St Paul’s High School Ocean Drive Port Macquarie 2444 Phone: (02) 6583 2632 Fax: (02) 6584 3371 Email: [email protected] A letter from St Paul’s……… 24th October, 2014 WHAT’S ON IN WEEK 4 TERM 4 Sunday, 26th October Monday, 27th (Day 6) Tuesday, 28th Wednesday, 29th Thursday, 30th Friday, 31st (Day 7) (Day 8) (Day 9) (Day 10) COMING UP IN WEEK 5 Monday, 3rd November Tuesday, 4th Wednesday, 5th Friday, 7th Year 10 Thursday Friday Year 9 Wednesday Year 7 Friday - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Years 7-10 Assessment Period (see over) - Staff Meeting - Cyber Safety For Parents presentation: 7.00pm in Library (see over) - CCC Cricket Boys U/19 & U/15: Coffs Harbour - Years 8-10 Sport (see over) - Crazy Sock Day: Gold coin donation (see over) - Hastings Sports Awards Breakfast - Years 7-10 Assessment Period (see over) - Year 7, 2015 – Parent Orientation Night: 7.00pm in MPC - Diocesan Secondary Tennis and Water Polo: Ballina - Year 10 Wheelchair Road Show - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze expedition: Kerewong State Forest - All Schools‟ Touch Football: Penrith ASSESSMENT TASKS DUE IN WEEK 4 Science Exam in Periods 1 & 2 Visual Arts In class assessment (Mrs Cornale‟s class) Textiles Technology Exam in class PD/H/PE Exam in class Period 5 French French speaking tasks in class during Weeks 4 & 5 COORDINATING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT THE FAMILY Pope Francis has convened an Extraordinary Synod on the Pastoral Challenges of the Family which is currently underway in Rome. The publication “Inform” makes several important points about the role of family and the Church. There needs to be a renewed commitment to the family and to raising children by the Church and society at large; Religious decline results in family decline and vice versa; The Holy Family narrative tells us much about the nature of motherhood and fatherhood and the acceptance of children as a gift from a loving God; The special nature of family life draws us towards a radical self-giving for the good of others and a willingness to accept what is offered; The family is not something that was invented by the Church. It has been the mainstay of successful societies for millennia; -1- It is within the family community that children first learn right from wrong and good from bad; The natural family existed before the state and has priority over the state in terms of rights; Parents‟ role as „first educators‟ of their children must always be respected; All of us have a responsibility to build a social environment which protects and nurtures the family; Parents have the right to bring their children up in accordance with the family‟s moral and religious convictions; The family teaches children that they are all loved equally and unconditionally; The family is the usual way in which each of us learns to develop a relationship with God and that God loves them for who they „are‟, not for what they can „do‟; Children are called to show gratitude to their parents for the gift of life and for the sacrifices they make for them. They also need to learn to show respect and obedience; and Parents do not own children – they are gifted to them out of love. The Synod on the family is expected to be a watershed in terms of the Catholic Church‟s teaching and support for families. Already there are signs suggesting that the strict application of Church doctrine will no longer be the basis for decisions. A statement released last week makes the point that “it is necessary to accept people in their concrete being, to know how to support their search, to encourage the wish for God and the will to feel fully part of the Church…”. It is pleasing to see that, through Pope Francis, the Spirit is leading the Church towards a more contemporary, pastoral and supportive approach to people in diverse situations. Mr Jim O’Brien Coordinating Principal CAMPUS PRINCIPAL’S REPORT You Knew What I Was Many years ago Indian youths would go away in solitude on what is called a vision quest to prepare for manhood. One such youth hiked into a beautiful valley, green with trees and bright with flowers. There he fasted and prayed. But on the third day, as he looked up at the surrounding mountains, he noticed one tall rugged peak capped with dazzling snow. “I will test myself against that mountain,” he pondered. He put on his buckskin shirt, threw his blanket over his shoulders and set off to climb the peak. When he reached the top he gazed out from the rim of the world. He could see forever, and his heart swelled with pride. Then he heard the rustle of leaves at his feet, and looking down, he saw a slithering snake. Before he could move the snake spoke. “I am about to die,” whispered the snake. “It’s too cold for me up here; I’m freezing. There’s no food and I’m starving. Put me under your shirt where I’ll be warm and take me down to the valley.” “No,” said the youth. “I’m forewarned. I know your kind. You are a rattlesnake. If I pick you up you will bite and your bite will kill me.” “Not so,” said the snake. “I will treat you differently. If you do this for me, you will be special to me, and I will not harm you.” The youth resisted a while, but this was a very persuasive snake with beautiful diamond markings. At last the youth tucked the snake under his shirt and carried it down to the valley. There he placed it gently on the grass. Suddenly, the snake coiled, rattled and struck, biting the youth on the leg. “But you promised…” cried the youth. “You knew what I was when you picked me up,” said the snake as it slithered away. The story is a useful analogy for young people who might be tempted by drugs or alcohol, or other dangerous practices. A young person (and an older person) will do well to remember the parting words of the snake: “You knew what I was when you picked me up.” -2- PRAYER FOR HSC STUDENTS Students at MacKillop Senior College, St Joseph‟s Regional College and Newman Senior Technical College continue their HSC exams in the coming week. The following prayer appeared in the St Agnes‟ Parish newsletter requesting parishioners to pray for our young people during their exams. I ask you to do the same. Lord, we pray for those about to sit exams. That they may remain calm and at peace so that they will be able to make the best use of their talents, the study they have done and the education they have been given. Let nothing prevent them from doing as well as they deserve and may they be ready to support and encourage one another. Amen. CONGRATULATIONS To Jessica Carroll (Year 8) and Ryan Carroll (Year 9) who recently competed in the Lennox Head SLS Enduro Event. Each achieved a gold medal for their efforts. Well done! SUBJECT AND EXCURSION FEES Thank you to all those families who make these fees a priority. Families are reminded of the following dates: Term 4 amounts are due for payment by Friday, 7th November (Week 5) for those paying in full. Families who make regular payments via BPay are asked to ensure that all amounts are cleared by no later than Friday, 5th December. Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation and support in meeting these commitments. Peter Murphy Campus Principal [email protected] Applications for Year 7, 2015 remain open. If you are considering enrolling your child at St Paul’s High School, please contact the school office on 6583 2632 for an enrolment package. LEADER OF CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT CALENDAR FOR TERM 4 Included in this newsletter is a calendar setting out the Assessment Tasks due for each Year group. Please continue to make note of any possible changes and additions via the weekly newsletter. YEAR 7-10 ABSENCE POLICY Absence due to illness for an extended period of time When a student is away from school for an extended period of time due to illness, we would like them to use the time to recuperate fully before their return to school. In light of this, a student should ask a friend in the class to collect worksheets and upon their return, complete any important activities and/or worksheets and take screen shots of class work as directed by the class teacher. Students can ask their teacher if the unit of work is online. If so, students can complete class work online. Absence due to family holidays When families decide to take holidays during school time, a subject teacher is not expected to set class work for the absent student. The student should engage in and enjoy the family‟s experience of journey and discovery. The student should ask a friend in the class to collect worksheets and upon their return, complete any important activities and/or worksheets and take screen shots of class work as directed by the class teacher. It is expected that the student will complete this work in their own time. Students can ask their teacher if the unit of work is online. If so, students can complete class work online. Chris McQueen Leader of Curriculum [email protected] -3- YEAR 7 NEWS IRONMAN TRIATHLON It was great to see so many St Paul‟s High School staff and students, particularly Year 7 students, volunteering in the recent 70.3 Ironman triathlon. This is a wonderful event for Port Macquarie building such great community spirit. CONGRATULATIONS To the following students who have received a Campus Principal’s Award: Jukiah Crowhurst, Kyle De Domizio, Finlay Edmeades, Flynn Goodman, Hannah Jordan, Christopher Kirkman, Max Milligan, Tori Morris, Caleb McCormick, Jessica O’Brien, Kelsey Partridge, Violet Shepherd, Kirrah Stewart and Annika Toohey. To the following students who have received a Pastoral Coordinator’s Award: Caleb McCormick (3), Annika Toohey (3), Kyle De Domizio (2), Finlay Edmeades (2), Christopher Kirkman (2), Kirrah Stewart (2), Jade Attard, Genevieve Barth, Jukiah Crowhurst, Jessica Davis, Flynn Goodman, Hannah Jordan, Emily Maher, Max Milligan, Sam Nunan, Jessica O’Brien, Kelsey Partridge, Violet Shepherd, Natalija Thompson, Jyll Tregier and Chad Walsh. Warren Lorger Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care [email protected] YEAR 8 NEWS CONGRATULATIONS To Griffin Goodman and Riley Smith who were selected to represent NSW in the NSW Northern Metro and Country Soccer (U/14) side in the National Youth Soccer Championships in Coffs Harbour during the recent school holidays. The boys came across some tough competition playing against state teams from around Australia. Both boys played extremely well and should be proud of their achievement. To the following students who received a Pastoral Coordinator’s Award: William Ayrton, Ronan Cornell (2), Simone Ducker, Aaron Hoffman, Taylor Ross, Jamie-Lee Smith and Jacinta Sharp. To Jamie-Lee Smith who has received a Campus Principal’s Award. To Thomas Berryman, Jackson Burton, Matthew Chee, Thomas Horder, David Newman and Nathan Ternes who showed off their talents playing as an ensemble at our school assembly on Wednesday. To Thomas Berryman, Riley Smith and Imogen Smyth who received certificates of Distinction for the ICAS English Competition, and especially to Hannah Cutmore and Sara Thomas who were awarded a High Distinction in this prestigious competition. ASSESSMENT CALENDAR An Assessment Calendar was emailed to Year 8 students. A copy of the Assessment Calendar is also included in this newsletter. Students are reminded that they should prepare well for these formal exams and assessment tasks. Students will also need to complete ongoing class assessments during lessons. TOUCH FOOTBALL The lunchtime Touch Football Competition began with some furious displays of skill. It will be interesting to see the development of this competition. UPCOMING EVENTS On Thursday, 30th October students are encouraged to support the “Socktober” fundraiser and wear „crazy‟ socks with their school uniform. This day is to raise awareness for the Catholic mission. Students are asked to hand a gold coin donation to their PC teacher at morning PC. Nicole O’Connell Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care [email protected] -4- YEAR 10 NEWS Year 10 have had a busy start to Term 4, preparing for the Assessment/Exam period commencing next week. Some Year 10 students have been involved in the following sporting events: T20 cricket, Diocesan Surfing, Diocesan Volleyball and Gymnastics. YEAR 10 ASSESSMENT CALENDAR FOR TERM 4 Please see the Year 10 Assessment Calendar included in this newsletter. I am sure students are preparing themselves for this schedule. The assessment period is spread over a five week period to allow students time to study and prepare. Week 6 is the biggest in terms of exams/tasks due. Good luck to all students, I hope your efforts pay off! Thank you to the staff, parents and students who have taken the time to review my efforts as a Pastoral Coordinator. Dom Ashe Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care [email protected] LITERACY AND NUMERACY NEWS LITERACY AND NUMERACY WEEK Congratulations to the following students who were winners in the Music Competition held during Literacy and Numeracy Week: Year 8 Isobel Berryman, Tyson Marchant, Brooke O’Brien and Sara Thomas. Year 7 Amy Doorey, Matt Halliwell, Chloe Hargreaves and Tara Slattery. Chris Harmer Numeracy Coordinator [email protected] SPORT NEWS YEAR 7 Students are reminded to bring their swimmers, hat and towel for the first five weeks of Term for their swimming lessons. WEEK 4 27th October 29th October 30th October Monday Wednesday Thursday 1.15pm-3.00pm 11.30am-12.45pm 9.10am-10.40am GL, DMC,TB – 3,4,5 TJ, WL – 1,2 TJ, AK – 6,7 Swimming Swimming Swimming YEAR 8 Year 8 students will be participating in the following sports this Term: Tennis, Basketball, Netball, Oz Tag, Touch Football and Volleyball at school Learn to Surf at Flynns Beach and Surf Awareness at Town Beach WEEK 4 28th October WEEK 5 4th November M/I GIRLS F/O GIRLS M/I BOYS F/O BOYS Learn to Surf (2) Tennis (School) Surf Awareness (1) Volleyball (School) Learn to Surf (2) Tennis (School) Surf Awareness (1) Volleyball (School) YEAR 9 & 10 Year 9 & 10 students participate in their chosen elective sport for Term 4. Please do not request that your child changes sport during the Term – this is not possible as businesses have already based their staff on numbers that we have provided them. -5- DIOCESAN GYMNASTICS Congratulations to the 19 gymnasts who travelled to Coffs Harbour for the Diocesan Competition on Friday, 17th October. 65 gymnasts from six schools participated in the six different sections of the competition. Outstanding results to the following: Girls Advanced Circuit: Lucille Williams (1st) and Caitlin Rich (3rd) Girls Level 4: Helena Thomas (1st) and Erinn Smith (2nd) Boys Advanced Circuit: Terrell Carden-Reynolds (1st), Mitchell Wadwell (2nd) and Jett Pearson (3rd) Pairs Synchronised Circuit: Chloe Nash and Rachel Burris (1st) A special thank you also to the coaches, Jodie Rich and Jenni Strickland, for training the gymnasts before school, at lunchtime and after school in the weeks leading up to the competition. Jenny Watson Competition Coordinator UPCOMING EVENTS – TERM 4 31st October 3rd & 4th November 7th November Erin Gallagher Hastings Sports Awards Breakfast: Rydges, Port Macquarie Diocesan Water Polo & Diocesan Tennis: Lismore NSW All Schools‟ Touch Football Finals: Penrith Sport Coordinator [email protected] -6- ST PAUL’S MUSIC NEWS MUSIC ENSEMBLE PROGRAM – WEEK 4 Monday Stage Band: 7.45am-8.45am – MacKillop room 10 Stage Band Sectional: Lunchtime – MacKillop room 10 Stage Band (Youth Mass): Lunchtime – MacKillop Music room SAPSS Jazz Band: 4.00pm-5.00pm – St Joseph‟s Regional College Tuesday Percussion Ensemble: 7.45am-8.45am – St Paul‟s MPC SAPSS Choir: 7.45am-8.45am – St Joseph‟s Regional College Wednesday Senior Vocal Ensemble: 7.45am-8.45am – MacKillop MPC Junior Vocal Ensembles: Lunchtime – St Paul‟s MPC SAPSS Drum Line: 4.00pm-5.00pm – St Joseph‟s Regional College Thursday Concert Band: 7.45am-8.45am – St Paul‟s MPC Concert Band Sectional: Period 1 – St Paul‟s Band room Flute Ensemble: Lunchtime – St Paul‟s MPC Guitar Ensemble: Lunchtime – St Paul‟s Music room Friday Jazz Band: 7.45am-8.45am – St Paul‟s MPC Jazz Band Sectional: Period 5 – St Paul‟s Band room Clarinet Ensemble: Lunchtime – St Paul‟s Music room Jazz Ensemble: Lunchtime – St Paul‟s Band room Rob Denham Co Curricular Music Coordinator [email protected] CANTEEN – WEEK 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Anne Todd, Antonia Nardi, Liz West Lisa Richards, Deborah Hoffman-Doyle Judy Treadwell, Janine Goulding, Rose Dennington, Jodie Duck Glenn Grainger, Tammy Grainger (5th Thursday) Karen Hillcoat, Debbie Cohen, Donna Schafer (5th Friday) 10.40am start 11.00am start 11.00am start 10.40am start 10.40am start Halloween Lunch Order - $5.00 - (orders only) Juicy Chicken Burger on a crusty roll with a can of drink and a Halloween surprise. Is this you caught on camera? Please come and see Mr Peter Murphy to claim your prize – a canteen voucher to the value of $5.00 that can be redeemed at the canteen. -7- WALKATHON NEWS WALKATHON UPDATE Congratulations to all students who participated in the Walkathon in Term 3. All students were well behaved and seemed to really enjoy the great day. On Friday, 31st October, the following PC‟s have permission to come to school out of uniform and receive a free BBQ lunch as a reward for raising over $1,000.00: Year 7: 7F2, 7I1, 7I2, 7M1, 7M2, 7O2 Year 8: 8F1 Year 9: 9F2, 9M1 7M1 (Mr Schumann‟s PC) will receive a special treat for being the PC who raised the highest amount ($1,998.20). These students will head off for a Jet Boat ride on Friday. The Walkathon Raffle and Prizes took place last Term. Congratulations to the following winners: Highest Raised in each Year Group: $100 Voucher to a store of their choice: Year 7 Caleb Barnes Year 8 Tristan Dibbs Year 9 Jazmyn Jennings Year 10 Jessica Garland Raffle for Major Prize Winner: $500 to a store of their choice: Year 7: Jarrod Fehon Congratulations to the Mini Marathon Winners: Girls: 1st: Paige Leishman 2nd: Alannah Grose st Boys: 1 : Hunter Leishman 2nd: Benjamin Stocks 3rd: Jazmin Lawrence 3rd: Scott Irving There were many winners in the lucky dip raffles which included some great prizes and vouchers. The total amount raised for the school was $24,279.00. Students are asked to see their Student Representative Councillor to put forward their ideas on how the money could be used to improve our school. Walkathon Committee COMMUNITY NEWS BACK TO BEL CANTO. Tacking Point Primary School‟s children‟s choir Bel Canto will be performing on Thursday, 4th December at 6.30pm in the Tacking Point Primary School Hall. All past members of Bel Canto are invited to attend or to perform an item. RSVP with “Yes I‟m Coming” to Robyn Ryan 0407007993 or [email protected]. If you would like to speak or perform an item RSVP to Kath Peck [email protected]. LOST PROPERTY Have you lost your jumper? There are a number of jumpers As well as other items In lost property Please ask at the school office A reminder to name all items of uniform -8- SCHOOL YEARBOOK Once again this year we are compiling a Yearbook for St Agnes’ Parish Secondary Schools. This family of schools incorporates St Paul’s High School, St Joseph’s Regional College, MacKillop Senior College and Newman Senior Technical College. Again this year, the yearbook will be in full colour. We are inviting the parents of our students who wish to advertise in this Yearbook, or to sponsor a page, to complete the form below and return it with a cheque made payable to MACKILLOP SENIOR COLLEGE to the College office of your choice, by Friday, 14th November. Please include a business card or relevant artwork or email information to [email protected] . I/We would like to advertise and/or sponsor a page in the 2014 School Yearbook. CONTACT NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS NAME: ___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ PHONE:___________________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________________ The options and prices for this year are as follows: 1. STANDARD BUSINESS CARD (incl GST) $50 2. ENLARGED ADVERTISEMENT (19cm x 5.5cm) (incl GST) $85 3. HALF-A-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT (incl GST) $250 4. FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT (incl GST) $500 5. FULL PAGE COLOUR ADVERTISEMENT (on inside cover) (incl GST) $600 Donations of any amounts are also gratefully accepted. Please return this page with payment to: MacKillop Senior College, PO Box 5724, Port Macquarie NSW 2444. Or Please debit my credit card for $__________ and I will email the artwork to MacKillop [email protected] Card Number: _______________________________________ Expiry Date:___________ Signed: ____________________________ -9- YEAR 7 ASSESSMENT CALENDAR Monday Week 4 th st 27 -31 October Week 5 rd th 3 -7 November Week 6 th th 10 -14 November Week 7 th st 17 -21 November Tuesday Wednesday Thursday French Speaking Friday PD/H/PE French Listening English Exams Mathematics (am) Music (pm) Exams Science (am) History (pm) Exam French (am) YEAR 8 ASSESSMENT CALENDAR Monday Tuesday Wednesday Week 6 th th 10 -14 November Week 7 th st 17 -21 November Week 8 th th 24 -28 November Thursday Food Technology French Technical Skills Exams Science (am) English (pm) Drama Textiles Technology Week 5 rd th 3 -7 November PD/H/PE (hand in) Exam Mathematics (am) Friday Exams Geography (am) Music (pm) French YEAR 9 ASSESSMENT CALENDAR Monday Tuesday Week 4 th st 27 -31 October Week 5 rd th 3 -7 November Week 6 th th 10 -14 November Thursday Friday Textiles Technology PD/H/PE (in class) Week 7 th st 17 -21 November Week 8 th th 24 -28 November Wednesday IT - Timber Music PASS Food Technology Marine & Aquaculture Technology IT - Metal Exams Science (am) Graphics (pm) French (pm) Exam English (am) Exams Mathematics (am) Commerce Information & Software Technology YEAR 10 ASSESSMENT CALENDAR Monday Tuesday Wednesday Week 4 th st 27 -31 October Week 5 rd th 3 -7 November Week 6 th th 10 -14 November Week 7 th st 17 -21 November French - 10 - Thursday Friday Science Visual Arts (Mrs Cornale) Music, IT - Metal, Food Technology, IT- Timber, Information & Software Technology, Marine & Aquaculture Studies, PASS Visual Arts (Mr Beddoe) Exams Mathematics (am) Religious Education (pm) Exams Geography/History (am) PD/H/PE (pm) French PARENT TALKS Paul Dillon from Drug and Alcohol Research and Training, Australia is the keynote speaker at the RRISK Seminars. The parent session is offered free of charge in the five localities that the RRISK Seminars are running. Paul provides the latest drug and alcohol research and information of interest to parents and anyone who works with adolescents. An invitation with the topics for this year’s sessions will be provided closer to the dates. Parent talk venues and times Port Macquarie Coffs Harbour Kempsey Lismore Tweed Heads Panthers Club Southern Cross University Melville High Community Hall Southern Cross University Civic Centre Thursday, 6th November Thursday, 13th November Wednesday, 19th November Tuesday, 25th November Thursday, 4th December 4.00-6.00pm 4.00-6.00pm 4.00-6.00pm 4.00-6.00pm 4.00-6.00pm Click below to access two of Paul’s recent blog posts – Item 1 “When does school supervision stop and parenting begin” and Item 2 “Medical cannabis getting lost in the smoke and forgetting that the drug can be highly problematic for some”. Crazy Sock Day Thursday, 30th October Come to school wearing crazy socks to raise awareness for Catholic missions. Bring a gold coin donation to PC! - 11 - CYBER SAFETY FOR PARENTS Presentation by Andrew Burgess on Monday, 27th October, 2014 from 7.00pm-8.00pm in the St Paul’s Library. Are you struggling to keep up with the changes in this highly technological age …? Are you worried about your child being online……..? Andrew Burgess from the Catholic Schools Office in Lismore will be presenting to parents on up to date and current Cyber trends and information regarding: Digital Citizenship; Safe use of technology and the internet; Children's use of the internet and emerging technologies; Potential risks for adults and children online; Tips to help children and adults stay safe online; and Where to get help. Please register for this informative 1 hour session by emailing: [email protected] We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you for your support. Parent Assembly Hastings Macleay Region - 12 -
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