भारतीय कपास नगम ल मटेड THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. साकार 1,10 वी मंज ील, गांधी ाम रे वे टे शन के पास , नहे ज के सामने आ म रोड, अहमदाबाद-380009 दूरभाष नं. (079) 26588822 , 26588771 फे स : (079) 26589717 ईमेल : [email protected] वेबसाईट :/ मं ालय वेबसाईट CORPORATE IDENTITY NO. : CIN : U51490MH1971GOI014733 सं या:भाक न/अहद/ वप- य/िज. े. न वदा/2014-2015/ दनांक:22.10.2014 अ पाव ध न वदा सूचना (Short Term Tender Notice) भारतीय कपास नगम ल मटेड , अहमदाबाद फसल वष 2014-2015 के लये न न ल खत संग काय हेतु फैि ता वत के ो पर िज नंग एवं य से न वदाए आमं त करता है :- िजला-खेडा के कपडवंज िजला-साबरकांठा के इलोल िजला- साबरकांठा के वडाल न वदाकता यह सु नि चत कर क उनके पास न न द तावेज/ यव था होना आव यक है :1. Provident Fund Code No. / PAN form appropriate Authority. 2. Adequate Fire Safety arrangement नधा रत न वदा फाम, नयम एवं शत के साथ शाखा कायालय से कसी भी काय दवस म कायालयीन समय म 100/- पये नकद भुगतान कर दनांक 29.10.2014 को दोपहर 1.00 बजे तक ा त कया जा सकता है। पूण हुआ फॉम सलबंद लफाफे म िजसके ऊपर िज नंग- े संग न वदा 2014-2015 व के का नाम प ट प से भरा प से अं कत कर उप महा बंधक के नाम उपरो त दशाये गये पते पर दनांक-29/10/2014 को दोपहर 3.00 बजे तक पहुचना आव यक है। उपरो त नधा रत समय पर ा त हुई न वदाए उसी दन दोपहर 3.30 बजे उपि थत न वदाकताओं क उपि थ त म खोल जायेगी। न वदा संबंधी सूचना, न वदा फॉम, नयम एवं शत क पूण जानकार हमार वेबसाईट, Government portal पर उपल ध है। अगर वेबसाईट से न वदा फॉम लया जाता है तो पूण प से भरे हुये न वदा फॉम के साथ 100/- पये का बक ा ट The cotton Corporation of India Ltd. के प म जो Payable at Ahmedabad हो संल न करना अ नवाय होगा। नगम कोई भी न वदा को वीकार/ अ वीकार करने का अ धकार अपने पास सुर त रखता है। उप महा बंधक भारतीय कपास नगम ल मटेड ü THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED शाखा कायालय 10 वी मंजील , साकार-1, ने ह धान कायालय बज के सामने, 'कपास भवन', लॉट नं.3-ए, से टर 10, नवरंगपुरा,अहमदाबाद-9 10th Floor, Sakar-1,Opp.Nehru Bride, Navarangpura,Ahmedabad-9 दूरभाष : 079-2658 8822 , 2657 8128 फै स : 079 - 2658 9717 सीबीडी बेलापुर, नवी मुंबई -400 614 ‘Kapas Bhavan’, Plot No.3-A, Sector- 10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400 614 दूरभाष : 91-22-27579217 फै स : 022-27576030,27579219 ई-मेल : [email protected] ई-मेल : [email protected] वेब साईटü : CIN : U51490MH1971GOI014733 Tender Form No. : ______________ Date of issue: _________________ Last date of submission: 29/10/2014 Date of opening of Tender: 29/10/2014 Tender form fees: Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) 3.00 P.M. 3.30 P.M. TENDER FOR JOB WORK OF GINNING & PRESSING FOR COTTON SEASON: 2014-15 PART-I 1. Name of the centre : _____________________________ 2. Full Name of the factory, Address with Pin code, Telephone/Mobile/ Fax Numbers _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ E-mail (If any): 3. Status of the Factory : (Please tick (ü) whichever is applicable) 4. Whether Factory is MSME or not : (Please tick (ü) whichever is applicable and if Yes, attach valid certificate) 5. Category of Ginning & Pressing factory (Please tick (ü) whichever is applicable) Composite G&P factory / Only Ginning factory / Only pressing factory. Yes No i) Modernised composite ginning & pressing factory through TMC assistance and certified by Textile Committee. Please tick (ü) Star Rating I II III IV V ii) Modernised composite ginning & pressing factory other than TMC assistance and certified by Textile Committee. Please tick (ü) Star Rating I II III IV V iii) Modernised composite ginning & pressing factory through TMC assistance. iv) Modernised composite ginning & pressing factory other than TMC assistance. v) Conventional ginning & pressing factory. 6. Whether Modern Factory is online or not? Yes No 7. Constitution – Company / Partnership / Sole Proprietary /Co-Operative Society 8. Name of the Directors/partners and their 1. _________________________________ occupation. 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ _______________________________ : 2 : 9. Name and address of the sister concern, if any. 10. Name of Proprietor or Active Partner or authorized officer for co-op.sectors. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 11. Name of Factory Manager/Other Responsible person, if any alongwith Tel. No./Mob.No. _________________________________ 12. P.F. Code No. (Please attach certificate issued by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner) 13. PAN from Income Tax Department (Please attach photocopy of PAN) 14. Location of Factory _________________________________ _____________________________ i) Distance from Market Yard ii) Distance from Railway station iii) Distance from SWC /CWC iv) Distance from Bus Stand PART-II Production in bales (on single shift of 8 hrs) Per day Per week Nos/Sets 15. Installed capacity and its production Type Single Roller Double Roller Pressing a) Manufacture & Installation of 16. ________KM ________KM ________KM ________KM Machine Type Year of Installation Machine Manufacturer SR DR Press b) No. of Gallas c) Press marka 17. a) Type of pressing : Hydraulic Mechanical b) No. of petti (box) : 18. Present working condition of the above machinery 19. Whether factory has sufficient Managerial, Supervisory & Technical staff 20. Details of processing of bales during last three years i) For CCI ii) Own iii) Other parties iv) Contamination free bales _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Yes 2011-12 --------------------------------- 2012-13 --------------------------------- No 2013-14 --------------------------------- : 3 : PART-III 21. 22. Whether total capacity is offered to CCI or part capacity on exclusive basis or on turn basis : _________________________________ If on part or turn basis, then details of capacity allotment to CCI Machinery SR DR Pressing 23. Details of Palahouse and machinery installed for removing contaminants and trash Production in bales Per week Per month ------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- -------- --------- i) Before Ginning _______________________ _______________________ ii) Before Pressing _______________________ _______________________ PART-IV 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Whether factory is having pacca compound wall or barbed wire fencing or otherwise _________________________________ Whether factory compound is pacca or kachha _________________________________ Whether rain water accumulates in the factory compound and if so, the approx.area _________________________________ Whether approach road to factory is pacca or not. _________________________________ Whether weighbridge/platform available at factory gate, if yes please mention the capacity. Whether all electrical wires are underground, if not, place of open installations. a. Whether the factory has diesel generator set? b. If yes, please indicate capacity of DG Set. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ No Yes __________________________________ 31. Whether power supply in the factory is on express feeder? 32. No. of Transformers/ Generators and their location from Gin/Press house and kapas heaps. _________________________________ Whether any HT/LT line passes through the factory compound or by the side of boundary wall. _________________________________ 33. Yes No _________________________________ _________________________________ : 4 : 34. Details of fire-fighting arrangements _________________________________ Nos. ___________ Capacity (in litres)____________ Nos. ___________ Capacity (in litres)____________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 1) Tube well capacity/well 2) Over Head Tank 3) Underground Tanks 4) No.of Hydrants 5) No.of firex 35. 36. Classification of the factory as per Insurance tariff rules. Details of fire accidents in the last 3 years. _________________________________ Year Open compound Gin House Press House 2011/12 ________________________________ 2012/13 ________________________________ 2013/14 ________________________________ PART-V 37. Whether pucca kapas heap platforms are available ? If so give details of construction type i.e. cemented/ pacca/ brick/ bolder / leveled with stones) 38. Details of kapas heap platforms to be allotted to CCI, as per heap numbers under Srl.No.36 39. Details of sheds/barracks/pala house/godowns available in the factory with their storage capacity and allotment to CCI free of cost. 40. Heap No. _____ _____ _____ _____ Height from Ground Level ________ ________ ________ ________ Type of construction Size Storage Capacity (in Qtls) ________ ________ ________ ________ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ Heap Number ________ ________ ________ ________ Storage capacity (in Qtls) ________ ________ ________ ________ Sheds Availability No. Capacity ----- ---------- Allotment to CCI No. Capacity -------------- Barracks ----- ---------- ----- ---------- Pallahouse ----- ---------- ----- ---------- Godowns ----- ---------- ----- ---------- Location of pala Houses, its size capacity & type of construction Pala House No. Distance from Gin House Distance from Press House Size Roof made of Tin/RCC Sheet Capacity (in Qtls) -------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ----------- -------------- -------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ----------- -------------- -------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ----------- -------------- : 5 : 41. 42. No. of weighing scales available for weighment of : i) Kapas ii) Cotton seed iii) FP bales _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Please give details on the installation and working condition of the following : i) Kapas cleaner _________________________________ ii) Lint opener iii) Lint cleaner _________________________________ _________________________________ iv) Pneumatic system for kapas heap to Gin Hall. v) Pneumatic system from Gin Hall to Pala/press hall. vi) Humidifier in Gin house, pala house/press house. 43. 44. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ If no pneumatic system from gin house to pala/press house, arrangements for carrying lint boras through trolley or otherwise. _________________________________ Details of facilities for CCI staff i.e. office with furniture, telephone and residence etc. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ PART-VI 45. During cotton season 2014-15, cloth will not be supplied by CCI for packing of cotton bales therefore the factory should quote their rates including cost of cloth. Accordingly, your minimum acceptable ginning rates and pressing rates or ginning and pressing rates, to be quoted on the basis of all job work to be done by factory from kapas heap to ginning and carrying of lint upto press point in case of ginning and from gin house/pala house to pressing of bales including weighment and marka etc. in case of pressing with specific details of work requirements and inputs of material as under: For Ginning Providing of required number of labourers for all stages of work beginning from kapas heap to gin house, feeding on machines, bura picking from heap to gin house, platform cleaning, role picking, cowdy and YP pickings on machine, lint picking from front and back side of machines, cotton seed cleaning and all other allied works of bora filling and its carrying / transportation upto pala house/press house in the same factory or another factory at the same centre or another centre For Pressing Providing of required number of labourers for mixing as well as cleaning of lint before feeding in the opener and pressing of bales with standard weight of 170 kg net lint with tolerance limit of + 5 kgs for all months except during March to June when the tolerance shall be of + 7 Kgs. fully covered with new iron hoops(18/19 gauge, 1/2” width) with 100% cotton cloth (20X20 count, 48X40 R&P, 127 cm width, weight 122 gms per Sq Metres) to be arranged by G&P factory, with stitching and covering of bales from all sides including top and bottom, besides handling of lint stocks beginning from opening of lint boras/boundaries till stacking of bales after marka and weighment and all other allied work during the course of pressing of lint into bales including lint opener. 46. : 6 : The net weight of a fully pressed bale should not be less than 170 kgs. However, tolerance limit of + 5 kg may be allowed for all the months except during March to June when the tolerance shall be of + 7 kg subject to the condition that the average net weight of a lot of 100 bales should not be less than 165 quintals. Suitable deductions will be made from pressing charges if the average net weight of a lot is less than 165 quintals per lot of 100 bales. However, no extra payment will be made for excess weight in the lot. 47. Rates may be specifically quoted both in numeric form and in words clearly. Tenders without quoting specific rates or with indications of negotiations on CCI rates/Government rates etc. may be rejected at the discretion of the Corporation. 48. During cotton season 2014-15, cloth will not be supplied by CCI for packing of cotton bales therefore the factory should quote their rates including cost of cloth. In case some stocks of cloth/Hessian procured by CCI is available, such stocks will be consumed first and for such eventualities, G&P rates without including cost of cotton cloth may be quoted by G&P factories separately. Thus based on the indicative job requirement and inputs of labour and material, our lowest acceptable ginning and pressing rates are as under: Processi g Type Roller Gin i) Ginning rate per quintal of kapas/lint Rs._____ (Modern Factory/Conventional) ii) Pressing rate per bale with iron hoops and with cost of 100% cotton cloth to be Rs._____ arranged by the factory. iii) Pressing rate per bale without iron hoops and with cost of 100% cotton cloth to be Rs._____ arranged by the factory. iv) Pressing rate per bale with iron hoops but without including cost of cloth. Rs._____ v) Pressing rate per bale without iron hoops and without including cost of cloth. Rs._____ Note: ¨ The specifications for iron hoops (18/19 gauge, 1/2” width) and specification of 100% cotton cloth (20X20 count, 48X40 R&P, 127 cm width, weight 122 gms per Sq Metres) should be considered while quoting above rates. ¨ It must be clearly indicated whether above rates are for Modern factory or for Conventional factory. ¨ Please strike out whichever is not applicable. ¨ The above rates are inclusive of all expenses, taxes and levies if any by Central / State Government and Local Authorities. ¨ TDS and surcharge as per Income Tax Act shall be deducted by the Corporation. ¨ PF chaan have to be submitted each month by G&P factory for the laboures deputed at their factory. I/We have gone through the detailed terms and conditions for hiring of G&P factories by the Corporation and agree to carry out the complete processing work as per standards and requirements of the Corporation. Name of the Authorized Signatory _________________________________________ Address of the factory with seal : __________________________ Signature: ________________________________ Date : ___________________________________ :7: THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED. BRANCH OFFICE : AHMEDABAD MAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS i) The tender form duly filled in, in all respects and signed by the Authorized Signatory, should be submitted in a sealed cover inscribed "Ginning and Pressing tender for cotton season 2014-15" within the stipulated time and date. Tender forms received after the stipulated time and date, are likely to be rejected. ii) All columns/row in the tender form should be filled in clearly and legibly. Tender form found as incomplete in any respect, may be rejected at the discretion of the Corporation. iii) Mere submission of the tender form does not entitle any factory to be engaged by the Corporation. The Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof. iv) Other things being equal and meeting the requirements of the Corporation, preference will be given to factories offering the lowest ginning and pressing rates. However, rates shall not be the sole criteria for engagement of factories and other factors like quality of work by the factory, extent of modernization and past performance etc., shall also be considered. v) The Corporation will consider hiring of ginning and pressing factories in the following order of preference : (a) Modernized composite G&P factories with adequate fire fighting arrangements and having certification of Textile Committee (b) Modernized composite G&P factories with adequate fire fighting arrangements (c) Composite G&P factories in MSEs / Co-operative sector / other institutions (d) Composite G&P factories with track record of good performance. (e) G&P factories willing to give their full capacity on exclusive basis to CCI. < Note : Online Modern Factories, Factories having power supply through express feeder and the Factories having diesel generator sets shall have added advantage. vi) Ginning & Pressing rates announced by the State Government, if any, under any act in force are the maximum rates. Hence it is made clear to all the parties that the CCI will pay the rate finalized with CCI or the rates fixed by State Govt. whichever is lower. vii) In the event of Corporation finalizing to hire the ginning and pressing capacity, the concerned factory will have to enter into an agreement with the Corporation in the prescribed form with acceptance of all its terms and conditions. The factory will also submit a copy of partnership deed/ memorandum of article/ memorandum of association as the case may be. :8: viii) In case the L1 tenderer refuse to work at the rates quoted by him, such factories shall not be awarded any work for at least one year i.e. next cotton season. ix) Ginning rates to be quoted by parties must be inclusive of all the work and the various stages of work specified as under :a) Carrying of graded kapas from the grading hall/heap to gin hall. b) Feeding of kapas to the gins. c) Cleaning of lint, filling into the lint boras, weighment of lint boras if any, and stacking of boras. d) Picking of roll touch and yellow picking from the lint at the time of ginning. e) Transportation of lint to the press hall and in case of Ginning unit only to Press Hall of pressing factory at the same centre or another centre. f) Carrying of seeds from the gin hall to seed godown. g) Sweeping of lint in ginning hall / factory and removing gin waste and miscellaneous items etc. to storing points. h) Weighment of lint if required. i) Any extra labour required to be deployed in the case of ginning of kapas and in emergencies and natural calamities like rain, thunder, cyclone etc. x) The ginning and pressing factory to which the ginning and pressing work for the cotton season 2014-2015 is allotted shall have to provide first loading ( i.e. loading of bales in to Trucks / Trollies / Tractors etc. after pressing of bales ) free to the corporation which means that the concerned ginning and pressing factory shall have to arrange loading of bales in to Trucks / Trollies / Tractors etc. at their cost after pressing and no extra charges shall be paid by CCI over and above the Ginning and Pressing rates for the crop year 2014-2015. xi) In case of pressing of bales, the rates quoted should be inclusive of the following: a) Unloading, carrying and stacking of the lint boras from within the factory or to be received from outside. b) Carrying and opening of lint in the lint hall. c) Pala making d) Feeding of cleaned lint into the press box. e) Removing of bales from press platforms to stacking point. f) Marking of bales. g) Weighment of bales. h) Any extra labour required to be deployed in the case of pressing of bales and in emergencies and natural calamities like rain, thunder, cyclone etc. xii) All the pages of the Tender Form as well the Terms & Conditions should be signed by the factory owner. xiii) The time and date of finalization of the tender shall be intimated separately. xiv) In case, Bidder has any query about the bidding conditions and/or bidding process - may seek comments from the Branch Office. Further in case, if any bid is rejected or a tender document is not issued to prospective Bidder - may seek the reasons for rejection from Branch Office. : 9: DECLARATION I/We hereby confirm that the above clauses have been read and noted and we agree to abide by all the above Terms and Conditions. Signature : __________________________ Name of the : _________________________ Factory owner Seal of Factory common>ginningpressing\gp2014-2015\gptender2014-15 : ___________________________
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