April 12, 1949. 2,467,161 C. F. SHEELEY CONTROL FOR CUTTING APPARATUS 2 sheets-shew 1 Filed Aug. 2'?, 1946 , Í 5?. ll O „NW î., 2 nl» 8 _lman. ir 0 3 Q). ` 77 63 2 IN VEN TOR. CHA/M55 E' J‘ßfgasr BY A TTORNEYS ‘ April l2, 1949. CONTROL FOR CUTTING APPARATUS Filed Aug. 2'7,_ 1946 2,467,161 c. F. sHEELEY . 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR. ¿ffm/suf; F .J7/¿525V Mund/9” ¿my A TTUP/VEYS 2,467,161 Patented Àpr. 12, 1949 UNITED STATES `ATENT oFFlcE „2,457,161 CONTROL FOR CUTTING APPARATUS N. J., assigner of Charles F. Shßeley, ,East Orange, one-half ,to `>ìutolpert E. Joy, Freeport, N. Y. Application August 27, 1946, Serial No. 693,300 ,11 Claims. (Cl. 5.1--98) pivots 2% for the pivoted swingable toolsupport I2. 1 This .invention relates to `cutting machines and particularly to a control means for governing movement ol a tool reiative to a piece of work. to be operated upon by said tool. ln previous rotating disc tool machines, it has been diiìcult to control in a simple manner the speed oi advance or the tool toward and into the work after the cutting action is started. Such a speed control should be adjustable with ease to accommodate various sizes of work. One of the objects of the invention is to con trol speed of movement of the tool toward the The outer endof support l2 carries a spindle i3 vupon .which may be mounted _a .rotatablediscelike .tool lli. .Pulley l5 (Fig. 2) .is connectedby means of »belt .iii ,to motor driven .pulley il, motor 18 being `mounted `by means Yo‘f bolts L9 (Fig. 1-) to Work so that 'the approach can be at a relatively the .pivoted vtool support l2 in any well-known manner. As will .be .explained hereafter, any type of yad justable pivothearing shown generally at 20 may be used for vholding :the -tool support l2, a pre» ferred form being shown in Fig. 5. ‘In some »previous devices, the pivoted-tool sup port li2 .has been rcounter»balanced in some man rapid rate and the cutting movement at a much slower rate. Another object is to provide a means to auto matically hold the tool in an inoperative position after having been manually lifted away from the work following a cutting operation. rg0 Still another object of the invention is to pro-> vide means for adjusting with ease the point ner and has been operable so as to bring the tool manually »into engagement with the work. Upon completion oí `the cutting operation in such de »vices,\the»tool has been lifted away from the work so that a _new piece could be inserted. Hydraulic cylindertl is supported on adjustable bell cranks »272, said bell cranks being pivotally mounted on shaft »23 and supported »by'brackets where the control mechanism changes the speed of the tool movement and where the tool is stopped 2t (Figs. A1 and 4) carried‘by frame le. A nut §25 is oscillatably mounted between the short ends of the bell cranks and said nut is 4elngçaged >by an adjusting screw said adjusting screw being turnable'by manually operated crank handle 21,. ' non completion of a cut so that various size pieces Lg? work may be accommodated in a machine' equipped with the invention. rShes-e and other features, objects, and advan of the invention will become apparent from lthe following description and drawings. »Spacers'rß and 29 are _pinned to screw 25 and serve -to hcldtheadjusting screw 26 longitudinally rela tive to the front Wall Sil of the frame 1_6 of the machine. The spacers have spherical suriaces gil and 3-22, respectively, so as to _allow for the slight In the drawings: Fig. l is a broken vertical view partially in sec ` >rocking action of adjusting _screw 2@ as bell @rank lever is oscillated about pivot 23. The cylinder 2 is a plan View of the apparatus of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is an enlarged sectional view of one form 2l is pivotally mounted by bolts »Vl to the long of hydraulic cylinder. ends of bell cranksüwß. Piston 33 is slidable `in hydraulic cylinder 2l, said piston being provided Fig. 4 is a View along the line t-ll of Fig. l. Fig. 5 is a sectional view along the line 5--5‘of 2 or one type of bearing that may be used for a pivot arm. rí‘he invention is particularly useful on a in_a with rings .1Min a conventional vmanner or other 40 chine having a rotary type tool such as a saw or an abrasive disc. type 0f racking means- The upper end of piston 133 »Carries ,a Connecting rod 35, seid .rod .beine pivctally mounted at 35 t0 bracket il, said bracket in turnbeine fastened by boltsëß tu riveted tool support :l2- vClosure„member „§59 is screw thread In accordance with the present invention, a engagedat ¿lll ‘..vith the upperend oíißvlínder hydraulic control valve is provided which can be 45 _edi-y 2l, there being a suitable packing M providgçlbef released so that the tool support \lvill advance with The arrangement is tweenthe ends of _closureit‘â and the .bottom L112 such that the hydraulic flow rate during move ment toward the work is changed so that about of vthe enlarged bore at the upper end „of cylin der I2l. Adjusting vnuts «.43 are ,provided‘on vthe n 1. work. time the tool contacts the work, the tool sup port movement is retarded. Upon completion of « the cutting operation, the tool support can be raised upwardly and will lock itself automatically in a retracted or upper position. ln a preferred embodiment, frame il) has brack said brackets carrying ets l i' `mounted thereon, screw threaded portionßit‘, of .theconnecting rod -35 tolimit-the motion of the >piston andftool sup port inwardly _relative-to -thecylinden flfheiiuid outlets from the nuid end :i5 of cylinder il! are controlledbya -ñrst uuid-outlet 115 and a ylower or second outlet dv'lfthe spacing ofthe outletslbe~ 2,467,161 ing correlated to each other and the cylinder ac cording to the particular machine involved. Pipes 48 and 49 are connected through valves 56 and 5I to a pipe 52. Pipe 52 is connected by means of liexible lead 53 to pipe 54 mounted on 4 covers the upper iiuid opening 46 to change the speed of the tool advance. One form of pivoted support that might be used for the tool support I2 is shown in Fig. 5, where in the pivoted arm I2 has conically shaped de pressions 60 and 1I. A spherically shaped pivot point 12 may be carried by adjustable bolt 13 said pipe 54 leading to control valve 55, said valve being controlled by means of a hand control lever 56. The hand control lever on one of the brackets carrying the tool support 56 is pivotally mounted at 51 on tool support I2, spring 58 normally holding said hand control lever 10 I2. A similar spherically shaped pivot 14 may be mounted in 15 carried by the other bracket 16. The plate 15 may have four adjusting screws Outlet located at right angles so as to adjustably posi flexible ` thereby make it possible to connection 6I to reservoir 62, said reservoir be ing above the level oi cylinder 2 I. Pipe 53 is con line of the tool support pivot nected to the inlet end 64 of hydraulic cylinder 15 arrangement. In this way, the exact position of 2 I, there being the cutting wheel I4 may be accurately adjusted. The invention is particularly adaptable for installation on rotary> disc-type cutting tools. cylinder but serving to Variations may be made in the construction and prevent ñuid from passing out through pipe 63 20 details shown without departing from the spirit and returning to the reservoir 62. of the invention as defined in the appended When the pivoted arm I2 is in its upper or claims. inoperable position, the weight of the arm will What is claimed: be transmitted through connecting rod 35 to 1. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a ro piston 33. Inasmuch as valve 55 is closed, fluid cannot escape from cylinder outlets 46 and 41, 25 tary disc tool or the like including a pivoted tool and the arm will remain ' ' support oscillatable toward and away from a piece of work, a rotary disc tool mounted on said The ball check valve 65 prevents fluid from pass support, means to drive said tool, a hydraulic ing out of the cylinder. A piece of work to .be means connected with and governing the pivoting operated upon is indicated diagrammatically at 61 and held in some suitable manner on work 30 movement of said tool relative to said work, and hydraulic liow control means connected with holder 66. Hand control lever 56 is pressed said hydraulic means normally holding said tool downwardly which will open valve 55 allowing support in an inoperative position and openable iiuid to bow through pipe 52 from ñuid outlets to allow movement of the tool support toward the 46 and 41. At this time, the piston is in an work, said control means having outlets there upper part of the cylinder as indicated by the from operable to change the movement of said dot-dash line 68 (Fig. 3) so that both inlets 46 and 41 are open. The position of inlet 46 is Y40 hydraulic means and tool support from a fast to a slow rate at a predetermined point in the travel of said tool toward the work. 2. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a rotary disc-like tool including a pivoted tool support oscillatable toward and away from a piece of work to be operated upon by said tool, a hydraulic cylinder means connected to said said tool support towards the work, flow control means port, and therefore the erned by the position of adjusting nuts 43, said nuts upon engagement with guide 39 serving to stop the downward movement of the piston above the second or lower iluid outlet 41. When it is desired to raise the piston, handle 56 is grasped and the tool support and tool lifted upwardly. Fluid will iiow from reservoir 62 through pipe 63 and check valve 65 into the cylinder 2I . hydraulic iiow control means. 3. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a ro When 60 the handle 56 is released, ball check valve 65 will close so that the pivoted tool support will be held in its upper or inoperable position inas much as liquid will not be able to escape from cylinder 2 I . The broken lines at I4’ show the wheel after it has completed a cut through the work shown diagrammatically at 61, there being suitable clearance means provided in the work holder 66. The dashed lines at I4” show the travel of the 70 wheel that might be utilized with a different kind where the tool engages the work. of work holder or larger work. The broken lines at 22’ indicate a lowered position of the cyl 4. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a ro tary disc-like tool including a pivoted tool sup inder to lower the point where the piston ñrst 75 port advanceable toward a piece of work, a hy 2,467,161 5 draulic cylinder controllable by a fluid flowable therethrough, a piston movable in said cylinder for governing movement of said tool support, a pair of spaced fluid outlets in said cylinder, and said outlets, and means to adjust the position a control valve for said fluid outlets, said valve Cil of said cylinder relative to said support so as to adjust the location of the first of said outlets relative to said piston and thereby the point of change of speed of said piston in said cylinder. normally being closed to prevent movement of the tool support said piston being movable at a fast rate of speed when said control valve is ñrst opened to allow fluid to flow from both of said outlets and at a slower rate of speed after said piston has moved in said cylinder a prede termined distance to cut off fluid flow from one of said outlets. 5. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a ro tary disc-like tool including a pivoted tool sup port movable toward a piece of work, a hydraulic cylinder and piston movable therein for govern ing movement of said support toward a piece of work located in the path of the tool, a pair of spaced fluid outlets in the wall of said cylinder, and a control valve connected with said lluid out lets adapted to control the flow of fluid there from, said piston being movable at a fast rate of speed under the urgence of said tool support when said control valve is opened to allow fluid to flow from both of said outlets, and at a slower rate of speed after said piston has moved in said cylinder a predetermined distance to cut off fluid Q. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a ro tary disc-like tool including a tooi support mov able toward a piece of work, a hydraulic cylin der and piston movable therein for governing movement of said support, a pair of spaced out lets, fluid control means for said outlets, said pis ton being movable at a fast rate of speed when said control means is first opened and at a slow er rate of speed when liuid flow is cut-off from one of said outlets at a predetermined point of travel of the tool toward the work, and ad justable means associated with said piston to stop the same at a predetermined point and thereby limit the movement of said tool support relative to the work. 10. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a ro tary disc-like tool including a frame, a pivoted tool support adjustable toward a piece of work on said frame, a hydraulic cylinder and piston slidable therein for governing movement of said support, said cylinder and piston being connected between said tool support and said frame, a pair of spaced outlets, fluid control means for said outlets, said piston being movable at one rate of flow from one of said outlets at a predetermined speed when both of said outlets are opened and 30 point of travel of the tool toward the work. at a slower rate of speed when a'ñrst of said out 6. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a ro lets is rendered ineffective by said piston, means tary disc-like tool including a pivoted tool sup for adjusting the position of said cylinder on said port oscillatable relative to a piece of work, a frame so as to change the point at which said hydraulic fluid cylinder and piston slidable there in for governing movement of said support, a check controlled inlet connection at one end of said cylinder, a pair of spaced fluid outlets in said cylinder wall, a control valve for said fluid outlets adapted to control the flow of ñuid from said outlets, said piston being movable at a fast rate of speed when said control valve is first opened to allow the llow of fluid from said out lets and at a slower rate of speed after said pis ton has moved in said cylinder a predetermined piston renders said first outlet ineffective, and adjusting means to limit the movement of said piston relative to said cylinder and thereby limit the movement of said tool support relative to the work. 11. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a rotary disc-like tool including a frame, a pivoted tool support having an adjustable pivot and oscil latable relative to a piece of work on said frame a hydraulic cylinder and piston slidable there in for governing movement of said support, said distance to cut off fluid flow from one of said 45 cylinder and piston being connected between said outlets, and a liuid reservoir connected to said tool support and said frame, a pair of spaced cylinder inlet connection and to said outlets. outlets, ñuid control means for said outlets, said '7. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a piston being movable at one rate of speed when rotary disc-like tool including a pivoted tool sup both of said outlets are opened and at a slower port movable toward a piece of work, a hydraulic 50 rate of speed when a ñrst of said outlets is ren cylinder and piston slidable therein for govern ing movement of said support, a pair of spaced dered ineffective by said piston, means for ad justing the position of said cylinder on said fluid outlets in the wall of said cylinder, and a control valve having an operating member frame so as to change the point at which said the flow from said fluid outlets and normally piston relative to said cylinder and thereby limit the movement of said tool support relative to the work. CHARLES F. SI-IEELEY. piston renders said ñrst outlet ineffective, and mounted on said pivoted tool support controlling 55 adjusting means to limit the movement of said preventing flow therefrom, said valve allowing fluid flow to take place upon operation of said member so that the tool support will commence movement of the tool toward the work, said pis 60 ton being movable at a fast rate of speed when said control valve is ñrst operated and at a slower rate of speed after one of said outlets has REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the been cut off by said piston. file of this patent: 8. Apparatus for controlling the feed of a 65 rotary disc-like tool including a tool support mov able toward a piece of Work, a hydraulic cylin der and piston slidable therein for governing movement of said support, a pair of spaced out lets for said cylinder, ñuid control means for 70 said outlets, said piston being movable at a fast rate of speed when said control means is first actuated and at a slower rate of speed after said piston has moved in said cylinder a predeter mined distance to cut-off ñuid flow from one of 75 UNITED STATES PATENTS Number '786,509 2,142,022 2,157,946 2,262,049 2,354,509 2,360,070 2,361,961 Name Date Merritt ___________ __ Apr. 4, 1905 Ernst et al. ______ _- Dec. 27, 1938 Wortendyke ...... -_ May 9, 1939 Robinson ________ _.. Nov. 11, 1941 Dreher __________ __ July 25, 1944 Meyerbach ______ __ Oct. 10, 1944 Pruitt ____________ -_ Nov. 7, 1944 Certificate of Correction Patent No. 2,467,161. April 12, 1949. CHARLES F. SHEELEY It is hereby certified that error appears in the printed speciücation of the above numbered patent requiring correction as follows: Column 3, line 34, for the Word "bow” read jlo'w; and that the said Letters Patent should be read with this correction therein that the same may conform to the record of the case in the Patent Oñìce. Signed and sealed this 27th day of September, A. D. 1949. [M] THOMAS F. MURPHY, Assistant Uommz‘ssz'oner of Patents.
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