From the Principal

• Spring Music Concert
Tuesday night’s Spring Music Concert was a very special highlight in our School year. My congratula"ons
to all who were involved in making the evening such a success. It was a pleasure to sit in the audience
and be entertained by the excellent performances of the choirs and music ensembles. It was evident
that much prac"ce and hard work had gone into their performances. It is tremendous to see how much
the students have progressed during the year. It always impresses me how confident and comfortable
they are performing in front of a large audience!
Thank you for being such an apprecia"ve and enthusias"c audience. Over 800 people a3ended the
concert! Thank you also to the many people who have been very affirming of the efforts of our Music
Department. It is very much appreciated.
On behalf of all who thoroughly enjoyed our Music Concert, a special thank you to our Director of
Instrumental Music Mrs Simpson, to all our Music Teachers and to all other Staff members and
volunteers, who worked so hard to plan, prepare and present such a well-organised and professional
concert. It was a tremendous team effort.
• Year 2 Sleepover
Our Year 2 students are excitedly looking forward to their Sleepover on Friday night. My thanks to our
Year 2 teachers for their organisa"on, to other staff helpers and all parent volunteers for their
assistance. The Year 2 Sleepover is a valuable introduc"on and transi"on to our School Camping
Program, which commences in Year 3. I am looking forward to seeing the excited faces of our Year 2
students on Friday night!
Our PTFA have been working very hard in prepara"on for Springfest which will be held on Saturday 15th
November. Thank you so much to this very dedicated team. They have a wonderful Springfest planned
for our School community. Our PTFA commi3ee rely on many people assis"ng on the day. I encourage
all within our School community to offer to assist in any way you can; it may be through working for an
hour or so on a stall, helping set up or helping pack away and clean up. The work on the day becomes so
much easier if we have many willing hands. So much has already been done by our PTFA Commi3ee.
We look forward to a great day.
Have a wonderful week everyone.
Greg Schneider
23rd October 2014
23/10/14 Finance Commi3ee
Mee"ng @ 6.30pm
23/10/14 School Council Mee"ng
@ 7.30pm
24/10/14 PTFA Free Dress Day—
Item for Springfest
24/10/14 Year 2 Sleepover
26/10/14 Sunday Chapel @
27/10/14 Crea"ve Arts
27/10/14 Percussion Concert @
29/10/14 Year 2 Bollywood
31/10/14 Pre-Prep 2015
Orienta"on Day 1
03/11/14 School Council
Holiday—No School
04/11/14 Melbourne Cup
Holiday—Public Holiday
07/11/14 Pre-Prep 2015
Orienta"on Day 2
07/11/14 Year 4 Science Incursion
09/11/14 Sunday Chapel @
10/11/4 Building & Grounds
Mee"ng @ 7.00pm
12/11/14 PTFA Mee"ng @
14/11/14 Pre-Prep 2015
Orienta"on Day 3
14/11/14 Year 4 Water Incursion
15/11/14 Springfest
17/11/14 Year 6 Camp
Then God commanded, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate day from night and to show the me
when days, years, and religious fesvals begin; they will shine in the sky to give light to the earth”—and it
was done. (Genesis 1:14-15)
In our everyday lives we tend to refer to clocks and calendars rather than star-gazing to order our days.
Yet, in another way, it is the recent block of several warm days that actually makes us feel that Spring is
here. To that feeling is linked memories of Spring events; the need to tend to this or that in the garden; a real sense that we
are in the last term of the school year and our Year 6 students will soon be gradua"ng; and Christmas is ge$ng nearer with
each warm day….
The varia"on of the seasons, with "mes of growth and renewal, and other "mes of rest, and dormancy, and even dying, all fit
into God’s plans and clear messages of his presence with us and his good purposes for us throughout our lives and into his
eternity. Some"mes the seasons and the fes"vals are the only things that jolt us out of our daily busyness to actually make
us pause and take no"ce of the big changes that are so important in the lives of those we love. Some"mes it is only the
special “Sabbath” that actually gets us to stop and rest!
This Spring don’t just “stop and smell the flowers”. Also stop and see and celebrate how your children have grown. Stop and
remember those who have died, or moved away. Stop and contemplate your own growth and all the changes with which
you have had to deal. And give thanks to God for his grace in your life and in the life of those whom you love.
(As an a0erthought: People who studied the movements of the sun and moon, the stars and planets in the ancient world,
and aligned them with the pa3erns for farming and building and taking journeys and the like, o0en helped their whole
communi"es develop important wisdom about everyday living: “There is a me for everything, and a season for every
acvity under the heavens… [Ecclesiastes 3:1]” Some such wisdom-filled men even ended up discovering God with us in the
Christ child of Bethlehem!)
Pastor Mark Greenthaner
Our Canteen Volunteer Roster is listed
The Milkshake flavour for October is
Our Canteen offers online ordering for
lunches. Please refer to the instruc"ons
below. If you have any queries, please do
not hesitate to contact Tania, our Canteen
PTFA Free Dress Day
Friday 24th October
The PTFA are holding a Free Dress Day this Friday. Instead of a gold coin, students are
asked to bring along items which can be used in hampers for the Silent Auc"on at
Springfest. Please see below for your child’s Year level;
Year Prep - Beach and outdoor games
Year One - BBQ and entertainment
Year Two - Interna"onal foods
Year Three - Baking goods
Year Four - Christmas
Year Five and Six - Chocolate bars to contribute to the chocolate game.
Why you should read to your child.
It builds a stronger relaonship with you.
you Snuggling up with a book lets the two of you slow
down and have a cuddle and enjoy each other’s company. Instead of being seen as a chore
or a task, reading can become a nurturing acvity that can bring the two of you closer
Please don’t forget our digital library; easy access from our website.
Another digital library worth a look at is, “Internaonal Children’s Digital Library.” It is free
and they aspire to have every culture and language represented so that every child can
know and appreciate the richness of children's literature from the world community.
Trish Smith
Teacher Librarian
Fes3val 2014
Please log onto and
enter the booking code 3KXHX.
We encourage parents to log in online and
volunteer to assist in our School Canteen. You
can volunteer as many "mes as you like. If you
are unable to volunteer online, please contact
Tania Caneva, our Canteen Manager or the
Administra"on Department for assistance.
Canteen Volunteer Roster
The G.A.T.E.WAYS Challenge
This year’s G.A.T.E.WAYS Challenge will be held in Week 4.
October 2014
Friday 24th
Sue Morton
Odilia Teoh
Monday 27th
Help Needed
Tuesday 28th
Paula Carlton Monica
Help Needed
Wednesday 29th Barbara Jeffs
Help Needed
Thursday 30th
Friday 31st
Help Needed
The G.A.T.E.WAYS organisa"on runs programs throughout the year for gi0ed and
talented students. In December, they are conduc"ng two days of workshops where
children in Years 1 – 6 can par"cipate in a large range of ac"vi"es (robo"cs, philosophy,
mathema"cs, all areas of science, art, wri"ng, literature, problem solving and thinking
skills, technology, engineering .. and MORE!!)
The Fes"val will be hosted by Lauriston Girls School in Armadale on Monday December
15 and 16 from 9.30 - 3.15pm.
NB: This is a PARENT ENROLLED program.
ENROLMENTS OPEN NEXT MONDAY - OCTOBER 20. Enrolment instruc"ons are available
on the G.A.T.E.WAYS website. h3p://
Please contact Mrs Sue Grace if you have any queries.
Dates: Years 3 & 4 (Wednesday October 29th) and Years 5 & 6 (Thursday October 30th)
Venue: Tintern School. Loma Street Entrance, East Ringwood.
As we have a large group of students who will be par"cipa"ng in the Challenge Program
the School has organised a mini bus to transport students to and from Tintern on both
days. Students will need to meet in the front car park at GSLPS by 8:00am on the day of
their compe""on. The bus will return prior to the conclusion of the school day.
As the weather is becoming warmer during Term 4, the Canteen requires addi3onal
volunteers to help with serving; especially the ice creams. We do have a number of
people who have already volunteered through our online service, but if you are able to
consider helping, it would be much appreciated. If you can spare some "me, please
contact Tania Caneva on 0417 396 289 or leave a message at the Administra"on Centre.
Good Shepherd News
Friday, 24th October
9:00am at The Good Shepherd
Lutheran Primary School
Sunday, 26th October
8:30am at Outer Eastern Lutheran
Church, Immanuel, Lilydale
Sunday, 26th October
10:00am at Open Door, Luther
College Chapel
Sunday, 26th October
6:00pm at The Good Shepherd
Lutheran Primary School
Wednesday, 29th October
9:00am at The Good Shepherd
Lutheran Primary School
On Wednesday 22nd October, our
Chapel service was led by Mr Ma3
Friday, 24th October, our Chapel
service will be led by Mrs Julie Clarke
and 1JC.
Wednesday, 29th October, our
Chapel service will be led by Pastor
Mark Greenthaner.
All parents and friends of The Good
Shepherd Lutheran Primary School
are most welcome to join us for
these "mes of worship.
Sunday Chapel – 26 October – Flower Power!
We cannot help but celebrate the beauty of spring flowers. Many of us have our favourites.
Some"mes par"cular flowers are linked to important events in our lives and serve as strong
symbols for us. One famous Chris"an chose a par"cular flower as the basis for making a strong
statement about his rela"onship with God. Join us at Sunday Chapel to learn about this par"cular
symbol as a way of communica"ng the message of God’s love for us.
We meet together in the Mul3purpose Centre from 6.00pm for a light tea (provided). Our worship
begins at 6.30pm and we finish by 7.15pm. We would love to have you join us. You are most
welcome to bring along family and friends!
Pastor Mark
Good Shepherd News
Our Prayer Group meets regularly
from 9.00-10.00am on Thursday
mornings in “the Lounge”. Please
join us for a cuppa, a chat and a "me
of reflec"ng on God’s loving care for
all of us.
This term we will meet on the
following Thursdays: 30 October, 13
November, 27 November, 11
If you are unable to join us, but have
prayer requests that you would like
included, please leave them in the
blue box at the Administra"on
Centre, or ask your children to place
them in the prayer request bags in
their classrooms.
Pastor Mark Greenthaner
Please ensure that your
Sta3onery Pack Order is
ordered online by Friday
24th October. Orders
received a?er 24th October
will incur a late fee of
Friday Morning Playgroup
9.00am onwards in The Cottage
All welcome!
Our Prep students for 2015 will be visi"ng our school star"ng next Friday
31st October. We remind our current Prep families that they finish early
on Friday 7th November and Friday 14th November.
A Touch Rugby Gala Day for Year 6 students will be held at
Luther College on Wednesday 29 October, commencing at
9.30am and concluding at 2.30pm. During this "me
students will compete in an Inter-school Round Robin
Compe""on consis"ng of 20 minute games with the aim
of the day being to increase par"cipa"on in Touch Rugby.
Any parents wishing to help out on the day are
encouraged to contact Mr Weller as your involvement
would be greatly appreciated.
3MT Etymologists
3MT and Mr T have been playing the role of etymologists as part
of their Spelling Program. Last week they took a look at the suffix ‘ology’ to see
how many different words they could come up with. They can confidently tell
you that if a word has ‘ology’ at the end it relates to the study of something. It
comes from the Greek logos.
Can you match these “ologies” with the areas below?
Earthquakes, climate and weather, clouds, seismology, reples, horses, rocks,
shells, maps and map-making
Merril Van Asperen – Director of Learning
Team Name Age Group Coach
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
Team 6
Alice R
Team 7
Emma C
Team 8
Team 9
Team 10
U/9 Pink
Alice R
Team 11
U/9 Red
Alice C
Good Shepherd News
Next Week’s Activities
Before Care
A?er Care
Year 1 Seals won. MVP was Mackenzie
Year 1 Mermaids won. MVP was the
whole team
Year 2 Cougars won. MVP was Alice
Year 4 Possums bye.
Year 4 Penguins won. MVP was the whole
Year 5 Meerkats lost.
Year 6 Dolphins won.
This week has seen the return of our Ac"ve A0er School Community programs. Each week we
will be playing netball every Tuesday and a rota"on of sports on one other day during the
week. Last Monday we played cricket. The remainder of the sessions will be:
Week 4 – Wednesday - Basketball
Week 5 – Thursday - Handball
Week 6 – Monday - Hockey
Week 7 – Wednesday - Fitness Class
Week 8 – Thursday - Baseball/Teeball
Week 9 - Monday - Ul"mate Frisbee
Year 1 Pythons lost. MVP was Sam
Year 2 Panthers won. MVP was Mitch
Year 2 S"ngrays won. MVP was Andy
Year 3 Crocodiles won. MVP was Jacob
Year 5 Tigers lost. MVP was Callum
Over the coming week we will be having a ‘Pet” week. We will be making some familiar and
some unusual pets in OSHClub. We also hope to head outside for games and free play if the
weather permits.
Now is also "me to think about your needs for the week
a0er school finishes. We will be offering a full week
program from December 15-19. So if you are planning
on coming, just hop online and book in the a0ercare tab.
May you have a blessed week.
Chris and the team from OSHClub.
Coordinator – Christine Payne
Staff: Tracy, Laura, Maddy, Loressa
and Lisa
Program Phone: 0423 777 355
OSHClub Head Office phone no:
8564 9000
Your Account Manager is Georgia
Free Dress Day
Tomorrow—Friday 24th October
This Friday 24th October
Please bring an item for our Springfest
Auc"on hampers.
Term Dates 2015
Term 1 commences
Term 1 ends
Thursday 29th January
Friday 27th March
Term 2 commences
Term 2 ends
Monday 13th April
Friday 26th June
Term 3 commences
Term 3 ends
Tuesday 14th July
Friday 18th September
Term 4 commences
Term 4 ends
6th October
11th December
Good Shepherd News
The Campus Uniform Shop will be opening
for some addi"onal hours during Term 4, to
accommodate uniform fi$ngs for students
new to Good Shepherd in 2015.
Please refer to the flyer distributed last
week no"fying parents of Uniform Shop
Trading Hours for the remainder of the
year and for January 2015.
Saturday November 15th,
The GSLPS Springfest is
There will be rides, stalls,
auc"ons, fireworks, music
and fun, fun, fun.
The Good Shepherd Lutheran
Primary School
53 Plymouth Road, Croydon Hills 3136
Ph: 03 9725 8255
Fx: 03 9725 7061
Term 4 School Fees are now overdue.
If you have any ques"ons, please
contact Mrs Suzi Meredith, Accounts