Saint Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church on Santa Catalina Island, California, USA PO Box 735 (800 Beacon St.) Avalon, CA 90704 Phone: 310-510-0192 Fax: 310-510-8360 Email: [email protected] Website: Pastor: Reverend John Nghi Tran Hispanic Ministries: Deacon Alfonso Castillo Secretaries: Lynda Poindexter, Pat Vlcan and Martha Flores Parish Council: Susie Griffin Financial Committee: Charles Wagner Music Coordinator: Wayne Griffin Hispanic Choir: Veronica Bueno Youth Coordinator: Steve Hall Religious Education: Lynda Poindexter Hermida Hernandez (Spanish) Weddings: Pat Vlcan – [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday 5:15 PM (English) Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 AM (English) and 6:30 PM (Spanish) Monday through Friday 8:00 AM (English) CONFESSIONS: Saturday 4:30-5:00 PM BAPTISM: Contact Parish Office at least ONE month before the desired baptism date. MARRIAGES: Contact Parish Office at least SIX months before the desired wedding date. COMMUNION AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the Parish Office ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Mass Intentions: Xavier Gonzales Prayers Requested for the Dead: Joe Jordan Jr. th Pre-Baptism Class will be on Saturday, October 18 , from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Parents and Godparents are required to attend. Contact the Parish Office to register. Reminder for Confirmation 1st yr.: Will meet Saturday, Oct. 18, at 7pm-9pm. With Deacon Alfonso & Martha. Confirmation 2nd yr.: Will Meet Sunday, Oct. 19, at 12:15pm- 2:15pm. With Deacon Alfonso & Martha Thank You! Father Vincent Nguyen, who was here with us this week to celebrate daily Masses while Father John was off the island for a continuing Education program. Thank You! Ron and Coralee Carolla for the generous donation of a bill counting machine that will help expedite our weekly cash counting. We are revitalizing our St. Catherine’s Youth Group All those young adult Catholics who have been confirmed and are attending church regularly are invited to join this group which will have its first meeting on Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 after the 11:00am mass. The group will meet the last Sunday of each month after the 11:00am mass, in the Parish Hall. We will discuss teen / catholic issues and have social activities together. No need to sign up; just attend our first meeting on Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014. See Steve Hall if you have any questions. To join you must be in High school, be confirmed, and attend mass regularly. Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors: Copies of the November/December schedules are available in the Sacristy. Share Your Talents: Please consider volunteering as a Eucharistic Minister, Lector or Cantor during the weekend masses. Eucharistic Ministers share their faith openly with the parish community through their participation in the Mass. Open to active, confirmed parishioners. Lectors share a desire to proclaim God's word and should be comfortable speaking before groups of people. Cantors and musicians lead parishioners in song and prayer. Contact the Parish Office for more information. World Mission Sunday October 19th: Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared net weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit "50 Years of Liturgical Reform: Beyond Vatican II Nominalism" featuring Dr. Massimo Faggioli - Vatican II at 50: A Symposium, presented by Loyola Marymount University and Mount St. Mary's College. Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 7 p.m. 50 years is a significant period of time to assess a reform in the life of the Church. The anniversary of the liturgical reform is particularly important as the issue of different "liturgical cultures" in the Catholic Church has been at the center of the debate on the legacy of Vatican II. In a time of change of priorities in the Church with the pontificate of Francis, it is time to reassess what remains of the clashes around the liturgical reform. A reception will follow. For more information, visit Red Mass for Members of the Legal Community - The 32nd Annual Red Mass on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, and to a hosted reception following Mass. All lawyers, judicial and public officials, and others interested in the law are invited. Archbishop José Gomez will be the celebrant and Bishop Gerald Wilkerson will be the homilist. Representatives of the judiciary and public officials will participate in the liturgy. To RSVP, please call 626-914-8942 or email [email protected]. For more information, please visit Synod issues message to families in conflict zones – “Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, along with all participants, share the paternal concern of the Holy Father, expressing our profound closeness to all the families who suffer as a consequence of the many conflicts in progress. In particular, we raise to the Lord our prayers for Iraqi and Syrian families, forced on account of their profession of the Christian faith or their belonging to other ethnic or religious communities, to abandon everything and flee towards a future without any form of certainty. We join with the Holy Father Francis in emphasizing that “no-one may use the name of God to commit violence”, and that “To kill in the name of God is a grave sacrilege!.” DID YOU KNOW? Talk with your children about safety at school - “Back-to-school does not have to mean backto-worrying. Though safety inside school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience.” Talk with your child about safety. Be specific. Talk about instinct and paying attention to funny feelings of fear. Explain what to do if she doesn't feel safe (find a teacher, call 911, etc.). Make sure she knows how to contact you or a trusted neighbor who is likely to be at home. For more information, please visit e/parent-teacher-partnerships/6-rules-school-safety ¿SABIA USTED? Platique con sus hijos sobre la seguridad en la escuela - “El regreso a la escuela no tiene que significar regreso a la preocupación. Aunque la seguridad adentro de la escuela es finalmente la responsabilidad del director y del personal de la escuela, los padres de familia pueden tomar unos pocos pasos básicos para asegurar una experiencia escolar segura”. Platique con su hijo/a sobre la seguridad. Sea específico. Platique sobre el instinto y poner atención a los sentimientos raros de miedo. Explique qué hacer si él/ella no se siente seguro/a (busque a un maestro, llame al 911, etc.). Asegúrese que él/ella sepa como contactar a sus padres o a un vecino de confianza que con seguridad vaya a estar en casa. Para más información, por favor isite parents/ resources/ article/parent-teacherpartnerships/ 6-rules-school-safety
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