St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church

St. Martin de Porres
Catholic Church
Rev. James E. Molgano
Dea. Edward Fischer III
Rev. Thomas Rynne Rev. Msgr. Blase Gintoli ~ Rev. Pat Amabile
Lorie Shekailo, CPA
[email protected] ~ 334-4214 Ext. 11
Jane Marszewski
[email protected] ~ 334-4214 Ext. 10
Claudette Horst
[email protected] ~ 334-4214 Ext. 26
Nora Henderson
[email protected] ~ 334-42104 Ext. 42
Melanie Steinke
[email protected] ~ 334-4214 Ext. 27
Jay Horst
[email protected] ~ 334-4214 Ext. 20
David Bocchino
Elizabeth Castillo
October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
C. Ann Getzinger, Ph.D.
2555 NE Savanna Road, Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Phone (772) 334-4214 ~ Fax (772) 334-8627
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected] ~ 334-4214 Ext. 32
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Parish Information
Regular Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am & 10:45am
Daily Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30am;
Wed. 5:30pm; Sat. 8:30am
First Friday 8:30am & 5:30pm
Doors of the Church are open 3:45pm Sat. & 6:45am Sun.
Holy Days:
7:00 Vigil (evening before),
8:30am, 5:30pm.
Jensen Beach, Florida
Parish Sacraments
Sacrament of Baptism
All families seeking Baptism of a child should be
registered and active members of the Parish for at
least 3 months prior to the date of the Baptism.
Parents must attend and Godparents are
encouraged to attend a Baptismal Preparation
Class before scheduling the Baptism.
Communal Baptisms are celebrated every other
month beginning in January. Contact
Claudette Horst at Ext. 26 for more information.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession:
Sat. 9:00 - 10:00am (or later if necessary)
Wed. 6:00 - 7:00pm (or later if necessary)
& By Appointment.
Contact the Parish Office
for more information at Ext. 41. Adult candidates
wishing to be Confirmed contact the Parish Office,
Ext.10 for more information.
Novena to Our Lady:
Saturday, after 8:30am Mass
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (In the Chapel)
Weddings are celebrated on Friday at 6:30pm, and
Saturday at 10:30am & 1:30pm. Engaged couples
should contact the Parish Office a minimum of 9
months before the wedding date to complete their
preparation. If an annulment of a previous
marriage (Catholic, non-Catholic or civil) is
required, please contact the Pastoral Assistant,
Claudette Horst at Ext. 26 for more information.
Monday and Friday-5:00am until Midnight
Tuesday-5:00am until Thursday at Midnight (Fri. morn.)
Saturday-5:00 am through noon.
*Parish Office Hours:
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Closed 12pm - 1pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
*Closed Wednesday
Caritas Gift Shop Hours:
Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 9am - 5pm,
Wed. 9am - 7:00pm,
Sat. 9am - 1:00pm
Closed Sunday & Monday
Thrift Store Hours:
Monday through Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm
St. Martin’s Parish Family
Welcomes You!
Regardless of whether you are here for a few days,
weeks, or months, we are pleased that you have
chosen us to be your Parish away from home. If you
are new to the Parish, or just visiting, please stop in
and introduce yourself. We are delighted to have you
share in the celebration of the Eucharist.
New Parishioners
Every Parishioner in the Parish should be
properly registered. New & existing singles & families
are asked to fill out registration forms available in the
Parish Office. If you have recently relocated, please let
us know your change of address. Families
moving out of the Parish should notify
the Parish Office.
Sacrament of Marriage
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Children in the Second Grade make their “First
Reconciliation.” For more information, please
contact the Parish Office at Ext. 17.
Sacrament Of Anointing
The Sacrament of Anointing is celebrated
communally every First Saturday at the 8:30am
Mass. For those in need of Anointing of the Sick or
Last Rites call the Pastoral Assistant, Claudette
Horst at Ext. 26 or the Emergency Line at Ext. 9.
Visitation of the Sick
All Registered Parishioners should contact Dr. Julio
Perez coordinator of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion for Homebound/Hospitalized
Parishioners at 335-5744.
We would like to be informed of any parishioner or
family member who is in the hospital, whether admitted
or in the emergency room. Home or hospital
visitation by a member of the Clergy can be arranged
upon request. Please contact Dr. Perez or leave a
message at the Parish Office on extension 0. A
member of the Clergy or the Homebound Ministry will
contact you as soon as possible.
Please note the following Parish responsibilities:
St. Joseph Catholic Church-Martin Memorial Med. Ctr.
St. Andrew Catholic Church-Martin Memorial South
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church-Emeritus
Holy Family Catholic Church-St. Lucie Med. Ctr.
St. Anastasia Catholic Church-Lawnwood. Med. Ctr.
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
Mass Intentions For the Week
D=Deceased L=Living Intention
Monday, October 27, 2014
8:30 AM
Margaret Backes
Bob Backes
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
8:30 AM
Terrence Gelke
Deacon Edward &
Jackie Fischer
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
5:30 PM
Robert Magee
Thursday, October 30, 2014
8:30 AM
Thomas Burke
Rose Dudich
Friday, October 31, 2014
8:30 AM
Phil DeFino
His Wife Dottie
Saturday, November 1, 2014
8:30 AM
All Saints Living &
4:30 PM
The People of St. Martin
7:30 AM
All Souls Novena
9:00 AM
All Souls Novena
10:45 AM D
All Souls Novena
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Upcoming Meetings
& Events
YDisciple Fall Party
Sunday, Oct. 26
6:00pm - Rel. Ed. Bldg.
Monday, Oct. 27
6:00pm - Church
Men of St. Martin
Tuesday, Oct. 28
7:00pm - Siena Room
Knitting Angels
Thursday, Oct. 30
2:00pm - Siena Rm.
Choir Practice
Thursday, Oct. 30
6:30pm - Choir Room
SFO Monthly Mtg.
Saturday, Nov. 1
9:30am - Siena Rm.
Please Pray For the Members of our Parish Family who are ill…
Please remember Mary Doolittle Slama, Louis Felice, Ann Hopkins, Irene Fichter, John Glenn, Lydia
& Raul Quintana, Carolyn, Linda Resko, Jane Thompson, Agnes Pavoll, Mary Larkin, Jacqueline
Simonson, Emily Braun, Catherine Bilquin, Louise Felice and All the Sick Members of our Parish in
your prayers. May the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother grant them consolation & complete healing.
For the Deceased Members of our Parish Family…
Please remember Janice Zollo and All the Deceased Members of our Parish in your prayers. May they
rejoice forever with the angels and Saints before the Heavenly throne of God.
For the Members of our Parish Family serving in the Military...
Please remember Maj. Richard Dembowski, Capt. Scott Dembowski, Lt. Matt Dembowski,
Maj. Paul Burke, Keith Mackin, Pvt. Matthew M. Cabana, Capt. Brian Konie, UT1 Brian Murphy,
Lt. Cdr. Tom Muldoon, Sgt. Joe Wankelman, Maj. Peter Hesford, Capt. Keith Nunn, Don Couture,
Eddie Gallagher, Ron Mahoney, Capt. Deanne Bryant, Sgt. John Fortner, Lt. Jordan Hoffmann,
A1C Thomas Andrews, Pvt. Chad Corriveau, PFC John Michael Dakoulas, Spec4 Tony Alee,
Cpl. Adam Joseph Weinstein, Sgt. Brian Hamm, Pvt. Bradley L. Noone, Col. Larry Smith,
2nd Lt. Edward J. Marion, A1C Michael Compton, Pvt Francis Paul Kuveikis, Pvt. Shawn Kuveikis,
LCPL Joshua W. Jett, E3 Todd Philip Drury, PFC James Mocello, Sr. OS2 Brandon Haas,
LCP Mike Richardson, PFC Thomas Huff, Lt Comm. Jonathan E. Musman, Raymond Sabol,
L/CPL, CPT Timothy R. Blairy, Matthew Joseph Maitre, Ryan Francis Maitre, LTC Thomas J.
Ruge, Lt. Col. Geoff Graze, PFC Corey Lee Jones, PVT Robert M. Garza, USN Jayme Timmerman,
Michael E. Tocci, USMC, PFC John Woods, A1C Nicholas S. Palczer USAF, ENS James Figari
USN, CPT. David T. Light Army and all members of our Parish and their families serving in the military.
May the Intercession of Our Blessed Mother keep them from all harm and bring them safely home.
Parish Breakfast
Sunday, Nov. 2
8:30am - Tuscany Banquet Rm.
Sunday, Nov. 2
10:00am - Siena Rm.
Prek-5 Rel. Ed.
Sunday, Nov. 2
10:15am - Rel. Ed. Bldg.
Theology of the Body
Sunday, Nov. 2
6:00pm - Siena Room
Sanctuary Candle
10/26 – 11/1
For: The People of
St. Martin
Readings for the Week of October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
Eph 4:32–5:8; Ps 1; Lk 13:10-17
Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles
Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19; Lk 6:12-16
Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145; Lk 13:22-30
Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144; Lk 13:31-35
Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111; Lk 14:1-6
All Saints
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a
The Commemoration of All the Faithful
Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6:37-40
Life, Liberty and Liberalism
by Rev. James Molgano
We are quickly approaching one of the most crucial moments in our history as a country
this coming November 4th, Election Day, followed two years later by the presidential
election. The results of these elections are not only to decide which party will control
both Houses of Congress but more importantly, the principles and values that will guide
the decision-making process by which laws and policies are enacted in the years to come.
To vote in this mid-term election is an indispensable act of enormous proportion; the
gravity of our choices of inestimable worth, both now and in the life to come. Our
tomorrows, if indeed granted us, must therefore include a complete and total return back
to God in Whom we bear His Image and Likeness and in Whom our very existence is held
in being by His very thought. The ‘people prone to evil’ (cf Ex. 32:22) “turned aside from
the way [God] pointed out to them, making for themselves a molten calf and worshipping
it …” (Exodus 32:8). The many forms of idolatry today are not so much cast in gold or
silver (although they can be) but in the mind and heart of a fallen humanity that seeks
self-serving pleasure at the risk of losing their immortal souls to the fires of hell and
eternal damnation.
As one who once lived the epicurean delights of hedonism, though never resigned to doubt
or deny the reality of a future life, I know full well how enticing and compelling sinful
attractions can appear and how difficult it can be to break the chains of bondage. But
truth be told … and not relative or subjective truth …but pure, immutable, objective
Truth; if we acknowledge our sins and ask God’s mercy to forgive our many transgressions
with a sincere and contrite heart, we will be absolved in the healing balm of God’s
ineffable Love. We cannot … WE MUST NOT … allow the rhetoric of present-day
agents of evil to prevail upon us and hold us sway any longer. We can no longer be
tolerant of “intrinsically disordered” acts any more than we can persist in justifying serious
sin. Three of the “Spiritual Works of Mercy,” obligations imposed by Divine Law for the
essential good of others are: “Instruct the ignorant,” “Admonish the sinner,” and “Counsel the
doubtful.” To truly love the sinner is to care for their soul with the same profound,
abiding compassion as Christ has for us … as Jesus had for me many years ago! Today,
my Lord made me one of His priest-servants to now give to others what I freely received
… mercy and love in truth and righteousness!
The myriad and manifold blessings we have enjoyed as “one nation, under God” have been
abused or neglected by the consequences of Original Sin … pride, arrogance and
disobedience. Over the better part of the past 50-60 years, our country and her people
have been seduced by the great tempter and father of lies and by his agents into thinking
and believing that naturalism, or what’s better known as liberalism, is the most plausible
and appreciable way to enjoyment and entitlement in this material and temporal life. We
have been so deceived into “stinking thinking” by the proponents of liberalism that
practically everything today is to be tolerated and accommodated for, even falsehood itself!
Let us awaken from our slumber and pray God to restore His grace and blessing to our
land and our citizenry to overflowing measure that we may become once again “a holy
nation, a people set apart.”
All Souls' Day Remembrance
Our Annual All Soul's Memorial Mass, will take place next Sunday,
November 2nd at the 10:45am High Mass. This special celebration of life is
one way we as a Parish Family pay tribute and respect to our dearly beloved
family members and friends who have gone before us in faith this past year
as we honor their memory with prayer and heartfelt gratitude.
Bartholomew F. Brenner III ~ Judith A. Burch ~ Mariano G. Cannizzaro ~
John Russell Cox ~ John M. Harris ~ Philip Hellriegel
Patricia A. Hernandez ~ Terezia Immaculata Holihen ~ William E. Jent
Kristi Marie Olderich Jones ~ Paul J. Kapitza ~ Robert N. Koch
Robert J. Lucas ~ John E. Magarelli ~ Donna M. Mang
Stephen J. Novak ~ Ann M. Parks ~ Linda Rodriguez
Jennie Scrivanich ~ Rose Marie Theobald ~ Fred Zagorski
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord;
may Your perpetual Light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
In celebration of St. Martin de Porres Feast Day,
November 3, our monthly Parish Breakfast will be
held on the first Sunday of next month, November 2.
It will be hosted by the Volunteer Ministry.
The menu will be French Toast & Sausage with
assorted cereals, fruit and pastries.
Breakfast will be served from 8:30 to 10:30 …
but not after the 10:45 Mass.
Cost is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 12 and
under. Children under 3 are free.
Don’t miss the children’s All Saints Day Procession
after the 9am Mass.
We will be celebrating our third monthly All-NIGHT PRAYER VIGIL beginning with Holy Mass
on First Friday, November 7, at 5:30pm and concluding with the celebration of Holy Mass on
Saturday, November 8, at 8:30am. Please join us for any part or all of this spirit filled vigil.
Don’t forget to
say “Thank you”
to our Priests for
all they do for us.
We call upon our fellow Patriots to
Stand up for God and Country.
This Thursday we will continue our Mission to bring the message to our
fellow Americans that we cannot succeed as a Nation without the Blessing
of The Creator. Our so-called leaders have abandoned the Covenant
secured by the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) to dedicate this nation to
the greater glory of God.
That dedication and the Covenant must be restored for this nation to
resume its role as the leading example of Liberty under God.
Daylight Savings Time
ends next Sunday,
November 2nd, don’t
forget to
turn your
We serve no man.
All concerned Americans are invited to show our support for returning
this Nation to God with our prayer to reclaim this land for the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; once again to restore our Judeo-Christian
heritage that built this nation.
Please invite your pastor, priest, rabbi or deacon to participate in this
peaceful event to awaken the Spirit of America. We will display
our signs and banners to citizens who are otherwise occupied in
daily chores in traffic locations mentioned below.
It is our hope to build this event into a weekly congregation of
concerned citizens who need to fight for the future of America.
Every Thursday at 5:00 pm
Northeast corner of Indiantown Road and
US Hwy 1 in Jupiter (by Chili’s Bar & Grill)
All Souls
Remember your loved ones with a Mass.
All Souls Novena envelopes are available at
the Parish Office and in the vestibule of the
Church. A Novena of Masses will be said
for all those remembered.
To pick up bread from the
Palm City Publix at
6:30am every Wednesday
morning. Please contact
Lorie Shekailo at
334-4214 Ext. 11.
eGiving with Faith Direct
This month we are introducing a new and exciting way for you
to support our parish offertory and second collections: Faith
Direct. Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church
contributions through either direct debit from your checking/
savings account or through your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now
you can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to make your
mortgage, car or tuition payments.
Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket.
Please enroll by responding to the mailing you received or visit to enroll securely online.
Our parish code is FL639.
Plato’s Daunting Problem
Some 400 years before Jesus entered into the world, civilization had advanced to the point where elite groups of people
were able to separate themselves from the daily acts of survival for the purpose of contemplating creation and its source.
And so, the famous Greek philosophers entered history.
Socrates was one of the great Greek philosophers. One of his prize students, Plato, was perhaps considered the prince of all
the pagan philosophers. Pagan is a general term used to describe a grouping of early religions with varying beliefs. In
general, Pagans had an awareness of a divinity that often took the form of nature-based gods such as a sun god. Human
awareness of divinity seems to be hardwired into our very being. But in the absence of The Truth of Jesus Christ, it
becomes a continuous quest for understanding that remains unfulfilled.
Among Plato’s great works was Republic, which describes with stunning detail the certain consequences of what is actually
occurring in the United States as we transition from a relatively wise republic to an easily duped democracy. People vote
for things they want for themselves with no regard for the welfare of the nation as a whole. Using this as an example, Plato
clearly had a great talent for anticipating certain outcomes based on his own power of reason and logic.
At one point, Plato set himself upon a daunting problem: If Divinity ever descended to earth, under what image would it
appear? Plato pondered the many dazzling figures in human history, but none was pure enough to serve as a model. So
instead, he outlined certain qualities and characteristics that would be prominent should Divinity enter humanity.
Included in Plato’s contemplations, he imagined a man who was a master of his affections, whose least thoughts were
irreproachable. This man would be a stranger to strife, with no need to contend for superiority. Responding to the cruelest
of treatment, he would exert the gentleness of goodness. Amidst the outburst of insults and the fury of a riotous mob, he
would remain calm and serene.
With these and other thoughts, and after pondering this daunting problem for some time, Plato exclaimed to his students: “If
the Divinity were ever to deign to become visible to man, there would be only one image worthy of it: that of the just man
Plato was by no means a prophet. He simply came to a rational conclusion almost 400 years before Jesus entered the world.
It stands to reason that if pure Love enters a world full of evil, He must either eliminate the evil outright (which would be
undoing the very creation in which God gave man intelligence and free will) or He must suffer. The offspring of sin is
suffering, and by this same suffering, sin was defeated. All that remains is Love; Christ resurrected.
In John’s Gospel we are told that God is Love. With that in mind, consider one of the most well known passages from
Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own
interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with truth.
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes in all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”
Insert the name “Jesus” in place of “love” and “He” in place of “it,” and read Saint Paul’s words again. Plato’s wisdom got
it right. In a world filled with evil, such purity could only become visible to man in one way that would be worthy: “That
of the just man suffering.”
But remember: Love never fails. So we rest in the assurance of knowing that Christ’s suffering opens the gateway to
eternal love, and that any suffering we ourselves must undergo combines with that of Jesus, as part of His Mystical Body.
Our faith in Jesus gives suffering meaning and purpose. And according to Plato, it is a faith this is not unreasonable at all.
EVANGELISM IN ACTION: Allow faith in Jesus to flourish with an understanding that it is not at all unreasonable.
Article written by Keith Thompson. Please send your comments, thoughts and suggestions to
[email protected] or call Keith at 772-631-2080.
Sunday, November 2nd 8:30 am - 10:30 am
All Saints Parade after 9:00 am Mass
Monday, November 3rd
Friday, November 7th
Fr. Tony
We shall begin with Holy Mass on Friday, November 7th, at 5:30 pm, and will conclude with Holy Mass
on First Saturday, November 8th Light Food and Beverage Refreshments will be available.
Bring a Pillow and Blanket in case you feel the need to rest in God’s Sacred Presence.
November 14th, 15th, & 16th
Sunday, November 30th
Fr. Bill Casey, C.P.M. (Father of Mercy) is a nationally renowned speaker and frequent guest of E.W.T.N.
Date: T.B.A.
This is an Inter-Parochial showing of the internationally acclaimed epic new motion picture presentation
to be presented at SMdP.
January 9th - 11th– St. Martin de Porres 2nd Annual Parish Carnival.
January 18th - Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage to be hosted by our parish.
February - “Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy”
with Maria Vargo, Hollywood-based actress signed on by Leonardo Defilippis of St. Luke
Productions and presenting a powerful faith based portrayal of St Faustina.
Next week Sunday November 2nd is our
All Saints Day Procession Mass at 9am
Please meet under the portico NO LATER than 8:30am
We are also going to be processing over to the San
Mart’Inn for our Parish Breakfast after Mass where we
will share with all of our parishioners our AWESOME
Saints!! Gospel Kids that participate eat FREE!
EDGE 6TH & 7TH Grade
Join us October 27th 2014 for a night of
Scripture, Praise and Worship!
Jon Niven, Founder and Worship Leader of
LIFT Ministries in Massachusetts, is joining our
youth for an awesome night of exposure to
Catholic praise music!
Bring a friend! There will be sodas and snacks!
Any questions? Contact:6&[email protected]
at 6 pm till 8 pm, in the Siena Rm.
No Homework ~ FREE ~ 5 weeks!!!
If you have any questions, please call,
text or e-mail:
Lisa Addeo 772-260-9714; [email protected].
Israel, David & The Kingdom
Join us Thursday, November 13th at 7 PM for an introduction into this amazing study of God’s
chosen people. Through this study we will travel with the Israelites from their preparation to enter
the Promised Land to their return from exile. We will learn, like
the Israelites, what it means to be “God’s people”.
What others are saying about the study. . .
“The study provides a powerful combination of sound, up-todate Catholic Bible scholarship and effective use of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, the wisdom of the Saints and
a consistent depth of insight in applying scripture to daily life”
Peter Herbeck, Renewal Ministries
The introductory session will be held Thursday, November 13th
at 7pm in the Education Building.
Registration is required!
To register:
• Visit the Parish Office or the Caritas Gift Shop.
• Online at
• Contact Agnes Mulligan (772)-214-7460 [email protected]
For more information, contact Susie Bobko [email protected] (772)-285-6251 or Angie Leggio
[email protected] (772) 323-7227.
Fall YDisciple
Gathering & Fall Party
Sunday Oct. 26th 6-8 PM
in the Education Bld.
Dress as your favorite Saint (optional)
Games, MUSIC!, Food, PRIZES!.
Please bring a dessert to share.
If you would like to VOLUNTEER (HOURS?)
for this event, please contact
Sandy Buncy @ 772-475-7130.
Monday Oct. 27th.
Come Praise and Worship
with Jon Niven. Founder of L.I.F.T.
Ministries and a frequent Worship leader for
the Steubenville Conferences we have attended.
From 6-8 we will be praising HIS name in song
and prayer. All youth and families are
welcome for this event. We will be in the
Church. Don't miss this event!!
“I’m spiritual, but I’m not religious.” How many
times have you heard someone say something along those
lines? In our day and age, that stance is popular, especially
among people who have stopped attending church but
who continue to believe in God (or at least a “higher
power”). When someone tells us that they just don’t want
to be tied to rules and regulations, or that they prefer to
have a “personal relationship” with Jesus, what should be
our response?
Everyone is welcome, so
don't forget to invite a friend!
Sundays: Fellowship and
Continental breakfast at
10am followed by instruction
at 10:30am. Registration is
FREE — call Agnes
Mulligan 772-214-7460 or
For more information contact
Susie Bobko at (772) 6921058 or email
[email protected].
• “The spiritual lives of our families are strengthened through our Holy
Hour”. (St. John Paul the Great)
• “Each time you approach the Blessed Sacrament remember that Jesus
has been waiting for you for twenty centuries for this personal visit from
you.” (St. Josemaria Escriva)
• “Our Lord hears our prayers anywhere, but He has revealed to His
servants that those who visit Him in the Eucharist will obtain a more
abundant measure of grace.” (St. Alphonsus Ligouri)
• “A Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament is worth more than a
thousand years of human glory.” (St. Padre Pio)
For centuries, all the Saints have shared their knowledge of the need for and
the abundance of graces and blessings of committing weekly to Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament through Eucharistic Adoration. To commit to your Holy
Hour please contact Kathy at [email protected] or 772-485-1787.
Hours in URGENT need of coverage are:
Monday: - *10-11 AM Wednesday: *5-6AM Friday *8-9AM
***Hours in Need of Coverage to bring Eucharistic Adoration back to Perpetuity:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday – All hours between Midnight-5AM
Matthew 25:35
Food Pantry
November 15 - 31
in Harbor Bay Plaza. Bring in a can or
package of non-perishable food and
get a discount of 20% on one item.
We need:
Peanut Butter, Canned meat
or tuna, Pasta, 1lb. bags of rice, Tomato
or Spaghetti sauce, Canned vegetables,
Canned fruits or cereal.
Available NOW for $35
Stop in Caritas Religious Gift Shop to purchase
your copy today! Each book contains discount
coupons for local restaurants, businesses and
services. You will save many times over your
investment in the book!!!
Raffle Items are on display in the Caritas Gift
Shop. Tickets will also be available at the Caritas
Gift shop and the Parish office. $5.00 each.
Thank you for your support, The
Catholic Daughters of the
Pregnancy Care Center
Stuart - 232-3222, Ft. Pierce - 489-9702
Birthline/Lifeline – 561-234-0612
Care Net - 283-2911 or 871-2211
Rachel’s Vineyard Call Donna at
(561) 602-4778
Diocesan Respect Life Office Toll
free at
Planned Parenthood in the Emerald Plaza on Rt #1 are doing chemical abortions up to 13
weeks. Come and join us in peaceful prayer on Wed. 3-5 and Fri. 8-10. Call David Olio 2211865 for details.
A community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through: Prayer & fasting, Constant vigil and
Community outreach - here in The Treasure Coast! September 25 - November 3.
40 Days for Life is a peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their neighborhoods, friends and
families. A desire to cooperate with God in carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion in America. The 40-day campaign tracks
Biblical history, where God used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities and the entire world. From Noah in the flood to
Moses on the mountain to the disciples after Christ's resurrection. It’s clear that God sees the transformative value of His people in
meeting a 40-day challenge. 40 Days uses a 3-pronged effort:
“Can't you spend 1 hour with me?”
*Prayer and fasting: Christ told us that some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. The two go hand in hand.
Prayer keeps us rooted in the fact that it is our desire to carry out God's will. Fasting is a sacrifice that helps us reach beyond our own
limitations with God's help. Fasting is not a Christian diet; it is a form of physical prayer. You can fast from food, TV, alcohol ...
anything that separates you from God.
“Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”
*Constant vigil: The most visible component of 40 Days for Life is a constant prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood It is a
peaceful, prayerful, safe witness to the clinic's patients and staff, and to the entire community, that evil is in our midst and with
God's help, it will be defeated. We need people to sign up for WEDNESDAYS 4-5 and FRIDAYS 8-9:30 Emerald Plaza US
Route 1.
“Go out in the world.”
*Community outreach: During 40 Days for Life, the pro-life message is actively taken to the community through a Prayerful and
Peaceful Vigil.
Religious Gift
Fall Sale now underway…..
Christmas Cards now in stock…..
Advent Wreaths & Nativities now
Stop in and get the best
We have a gift for everyone
on your list….
Including YOU!!!!
Ann Huesing :…………..………………………..485-1456
E-Mail …………………...………[email protected]
Nora Henderson …………….……….………….370-6341
E-Mail …………………….………[email protected]
PreK-5 Religious Education
Parish Office.……………..….……......334-4214 Ext. 17
E-Mail……………..………[email protected]
EDGE - 6th & 7th Grade
Parish Office.……………..….……......334-4214 Ext. 22
E-Mail………...……….………6&[email protected]
Susan Bobko ……….……..…...….……………..285-6251
E-Mail ……….……………...…….………[email protected]
Parish Office…….……………………………….334-4214
Nora Henderson …….…………...….....………..334-3099
E-Mail ………...….……..………[email protected]
Norma Olio……....………………...……….….....221-1865
E-Mail ……..……….……..……….…[email protected]
Ed Wasielewski……….…….………...……….....337-3385
E-Mail ………………...…[email protected]
Soup Kitchen
Youth Ministry, YDisciple, and Confirmation
Parish Office.
.... .
... 334-4214 Ext. 41
[email protected]
Dr. Ann Getzinger ……….….………...334-4214 Ext 32
E-Mail ……….………....…..…[email protected]
Celeste Norup…….…….……….……….….....486-2145
E-Mail ……..…….…….…………...…[email protected]
Homebound Ministers
Thrift Store
Julio Perez…….….……………...……….….....335-5744
E-Mail ……………….…...……….…[email protected]
Carl & Michelle Florio…..…………..……………..334-6239
E-Mail ……………….....………[email protected]
Parish Office.……………,.………...……...…..334-4214
Pat Rosati ……..…….….………….708-1105 or 225-0650
Food Pantry & Charity Outreach
Pat O’Connell……..………...……....……………..334-6233
Martin’s Kids
Pam Colasanti………...………….……….………..334-6511
Glenda Hassell ………….…………………...…….708-1606
Christ Child Project
Bev Walgrave………………………………………335-4150
E-mail……………...………………[email protected]
Lorie Shekailo…………......……………...………..334-4853
E-Mail ………….…..………..………[email protected]
Choir (Adult/Children) Hand Bell Choir
Kathy Hochenberger.…………….……..……..485-1787
E-Mail ………....……[email protected]
Dave Olio.……………………...……...………..221-1865
E-Mail ……..……………...…[email protected]
Nora Henderson.…………...………...………..370-6341
E-Mail …………..…………....…[email protected]
Michelle Florio.……………...………...………..334-6239
E-Mail ………….……...…[email protected]
Melanie Steinke..…….…………..………..334-4214 Ext. 27
E-mail……………..……………[email protected]
Catholic Daughters
of the Americas
Carol Armstrong…….……….…………...….....284-5760
Dave Ottaviani…………...………………….….....263-3925
E-Mail……………..…….…………[email protected]
Kate Choquette……………………………………232-3282
E-Mail….…..………………………[email protected]
(Formerly third order)
Rosemary ………………………….………..….288-3134
Jacki Ottaviani…………..…….….....……….….....334-6271
E-Mail …………..…………...…..…[email protected]
Dave Olio.…………....………...……...………..221-1865
E-Mail …………..……………[email protected]