NOV. 11, 1930. J, H_ gmMANs 1,781,480 OPERATING MECHANISM FOR LOADING DEVICES Filed May 19, 1928 2 Sheets-Sheet l NOV. 11, 1936. Y J_ H, SIRMANS 1,781,480 OPERATING MECHANISM FOR LOADING DEVIQCES Filed May 19, 1928 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Patented Nov. 11, ‘1930 ' 1,781,480 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE JOSEPH'HARDMAN, SIRMAN‘S, OF STOCKTON, GEORGIA ‘ OPERATING MECHANISM FOR LOADING DEVICES Application ?led May 19, 1928. .Serial No. 279,095. This invention relates to a loading device trailer or the like while the base 2 rests on ‘designed primarily for use on trucks, trail said platform. The base and the ‘?ange can ers, and the like, one of the ‘objects being to be fastened to the platform in any suitable providea simple form of attachment which manner, as by means of bolts or the like. A i can be utilized for loading logs and similar head standard 5 is and swivelled has a on‘ fork the6 upper in which endisofjour the ‘ articles‘o‘n to a ‘truck. , ' ‘ Another.‘ object is to provide simple and nalled a pulley 7. ‘ ‘ ‘ 'eilicientmeans for converting reciprocating ‘ Extending laterally from the sides‘of the motion into rotary motion whereby, through standard 1 are arms 8‘ supporting a shaft 9. These arms are spaced apart a sufiicient dis- 60 10 ‘the back and forth actuation of a lever, a tance to receive between them a winding drum winding drum can‘ be actuated‘to pull a ?exi ble low enn'ao‘ino' element so as to direct a log ‘ or Windlass 10 which is, secured to and ro , :3 a 2'3 23 D on to the structure to which the attachment tates with the shaft 9." One end of the wind l‘ass is in the form of a‘ ratchet wheel 11. An is connected. _ U 1 With the foregoingand other objects in other ratchet wheel‘12 is mounted for rota- 65 ‘ View which will appear as the description tion on the shaft 9 between the ratchet wheel proceeds, the invention resides in the combi 11 and‘ one of the arms 8. The inner side of nation and arrangement of parts and in the the ratchet wheel‘12 is formed with a circu details of construction hereinafter described lar ‘concentridrecess 13 the wall ofwhich is ' J and claimed, it ‘being understood that changes toothed to‘ provide ‘an internal gear 14 as770 ‘ ' in the precise embodiment of the invention shown particularly in‘ Figure ‘6. ‘ herein disclosed may be made within the‘ ‘Secured ‘to the standard 1 at a point be scope of what is claimed, without departing tween the sides thereof is a plate 15 which , extends between the drum 10 and the ratchet from the spirit of the invention. > In the accompanying drawings the pre wheelml2 and has a central circular opening 75 “ferred form of the invention has been shown. 16 in which is arranged a small gear 17. This ‘ gear is secured to and rotates with the shaft ‘ . In said drawings, ‘ , Figure 1 is a side elevation of a truck hav 9 and meshes with intermediate gears‘ 18 ing ‘ the present improvement combined ‘which are journalled on pins119 ‘carried ‘by the ‘plate, 15. 1' These intermediate gears mesh" 80‘ therewith. ‘ 1 Figure 2 is a rear elevation showing the wit-lithe internal gear 14. ‘ An“ operating‘ lever 20 is mounted on‘the , attachment applied to a truck and infuse for 1 shaft 9 between one of the arms 8 and the ‘ Figure 3 is an enlarged rear elevation of ratchetwheel 12 and attached to one side‘of ' the attachment, the operating ‘lever being this lever is a‘bracket ‘21. .Between these loading alog onto the truck. broken away. ' _ ‘bracket and lever 20 are arranged two loppo~ ‘ Figure 4: is an elevation showing the outer sitely disposed pawls 22 and 23 which are side of the attachment, some of the parts be ‘held normally drawn toward each other by ' a spring 24. The upwardly. extending pawl ing in section. 22 engagesthe ratchet wheel 12 while thew ‘ g Figure 6 is a section on line 646, Figure 5. downwardly extending pawl,‘ 23 engages the . Figure 5 is a section on line 5-5, Figure 3. 46 _ Figure 7 is a vertical section through a ‘ ratchet wheel 11. modi?ed form of gearing. ‘ ‘ Figure 8 is a transverse section there .7’ through. ‘ - A. detent25 is pivotally connected to the standard 1 and engages the ratchet wheel 11 so as to hold it against retro 1 Attached movement. to the drum ‘ ‘ or windlass_ 10 is one i ‘i R-eferrmg to the ?gures by characters of " grade end ‘of a ‘flexible hoisting element 26 which reference 1 designates a standard having a base 2 whichcan be reinforced by a web 8. can be‘in the formof ‘a cable, chain, belt or This base has a depending flange 4: adapted ‘the like. This flexible element is guided over to lap one side ofthe platform P of a truck, the ‘pulley 7 and is adapted to be“ attached to 331m‘ f. i, 1,781,480 the platform P at that side thereof opposite comes unnecessary to utilize the'plate 15 as a the standard 1 as shown at 27. An inclined support for the gears. board or skid 28 is adapted to be placed ' ' What is claimed is: against one side of the platform P with its Mechanism ‘of the class described including lower end resting on the ground. a shaft, a drum rotatable therewith, a ratchet 70 " In using the apparatus the ?exible element Wheel forming a part of the drum, second 7' 26 is loopedover and under a logL to be load ‘ratchet wheel mountedfor rotationon the ed on-‘tothetruek and the-skid 28 is‘placed? in shaft andfhavingia recessin-one ‘face, the wall . an inclined position to guide the log upwardly of the recess constitutingan internal gear, a ‘on to the platform. If, the log is a shortone" gear in the recess secured to the shaft, a sta only one attachment-suchfas=constitutes the tionary xmjembe'r ‘extending between the 75 present-invention need be provided. One or ratchet wheels, gears carried thereby and moreslrids 28 can be~usedr If, however, the 'supported?betweeni'and in mesh with the in log is a long one,'requiring the useofa trailer, ternal gear and/the‘ gear ontheshaft, the Wheels'being pitched wVQllilOIlaWlll-bfQ appliedto the truck whilean in opposite directions respectively, an‘aetuat- V80 15 one of the’ attachments constituting this in; "teeth" of‘ the two'ratchet ‘ p _! other attachment will be applied toithetrailer. ingilevermountedfor oscillation onthe‘. shaft, 7 .7 After ithe ?exible .elementsor element have oppositely extending pawls carried thereby, i‘been‘looped 'about‘the log‘ L said log can be andaresilient connection between thepawls ' ' "20- elevated-ontothetruck simplyby oscillating for holding them normally ineng'agement theEleverQO. '- When‘ this lever moves upward with the respective ratchet wheels,and means , I 7 1y it transmits motion through the pawl 22 to engaging one of the ratchet wheel'svfor hold ‘theratchet wheel 121and motion is‘thus' trans; lngthe drum against‘ retrogradeinovement. ‘ ':mitted through thegearing 14,18, and 17 to Intestimony that I claimthe foregoing as .my .own,_I have hereto a?nedmy signature. Windlass 10f andthe ratchet Wheel 11 will be v'JosErr-‘I THARDMAN SIRMA'NS. ~ I .rotatedin accl'ockwisedirection and the ?éXlr . vtheshaft 9 with the result 7 that I the drum or ' Qble element‘26 will be wound on ‘the drum. , The teeth of :thegratchet, wheel ‘11 will‘of Icourse-slip under the pawl’2'5, ifv the same is -, ‘ inloweredposition. .However,'it-is preferred. :95 j . -».to;rai§se‘this pawl duringthe-actuation of the ~ - ratchet ‘wheels by-t-he lever so that their oper ' Fation'willnot beeinterfercd ‘With-:11. When they 7 . lever 20,-is imoved downwardly the pawl 23 will thrust against ‘the-adjacent tooth of the gratch'etwheel ll'and'will cause said Wheel to . , .fcontinu‘e ‘to :rotate in. a clockwisev'direction with the {drum or ~windlass~10 while at the -' 5/110 " , same-time’the“ratchetwheel 12 will be moved i_ -;. in a counter-fclockwise direction, Thus, as‘.v ;~"the..lever 2011s osc1l-lated,.a continuous or sub stantiallyv continuous rotation-ofthe drum-or l ' ‘7 ‘ jwindlassilOiin-one directi'onwill be set up and l ?'the;?eXible:-element 26,‘which‘tis‘looped about 1,10 the logL, will rollthis log upwardly along the ~ skid-:or skids>28 until it assumes a position on 1 'the'p‘lat’formP. ’ At any'time‘during the op 60 f eration'when it is desired to hold'theiparts ‘against retrograde movement, thepaWl Q5 1715 ‘ c'anbe'swung downwardly into engagement 7,‘ withthe‘ratchet wheel 11. i ' ‘a _‘ V i I ,Instead of using ‘the ‘gearing illustrated in“ ' "Figures; 5_..andv 6a ‘modi?ed structure as ; V '55ishown in?gures'Z and 8' can be employed. ‘ ,17511}.thisgmodified‘structure a gear29fcorre .120' v jspondingwith the?gear l7rotateslwith the j ratchetiwheel7.1114and meshes with gearsi30i , , ' I. 670' The teeth of each of these gears. 3Qare inter? I 125 . " _aroundiaismalligear se'ctedjbygan- annular 32 which, grooveinturn, 31 extending meshes . r _ .withithef ii'iternalfgearg? in the form of'a , ?angefextending inwardly ffront‘the ratchet I '65 'vwhee‘lg-l2frg‘With [this arrangement it "be-' i; -, V 5 '
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