OFFICE OF THE Date:16,10.2014 NIT NO.: 03 /2014-15 Notice lnvitins Tender . fr O ! Sealed tenders are hereby invited by the undersigned from bona fide and experienced contractors for execution of works in the annexure enclosed herewith. Application for tender paper should be submitted to the undersigned during office hours up to 04.00 "., 7p.nfr. on 28.,10.2014. Application should consist of i) PAN card, ii) Up to dated Professional Tax QlClearance Certificate, iii) VAT Registration Certificate, iv) G.P./Municipality up to dated Tax, v) Up to o dated Trade Registration Certificate and vi) Credential (if required). Registered Unemployed :iEngineers' Co-operative Societies / Labour Co- operative Societies are required to furnish Audit d Report, 2012-13 & Firms/Companies are required to furnrsh Partnership Deed along with other d relevant supporting papers. Applicants are also requested to produce all documents in original at the time of application. Tender papers would be issued to the qualified applicants on 29.10.20'14 between 02'00 p.m. to O$.00 p.m. The undersigned binds him to issue tender paper of any work (details given on the enclosed !', drnexure) to the applicant. Moreover he is not bound to issue tender paper to the entire applicant. Decision of the undersigned regarding issue of tender forms is final. Tender papers should be submitted in sealed cover with NIT no. and the serial number of work super scribed on the cover jn the tender box in the ofJlce of the undersigned on 31.10.2014 between 12.00 noon to O2.OO p.m. Tender papers will be opened on the same day at 03.00 p.m. in presence of the bidder who likes to remain present. Amount for earnest money mentioned against each work should be submitted with tender paper only in DCR in favour of the undersigned. Tender papers will consist of tender form, terms and condition, schedule of work, copy of tender notice etc. The rate should be quoted with both in figure and words clearly in percentage basis on the amount put to tender. The bidders may see the schedule of rates & other documents from this office at any working days during office hours. Acceptance of the lowest tender is not obligatory and the undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason. KhariaK,G,!g [/emo No.: 406(4)/U2014-1 5 Copy forwarded for wide circulation to 1. 2. The Block Development Offlcer, Sadar Devlopment Block 3. 4. Post Office, Pandapara Kalibari & The Savapati, Sadar Panchayat Samity Office Notice Board. ffiorPPr'al"t Date: 16.10.2014 ANNEXURE List of Works NIT NO.: 03 /2014-15 1. Last date of application for tender paper 2. Date & time of issue of tender paper 3. Date & time of dropping of tender paper 4 Date & time of ooenino of tender ( :28.10.2014 up to 04.00 P.m. :29.10.2014 between 02.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. : 31 .10.2014 between 12.00 noon to 02.00 p m. .10.2014 at 03.UU 03.00 D.m. 31.10.2014 Estimated Amount (Rs.) Name of work st. Date:15.10.2014 no. Earnest Amount put to N4oney @ tender(Rs.) 2% (Rs.) Cost of tender Fund Paper (Rs) Construction of concrete Guard wall(one side) for protecting the road from the house 1 of Souhkindra Mondal to the house of Satyen Roy in South Sukanta nagar, Pa Rs.124000.00 Rs. 120588.0 0 Rs.2412.00 Rs.200.00 3'd no.-17h70. the road from the house of Mona Paul up to the length of 55 mt. At Debnagar, Part no.- Rs.148000.00 Rs.143684.0 0 Rs.2874.00 Rs.200.00 3'd sFc & BRGF 17t147. musl be complete d within 45 days from the issue of must be complete d within 45 days fron the issue of order. Construction of concrete Guard wall (both sides) for protecting the road from the house of Sanjay Dey to the house of Ajit Rs.142500.00 Rs.1381 '14.0 0 Rs.2762.00 Rs.200.00 J JFU & BRGF Rakshit at Debnagar, Part no.171146. must be complete d within 45 days from ihe issue of order., Construction 4 s order. Construction of concrete Guard wall (both sides) for protecting 2 sFc & BRGF Remark of (82.50 mt. Length) concrete Drain from the house of Sandhya Dutta to the Dipak Bose at house Dangapara, Pad no.-17 I 152. Rs.126000.00 Rs. 121938.0 0 of Rs.2439.00 Rs.200.00 J >FI.J & BRGF must be complete d within 45 days frcm ihe issue of order. Construction of concrete Drain of Gobinda Sarkar to the house of Jyotsna Roy at Sanupara, Part no.17 t150. from the house 5 Rs.150000.00 Rs.147263.0 0 Rs.2945.00 Rs.200.00 J -t-\, & BRGF musl be complete d wilhin 45 days from the issue of order. rt Construction of 2 mt. Span open foundation slab culvert near the house of Sudha Roy under Kharia G.P., Part no.17 Rs.142920.00 Rs.'138797.0 0 Rs.2776.00 Rs.200.00 J DF\& BRGF musl be complete d within 45 days from the issue of t161. order. Kharia Gradr'Pi Khario
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