9:00 AM WORSHIP SERVICE 11:15 AM WORSHIP SERVICE GREETING GREETING AND GATHERING OPENING PRAYER *INTROIT #66 vs.1 “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven“ PASSING OF THE PEACE OF CHRIST PRAISE SCRIPTURE READING Deuteronomy 34:1-12 p. 151 *CALL TO WORSHIP L: The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. P: And also with you. L: Revere our Sovereign God. There are many blessings in store for those who honor God and do the will of our Sovereign. P: We will honor God and do the will of our heavenly Sovereign. CHILDREN AND YOUTH MOMENT “This Is the Day” “We Want to See Jesus Lifted High” “In The Hands of God” PASTORAL PRAYER Leader: All our problems All: We send to the cross of Christ. Leader: All our difficulties All: We send to the cross of Christ. Leader: All our hopes All: We set on the risen Christ. ANTHEM *HYMN #110 “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” SCRIPTURE READING Deuteronomy 34:1-12 p. 151 “God is My Refuge and Strength” Psalm 46 Chancel Choir *GOSPEL READING Matthew 22:34-46 p. 699 This is the Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. SCRIPTURE READING Romans 12:1-8 TIME OF PRAYER Leader: Lord, in Your Mercy. All: Hear our Prayer. *GOSPEL READING Matthew 22:34-46 p. 699 This is the Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. MESSAGE FAITH JOURNEY PRAYER OF CONFESSION: God of high places, God of low places, God of all places, we confess that we are not full of compassion as you are. We are prone to forget what it is like to be aliens, to be powerless, to be vulnerable, to be without an advocate, to be without credit. Forgive our complicity in heartless systems that make credit cheap and easy for those who need it least and prohibitive for those who need it most. Forgive indifference toward, or ill-treatment of, widows and orphans when we forget that they could be our own widows and orphans. We need to repent of all our less-thanloving behavior and attitudes for the sake of your all-loving Son, Jesus of Nazareth. Amen OFFERING “I Give Myself Away” WORDS OF ASSURANCE *BENEDICTION COMMUNION “People Get Ready “ (Curtis Mayfield) *BENEDICTION RESPONSE #580 vs. 3 “Lead On, O King Eternal” BLESSING BLESSING RESPONSE “God Be with You till We Meet Again” Hear these words of Assurance: Loving God, captivate our emotions in the worship of you, integrate our personhood in communion with you, and make us wise in the knowledge of you, that we may love ourselves truly and our neighbor in the same way, like our loving brother, Jesus Christ. Amen GOING FORTH p. 803 “Consumerism” *THE APOSTLES CREED #881 CHILDREN AND YOUTH MOMENT THE LORD’S PRAYER #895 Today’s Helpers 9:00 Greeters: Merton Baird Ushers: Ted Ladd and Rick Zerbe Liturgists: Youth Song leader: Patrick McGroarty Praise Band: David Butterfield: Guitar Alex Turney: Bass, Byron Bobo: Percussion 11:15 Greeter: Ushers: Karl Norris and Rogers Beasley Liturgist: Youth Organist: Kathryn Griffin SCRIPTURE READING Romans 12:1-8 “Consumerism” FAITH JOURNEY OFFERING OURSELVES: Our Attendance, Prayers, Tithes, and Gifts to God OFFERTORY HYMN #102 “Now Thank We All Our God” PRESENTATION OF THE OFFERING #95 Amen *POSTLUDE DAILY SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 90 Mon. – Luke 12:35-59 Thu. – Acts 17:16-34 Tues. –Hebrews 11:32-12:2 Fri. – John 11:1-44 Wed. – 1 Peter 1:3-9 Sat. – 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 Sunday – Matthew 25:1-13 *PASSING OF THE PEACE OF CHRIST *Please stand as you are able SERMON p. 803 JOYS AND CONCERNS PRAYERS, CHALLENGES AND COMMITMENTS (Please feel free to come to the altar railing to pray for others, as well as for any other need.) James H. Stewart, Othell Heath, Richard Milam, Alan & Mary John Resch, Ann Ladd, Gail Belshay, Mildred Bladen, Carol Clatterbuck, Ben Dodson, Sharon Hawkins, Ernie Kilbourne, Jerry McBride, Delores Midkiff-Powell, Amy Risdon, Carolyn Scarcia, Gloria Slingerland, Doris Wray. (These are the prayer requests received) FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are presented to the glory of God and happy birthday to my sister, Mary Ann Ferenc, from Lorna Marselas. TODAY, SUNDAY, October 26 – Reformation and Youth Sunday 9:00 & 11:15 AM Worship Services Children’s Worship Bulletins are available from an usher for children not participating in Children’s Moment 10:15 AM Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 12:30 PM Youth Fellowship MONDAY, October 27 7:00 PM Depression/Bipolar Support Group TUESDAY, October 28 10:00 AM Prayer Fellowship 7:00 PM ESOL Classes WEDNESDAY, October 29 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting THURSDAY, October 30 7:00 PM Chancel Choir FRIDAY, October 31 NO MARANATHA CHOIR 6:00 PM Trunk or Treat SATURDAY, November 1 10:00 AM Trustee Work Day SUNDAY, November 2 – All Saints Sunday 9:00 & 11:15 AM Worship Services 10:15 AM Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:15 AM New Member’s Class in Powell Parlor 12:30 PM Youth Fellowship 1st SUNDAY, Nov. 2– Bring Canned Goods 2nd SUNDAY, Nov. 9 – 2nd Sunday Potluck Lunch Tues., Nov. 4, 7:00pm – ESOL Classes Wed., Nov. 5, 7:00pm – Women’s Community Club of Beltsville Thurs., Nov. 6, 1:00pm – Widow’s Group Thurs., Nov. 6, 7:00pm – Chancel Choir Fri., Nov. 7, 7:00pm – Maranatha Choir Sat., Nov. 8, 8:30am – Men’s Breakfast SUMMARY OF CHURCH ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Total Year to Date Donations received as of 9/30/14 = $248,953.52 Total Year to Date Expenses as of 9/30/14 = $253,876.41 CHARGE CONFERENCE REPORTS – all outstanding reports must be submitted to the church office by October 27th to be included in the Charge Conference booklet. CHECK REIMBURSMENTS AND DONATIONS REQUESTS must have the “original” receipt attached. Submit check reimbursement forms to Beverly Ward and donation forms to Frances Cruz. Remember to make a copy for your records. Thank you. NEW MEMBERS CLASS will begin on Nov. 2nd in the Powell Parlor at 10:15am. For those who are new to Emmanuel, there will be 4 classes on Nov. 2, 9, 16 & Dec. 7. For those who have been attending Emmanuel for 1 year, there will be 2 classes on Nov. 23 & Dec. 7. For anyone transferring membership from another Methodist Church, please attend the Dec. 7th class only. (Please notify the office as soon as possible to start the transfer process.) If you are interested in attending the classes, please notify the office. UPCOMING SERVICES: November 2nd - All Saints Sunday (Daylight Saving Time Ends) November 16th - Charge Conference at 2:00pm November 23rd - Stewardship Sunday November 25th - Thanksgiving Service at St. John’s Episcopal Church at 7 pm November 30th - 1st Sunday Advent ADVENT DEVOTIONAL – The deadline is approaching to submit entries for the 2014 Advent Devotional. Please send stories, prayers, poems, photos, drawings, etc. to [email protected] or drop them off at the church office by Nov. 15th. Sunday School teachers can have their classes submit entries. It would be great to have everyone involved in this church-wide project as we get ready for the coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. SCHEDULING HOME GATHERINGS with Pastor Jacob: These small group home gatherings will give Pastor Jacob and the congregation an opportunity to become better acquainted on a more personal level. To schedule November gathering in your home call the church office. After the host's names are posted those wishing to attend a home gathering shall contact one of the volunteer hosts. Questions: contact Ann Rowland at 301-572-5250 or [email protected]. TRUNK OR TREAT will be on Friday Oct. 31 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. This is an annual tradition and great outreach to our community. If you would like to park your car and hand out candy you can do so between 5:45 and 6:30. Once you are parked you won't be able to leave until 8:00 because of safety issues. If you have any questions, see Rick Bergmann or contact him at [email protected]. TRUSTEES WORKDAY to be held November 1st. There will be numerous jobs people can help with. More information will be available soon. See Mike Hatton if you have any questions. SAFE SANCTARY: If your child is under 13, please watch your child constantly while he/she is in the church. The church is concerned about their safety. Also, the church needs to be a safe place for your children. FAITH JOURNEYS. Our mission moments during service have been a great success and we would like to try something new. We would like to hear about your faith journey, your walk with faith that has made you the person you are today. If you are interested in shooting a video for Sunday morning, please contact Rick Bergmann at [email protected] or give him a call at 301.785.7516. GUEST LAST SUNDAY: Susan Mellott, Richard Mellott, Vinolia Victor. October 26, 2014 Rev. Jacob Young, Ph. D. Emmanuel United Methodist Church 11416 Cedar Lane Beltsville, MD 20705 301-937-7114 Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00AM – 2:00PM Web: www.eumcbeltsville.com Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/EUMCBeltsville/ ________________________________________________________________ WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday 9:00 AM – Contemporary Service Sunday 11:15 AM – Traditional Service with Sign Language NURSERY Available during worship services and adult Bible study - Room 15 ADULT BIBLE STUDY 10:15 AM Adult Bible Study, The Minor Prophets – Room 23 Adult Topical Study, Faith Link: Connecting Faith and Life - Room 16 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:15 AM Pre-K through 1st grade, Treasuring Christ – Room 17 2nd through 5th grade, Heroes of the Bible – Room 18 6th through 8th grade, Student Life Bible Study – Room 27 9th through 12th grade, Student Life Bible Study – Room 21
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