Gujarati Range: 0A80–0AFF This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 7.0 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See for an up-to-date list of errata. See for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 7.0. See for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 7.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 7.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 7.0, online at, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, and #45, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See and A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation. Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts. See for a list. Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts. The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s). The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site. See and Copyright © 1991-2014 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 0A80 Gujarati 0A8 0A9 ઐ ઠ 0 0A90 1 3 $ૢ 0AC2 0AE2 0AB2 $ઃ ઓ ણ ળ $ૃ 0A93 0AA3 0AB3 0AC3 ઔ ત $ૄ 0AA4 0AC4 $ૣ 0AE3 અ ક થ વ $ૅ 0A95 0AA5 0AB5 0AC5 આ ખ દ શ ૦ 0AB6 0AE6 0A96 0AA6 ઇ ગ ધ ષ $ે ૧ 0AC7 0AE7 ઈ ઘ ન સ $ૈ ૨ 0AC8 0AE8 0A97 0A98 0AA7 0AA8 0AB7 0AB8 હ $ૉ ઉ ઙ 0AB9 0A99 0AC9 ૩ 0AE9 ઊ ચ પ ૪ 0AAA 0AEA 0A9A ઋ છ ફ 0A8B 0A9B 0AAB $ો ૫ 0ACB 0AEB ઌ જ બ $઼ $ૌ ૬ 0ACC 0AEC ઍ ઝ ભ ઽ $્ ૭ 0ACD 0AED 0A8C 0A8D 0A9C 0A9D 0AAC 0AAD 0ABC 0ABD ઞ મ $ા E ૮ 0ABE 0AEE એ ટ ય $િ ૯ 0A9E F 0AF0 ઢ લ $ૂ 0A8A D 0AE0 0AA2 0A89 C 0AD0 0A82 0A88 B 0AC0 $ં 0A87 A ર $ી ૐ ૠ ૰ 0AB0 0AE1 0A86 9 0AF ૡ ૱ 0A85 8 0AE 0AC1 0A91 0A94 7 0AD $ુ 4 6 0AC 0AA1 0A83 5 0AA0 0AB $ઁ ઑ ડ 0A81 2 0AA 0AFF 0A8F 0A9F 0AAE 0AAF 0ABF The Unicode Standard 7.0, Copyright © 1991-2014 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 0AEF 0AF1 0A81 Gujarati 0AF1 Various signs 0A81 $ઁ GUJARATI SIGN CANDRABINDU 0A82 $ં GUJARATI SIGN ANUSVARA 0A83 $ઃ GUJARATI SIGN VISARGA Various signs 0ABC $઼ GUJARATI SIGN NUKTA • for extending the alphabet to new letters 0ABD ઽ GUJARATI SIGN AVAGRAHA Independent vowels 0A85 અ GUJARATI LETTER A 0A86 આ GUJARATI LETTER AA 0A87 ઇ GUJARATI LETTER I 0A88 ઈ GUJARATI LETTER II 0A89 ઉ GUJARATI LETTER U 0A8A ઊ GUJARATI LETTER UU 0A8B ઋ GUJARATI LETTER VOCALIC R 0A8C ઌ GUJARATI LETTER VOCALIC L • used with Sanskrit text 0A8D ઍ GUJARATI VOWEL CANDRA E 0A8E " <reserved> 0A8F એ GUJARATI LETTER E 0A90 ઐ GUJARATI LETTER AI 0A91 ઑ GUJARATI VOWEL CANDRA O 0A92 " <reserved> 0A93 ઓ GUJARATI LETTER O 0A94 ઔ GUJARATI LETTER AU Dependent vowel signs 0ABE $ા GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AA 0ABF $િ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN I • stands to the left of the consonant 0AC0 $ી GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN II 0AC1 $ુ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN U 0AC2 $ૂ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN UU 0AC3 $ૃ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R 0AC4 $ૄ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR 0AC5 $ૅ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA E 0AC6 " <reserved> 0AC7 $ે GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN E 0AC8 $ૈ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AI 0AC9 $ૉ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA O 0ACA " <reserved> 0ACB $ો GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN O 0ACC $ૌ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AU Consonants 0A95 ક GUJARATI LETTER KA 0A96 ખ GUJARATI LETTER KHA 0A97 ગ GUJARATI LETTER GA 0A98 ઘ GUJARATI LETTER GHA 0A99 ઙ GUJARATI LETTER NGA 0A9A ચ GUJARATI LETTER CA 0A9B છ GUJARATI LETTER CHA 0A9C જ GUJARATI LETTER JA 0A9D ઝ GUJARATI LETTER JHA 0A9E ઞ GUJARATI LETTER NYA 0A9F ટ GUJARATI LETTER TTA 0AA0 ઠ GUJARATI LETTER TTHA 0AA1 ડ GUJARATI LETTER DDA 0AA2 ઢ GUJARATI LETTER DDHA 0AA3 ણ GUJARATI LETTER NNA 0AA4 ત GUJARATI LETTER TA 0AA5 થ GUJARATI LETTER THA 0AA6 દ GUJARATI LETTER DA 0AA7 ધ GUJARATI LETTER DHA 0AA8 ન GUJARATI LETTER NA 0AA9 " <reserved> 0AAA પ GUJARATI LETTER PA 0AAB ફ GUJARATI LETTER PHA 0AAC બ GUJARATI LETTER BA 0AAD ભ GUJARATI LETTER BHA 0AAE મ GUJARATI LETTER MA 0AAF ય GUJARATI LETTER YA 0AB0 ર GUJARATI LETTER RA 0AB1 " <reserved> 0AB2 લ GUJARATI LETTER LA 0AB3 ળ GUJARATI LETTER LLA 0AB4 " <reserved> 0AB5 વ GUJARATI LETTER VA 0AB6 શ GUJARATI LETTER SHA 0AB7 ષ GUJARATI LETTER SSA 0AB8 સ GUJARATI LETTER SA 0AB9 હ GUJARATI LETTER HA Virama 0ACD $્ GUJARATI SIGN VIRAMA Various signs 0AD0 ૐ GUJARATI OM Additional vowels for Sanskrit 0AE0 ૠ GUJARATI LETTER VOCALIC RR 0AE1 ૡ GUJARATI LETTER VOCALIC LL 0AE2 $ૢ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L 0AE3 $ૣ GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL Reserved For viram punctuation, use the generic Indic 0964 and 0965. 0AE4 " <reserved> → 0964 । devanagari danda 0AE5 " <reserved> → 0965 ॥ devanagari double danda Digits 0AE6 0AE7 0AE8 0AE9 0AEA 0AEB 0AEC 0AED 0AEE 0AEF ૦ ૧ ૨ ૩ ૪ ૫ ૬ ૭ ૮ ૯ GUJARATI DIGIT ZERO GUJARATI DIGIT ONE GUJARATI DIGIT TWO GUJARATI DIGIT THREE GUJARATI DIGIT FOUR GUJARATI DIGIT FIVE GUJARATI DIGIT SIX GUJARATI DIGIT SEVEN GUJARATI DIGIT EIGHT GUJARATI DIGIT NINE Abbreviation sign 0AF0 ૰ GUJARATI ABBREVIATION SIGN Currency sign 0AF1 ૱ GUJARATI RUPEE SIGN • preferred spelling is 0AB0 ર 0AC2 $ૂ 0AF0 ૰ The Unicode Standard 7.0, Copyright © 1991-2014 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved.
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