CROSBY-IRONTON COURIER Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 Emily repairs tennis courts; employee training approved (Editor’s note: The following article was written from the unapproved minutes provided by the city clerk on Sept. 9.) The Emily City Council met for a regular meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 9 in the council chambers and was called to order by Mayor George Pepek at 6 p.m. Councilmembers Dan Barrett, Jan Mosman, Gary Hanson and Ryan Johnson were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mosman made the motion to approve the agenda as presented with additions to the agenda including discuss dual pay for Fire and First Response, remove budget minutes and add report on Lifepack. Hanson seconded the —Brenda Booth photo LISA MILLER of Crosby, Tina Dunlap of Brainerd and Deb Anderson of Crosby inspected garden art by scluptor Jan Bartell during Oktoberfest. —Brenda Booth photo LILA, 10, and Anna Lindemann, 12, of St. Michael check out the earrings at the ‘Woodwrite’ booth during Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge’s Oktoberfest on Saturday. motion. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. The consent agenda was read. Pepek asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the Aug. 11 regular council meeting, Pepek read the Financial Report from August 2014, General Savings and Checking $554,051.95, Special Savings $409,197.94, Investments $778,468.29, Total $1,741,718.18; Payment of City Bills: $65,615.04 which included interest and manual transfers in the amount of zero, including Pine River checks 51611 to 51681 with transfer fund of $40,000 from General Savings, Special Savings $4,003.22 ($2,067.32 from sewer, $1,208.40 from recycling, 727.50 from roads) to checking. Hanson made the motion to approve the consent agenda including the minutes and the financial report. Hanson seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. The Prinzing Cartway was discussed. City Attorney Qualley stated determining location of cartway is the priority, the road in the plat of Northern Lights is owned by the association privately. A couple options have been discussed. First, the city needs to determine where the cartway needs to be. Meri Lysne disputed bill and stated the cheapest way in was what was wanted. Lysne stated they don't care what way it goes in, they just want access. The easement is not really creating something new. The city attorney stated lots were likely created long ago. If landowners do not agree, they fight it out or appeal. The property owners can come to a private agreement without the city. If an agreement is reached, the petitioners could dismiss the cartway. The appraiser stopped doing his work at this time. Caroline Hitecamp stated association fees are paid to maintain the roads. Could the city take over the roads? Johnson said it could come to the city with the standard upgrades completed. Lonny Thomas represents Association of Northern Lights. You cannot connect use outlot B, take the straight blue line on map, they are 4.99 acre lots and law requires five acres. Barrett made the motion to approve the city bearing the cost for the original petitioned location. Mosman seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Fire Chief Kenny Roden reported there were two fire calls. Chief Mariann Guentzel reported Leann Werner will be the new First Responder chief on Dec. 1 and Mark Werner will be Assistant Chief. They are with the Outing First Responders. Crosby will come up bi-monthly to do training. Johnson made the motion to approve the First Responder training and costs associated. Barrett seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. The Lifepack is unnecessary to purchase. Mosman made the motion to approve the resignation of Mariann Guentzel effective Nov. 30. Barrett seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Barrett made the motion to approve Leann Werner as First Response Chief and Mark Werner as Assistant Chief of the First Response Unit effective Dec. 1. Johnson seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. The council thanks Guentzel for her service. Mosman discussed First Response pay, part of the reimbursement is for their gas to drive to scene. Hanson stated the chief does the training. There were 16 ICR’s. Police Chief Herold reported there were 61 ICRs. Johnson made the motion to approve David Watson’s rate of pay be increased to $16.50/$17 incentive, effective Aug. 11. Mosman seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Mosman made the motion to approve Herold attending CLEO Training at Camp Ripley on Decc 5 at the cost of $440 plus mileage, and to attend the Leadership Academy Training at Camp Ripley on Jan. 6, 2015 at the cost of $400 plus mileage. Hanson seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Johnson made the motion to approve Resolution 14-31 changing Police Chief Joshua Herold’s PERA plan from coordinated to Police and Fire. Mosman seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Johnson made the motion that the police chief's hours are not to exceed 31. Barrett seconded. Discussion included who uses which hours and reflection in the budget. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Essential Health Clinic Open House is on the 22nd at 4 p.m. The clinic will have a lab service, x-rays, obstetrics and insty meds. Peggy Parks represents the Emily tennis players and stated routine maintenance is needed, removal of weeds and ants, and trim the grass during the public forum. Parks had asked Anderson Brothers to review the cracks, cracks are not bad if they can keep clean. They need to be cleaned with high pressure on a regular bases. Oberg fence quote includes additional posts for straightening the fence and additional posts for a back board. Johnson made a motion to approve Oberg Fence's quote to install 10 fence posts at the tennis courts. Barrett seconded. Roll call vote—Johnson, Mosman, Barrett and Hanson voting aye and the motion carried. The council supports the installation of a backboard at the tennis courts. The tennis courts do not need to be sealed yet. Council will review the need for sealing the court in the spring. Johnson made the motion to approve the Verizon Conditional Use Permit during the Planning and Zoning Committee report. Barrett seconded. Roll call vote— Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Barrett reported there were three lots sold and two burials at the cemetery. The blood drive is tomorrow from noon to 6 p.m. at city hall. The play will be performed Oct. 19 and 20 with a matinee. Johnson made the motion to approve spending up to $500 for the purchase of new tables and chairs for the city hall. Johnson seconded. Discussion included to look for folding chairs with padding with an emphasis on finding new lighter tables. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted Aye and the motion carried. A report on wastewater was presented by PeopleService. Hanson reported that road work has begun. West Trout has been moved over 10 feet in some areas. Easements have been taken care of. Yellow birch will be reviewed. Hanson has had calls regarding the road improvements. S.E.H. will continue to keep applying for a grants at no additional cost. Manganese: A potential partner has been located. Pepek reported the library has slowed down. Johnson made the motion to approve Resolution 14-32 Preliminary Tax Levy, Resolution approving 2014 Tax Levy, collectible in 2015 with changes. General Fund increased from $702,080 to $721,680, Sewer Fund at 58,566, G.O. Permanent Clippings… Over the past 100 years 7 Improvement Bond Series 2005A at $23,400, G.O. Sewer Revenue Bond 2013A at $64,797 and CIP and Improvement REF Bond at $70,045 for a Net Preliminary Levy Total of $918,888, a 2.975 percent increase. Mosman seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Mosman reported on Clean Up Day. STS will be available to help. Pepek will grill and Barrett will provide the banners. Hanson made the motion to deny the request of classification change of eight lots on Robinson. Mosman seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Johnson made the motion to approve Clerk Christa Andrews to attend an MCFOA Region II Meeting on Sept. 9 in Cass Lake at the cost of $15 plus mileage. Barrett seconded. Roll call vote— Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Johnson made the motion to approve Mosman to attend a LMC Regional meeting in Biwabik on Oct. 4 with reimbursement of mileage. Barrett seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Barrett made the motion to allow Mosman to purchase peal and stick labels at the discounted price. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Johnson made the motion to approve Lakes Gas for the 201415 heating season. Barrett seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. Hanson made the motion to rescind dual pay for firefighters and first responders. Mosman seconded. Roll call vote—Barrett, Hanson, Mosman and Johnson voted aye and the motion carried. The November council meeting and Road Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 12 due to Veteran’s day. The estimated population has risen to 831. The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. 218-534-5357 20 W. Main, Crosby, MN Let’s build better health together! FREE LOCAL DELIVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY Walk Welco-ins me Flu Shots Monday-Friday 9-5:30 (We bill insurance) Ask the pharmacist about pneumonia and shingles vaccines —Brenda Booth photo SANDRA KELLOGG of Edina tests the fragrance of the soap at the ‘All Things Herbal’ booth at Oktoberfest at Ruttger’s last weekend. Cuyuna Range In Crow Wing County FIRE… 911 FREE Delivery • FREE mail-out service! HOURS—M-F, 9-5:30 • Sat, 9-2 April 7, 1938 (218) 546-5144 • 1-866-546-5144 EMERGENCY & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY GARRISON 911 (Including So. Half of Bay Lake) DEERWOOD 911 (Including No. Bay Lake & E. Rabbit LakeTwp) CRISIS LINE & REFERRAL SERVICE 1-800-462-5525 OR 828-HELP 24 Hour Hotline CROSBY 911 (Including Riverton, EMILY 763-2998 (Including Fairfield, Irondale, Trommald, Perry Lake & Little Pine) Wolford.) OUTING (Emergency) 792-5100 CUYUNA 911 (Including W. Rabbit DNR…828-2565 828-2616 Lake Township.) Outing: 792-5383/792-5319 POLICE… SHERIFF… HIGHWAY PATROL… CROSBY & IRONTON— Crow Wing County: 829-4749 Emergency: 0-Zenith-7000 546-5137 Road Information: 828-2400 Cass County: 547-1424 DEERWOOD— FBI… 534-3399 (612) 376-3200 HEALTH CARE SERVICES MASSAGE Jill E. Mattson Nationally Certified 546-6363 218 851-4337 Advertise Your Business Here! Call the C-I Courier 546-5029 DENTIST Philip G. Mayer, D.D.S. General Dentistry Mon.-Thurs., 8 to 5 Or by appointment, 546-5191 112 W. Main, Crosby DR. JEFFREY P. FISH, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 546-6031 HOME HEALTH ATTORNEY VETERINARIAN CHAS. E. BARNUM, III Attorney at Law Located in the lower level Unity Bank Care Veterinary Clinic 122 Fourth Street, Ironton (218) 546-5178 (218) 546-7760 CHRISTENSEN LAW OFFICES ~Free Consultations~ COUNSELING Paul M. Perpich DDS Family Dentistry Ironton Office Wed., Thurs. and Every Other Fri., 8-5 546-5809 New Patients Welcome David C. 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