October 2014 THINKING ABOUT LAW SCHOOL? Plan to Read: MAKE A PRE-LAW ADVISEMENT APPOINTMENT Make an appointment to see Tina Coco, Pre-Law Advisor at the STARR Career Development Center to discuss your pre-law undergraduate preparation, the law school admissions test and the law school application process by calling 646.312.4673 or e-mail [email protected]. Office hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays, during the Fall & Spring semesters. NEW! PRE LAW SUCCESS STORIES FEATURED BARUCH ALUMNUS The Pre Law Handbook is available at http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/careers/media/PDF/pre _law_handbook.pdf. NYU LAW SCHOOL VISIT Join your fellow Baruch pre law students on Friday, November 7, 2014 from 12:30pm to 1:45pm for a private tour of NYU Law School & an admission information session. Students will meet at NYU in Furman Hall, room 120. Furman Hall is located at 245 Sullivan Street, between Washington Square South and West 3rd Street. Further details on this information session can be found at http://www.law.nyu.edu/jdvisitingnyu/informationses sions. RSVP to Tina Coco no later than Friday, Oct. 31 at [email protected] 2015 MAX BERGER PRE LAW WINTER INSTITUTE Rodion Lerman ‘11 is currently a 3L at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago. FEATURED BARUCH PRE LAW STUDENT This free program will be held January 5-9, 2015 at Baruch and will consist of an LSAT review, admissions information sessions, panel presentations and tours of New York area law schools. Students completing each session of this Institute will be entered into a raffle for a free Kaplan LSAT prep course. Interested students and alumni must complete a brief application found at http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/careers/law/law_activiti es.html. The deadline to apply is November 25, 2014. For a schedule of activities, contact Tina Coco. 2015 MAX BERGER PRE LAW UNPAID SUMMER INTERNSHIP STIPEND PROGRAM Kristina Rozentsvayg ‘16, recipient of a 2014 Max Berger Pre Law Fellowship and Summer Stipend , worked at the U.S. Attorney’s Office this summer. “I would definitely recommend this amazing internship to other students. Working there assured me that I had belonged in the legal field and my decision remains firm to this very day, which is why I am now currently studying for the LSAT exam.” Are you working in an unpaid internship for a government or public interest legal employer this summer? Then consider applying for this stipend. Students will receive $2,000 for their unpaid internship if performing at least 20 hours of work each week for 10 weeks. Apply by May 1, 2015, for more information see http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/careers/law/law_activiti es.html 2015 MAX BERGER PRE LAW FELLOWS PROGRAM The 2015 Max Berger Pre-Law Fellows Program application is here! This program is designed especially for high potential Baruch pre-law students and is geared toward assisting in gaining admission to the nation’s top law schools. A minimum GPA of 3.5 is requested. All applications must be in by April 28, 2015. For more details and to apply, please see http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/careers/media/Doc/201 5%20MB%20Fellows%20Application.doc. Past & current Fellows do not need to re-apply. JOIN THE PRE-LAW SOCIETY Join the PLS! Students meet Thursdays, from 12:30 to 2:00pm in NVC 8-150 for more information, please email: [email protected]. Upcoming PLS Events: Oct. 9 – LSAT Workshop w/ Manhattan LSAT Oct. 16 – Out of NYC Law School Admissions Panel Oct. 23 – NYC Law School Admissions Panel Oct. 21 – Thinking Lunch w/ Irving B. Yoskowitz, Rm 14-280 Oct. 30 – Financing Law School Workshop LSAC LAW SCHOOL FORUMS* Oct. 11 Miami Oct. 17 & 18 New York Oct. 20 Houston Nov. 7 San Francisco Nov. 14 Atlanta * See lsac.org for further details. UPCOMING LSAT DATES* Saturday, December 6, 2014 Saturday, February 7, 2015 LSAT PREP TUITION ASSISTANCE Kaplan Test Prep announces its Tuition Assistance Program for students with socioeconomic disadvantages that cannot gain access to Kaplan products and offers a three tiered discount program: Students must be currently enrolled in College, have at least a 3.0 GPA, submit a transcript & award from current schools financial aid department indicating an EFC below 4,000. Students can submit applications at the following link: http://bit.ly/KaplanTuitionAssistance. Also, sign up for LSAT Practice Tests at bit.ly/manhattanpractice. PREPARING FOR THE LSAT? PreProBono Free Weekend Program at CUNY Baruch - Open to ALL CUNY students only! Saturday, October 25, at Baruch College; 10:00am - 4pm, room 2-190. Receive 6 hours of intensive LSAT Logic Games training. Register at www.preprobono.org. Registration closes 11:59pm on October 22. DIVERSITY PROGRAMS LatinoJustice PRLDEF, New York Law School and Pace Law School, cordially invite you to attend the 32nd Annual Law Day on October 11, 2014. The event will be held at New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, from 10am to 4pm. Law Day introduces law schools to a diverse pre-law constituency. This day-long event attracts hundreds of students and over 100 law schools from across the country. Register at http://latinojustice.org/legal_education/lawday_2014 _student_registration/ CLEO – The Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) will be presenting a program on the Law School Application Process Designed to identify, motivate and prepare students for a career in the legal profession. Committed students can learn how to successfully navigate the law school admission process and underwrite their success in law school by participating in the College Scholars program. When: Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Where: Fordham University School of Law, 140 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023 How: Register online at www.cleoscholars.com Who: All college students For Freshmen: The Road To Law School seminar aims to provide freshmen an overview of the key components of the law school application process. For Sophomores: The Sophomore Super Saturdays seminar aims to help students further develop logical reasoning, reading comprehension and writing skills - the skills needed to become a competitive law school applicant. For Juniors, Seniors/Post Graduates: Juniors Jumpstart the LSAT seminar aims to help participants understand the importance of systematic and timely preparation for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Accordingly, juniors will be granted priority enrollment for the seminar. These programs are free for undergraduate students and alumni. To register, see www.cleoscholars.com. On October 21, from 12:45 to 2:00pm, the Pre Law Society and Baruch’s Development Office presents an afternoon with distinguished alumnus, Irving B. Yoskowitz. Irving is also a graduate of Harvard Law School and will talk to students about legal practice, offer advice and answer questions. This is a unique opportunity you won’t want to miss. Seating is limited, please RSVP to Tina Coco, Pre Law Advisor at [email protected] no later than Oct. 17. American Whistleblower Tour at Baruch College On October 21, 2014 at 12:15pm in room 14-220 students are encouraged to attend this event in which whistleblowers visit universities throughout the country to speak about their experiences. Speakers include Sherron Watkins, the famous Enron whistleblower, Jon Oberg who blew the whistle on fraud in the student loan industry, Jordan Thomas, a whistleblower lawyer from Labaton Sucharow, Louis Clark, President of GAP, and Baruch Professor Jennifer Pacella serving as moderator/introducer. For more details, see http://zicklin.baruch.cuny.edu/centers/zcci/zccievents/american-whistleblowers-ensuring-corporateaccountability NEW PRE LAW RESOURCES Michigan State University College of Law will host more than a dozen webinars this fall for undergraduates interested in law school. Webinars are offered at no cost, feature content-area experts (including pre-law advisors, career consultants, and veteran deans of admission), are open to all levels of students – freshmen through seniors and graduates – who are considering law school, and include a Q-and-A segment. Upcoming workshops include: • • • • • Tuesday, October 21, 7:30 p.m., Crafting a Winning Law School Personal Statement Tuesday, October 28, 7:30 p.m., Insiders' Guide to Gaining Admission and Scholarship Aid at US Law Schools Wednesday, November 5, 7:30 p.m., Career Options and Market Outlook for Attorneys Wednesday, November 12, 7:30 p.m., Expert Advice as You Plan for Law School and a Legal Career Wednesday, November 19, 12:00 p.m., Careers in Private Practice and Government To register, see https://msulaw.adobeconnect.com/admin/showevent-catalog?folder-id=1282677862 LSAC is pleased to announce that the 2015 LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools is now available at https://officialguide.lsac.org/release/OfficialGuide_D efault.aspx. The Guide’s entry screen has been completely redesigned for easier use, and all of the search results have been updated with the information provided by the law schools. The Guide includes convenient links to all ABA law schools and to the statistics on the ABA’s website. Download your free copy of How to Succeed in Law School and Launch Your Legal Career by The John Marshall Law School Dean Corkery at http://www.jmls.edu/admission/pdf/deans-ebook.pdf The NYC Bar Association’s Task Force on New Lawyers in a Changing Profession has released recommendations regarding legal education, training, and entry into the profession. Read the full report at: http://bit.ly/19mXqVY (Executive Summary at: http://bit.ly/19n65YF) The NAPLA/SAPLA Book of Lists contains a wealth of information for pre law students, including scholarship information and schools offering parttime and dual degrees, see http://www.bu.edu/cas/files/2011/12/NAPLA_List s2011_Book_v2.pdf for more information. AdmissionsDean.com has compiled advice and articles from the deans of admissions at top law schools, including: • • • • • • • • • • • • University of Chicago Law School University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law University of Georgia School of Law Harvard Law School University of Miami School of Law University of Michigan School of Law University of North Carolina School of Law University of Pennsylvania Law School University of Southern California School of Law University of Texas School of Law University of Virginia School of Law University of Washington School of Law These experts have written pointed articles to help prelaw students navigate the law school application process. BCG Attorney Search is proud to announce its release of the 2014 BCG Guide to America's Top 50 Law Schools. This guide can help students considering going to law in their decision process, see https://s3.amazonaws.com/bcgsearch/image s/BCG_Law_School_Guide_2014.pdf FINANCING LAW SCHOOL – RESOURCES Albany & Fordham Law Schools have particularly good lists of scholarships and other funding sources, see http://www.albanylaw.edu/media/user/finaid/ ExternalScholarships.pdf and http://law.fordham.edu/financial-aid/5455.htm NEED LEGAL EXPERIENCE? WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? The Office of the New York State Attorney General offers a variety of internships to undergraduate students. Please see listings at http://www.ag.ny.gov/jobpostings?field_job_post_cat_value=Student+P ositions++Undergraduate+%26+Graduate&title=&field_j ob_post_location_value=All&=Filter. The New York County District Attorney’s Office provides a College Internship Program, if interested, please see http://manhattanda.org/college-internships, The New York City Law Department offers paralegal internship opportunities for college students. Please see www.nyc.gov/html/law/home.html. The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) promotes the legal rights of Asian Americans through litigation, legal advocacy, and community education. For internship information, visit www.aaldef.org. For more information on legal internships & jobs, please see http://baruchcsm.symplicity.com/students
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