Etunimi Markku Sukunimi Aittokallio Organisaatio StellarQ oy Jarmo Sen Anneleen Alander Bao Burmansson University of Vaasa Aalto University Lappeenranta University of Technology Marko Ekqvist MEVISION Group Andrew Erickson Lauri Xiao-Zhi Frank Gao Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland Jyväskylän yliopisto Aalto University Tuomas Haapala Aalto University, ELEC Keijo Haataja UEF (University of Eastern Finland) Suvi Haimi University of Helsinki My research subject - information will be shared to participants MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) lesions automatic scanning in structured form to StellarQ's electronic health record. visual and NIR medical imaging and image processing, optimisation Surfacing Value Networks (Business from Digitalization) I have started doctoral studies in Innovation and Knowledge Management. Subject: Value-creation through increased customer choice in health care. The importance of information. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) related into health impact study will be even more important in the near future. (Yksikkö voi näyttää tehokkaalta lukujen valossa, mutta vaikuttavuusindikaattoreiden mukaanotto tarkasteluun osoittaakin toista. Tulevaisuudessa tulisi aina tarkastella myös vaikuttavuutta (hoidon, palvelun, tuotoksen) tehokkuustarkasteluiden yhteydessä, jotta prosesseja voidaan tarkastella kokonaisuutena. Prostate Cancer, Diagnostics, Biomarkers, Digitization Business concept design based on health data analysis computational intelligence methods for data mining, machine learning, optimization, and industrial electronics. Ultra-low power radio frequency integrated circuits, analog circuits and energy harvesting Wireless Communication (ZigBee, Bluetooth, WLAN, and UWB), Wireless 3D Positioning, Data Security (safety, security, and privacy), Computational Intelligence (e.g. learning systems, Smart cities, intelligent algorithms in medical applications, learning autonomous robots - swarm intelligence, emergent dynamics, and artificial life), Machine Vision (multispectral image based machine vision, compression especially spectral image compression, image filtering - e.g. noise reduction, object recognition and enhancement, stereo vision, and texture analysis), Sensor Fusion (Challenging industrial applications and basic research), Multicore Technologies (GPU programming and parallel computing). Translational medicine Klaus Hedman Marja Taneli Pasi Heinonen Heinonen Heiskanen Jukka Hemilä Anna Hielm-Björkman Saara Hiltunen Tapio Päivi Huomo Husman Petteri Mikko Minna Timo Hyvärinen Hällfors Isotupa Jokela Antti Kallonen Veera Kallunki Virology / Univ. Helsinki & HUSLAB Ilona M Oy Insight Delivery Noona Healthcare Diagnostics (infectious diseases; microbiology) User research I study the role of health in people's everyday life. Utilization of Machine learning and Bayesian method for cancer patient real life data analysis VTT Exporting Finnish healthcare technologies to Vietnam. There is a huge need for new technologies in Vietnam, but lack of investment money. Need for new kind of business models and earning logic for product+service offerings when exporting to Vietnam. I am an industrial management researcher, so my research focus is on supply chains, business networks and internationalization. I have done lot of research in service innovations. DOGRISK-ryhmä: Helsingin a) Nutrition in young age; epigenetic gene expression, b) Nutrition-disease hypothesis Yliopisto/Eläinlääketieteellinen building, metabolomics/proteomics c) Raw food/paleo diet, d) Smell detection dogs working with cancer, borreliosis and hypothyroidism; odour marker innovations University of Eastern Finland Interested to explore pioneering opportunities for research and implementation of exporting solutions to improve well-being of aging in Asia.This includes knowledge transfer and solutions to build health business in various forms: residence development for aging, digital solutions for health and safety and rehabilitation solutions. HMV Research Oy Strategy Consulting in Healthcare Finnish Institute of Digitalization of health services and consumers and trust in building new business Occupational Health opportunities HYKS/Aalto Neurostimulation treatments and brain imaging for tinnitus TBD None yet Taloustutkimus Finnish Eating -habits (Suomi Syö -tutkimus), consumer behavior, market research Joticon (1) How to analyze & understand customer's world (2) How to ensure UX without extensive iteration/ prototyping Tampere University of Data science Technology University of Helsinki Gamification and Pedagogy in Pharmacological Treatment Education Merie Joseph Kannampuzha Jyväskylä University School of Business & Economics Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences Samuli Karevaara Sirkku Marjo Tuula Keski-Hallila Kettunen Korhonen Taloustutkimus Aalto University Patolakoti timo Katri Jari korhonen Korkalainen Koskinen univ of helsinki Helsinki Metropolia UAS Aalto CHEM Johana Kuncova-Kallio BioNavis Ltd Paula Jussi Lehto Lehtonen Jarkko Leppälä Laurea Eläinten toimijuus yhteiskunnassa (SA), Turun yliopisto Luke Päivi Leppänen Spark Ergonomics Understanding growth strategies in social business and social enterprises I'm looking for financing partners for a research project in co-operation with University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Eastern Finland, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset and Dalarna Universitet. The project will develop automated ways to analyze and categorize adverse event reports regarding patient safety. This analysis is used to generate gamified and pedagogical digital tools and interactive learning material to teach, study and learn pharmacological treatment. Health and well-being Nanocellulose, polymers Itrests and subjects: eldery care, memory deficit, functional capacity, management of healthcare wellbeing Self-management fort healthy life (elderly people), Services for senior drivers (safety) Intelligent human implants, monitoring health and implant heeling and integrity, electrochemial thin film sensors. Hip and dental implants. Industrial partners interested are looked for. (1) Optimization of formulation: determine drug release kinetic from polymer (2) Optimization of targeting of small molecule weight drugs up to nanoparticles and viruses. (3) Quantification of drug-material, drug-target, drug-lipid membranes and even drug-living cell monolayer interactions. Label-free validation of internalization of drug / nanoparticle. (4) Characterization of barrier coatings, nanolayers and nanoparticles. Usercentered approach in developing health and wellbeing services ?Animals in senior citizens? nursing and rehabilitation centres in the 2040?s?. Future scenarios of assistance animals and senior citizens co-living. Food supply chain social sustainability and risk management, health and safety management in agriculture Market study for how our is the market ready for our products, laptop cart in European hospital Hannes Lohi Genoscoper Oy/ University of Helsinki Finnish Inst of Occup Health University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences VTT Oy Metropolia VTT Helsinki Biobank Kristian Tommi Lukander Makkonen Albert Kaija Tomi Tuomas Manninen Matinheikki Mattila Mirtti Johanna Moisander Tuija Markus Mustonen Mäkelä Aalto University School of Business University of Helsinki Aalto University Ilmari Määttänen University of Helsinki Julia Timo Nevmerzhitskaya Nyberg Lotta Partanen Laurea AMK Aalto-yliopisto, Tuotantotalous Haltija Jani Pelto VTT Anu-Katriina Anne Pesonen Pihlanto University of Helsinki Luke medical genetics Cognitive ergonomics, human factors, biosignals, gaze tracking Cognitive neuroscience, brain research, autonomous nervous system Breath air analysis Service Design, Health Business Management, Rehabilitation MEMS, sensors, wireless, flexible electronics. Human derived samples, especially histological sections. Digital pathology and image analysis Managing creativity, internal crowdsourcing, user-led innovations, collaborative strategy development and work, health apps Cell culture specialist Aalto University has multifaceted expertise in biomedical engineering research concerning devices and nanotechnology, IT and bioinformatics, and biotechnology and pharma. We additionally have expertise in e.g. healthcare operations management and healthcare facilities' architectures. As head of Aalto Health Factory and Aalto Health Research Strategy 2015-2030, I am available to organize meetings with any of the relevant faculty. Stress research, everyday stress measurement, mobile devices tracking stress, stress prevention, depression tracking and prevention. Citizen-driven development of electronic EHIC Research interests: Digitalization and especially Mobile Health Services, Chronic Disease Management, and Health Promotion. Product development related to improving mental health utilizing affective design and co-creation, with a focus on measurable impact. bioelectronics, biointerfaces, nanotechnology, polymer materials science, advanced polymer processing Sleep, sleep problems Food research Anne Jyri Jari Ari-Pekka Laura Rahikka Rajamäki Rantala Rauttola Ruotsalainen Miina Sillanpään Säätiö Laurea Aalto University FIOH Finnish Geospatial Research Institute Finnish Institute of Occupational Health University of Helsinki Aalto University Simo Salminen Harri Vishal Siitari Singh Tii Raija Jarno Syrjänen Tahvonen Tanskanen University of Helsinki Luke Computational Biophysics and Imaging Group, Tampere University of Technology Eino Pekka Tetri Toivanen Aalto University Itä-Suomen yliopisto / Tktlaitos Marcos Päivi Tong Tossavainen Extensive Life Oy Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu Defne Us Tampere University of Technology Teppo Valtonen Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Seniors' health and wellbeing Hoe to build trust and cyber security into eHealth services. Aalto innovation services is looking for needs in this application field Health and work ability - physical work capasity. We do research for improving the quality of life, safety, health and wellbeing by developing intelligent positioning and sensor based monitoring. Occupational safety Biomarkers for IBD and endometriosis. Healthcare facilities/spaces, Healthcare and built environment, IOT-ICT for monitoring, tracking and automation in spaces Work Guidance and Mentoring -sociological aspects Food and Health - Signal processing and analysis, e.g, for biomedicine and telecom - EEG, ECG, EMG, and cellular electrophysiology - Medical imaging, e.g., MRI - Project management, incl. EU projects Human centric dynamic lighting Smart embedded systems (incl. sensor networks) for assisted living environments, machine vision (e.g. computer-aided diagnostics of cancer), learning and intelligent systems. data security, privacy and safety. Lifestyle and behavioral health User/ customer/ citizen - driven service development; service business development. Digitalization of service, use of service design in research and development projects My primary research topics are development of positron emission tomography devices and medical image processing (metal artifact reduction) in computed tomography images Using personal digital data to support work design. Jussi Virkkala Hannele Sari YI Sami Väyrynen Yli-Kauhaluoma YUAN Äyrämö Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Tty University of Helsinki University of Eastern Finland University of Jyväskylä laboratory and ambulatory sleep measurements, algorithm development, mobile measurements Why research doesn't reach the companies - or does it? Hospital room of the future, healthy space, cleanliness Tailered and themed tourism faceing the Chinese target group Data analytics, biomechanics, motion analysis, sport and exercise
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