NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU 111 SOUTH GEORGE MASON DRIVE ARLINGTON VA 22204-1382 ARNG-GSS 22 October 2014 MEMORANDUM FOR NG J1 RRF (All-Entire RRF) SUBJECT: SMOM 15-006, Rescinding of NGB 60 1. Effective immediately, the NGB Form 60 will no longer be used for clearance from the Army Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). DD Form 368 (Request for conditional release) will replace the NGB Form 60 for current members of the IRR who are applying for enlistment into the ARNG. 2. Section I of the DD Form 368 will be signed by the applicant and recruiter and be included as part of the enlistment packet. Once enlistment is confirmed, the MEPS guidance counselor will complete section III and send the 368 and DD Form 4 via email to HRC for processing. Section II will be completed by HRC. Requests will be sent to [email protected]. 3. The date on the 368 will be the day before the contract date listed on the DD Form 4. Requests that cannot be scanned and emailed should be sent to: Commander, HRC 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue Department 364 AHRC-EPF-M Fort Knox, KY 40122 4. The point of contact for this operational message is SFC Nsilo Samuels, Waivers NCOIC, 703-607-0944 or [email protected]. 1 Encls 1. 368 Example .pdf MARK A. BOETTCHER JR. LTC, LG Chief, Army National Guard, Strength Maintenance Division
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