From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 1992 80: 2326-2335 Evidence that multiple myeloma Ig heavy chain VDJ genes contain somatic mutations but show no intraclonal variation MH Bakkus, C Heirman, I Van Riet, B Van Camp and K Thielemans Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. Evidence That Multiple Myeloma Ig Heavy Chain VD J Genes Contain Somatic Mutations But Show No Intraclonal Variation By Marleen H.C. Bakkus, Carlo Heirman, Ivan Van Riet, Ben Van Camp, and Kris Thielemans To investigate whether somatic hypermutation occurs in multiple myeloma (MM) lg VH region genes, we have cloned and sequenced the expressed VH genes from five cases of MM. The sequences were obtained after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on total RNA isolated from the bone marrow, using 5‘ VH family-specific leader and 3’ Cy- or Ca-specific primers. MM-specific CDR3 oligonucleotides were produced to isolate VHgenes expressed by the malignant plasma cells. In all five cases, the productive lg gene used the vH3 family. Extensive sequence analysis of multiple independent M13 clones showed no intraclonal variation with no evidence for ongoing somatic hypermutation in MM VH region genes. We were able to identify possible germline counterparts of the expressed VHgenes in two cases. Comparison of these genes shows that the MM VH region genes have somatic mutations characteristic for an antigen-driven process. In the other three cases, no close homology could be found with published vH3 sequences. These findings implicate that, in MM, clonal proliferationtakes place in a cell type that has already passed through the phase of somatic hypermutation. 0 1992 by The American Society of Hematology. T matic mutations of the expressed Ig genes has been found through the study of follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma B cells.1*J2Studies comparing the sequences of the Ig repertoire, expressed by clonally related tumor cells, have shown the presence of extensive amino acid variability within the hypervariable regions (or CDRs) while silent mutations, not leading to amino acid changes, were observed in the FRs.~’.’~ These data are reminiscent of the observations made during the immune response in experimental animals, and might suggest that the antigen receptor of these malignant B cells is subject to the same control mechanisms or selective forces that preserve the overall structure of their membrane Ig. The elucidation of these selective forces could provide important information about the growth control of these low-grade malignancies. For these reasons, other B-cell malignancies have been studied in an effort to find mutations of their Ig genes. None could be found in B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (B-ALL),13B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL; except for a small CD5subset in which intraclonal diversity has been demonstrated),14-17or Burkitt’s lymphoma.1s We have recently reported serologic evidence (now confirmed by sequencing data, manuscript in preparation) for somatic mutations in hairy cell 1e~kemia.l~ Somatic mutations of the Ig genes have been shown in a few examples of human autoantibodies20-23 and in an anti-idiotype antibody involved in the regulation of the immune response against rabies virus.” We have extended this survey of B-cell malignancies to multiple myeloma (MM). This B-cell neoplasia is characterized by a clonal expansion, mainly in the bone marrow (BM), of malignant plasma cells producing high amounts of IgG or IgA.2s,26In a number of cases, the antigen specificity of this monoclonal Ig could be determined as an autoantigen. Only a few present specificity for foreign antigen.*’ If an antigen would indeed play a role in the expansion of a B-cell clone that develops into MM, one might expect to find somatic mutations in the expressed Ig genes. Moreover, it is suggested that the precursor cells of MM are derived from the memory B-cell If this is the case, one also would expect to find somatic mutations in the differentiated plasma cells. We have used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to amplify the tumor VH genes from MM BM samples. We present here the nucleotide sequences of the VDJ genes of two IgA and three IgG myeloma patients. HE DIVERSITY of the antibody repertoire is created by a number of molecular mechanisms: (1) joining of different variable (V), diversity (D; in heavy chain only), and joining (J) gene segments; (2) junction diversity and N-sequence additions; (3) pairing of heavy and light chains to form a functional protein; and (4)somatic hypermutation throughout the V regions.’ The mechanism of somatic hypermutation is still unknown. There are several observations that indicate that a specific mechanism is involved because: (1) the frequency of somatic mutation (estimated at W3/bp/generation) is too high to be caused by a spontaneous p r o c e s ~ ~and , ~ ;(2) mutations are only found in the rearranged IgV regions and not in the constant regions.4*s The hypermutation mechanism seems to be activated only at a specific stage in the B-cell differentiation pathway and contributes to the maturation of the Ig repertoire during the late primary and secondary immune response.2 It has been suggested that the process is turned on when B cells enter the memory compartment after stimulation by antigen and that it is active only during avery limited period of time.6-s A shift in the repertoire towards high-affinity antibodies is thus created by a strong selective force that allows amino acid replacements in the complementarity determining regions (CDRs) and suppresses such mutations in the framework regions ( F R S ) . ~ , ~ , ’ ~ Most of our understanding of the contribution of somatic mutations to the antibody repertoire comes from animal studies in which the immune response can easily be manipulated. However, in the human system, evidence for soFrom the Department of Hematology-Immunology,Medical School of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium. Submitted December 2,1991; accepted June 30, 1992. Supported in part by the Ministety of Science (concerted action), the Fund for Medical Research (NFWO), and the “Sportvereniging tegen Kanker. ” K.T. is a research associate of the NFWO. Address reprint requests to Kris Thielemans,MD, PhD, Department of Hematology-Immunology, W B , Laarbeeklaan 103/E, 1090 Brussels, Belgium. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement”in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section I734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1992 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-497119218009-0009$3.00/0 2326 Blood, Vol80, No 9 (November l), 1992:pp 2326-2335 From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 2327 STRUCTURE OF MULTIPLE MYELOMA VH GENES Table 2. Nucleotide Sequences of Primers Used in PCR Reactions MATERIALS AND METHODS BM samples. BM aspirates were obtained from five MM patients. Mononuclear cells (MNC) were isolated from these samples by Ficoll-Hypaque (1.077 kg/L; Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) density centrifugation. The degree of marrow plasmacytosis was defined by immunologic staining for cytoplasmic Ig heavy and light chains as d e s ~ r i b e d . ~ ~ Table 1 summarizes the clinical and laboratory data of the five patients used in this study. DNAIRNA isolation. High molecular weight DNA and total RNA were coextracted from the BM cells by a guanidine isothiocyanate method with cesium chloride modification?O Amplification and sequencing of the myeloma CDR3 regions. Total RNA (5 pg) was reverse transcribed using an oligo d(T) primer and the cDNA synthesis kit from BRL (Life Technologies, Ghent, Belgium) in a 5O-kL reaction volume. The first-strand cDNA was drop-dialyzed for 2 hours on a 0.025-pm VS filter (Millipore, Brussels, Belgium) against H20. Amplification was performed in a 50-pL volume containing 10 mmol/L Tris, pH 8.3, 50 mmol/L KCL, 2 mmol/L MgC12, 0.01% (wt/vol) gelatine, 30 pmol of each oligonucleotide primer, 2 mmol/L of each deoxynucleotide triphosphate, 1.25 U Tag polymerase (Cetus Corp, Emeryville, CA) on 1 to 2 pL of the first-strand cDNA reaction materia1.31.32The first set of primers used (Table 2) was a V H - F R ~ consensus primer, composed of 21 of the final 27 bases of the sense sequence that encodes the V H - F R ~region, and an isotype-specific antisense primer, either specific for Cy or specific for Ca. The primers were designed to contain a restriction site at their 5’ end (EcoRI in the sense primer and BamHI in the antisense primers, the underlined sequences) to allow directional cloning in M13mp18 and M13mp19. Each PCR cycle consisted of 94°C heat denaturation for 0.5 minutes and primer annealing at 60°C for 0.5 minutes, followed by primer extension at 72°C for 1.5 minutes. Forty cycles were performed in a Biomed Thermocycler (Braun, Brussels, Belgium). The first cycle was preceded by a 2-minute denaturation step at 94°C and the last elongation step was prolonged to 10 minutes to ensure full-length products. The amplified DNA was purified by cryoelution. Thirty microliters of the PCR mixture was electrophoresed in a 1% agarose gel. The appropriate band was cut out and placed in a 0.5-mL eppendorf tube punctured centrally at the bottom and containing a nylon wool plug. The tube was incubated for 5 minutes in liquid nitrogen, put into a second eppendorf tube (1.5 mL), and centrifuged for 5 minutes at full speed. The DNA-containing solution in the second tube was phenol/chloroform and chloroform extracted, ethanol precipitated, and digested with EcoRI and BamHI before ligation in linearized MI3 mp18 or MI3 mp19. One-tenth of the ligation mixture was used to transform the Escherichia coli strain DH5aF+ according to Hanahan.33Plaques were screened with a 32P-labeled JH-specificprobe.34Single-strand DNA was prepared from positive plaques and sequenced using dideoxy chain termination sequencing procedures with 35Sa-dATP and S e q ~ e n a s e(US ~ ~ Biochemicals, Cleveland, OH). In an initial screening, we compared the Table 1. Clinical Features Patient Age/Sex Stage Status BO CA DA PI VD 59/M 51/M 43/M 54/F 64/F IllA Relapse Relapse Relapse Relapse Untreated 1116 IllA IIA IA Abbreviation: PC, plasma cells. *Percentage of PC in BM MNC fraction. Type lgGX 1g.k lgAh lgGK I~GK %PC* 21 9 18 19 11 Specificity Sequence (5‘-3’) cy 3’ ACGGGATCCCAGGGGGAAGACCGATGG Ca 3‘ ACGGGATCCGCTCAGCGGGAAGACCTT ACGGGATCCACCTGAGGAGACGGTGACC ATGGAATTCACACGGC(CT)(CG)TGTATTACTGT ATGGAATTCCATGGACTGGACCTGGAGG 3‘ VH-FR3 5’ V,1-leader 5’ VH2 4-leader 5’ VH3-leader5‘ VH5-leader5’ VH6-leader5’ VH3spacernonamer 3‘ CDR1-VH26 5‘ CDR1-VD 5’ CDR2-VH26 CDR2-VD CDR2-HHG19G CDR2-BO JH + A T G m C A T G AAACACCTGTGGTTCTT ATGGAATTCGGGCTGAGCCTGGGTmCCTT ATGGAATTCGGGGTCAACCGCCATCCT ATGGAATTCTCTGTCTCCTTCCTCATCTTC TGGGGATCCTGTCTGGGCTC AGCGEEAGCTATGCCATGAGC AGC~AGCTATTCCATGACC GTGGTAGCACATACTACGCA GCGGTAGCACATTCTACGCA TATGTGGACTCTGTGAAG TATATGGCCTCTGTGAGG Restriction sites are underlined. €coRI in the 5’ primers and BamHl in the 3’ primers. T-tracks from 12 independent plaques. The most frequent sequence was considered to be derived from the malignant plasma cells. Based on the complete sequence, oligonucleotides specific for each myeloma-derived CDR3 region were designed. Amplijication and sequencing of the myeloma VH genes. VH leader primers specific for the different VH families were used together with Cy or Ca primers to amplify the expressed VH genes in the BM fraction (Table 2). VH leader primer sequences were kindly provided by V. Pascual (Department of Microbiology, University of Texas, Dallas) and R. Schuurman (University Hospital, Leiden, The Netherlands). All primers were designed to contain an EcoRI site at their 5’ end (the underlined sequence). Amplification was performed as described above. The amplification products were electrophoresed in a 1.5% agarose gel, blotted onto Hybond N-plus membranes, and hybridized with the different myeloma-specific CDR3 oligomers that were end-labeled with 32P-y ATP and T4 polynucleotide kinase. Hybridization was performed in 25% formamide, 3 X SSC at 42°C. Membranes were washed at 55°C in 1 x SSC, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and exposed for 2 hours on Kodak XAR film (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY).The amplified VH product that hybridized with the patient-derived CDR3 oligomer was processed as above for cloning into M13mp18 and M13mp19. Plaques were screened with the corresponding MM-CDR3 oligomers and V~3-specificprobes.36 Double-positive clones were sequenced. All sequences were confirmed by subcloning and sequencing in both orientation. Isolation ofgermline VHsequences. Genomic DNA (0.5 pg) was amplified using a 3’ primer specific for the spacer-nonamer sequence of V H germline ~ genes (based on Pascual and Capra3’) and a 5’ primer specific for the CDRl region of the germline gene VH26, the “mutated” CDRl region of VH-VD, or the v H 3 leader (Table 2). The amplification products were blotted as above and hybridized with a 32P-yATP end-labeled oligonucleotide, specific for either the germline CDR2 regions of VH26 or HHG19G and the “mutated” CDR2 regions of VD and BO (Table 2). Hybridization and washing was performed in 3 mol/L tetramethyl ammoniumchloride as described.38 Final washing temperatures were 3 to 4°C below the Tm. The Tm = -682 (L-l) + 97 in which L is the length of the oligo. The VH26 germline amplification product was cloned and sequenced as above and compared with the published sequence.39 To assess the base fidelity of Tag polymerase, 12 independent From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. BAKKUS ET AL 2328 Fb 1. SwMcitYof M M - s w f i oligonucleotide rob on South- em blot. Of CDR3 SWUenC- amPlm4 by PCR. (a) Ethidiumbromidem a i n 4 agarose gel electrophoresis of 10 pL of CDR3 amplification produ* of four MM BM samples (lane 4, patient VD; lane 5, patient PI; lane 6, patient CA; and lane 7, patient DA) and one healthy volunteer (lane 3). b n e s 1 and 2 contain HIO controls of the CY and the Ca CDR3 PCR, respectively. Lane 8 contains the size marker pBR3U cut with Ha8 111. The specificity of reactivity of MM-specific probes is shown in (b) (patient DA), (c) (patient CA), (d) (patient PI), and (e) (patient VD). VH26 clones were sequenced. Only two base changes of a total of 2,880nucleotidessequenced were noted. RESULTS Preparation of myeloma-spc$c CDW proks. Amplification of the CDR3 regions of the expressed Ig genes, rearranged to eithcr cy(BO, PI, and VD) or G (cA and DA) (Table 2), resulted in clear distinct bands, which ranged in size from 150 to 190 bp (Fig la, BO not shown). Thc Cy and Cu primers wcrc tcstcd for their isotype specificity on cell lines that produced only IgG or IgA. Amplification with the VH-FR3primer and thc Cy or Cu primcrs showed only an appropriate amplification product in thc right combination at an annealing temperature of W C (data not shown). When peripheral blood DNA from a healthy donor was amplified using the V H - F R ~ primer and a JH-consensus antisense primer (Table 2). only a smear was observed (Fig la, lanc 3). representing the size differences of the CDR3 regions in a polyclonal population of B cells. This shows that the sharp and distinctive bands seen on the agarose gels represent the prcscnce of a monoclonal cell population. To prove that the amplified CDR3 regions wcrc indeed derived from the monoclonal plasma C C ~ cloning , of these PCR products in M13 phages was performed. Independent recombinant M13 clones were sequenced. We first compared the positions of the thymidine nucleotides in the 12 isolates (so-called T-tracks). The data are summarized in Table 3. The majority of the T-tracks analyzed were indeed identical and, thus, all derived from the monoclonal population. This was further confirmed by using the same set of primers to amplify the expressed Ig genes from three different samples of normal BM (NBM) samples. We never could find identical sequences in these samples, which validates the assumption that the identical sequences found in the MM BM were derived from the myeloma clone. The other nonidentical T-tracks (2 in patient CA and 3 in patient DA) were different also among themselves, probably representing normal B cells. However, in the case of PI, 7 of the 10 T-tracks analyzed were identical, as were the other 3 clones analyzed. This might indicate that this BM sample contained two monoclonal populations (one major population represented by the 7 identical clones and one minor population represented by the 3 identical T-tracks) or that the monoclonal population expresses two different VDJ sequences, one functional and one nonfunctional. Having determined the tumor-derived M13 clones, we pcrformed the complete sequence of the CDR3 region. From these sequences (Fig 2) we designed patient-spccific CDR3 oligonucleotides (underlined sequences in Fig 2). The specificity of these oligonucleotides When used as JZP-Iabelcd probes to detect tumor derived sequences is illustratcd in Fig The CDR3 oligonucleotides Only hybridized in a Southem blot experiment to the corresponding tumor DNA and not with any of the control samples. Vu family assignment. We then determined to which of the six VH families the tumor Ig belonged by using familyspecific VHleader primers together with the isotypc-specific primers. A major amplification product of about thc expected size (480 bp) was Obtained with the vH3 familyspecific primer in each case (Fig 3a, CA and BO not shown). RNA isolated from patient DA BM also gave rise to an amplification product when the vH2 + 4- and the VHS-specific primers was used. m e n these agarose gels wefe blotted Onto a nylon membrane and hybridizationwas performed with the patient-specific CDR3 oligonucleotide Probes. only the V H amplification ~ products were shown (Fig3b)* The vH genes a.wssed @ lhe M M plasma ce'ls sh0w no intraclonal variation. The vH3/ca or vH3/cy PCR prod- '* Table 3. MonoclonalOdgin of CDR3 PCR Roductr From Five MM Patients Patient BO CA DA PI VD N BM IgG' - NBM-lgA' Total No. d 1-Tracks Analyzed Identical T-Tracks 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 11 10 9 7 12 0 0 'Analyzed in three different individuals. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. STRUCTURE OF MuLnPLE MYELOMA v,, GENES F i g 2 Nuckotideseqtwnces of the CDR3 from the tumor clones of four patients with MM. The 3' end of the framework 3 (FR3) region (left) and the 5' end of the framework 4 (FR4) are indicated according to Kabat et .I.* The sequences used as MMspecific probes are underlined. Clone 2329 CDR3 FR3 91 FR4 103 BO TGTGCGAGG ...............GGGAGATACGAGATGTTGATGGTTATTAmACTAC ............... TGGGGC CA TGTGCGAGA GATCTAGTTGGATATGGCAGAGC DA TGTGCCAGA PI TGTGCGACG VD TGTGCGAAT CCCTCTGAAAACTTCCAGGTC TGGGGC ............ G T C G G G A G A T A C T G P T G C m G A T A T G ......... TGGGGC .................. TCGAGCAG TAC ............... TGGGGC ........... . T A C G A pCTATGGTATGGACGTC ............ TCGGGC ucts derived from the five MM BM samples were cloned into MI3 vectors (mp18 and mp19) and screened with 32P-labeled vH3- and CDR3-specific probes. Doublepositive clones were sequenced (16 to 24 in each case). The individual MI3 sequences were compared with each other to show any intraclonal variation. Base substitutions were found in all five cases, but the total number was not significantly different from the number of base substitutions due to the error rate of the Taq polymerase (2 of 2,880 nucleotides), as estimated in sequencing 12 different clones from the germline VH26 gene under the same conditions (see Materials and Methods). No base substitutions appeared more than once and all were scattered over the whole fragment. An example is shown in Fig4 representing 8 deviating clones of 24 from the VH-VDgene fragment in which thc highest number of base substitutions were detected (11 in a total of 9,960 nucleotides). This low number of base substitutions and the random distribution pattern of silent and replacement mutations argues against an ongoing somatic mutation process in this tumor. The VH genes qwssed by the MM plasma cells are somatically mutated. The myeloma vH3 sequences were compared with other V"3 genes in the EMBL data bank (release 29, December 1991) and with Sequences provided by Dr J.D. Capra (Department of Microbiology, University of Texas, Dallas). The best homology (95%) was found between VH-VDand a germline gene VH26.j9 A homology of 92% was found between VH-BO and a germline vH3 gene HHG19G (unpublished sequence). The VHSequences of the other three MM cases matched poorly to published vH3 genes ( < 90% homology). Figure 5 shows the myeloma vH3 sequences, the VH26, and the HHG19G sequence compared with a consensus sequencejVH26 is an example of a germline vH3 gene expressed in the fetal repertoire (30PI),M as well as in an autoantibody with anti-doublestranded (ds) DNA activity (18-2), derived from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)!' To address the question of whether the nucleotide differences between the genes expressed in VD and BO and the germline genes VH26 and HHG19G. respectively, were due to somatic mutation or reflect allelic heterogeneity or the existence of yet unknown V gene elements, we have tried to identify these genes in the vH3 germline repertoire of these patients. We used two approaches. First, we amplified genomic DNA from the BM fraction from patient VD with a 3' primer specific for the spacer-nonamer sequence of vH3 germline genes together with a 5' primer either specific for the germline CDRl sequence of VH26 or specific for Fig 3. Vn famity-specifk PCR produet. of three MM BM MmPI08 PI, VD. and DA. (a) Ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel electrophoresis of VH1 (lanes 4, 9, and 14). Vf 4 (lanes 3, 8, and 13). V,,3 (lanes 2, 7, and 12). VH5 (lanes 1,6, and 11). and V# (lanes 5 and 10) family-specific PCR products. Lane 15 contains the size marker pBR322 cut with Hae 111. (b) The reactivity of tha M M - ~ m i f i cprobes with there V,, family-specific PCR products (left panel, probe PI; middle panel, probe VD; and right panel, probe DA). + From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 2330 BAKKUS E T A L L 3 L” LJ GTTTTCCTGTGGCTCTTTTAAAAGGTGTCCAGTGTGAGGTGCAACTGTTGGAGTCTGGGGGAGGCTTGGTACAGCCGGGGGGGTCCCTG ----------------------------------B-------------------------------------------------------- .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------G---------------- .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 20 25 30 ---aaxi 40 45 AGACTCTCCTGTGCAGCCTCTGGATTCACCTTTAGCAGCTATTCCATGACCTGGCTCCGCCAGGCTCCAGGGAAGGGGCTGGAGTGGGTC .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ----------------------A------------------------------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... -----------------A------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70 75 TCAAGTATTAGTGGTAGTGGCGGTAGCACATTCTACGCAGACTCCGTGAAGGGCCGGTTCACCATCTCCAGAGACAATTCCAAGGACACA .......................................................................................... -----------------c------------------------------------------------------------------------ .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ---------E-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 80 82 A B C 85 90 95 100 A CDR3 CTGTTTCTACAAATGAACAGCCTGAGAGCCGAGGACACGGCCTTATATTACTGTGCGAATTACGATTTTTGGAGTGGTTATCCCTTCTAC L .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c---- .......................................................................................... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------c--------- 1 0 1 105 110 115 120 TATGGTATGGACGTCTCGGGCCAAGGGACCACGGTCACCGTCTCCTCAGCCTCCACCAAGGGCCCATCGGTCTTCCCCCC~ ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................................... the “mutated” CDRl sequence of VH-VD(Table 2). The resuits are shown in Fig 6. An amplification product of the expected size of 242 bp was only observed when the VH26-CDR1 primer was used. No such amplification products were detected with the “mutated” VD-CDR1 primer, indicating that this sequence is not present in the vH3 germline repertoire of patient VD. The VH26 PCR product was cloned and sequenced and showed 100% identity with the published sequence. Second, we amplified vH3 germline sequences using the vH3 leader primer together with the 3’ vH3 spacer-nonamer primer. The PCR was performed on genomic DNA derived from the BM fraction from patient VD, from peripheral blood (PBL) cells of patient BO, and from granulocytes of an unrelated person. Amplification products were of the expected size (500 bp). To determine the presence of VH26 and HHG19G sequences and, possibly, the VH-VD and the VH-BO sequences in these amplified vH3 germline genes, we performed a Southern blotting experiment using 3*P endlabeled probes with specificity for the VH26-CDR2 sequence, the HHG19G-CDR2 sequence, the “mutated” VD-CDR2 sequence, and the “mutated” BO-CDR2 se- Fig 4. Nucleotide sequences from the VD-VH3/Cy genes of 24 M13 clones. The deviatingclones with replacement mutations underlined are shown below the consensus sequence. Identity with the consensus sequence is indicated with a dash (-). Part of the VH3 leader-specific and the Cyspecificprimer are underlined. Numbering and CDR indications are according to Kabat et al.@ quence (Table 2). The hybridization conditions were chosen in such a way that we could discriminate between perfectly matched probes and probes with 1 to 2 base mismatches. Only the VH26-CDR2 probe and the HHG19G-CDR2probe hybridized with the germline amplification products, whereas the “mutated” VD-CDR2 and BO-CDR2 probes only hybridized with the vH3/cy amplification products derived from the RNA of these patients. This finding indicates once more that the VH genes expressed in these MM patients are not present in the vH3 germline repertoire as detected in this assay, but that these genes probably represent somatically mutated genes. Comparison at the nucleotide level of VH26 with VH-VD and of HHG19G and VH-BO showed 16 and 24 base differences, respectively (Fig 7A). Comparison of deduced amino acid sequences showed that nucleotide differences result in both silent and replacement mutations (Fig 7B). In the case of VD, 5 of 7 replacement mutations, but only 1 of 7 silent mutations, reside in or nearby the CDRs. In the FRs, this pattern is completely reversed; only 2 of 7 replacement mutations and 7 of 8 silent mutations reside in the FRs. In the case of BO, 8 of 13 replacement mutations From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 233 1 STRUCTURE OF MULTIPLE MYELOMA VH GENES BO HHG19G CA DA pI VD VH26 consensus l e a d e r> -5 FRl> ---------A -----G-----TA------ ----A----- -------AA- -----C---TG---CT--T -G--TGC-__ ____--______-___-----_------ __----____ -----C------------A A-----CA-- ---CC---A- ____---___ -------AC- -----T---__________ -----G---___-______ G_-------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _G_------- ---_-G---- ------A--- _-__-----_ __---_____ G----C--------G---_________--------A- --T---------------A __________ ______---_ --T------- __-_______ _____-____ m G T T G C T C TTTTAAAAGG TGTCCAGTGT GAGGTGCAGC TGGTGGAGTC TGGGGGAGGC TTGGTACAGC __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 21 BO HHGlgG CA DA PI VD ~ ~ consensus __________ __________ --T-----A__________ __________ __________ --T---AA-- G-A----C-- --ATG-C-------_-T-- G-A------- T--G--C--___--_____ __--__-_-_ ---T--A--G ---------C ---------C 2 6 TCCTGTGCAG CCTCTGGATT CACCTTTAGT __________ __________ __________ __________ 51 BO HHG19G CA DA PI VD VH26 consensus A --A-AC-A-G A---A---CA A--------T --A_AGCA-G A---A---GA G--------T T---CA...- -G--GT-GT- -C-C-----CG-A--A--C --T--T-----G-TA...C -AT-G-CA-- TG--A-T--T _-------T- -----G---- --C--T-----------T- ----TG---- --C------ATTAGTGGAA GTGGCAGTAG CAAATACTAC __________ 80 BO HHG19G CA DA PI VD VH26 consensus A B __________ __________ __________ __________ ----AA---- -----A-_-__________ __________ ---------G -----AA--- __________ __________ __________ -G-------- __________ __________ __________ DR1> -CG-----G--------G-A-ACC-A-GA---CG-AG --T-C-G-A-------C-------GC-AGCTATTGCA CTGGGGGGTC CCTGAGACTC FR2> ----T----- __--______ __________ __________ __________ ______-___ __________ __________ ----T----- -------CTC CGG-CA-G-- -C-GCAGTG---A------ __----____ -------G-- ---C-------CA----TC -GC-AG-CTC CGG-CA-G-- CTGGA-T-G---C----C- __________ __________ __________ --__-----_ __----____ --________ __________ TGAGCTGGGT CCGCCAGGCT CCAGGGAAGG GGCTGGAGTG FR3> ATG-C---T- ---G------CG--C----TG-----T- ---_------ __---_____ --________ -CG------______---GTG-----A- ----GT---G T---G--_-----T-G-T- ---------- -------C-- -_-_______ --GT-----GT-------- ____----__ ----TT---------G--_ G----------------G---_-__-----_------ G--------- --A------GCAGACTCCG TGAAGGGCCG ATTCACCATC TCCAGAGACA ATTCCAAGAA __________ __________ -_________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ .€P.R?.> _--GG-CA_C ---GG-CA-C -TCTC---CA -A-T-----C T-G-AGT-------..-AGGCGGTCTCATAT _______ GT--------T-------G--TT-C--TT--T----- __________ -G-G----T---G---_-CACACTGTAT C __________ --C-T-__-- ------A--- _______--_ ____--____ ---G CDR3 __________ _______-__ __________ --------G- ________-_ ____ __________ --..----C-- --T------- --------T- __________ ____ CDR3 __________ ---A------ --T------- ______------T------ ____ C ' R 3 T-----C_---A------- __________ -C-------- _______--_ ----T----- ---G CDR3 -----CT--- ________-_ --A- CDR3 -----C-----ACTGCAAATGA ACAGCCTGAG AGCCGAGGAC ACGGCTGTAT ATTACTGTGC GAGA __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Fig 5. MM VH3 genes. Nucleotide sequences from five different MM patients, the VH26 gene, and the HHGl9G gene are compared with a consensus sequence derived from these sequences. Identity with the consensus sequence is indicated with a dash (-). Part of the VH3-specific primer is underlined. The VH26 sequence is from Matthyssens et at,% and the HHGl9G sequence is from the EMBL databank (release 29, December 1991). The sequence format is the same as in Fig 4. Additional flanking nucleotides may represent N-inserand only 1 of 7 silent mutations reside in or nearby the CDRs, while 6 of 1 3 replacement and 6 of 7 silent mutations tions. The D region of D A has a high homology to the reside in the FRs. Such a nonrandom distribution of silent germline D L ~ 3sequence, the D region of PI has a high and replacement mutations in antibody V regions is consishomology to the germline D N sequence, ~ and the D region of VD is almost exactly a copy of the DXP4gene segment. tent with a process of somatic mutation and antigen selection.10 JHandDgene usage. The JH segments present in the five DISCUSSION myeloma sequences in comparison with the most homologous germline JH sequences are shown in Fig 8A. Germline This study presents the characterization of VH gene sequences are according to Kabat et a14* and adapted to usage at the nucleotide level of MM plasma cell populaYamada et a1.43 Differences at the 5' boundary may tions isolated from the BM of five MM patients. Most represent junctional diversity. The other differences might sequencing data of Ig variable region genes have been be due to somatic mutation or represent polymorphism of obtained after immortalizing the tumor cells by the hybridthese J segments. In the case of BO and PI, the J H ~ oma fusion technique. The resistance of MM plasma cells sequence was used. In the case of DA, the J H sequence ~ was to fuse with different fusion partners has hampered the used. In the case of VD, the JH6 sequence was used. In the analysis of the Ig genes in this disease. By using the reversed case of CA, the JH1 sequence was used, which is noteworthy PCR technique with isotype-specific primers and CDRbecause until now only 2 JH1 sequences had been found." specific oligos, it was possible to isolate the tumor VHgenes. The D segment assignment is shown in Fig 8B. D sequences Most of the amplified CDR3 products from one BM sample are from Ichihara et al" and Siebenlist et a1.45The D region showed the same nucleotide sequences expected when from BO has high homology with DmI. The D region of CA amplifying a monoclonal population. Only in the case of PI contained only small fragments of different germline D is it possible that a second clone might be present in the sequences. Regions with homology to the DLR1,2, or 3, DN1, BM, because from the 10 sequences analyzed, 7 were DKI, and DA4 (in the opposite direction) were identified. identical, representing the major MM clone, but the remain- From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. BAKKUS ET AL 2332 E A CDRl 1 2 3 3' CDRP 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 6. PCR analpis of germline V d alleles present in the genome of patient VD and patient BO. (A) Schematic repmaentation of PCR amplification of the prototypic germline of VD with loccltions of PCR primers and probes. (a)Primer specific for the CDRl sequence of VH26; (b) primer specific for the "mutated CDRl sequence of VD; (c) primer specific for the 3' spacer-nonamer sequence of V3. germline genes; (4 prirner specific for the V3 . leader sequence; (e)probe specific for the CDR2 sequence of VHZ6; (9probe specific for the "mutated" CDR2 sequence of VD. (B) Ethidium bromide-stained gel showing amplification products. Lane 1, size marker pBR322 cut with Has 111; lane 2, first-strand cDNA of VD amplified with Vn3 leader/Cy; lanes 3,4. and 6, genomic DNA from VD amplified with CDR1-VH26 and V3 . 3' spacer-nonamer primers (lane 3) or with CDRl-VD and V3. 3' spacer-nonamer primers (lane 4) or with V3 . leader and V3 . 3' spacer-nonamer primers (lane 6); lane 7, genomic DNA from granulocres of an unrelated person amplified with V3 . leader and V3. 3' spacer-nonamer primers; lanes 5 and 8, negative controls (no DNA added). For primer sequences see Table 2. (C) Southern blot of PCR products probed with 12Pend-labeled CDR2-VH26 probe. (D) Southern blot of PCR products probed with "mutated" CDR2-VD. Lanes 1through 5. exposure time was 30 minutes; lanes 6 and 7, exposure time was one night. (E) Schematic representation of PCR amplification of the prototypic germline of BO with locations of PCR primers and probes. ( c )primer specific for the 3' spacer-nonamer sequence of V3 . germline genes; (4 primer specific for the V3. leader sequence; (g)probe specific for CDRZ sequence of HHGlW; ( h ) probe specific for the "mutated CDRZ sequence of BO. For primer sequences see Table 2. (F) Ethidium bromide-stained gel showing amplification products. Lane 1. sire marker pBR322 cut with Has 111; lanes 2 and 4, negative controls (no DNA added); lane 3, genomic DNA from BO amplified with V,,3 leader and V3. 3' spacer-nonamer primers; lane 5, first-strand cDNA of BO amplified with the V,B/Cy primer set. (G) Southern blot of PCR products probed with UP end-labeled CDRZ-HHGlSG probe. (H) Southern blot of PCR products probed with "mutated" CDR2-BO. Lanes 2 and 3, exposure time was one night.; lanes 6 and 7, exposure time was 30 minutes. ing 3 were also identical to each other. Although the myeloma origin of thesc sequences remains to be proven, this biclonal pattern after amplification was never observed using NBM cells. It is also possible that these two sequences are exprcsscd in a single cell, rcpresenting a functional and a nonfunctional transcript. The ncccssity to dcsign CDRIspecific oligos to isolate the tumor VH gene is especially clear in the case of DA. In this case, scvcral clear amplification products were ob- tained with different VH family-specific primer combinations, probably because this BM sample contained more B cells expressing the vH2, 4, or 5 family than the other samples. Hybridization of these products with the MMspecific CDR3 oligos, derived from the first amplification step, was nccessary to prove which of these VH-amplified products was exprcssed by the MM clone. It appeared that all five MM patients used the vH3 family, but because the vH3 is the largest and most heterogeneous family within the From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 2333 STRUCTURE OF MULTIPLE MYELOMA VH GENES A 10 5 VH26 VD-VH 15 20 25 35 .CDR1. 30 40 . 45 50 55 60 65 EVQLLESGGGLVQPGGSLRLSCAASGFTFSSYAMYWVRQAPGKGLEWVSAISGSGGSTYYADSVKGRF ----_---_-----_-----------------~-T-L------------~-_------F--------70 VH26 VDVH 75 80 85 90 TISRDNSKNTLYLQMNSLRDTALYYCAN --------D--F------------------ B 5 Fig 7. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of germline and MM VH genes. (A) VH26 and VH-VD. (B) HHGlSG and VH-BO. The single-letter amino acid code is used. The sequence format is the same as in Fig 4. 10 15 20 25 35 30 -CDR1. 40 . 45 . - 50 55 60 65 HHGiSG EMQLVESGGGLVGPGGSLRLSCAASGFTFNSYWMSWVRQAPGKGLEWVANIKQDGSEKYYVDSVKGRF N I--T NE---Q---MA--R--BO-VH D ________ _________________ 70 75 80 85 .................... 90 HHG19G TISRDNAKNSLYLQMNSLRAEDTAVYYCAR B 0 - v ~ _____-QK-__----R------------- analysis showed that only a limited number of base changes are present in the VHgenes of the MM clone. The observed base changes were scattered all over the VHgene fragment and there was no correlation between replacement mutations and CDRs, as is observed in human follicular B human VH locus, a larger number of patients should be analyzed to eliminate the possibility of VH family restriction. To determine if somatic mutation occurs in MM, extensive sequence comparison of individual M13 clones containing the MM v H 3 region genes was performed. This A 101 ___ GL-J4 BO-J TAC TTT GAC TAC TGG GGC CAG GGA ACC CTG GTC ACC GTC TCC TCA GL-J1 CA-J GCT GAA TAC TTC CAG CAC TGG GGC CAG GGC ACC CTG GTC ACC GTC TCC TCA T-.. A-_ GT_ T _ -T_ _C_ _ _ T GL-J3 DA-J GCT TTT GAT ATC TGG GGC CAA GGG ACA ATG GTC ACC GTC TCT TCA ___ ___ ___ ___ * * ___ 101 ___ ___ ___ * ___ 101 ___ _ _ _ ___ _-- --* --- --- * ___ ___ --- --- --- --- * ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ * _-G ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ 101 * * * ___ ___ ___ GL-J4 PIJ TAC TTT GAC TAC TGG GGC CAG GGA ACC CTG GTC ACC GTC TCC TCA CCT __G -G.. _-C _ _ T _ _ T GL-J6 VD-J TAC TAC GGT ATG GAC GTC TGG GGC CAA GGC ACC ACG GTC ACC GTC TCC TCA __T -C_ _-_ ___ * 101 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ -_____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ B DXpl D-BO 5' G TAT TAC GAT ATG TTG ACT GGT TAT ATA AC 3 ' 5 ' G G - AG--G _-_ 3' ___ ___ ___ ___ DLRI ,2,3 DN1 5'gat cta q DCA DA4 DKI 5' ___ gCc ccc 5 ' A GCA TAT TGT GGT GGT GAT TGC TAT TCC 3 ' 5 ' A G A GTC GGG AG- --C --C --C --T --- --T GAT 3 ' DNI D-PI 5 ' GG TAT AGC AGC AGC TGG TAC 3' D~p4 D-VD 5 ' G TAT TAC GAT TTT TGG AGT GGT TAT TAT ACC 3 ' --- --- -CG 5'--- JI g gct acg att ac 3' DLR3 D-DA 5'AC- J4 --- --T --- G-- --- --- GTC CCT 3 ' _-____ __-___ _-_CCC J3 J4 T-- 3' J6 Fig 8. Nucleotide sequences from 5 MMJH segments in comparison to the most homologous germline JH and D sequences. Identity is indicated with a dash (-). (*) Replacement mutations. Numbering and the JHl germline sequence are according to Kabat et al.42 The 443. JA, and 446 sequences are according to Yamada et al." D sequences are from lchihara e t a F and Siebenlist e t aL45 From the Dm,l Dw, and Dm genes, only the corresponding sequence is shown. In the case of CA, the homologous sequences are shown in uppercase letters and are boxed. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. BAKKUS ET AL 2334 lymphomas and hairy cell leukemia12(unpublished results). None of the base changes appeared more than once in the different M13 clones, which argues against an ongoing somatic mutation process in these MM VHgenes. This low number of base differences can be regarded as artifacts due to the amplification, cloning, and sequencing procedure. While searching for germline genes from which these MM VHgenes could have originated, we found two possible candidate genes in the EMBL data bank. The gene VH26 was 95% homologous to the VH fragment of VD and the gene HHG19G was 92% homologous to the VHfragment of BO. For the other three MM VH genes, no such homology to known germline VH3genes could be found, which makes it hard to determine if these genes represent yet unknown germline genes or heavily mutated variants of known VH genes. VH2639 is an example of a germline vH3 gene expressed in the fetal repertoire (30 PI),4oas well as in an autoantibody with anti-ds DNA activity (18-2) derived from a patient with SLE.40The HHG19G gene represents a vH3 germline gene (unpublished sequence). Nucleotide sequence comparison suggested that the MM VH genes were somatically mutated forms of these germline vH3 genes. Alternatively, such nucleotide differences could stem from novel members and/or polymorphisms of known members of the vH3 gene family. To discriminate between these alternatives we searched for MM-specific sequences in the patients’ germline DNA. No evidence for the presence of MM-specific CDRl and CDR2 sequences in the germline DNA was found. These findings, together with the typical nonrandom distribution pattern of silent and replacement mutations in the MM VHgene fragments when compared with the VH26 and HHG19G genes, strongly suggest that in these MM VH genes a somatic mutation process has taken place, followed by antigen selection. The absence of intraclonal variations among the MM VH genes studied here is in great contrast with the findings in lymphoma or hairy cell leukemia. Hybridomas derived from lymphoma patients were all different, showing extensive somatic mutations with replacement mutations clustered in the CDRs. This was also the case in hairy cell leukemia, although not as pronounced, with a smaller number of base substitutions and more identical sequences. This may reflect the stage of B-lymphoid development in which the malignant conversion took place. To date, IgV mutations have been localized in a discrete stage of B-cell development, ie, late in the primary response as cells are being chosen for the memory ~ o m p a r t m e n t .The ~ ~ malignant counterpart of this stage may be follicular lymphoma, which explains the ongoing somatic mutation in this tumor. Hairy cell leukemia has been considered to reflect a preplasma cell stage that passes through a short phase of somatic mutation followed by a period of selection, rather than being trapped in a continuous mutation pathway, explaining the low number of mutations and the clustering of replacement mutations in the CDRs. MM reflects the most mature phenotype of B-lymphoid development. The finding of no intraclonal variation and no evidence for the genes to be germline encoded suggests that the clonogenic cell in MM is a postgerminal center cell, which can be a memory B cell or plasmablast, that has already gone through the stage of somatic hypermutation and antigen selection. This explains why the major isotype of the paraproteins in MM is IgG or IgA, rather than IgM, and why they reside in the BM.47 Although it is still possible that the true MM precursor cell, in which the first oncogenic event has taken place, is an earlier cell type. In that case, important selection events must have occurred in the germinal centers that result in a clonal proliferation of only one cell expressing one particular VHgene fragment. In summary, this study illustrates that MM VH genes represent somatically mutated and antigen-selected genes. 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