Document 371769

Checkline: 476-7228
Email: [email protected]
BOT Email: [email protected]
Donald Street, Karori
Newsletter No. 31 – Term 4
22nd October 2014 – Week 2
Quick Reminders
2014 Term Dates
Term 4 Monday 13 Oct – Friday 19 Dec
23 Oct
23 Oct
24 Oct
28 Oct – 1 Nov
2015 Term Dates
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Wednesday 4 Feb – Thursday 2 Apr
Monday 20 Apr – Friday 3 Jul
Monday 20 Jul – Friday 25 Sep
Monday 12 Oct - 17 Dec
2014 TEAMS
Kowhai – Y1 (Team Leader Jacqui Croft)
Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 9
Pohutukawa – Y2 (Team Leaders Wilhelmina
Wooff/ Ali Kotkin/ Michele Mills)
Rooms 7, 8, 11, 30, & 32
Akakura – Y3/4 (Team Leader Kane O’Connell)
Rooms 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 22, & 23
Kahikatea – Y5/6 (Team Leader David Wong)
Rooms 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 26
Totara – Y7/8 (Team Leader Trish Blacktop)
Rooms 24, 25, 27, 28 & 29
Important Dates
23 Oct
23 Oct
24 Oct
24 Oct
28 Oct 1 Nov
29 Oct
31 Oct
31 Oct
3 Nov
7 Nov
4 Nov
4 Nov
5 Nov
6 Nov
13 Nov
14 Nov
20 Nov
20 Nov
24 Nov
26 Nov
25 Nov
25 Nov
26 Nov
28 Nov
1 Dec
2 Dec
3 Dec
4 Dec
4 Dec
5 Dec
11 Dec
19 Dec
Open Morning
Kapahaka Splash Concert
Year 8 Gardasil
Year 7/8 Athletics Postponement
Year 8 Camp
Year 3- 6 Athletics
Year 3-6 Athletics Postponement
Year 0-2 Disco 4 – 5:30pm
Year 3-6 Disco 6:15pm – 7:45pm
Year 7 Camp
BoT Charter Review Focus Groups 9:15am
BoT Charter Review Focus Groups 7pm
Te Papa Trip Rm 2 & 5 11:15am –2:30pm
Te Papa Trip Rm 1 & 9 11:15am –2:15pm
Te Papa Trip Rm 3, 4 & 6 9:15am–1:30pm
WZ Athletics Year 4-8
KNS Annual Performing Arts Concert
WZ Athletics Year 4-8 Postponement
New Entrant Class and Individual Photos
Year 5/6 Camp Rm 15, 16 & 20
Team Kowhai Assembly 9am
Wellington Athletics
Year 5/6 Camp Rm 18, 19, 21 & 26
Pack the Bus-2:15pm
Regional Athletics
Junior Athletics
Y2015 New Entrant Day 1 Pre-visit
Regional Athletics Postponement
Junior Athletics Postponement
Junior Carol Singalong
Last Day of School
Any additional or altered dates will be highlighted in
yellow each week
Open Morning
Kapahaka Splash Concert
Year 8 Gardasil
Year 8 Camp
From the Principal
Kia Ora Koutou
Saturday’s gala was a huge success; it was a wonderful community event
raising in excess of $74,000. The funds raised will be put to good use,
along with the proceeds of the 2013 gala, to upgrade our hall. A huge
thank-you to all of you who contributed your time and effort, it was
fantastic to see so many people prepared to work so hard to continue to
make this a great school for our children. The wonderful support KNS
receives from its wider community is a real feature of our school.
Special thanks must go to the gala committee, Fleur Nicholas, Helen
Buchan, Julie Cooper, Colleen O’Connor, Heidi Stierand and Rebekah
Giesbers. They have put in an immense number of hours since this time
last year, ensuring that the gala was superbly organised and ran incredibly
smoothly. We were extremely fortunate that we had such a hardworking and skilled group leading this event.
2014 Class Lists Organisation
A letter was sent home last Wednesday via-School Links outlining the
process for the organisation of the 2015 class lists. Please ensure that you
read this letter carefully and if you have any questions regarding the
process please don’t hesitate to contact me. If you have not received the
letter or have misplaced your copy please contact the school office and
we will supply you with another.
Dogs Tied to the School Fence
A number of people collecting their children after school tie their dogs to
the school fence before entering the school grounds. After 3.00pm
groups of children sometimes congregate around the dogs and I am
concerned that a normally good-natured dog may get scared and bite a
child. Can I suggest:
That dog owners remain with their dogs, rather than tie them to the
fence and ask their children to meet them by the fence.
That all parents/caregivers talk to their children about the need to
approach unfamiliar dogs with caution.
Office Hours from 24/10/14 to 14/11/14
Please note that the office will close at 3.30pm each school-day from Friday 24 October through until Friday 14 November.
The reason for this is that two of our office team will be on leave for that period.
Year 0 to Year 7 Children Not Returning to KNS in 2015
As you are aware we are now planning our staffing and class organisation for 2015. It will be very helpful if you could inform
us, if your child will not be returning to KNS next year.
If your child is in Year 0 to Year 7 and he/she will not be attending our school next year, please email Vicki Lewington –
[email protected] informing her of your child’s last day at KNS and which school he/she will be attending in 2015.
Thank you to those parents who have already done this. This information is necessary to help us confirm the numbers of
classes we need at each level in 2015.
A thought to share with your children: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.” (Henry
Conrad Kelly
School News
2014 BOT Elections
Returning Officer Information
Board of Trustees Elections
Being a school board member is just one of the many ways that parents can support their school, and play a real part in
determining the direction of Karori Normal School. If this interests you, please consider putting your name forward for
the Board election in November, at which there will be two parent representative positions up for election.
You should have received your nomination form in the post. If you wish to stand for election, complete the nomination
form and return it to the school office by noon on 31 October 2014, your nomination form may be accompanied by a
candidate’s statement.
Election Timeline
Nominations close
Voting papers issued
Polls close / Election date
Votes counted and results declared
Board takes office
noon 31 October 2014
by 5 November 2014
noon 14 November 2014
20 November 2014
21 November 2014
Vicki Lewington, Returning Officer
[email protected]
If your child is going to be absent from school, late to school, or has an
appointment, please ensure you ring
Checkline 476-7228 and leave a message on the answerphone
or email [email protected]
If your child arrives late they must come to the office and sign in on arrival.
School Road Patrols
Each week we will publish the names of the two children who will be on road patrol duties for the week. Please check
and ensure you know when you are on duty. This is very important. Any queries contact Andrea Peetz –
[email protected].
Thursday 23 October
Friday 24 October
Monday 27 October
Tuesday 28 October
Wednesday 29 October
Labour Day
ICAS English & Mathematics Competition
Recently 104 children from KNS took part in the ICAS English Competition and 115 took part in the ICAS Mathematics
Competition. Congratulations to all participants, it was wonderful to see so many children challenging themselves. Your
child will receive their results and certificate this week. A special mention goes to the following children who achieved
particularly well:
ICAS English Results
High Distinction
ICAS Mathematics Results
High Distinction
Sports News
Year 7/8 Atheletics
We had a fantastic day last Wednesday at Ben Burn Park for the Year 7/8 athletics. A big thank you to the parents who
helped – Aparna Paranjpe and Julie Cooper.
High jump
Long jump
Short sprints
Long sprints
A Grade 10 Waterside Karori soccer team which won two Wellington tournaments this year recently took part in the
prestigious McCartney Invitational tournament in Taupo along with some of the best teams from across the North Island.
The team consisting of KNS students
played numerous games over two days and finished runners up in the final. A big well done to the boys.
Library News
We are pleased to let you know that it is now possible to access the School Library catalogue online We hope you and your
children will find this useful as it will now be possible to do the following from home;
Search the catalogue to see which books are held by the Library
Check which books have been borrowed and when they are due back
Reserve books
Write reviews of books.
Access online databases
Access to the catalogue is via the school’s website Please click on the link on the left hand side of the
home page which says Library. From there you will find a link to the Library catalogue.
The children will be shown how to use the catalogue in sessions during their class time in the Library. There is also a brief
“how to guide” on the catalogue’s front page.
The children will need their own Borrower number and PIN number to check personal details, to reserve books and write
reviews. These numbers will be sent home with children over the next week or two. Please keep an eye out for them and
then keep them in a safe place.
Please have a try at looking at the Library catalogue. It is a new initiative, so please bear with us as we iron out any teething
problems that arise. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you
Mary Callister
PTA News
** Discos **
The KNS PTA are running 2 discos this term on
Friday 31st October
Years 0-2: 4 - 5.30pm
Years 3-6: 6.15 - 7.45pm
A letter has been sent home with your child
and is also available on the school website
Tickets are on sale now and must be purchased by
24 October
Mandy Harrald
Community News
Clinical Psychology Clinic - open in the Karori Village Health Centre, 146 Karori Road. Specialise in child, adolescent,
adult and family issues. Please contact Dr Rachel Irwin at [email protected]. Phone: 0274-722-960 or for more information.
“Gone To The Dogs” – In Home Doggy Day Care, Dog Walking & Feeding and Home Boarding.
Do you feel guilty about leaving your precious pooch behind when you go to work, away on business or a family holiday?
Then “Gone To The Dogs” is perfect for you. We will provide a safe, secure and loving environment that is a “home away
from home” where they will receive daily walks, unlimited love, praise and affection.
½ Days, Full days and Overnight. Hurry….Limited places available. For more info call Debs on 022 3644185 or email me
[email protected]
Ragdoll Kittens for sale – two male redpoint kittens for sale. Please contact Jacqueline 021 140 7403 if you are
Bellyful Karori is hosting a movie night fundraiser, St Vincent (a Bill Pullman comedy drama), at the Lighthouse Petone,
7.30pm Thursday November 6. Please come along and support us as we celebrate over 3 years of providing meals to families
in our community. Tickets are $20 each, please email [email protected]
Tickets $15 each – book your tickets now by calling 476 7854 or email [email protected], limited door sales. Your ticket
will cover entry and a drink and snack: all funds will be donated to the Karori Event Centre build project this year. Bring good
quality clothing to swap: bring one item – choose one, bring two – choose two etc. Additional items $5 each + a designer
rack. Opportunity to book time with a Personal Stylist, buy Sylver and Shackel Jewelry, C&S Design Homeware, raffle tickets
and home baking. Free Personal Branz talk and hairdressing tips.
Karori Junior Hockey - Dust off the old sticks
Why not make a difference today by dusting off your sticks and helping develop our enthusiastic junior hockey players? Be
part of Karori Junior Hockey Club's multi-layer coaching programme and enjoy the training and support for a rewarding
experience with the children, as they improve through the ranks under your guidance. Clubs work because of people like
you and we are seeking notice of interest from coaches now - give it a go in 2015. Visit or
contact [email protected]
Khandallah House and Garden Tour, Sunday 23 November from 11am to 4pm
Khandallah Kindergarten is providing a unique opportunity to explore some of the stunning houses and gardens of
Khandallah. Take an Ikebana class, get refreshments at the vintage-style cafe, buy plants or books to take home.
Tickets cost $30, see our website for ticket outlets or buy online
w: e: [email protected] p: 027 952 5507