deposit Challan) / v a l i d t r a d e l i c e n s e / Pan Card / VAT Registration Certificate/ Voter ID Card for self identification, Income tax acknowledgement receipt for last five assessment year to be accompanied with the Technical documents. [Non statutory Documents] iv) The prospective bidders or any of their constituent partner shall neither have abandoned any work nor any of their contract have been rescinded during the last 5 (five) years. Such abandonment or rescission will be considered as disqualification towards eligibility. (A declaration in this respect through affidavit has to be furnished by the p r o s p e c t i v e bidders w i t h o u t which t h e T e c h n i c a l B i d s h a l l b e treated n o n - responsive.) [Statutory Document]. v) The Working Capital shall not be less than 15% (Fifteen percent) of the estimated amount put to tender. vi) The available Bid capacity (to be calculated on the basis of prescribed format) of the prospective applicant shall not be less than the estimated amount put to tender. vii) In case of proprietorship, Partnership Firms and the company, Tax Audit Report in 3CD FORM are to be furnished alongwith the balance sheet and profit and loss account, and all the schedules forming the part of Balance Sheet and profit & Loss Account in favour of applicant (consecutive five years, starting from 2013-14 financial year in descending manner). No other name alongwith applicant name, in such encloser will be entertained. [Non Statutory documents]. viii) The prospective bidders should own / lease/ arrange the required plant and machinery. Conclusive proof of machinery in working condition shall have to be submitted. [Non Statutory documents] ix) Registered Partnership Deed (for Partnership Firm only) along with Power of Attorney to be submitted alongwith application. (Non-Statutory documents) x) Declaration regarding Structure and Organization duly digitally signed by the applicant to be submitted alongwith application. xi) Registered Unemployed Engineers’ Co-operative Societies / Labour Co-operati ve S oc i eti es are required to furnish valid Bye Law, Current Audit Report, Current N.O.C. from A.R.C.S., Minutes of last A.G.M. The Engineers Co-operative are also submit documents of the society consists at least 10 (ten) members out of which at least 60% should hold degree or diploma in any branch in Engineering as per memo no 44-A/4M-11/2002 dt. 09.01.2004 of Deputy Secretary-III, P.W.D. xii) Joint Ventures will not be allowed for this N.I.e-T. xiii) A prospective bidder participating in a single job either individually or as partner of a firm or in joint venture shall not be allowed to participate in the same job in any other form. NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 Page 3 xiv) A prospective bidder shall be allowed to participate in a single job either in the capacity of individual or as a partner of a firm or in joint venture. If found to have applied severally in a single job, all his applications will be rejected for that job. xv) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate & the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate quoted shall govern. xvi) Prevailing safety norms has to be followed so that LTI (Loss of time due to injury) is zero). xvii) Any intending bidders who have failed to execute more than one works contract any Directorate of this department and was terminated by any sub-rule under Clause-3 of Tender Form No. 2911 or terminated under any Clause of standard bidding document by Engineer In Charge /Employer during last 03(three) years will not be eligible to participate in any bid under any Directorate under this department for another 02(two) years from the date of imposition of last termination notice by the Engineer In Charge /Employer. 6. Where an individual person holds a digital certificate in his own name duly issued to him against the company or the firm of which he happens to be a director or partner, such individual person shall, while uploading any tender for and on behalf of such company or firm, invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear authorization in his favour, by the rest of the directors of such company or the partners of such firm, to upload such tender. The power of attorney shall have to be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908. 7. The prospective tenderer shall establish field testing laboratory equipped with requisite instruments and technical staff according to the requirements of works to be executed. 8. Running payment for the work may be made to the executing agency as per availability of fund. The executing agency may not get a running payment unless the gross amount of running bill will be 50 (fifty) lakh or 30% of the tendered amount whichever is less. Provisions in Clause(s) 7, 8 & 9 contained in W.B. Form No.2911(ii) so far as they relate to quantum and frequency of payment are to be treated as superseded. 9. Adjustment of price (increase or decrease) vide notification no. 23-CRC/2M-61/2008 dated 13.03.2009 & notification no. 38-CRC/2M-61/2008 dated 20.04.2009 shall not be applicable. Since B.O.Q for the works under this NIe-T is based upon the schedule of rates of Public Works & Public Works (Roads) Directorate with up-to-date Addenda & Corrigendum, the bidders shall quote their rate (percentage above/below/ at par) accordingly considering that no escalation and / or price adjustment will be allowed by the department thereto under any circumstances. 10. No mobilization /secured advance will be allowed. 11. Agencies shall have to arrange land for erection of Plant & Machineries, storing of materials, labour shed, laboratory etc. at their own cost and responsibility. 12. All materials such as cement, steel are to be procured from the departmental store which will be supplied by the Department and recovery rates for departmental materials if any, as stipulated in the departmental schedule of rates of PWD under Kolkata Health Circle (P.W.Dte.) inforce of the date of tendering with up-to-date corrigendum, addenda effected herein. NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 Page 4 If any circumstances materials which are required for the proposed scheme as mentioned including cement, steel shall be of specified grade and approved brand in conformity with relevant code of practice (latest revision) and manufactured accordingly and shall be procured and supply by the agency at their own cost including all taxes. Authenticated evidence for purchase of cement and steel are to be submitted alongwith challan and test certificate. In the event of further testing opted by the E-I-C then such testing from any Govt. approved testing laboratory shall have to be conducted by the agency at their own cost. (Specific permission is to be required from the tender inviting authority). 13. Location of departmental Godown from which departmental materials to be issued for work within the jurisdiction of KMDA, and PWD Godown at Baguihati, Kolkata vide Chief Engineer’s order no. 1932 / CE/PWD dated 20.06.2012. 14. The Contractors shall also abide by the provision of the child labour (Prohibition and regulation Act.1986) . No labour below the specified age (as per G.O.) shall be employed on the work. 15. Constructional Labour Welfare Cess @ 1(one) % of cost of construction will be deducted from every Bill of the selected agency. 16. In connection with the work, Arbitration will not be allowed. The Clause No. 25 of 2911(ii) is to be considered as deleted clause vide gazzatte notification no 558/SPW-13th December, 2011. 17. Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 (One hundred twenty) days after the dead line date for Financial Bid submission. Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Tender Evaluation Committee as non-responsive. 18. :- Important information Date & Time schedule Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Particulars Date of uploading of N.I.T. Documents online) (Publishing Date) Documents download/sell start date (Online) Documents download/sell end date (Online) Bid submission start date (On line) BID SUBMISSION CLOSING (ON LINE) Bid opening date for Technical Proposals (Online) Date of uploading list for Technically Qualified Bidder(online) Date of uploading final list for technically qualified bidders after disposal of appeals. (On line) 9. Date & Place for opening of Financial Proposal (Online) 10. Also if necessary for further negotiation through offline for final rate. Date & Time 28/10/2014 at 12.00 Noon 29/10/2014 at 10.00 am 18/11/2014 at 2.00 pm 03/11/2014 at 10.00 am 18/11/2014 at 2.00 pm 20/11/2014 at 2.00 pm 21/11/2014 at 3.00 pm 24/11/2014 at 3.00 pm To be notified later on. At the office of the S.E/K.H.C, P.W. Dte. To be notified later on. 19. LOCATION OF CRITICAL EVENT Bid Opening NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 Office of the Superintending Engineer (P.W.Dte) Kolkata Health Circle st 1 Floor, P-16, India Exchange Place Extension. K.I.T Building, Kolkata – 700 073 Page 5 20. The Agency will be liable to maintain the work at working portion at the appropriate service level to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge at his own cost for a period of 3 (Three) years from the date of s ucc ess ful completion of the work to the entire satisfaction of E-I-C . If any defect/damage is found during the period as mentioned a b o v e contractor shall m a k e t h e same g o o d at his own c o s t expense t o the specification at par with instant project work. Failure to do so, penal action against the Agency will be imposed by the Department as deem fit. The Agency will have to quote his rate considering the above aspect. Also the Prospective Bidders shall have to execute the work in such a manner so that appropriate service level of the work is kept during progress of work and a period of 1(one) year from the date of successful completion of the work to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge may be considered towards release of part “Security Deposit”. Full security deposit will disburse after 3 (three) years from the date of full completion of the work at the appropriate satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. But to release part security after successful completion of work after one or two years as the case may be if there is any defect within defect liability period i.e. for 3 (three) years from the date of completion of work the defect should be rectified by the agency at his own cost. A retention towards Performance Security amounting to 10 (ten) percent (including 2% Earnest money) of the billed amount shall be made by the Executive Engineer from 1st R.A. bill to Final bill. [ Hence, Clause no. 17 of 2911(ii) hereby superseded vide notification no. 177-CRC/2M-57/2008 dated 12.07.2012 of Secretary to the Govt. Of West Bengal, P.W. D.] No interest would be paid on the Performance Security Deposit 21. All Bidders are requested to present in the “O/o of S.E./ K.H.C(P.W.Dte.)”, at schedule time and date during opening the financial bid. Superintending Engineer, Kolkata Health Circle, P.W. Dte., may call Open Bid/Seal Bid after opening of the said bid to obtain the suitable rate further, if it is required. No objections in this respect will be entertained raised by any Bidder who will present during opening of bid, or from any Bidder who will absent at the time of opening of Financial Bid. No informal tenderer will be entertained in the Bid further. 22. Site of work and necessary drawings may be handed over to the agency phase wise. No claim in this regards will be entertained. 23. Price preference will n o t be allowed. 24. Earnest Money: The amount of Earnest Money @ 2% (two percent) of the Estimated amount put to tender i .e. Rs. 98,296.00/- (Rupees Ni nety ei ght lac two hundred and ni nety si x) only for Sl-1, Rs. 2,18,207.00/- (Rupees T wo lac ei ghteen thous and two hundred and s even )only for Sl-2 a n d Rs. 1,67,903.00/- (Rupees One lac si xty s even thousand ni ne hundred and three) only for Sl-3 in the shape of Bank Draft/Pay Order of any nationalized / scheduled bank drawn in favour of the Executive Engineer, North Kolkata Health Division, P.W.D for work Sl-1 and Executive Engineer, Central Kolkata Health Division, P.W.D for works Sl-2 & Sl-3. 25. The Bidder, at his own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the site of works and its Surroundings and obtain all informations that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender, before submitting offer with full satisfaction, thecost ofvisiting the site shallbe at his own expense. 26. The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be the outc ome of the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the Department. The Superintending Engineer, Kolkata Health Circle reserves the right to reject any application and to accept or reject any offer without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have incurred by any Tenderer at the stage of Bidding. 27. Refund of EMD : The Earnest Money of all the unsuccessful Tenderers deposited in favour of the concerned Executive Engineer along with the Tenders will be refunded by the said Executive Engineer on receipt of application from Tenderers on the basis of P.W.D. accounts branch notification no. 451-A/ PW/O/10C-35/10 dated 26/07/2011 of Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal. NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 Page 6 28. Prospective applicants are advised to note carefully the minimum qualification criteria as mentioned in ‘Instructions to Bidders’ before tendering the bids. 29. Conditional/ Incomplete tender will not be accepted. 30. The intending tenderers are required to quote the rate on line. 31. Contractor shall have to comply with the provisions of (a) the contract labour (Regulation Abolition) Act. 1970 (b) Apprentice Act. 1961 and (c) minimum wages Act. 1948 of the notification thereof or any other laws relating thereto and the rules made and order issued there under from time to time. 32. Guiding schedule of rates: Current Schedule of Rates of Public Works Department with effect from 01.07.2014 alongwith up-to-date corrigendum and addendum to be applicable in this notice. 33. During the scrutiny, if it come to the notice to tender inviting authority that the credential or any other paper found incorrect/ manufactured/ fabricated, that bidder would not allowed to participate in the tender and that application will be out rightly rejected without any prejudice. The Chairman, tender Evaluation Committee reserves the right to cancel the N.I.T. due to unavoidable circumstances and no claim in this respect will be entertained. 34. In case if there be any objection regarding prequalifying the Agency that should be lodged to the Chairman of the Tender Evaluation Committee within 2 days from the date of publication of list of qualified agencies and beyond that time schedule no objection will be entertained by the Tender Evaluation Committee. 35. Before issuance of the WORK ORDER, the tender inviting authority may verify the credential and other documents of the lowest tenderer if n e c e s s a r y . After verification if it is found that the documents submitted by the lowest tenderer is either manufactured or false in that case work order will not be issued in favour of the said Tenderer under any circumstances. 36. If any discrepancy arises between two similar clauses on different notification, the clause as stated in later notification will supersede former one in following sequence. (1)Form No. 2911(ii), (2) NIT, (3) Special terms & conditions, (4) Technical Specification, (5) Financial Bid. 37. Qualification criteria. The tender inviting & Accepting Authority t h r oug h a t e n d e r e v a l u a ti o n c om m i t t ee will determine the eligibility of each bidder, the bidders shall have to meet all the minimum regarding:a) Financial Capacity. b) Technical Capability comprising of personnel & equipment capability. c) Experience/Credential The eligibility of a bidder will be ascertained on the basis of the digitally signed documents in support of the minimum criteria as mentioned in a, b, c above and the declaration executed through prescribed affidavit in non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value duly notarized . If any document submitted by a bidder is either manufacture or false, in such cases the eligibility of the bidder/ tenderer will be out rightly rejected at any stage without any prejudice. 39. The Contractor has to submit the work programme i.e. Bar Chart at the time of making formal agreement. Superintending Engineer (P.W.Dte.) Kolkata Health Circle NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 Page 7 Memo No: 1329/1(1) Date: 27/10/2014 Copy forward to the Deputy Director of Information & Cultural Affairs Department (Information Division), Writers’ Building, Kolkata – 700 001, West Bengal with the request that wide publicity to the same be given through publication in important daily newspapers . The matter should be placed in the website of West Bengal Government for wider publicity. Superintending Engineer (P.W.Dte) Kolkata Health Circle Memo No. 1329 /2(5) Date: 27/10/2014 Copy forwarded for favour of kind information to the:1. Engineer-in-Chief and Ex-Officio Secretary PWD & PW (Roads) Department, Government of West Bengal. 2. Chief Engineer (H.Q), Public Works Directorate, Government of West Bengal. 3. Chief Engineer (South Zone), Public Works Directorate, Government of West Bengal. 4. Principal, R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital. 5. Principal, Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital. Superintending Engineer (P.W.Dte) Kolkata Health Circle Memo No: 1329 /3(45) Date: 27/10/2014 Copy forwarded for information and wide circulation to: 1. Superintending Engineer, P.W.Dte., Eastern Circle / Bidhan Nagar Circle / Presidency Circle / Southern Circle / Western Circle I, II / Central Circle / Nabanna Circle/ Southern Circle, Social Sector . 2. Executive Engineer, PWD, North Kolkata Health Division / Central Kolkata Health Division / South Kolkata Health Division / Barrackpore Division / Kolkata North Division/ Bidhan Nagar West Division / Bidhan Nagar East Division / Kolkata East Division / City Division / Kolkata Central Division / Kolkata West Division / Kolkata South Division / (S)24Pgs. Division / Alipore Division / Diamond Harbour Division. 3. Assistant Engineer, PWD, R.G.Kar Medical Hos. Sub-Div. / North Kolkata Health Sub-Div.-I/II/III, Medical College Hos. Sub-Div. / Central Kolkata Health Sub-Div. –I/II, NRS Hospital Sub-Div. / SSKM Hospital Sub-Div. / Sambhunath Pandit Hospital Sub-Div. / South Kolkata Health Sub-Div. –I/II. 4. Superintendent of Governor Estate. 5. West Bengal Builders’ Association/Paschim Banga Kshudra Thikadar Samity. 6. T.A. of this office 7. Estimating branch/ Head Estimator of this office. 8. This office Notice Board. Superintending Engineer (P.W.Dte.) Kolkata Health Circle NIeT 02/KHC/14-15 Page 8
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