The week ahead Thursday 23 October 2014

The week ahead
Thursday 23 October 2014
Thursday 23 October
3.00 School Closes – buses leave
3.15pm as per Friday
timetable. No sport.
Friday 24 October
School Closed-Hawke’s Bay
Monday 27 October
School Closed – Labour Day
7.00 Boarders return to school
Tuesday 28 October
8.10 School recommences
Wednesday 29 October
9.00 Photos – Whole School, New
Entrant, Leavers, Catchups
Dress Whites Yr 3 to 8
Friday 31 October
8.30 Lindisfarne orientation day,
boys attending to wear
Dress Whites
CRICKET – Mr Lincoln Doull
Sat 25
Sun 26
Mon 27
Hwth 1st XI
Hwth 1st XI
Hwth 1st XI
Hereworth 1
Hereworth 1
Hereworth 1
Report time is 30 minutes before the game time
School Closes Thursday 23 October at 3.00pm there is no after school sport
The School Bus will be following the Friday
School resumes Tuesday 28 October (apart from
boarders who must return 7.00pm on Monday 27)
Sunday 2 November
9.30 All Saints Day/Baptism
Service at Hereworth
1.00 1st XI depart for Knockout
Cup Cricket in Wanganuui
Monday 3 November
1st XI Knockout Cup Cricket
in Wanganui
Tuesday 4 November
Exams for Yrs 6-8
Thursday 6 November
7.00 Holly Hospice Performance
at Sileni Estate
Friday 7 November
6.00 Ukulele festival at HB Opera
Tuesday 11 November
8.45 Choir Camp until Thursday
13 November
Thursday 13 November
8.30 New boys’ orientation
Friday 14 November
Mufti Day
Saturday 15 November - Exeat
Friday 31 October – NZ Playhouse
“Botfarm 2014” - CANCELLED
Sports Teams - Term 4
A memo will be emailed home today (Thursday 23 October) from Lincoln Doull
with all the sports teams for term 4. The Summer Sports Draw starts Friday 31
October (Friday afternoon cricket for the junior team) and Saturday 1 November
for Tennis, Softball, Multi sport and Cricket.
Hereworth Heads of Sport:
Director of Sport
Softball Mrs Tracey Kinloch-Jones
Mr Lincoln Doull
Tennis - Mr Sam Chatfield
Multi Sport - Mr Matt Webb
Cricket - Mr Lincoln Doull
All team coaches have been included on the team lists emailed out
today and will be listed on the memo with the sports draw
Sport Practice Uniform
Cricket: White shorts or longs, white cricket polo, white socks and white or
neutral coloured footwear. (No fluro or Bright Coloured Shoes are permitted)
Tennis: White shorts, white tennis polo, white socks and white or neutral
coloured footwear.
Softball: Black shorts, coloured house polo, white socks and softball footwear.
Multi Sport: White shorts, coloured house polo, white socks and white or
neutral coloured footwear.
All boys to bring a hat, water bottle and sunscreen to sports games.
ABRSM Grade 1 Theory - We have just over one week
untill the exam on November 1st. I think it will be very
beneficial to have another trial exam next Monday
afternoon (Labour Day) at 4.00 - finishing at 5.00. All
boys need to practice reading instructions. This will be
the last opportunity I will get to properly revise with
them, so I am making myself available. It would be great
if the boys could make themselves available in the music
suite. Thank you – Mrs Stevens.
Old Boys 4WD Trek Fundraiser 2015 – 6-8 March
The PA provides all the catering services for this very
special event. All families who have helped with this in the
past have LOVED working in a fun team and experiencing a
truly unique environment. Jackie Black is asking for two
parent volunteers now to help put together a roster of
required helpers. Please contact her on 027 411-9091 or 8747899 or [email protected]
Les Jeunes Choristes – A reminder that there are two
Thursday practices leading up to the Holly Hospice
Performance at Sileni Estate on Thursday 6 November:
Thursday 30 October (after sport to 7.00pm)
Thursday 6 November (after sport and boys to
go straight to Sileni) Please contact Joanne
Stevens if you can assist with transport.
Hereworth Choir – An email was sent home this week
outlining the Term Four Commitments. Mrs Stevens is
hoping for some parental support for the choir camp from
11 to 13 November. Please advise if you can help –
[email protected]
Hawke’s Bay on a Plattter @ HOLLY HOSPICE
We have a joint stall with Woodford House selling our hugely
successful book at the Holly Hospice this year and need
volunteers to help man the stand. The more helpers the
better to share the load so if you can do a couple of hours
between 10.00am and 4.00pm on either Thursday 6, Friday 7
or Saturday 8 November, please contact Jackie Black 027
411 9091. With thanks from the team.
Junior School Noticeboard
 Year 4 boys – remember your lines this weekend!
 Mrs Cameron is looking for milk bottle lids.
Prizegiving Cups
All 2013 athletic and end of year prize-giving cups are due
back at school so they can be sent away for engraving for
presentation at the end of this term
Thank you to those boys who have returned billeting forms.
There is only ONE visiting school this term – Cricket, Tennis
and Softball teams are coming from Huntley on Wednesday
19 November. - all offers to host are welcome.
Christ’s College will be at the Hawke’s Bay Show and
welcome any Hereworth families wanting to know
information about the school.
St John’s College Sports Institute Trials. Students are
welcome to trial on the following days – Basketball on
Monday 3 November, Rugby and Football Tuesday 4
November and Cricket on Wednesday 5 November.
Note from Matron – please can all towels have your son’s
locker number written on the tag. And named togs please.
The next PA Meeting is now scheduled for Monday 3
November – 7.00pm in the Founders’ Room. – all family
members are warmly invited to attend. The date for the
next meeting will be confirmed at this meeting.
7th Annual Mitre 10 Megawalk supporting CanTeen
– Sunday 9 November. Five events in five locations to cater
to all levels of fitness and ability. www.megawalk,
Peak Trail Blazer – Sunday 16 November . Entries are
open. $500 up for grabs. Check out all the details and enter
online on the updated website or
ask any questions [email protected]
Fun and Scary Fundraising Event – Orienterror. 31
October at EIT from 7.30 to 9.30pm. A great night for kids
Fundraising for two Hawke’s Bay secondary school girls
Georgia Creagh and Jenna Tidswell to represent NZ in
Australia and Turkey. See
Barnados Kidstart, in-home childcare – for further
information, call Kelly Lang; 974-3146 or 027 707-8245 or
Flaxrock Community Climbing Wall – Tuesday 5.00 to
9.00pm, Thursday 4.00pm to 8.00pm and Saturday 11.00am
to 4.00pm. At just $7 per student (based on a two hour
session with a minimum of 20 students) Climbing at the
FlaXrock Community Climbing Wall is an affordable way to
reward and grow your students. Book now - 06 8459336 ext
726 - [email protected]
Kereru “Off the Radar” – a garden walk showcasing 7
stunning and diverse properties nestled in the Kereru
district. Saturday 22 November from 100am to 4.00pm.
Contact Tish Chalmers at [email protected] or
Debs Steward 06 876-6015
Life Education Trust – Harold’s Fun Day & Picnic - 2
November at the Hawke’s Bay Sports Park from 10.00am to
2.00pm. A whole range of activities from cycling, hockey,
netball, athletics, traditional games and food.
Term 4 Monday 13 October to Saturday 13 December
Te Mata Rd Havelock North 4157 Hawke’s Bay Ph +64 6 877 8138 [email protected]
Boys for Praise – Week ended Friday 17 October 2014
George Lamb
James Richards
For thoughtful question and contributions for revision in English
Superb thinking shown in English narrative writing skill revision.
Tom Menzies
Alex Lawson
Great focus and independent work in Science this week.
Stunning questions and effective listening in Science.
Zaine Sullivan-Beard
For going up 3.5 levels in the beep test at Multi Sport. He looked like he had more to give last
time - great to see an improvement first up.
Great attitude and questioning during the ESU in Social Sciences. Clearly motivated to
succeed, and a positive influence on those around him.
Ronan Murphy
Harry Smith
Harry Lawson
A settled and focused start to Term 4 and for rediscovering his love of reading.
For an exemplary effort in work around the general election - pushing himself to provide full,
informative responses. If you believe TV and newspaper polls Harry would know more than
the average NZer on the street!
Daemon Brough
Hugo Lynch
For role modelling good technique during high jump. A very determined young man.
For his caring and considerate nature. Hugo is always putting others ahead of himself. A
true Hereworth boy.
Noah Freudenberg
Excellent focus and effort in class. A much improved effort and degree of personal efficiency
in all areas.
An innovative and well-designed board game based on the Silver Sword novel.
Karanvir Sandhu
Marshall Soanes
Reuben Bawden
Excellent dedication towards exam revision and preparation.
Self-monitoring and regulating his behaviour with positive outcomes resplendent of a
Hereworth boy!
Ned Brougham
Tom Murphy
These boys gained four out of four ‘Excellence’ grades in our Personalised learning contract
in Science in Term 3.
Alexander Mortimer
Tom Vautier
Charlie Hansen
Excellent start to the term setting standards that are high and striving to do their best as
Great start to the term
William Huddleston
Cooper Dunkerley
Both having a settled start to the term and working well in class.
Cameron Strong
A wonderful addition to the Hereworth Junior School. Cameron is happy, focussed and
already giving his best academic effort!
Wonderful progress being achieved this week. Arthur is striving and persevering and going
about all his school work with a terrific attitude to achieve success!
Arthur Goodman
James Huckle
Welcome to Hereworth
Musashi Suzuki
Kurtis Arlidge
Settling into Robotics Tech and making a great team together.
Charlie Williams
Cormac Murphy
Exquisite colour selection and work on your Tamure - Snapper artwork. Mrs Webster
Wonderful creativity on his ‘freaky fish’. Mrs Maloney
Harry Smith
Mark Buchanan
Great to see how much your confidence has grown in creative dance and how you are both
willing to give it a go!
Hamish Ross
For settling in really well during his first week at Hereworth.
Te Mata Rd Havelock North 4157 Hawke’s Bay Ph +64 6 877 8138 [email protected]