Gujarati Style Guide Contents What's New? ................................................................................................................................................. 4 New Topics ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Updated Topics .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 5 About This Style Guide .............................................................................................................................. 5 Scope of This Document ........................................................................................................................... 5 Style Guide Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 5 Sample Text ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Recommended Reference Material ........................................................................................................... 7 Normative References ............................................................................................................................ 7 Informative References .......................................................................................................................... 8 Language Specific Conventions ................................................................................................................... 9 Country/Region Standards ........................................................................................................................ 9 Characters .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Date ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Time...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Numbers ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Sorting .................................................................................................................................................. 19 Geopolitical Concerns .............................................................................................................................. 26 Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions ...................................................................................... 27 Adjectives ............................................................................................................................................. 27 Articles .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Capitalization ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Compounds .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Gender .................................................................................................................................................. 28 Genitive ................................................................................................................................................ 29 Modifiers ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Nouns ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Prepositions .......................................................................................................................................... 31 Common Gujarati post-positions .......................................................................................................... 31 Pronouns .............................................................................................................................................. 32 Punctuation........................................................................................................................................... 32 Singular & Plural ................................................................................................................................... 35 Split Infinitive ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Subjunctive ........................................................................................................................................... 36 Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces ........................................................................................................ 36 Syntax................................................................................................................................................... 36 Verbs .................................................................................................................................................... 36 Word Order ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Style and Tone Considerations................................................................................................................ 37 Audience............................................................................................................................................... 38 Style ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 Tone ..................................................................................................................................................... 38 Voice ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 Localization Guidelines ............................................................................................................................... 40 General Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 40 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................ 40 Accessibility .......................................................................................................................................... 41 Acronyms.............................................................................................................................................. 41 Applications, Products, and Features .................................................................................................. 43 Frequent Errors .................................................................................................................................... 43 Glossaries............................................................................................................................................. 43 Fictitious Information ............................................................................................................................ 43 Recurring Patterns ............................................................................................................................... 43 Standardized Translations.................................................................................................................... 44 Unlocalized Items ................................................................................................................................. 44 Using the Word Microsoft ..................................................................................................................... 59 Software Considerations .......................................................................................................................... 59 User Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 59 Messages ............................................................................................................................................. 68 Keys ...................................................................................................................................................... 73 Document Translation Considerations .................................................................................................... 79 Titles ..................................................................................................................................................... 79 Copyright .............................................................................................................................................. 79 What's New? Last Updated: February 2011 New Topics The following topics were added: n/a Updated Topics The following topics were updated: n/a 4 Introduction This Style Guide went through major revision in February 2011 in order to remove outdated and unnecessary content. It contains information pertaining to all Microsoft products and services. About This Style Guide The purpose of this Style Guide is to provide everybody involved in the localization of Gujarati Microsoft products with Microsoft-specific linguistic guidelines and standard conventions that differ from or are more prescriptive than those found in language reference materials. These conventions have been adopted after considering context based on various needs, but above all, they are easy to follow and applicable for all types of software to be localized. The Style Guide covers the areas of formatting, grammatical conventions, as well as language stilystic criteria. It also presents the reader with a general idea of the reasoning behind the conventions. The present Style Guide is a revision of our previous Style Guide version with the intention of making it more standardized, more structured, and easier to use as a reference. The guidelines and conventions presented in this Style Guide are intended to help you localize Microsoft products and materials. We welcome your feedback, questions and concerns regarding the Style Guide. You can send us your feedback via the Microsoft Language Portal feedback page. Scope of This Document This Style Guide is intended for the localization professional working on Microsoft products. It is not intended to be a comprehensive coverage of all localization practices, but to highlight areas where Microsoft has preference or deviates from standard practices for Gujarati localization. Style Guide Conventions In this document, a plus sign (+) before a translation example means that this is the recommended correct translation. A minus sign (-) is used for incorrect translation examples. In Microsoft localization context, the word term is used in a slightly untraditional sense, meaning the same as e.g. a segment in Trados. The distinguishing feature of a term here is that it is translated as one unit; it may be a traditional term (as used in terminology), a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph. References to interface elements really only refer to translatable texts associated with those interface elements. Example translations in this document are only intended to illustrate the point in question. They are not a source of approved terminology. Always check for approved translation in the Microsoft terminology database. 5 Sample Text શન્તડ ટ્ટલુલશફજસ યદફુણફ ,ષયળશબ ાનષ્થશ, યપણશયશણ ધુથ થં31865872 . ષયાદસાઞફશથશ ઙથથસ લશળલઢશથસ યધ બસ યશડ આજે બસ બસઍ ીઙપસ કઢશદ યપાાબથ ષયાદસાઞફશથુ . “ ષથનંત ભશંનુ ળશફાથુ યુથ કત્ઞાબ યઢારશર્સ ઐયકરફથ ડાઠા ઙ ેફશબત્ ળડુ યહષથયષલર્જસપશં યાેલત યહચ ઐધ થુભાઙ ઇથ લુલશફજસ”ભઔઔ ંઝકઢ બસ ભસતાભુ-નશથ લપશઙથા આઙથશ ઙ ઉદબઢસ ષથનંત ડા .પશાળડસથસ ત્ જભસ નતસ ભ ઓ ઘા ડા ડાઠા ઙુઈ ભસધહ ં ેઠયશ લમ ળપશં ડા દઠ ઘા ેઠા ઐછં નહહ પશઠલ બસડા તફન્તડઔડ ત્ ઙુયહ ં ડાઠા . ડા ેયયહ ં થ હ ં ુંહ ં ાણયલા ડા ઙઠા ણબત્ ેફશં ળુફ નાઝસ પંઞમસ ત્ શબઠ ઘા ેઠા નધહ ં ક હ ં ડા ેફશબત્ ઘા બત્ ુષરર .ઘા ળુફ ભ ઓ લૂથા ળત્યશથસ ણશ .ડ.જશબ ભાઓ ડબસત્ ડપશપ ભાઓ ડાથસ જશબપશં ંઈ થ હ ં ઓુમસથા યશગથા પ્રશષયડ બયશ પશઔા ઘા . “ ઍ યથા ઙુઈઍ ળુયસ પધડ પશાળડસઐ ત્ લુવજયાબ યમહ ત્ ેયયહ ં દઠ ઍ ડાઠાપધડ”થસ ાધભસ ધસ આઓબત્ ડપથા પશયસ આદા ઘા . ૈપશં ષયાદસાઞફશ ઍજલહં નધહ ં ભુષપ્રફ ઢયહ ં ત્ દશાકડશથ ષયાદસાઞફશ દઠ ઘુબસઐ યધકશષથકડશથથસબત્ ધબ બસથા ઇકભશપ ઙઔડથસ પશાળડસ ષયાદસાઞફશથા બસ દશઞયશ પશંઞસ ેફશબત્ ઍતઞ´ ભસળ થશપથશ ભાઓત્ “ત ષયાદસાઞફશ ાબયુેયહરથ”થશપનહ ં હકડ ભખયહ ં ાંહષથફશપશં ઇતજબથાજથસ ઙઔડબપશં આજે .ે જેજભસ યાનલશઈજુ ઘા . .ઘા રત્ દસબલસ પશાળડસ દઠ પૂબ ત્ પશઘસપશબ ત્ પશઠલ ઙડુ રાબસઍ ડુ ષયાદસાઞફશપશં પશમ જેપશં ષયાદસાઞફશથુ થંનબ નસજી યાનલશઈજુપશં દળત્ભુ ઘા યથા આઓબત્ આ ષયાદસાઞફશઍ ડુ ડાથશ કઢશદ ીઙપસ યાેલથા યનઙદષડ નથશતફશ ઘા ડબસ લશળલ પ્રુાધજ થુથ થાષયાદસાઞફશ.ત્ ભાઓશતયહ ં ઘા દઠ ળયા ડાથસ આૂહનશૂહ ઙુબણશબ ેળત્બઓનબુ ઘદશફ ઘા ડાઢસ ષયાદસાઞફશથસ ુપષરર્ફભ યાેયહ દશંગ યનઙ ઞુભબ ઢશફ ઘા ષયાદસાઞફુથુ . .ે બશડુબશડ ડાથા ડુ બસ રશ લંકઢશ તપીણશ થશપથસ ષયાદસાઞફશથશ યાેલા ીઙપસ ત્ ઘા નતુ ઍજભુ પ્રશયૌ બુઞ ત્ દઠ ેઠા ઘા . ઞુભબ ણશથપશં પમસ ઔફાભશઆજે ! ડાથા બષરફથ પ્રમહઓ ષપમસ પાઞફાઞય 6 ડાથા પુકુથશ પ્રમહઓા પમયશ નુભશતફુ ળડુ ુુયયહજબ ડુ ેફ ભંઞથ ત્ નોઔભુબ ત્ મહન ં ઈ યાેલ ીઙપસ યેફશબત્ . ીઙપસ યથા ઔુબ ભય ઉદપ્રમહઓ યા યપાાબશથશ .ઘા આદા શઠુ શયથશં પઘકશ ષયરા રતડશ યથા ાપડશ યહઔથસ ડ શજા બેાથશ ષપમુ ઘા )શપ ડંમસ( ઍાઞાજડઔ ભાઓુનહ ં ષયાદસાઞફશથશ .થઢસ ભાયશણત્ યશ ુઈ લશઢા ષયાિભલ ડાથા . .ઘા બત્ યુિભયતજફબુ જેજભશ ભશઓ ઍ યઔાબત્ ગાાડઔ ડાથસ ઐાધલપશં રશઆડપશં ગશબ ઙઠ ળડશ ડા યતસથા પશમ ો ઢફશ ઘા ો આજે ., ભાઓુ ષયાદસાઞફશ ઉદબ ાળતણસપશં દઠ ઙુયશ પમા ઘા . લોઞુ ગસથસ શશઐ યથા કયશળસભસ શશપશં ૈ(, ભાઓુ ુલહ યથા ) )!ભાઓુ ે( શશપશંદઠ ષયાદસાઞફશ દબ યશંગસ રશફ ઘા . ડશબસઓ :25 પસ ેતયહઆબસ 2011, લપફ :લયશબત્ 77.11 યશગ્ફા Source: Daily News Paper ‗Divyabhaskar‘ with editing Recommended Reference Material Use the Gujarati language and terminology as described and used in the following publications. Normative References These normative sources must be adhered to. Any deviation from them automatically fails a string in most cases. When more than one solution is allowed in these sources, look for the recommended one in other parts of the Style Guide. Pandurang Ganesh Deshpande - English-Gujarati Kosh Dr. Yogendra Vays – Gujarati Bhashanu Vyakaran Dr. Arvind Bhandari – Gujarati na Vibhakti Vichar Dr. Jayant Kothari – Gujatati Bhasha Parichay Pandurang Ganesh Deshpande - Gujarati-English Kosh Dr. K M Munshi - GALA‘S Advanced Dictionary Gujarat Vidhyapith -Sarth Gujarati Jodani kosh 7 Informative References These sources are meant to provide supplementary information, background, comparison, etc. Dr. Jayant Kothari – Gujarati Bhashanu Swarup Dr. Urmi Deshai – Gujarati na Ang Sadhak Pratyeyo Dr. Arvind Bhandari – Gujarati Rachana William St. Clair Tisdall – A Simplified grammar of the Gujarati Language Jayanta Ray-A REVIEW OF TERMINOLOGICAL WORK BEING DONE IN INDIAN LANGUAGES Term banks for tomorrow‘s world: Translating and the Computer 4.Proceedings of a conference ... 11-12 November 1982, ed. Barbara Snell. (London: Aslib, 1983) 8 Language Specific Conventions This part of the style guide contains information about standards specific to Gujarati. Country/Region Standards Characters Country/region India n/a Lower-case characters n/a Upper-case characters , ઓ, ઔ, ક, ખ,ગ, ઘ, ઙ, ચ, છજ, ઝ, ઞ, ટ, ઠ, ડ, ઢ, ણ, ત, થ, દ, ધ, ન, , Characters in caseless scripts પ, ફ, બ, ભ, ય, ર, , લ, ળ, મ, ા, મ ,ન, ય, આ, ઇ, ઈ, ઉ, ઊ, ઍ, , ઌ , ઐ,ઑ,એ ,ેં, ે Extended Latin characters n/a Note on alphabetical order Vowels followed by consonants. Consonants are arranged according to the manner and place of articulation in the following manner velars, palatals, retroflex, dentals, bilabials, alveolars, etc. Unaspirates are followed by aspirate sounds. Total number of characters 51 ે u0A81, ેં u0A88, ઉ Unicode codes u0A82. ે u0A83, ય u0A85, આ u0A86, ઇ u0A89, ઊ u0A8A, ઋ u0A8B, ઌ u0A8D, ઍ u0A8F, u0A90, એ u0A91, ઐ u0A93, ઑ u0A94, u0A97, ક u0A87, ઈ u0A95, ઓ u0A96, ઔ u0A98, ખ u0A99, ગ u0A9A, ઘ u0A9B, ઙ u0A9C, ચ u0A9D, છ u0A9E, જ u0A9F, ઝ u0AA0, ઞ u0AA1, ટ u0AA2, ઠ 9 u0AA3, ડ u0AA4, ઢ u0AA5, ણ u0AAA, ધ u0AA6, ત u0AA7, થ u0AA8, દ u0AAB, ન u0AAC, u0AAD, પ u0AAE, ફ u0AAF, બ u0AB0, ભ u0AB2, મ u0AB3, ય u0AB5, ર u0AB6, u0AB7, લ u0AB8, ળ u0AB9, ે u0ABC, વ u0ABD, ેશ u0ABE, ષે u0ABF, ેસ u0AC0, ેહ u0AC1, ે u0AC2, ે u0AC3, ે઼ u0AC7, ેિ u0AC8, ેી u0AC9, ેુ u0ACB, ેૂ u0ACC, ેૃ u0ACD, ૄ u0AD0, ૅ u0AE0, u0AE6, ે u0AE7, ૈ u0AC4, ેઽ u0AE8, ૉ u0AC5, ેા u0AE9, u0AEA, ો u0AEB, ૌ u0AEC, ્ u0AED, u0AEE, u0AEF, ૱ u0AF1 Notes n/a Date Country/region India Calendar/Era ઇલષયલથ ૈ00ૌ/ષયનપ લંયડ ૈ0ો્‘ૈ00ૌA.D’/ૈ0ો્ Gujarati Year First Day of the Week લુપયશબ Monday First Week of the Year Separator Default Short Date Format Example શબડ સહણ દળત્ભુ લયડશળ - (Hyphen) d-M-yy 17-3-11 Default Long Date Format dd-MMMM-yyyy Example 17-પશગા-3122 10 Additional Short Date Format 1 n/a Example n/a Additional Short Date Format 2 n/a Example n/a Additional Long Date Format 1 n/a Example n/a Additional Long Date Format 2 n/a Example n/a Leading Zero in Day Field for Short Date Format No Leading Zero in Month Field for Short Date Format No No. of digits for year for Short Day Format 2 Leading Zero in Day Field for Long Date Format No Leading Zero in Month Field for Long Date Format No Number of digits for year for Long Day Format 5 Date Format for Correspondence d-MMMM-yyyy Example 17-પશગા-3122 Notes n/a 11 d is for day, number of d's indicates the format (d = digits without leading zero, dd = digits with leading zero, ddd = the abbreviated day name, dddd = full day name) Abbreviations in Format Codes M is for month, number of M's gives number of digits. (M = digits without leading zero, MM = digits with leading zero, MMM = the abbreviated name, MMMM = full name) y is for year, number of y's gives number of digits (yy = two digits, yyyy = four digits) Note: In table we have mentioned all numerics in Gujarati script while in Software Localization English numerics are used. Time Country/region India 24 hour format No Standard time format HH:mm:ss Standard time format example 12:33:21; 12:33 Time separator colon : (ુભથ) Time separator examples "7:28:52" ;7. 28પસ .52લા. Hours leading zero No Hours leading zero example n/a String for AM designator પધ્ફશતળ યે; In general language mostly ―લયશબત્ ‟‟લયશબથશ ,is used in the place of AM. String for PM designator Notes પધ્ફશતળ દઘસ; In general language mostly ―(નદુબત્ , નદુબથશ (noon)), (લશંજે, લશંઙથશ (evening)), (બશમા, બશડા, બશડથશ, બશષમથશ (night)) is used in the place of PM. n/a 12 Days Country/region: India Day Normal Form Abbreviation Monday લુપયશબ લુપ Tuesday પંઔમયશબ પંઔમ Wednesday બહતયશબ બહત Thursday ગહરહયશબ ગહરહ Friday ુંહનયશબ ુંહન Saturday રષથયશબ રષથ Sunday બષયયશબ બષય First Day of Week:લુપયશબ Is first letter capitalized?: No Notes: n/a Months Country/region: India Month Full Form Abbreviated Form Long Date Form January ેતયહઆબસ ેતયહ. 19 ેતયહઆબસ 3122 February હ બસ ધત્બ્રઆ ધત્બ્ર.હ હ બસ3122 19 ધત્બ્રઆ March પશગા n/a 19 પશગા3122 April ઍષપ્રભ n/a 19 ઍષપ્રભ3122 May પા n/a 19 પા3122 13 June ૂથ n/a 19 ૂથ3122 July ૂહ ભશઇ n/a 19 ૂહ ભશઈ3122 August એઔકજ એઔ. 1 9એઔકજ 3122 September લયજત્ ુનબ લયજત્ . 19 લયજત્ ુનબ3122 October એતજુનબ એતજુ. 19 એતજુનબ3122 November થયાુનબ થયા. 19 થયાુનબ3122 December ાઞલાુનબ ાઞલા. 19 ાઞલાુનબ 3122 Is first letter capitalized?: No, capitalization is not applicable in Gujarati. Notes: All months cannot be abbreviated Numbers Though the Gujarati language has its own set of numerals, for convenience and comfort of the target user, it has been decided to use the English numerals for Microsoft products localization. Thus, the default numbers for this language will be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 Phone Numbers Country/ region International Dialing Code Area Codes Used? Number of Digits – Area Codes Separator Number of Digits – Domestic Digit Groupings – Domestic India 91 Yes 3-4-5(with-0) No separator used 11** (0##)2#######;( 0##)########; (0###)2######;( 0###)#######; (0####)2#####. *** Country/ region Number of Digits – Local Digit Groupings – Local Number of Digits – Mobile Digit Groupings – Mobile Number of Digits – International Digit Groupings – International India 8; 7; 6; 5 2#######; ########; 10 ########## 13** +91(0##)2##### ##; 14 2######; #######; 2##### ; 2####; ##### +91(0##)###### ##; +91(0###)2#### ##;+91(0###)## #####; +91(0####)2### ## Notes: *(1) 3 0+2 digits (for metropolitan cities, e.g. Delhi—011, Ahemdabad—079); (2) 4 0+3 digits (for other cities, e.g. Rajkot—0281, Baroda—0265);(3) 5 0+4 digits (for sub-divisions, e.g.Morbi—02822, Dhangdhara—02754) ** (1) 11 0+2 digits + 8 digits (first digit is always 2 only for BSNL network, no such specification for Tata Indicom and Reliance networks) for metropolitan cities. (2) 11 0+3 digits + 7 digits (first digit is always 2 only for BSNL network, no such specification for Tata Indicom and Reliance networks) for other cities. (3) 11 0+4 digits + 6 digits (first digit is always 2 only for BSNL network) for sub-divisions. *** (1)for metropolitan cities; (2)for other cities; (3)for sub-divisions. **** (1) 2#######; ########(for metropolitan cities); (2) 2######; ####### (for other cities); (3) 2#####(for subdivisions). Addresses Country/region: India Disclaimer: Please note that the information in this entry should under no circumstances be used in examples as fictitious information. Address Format: 1. Mr./Mrs./ Dr. First Name Last Name 2. Office Name/Company Name 3. Address Line 1 4. Address Line 2 (if required) 5. City Name 6. Taluka, District 7. Postal Code 8. State 15 9. Country Example Address:<example of above format> Sri Parthsingh Dodiya, GIDC Company, `PRUTHVI‘, Aradhana Society, Air-port Road, Rajkot. Dist. Rajkot Pin. 360001 Gujarat India Local Postal Code Format: XXX XXX Notes: Six digit codes for PIN Code Number. Currency Country/region India Currency Name શષદફુ (Rupee) Currency Symbol Currency Symbol Position It is used before the amount. i.e. શ .1,703 Positive Currency Format 1,703. 00 Negative Sign Symbol - Negative Currency Format 2-,11 .814 Decimal Symbol . Number of Digits after Decimal 3 Digit Grouping Symbol , 16 Number of Digits in Digit Grouping 4 and 3 Positive Currency Example + 21,81,400.00 Negative Currency Example 2-1,81,40011 . ISO Currency Code INR Currency Subunit Name દિલુ (Paisa) Currency Subunit Symbol n/a Currency Subunit Example 51દિલશ Note: In table we have mentioned all numeric in Gujarati script while in Software Localization English numeric are used. Digit Groups Country/region: India Decimal Separator:. Decimal Separator Description: જદકહ (tapaku) ‗dot‘ (Dot) is used as Decimal Separator which is called જદકહ (tapaku) in Gujarati. Decimal Separator Example: 52.11ા.ગ્રશ.or ‗52.11kg‘ શ.10.50or ‗Rs. 10. Thousand Separator: , Thousand Separator Description: Comma Thousand Separator Example: 7,650 Notes: n/a Measurement Units Metric System Commonly Used?: Yes Temperature: Celsius Category English Linear Measure Translation Abbreviation Kilometer ાભુપસજબ ા.પસ. Meter પસજબ પસ. 17 Capacity Mass English Units of Measurement Decimeter ઞત્લસપસજબ ઞત્.પસ. Centimeter લાતજસપસજબ લા.પસ. Millimeter પસભસપસજબ પસ.પસ. Hectoliter ળત્તજુભસજબ ળત્.ભસ. Liter ભસજબ ભસ. Deciliter ઞત્લસભસજબ ઞત્.ભસ. Centiliter લાતજસભસજબ લા.ભસ. Milliliter પસભસભસજબ પસ.ભસ. Ton જથ n/a Kilogram ાભુગ્રશપ ા.ગ્રશ. Pound દશઉતઞ n/a Gram ગ્રશપ ગ્રશ. Decigram ઞત્લસગ્રશપ ઞત્.ગ્રશ. Centigram લાતજસગ્રશપ લા.ગ્રશ. Milligram પસભસગ્રશપ પસ.ગ્રશ. Inch ઇગ n/a Feet ફૂજ n/a Mile પશઇભ n/a 18 Gallon ઔાભથ n/a Notes: Generally in Gujarati when plural term or digits are mentioned before the item, plural form of measurement should not be used. Example. English: 1 Inch, 5 Inches . Symbol of Percentage is ‗%‘. Gujarati: 1 ઇંગ 6 ,ઇંગ( not ‗ઇંગાલ)‟ Percentages Percentages are used to express how large/small one quantity is, relative to another quantity. This is mostly as used in mathematical functions.Symbol of Percentage is ‗%‘. Sorting Sorting methods are of two types ‗Ascending‗ and ‗descending‘. i.e. ‟નપા ગટડશ„ and .‟નપા ઉડબડશ„ Rules for sorting in Gujarati: 1. In the first place the sorting order will start with vowels ય, આ,ઇ, ઈ, ઉ, ઊ, ઍ, , ઐ, ઑ, અં, ય the words starting with vowels will then be combined along with the consonants in their alphabetical order , ઓ, ઔ, ક, ગ, ઘ, ઙ, ચ, જ, ઝ, ઞ, ટ, ઠ, ડ, ઢ, ણ, ત, થ, દ, ધ, ન, , પ, ફ, બ, ભ, ય, ર, , લ, ળ, મ, ા, ન Sorting rules 2. The consonants will be combined with first primary vowels and will be arranged in their alphabetical order. 3. Then the consonants will be combined with secondary symbols of the vowels. 4. Then the consonants will be combined with consonants according to alphabetical order i.e. cluster formation. 5. Then the consonants will be combined with the secondary symbols of the consonants. 6. The additional vowel characters like ેંanusvara,ঃ visarga, ঁ chandrabindu, will follow the primary vowels in both the places where full vowel is written and even when secondary vowel symbol is written. Character sorting order Vowels - ય, આ,ઇ, ઈ, ઉ, ઊ, ૅ,ઍ, , ઐ, ઑ, અં, ય . consonants - , ઓ, ઔ, ક, ગ, ઘ, ઙ, ચ, 19 જ, ઝ, ઞ, ટ, ઠ, ડ, ઢ, ણ, ત, થ, દ, ધ, ન, , પ, ફ, બ, ભ, ય, ર, , લ, ળ, મ, ા, ન ે ેં ે ય આ ઇ ઈ ઉ ઊ ઋ ઌ ઍ એ ઐ ઑ ઓ ઔ ક ખ ગ ઘ ઙ ચ છ જ ઝ ઞ ટ ઠ ડ ઢ ણ ત થ દ ધ ન 2689 2690 2691 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2701 2703 2704 2705 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2730 2731 2732 2733 20 પ ફ બ ભ મ ય ર લ ળ ે વ ેશ ષે ેસ ેહ ે ે ે઼ ેઽ ેા ેિ ેી ેુ ેૂ ેૃ ૄ ૅ ે ૈ ૉ ો ૌ ્ Examples of sorted words 2734 2735 2736 2738 2739 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2759 2760 2761 2763 2764 2765 2768 2784 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 Sorting guidelines for Gujarati alphabets: ય– યનબસ અં અંઔ 21 આ– આં આં– આંઓ ઇ ઇથશપ ઇં – ઇંજ ઈ– ઈરશથ ઉ ઉત્ભ ઉં – ઉંજ ઊ– ઊઝ હ ં ઋ – ઋતહ ઍ – ઍ એં એંરસ – શ્વફા ઐ– ઐઔઠસલ ઓં ઓંડશ હ ં ઑ ઑત અં અંકહબ ય -In Gujarati there is no word which starts with ય ઞશજ ઓ ઓઓઞશજ ઔ ઔઔથ ક– કઉં ખ - In Gujarati there is no word beginning with ખ ગ ગઔશય હ ં ઘ ઘજશણશબ ઙ ઙજશ ચ– ચજુ જ જટ્ટશબ ઝ ઝદુ ઞ ઞપશ ટ ટપટપ ઠ -In Gujarati there is no word beginning with ઠ ડ ડપશગુ ઢ ઢઞ ણ ણબત્ ત તપશય હ ં થ થપકશબ દ દબણત્ ર ધ ધબતહ ં ન નબધ બપશ -હ ં પ પબ હ ં ફ ફર 22 બ બષય ભ ભલઠ ય -યસહતશ ર રશલથ ોુઠ લ લલલહં ળ – ળલતહ ં મ –In Gujarati Gujarati there is no world beginning with મ ા ાષમફ મ – મશઙ હ ં ન– નશથસ @ Aaron Aaron andere andere ändere chaque chaque chemin chemin cote cote coté coté côte côte côté côté čučēt čučēt Czech Czech Hiš hiša irdisch irdisch lävi lävi 23 lie lie lire lire llama llama lõug lõug Löwen lòza lòza Lübeck Lübeck luč luč luck luck lye lye Männer Männer màšta màšta mîr mîr möchten möchten myndig piña piña pint pint pylon pylon sämtlich sämtlich šàran 24 šàran savoir savoir Šerbūra Šerbūra Sietla Sietla ślub subtle subtle symbol väga väga verkehrt verkehrt vox vox waffle waffle wood wood yen yen yuan yuan yucca yucca ţal ţal ţena ţena Ţenēva Ţenē a zoo zoo Zürich Zürich 25 Zviedrija Zviedrija zysk zysk zzlj zzlj zzlz zzlz zznj zznj zznz zznz Geopolitical Concerns Part of the cultural adaptation of the US-product to a specific market is the resolving of geopolitical issues. While the US-product should have been designed and developed with neutrality and a global audience in mind, the localized product should respond to the particular situation that applies within the target country/region. Sensitive issues or issues that might potentially be offensive to the users in the target country/region may occur in any of the following: Maps Flags Country/region, city and language names Art and graphics Cultural content, such as encyclopedia content and other text where historical or political references may occur Some of these issues are relatively easy to verify and resolve: the objective should be for the localizer to always have the most current information available. Maps and other graphic representations of countries/regions and regions should be checked for accuracy and existing political restrictions. Country/region, city and language names change on a regular basis and need to be checked, even if previously approved. A thorough understanding of the culture of the target market is required for checking the appropriateness of cultural content, clip art and other visual representations of religious symbols, body and hand gestures. Guideline As country/region and city names can change, please use the most up-to-date Gujarati list for every release of your product. 26 Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions This section includes information on how to apply the general rules of the Gujarati language to Microsoft products and documentation. Adjectives In Gujarati adjectives are used to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified. Example: 1. આ ધશઇભ ખ ન પુજસ ઘા . (This file is too large.) Possessive adjectives The frequent use of possessives is a feature of English language. In Gujarati too, possessive adjectives are used frequently. Examples of Possessive adjectives are : હ ં ઠસથા ,ડાઠસનહ ં ,દુડશથા ,દુડશથસ ,દુડશનહ ં ,ડાથા ,ડાથસ ,. પશરહંડ ,બત્ પશ ,પશબસ ,પશબશ ,ેાનડા Example: 1. આ ધશઇભ પશબશ ધુેઞબપશં મ ુ. (Put this file in my folder.) 3 આ ડાથસ શબ ઘા . (This is his car.) Articles General considerations Articles are not used in Gujarati Language. When In English there is ‗a door‘, in Gujarati we will say only ‗ણબયશઙુ .‟But in general translation to denote singular item, like ‗a file‘ or ‗a folder‘ we use ‗ ઍ ધશઇભ ‟or ઍ„ ‟ધુેઞબ. Unlocalized Feature Names Microsoft product names and non-translated feature names are used without definite or indefinite articles in the English language. We treat them as it is. i.e. in English. Example: 1. Microsoft Draw 2. Microsoft Word 3. Microsoft PowerPoint Localized Feature Names Localized feature names are written in the Gujarati script, but almost always transliteration is only used since there are no separate names for those products to be used for the target region. 27 Example: 1. Calculator (ત્ેયહભાજબ) 2. Notepad )થુજદાઞ( 3. WordPad )યઞા દાઞ( Articles for English Borrowed Terms When faced with an English loan word previously used in Microsoft products, consider the following options: Motivation: Does the English word have any formally motivated features that would allow a straightforward integration into the noun class system of Gujarati language? Analogy: Is there an equivalent Gujarati term whose article could be used? Frequency: Is the term used in other technical documentation? If so, what article is used most often? The internet may be a helpful reference here. As there is no articles are used in Gujarati Language, but when English terms are used like a file, an item, a folder etc. to give the language flavour and for better sentence formation, the term like ‗ઍ ‟ુઈ ,are used for ‗a‘ and ‗an‘. Example: 1. ુઈ ધશઇભ ખ જત્ ઘા . (A file is missing.) Capitalization This section does not apply to Gujarati. Compounds Generally, compounds should be understandable and clear to the user. Overly long or complex compounds should be avoided. Keep in mind that unintuitive compounds are ultimately an intelligibility and usability issue. In Gujarati to compound words or verbs ‗યથા ‟થા„ ‟ડઢશ„ ,‟are used. Example (+): 1. રસાભાઓ યથા દશણભાઓથા ગશલહ બુ. (Turn headers and footers on.) 2.ઓુભુનહ ં ગફથ બુ યથા ડા દઘસ ધશઇભનહ ં થશપ ભઓુ. (Select Open and then enter the file name.) Gender Gujarati distinguishes among three genders. They are masculine, feminine and neuter. 28 Generally the masculine marker is –o as inઘુબુઔભુન ,, feminine marker is –i or –a as in ઘુબસ ,રાબસ ,and નશમશ and neutral marker is -uN as inઘુરહં. Example: 1. ઘુબુ ણુઞસ બહ્યુ ઘા . (Boy is running.) – Masculine 2. ઘુબસ ણુઞસ બળસ ઘા . (Girl is running.) – Feminine 4. કહ ડરહ ઊંકસ બહ્હં ઘા . (Dog is sleeping.) – Neutral But this rule also has some exceptions. We cannot blindly follow this to determine the gender of any object. Like in Microsoft product localization, we use feminine gender for ‗file‘ and neuter for ‗folder‘. Example : આ ધશઇભ ડપશબશ ુયયહજબ દબ ખહેભસ ઘા - Feminine ઘા પુજુ ખ ન ણકડશયાઙ આ - Masculine ડા ધુેઞબ તશં નસે કઢશથ દબ ઓલાઞયશપશં આતયહ ં ઘા . - Neuter Genitive Genitive case in Gujarati (Possessive case or Second case). This is used as per object‘s gender or verb. In Gujarati the genitive case markers are: - થસ થશ,નહ,ં થુ,. Examples: 1. થસ, - આ યઞા થસ ધશઇભ ઘા . 2. થુ, - આ ડપશબસ ધશઇભથુ ઞત્જશ ઘા . 3. નહ,ં - આ લશઇભનહ ં જશફબ ઘા . 4. થશ, -ડા ઘુબુ ાણયલથશ ઊંકા ઘા યથા બશડથશ યશંગા ઘા . The genitive marker agrees with the following noun and not with the noun to which it is attached. Convention 1 (e.g. Attaching a genitive "s" to (trademarked) product names is not feasible, as it could be interpreted as a modification of such names.) Example: Microsoft Office Word = It is protocol to write as ―Microsoft Office Word‖, not as Microsoft Office Word‘s. 29 Modifiers Grammatical modifier, an adjective or adverb that changes the meaning of a noun, pronoun or verb; limits the meaning.In Gujarati there is no different modifier, but the terms which used in the place of modifier is known as adjective or adverb, hence it describes of limits the meaning of noun, pronoun or verb. Example: 1. ડાઠા દાથ હળવેથી નાઔપશં મ તુ. (She kept the pen gently into the bag.) 2. ડા ઍ સદ ું ર કબ ળતહ.ં (It was a nice house.) Nouns Many languages differentiate between different noun classes based on features such as animacy, shape, gender, and so on. English loan words must be integrated into the noun class system of your language. When faced with an English loan word not previously used in Microsoft products, consider the following options: Motivation: Does the English word have any formally motivated features that would allow a straightforward integration into the noun class system of your language? Analogy: Is there an equivalent Gujarati term that could be used to justify the noun class the noun gets assigned to? Frequency: Is the term used in other technical documentation? If so, what noun class is it assigned to most often? The Internet may be a helpful reference here. If the choice of noun class is left up to you, ensure that you provide consistent translations within the Microsoft product. Please consult with your translation team lead and team members to decide what noun class to assign. English example Gujarati example Delete it from server. Enter a password to log into the server DNS cannot resolve the server IP address (+) ડાથા લયાબપશંઢસ ળજશયુ. (+) લયાબપશં ભીઔઈથ બયશ દશલયઞા ણશઓભ બુ. (+) DNSલયાબ IP લબથશપશથા ઉત્ભસ રતહ ં થઢસ. Inflection The examples below show how English loanwords inflect for number in Gujarati. English example Gujarati example Clients (+) તભશફંજલ Websites Downloads Proxies (+) યાનલશઇજલ (+) ઞશઉથભુઞલ (+) પ્રુતલસલ 30 Plural Formation In Gujarati, marker –o or matra –o is added to denote plural form of noun. Simple plural nouns are like ઘુબશ-ઘુબશઐ (Character ‗o‘ is added) ઘુબસઐ-ઘુબસ ણભશભુ-ણભશભ (Matra ‗o‘ is added in last character) ઙયશનઙયશનુSometimes when plural term like „many‟, „ number of‟ or „digits‟ used before noun, singular form of the noun should be used. Example: English example Gujarati example All frames individually (+) નતસ કત્પ યભઔયભ- Keep the most &recent files only (+) ધતડ લૂઢસ યધહ ડશજેડબથસ ધશઇભુ બશઓુ 7 documents are already in that folder. (+) ડા ધુેઞબપશં દળત્ભશઢસ ઙ .ઘા ણકડશયાઙ 8 Prepositions Gujarati has no preposition, only post-position. The post-positions in Gujarati are like prepositions English but they are placed behind the noun or pronoun. Common Gujarati post-positions ઢસ, ઢસ, યઞત્, પશંઢસ, દ્વશબશ, થુ, થસ, નહ, થશ, પશં, ઉદબ, થસગા, આઔમ, દશઘમ US-English expression Gujarati expression migrate to (+) ડબધ કઢમશંડબ Migrate from (+) યળીંઢસ કઢમશંડબ import to (+) ડબધ આફશડ import from (+) યળીંઢસ આફશડ export to (+) ડબધ ષથશલ export from (+) યળીંઢસ ષથશલ update to (+) ઢસ યદઞત્જ upgrade to (+) ઢસ યદગ્રાઞ change to (+) ઢસ નણભ હ ં Comment 31 click on (+) દબ ાભ connect to (+) ઢસ ઙુઞ હ ં welcome to ... (+) પશં કયશઔડ Pronouns Gujarati has personal pronouns for the first and second persons, while its third person system uses demonstrative bases, categorized deictically as proximate and distal. Gujarati has inclusive and exclusive we's with ―આદઠા ’’and “યપા”. Example: 1. ડપા આ યાનલશઇજ દબ લશઇથ ઇથ બસ રુ ઘુ. (You may sign in to this website.) 2. ગશભુ આદઠા ઙઈઍ. (Let‘s we go – Inclusive we) 3. યપા ઙઈઍ ઘસઍ. (We are going – Exclusive we) Punctuation This section explains how to use Gujarati-specific punctuation in place of the US-English punctuation found in the source interface and content. Please follow the following basic rules for the use of punctuation marks in Gujarati. If your language uses a character set that is based on the Latin alphabet, make sure to include a space after commas and periods. Comma Comma is used as a separator when several names or items are written consecutively and also short pauses. It also used as a separator in numerals. Do not use a space for this purpose as a space separates the numeral from the abbreviation. Example: 1. લુપયશબ બબહતયશ ,પંઔમયશબ, (Space used after comma) 2. 672382 (Space not used after comma) Colon Colon informs the reader that the following proves explains or simply provides elements of what is referred to before. Example: 1. નથશતફશથસ ડશબસઓ 3122/4/28: (Date of creation: 17/03/2011) 2. લશઇજથસ સ ગસ થસગા મ ઙન ઘા . (List of Sites are as follows:) 32 Dashes and Hyphens Dash used to combine nouns. Hyphen The hyphen is used to divide words between syllables, to link parts of a compound word, and to connect the parts of an inverted or imperative verb form. Example ઈપાભઞશઉથ-પુદ En Dash The en dash is used as a minus sign, usually with spaces before and after. En dash A dash smaller than an em dash but usually longer than a regular hyphen, the en dash is often used in place of the word "to" such as Example: પમયશથુ લપફ6-21: The en dash is also used in number ranges, such as those specifying page numbers. No spaces are used around the en dash in this case. Example: દશથશ 22-5 (pages 4-11) Em Dash The em dash should only be used to emphasize an isolated element or introduce an element that is not essential to the meaning conveyed by the sentence. Example: 1. ડપા ઙ ઍ ષપમ ઘુ–ઍપશમ ષપમ–જેઠા પથા પણણ પશજત્ ઘ્હં .You are the friend—the only friend—who offered to help me. Ellipses (Suspension Points) Use ellipsis marks when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Example: 1. ઔશંતસજીથશ યતફ ઍ સહયશતપશં ઙઠશયશયહ ં ઘા ત્ ‗પશથયડશપશંઢસ ડપશબત્ ષયશ્વશલ ગહપશયયુ થઙુઇઍ, પશથયડશ ઍ લશઔબ ઘા , લશઔબથશ યમહ િનડાંહઐ પાભશં ળુફ ડુ આઓુ લશઔબ પાભુ ઢઇ ઙડુથઢસ.‘ 33 2. ઔશંતસજીથશ યતફ ઍ સહયશતપશં ઙઠશયશયહ ં ઘા ત્ ‗પશથયડશપશંઢસ ડપશબત્ ષયશ્વશલ ગહપશયયુ થઙુઇઍ .. (First is the full sentence, while the second one is with Ellipses) Period Period is used to denote the end of a sentence, as a full stop. Example: 1. પશરહં શફા યળીં ઠા ઢયહ.ં (Full stop) Please adhere to the following guidelines when determining whether to include a period at the end of a list or table entry: If bulleted items are complete sentences: each ends with a period. If bulleted items continue an introductory clause: do not use a period. For items in a list (chapters, sections, products, system requirements, etc.) that are neither sentences nor continuations of sentences, do not use a period. If your translation is longer than the US text, or if you split your translation into several independent sentences, use common sense and insert a period if it improves the Gujarati style. Never put a period after just one word. The same convention applies to instruction lists, captions, and callouts. Quotation Marks Please follow the following basic rules for the use of quotation marks in Gujarati. Two types of quotation marks are used in Gujarati language 1. Single Quotation Marks ‘‘ 2. Dabble Quotation Marks ““ ‘‘ Used to denote either speech or a quotation and it is also used for names of books, buildings, movies etc. ““ Used to denote either speech or a quotation For example 1. ઔશંતસજી ળત્ડશ ળડશ ત્ : ―ળંપારશ લેફથુ આગ્રળ બશઓુ‖ 2. ઔશંતસજી ળત્ડશ ળડશ ત્ : ‗ળંપારશ લેફથુ આગ્રળ બશઓુ‘ 3. ઞી ફુઔાતવ્ તફશલથશ .હકડુપશંઢસ ‗નુભસષયનશથ યથા ગહઙબશડથસ નુભસઐ‘ ,‗ગહઙબશડસ શશનહ ં તફશબઠ‘,‗સભસથસ ારુબઢશઐ‘ યથા ‗લશપશીઙશશષયનશથ‘ મહખફ ઘા . 34 Parentheses In English, there is no space between the parentheses and the text inside them. Same rule is followed in Gujarati language also. Example: થયશ જૅનપશં ઓુભુ (Ctrl+Enter) – (Open in new tab (Ctrl+Enter)) Singular & Plural In Gujarati there are two numbers, Singular and Plural. Noun‘s plural form is denoted by marker –o or by adding o matra to the last character. Verb should be changed according to singular and plural. See examples, Examples ઘુબુ ષથરશમા ઔફુ. (Singular) ઘુબશઐ ષથરશમા ઔફશ. (Plural, Verb form changed) આજે પશબસ રશમશપશં બે ઘા . (Singular) આજે નતસ રશમશઐપશં બે ઘા . (Plural) આ સહણબ ં ફૂભ ઘા . (Singular) આ સહણબ ં ફૂભુ ઘા . (Plural) લશબુ ઘુબુ. (With singular adjective) લશબશ ઘુબશઐ. (With plural adjective) નશમ બપસ બહ્હં ઘા . (Singular) નશમુ બપસ બહ્યશ ઘા . (Plural, Verb form changed) Split Infinitive Though some Gujarati sentences use split infinitives, and at places there may be a nice fine-tuning of some sentence or an emphasis may be corrected by using a split infinitive, software localizers should rather avoid split infinitives in Gujarati in order for the sentences to remain simple for the target user. Thus, one must try to make shorter and less complicated sentences rather than be inclined to use a split infinitive to correct the emphasis. 35 Subjunctive No special concerns about subjunctives needs to be addressed for the scope of MS product localization since it is very unlikely that such translations will be required for the purpose of software. Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces There are no particular concerns about symbols in the Gujarati localization of MS products. Example: It is not a practice to include a non-breaking space during localization of MS products in Gujarati. Moreover, there is little need for doing the same. Non-breaking spaces are needed in order to keep some words together, so that an automatic line-break at any white space character does not leave them in different lines of text (e.g. the word 5 MB should not appear as the number ‗5‘ at the end of one line and ‗MB‘ at the beginning of the next line. They should rather be together to make their sense). In Gujarati, we may remove the white space character in case of some quantitative expressions to keep consecutive words together. For example, 5 MB may be written as 5MB to prevent their breaking-away. In HTML text, the non-breaking space may be created by using instead of white space. Example: 5km 5 km Syntax Syntax and register differ between Gujarati and English in the following ways: 1. Difference #1: Generally Gujarati sentence syntax is revert from English. Gujarati sentence starts from the second part of English source. See an example for this. Example: ઉદફુઔડશા ડબધઢસ ુઈદઠ ઇથહજ યઔબ કઢશદથશ ગભશયુ. (Run the installation without any input from the user.) - Here ‗without any input from the user‘ will translated first and then the first part of the sentence ‗Run the installation‘ will be take place. Verbs Be consistent in how you translate verbs in error messages. If it is grammatical to omit the predicate ―be‖ in your language, you can omit it in error messages, but you should be consistent in your usage across all error messages. Be concise without changing the meaning of the source string. 36 Some verbs are used with the transliterated term of English. In this case only ‗બ હ ં ‟is added with the source transliterated term. Example: English example Gujarati examples (with ‘to’) Gujarati examples (with ‘ed’) Gujarati examples (with ‘ing’) chat (+) ગઽજ બ હ ં (+) ગઽજ યહા (+) ગઽજ રહં છં crawl (+) નુભ બ હ ં (+) નુભ યહા (+) નુભ યહા debug (+) ઞસનઔ બ હ ં (+) ઞસનઔ યહા (+) ઞસનઔ રહં છં Continuous operations are usually expressed in English with a gerund, which should be translated into Gujarati as a first form shown in the above table. When it will be used as a topic heading like chatting, debugging… translated as ગઽજ બ ,હ ં ઞસનઔ બ .હ ં Even verb (with ‗ing‘) used in headings are translated in Gujarati as first form of table. Example: 1. ઍ ઍશઉતજ ઓુભ .હ ં (Open an account) 2. પાલાતઙબ દ્વશબશ ગાજ બ હ ં (Chatting through the messenger) Word Order In linguistic typology, Subject Object Verb (SOV) is the type of languages in which the subject, object, and verb of a sentence appear or usually appear in that order. This order is followed in Gujarati language also. Example: 1. પળષર્ ફુઔ બત્ ઘા . 2. લંધ્ફશ ઔશફથ રસઓા ઘા . Style and Tone Considerations This section focuses on higher-level considerations for audience, style, tone, and voice. 37 Audience When translating the product, please keep in mind that the audience is most important and there are all categories of people among them. From children to old age user, and both male and female. So sentence should be consistent for all. Example: (-) ઉદફુઔડશા ળયા એથભશઇથ ઢફુઢઈ (User is now online.) (+) (User is now online.) Style In Gujarati we used polite style for audience. The style of writing should be polite, honorable and friendly so that reader will comfortable with it. Example: કદફશ આ યશડનહ ં ધ્ફશથ બશઓરુ. થળસ નડશયરુ ધબસ પથા સ ગથશ આ. Tone Depending upon the context / person to whom one is addressing, tone of ‗you‘ may be translated as ‗તહ‘ં – ‗તને‘ (intimate inform.) ‗તમે‘ - ‗તમને‘ (polite Hon.) ‘આદ‘ - ‘આદથા‘(formal Hon.) Examples: તહ ં તશં ેફ ઘા ? (Intimate informs, Non Hon.) ડથા ભઓડશં આયઞત્ ઘા . (Intimate informs.) ડપા થઔબરાઝ ઘુ (polite Hon.) તમને પા તશં ઙુફશ ઘા (polite Hon.) આદ ઙબશ યળીં આયરુ. (Formal Hon.) આદથા પા તશં ઙુફશ ઘા . (Formal Hon.) The honorific singular forms are generally the same as the non honorific plural. In technical translation we use ‗ડપા‟ for ‗you‘ because this is honorific for both male and female. Please see more information about Windows Tone for Windows Live here. 38 Voice "You" should be translated as ‗ડપા‘. This form is not gender specific so it can be used for boy and girl both. Even it is respectful and friendly so do not feel odd to read. Example: English Translation You are now connected to the Internet. ળયા ડપા ઇતજબથાજઢસ થાતજ ઢફશ ઘુ. 39 Localization Guidelines This section contains guidelines for localization into Gujarati. General Considerations Localization is more than the process of simply translating a product for a specific international market. Localization includes the adaptation of the product to the language, standards, and cultural norms of a particular country or region, as well as the accommodation of the requirements and expectations of a specific target group. Main thing to keep in mind when translating the source, translation should be with the flavor of original language. The intention of the source sentence should be carried without changing the meaning of the source. Abbreviations Common Abbreviations You might need to abbreviate some words in the UI (mainly buttons or options names) due to lack of space. This can be done in the following ways: The following table lists common Gujarati expressions and their associated, acceptable abbreviations. List of common abbreviations: Dictionary usage લં. લંનશ ાન.ાનફશ ાન .ષય.ાનફશષયરાઠ લયાથશલયાથશપ. હલેભુઔ.હ ર્સિભડઔ .ર્સ થહલ ં િભડઔ .થ ષયરાઠ .ષયરા ‗noun‘ ‗verb‘ ‗adverb‘ ‗pronoun‘ ‗masculine‘ ‗feminine‘ `neuter‘ `adjective‘ Geographical / Directional ઉ. ઉત્તબ ‗north‘ ણ .ણિાઠ ‗south‘ યા`East‘ દ .દલચગપ`West‘ 40 Administrative / Commercial કહ ં. ંદથસ ‗company‘ ષલથસ .ષલથસફબ‗senior‘ . ષ્ઝ‗page‘ શ .શષદફશ `money‘ Matrimonial usage ઊં .ઊંગશઈ‗height‘ ભં .ભંનશઈ `length‘ દ .દળુમશઈ`breadth‘ લબ .પા .લબશબસ પાગશબસ‗Government employee‘ ઞીઞીતજબ .‗Doctor‘ ઇઙ .ઈલતઙથસફબ‗engineer‘ Measurements લા .લાલેલફલ‗Celsius‘ ા .પસ.ાભુપસજબ‗kilometer‘ લા .પસ.લાતજસપસજબ ‗centimeter‘ ા .ગ્રશ.ાભુગ્રશપ‗kilogram‘ ગ્રશ .ગ્રશપ‗gram‘ Accessibility Microsoft provides people with disabilities (single-handed or with hearing or motion disabilities) with more accessible products and services. These may not be available in India. Please check with your Microsoft contact and remove these references from Gujarati text if necessary. Acronyms Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term. Some well-known examples are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), or RAM (Random Access Memory). In Gujarati acronyms are formed by taking the first letter or the first syllable of the word. Localized Acronyms (+) શઙદશ દશજપ ઙથડશ શબડસફ (+) નલદશ લપશઙયશણસ નહઙ હ થ –દશજપ 41 List of common acronyms: (+) યહથાકુ યહથશઇજત્ ઞ થારતલ ઍજ્યહત્રથભ લશઇતજસધસ ઍતઞ ેગબભ ઐઔાથશઇચારથ‗UNESCO‘ (+) યહષથલાધ યહથશઇજત્ ઞ થારતલ ઇતજબથારથભ િગેપતલ ઇપર્જતલસ ધંઞ‗UNICEF‘ (+) ઞનેયહઍગઐયેઞા ળત્ેઢ ઐઔાથશઇચારથ‗WHO‘ (+) દુજશ ષપ્રયાતરથ ઐધ જત્ બાબકજ ઐઔાથશઇચારથ`POTA‘ (+) નશફ યહ ઍતઞ બસભસધ ગશઇેઞ `CRY‘ Caution: Do not include a generic term after an acronym or abbreviation if one of the letters in the acronym stands for that term. Even though this might occur in the US-English version, it should be ―corrected‖ in the localized version. The following examples show the redundancy in red for English terms. (-) RPC call (-) HTML language (-) TCP/IP-Protocol (-) PIN Number In online help or documentation, spell out the words that comprise an acronym or abbreviation the first time that acronym is used in the text. You should include the language-specific translation, the US term, and the acronym as in the following example: (+) ઞત્જશ ઍતલાલ ઐબ્જજેતજલ ઞસઍઐ,(Data Access Objects, DAO) (+) ઍયતજયાતલ ઞત્જશ ઐબ્જજેતજલઍઞસઐ,(ActiveX Data Objects, ADO) Unlocalized Acronyms Many acronyms are standardized and remain untranslated. They are only followed by their full spelling in English if the acronym needs to be explained to the speakers of a different language. In other cases, where the acronym is rather common, adding the fully spelled-out form will only confuse users. In these cases, the acronym can be used on its own. The following list contains examples of acronyms and abbreviations that are considered commonly understood; these acronyms and abbreviations should not be localized or spelled out in full in English: ANSI (American National Standards Institute) ISO (International Standards Organization) ISDN DOS DSL CD DVD 42 If you are unsure what an acronym or abbreviation stands for or refers to, please contact the Moderator responsible for this Style Guide. Applications, Products, and Features Application/product names are often trademarked or may be trademarked in the future and are therefore rarely translated. Occasionally, feature names are trademarked, too (e.g. IntelliSense™). Before translating any application, product, or feature name, please verify that it is in fact translatable and not protected in any way. Frequent Errors Product name should not be localized until the special instructions not given for doing so. Variables and place holders are appropriate as per source term, and it should be well placed in target language. Example: 1. (Inserts an ActiveX Object.) (-) ઍયતજય ઍતલ એબ્જજેતજ લશપાભ બત્ ઘા . (+) ActiveX એબ્જજેતજ લશપાભ બત્ ઘા . (+) . (-) Specified in the box is not valid. . "%1!ws!" પશતફ થઢસ .The name "%1!ws!" Glossaries You can find the translations of terms and UI elements of Microsoft products at Microsoft Language Portal ( Fictitious Information Fictitious content is legally sensitive material and as such cannot be handled as a pure terminology or localization issue. Below is some basic information and contact points when dealing with fictitious content: Vendors and Localizers are not allowed to create their own fictitious names. You must either use the source names or use the list of legally approved names. Please contact your product team representative for further information on how to deal with fictitious companies, names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. in your product. For technical products, you may also check with the product team representative whether localized fictitious content is required or not (e.g. Visual Studio). Recurring Patterns This section does not apply toGujarati. 43 Standardized Translations There are a number of standardized translations mentioned in all sections of this Style Guide. In order to find them more easily, the most relevant topics and sections are compiled here for you reference. Gender Genitive Style and Tone Considerations Unlocalized Items Trademarked names and the name Microsoft Corporation shouldn‘t be localized. A list of Microsoft trademarks is available for your reference at the following location: Words Comments .Net logo Access database software Active Accessibility programming interfaces tools Active Desktop interface item Active Directory directory service ActiveMovie application programming interface ActiveStore retail technology architecture ActiveSync Technology ActiveX technologies, platform, controls, scripting, server framework Advisor FYI personalized financial guidance Aero desktop experience Age of Empires video game Age of Mythology video game 44 Amalga software for healthcare Ask for Genuine Microsoft Software computer software Authenticode Technology AutoRoute road atlas AutoRoute Express road atlas AutoRoute Plus professional road atlas Azurik video game Bankshot Billiards video game BattleTech game universe BitLocker drive encryption Bizspark Technology BizTalk Server Blinx video game Blood Wake video game Blue Dragon video game Bookdings Font Brute Force video game BugLight IT pro technology Calibri Font Cambria Font Candara Font Carbonated Games video games 45 Cariadings Font ClearType display technology Consolas Font Constantia font Convection font Convergence Conference Corbel Font Cortana action figure Crackdown video game Crimson Skies video game DataTips pop-up information DaunPenh Font Dexterity Software Digital Anvil video games Direct3D application programming interface DirectAnimation application programming interface DirectBand wireless technology DirectDraw application programming interface DirectInput application programming interface DirectMusic application programming interface DirectPlay application programming interface DirectShow application programming interface 46 DirectSound application programming interface DirectX application programming interface DreamSpark Technology DreamScene visualization technology Drivatar AI technology Encarta multimedia encyclopedia/online encyclopedia Encarta logo (graphic only) Ensemble Studios Games Entourage e-mail and personal information manager ESP visual simulation platform Excel spreadsheet software Exhibition demo disc Expression design software Expression Blend design software FASA Studio video games Finty Flush video game FlexGo prepaid and subscription technology Fluent user interface Forefront client security Forza Motorsport video game Fox head logo Freelancer video game 47 Fringer video game FRx Software Fuzion Frenzy video game GameSpring subscription service Game with Fame Event Genuine Advantage Logo Georgia Font Gisha Font Great Plains Software Groove Software Habu gaming mouse Halo video game Halo logo Halo Wars video game Halo 2 logo HDCD audio enhancement technology HDCD logo HealthVault healthcare website technology HealthVault logo Hexic video game High Road to Revenge video game Hotmail web-based e-mail service 48 HotStart Technology Hyper-V Technology Imagine Cup logo Infinite Undiscovery video game InfoPath information-gathering program Inkseine computer search engine software IntelliMirror management technologies IntelliMorph Software IntelliMouse pointing device IntelliSense Technology IntelliShrink text compression system Internet Explorer internet browser Iskoola Pota Font It‘s Mr. Pants video game Jawbreaker video game JScript development software Kung Fu Chaos video game Laser Technology logo LifeChat Headset LineDrive mapping feature Lionhead video game Lionhead logo 49 Lips video game Live Mesh logo Lost Odyssey video game MapPoint business mapping software Marine Mania video game Master Chief action figure Maximum Chase video game MechAssault video game MechCommander video game MechWarrior video game Mediaroom multimedia software platform Mediaroom logo MedVault computer software for medical database/storage Microsoft Software Microsoft Auto logo Microsoft Digital by Choice logo Microsoft Dynamics business software Microsoft Dynamics logo Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools logo Microsoft Game Studios logo Microsoft Internet Explorer logo (graphic only) Microsoft .NET Connected logo 50 Microsoft Points logo Microsoft Press Books Microsoft Surface software and touch computing platform Microsoft Surface logo Midtown Madness video game Monster Truck Madness video game MorphX Software Motocross Madness video game Mozaki video game MS computer software MS-DOS operating system MSDN developer program MSN network of Internet services MSN logo (butterfly) MultiPoint Technology Natural keyboard mouse Navision Software NavReady Software Nina Font Ninety-Nine Nights video game Office logo (puzzle design) 51 Office logo OneCare computer protection and maintenance software and services OneCare logo OneNote note-taking program OpenType font technology Optical Technology logo OptiMatch game matchmaking system Outlook messaging and collaboration client Outlook Launch Icon (2007) OutSmart online game Passport logo People Ready business software Perfect Dark Zero video game PerformancePoint business intelligence software PGR video game Phantom Dust video game Photosynth Technology Photosynth logo PinPoint online business marketplace PivotChart dynamic views PivotTable dynamic views 52 PlayFX suite of audio enhancement technologies PlayReady content access technology PlaysForSure logo interoperability and compatibility logo Popfly Technology PowerPoint presentation graphics program PowerPointLaunch Icon (2007) ProClarity business analysis software Project Gotham Racing video game Quantum Redshift video game Rally device connectivity service Rare video game Rare logo Reader logo ReadyBoost Technology ReadyDrive Technology Reclusa gaming keyboard Response Point phone system software Response Point logo Rise of Legends video game Rise of Nations video game Rise of Perathia video game RoundTable communications and archival system 53 RP Stylized computer hardware/software for voice over IP services Sabre Wulf video game SeaDragon Technology Security Shield logo Segoe Font Shadowrun video game SharePoint team services portal server services ShapeSheet shape extensibility SideGuide wi-fi access service SideShow Technology SideShow logo SideWinder joystick game pad computer mice keyboard SideWinder logo Silverlight browser plug-in browser plug-in development tool Silverlight logo SkyDrive storage technology SmartArt Graphics Smarter Hospitality technology architecture Smarter Retailing retail technology architecture 54 SmartShapes Symbols Sneakers video game SoftGrid Technology Softricity Technology Software Jukebox logo Songsmith Software Spaces logo Spaces for our World social causes program SportsLounge streaming technology Starlancer video game Starts Here multimedia training series SteadyState technology for multiple computers Sudeki video game SuperFetch memory management technology SQL Server database software Tahoma Font Tao Feng video game Terminal Services RemoteApp network software The Age of Kings video game The Code Room entertainment services The Hive and Design The Time Sweeper video game 55 TrueSkill matchmaking ranking Turn 10 video games Ultimate Play the Game logo Verdana Font Virtual Earth mapping software Visio drawing and diagramming software Visual Basic development system Visual C++ development system Visual C# development tool Visual FoxPro database development system Visual InterDev web development system Visual J++ development system, development system for the Java language Visual J# development tool Visual SourceSafe version control system, version control software Visual Studio development system Visual Studio logo (graphic only) Viva Piñata video game Voodoo Vince video game Webdings Font Whacked! video game Win32 application programming interface 56 Windows operating system Windows Calendar icon Windows Cardspace identity selector Windows Contacts icon Windows DVD Maker icon Windows Flare logo Windows Game icon Windows Live network of internet services Windows Live Call Button logo Windows Live Messenger icon (single) Windows Live Messenger icon (double) Windows Live OneCare logo Windows logo (aka the flag logo, graphic only) Windows logo (the 2002 edition) Windows Mail icon Windows Marketplace icon Windows Media technologies, player Windows Media Player Icon Windows Meeting Space Icon Windows Mobile Software Windows Movie Maker Icon Windows NT operating system 57 Windows Photo Gallery Icon Windows PowerShell command line interface Windows Server operating system Windows Server System integrated server software Windows Sidebar Icon Windows start button Windows Start logo (design) Windows Update Icon Windows Vista operating system WinFX application programming interface Wingdings Font Word Launch Icon (2007) WMV/HD logo Xbox video game system Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system Xbox Authentic Product logo Xbox LIVE online game service Xbox LIVE logo Xbox "Ring of Light" logo Xbox "Sphere" logo Xbox "X" logo XL design (aka the "Microsoft Excel logo") 58 XNA development platform XNA logo xRank search feature Your Potential. Our Passion. Zoo Tycoon video game Zune digital media player Zune logo Using the Word Microsoft In English, it is prohibited to use MS as an abbreviation for Microsoft. In Gujarati word Microsoft is used as it is, not abbreviated and not localized or transliterated in UI and text. Example: Microsoft online service is temporarily unavailable. (-) પશઇનુલીવજ એથભશઇથ લાયશ યકઢશફસ શદા યનહદભબ્જત ઘા . )+( Microsoft એથભશઇથ લાયશ યકઢશફસ શદા યનહદભબ્જત ઘા . Software Considerations This section refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes, etc., which should be consistently translated in the localized product. Refer to for a detailed explanation of the Windows user interface guidelines (English).Localizers have to check for latest glossary of terms. They can even get help in this case from User Interface This refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes, etc., which should be consistently translated in the localized product. These all are explained below : 59 Main Menus Main menus are the menus that appear at the top of the user interface. Main menus typically include File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, Help etc. Example: Source New Open Save Save as Print Send Publish Close Copy Paste Insert Table View Reference Find full screen Translation થ હં ઓુભુ લશગયુ આ શદપશં લશગયુ મહવ્ઠ પુભુ પ્રશષરડ બુ નંત બુ પ્રષડિભષદ નથશયુ ગઘજશઞુ લશપાભ બુ ુષ્જ ાંશ્ફ લંણા રુતુ ઠા કનસથ Here in all the translations nouns and verbs have been used. Wherever noun and verb forms cannot be used adjectives can be made use of. 60 Menu Items and Commands 61 Examples: English Translation Grammatical categories Save As… (+) આ શદપશં લશગયુ... Verb Print… (+) મહાવ્ડ બુ… Verb Select All (+) નતશનહ ં ગફથ બુ Verb Open (+) ઓુભુ Verb Close (+) નંત બુ Verb Save (+) લશગયુ Verb Cut (+) શદુ Verb Copy (+) પ્રષડિભષદ બુ Noun Paste (+) ગઘજશઞુ Verb Stop (+) બુુ Verb Refresh (+) ડશૂહ બુ Verb Merge Cells (+) ુ પર્જ બુ Verb Exit (+) નળશબ થસમુ Verb Links (+) િભડતલ Noun Home Page (+) મહઓ ષ્ઝ Noun 62 Static text Examples: English Translation Print more than one copy (+) ઍઢસ યધહ પ્રષડિભષદ મહાવ્ડ બુ File Name (+) ધશઇભનહ ં થશપ Enter page number (+) ષ્ઝ નપશં ણશઓભ બુ Text to display (+) પ્રણષરર્ડ બયશથુ દશઝ Not in dictionary (+) રબ્જણુપશં થઢસ Cannot start line (+) દંન્તડ પ્રશબં બસ રશડસ થઢસ Search Text (+) દશઝ રુતુ Search for function (+) ધંતરથ પશજત્ રુતુ Evaluation (+) મ ેફશંથ Column Input Cell (+) કડં ઇથહજ ુ 63 Validation Rule (+) પશતફડશ ષથફપ Description (+) યઠાથ Verify (+) ગશલુ Server name (+) લયાબનહ ં થશપ Find what (+) ુંહ ં રુત હ ં ઘા Replace with (+) આથસ લશઢા નણભુ Type in the keyword to find (+) રુતયશ પશજત્ સયઞા પશં ભઓુ Mailing Address (+) પાિભડઔ લબથશમહ ં Password to open (+) ઓુભયશ પશજત્ દશલયઞા Dialog Box Titles Dialog titles should be consistent with the menus items or menu commands that call them. Typically, menus are nouns and verbs, therefore dialog titles should be nouns and verbs. Examples: UI Category English Translation Menu Item Split cells (+) ુ ષયતડ બુ Dialog Title Split cells (+) ુ ષયતડ બુ 64 The parts of speech of the menu items correspond to the dialog titles. Parity is maintained, mostly nouns are used. Group Box Titles Typically, group box titles should use noun forms. Examples: English Boders and shadows Printing Options Page Border Table Properties Effects Search Options Character spacing Translation (+) ાથશબસઐ યથા પ્રશયુ (+) મહવ્ઠ ષયેદુ (+) ષ્ઝ ાથશબસઐ (+) ુષ્જ ગહઠતપો (+) પ્રશયુ (+) રુત ષયેદુ (+) યઠા અંડબ 65 Check boxes Typically, check boxes should be sentences having the present indefinite verb form in third person (honorific), active voice. Buttons 66 Dialog Box Tabs Lists Boxes/Tables 67 Use parallel language for UI elements that are parallel in function, such as lists and tables. Make sure to make all items: Similar in form. Use the same part of speech. For example, make them all begin with an infinitive verb, or make them all Noun/Gerund, or make them all imperative verbs. English Translation Do not include original message (+) મ મ લંણત્ર લશપાભ બરુ થળીં Include original message text (+) મ મ લંણત્ર લશપાભ બરુ Attach original message (+) મ મ લંણત્ર લંભગ્થ બુ Messages Localization of the messages should be formal and user-friendly. It should be easy to understand. Example: (+) ભઓડશથસ લશઢા ઙ સ ગથુથસ રુતથા ગશલહ બુ. (Turn on search suggestions as you type) Status Messages What is a Status Bar Message? A status bar message is an informational message about the active document or a selected command as well as about any active or selected interface item. Messages are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window when the user has chosen a menu, a command or any other item, or has started a function. The status bar messages refer to actions being performed or already complete (for example in Outlook below). 68 Gujarati Style in Status bar Messages In English, the status bar messages have different forms dependent on the information they must convey. In Gujarati, menu and commands status bar messages should follow the format below. Name Gujarati Name Category English Status Bar message Gujarati Status Bar message Edit (+) લંદશણથ menu Contains editing commands (+) લંદશણથ આણત્ રુ તબશયા ઘા (+) ધુેઞબ દબ પ્રષડિભષદ Copy to Folder... નથશયુ... (+) ગફષથડ આઇજુલથસ menu Copies the selected items to a new location થયશ કઢશથ દબ પ્રષડિભષદ નથશયા ઘા New action process (+) થ હ ં (+) ાનફશ (+) પ્રાનફશ command Creates a new document question Make object visible? status Word is converting the document. Press Esc to stop. (+) ઍ થયુ ણકડશયાઙ નથશયા ઘા (+) એબ્જજેતજ ાં શ્ફપશથ નથશયસઍ? (+) Word ણકડશયાઙથા શદશંડાબડ બસ બહ્હં ઘા નંત . પશજત્ બયશEsc ણનશયુ. view (+) ાં શ્ફ menu Datasheet View (+) ઞત્જશદમ ાં શ્ફ active (+) લાનફ command Done (+) ઠા ઢયહ ં 69 The importance of standardization In the US product you can often find messages that are phrased differently even though they have the same meaning. In Gujarati version, there is also slight different style is used for the same meaning. Like shows below: English term Correct Gujarati translation Press F1 to get Help (+) પણણ પામયયશ પશજત્ F1 ણનશયુ If you want Help press F1 To get Help press F1 Not enough memory (+) દફશા યડ પાપબસ થઢસ. Insufficient memory There is not enough memory Save changes to %1? (+) ુંહ ં ડપા %1 થશ દાબયડાથુથા લશગયયશ પશંઔુ ઘુ? (full form) Do you want to save changes to %1? Error Messages What Is An Error Message? Here is an example: Error messages are messages sent by the system or a program, informing the user that there is an error that must be corrected in order for the program to keep running. For example, the messages can prompt the user to take an action or inform the user of an error that requires rebooting the computer. 70 Gujarati Style in Error Messages It is important to use consistent terminology and language style in the localized error messages, and not just translate as they appear in the US product. Here also localization should be user-friendly so that they can easily understand what to do, to avoid this error, or to correct the error. Standard Phrases in Error Messages When translating standard phrases, standardize. Note that sometimes the US uses different forms to express the same thing. In Guajarati slight different style is used to saying the same thing. As in English ―not enough‖ and ―insufficient‖ is used, same in Gujarati ―દફશાયડ થઢસ”and “યદફશાયડ”is used. Sense of both the words is same but different forms are used. Examples: English Cannot … Could not … Failed to … Failure of … Translation રશતહ ં થઢસ... રશયહ ં થઢસ... બયશપશં ષથષ્ધમ બહ્હ.ં .. થસ ષથષ્ધમડશ... Example Comment File can not be saved. File could not be saved. Failed to connect Failure of connect રુતસ રશતહ ં થઢસ... Cannot find … Could not find … Unable to find … રુતસ રશયહ ં થઢસ... રુતયશપશં યાપ... Unable to locate … Cannot find driver software Could not find driver software Unable to find driver software Unable to locate driver software રુતયશપશં યાપ... 71 દફશા યડ પાપબસ થઢસ Not enough memory Insufficient memory There is not enough memory There is not enough memory available પાપબસ યદફશા યડ ઘા No sufficient memory on disk દફશા યડ પાપબસ થઢસ. Not enough memory on disk દફશા યડ પાપબસ ઉદભબ્જત No enough memory is available on disk થઢસ ... is not available ….ઉદભબ્જત થઢસ ... enough space is not available ... is unavailable ઘા યનહદભબ્જત... ... enough space is unavailable Error Messages Containing Placeholders When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace the placeholder. This is necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase. Note that the letters used in placeholders convey a specific meaning, see examples below: %d, %ld, %u, and %lu means <number> %c means <letter> %s means <string> Examples of error messages containing placeholders: "Checking Web %1!d! of %2!d!" means "Checking Web <number> of <number>". "INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "<string>" section". Placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase, depend on that sentences should be localized grammatically correct. To make the sentence grammatically correct, sometimes you have to change the place of the placeholders. Example: Your password will be expired on %d. (where the placeholder %d denotes the date) (+) ડપશબશ દશલયઞા થસ લપફલસપશ %d થશ બુઙ લપશયડ ઢશફ ઘા . 72 Keys The keyboard is the primary input device used for text input in Microsoft Windows. For accessibility and efficiency, most actions can be performed using the keyboard as well. While working with Microsoft software, you use keys, key combinations and key sequences. In English, References to key names, like arrow keys, function keys and numeric keys, appear in normal text (not in small caps). Names of keys appearing on keyboard should not be translated. Example: ALT, CTRL, END, ENTER, ESC, HOME, INS, NUMPAD ENTER, NUM LOCK, BACKSPACE, BREAK, CAPS LOCK, CLEARALT, CTRL, END, ENTER, ESC, HOME, INS, NUMPAD ENTER, NUM LOCK, BACKSPACE, BREAK, CAPS LOCK, CLEAR, ALT, CTRL, END, ENTER, ESC, HOME, INS, NUMPAD ENTER, NUM LOCK, BACKSPACE, BREAK, CAPS LOCK, CLEAR Names of the keys appearing on keyboard should not be translated Access Keys/Hot keys Sometimes, there are underlined or highlighted letters in menu options, commands or dialog boxes. These letters refer to access keys (also known as hot keys) that allow you to run commands, perform tasks, etc. more quickly. Gujarati is the official language of Gujarat and is spoken in Gujarat, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan. The script used for Gujurati is Nagari which closely resembles Hindi which uses Devanagari Script. Gujarati is a variant of Devanagari script differentiated by the loss of the characteristic horizontal line running above the letters and by a small number of modifications in the remaining characters. 73 Suggestion: To Localize using same hotkeys as used in Hindi Except for the loss of the characteristic horizontal line running above the letters, Gujarati keyboard layout is very similar to Devanagiri (Hindi, Marati, Konkani) keyboard layout. Hence we can use the same localized hotkeys used in the Devanagiri script as the language and the script are both similar with subtle difference with respect to hot key terms. Hence we maintain consistency among 4 languages namely Hindi, Marathi, Konkani and Gujarati. Hot Key Special Options Usage: Is It Allowed? Notes "Slim characters", such as I, l, t, r, f can be used as hot key Yes Yes, hot key can be assigned to these characters. Characters with down strokes, such as g, j, y, p and q can be used as hotkeys No No, generally in Gujarati this type of character is used for ‗matras‘, and that cannot be used as hot key. Extended characters can be used as No hotkeys No, hotkeys cannot be assigned. An additional letter, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkeys Yes Yes, hotkeys can be assigned. A number, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkey Yes Yes, hotkeys can be assigned. A punctuation sign, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkey No Punctuation signs are not used for hotkeys. 74 Duplicate hotkeys are allowed when no other character is available Yes If there is no alternate, duplicate hotkeys are allowed. No hotkey is assigned when no yes more characters are available (minor options only) If no more character are available for hotkeys, duplicate hotkeys are allowed. Additional notes: In Punjabi only the primary characters can be used as hot keys. Even secondary symbols when added to consonants cannot be used as hot keys. List of characters suitable as hot keys ન, ળ, ઔ, ણ, ઙ, ઞ, દ, બ, , ડ, ગ, જ, પ, થ, ય, ભ, લ, ફ Arrow Keys The arrow keys move input focus among the controls within a group. Pressing the right arrow key moves input focus to the next control in tab order, whereas pressing the left arrow moves input focus to the previous control. Home, End, Up, and Down also have their expected behavior within a group. Users can't navigate out of a control group using arrow keys. Numeric Keypad It is recommended that you avoid distinguishing numeric keypad keys from the other keys, unless it is required by a given application. In case which keys to be pressed is not obvious, provide necessary explanations. Shortcut Keys Shortcut keys are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes used to perform defined functions in a software application. Shortcut keys replace menu commands and they are sometimes given next to the command they represent. In opposition to the access keys, which can be used only when available on the screen, shortcut keys can be used even when they are not accessible on the screen. Standard Shortcut Keys US Command US English Shortcut Key Gujarati Command Gujarati Shortcut key General Windows Shortcut keys Help window F1 પણણ ષયડઞુ F1 75 Context-sensitive Help Shift+F1 લંણા-લંયાણસ પણણ Shift+F1 Display pop-up menu Shift+F10 દીદબુ પ્રણષરર્ડ પાન યદ- Shift+F10 Cancel Esc બણ બુ Esc Activate\Deactivate menu bar mode F10 પાન નશબ પુઞ લાનફબુ ષથયષ્નફ/ F10 Switch to the next primary application Alt+Tab આઔભસ મહખફ ઍલયભત્રથ દબ ન્કયગ Alt+Tab Display next window Alt+Esc આઔભસ ષયડઞુ પ્રણષરર્ડ બુ Alt+Esc Display pop-up menu for the window Alt+Spacebar ષયડઞુ પશજત્ ન હ ં દીદ પ્રણષરર્ડ પાન યદ- Alt+Spacebar Display pop-up menu for the active child window Alt+- Display property sheet for current selection Alt+Enter Close active application window Alt+F4 Switch to next window within (modelesscompliant) application Alt+F6 Capture active window image to the Clipboard Alt+Prnt Scrn Capture desktop image to the Clipboard Prnt Scrn Access Start button in Ctrl+Esc બુ બુ લાનફ ગશઇેઞ ષયડઞુ પશજત્ ન હ ં દીદ યદ- Alt+- બુ પ્રણષરર્ડ પાન યડાપશથ ગફથ પશજત્ ગહઠતપા દમ Alt+Enter પ્રણષરર્ડ બુ લાનફ ઍલયભત્ રથ ષયડઞુ નંત બુ Alt+F4 Alt+F6 લાનફ ષયડઞુથસ ઘનસ લતભદનુઞા દબ Alt+Prnt Scrn ત્યગબ બુ ઞત્કજીદ ઘનસથા લતભદનુઞા દબ ત્યગબ Prnt Scrn બુ શફાદટ્ટસ દબ પ્રશબં નજથથા ઌતલાલ Ctrl+Esc 76 taskbar બુ Display next child window Ctrl+F6 આઔભસ ગશઇેઞ ષયડઞુ પ્રણષરર્ડ બુ Ctrl+F6 Display next tabbed pane Ctrl+Tab આઔલહં જૅન બત્ લ હં ધભ પ્રણષરર્ડ બુ Ctrl+Tab Launch Task Manager and system initialization Ctrl+Shift+Esc શફા લંગશભ યથા ષલકજપ Ctrl+Shift+Esc ઇષથષરફભશઇચબ રશ બુ File Menu File New Ctrl+N થયસ ધશઇભ Ctrl+N File Open Ctrl+O ધશઇભ ઓુભુ Ctrl+O File Close Ctrl+F4 ધશઇભ નંત બુ Ctrl+F4 File Save Ctrl+S ધશઇભ લશગયુ Ctrl+S File Save as F12 ધશઇભ આ શદપશં લશગયુ F12 File Print Preview Ctrl+F2 ધશઇભ મહવ્ઠ યશા યભુથ Ctrl+F2 File Print Ctrl+P ધશઇભ મહાવ્ડ બુ Ctrl+P File Exit Alt+F4 ધશઇભઢસ નળશબ થસમુ Alt+F4 Edit Menu Edit Undo Ctrl+Z લંદશણથ યાયતૃ બુ Ctrl+Z Edit Repeat Ctrl+Y લંદશણથ ધબસ બુ Ctrl+Y Edit Cut Ctrl+X લંદશણથ શદુ Ctrl+X Edit Copy Ctrl+C લંદશણથ પ્રષડિભષદ બુ Ctrl+C 77 Edit Paste Ctrl+V લંદશણથ ગઘજશઞુ Ctrl+V Edit Delete Ctrl+Backspace લંદશણથ ળજશયુ Ctrl+Backspace Edit Select All Ctrl+A લંદશણથ નતશનહ ં ગફથ બુ Ctrl+A Edit Find Ctrl+F લંદશણથ રુતુ Ctrl+F Edit Replace Ctrl+H લંદશણથ નણભુ Ctrl+H Edit Go To Ctrl+B લંદશણથ યળીં ેઐ Ctrl+B Help Menu Help F1 F1 પણણ Font Format Italic Ctrl+I ઇજશિભ Ctrl+I Bold Ctrl+G કશટહં Ctrl+G Underlined\Word underline Ctrl+U બત્ ઓશંાડબત્ ઓશંાડ રબ્જણ/ Ctrl+U Large caps Ctrl+Shift+A પુજશ યાબુ Ctrl+Shift+A Small caps Ctrl+Shift+K થશથશ યાબુ Ctrl+Shift+K Paragraph Format Centered Ctrl+E પધ્ફપશં Ctrl+E Left aligned Ctrl+L ઞશના લંબત્િઓડ Ctrl+L Right aligned Ctrl+R ઙપઠા લંબત્િઓડ Ctrl+R Justified Ctrl+J નંતનાલતહ ં Ctrl+J 78 Document Translation Considerations Document localization may require some specific considerations that are different from software localization. This section covers a few of these areas. Titles In English the titles for chapters usually begin with "How to …" or with phrases such as "Working with …" or "Using …". In the Gujarati version of Microsoft documentation, titles are used like “ણકડશયાઙથુ ઉદફુઔ ત્ યસ બસડા બયુ ”or“ણકડશયાઙથુ ઉદફુઔ .”Generally ‗બયુ ‟બ હ ,are used for headings. Example: ―How to use Application‖ (+) ઍલયભત્ રથથુ ઉદફુઔ ત્યસ બસડા બયુ Copyright Copyright protection is granted to any original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from which it can be perceived, reproduced, or communicated. 79
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