The ter Letcombe Regis

The Letcombe Register
The Letcombe Regis Parish Newsletter
October 2014
Village Diary
8.00 pm
Book Buffs
Sports Pavilion
5.10 - 6.10 pm
Wantage Mobile Library
7.00 pm
Bring and Share Harvest Supper
Village Hall
10.00 am
Harvest Festival and Baptism
St Andrew’s
7.30 pm
Letcombe Singers
Village Hall
12.30 pm
Lunch Club
Village Hall
6.30 pm
Richmond - ‘A Night at the Races’- in aid of Church Roof
1.30 - 4.00 pm
Millennium Green - Work Party
Millennium Green
09.30 am
Tennis Club - Autumn Tournament
Tennis Courts
10.00 am
Moving Forward in Prayer - lay led
St Andrew’s
7.30 pm
WI - ‘The Jambusters - The WI in WW2’ - Julie Summers
Village Hall
7.30 pm
Letcombe Singers
Village Hall
7.30 pm
Gardening Club - ‘Bagpuize House & Gardens’ - V. Grant
Village Hall
5.10 - 6.10 pm
Wantage Mobile Library
7.30 pm
Football Club Bingo - monthly jackpot £100
Village Hall
8.30 pm
Tennnis Club - Big Dave’s Quiz Night
Sports Pavilion
1.30 - 4.30 pm
Nature Reserve Work Party
Nature Reserve
10.00 am
Family Service - Revd. Antonia Cretney
St Andrew’s
7.30 pm
Letcombe Singers
Village Hall
10.00 am
Holy Communion - B
St Andrew’s
10.00 am
Art Exhibition - Anniek Jameson at Museum (for 6 days)
4.45 pm
Richmond- ‘Richard’s Records’ - Richard Baker
5.10 - 6.10 pm
Wantage Mobile Library
10.00 am
Holy Communion - B
St Andrew’s
6.30 pm
Letcombe Regis Bonfire and Fireworks Display
Recreation Ground
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
Issue 110
The Letcombe Register
October 2014
Neighbourhood Action Group Meeting. In the meantime if
you have any cause for concern we have been advised
The PC met recently on the 15 September and we were that you should telephone 101 immediately.
grateful to those villagers who attended for their If there are any issues or concerns that you would like to
contribution. This opportunity is available for everyone and raise please contact the Parish Clerk who will be pleased
our next meeting will be held on Monday 17th November, to help.
8pm in the Village Hall.
Jeanne Lapsley
You will find with the Register this month an additional Chairman of the Parish Council
sheet which gives information on the revised plan which
was submitted with the second round Big Lottery Bid. This
first appeared at the village hall update meeting earlier in (Extracts from our County Councillor's (Yvonne Constance)
the year, but as a number of you were unable to attend it report on roads and bridges in the Shrivenham ward.)
was requested that this was circulated. The sheet gives The A420 re-opened at end August, a week early and
clarity to the size and position of the proposed new village within budget. On the whole the project was well-managed
hall. If any further information emerges concerning the bid and County Highways had taken care in planning the traffic
over the next two months this will be communicated via the management, publicity and arranging meetings with
Councillor Constance and the most affected Parish
We heard from our County Councillor Yvonne Constance Councils.
Letcombe Regis Parish Council
that the Stanford in the vale Recycling facility is likely to
remain open, for the next five years at least, once planning
permission has been approved. There is an opportunity for
individuals to register their support by writing to Mary
Thompson, Senior Planning Officer, Development
Management, Environment and Economy, Speedwell
House, Speedwell Street, Oxford OX1 1NE. Tel: 01865
815901 or email: [email protected] by
Friday 3rd October.
Following the item by Councillor Ken Peach in last months
Register seeking volunteers to support the Vodafone Rural
Open Sure Scheme to improve mobile signals, we are
pleased to report that eight homeowners have offered to
take part. This means that potentially we have total
coverage for the village. The formal application will now be
submitted by the Parish Clerk, and we hope that we will be
considered a suitable area for this support. Further
information will be reported through the Register. Thanks
must go to those who have volunteered
Many of you will have observed the closure of Footpath 8
beside the Millennium Green for a number of weeks
throughout the summer. This was to enable Richmond to
carry out levelling and resurfacing. This is now in the final
stages of improvement and a new bench is also to be
installed for those wishing to enjoy the tranquillity of the
Challow Bridge closed on 6th September, and should be
completed by the 5th December. Councillor Constance has
been meeting with NetworkRail (NR) and the County about
the A417 closure which will affect many villages and is
used by 6,000 vehicles daily with Goosey and Denchworth
taking the main brunt of the diverted traffic. The B4507 is
very busy and the Councillor has requested improved
signage at the Ham Road roundabouts to enable HGVs to
turn round. Speed is limited to 40mph near villages with
SLOW DOWN for HORSES signs where necessary. NR
have had problems keeping vehicles out of the narrow Cow
Lane off the Goosey road. Improved ACCESS ONLY signs
have now been dug into the ground to avoid them being
thrown in the ditch and they will put water-filled barriers on
the road to exclude all but the residents.
Uffington Bridge will be 'jacked up' and closed for the work,
due to be done next January. NR will hold a 'drop in'
session in Uffington on the 9th October, venue to be
confirmed. If affected please attend and speak to NR who
are trying to reduce the impact as much as possible.
Baulking Bridge only needs its parapets raised, possible as
early as next January. The road does not need to be
Compton Bridge is historic and has been considered for
listing, only the central arch needs to be raised. It is still
hoped that lowering the tracks might be a solution.
Shrivenham Bridge to be replaced by a new bridge, to be
built alongside. Work will start (mainly off site) in January
and NR plans limited road closures only to ‘tie-in’ the road
access to the new higher bridge over weekends between
April and June.
The PC also received a report on the use and deployment
of defibrillators in the village from Councillor Lorretta Light.
These are already located in many other rural areas, do not
require users to be trained, and are proven to help save
lives. The linear nature of our village was discussed and
the potential for two defibrillators was considered, with the Bourton Bridge, which is listed (decision by English
PC approving the purchase and siting of one initially, and a Heritage), will be saved by lowering the tracks as there is
further one, once costs were known. We will keep you confidence that flooding will not disrupt use of the tracks.
updated on this through The Register.
NR is responding well to real problems (like Cow Lane) so
The Letcombe Brook continues to be a wonderful resource it worth meeting them to keep both NR and OCC
for the village to enjoy and the PC were pleased to confirm informed. The A417 will be complete before work is started
its support with a £600 grant toward the costs of managing on any other bridges in this area, but it is worth warning
and maintaining this unique watercourse.
you all that Steventon Bridge looks likely to close for 8
months from February and works on the nearby Milton
Concerns from villagers have been raised over the past
Interchange (starting next month) may not be complete by
few months regarding the often aggressive approach
that start date.
adopted by pedlars in the village. This is a serious issue
and the PC will be raising this with the Police through the More next time about progress on the new Local Transport
Plan 4 and the Stanford tip.
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
The Letcombe Register
October 2014
St Andrew’s Church
The early part of October is the traditional time for giving
thanks for the harvest, the work of farmers everywhere and
a time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves.
The Harvest Thanksgiving service will be in St Andrew’s on
Sunday 5th October and the collection at the service will be
donated to Harvest for the Hungry, a charity the parish has
supported for some years. In addition many people around
the parish make gifts of food for local charities and these
can be left in the altar area at any time up to the start of the
Harvest Supper on Saturday 4th October, for this year only,
is just a ‘bring and share’ meal in the Village Hall – details
in Contact.
5th November
Bonfire 6.30pm
Fireworks 7.00pm
Entrance free (there will be a bucket
collection in aid of Recreation Ground funds on the
Clubhouse open for food and drinks
Sparklers/Glow Sticks on sale
Progress on the major works on the building are
proceeding, but as always not as quickly as one would
wish. We have the necessary planning permissions for the
work on the roof but are currently jumping through a series
of bureaucratic hoops to ensure that central Church of
England funds pay their due share of the work – and this all
has to be agreed in detail before the work can start.
To help towards a more balanced display, villagers are
encouraged to contribute advance donations of money
towards the fireworks.
However, over the week before going to press the second
of the smaller essential works, the re-laying of the path to
improve its safety, has progressed well. In addition we
have received the first of the grants we are claiming from
the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme, a payment
equivalent to the VAT we had to pay on the first of the
smaller works, the improvements to the church’s electrical
system following its inspection earlier this year. We are
currently awaiting news on our grant application to the
Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust.
Financially supported by the Parish Council.
Despite the lack of our usual Harvest Supper this year
other fund-raising for the various works continues with ‘A
Night at the Races’ on Friday 10th October in Richmond. To
book places (and your fish & chips supper at 6.30 pm) call
the booking number at Richmond – 01235 774577 – and of
course bring some money to back your horses! It promises
to be a great evening.
We will also be holding a concert on Saturday 29th
November to mark St Andrew’s day – more details in the
November contact.
Please donate by Saturday 1st November to:
Ken Trotter, Blandys Barn: 767772
Sue Hannon, Mill Bank: 766043
Cheques payable to :
"Letcombe Regis Recreation Ground"
Organised by the Letcombe Regis Recreation Ground and Village Hall
Management Committee
Bonfire Instructions
We welcome donations to the bonfire but please,
combustible items only. NO METAL, NO PLASTICS, NO
TYRES. The entrance to the bonfire will be open between
10 am and 12 am on Saturday 1st, Sunday 2nd and Monday
3rd when material may be delivered to the Pavilion Car Park
and can be taken over to the bonfire site by wheelbarrow.
Caretaker Required for Village Hall
To carry out maintenance and odd jobs for a few hours
each month as required.
Applicant must be self employed.
For more details, contact Sue Hannon 01235 766043,
[email protected]
Curtains and Blinds etc.
Luxury hand made, interlined, with tassels and trims
should you wish…
Letcombe Tennis Club
Friday, October 17th 8:30pm
Big Dave’s Quiz Night
Letcombe Sports Pavilion
Bar open from 7pm with Real Ale
To book your place call Geoff on 762680
All Welcome
Designer fabrics, curtain poles and accessories
Contact Sharon Bunting on:
07753 198246 or [email protected]
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
The Letcombe Register
October 2014
Letter from Ed Vaizey, MP
Over the summer there were many events both across my
Constituency, in the UK and across Europe which marked
the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World
War. Each was quite different – from the names on the war
memorial being read out in Wallingford to the unveiling of
the Memorial Arch in Folkestone where I was deeply
moved to see a parade, which was a stark reminder of the
men who marched off to serve their country a century ago.
For me, perhaps the most moving event of all was when
people all over the country put their lights out and we all
paused to remember the courage and dignity of the millions
who fought for freedom and democracy , so many of whom
never came home.
It’s so important that we don’t just remember for a day or a
week, but that we really do try to learn the lessons of what
became known as the Great War, which so sadly was not,
as so many hoped, the war to end all wars. In particular,
getting young people today to engage with the real impact
of the First World War is a challenge. I was therefore
delighted to come across a truly imaginative and effective
way to do just that set up by one of my constituents - a
Facebook page of a soldier-to-be had the platform have
been available 100 years ago. I know that young people
are already checking out the Facebook page to see the
latest information, and I’m sure that the numbers will
continue to grow over the summer. You can see the page
at Not only does
the page recount the events in one life, but it sets it all in
the context of a family and friends, and all the other events
– local and national – happening at the time. Not least
among those events is the campaign for votes for women:
it is still less than a century since any women at all were
allowed to vote and it was only in 1924 – within living
memory - that women were finally able to vote on the same
basis as men.
Reading about the fight for the right to vote is a timely
reminder that our we can, perhaps, take our democracy
and our right to participate for granted. Over the next few
months, the electoral roll which will be in place for the 2015
General Election will be compiled. Please do make sure
that you encourage anyone just coming up to 18 both to
look at the facebook page above and to get on the electoral
roll – and do both yourself too!
concerns about unregulated sales over the internet, so am
pleased that the Government has acted to create a
voluntary code which has resulted in 100,000 adverts being
removed since the start of 2014.
As ever please feel free to contact me on any matter at the
House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, 020 7219 6350 or
[email protected]. Email is the quickest and most
reliable way to get in touch, as I keep a very close eye on
my emails and can reply very quickly. Surgery details can
be found at
Letcombes WI
The next meeting of the Letcombes WI will be held at the
village hall at 7.30pm on Monday October 13th. Our subject
will be "The Jambusters: an illustrated talk that will bring to
life the efforts of the WI in World War 2" by Julie Summers.
Women are a powerful group but are you aware of the
roles that women have played in the last two World Wars?
Are you aware that a woman’s organisation helped to
spread propaganda throughout the country?
Did you know that we helped to organise housing for
families bombed out of their homes and the evacuation of
children and pregnant women?
Women helped to feed the country throughout her darkest
Women have been at the forefront of educating women for
nearly 100 years.
Women are still campaigning on issues such as a greater
need for organ donors.
If you would like to hear more please join us, (visitors
always welcome), on the 13th and learn more of our
activities over the last 99 years.
This month my mailbag was dominated with concerns over Electric Blanket Checking
the breeding and sale of puppies and kittens, where there
is believed to be a lack of thought for the health or welfare
A free
of the animals. I was pleased that MPs had the opportunity Make sure your electric blanket is safe this winter.
to debate this issue, which is clearly of great importance to
many of my constituents. The debate helped clarify the
belief that dog breeders only need a licence if they have a To book an appointment call 0845 051 0845 option 4.
bitch producing five or more litters per year. DEFRA
discovered that when the relevant Act came into force
under the last Government, the Home Office sent a circular
indicating this; it is now writing to councils to stress that
anyone in the business of breeding dogs must be licenced.
Recent Government action shows that much can be
achieved without new legislation. That said, I do share
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
The Letcombe Register
October 2014
Mel Taylor Photography
Affordable fun photography at time & place to suit you.
Portraits Studio or Location, Weddings & Special Occasions
See website for full details
01235 763359 or 07818427876
Hazel Lee
Painter & Decorator
Interior & Exterior.
Fully Insured
Local & Reliable Female Decorator
No job too small
Mob: 07866 509683
[email protected]
The Barn Tea Rooms, Court Hill Centre
Homemade cakes, light lunches.
Just off A338 on the Ridgeway - and it’s all downhill
on the way back!
Open 7 days a week 10.30 to 5.00 Tel: 01235 760253
Registered Dietitian
Liane Reeves, BSc (Hons) Nutrition, MSc Allergy
HCPC registered, MBDA
Expert personalised dietary advice for adults and children.
Consultations held at Wantage Osteopathic Practice, 1
Church St. Wantage. To discuss how dietary advice can help
you and to arrange an appointment: Tel: 07947 053396
Email:[email protected]
Keep Calm & Carry on Fitness
Monday evening 6.15-7.00 boot camp style, male & female
welcome, all round bodywork out, all levels !!
Thursday morning 9.30-10.15 bums legs & tums, great toning
in these areas & cardio workout, male & female welcome all
levels !!
£5. Each class
Letcombe village hall
for more information call Emma Hartley 07712 837345
01235 760567
Jim Izzard
07860 590814
[email protected]
2 Holborn Hill, Letcombe Bassett
Wantage OX12 9LU
YÉåzÄÉäxá 9 eÉáxá
Utterly beautiful bespoke floral designs for weddings, parties and
[email protected]
10% discount for OAPs and ex-service personnel
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
The Letcombe Register
Letcombes Gardening Club
October 2014
Friends Of Letcombe Valley Community
Nature Reserve
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 15th October in
Letcombe Regis Village Hall at 7.30.
The next work party will take place on Saturday, 18TH
October from 1.30 to 4.30pm. All volunteers welcomed to
The speaker is Virginia Grant of Kingston Bagpuize House. assist in on-going restoration for wildlife and the
She will talk about the house and this notable local garden. community. Stay for as long or as short a period as you
wish; refreshments provided mid-afternoon. Expert
guidance is on hand and tasks are carried out at your own
Non-members are welcome.
pace. BBOWT will provide most tools but please do bring
shears and/or secateurs if possible. Appropriate
Topical Tips
clothing\footwear and working gloves are recommended.
Well we’ve had a gorgeous September and the beginning Opportunities for Duke of Edinburgh Award
of October is looking good so I hope you’re enjoying all the volunteering\skills sections; under 18s accompanied by an
late colour in your garden. If not then check out the plant adult please. Meet by the lake on the reserve in Letcombe
nurseries and see what’s still in flower. It’s never too late to Regis. For further details, or in case of uncertain weather
buy a plant and now is still a good time to plant while the conditions, please contact [email protected] or
soil is still warm! You’ll also need to continue with the 769194\763827. weeding but there’s no need to adopt a ‘scorched earth’
policy with your perennials. Some seed heads are much The blackberries are nearly over for another year, but hazel
loved by the birds and can also look lovely covered in frost. nuts and acorns are now ripening and the remaining
Less hardy perennials like penstemons and fuchsias, conkers drop to the ground. Nuts are important for
should definitely be left as the top growth protects them squirrels and jays who hoard them for the winter by burying
through the winter. If like me, you also have some truly them in the ground. Sloes start to stand out on the spikey
tender perennials, then keep watching the weather forecast branches of the blackthorn and Old Man's Beard becomes
as they’ll only stand one or two sessions of light frost particularly evident, swamping large areas of hedgerow
with its abundant fluffy seed heads. Autumn colour spreads
before giving up so get them inside.
through the hedgerows and woody area with the hazel
If your veggie patch is empty and you’re a keen digger, being one of the earliest native species to turn
then incorporate some compost now. No need to generate brown. Other trees such as ash are much more subtle in
a fine tilth at this time of year. The cold weather will do it for their colour change, turning light green then yellow. Often
their leaves drop very suddenly and the bare branches give
a stark preview of a winter landscape. The opposite
Harvest your roots, but leave the parsnips, as they get extreme is the beech which form a spectacular show as
sweeter after a frost. You should also remove any tatty their leaves turn a bright, fiery orange and bronze and hang
yellow leaves from brassicas as all they do is harbour on quite tenaciously to the branches. The field maple,
another native, has small lobed leaves which turn a
wonderful vibrant yellow. The weather can have a dramatic
Leave pea and bean roots in the ground as they return effect on the whole landscape at this time of year.
nitrogen to the soil then plant brassicas there next year.
Look out for small birds such as Great Tits, Blue Tits,
Why not lift some clumps of mint, chives and parsley then Marsh Tits and charming Long-tailed Tits moving through
you can have a supply throughout the winter?
the reserve in mixed parties. They find relative safety in
numbers where many eyes watch for predators. Migration
As far as fruit goes, if you’re dreaming of strawberries for
comes to an end for most birds in October; some house
next June then you can plant them now. You can also plant
martins may still be seen into October but will not see out
fruit trees.
the month. One of the delights of this time of the year is the
So, as you see, there’s plenty to do, so even if it turns cold arrival of large flocks of winter thrushes moving slowly
southwards - the redwing and the fieldfare. They come
get out there and warm yourself up with some gardening!
from Iceland and Scandinavia where they will have breed.
The redwing is a smallish bird with a prominent white eye
stripe and bright red flashes under its wings. The fieldfare
Millennium Green
is quite a bit larger, has a slate grey rump and red, yellowy
speckled front and brown wings. They noisily respond to
There will be a work party on the Millennium Green on disturbance with a loud chattering noise. The large flocks
Saturday 11th October between 1.30 and 4pm with a break seek out berries such as on the hawthorns and fruit. They
will readily move around Britain in search of food
mid afternoon for refreshments
supplies. These species migrate at night and when
We will be hedge trimming, tidying up the path and general together frequently call with a high pitched, clear whistle.
tidying up for winter.
Future diary date: Bird Identification Walk, 15th
We do not have a supply of tools so please bring whatever November 10:00am – 12:00 noon you are happy using.
Liz and Eddie Jenkins
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
The Letcombe Register
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
October 2014
The Letcombe Register
October 2014
Book Buffs
Letcombes Lunch Club
Our next meeting, on 1st October, will be held in the Sports
Pavilion on the recreation ground at 8pm. We shall be
'The Man with the Wooden Hat' by Jane Gardam and
'Testament of Youth' by Vera Brittain.
The next lunch will be on Thursday 9th October at the
Village Hall. Time 12.15 for 12.30. Anyone aged 60+ is
The cost is £8.50. As there is no bar please bring your own
The new library book, available from Freddie, is
'Persuasion' by Jane Austen, the alternative being any Please let me know not later than Monday 6th October if
you wish to attend.
poem by Dylan Thomas - the more obscure the better.
766240 Judy Vaughan Williams
Any queries please contact Freddie on 767772.
Little Ducks Pre-School
Anniek Jameson Exhibition of Paintings, Ceramics and
Vale and Downland Museum, Wantage
27th October – 1st November 2014
Childrey’s Enchanted Ball - Friday 7th November.
Venue: Sheepdrove Eco Centre
Tickets: £60
Dress code: enchanted black tie.
Transport provided both ways.
Dinner, charity auction, live music and dancing.
All in aid of the Little Ducks relocation fund - the pre-school
is aiming to relocate to a site at the Ridgeway school.
Anniek Jameson is a local artist who has lived in Letcombe Please help support us and have an amazing evening out
Bassett for many years.
in a fantastic location.
She is a self taught artist, whose spontaneous watercolour Please visit to buy tickets and
artwork is dominated by a strong sense of the seasons and view the auction lots.
her love of nature.
Much of her flower work is gathered on and around the
Ridgeway which lies above the village where she lives on
the edge of the Berkshire Downs.
Her main inspiration comes from wild flowers and grasses
and also garden flowers. Spring and early Summer feature
often in her compositions. Autumn also provides a strong
Her ability to paint quickly without drawing an outline
results in a style full of freshness and vitality, together with
a striking sense of colour combination.
Since 1985 she has had 14 successful 'one-man'
exhibitions including The Dutch Embassy in London and
The Century Gallery in Henley on Thames. Many of her
paintings have been bought by greeting card suppliers,
these cards will be available to purchase at the exhibition.
More recently Anniek has used her talent to paint floral
Dutch symmetrical designs on pottery and tiles. She also
does bespoke paintings and artwork on pottery to use as
gifts for weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.
200 Club
200 Club Draw—No 7
October 2014
Elizabeth MANNERS
Michael DAVIS
David SHAW
Peter & Leonora HILL
Glyn & Linda PENDELL
Non-Winners draw:
Diana APPS
Nick and Barbara GARDNER
Richard TAYLOR
Jaqueline McLAURIN
New Numbers Draw
Sophie & Hugh SIMONS
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
The Letcombe Register
Richmond Letcombe Regis
October 2014
Richard’s Records
Last Monday of the month, October 27th at 4.45pm.
The Lodge Garden Café & Shop News
WINTER Opening Hours
Monday - Saturday 10.00am – 4.00pm
Sunday ONLY 10.00am – 3.00pm
Everyone is welcome to join Richard Baker in the
The Ladies Fashion Show advertised in last month’s
Bread Special Offer
Register will, unfortunately, NOT now take place
We have delicious Olive Bread available at a Special Price
New Head of Activities
REMEMBER not to forget to treat yourself to one of our
freshly baked breads and pastries, which can all be Richmond Villages are pleased to announce and welcome
pre-ordered. Please ring 774789 – why not treat yourself our new Head of Activities - Lizzie Philpot
this weekend?
Now Serving Our Winter Warmer Soup of the Day coming
back look on the Special Board for further details, you will
need something to warm you up on these autumn days.
Tasty cakes and pastries always available
We think you’ll agree you’ve discovered a hidden gem in
our Lodge Garden Cafe, nothing too much trouble and
there is always something new to try and buy. Why not
treat the family to either a morning coffee or an afternoon
cup of tea with a delicious slice of cake from out cake
St Andrews Church Roof Appeal Fund Announcing a NIGHT AT THE RACES
Richmond Villages Letcombe Regis
On Friday 10th October 2014 At 6.30pm
With Fish & Chip Supper
Tickets: £8.95 per person
This will be an evening of fun entertainment you will need
to bring cash to place your “BETS”
Recommend Booking Early by contacting Richmond
Village Hospitality Team Tel: 01235 774577
Breaking News
The Wellness Spa
Special Beauty October Promotion
10% OFF MEN Elemis Skincare Product
For further information on this offer make
contact with our Wellness Spa Beauticians
Tel: 01235 774575
Richmond Village Letcombe Regis in association with St
Andrew’s Church came to together to fundraise for
substantial repairs to the church roof, tower, pathways,
electrics and churchyard wall.
Tuesday 6:30-7:15pm
Wednesday 5:30 – 6:00pm
We held a successful champagne and wine tasting evening
in the lodge garden cafe and together we raised £350.00
and the appeal target £40K.
Derek Maurice, Churchwarden of St Andrew’s Church said
“We are now well on the way to reaching our appeal target
and this is due in no small measure to the support and
generosity of Richmond residents, Richmond Directors and
to the enthusiasm and help of Richmond staff”.
The response from Richmond Villages Directors was
immediate, not only did they make a substantial financial
donation to our appeal, but they also offered the use of the
Lodge Café and the main Restaurant for free and to
provide actual help in organising fund raising events”
On behalf of all of us at St Andrew’s, our very sincere
thanks to everyone at Richmond Villages Letcombe Regis
with helping us to reach our appeal target.
Thursday 6:00- 6.45pm
Open to non members on a ‘pay as
you go’ basis
Class £5.00 Class and swim £8.00
Contact our Fitness Instructors at the
Wellness Spa to book a class Tel:
01235 774575
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
The Letcombe Register
October 2014
Football Club
September was a mixed month for the club. We began with
an excellent 1-1 draw at home to Lydney Town, who were
runners-up in the league last season. We then played
Wantage Town reserves at Alfredian Park and gave our
best display for a long time to win 2-0. The victory was
made more satisfying as their team contained four ex
Letcombe youngsters who have been `persuaded` to move
to Wantage. We played Didcot Town reserves at home in
the Berks & Bucks Cup, and although we were the better
side, our inability to score goals resulted in a 1-0
defeat. We ended the month with a poor performance
away to Cirencester Town development where we lost
4-0. It was pleasing that our reserves started their season
with a 3-0 victory at home to Hook Norton reserves.
Home matches in October are :
Sat 4th
Sat 11
Res. v Chinnor Res.
v Tuffley Rovers
Res. v Abingdon United Res. League
Sat 18th 1st
Sat 25
Hellenic Cup 2.30
v Fairford Town
Tennis Club
Autumn Tournament - October 12th
On Sunday 12th October, we will be holding out Autumn
Tournament for adults and older juniors. 9:30am start. £2
entry for members. £5 for non-members. This is a fun and
informal event to get people along to play in friendly
competition. Open to all abilities. Please call Anne Jones
on 763969 to book your place. Partners will be allocated
randomly on the day. Tea/coffee and refreshments
available and the bar will be open for cold drinks/wine/
Quiz Night - October 17th
Please come along to Big Dave’s Quiz night on Friday 17th
October. 8:30pm in the Letcombe Sports Pavilion. Real ale,
wine and soft drinks available and light refreshments.
Prizes! It’s a fun and lively night out. Teams can be any
size. £2 per person entry.
Adult and Junior coaching has now resumed and there are
some places on most courses. Please visit for details of dates and times.
Cardio and Adult coaching is on Friday mornings and
Saturday afternoons and you can buy a block of ten
lessons to be used at any time.
Tennis Club AGM - November 13th
This year we will be looking to fill some key positions in the
tennis club as the Chairman and Treasurer will be standing
down. Please come and support your club (we need a
larger number of attendees now with our membership
standing at over 180 people). The AGM will be held at the
Sports Pavilion on Thursday November 13th at 8pm. The
agenda will be sent out shortly before the night.
Winter membership - October 1st
For those who have been on the fence about joining the
club, we are now starting our Winter Rates for
membership. From October 1st rates are: Adult £30,
Family £60, Junior/FT Student £12, Mini (U12) £6. Contact
Alison on 410255
© 2014 Francesca Engelmann for Letcombe Regis Parish Council
C Pinelog Ltd
Village Hall
Site and Block Plans
Letcombe Regis
Client Parish Council
Scale 1:500 & date
1:200 @A1 Apr 2012
drg. no.
job no.
As Built
Revision A Feb 12
Add revised new pavilion
to site plan.
Add revised car park layout.
Revision B 11 March 12
Move building 2m towards
road. Remove 2 minibus
places and adjust road
layout slightly
Revision C 11.7.1
Revised foot print added
Indication of planting to
carpark shown
Boundary hedge note added
Revision D 12.7.1
Client changes
Revision E Oct 12
Client changes for
Option B including
flipping building.
Revision F 16 Oct 12
Client changes as
per 15 Oct email
Close cut
grass area
Di s
3 spaces
50 m
Village hall
Childrens play
sp ni bu
es s
Horse riding club
4 spaces
tree to be
removed toNe
widen access w P
for highway safety ath
Rumble strip
Rumble strip
Close cut
grass area
tree to be
4 spaces
Di 3 spaces
Village hall
Childrens play
sp ni bu
ace s
4 spaces
tree to be
removed toNe
widen access w P
for highway safety ath
Rumble strip
Rumble strip
Childrens play
further planting of tree species
along boundary of cricket pitch
Cricket field
Village hall
tree to be
Football pitch
Access to
riding club field
4 spaces
Village hall
Riding club
Inset Scale 1:200
Scale 1:500 @ A1
and m
ning o
f Hed
ge pla
Revision G 29 Nov 12
Increase roof overhang to
4m over verandah
Relocate gate into horse field
into new fence line opposite
link to car park
Revision H 11 Dec 12
Realign horse field fence
for overspill car parking
and create close cut grass
area with picnic tables.
Revision I 17 Dec 12
Move cycle stands
Extend 2 car spaces to
create mini bus spaces
Extend verandah
tt R
Pinelog Limited
Riverside Business Park, Bakewell
Derbyshire DE45 1GS
Tel: (01629) 814481
Fax: (01629) 814634
1. This design and drawing and any related specification are the
COPYRIGHT of Pinelog Ltd, and may not be reproduced in
drawing or built form without Pinelog Ltds express permission
2. Pinelog Ltd. reserve the right to alter any item or
specification shown on this drawing to accord with the latest
details and regulations
3.This drawing should not be scaled, only figured dimensions
are to be worked to, and all dimensions should be checked on
site prior to work commencing.
4. The drawings are in metric scale
5.Report any discrepancies to Pinelog immediately
6. All drawings are to be read in conjunction with any other
relevant engineers / consultants drawings or other information
where applicable.
Signed and Dated Approved
Brook Cottage
Boundary Cottage
Elec sub stn
Manor Bungalow