Our Vision: We create and deliver joyful and authentic Christian Community Our Mission: We glorify God through worship, nurture, service and outreach. WORSHIP 10:00 am Faith Church Staff Wayne A. Lowe, Jr. Pastor Caleb Flick Director of Music Ministries Ellen Carnahan Director of Children’s Music Debbie Kissinger Office Administrator Carol Hoover Treasurer Emily Dame Financial Secretary Joe Sponaugle Custodian Faith Presbyterian Church 1801 Colonial Road Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-545-4631 www.lifeinfaith.org Dear Friends in Faith, October 2014 As we have been studying the book of Exodus during this fall season, my internal movie player often rewinds back to the movies that have portrayed that epic story in film. Once you have seen it, one cannot forget the great Cecil B. DeMille work simply called The Ten Commandments. Charlton Heston made a great Moses. Dreamworks Pictures more recently told the story in their animated movie called The Prince of Egypt. It is also well worth a look. And then there is a short scene from a Mel Brooks movie in which he plays the part of Moses. In this version Moses is given three tablets of the Law of God, containing fifteen commandments. Going to the people, Moses says, “I give you these Fifteen Commandments of God for you to obey.” But on the way to present them, he steps on the hem of his robe and drops one of the tables, shattering it on the ground. “Oy!” says Moses. “I give you ten- ten commandments of the Lord for all to obey!” Funny as that scene may be, we should not give up so easily on any of the Commandments. Jesus certainly does not. In Matthew 5 he says, “I have come not to abolish but to fulfill [the law and prophets]. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.” The Commandments are not disposable. For Christians they are a gift, and for three important reasons. The Ten Commandments show us our need for God’s salvation. The Apostle Paul reflected much on this. In his letter to the Romans, Chapter 7, he said, “For I delight in the law of God in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind, making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (vs. 22-24).” Paul could see that the law was useful and a delight, but not a means to make one acceptable to God. It cannot be done perfectly, and in fact reminds us of how sinful we are. The law directs us to the ways in which we need to be saved from our “wretchedness.” We are saved from our sin through Jesus. Living the Ten Commandments gives us a way to show our love for God. When we love, honor and respect a parent, or our spouse, or some kind of leader, we seek to understand their expectations of us. And, to the best of our ability, we endeavor to live accordingly. This simple reality applies to our relationship with God. 1 John 5:2&3 teaches this: “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For the love of God is this, that we obey his commandments.” Continued on page 2 Class of 2015 John Foley Dan Lute Ray Singley Joe Young The Ten Commandments show us the best way to live. Given to us in the law are the boundaries for a life well lived. When we live within these boundaries, it adds to our lives. The commandments show us the best ways to engage in the primary relationships of human life. We are shown the ways to live out our relationship with God, with parents, with family, with spouse, with neighbors, and with those whom we work with. Choosing to live inside these boundaries, life is given the opportunity to flourish. Choosing to outside these boundaries, we put ourselves and others at risk. Class of 2016 Kelly Berry Cheryl Caplan Alan Lauffer Barry Sullivan The love and mercy of God, new every morning, is nothing but unmerited favor. With thankful hearts that love God in return, may our living be directed by his commandments. They remind us of our need for mercy; they give us a way to love God and they give us the place for our lives to flourish. May we delight in the Law of God! Class of 2017 Jerry Bingaman Sue Dinges George Hope Kirk Lago Yours in Christ. -Pastor Wayne ELDERS: Clerk of Session Jackie Webb Moderator Wayne Lowe SESSION NOTES of September 18, 2014 Priority Business Discussion regarding issues facing Faith Church and the PC(USA). Nurture Committee: Motion to approve Group Work Camps to Wintersville, OH July 19-25, 2015. Approved DEACONS: Class of 2015 Wendy Coad Barb Dugan Doug Funk Jackie Webb Class of 2016 Nancy Bingaman Bob Dash—Moderator Anita Klaboe Laurie Sullivan Class of 2017 Lindsay Ewing Carol Gangwish Wendell Jordan Chris Sorensen Worship Committee: There will be one service on World Wide Communion Sunday, October 5, 2014 at 10:00 AM with a Congregational Conversation Meeting to follow the service at 11:15 AM. Personnel Committee: Motion to approve vacation for Rev. Wayne Lowe October 12-15, 2014. Approved Motion to approve Rev. John Schmidt as guest preacher for Sunday, October 12, 2014. Approved Mission Committee: CROP Walk will be October 19, 2014-HACC Campus. Next Presbytery Meeting is September 23, 2014 at First Presbyterian Church in Shippensburg, PA. George Hope and Dan Lute will attend with Rev. Lowe. Home Communion was served to Joan Rice on September 9, 2014 and to Bailey’s on September 16, 2014. WORSHIP SCHEDULES USHERS for October October 5—One Worship Service at 10:00 am Ray Singley and Kirk Lago 8:00 am 12 – Gannon and Clayton Ulrey 19– Fred and Jean Muncert 26– Ron Kaullen and Dean Carpenter 10:00 am 12 – Gary Souders and Dan Lute 19– Shirley Cole and Sara Rappolt 26– Greg Landis and Dan Hassell GREETERS for October October 5—One Worship Service at 10:00 am Wendell and Rose Jewell Jordan 8:00 am 12 – Dave and Sally Young 19 – Elda Klinger 26– Fred and Jean Muncert LAY LEADERS for October 10:00 am 5-John Foley 12 – LeeAnn Singley 19– Barb Tirone 26– Cheryl Caplan NURSERY for October 10:00 am 5-Erin Miller 12 – Heather Zlogar 19– Melissa Black 26– LeeAnn Singley 10:00 am 12– Melissa Bradley 19 – Doug and Cindy Bear 26 – Bill Cameron COFFEE HOUR October 5—Deacons 2 12—Properties 19—Mission 26—Deacons 1 November 2—Congregational Life 9—Worship 16—Stewardship 23—Outreach 30—Nurture LAY LEADERS for November 10:00 am 2– Linda Graham 9– Carolyn Souders 16– Bob MacIntyre 23-Bob Dash 30-Kelly Berry NURSERY for November 10:00 am 2– Cheryl Caplan 9– Karistan Cooper 16– Bobbi Jo Gabrielson 23-Jennifer Crabtree 30-Rebecca Funk December 7—Deacons 2 14—Properties 21—Mission 28—Deacons 1 Prayer Service 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:15 pm in the Sanctuary Sunday School Teachers Sunday School News Nursery/Toddler: Tina Ulrey Thank you to our wonderful teachers! 3—4 Year Olds: Carol Hoover Tina Shireman Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Bess Blinebury Cindy Bear 2nd—3rd Grades: Kirk & Lora Lago Chris & Melissa Black Jason & Vanessa Weiser We have been blessed by the teaching partnership of Sherri Linn and Mike Graham for our 2nd/3rd grade class for many years. They have decided to take a break from teaching this year. Thank you so much for your years of service to the children of our congregation! Please welcome our new teachers: 2nd/3rd Grade: Kirk and Lora Lago, Chris and Melissa Black, Jason and Vanessa Weiser (These couples will be taking turns teaching the class). 6th/7th Grade: Tom Heineman will be joining Barry Sullivan 4th—5th Grades Ellen Carnahan Heather Zlogar Sunday School Mission Focus for Fall 6th—7th Grades Barry Sullivan Tom Heineman We will continue our collection of non-perishable food items for the Food Bank this fall. Children may place food items in the bins located in the gathering area. 8th—9th Grades: Sugi Judd 10th, 11th & 12th Grades Chris Sorensen Adults: John Dame Ellen Carnahan Adult Sunday School Led by John Dame meets a 9:00 am in the library. Study series “The Reason for God” by Timothy Keller. Precept Upon Precept Led by Ellen Carnahan— Monday mornings at 9:00 am—Monday evenings at 7:30 pm in the library. Class study: The Gospel of Luke (2nd part) Class: E100 Join Pastor Wayne on Sundays at 9:00 am in the Parlor Room. Sunday School Halloween Party at Faith Saturday, October 25 6:30 to 8:30 pm Sunday School Closing Program Sunday, October 26 9:20 to 9:50 in Shaffer Hall Protection for the wounded. Voices for the silenced. Dignity for the abused. Hope for women worldwide. FOCUS ON MISSION Sunday, October 19 at HACC Campus & Wildwood Registration at 1:00 pm—Walk begins at 1:30 pm It’s the original charitable walking event in the US. Each year CROP Hunger Walkers, volunteers, and sponsors put their hearts and “soles” in motion, raising money to help end hunger and poverty around the world and in their own communities. Will you be a part of it? Sign up in the Welcome Center—Donate on line at www.crophungerwalk.org C R O P We Walk Because They Walk 27th Annual TASTE Of Central Pennsylvania Sunday, October 26 from 11am to 3:30 pm Strawberry Square, Harrisburg Sample the latest menu items from the area’s top restaurants, caterers, wineries and breweries. By attending the Taste of Central Pennsylvania you will help the Food Bank provide food to more than 55,000 people in need every week. For event and ticket information, please visit centralpafoodbank.org or call the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank at 717-545-1700. F O O D B A N K MUSIC NOTES Caleb Flick Music At Faith Jubilation Ringers Schedule TBA Children’s Choir Sunday mornings at 11:15 am Choir Chimers Sundays at 12:00 Noon Spirit Singers Sundays at 12:00 Noon Bells of Faith Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm Chancel Choir Wednesday evenings at 8:00 pm Fall is here and Faith’s music ensembles have been rehearsing away to bring you wonderful music in the upcoming months. The Chancel Choir has shared their musical offerings the past several Sundays and we look forward to October 5 (Worldwide Communion Sunday) when the Spirit Singers and Bells of Faith return to the sanctuary. On October 5 we will have one Worship Service at 10 am for Worldwide Communion Sunday. The Spirit Singers and Chancel Choir will join forces for two special anthems—one “traditional” and one more modern. The Bells of Faith will perform an exciting arrangement of “I Will Go and Tell to Jesus” and a more meditative number simply titled “Prayer”. The Spirit Singers will perform later in October and we will next hear the Bell Choir on Consecration Sunday, which is November 16 this year. The Bell Choir, Chancel Choir, and Spirit Singers are always happy to welcome new members. We would love to encourage anyone with an interest in participating in any of our groups to see me after a worship service to discuss how you could get involved! I would like to take this opportunity to mention two opportunities in the near future which would allow for shorter term commitments for you or your family. Following worship on Consecration Sunday, November 16, Faith Church will be hosting its annual luncheon. George Hope has asked me to recruit some young people (of all ages!) who might be interested in providing some special music during a portion of the dinner. This will be relatively informal but a wonderful way of giving back to your congregation with your time and talents. A concert is also being planned for the 16th (time to be announced) when we will welcome back Jim Milbrand's Vintage Brass and Berks Opera Company's Tamara Black. The program will feature a light mix of sacred music, show tunes, and other favorites. You will not want to miss this! The last week of September an email went out to past and current members of the Jubilation Ringers. The sign up sheets reflected that numbers were too low to successfully organize for the fall. FORTUNATELY! I have received responses which indicate that interest is greater than reported, but we would like to move forward on a somewhat “compacted” rehearsal schedule. The Jubilation Ringers will play on Consecration Sunday, November 16, and on Christmas Eve with rehearsals starting approximately 3 weeks before each date. It will be imperative that your son or daughter be able to attend at the very least one rehearsal during this time. More information will be going out to families later this month, but if your son or daughter has considered ringing in the past but never quite taken that step, this would be a great time to consider joining! We have much to be thankful for at Faith Church and I am pleased to work with such friendly and enthusiastic musicians each week!! OPPORTUNITIES TO FELLOWSHIP Wednesday Faithful “All Meals Seasoned with Love!” October 15 at 12:00 noon in Shaffer Hall We kicked off the season on September 17 when we served over 50 people a PA Dutch favorite, Ham Pot Pie, lettuce with hot bacon dressing, and pickled eggs and beets. It was a hit! We have decided to change things up a bit in October and serve another regional favorite. On the menu will be: Pork and Sauerkraut Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Homemade Apple Sauce Rolls and Beverages Assorted Desserts Please call the church office by Friday, October 10 to let Debbie know if you will be coming. Thanks! Faithful Stitchers led by Jackie Webb meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 1:00 pm in the library. Transportation is available by calling the church office at 545-4631. ______________________________________________________________ Thanksgiving Feast—Wednesday, November 19 Turkey and Dressing Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Sweet Potatoes in Orange Sauce Green Bean Casserole Baked Corn Cranberry Relish Rolls and Beverages Assorted Desserts Presbyterian Page Turners—Held the last Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the home of Nancy Grogan. October’s pick is The Orphan Train by Christina Baker. ______________________________________________________________ Ladies Christmas Tea December 3 at 2:00 pm Bridge of Faith Card Club led by Pete Henning—Held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 6:45 pm in the Nevada room. Northwood Notes Northwood Nursery School Of Faith Presbyterian Church Autumn Leaves Autumn leaves, they flutter as they fall down to the ground. They whirl, they twirl, they dance, but they don’t make a sound. Quiet, oh-so-quiet, they whisper on their way, landing in a pile in which we all can play. 50 Years of ABCs, 123s and TLC Northwood Staff Deb Mercurio Director Melissa Wentz Office Administrator It is wonderful being back in school. We had a great first month. The children have quickly adjusted to our preschool routine. We are especially pleased with the work we had done on the playground. The weather has been beautiful and the children are loving being outside. Rene’ Gillespie Teacher Anita Klaboe Assistant October is going to be a very busy month. We will be visiting the Linglestown fire house which the children really enjoy. Baking something delicious with apples is on everyone’s calendar and the firemen enjoy sampling what our little chefs make. Julie Stadler Teacher Melissa Gaiski Assistant On October 22nd, we will celebrate FALL with face painting, trips to our pumpkin patch, cookie decorating and lots of fun games. Deb Mercurio Teacher Cathy Lyons Teacher Donna Leuschner Teacher Gail Gherardini Assistant 717-657-0715 northwoodnursery @live.com www.northwood nurseryschool.com Trunk or Treat will be on October 30th and 31st. We will start our event with a parade in Shaffer Hall. The children will sing all the “scary” Halloween songs they have been learning. After our performance, we will head to the parking lot. Our parents are very creative and have fun decorating their trunks and passing out treats. If you haven’t been on our side of the building, please stop by. The hallways are full of beautiful artwork and the classrooms are once again full of friends, fun, learning, and laughter. Thank you for your prayers and continued support. We are once again collecting Giant bonus card numbers. You can leave your number at the Northwood office (657-0715) or if you see Melissa or Anita on Sunday, they would be happy to take it for you. Sincerely, Deb Mercurio Director Stabler Matching Campaign/Mortgage Update On Sunday, September 21, the congregation celebrated the $100,000 received from the Stabler Foundation as part of the matching grant to pay for the renovations completed in 2012 and 2013. As part of the Stabler Matching Campaign, the congregation could choose to give towards the mortgage over three years. The majority of the monies pledged have been received. We are asking you to prayerfully consider giving towards the current mortgage which is the remaining balance from the building of the sanctuary which was completed in 1994. Faith’s mortgage balance is now $132,447 which is lower than when the renovations were begun! However, we still need to make a monthly payment of at least $2,055. Summary of Income and Expenses August 2014 August Actual August Budget August Variance YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance Total Operating Income 31,455 27,220 4,235 255,300 255,610 (310) Total Operating Expenses 34,606 32,075 2,531 253,349 273,239 (19,890) Net Income/(Loss) (3,151) (4,855) 1,704 1,951 (17,629) 19,580 Financial Summary: Faith Presbyterian has a Net Loss of ($3,151) compared to a budgeted Net Loss of ($4,855) for August. Year -to-date, Faith has a small Net Income of $1,951 compared to a budgeted Net Loss of ($17,629). Year-to-date, Faith was budgeted to have a Net Loss. Faith is performing better than budget due to not hiring the open Director of Educational Ministries position and the Building and Properties expenses running well under budget. A U T U M N Things about fall that will put a smile on your face: The word “autumn” is clearly the most elegant way to describe a season. It even sounds beautiful. One word: COLOR. It makes every lake look like an oil painting. The food is supremely comforting. Pumpkin-flavored EVERTHING! The smell of a fresh bowl of candy corn. It’s a mixture of cake and happiness. There’s something about the way rain smells in the fall. The colors of autumn make everything look stunning, especially if it’s old and worn. And there is nothing like the smell of crisp air on the open road. The first sip of a steamy beverage on a brisk day. The crunch of leaves underfoot can be experienced just about everywhere. The smell of simmering broth after a long afternoon in the chilly autumn air. T H A N K Y O U And at the end of the day, the crackle of a roaring fire. AH...Autumn! Id’ like to thank my wonderful Faith family for all the cards, phone calls, visits, meals, and the prayer shawl that I received after my knee replacement surgery. You really can’t appreciate what a great Faith community we have until you’re in a situation such as this. Everyone has been extremely caring and supportive. Even though my “healing journey” isn’t complete, I’m well on my way to recovery. Thanks again for everything! Yours in Faith, Sue Dinges October Birthdays Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Katherine Graham LeeAnn Singley Greg Landis John Mease Edwin Shireman, III Don Coleman Bob Weaver Debbie Kissinger Elizabeth Shireman Morgan Weiser Linda Graham Jean Morton Joe Schwer Morgan Hoover Karistan Cooper Beverly Lavoie Henry Lavoie Braxton Crabtree Blake Crabtree Nathaniel Stauffer Oct 17 Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 25 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 31 Barbara Allerton Rebecca Lowe Emma Zlogar Bess Blinebury Sydney Winter Marion Nicolodi Brent Sapen Jean Harden Eric Linn Sam Sehar Ellen Carnahan Gordon Lauffer Tina Shireman November Birthdays Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 9 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 17 Dean Carpenter Victoria Funk Charles Zwally Christopher Black Valerie Shreffler Trevor Lauffer Tony Phillips Kelly Berry Michael Graham Brian Hoover Andrew Lowe Beverly Shireman Harry Watts Madelyne Key Jason Weiser Bobbi Jo Gabrielson Greg Linn Larry Semones Larry Dinges We’re sorry if we missed your birthday. Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 21 Nov 22 Nov 25 Nov 26 Nov 30 Carolyn Souders Natalie Markle Alex Caplan David Coad Matthew Lute Julia MacIntyre Calvin Lowe Brad Markle Nicolette Sorensen Ruth Blinebury Cole Watts Barbara Selgas Josh Lowe Please notify the office at 545-4631.
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