From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 1982 59: 586-593 Dexamethasone synergistically induces chemotactic peptide receptor expression in HL-60 cells KM Skubitz, YS Zhen and JT August Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. Dexamethasone Synergistically Receptor Expression By Keith We have examined the of dexamethasone human promyelocytic ity of surface receptors Dexamethasone markedly synergistic ylsulfoxide. but f-met-Ieu-phe peptide binding peptide receptors affinity. The and f-met-leu-phe activ- the the chemotactic acid. in inducing The increase HL-60 due to cells. an increase than an in the ORTICOSTEROIDS in was exert an was clinical treated with (0.01-I receptor mg/ml) for the (FMLP) peptide.’ of of effect fail of rabbit of to this neutro- phils to l0_6_l08 M corticosteroids for 16 hr has been reported to decrease the cells chemotactic response to FMLP without altering FMLP binding to the cell, possibly by altering prostaglandin metabolism.2 Recently, sone have physiologic been reported Fc receptors concentrations to decrease on the surface of dexamethaexpression the of HL-60 cells,3 a possible mechanism of corticosteroids. of the antiinflammatory These results, together earlier showed studies that that of activity with our concentra- tions of corticosteroids did not alter the receptor affinity for FMLP in mature human neutrophils, led us to analyze the effect of corticosteroids on the activity of the chemotactic peptide receptor of HL-60 cells as they differentiate to mature neutrophils. The HL-60 cell line, established from a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia,4 grows in culture pri- From the Departments Experimental of Medicine. Chinese September Presented in part ofHematology reprint Medicine, Johns Wolfe © I 982 586 and annual Antonio, requests Hopkins Pharmacology Hopkins the of accepted Antibiotics, Texas, to Keith December M. Skubitz, University Street, Baltimore, Md. by Grune & Stratton, Inc. School 21205. 5-8, of there was assessed by to reduce had steroid no reproducible by the for binding blocked on HL-60 The half maximal constant of cells with methyltestosterone or tested. in HL-60 not when tetrazolium. criteria required known the effect morphology effect three receptors was 1 7a little cell nitroblue but the the steroid or progesterone. as leukemic promyelocytes. to differentiate to more granulocytic7 foxide, RO1 1981. Department Medicine, 725 cell line can be cells of either chemical stimulus, dimethylformamide, trans-retinoic acid, have and type as has been dimethylsul- phorbol esters. been reported of HL-60 cells Gluco- to have in culture,10 no but can act to decrease the expression of Fc receptors the surface of HL-60 cells.3 Some leukemic cell lines of other species can be induced to differentiate with glucocorticoid hormones,’2”3 and with others differentiation in response to inducing agents is blocked by dexamethasone.7 on article we describe concentrations surface receptor tion, tion the FMLP of HL-60 markedly the effect of physiologic of dexamethasone on the activity important in immune effector receptor, as well cells in culture. synergistic in of a func- as on the differentiaDexamethasone was inducing FMLP receptor activity. In contrast, the hormone had relatively little effect on the induction of more differentiated cell morphology or the ability of the cells to reduce NBT, two other indicators of granulocyte maturation. Our results suggest that steroids augment activity of the granulocyte chemotactic peptide receptor during differentiation induced by other physiologically active agents. tactic There peptide is no evidence that inhibition receptor activity in developing is a mechanism of the of chemomyeloid antiinflammatory effect of corticosteroids. MATERIALS Society This mature or macrophage/monocytic8’#{176} corticoid hormones effect on differentiation 10, /981. American M.D., for by the appropriate demonstrated with cells and November ofthe School China. 5T-32-CA-09243 of Health. meeting and University Institute Beijing, Grants Institutes 28, 1981, 0006-4971/82/5903-0019$Ol.00/O and Johns Sciences, at the in San Address North Md. ofMedical in part by the National Submitted Medicine The Baltimore, Academy Supported CAI947Ifrom of of Therapeutics, cells alone agents In this suggesting physiologic the of dexamethasone manly induced the corticosteroids to respond peritoneal as was as assessed hormone blocking exhibit a reduced affinity of the cell chemotactic tripeptide f-met-leu-phe and simultaneously In vitro exposure of differentiation the antiinflammatory in vivo and are used in a wide variety settings for this effect. Human granulocytes concentrations binding spe- action high ability in receptor relatively peptide dexamethasone concentration synergism correlated with activity increase of dexamethasone nM August differentiation Dexamethasone dimeth- trans-retinoic for Peptide Cells and J. Thomas HL-60 and by Zhen, cific dimethylformamide rather effect (HI-SO) Chemotactic in HL-60 of the of 500 with was concentrations at a concentration with not Yong-su of differentiation cells for the binding M. Skubitz, of physiologic induction leukemia peptide. C effect on the Induces AND METHODS Chemicals Dimethylsulfoxide burg, Pa.) and cal Company, (DMSO) (il. N,N-Dimethylformamide Inc., modified Eagle’s desired concentrations. Milwaukee, medium Baker Wisc.) (DMEM) Chemical Co., (DMF) (Aldrich were prepared (Gibco, Grand I 2-0-Tetradecanoylphorbol- Blood, Vol. 59. PhillipsChemi- in Dulbecco’s Island, N.Y.) at 1 3-acetate No. 3 (March), 1982 From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. EFFECT OF DEXAMETHASONE (IPA) (PL acetone and ries, San in ON Biochemicals stored Inc., CarIes, Calif.) was and stored at -70#{176}C until then sodium in 500 diluted mM St. (Pharmco, Publicker tration of terone and at 10.2 and and concentration Cell Culture HL-60 were kindly in (FCS) DMEM with Sterile mg/mI seeded before viability were then at 2.5-5 added the volume the were previously described.’ 0.5 3H-FMLP (46.4 as culture cells bovine I 5 mm. performed at results cells were The once I 06/ml. in Slides containing scraping, expressed balanced salt were filtered from that the binding distortion nuclear pattern seen cells and in with prepara- were performed significance was by an appropriate by shown, analysis individual of variance. comparisons t test. binding of by incubation previously been 3H-FMLP to of the cells HL-60 with reported.2224 cells 1 20 mM Growth was DMF of HL-60 cells in the presence of both 120 mM DMF and 500 nM DEX markedly increased 3H-FMLP binding (Fig. 1). Induction of 3H-FMLP binding by DMF alone was several fold lower. The average per cell was 200 in the control treated with I 20 mM DMF, and in the increase presence 500 of 500 in 3H-FMLP number of receptors cells, 16,150 in cells 64,600 in cells treated nM DEX. 3H-FMLP increased in HL-60 cells nM DEX binding in the activity not an alteration without can of surface in receptor DMF. be attributed 3H-FMLP affinity for the 0 In Mass.) washed, and experiments 0 the x were U, 0 internaliza- binding, defined absence a Shandon-Elliot England). U 0 as the versus or of the 0 the E Similarly, group and bizarre patterns that cells that that but with readily into cells a condensed of nuclear segmentation. I In granulocytes, forms, cells U. promyelocytes, segmentation, divided have into .1 were pattern of cell was often quite and band and usually 5 was cells the blasts divided with pattern ) (4) 1 was centrifuge counts of normal (1 promyelocytes nucleus chromatin but five groups: Group neutrophils Because microscopy metamyelocytes, blasts Cytospin Differential in the development into neutrophils. marked tin with (3) HL-60 mature forma- cytospin solution incubated peptide-receptor Wright’s stained cells. as determined by light control nucleoli. comparisons to an increase receptors and and Boston, binding as specific Surrey, myelocytes, fine at 37#{176}C. The blue-black stained 0.2 Wisc.), V C prepared on segmented for 20 mm reduced on Wright’s with 0 we classified (2) incubated Milwaukee, 0. were different as has This FMLP. SCA-0030, performed differentiation Co., ng of IPA previously at 2 x 106 Analysis performed grown following Morphology (model ml were intracellular with 120 mM DMF plus binding was not reproducibly individual PBS and a Cell Inducing flask Nuclear, then prevent 3H-FMLP of 10 tM 0.2 as suspended (3H-FMLP) was determinor modifications as albumin Similar 4#{176}Cto between with England counted. are oxal- medium. in Hank’s serum New The was mg/mI indicated with 10 (Sigma).’8 exclusion. culture calf (Sig- x (Sigma) 200 assayed Receptors Ci/mmole, 3H-FMLP dye acid Briefly, mg/mI 2 by washing with free as (Corning, approximately tissue of f-met-leu-[3H]phe by Williams et al.’9 containing presence twice split FCS, Chemical determined statistical induced acid 0.150 insulin blue harvested cells Specific binding mined as described difference When (National Logan, reached to oJFMLP tion.#{176}2’All and diaminetetraacetic Determination also a small Gallo (GIBCO), was Of cells RESULTS fetal Irypan adhering were ethylene washing bound by R.C. bovine containing cultures. Utah), U/mI 10% (Aldrich containing was NBT their Inc., concentration in Cells at 37#{176}C for deposits Statistical daily heat-inactivated x l05/ml cell by IPA 10 mM 0.2 determined experiments. induction (prepared 10% pyruvate and the was agents sodium (Aldrich), in PBS of cells Multiple to 20 times with NBT reduce modifications. tions. ethanol Systems, 0.05 were M and at a concen- The cells (mycoplasma in 25 sq cm I flasks ma), week, zan 17-a-Methyltestos- reagents 0.2% to minor in DMEM of percent ethanol Pa.) ml of cells with dissolved Chemical in 200-proof by Md.). grown N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N’-2-ethanesulfonic cells 200-proof in DMEM provided (HY-Clone, acid in to the cell mM acetic (Sigma of The N.Y.) serum All diluted gift of 2 x l02 (RA) dissolved DMEM. of Health, Bethesda, by culture) were Corning, dissolved in a small and Dohme) was was Sharp in DMEM. to addition ability described’2 7.4 Pa., Philadelphia, were were prior cells Institutes determined in IPA) Reduction The diluted pH a generous dissolved diluted NBT cells/mI Inc., (Sigma) diluted and final 10 mM, saline, acid was then in Laborato- (DEX), Point, (Merck, Industries, progesterone FMLP at to a concentration Mo.) dissolved use. Trans-retinoic Louis, 103M, M except Na2CO3 in DMEM. Company, was (Peninsula in DMSO phosphate Sharp, and Dohme, West of PBS. Indomethacin dissolved FMLP phosphate-buffered Dexamethasone Merck, volume Wisc.), use. dissolved 587 CELLS Milwaukee, at -70#{176}Cuntil calcium/magnesium-free (PBS), HL-60 00 and (5) resemble often had retained discernible that resemble nuclear chroma- l50 [3H-FMLP](nM) a Fig. 1 . Dexamethasone potentiates the induction by DMF of FMLP receptors on the surface of HL-60 cells. HL-60 cells were cultured for 6 days in the presence of the indicated inducing agents and assayed for surface FMLP receptors as described in the text. The specific H-FMLP binding per cell at 37CC is plotted versus the concentration of H-FMLP. From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. 588 SKUBITZ. Fig. tiates face 2. in the AND AUGUST Dexamethasone the FMLP HL-60 U. ZHEN, cells were presence poten- by DMF of suron HL-60 cells. induction receptors cultured of 1 20 mM (#{149}) (r = 0.951 ) or without DEX (r = 0.938). SpecifIc for 6 days DMF with (0) 500 nM 3H-FMLP binding at 4’C is plotted according to the method of Scatchard, as B/F = BoI#{231},- B K. where B is the concentration of bound peptide cxpressed as cpm per 5 x 1 0’ cells. F is the concentration of free peptide. and B,, is the total concentration of receptors. The calculated K was 5 x 1 0’ M ‘ for both groups of cells. while the number of receptors per cell B(cpm the ligand as shown by from binding experiments xIO3) Scatchard analysis25 of data performed at 37#{176}C(not or 4#{176}C (Fig. 2). 3H-FMLP binding to HL-60 cells was greater at 37#{176}Cthan at 4#{176}C, as has been reported for normal human neutrophils, perhaps representing peptide internalization.”26 The increase in shown) FMLP All binding further was nearly studies were maximal by day performed 6 (Fig. using was grown a exposure performing threefold in the higher presence of the cells to the inducing assays of differentiation. on the of DEX. agents cells prior to The relation of the effect of DEX to its interaction with the steroid receptor was examined. Potentiation of 120 mM DMF-induced HL-60 cell differentiation by DEX was determined by FMLP binding after removal 3). 6-day In 0 ‘C E U V C 0 0. -J U. I In [DEXJ(nM) Fig. 4. t (days) Fig. 3. DMF in the presence or absence of dexamethasone induced a time-dependent increase in FMLP binding to the surface of HL-60 cells. Specific 3H-FMLP binding. expressed as cpm bound per 1 0 cells in the presence of 50 nM 3H-FMLP. is plotted versus time of exposure of HL-60 cells to either 1 20 mM DMF mM DMF plus 500 nM DEX (#{149}). 500 nM DEX (0). or PBS point is the mean of three separate determinations duplicate experiment gave similar results. (A). (0). ± 120 Each SD. A The of DMF potentiation induction of 3H-FMLP binding to HL-60 to HL-60 presence presence cells by DEX is dose dependent. Specific 3H-FMLP binding cells. expressed as cpm bound per 1 0’ cells in the of 50 nM3H-FMLP. is shown for cells grown 6 days in the (#{149}) or absence (A) of 1 20 mM DMF and varying concen- trations of DEX as shown. Half-maximal potentiation occurred 5 and 50 nMDEX. High concentrations of DEX alone often between induced mean similar a small of triplicate results. increase samples in 3H-FMLP ± SEM. binding. A duplicate Each point is the experiment gave From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. EFFECT OF DEXAMETHASONE of steroid at a DEX half by washing. concentration maximal potency reported DEX, K ranging cally at -10 .-.-4 x nM l0 from HL-60 DEX 589 (Fig. system receptors M.27 0.05 4). Thus, correlates of HL-60 DEX alone, to 500,000 HL-60 cell differentiation (Table 1) or by NBT I 7-a-methyltestosterone block the effect CELLS The effect of DEX was maximal of 500 nM and approximately of DEX in this affinity of steroid tions on ON with cells had as assessed reduction metabolism, prostaglandins Indomethacin, activity are (not known In contrast, shown). to alter Table 1 . had no effect asone Dexameth Potent iates that study cells. at RA induced by division, between DEX and by cell of H 1-60 of by morphology or was a slight, (Fig. 6). inducer as the of more ability to measureable the presence FMLP of RA suppressed, of FMLP DMF in a dosereceptors (Fig. 7). This effect on the cells as blue exclusion, and counts, were additive with DMF, as previously and DMF in inducing the ability entiation Cells Induced not signifi- with b y DMF reported,7 of HL-60 1.6 x l0 or D MSO or DEX cells to M TPA But Not of Cells Percent Atypical Myelocyte RA Segmented Band Metamyelocyte - 14.3 48 - 19.7 43.3 90mM +DEX 13.7 - 8.7 90mM -DEX 32.3 - 60mM +DEX 34.7 60mM -DEX 30mM +DEX Normal 20 PMN Atypical 7.6 - 5.7 0 - 48 22.7 7 - 7.3 43.6 14.3 2.3 - - 8 39 16.3 2 - 78.7 - 8.3 10.3 91.5 - 3.5 3 2.7 0 - 2 0 - 4.5 1 1 12.3 13.3 5.5 - 7.8 9.8 6.8 - 12.5 12.8 9.8 - 6.3 - 5.5 1.8 - 2.8 1.3 - 4.5 3.3 .3 - 30mM -DEX 89.5 - 4 160mM +DEX 63.7 - 5.3 160mM -DEX 71 - 4.8 130mM +DEX 58 - 7 130mM -DEX 70.8 - 3.8 9.5 9.8 100mM +DEX 78 - 5.3 9.5 100mM -DEX 85.5 - 5 5.5 70mM +DEX 87.8 - 4 70mM - -DEX 89.5 - 2.5 2.5 3.8 1.8 106M +DEX 5 64 0.3 0.3 0 - 30.3 106M -DEX 5.3 60.3 0 0.3 0 - 34 10’M +DEX 16 70.7 0.7 1.7 0 - 11 10’M -DEX 13 68.3 0.3 0.3 0 - 18 10’M +DEX 60.3 31.3 2.7 0.3 0 - 5.3 10’M -DEX 57 32.3 2.7 1.3 0.3 - 6.3 10’M +DEX 87.3 6.3 2.3 1.3 0 - 2.7 10’M -DEX 85.3 7.7 2 1.3 0 - +DEX 93.5 - 5 1.5 0 - -DEX 91.5 - varying presence the concentrations is reported in triplicate. or absence moorphological differentiation of inducing as similar to control Duplicate of DEX agents, were (DMF. observed in and 10 potentiates I). by concentrations of RA that suppressed (data not shown). In contrast, RA was 31.3 performed the assessed altered binding -DEX neutrophils differentials or 6, Table I ). There reduction was not due to a toxic assessed by Trypan +DEX 0 segmented DMF cells by but was differentiation is a potent as well of HL-60 cells the expression reduce NBT (not shown). Cells induced for 3 days Differ NBT induction manner, 120mM Dexamethasone with although RA cell morphology 120mM 0 incubated 5, Table on HL-60 DMF 5 and as assessed during related cantly FMLP receptor Normal DMSO by RA (Figs. potentiate NBT, RA did not induce (Fig. 5). Furthermore, Promyelocytes DMF not reduce receptors cell Blasts as well did induced effect of RA cell viability, prostaglandin Morphological DMSO DEX Interestingly, differentiated receptor DEX on on FMLP of induction of with the inducer by FMLP binding (Fig. yet significant, effect we used indomethacin to study the role of in the effect of DEX on HL-60 cells. l05_108 M, alone or in combination with 1 20 mM DMF, activity (not shown). with HL-60 morphologi(not shown). which alone had no effect on FMLP blocked the effect of 5, 50, or 200 nM FMLP receptor Since steroids observed the for no effect activity in hepatoma cells,28 were used to further the mechanism of the DEX effect in HL-60 Neither 1 7-a-methyltestosterone nor progesterone l05M, activity, the at concentra- nM, and progesterone, agents DEX on Tyr-aminotransferase of The enhancement DEX was greatest as shown. HL-60 DM50) when for cells (normal) or triplicate the 2.5 6.5 of HL-60 inducer cells induced 6 days (RA) experiments DMF The atypical, ‘ DMSO 0 or DM50 to assay. prior or markedly was by DMF morphology as described gave but but similar not RA. not 3.7 - - those of the in the text. results. - - induced by RA. Cells were blasts or promyelocytes Values are means of 1 00 cell significant differences Statistically and From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. SKUBITZ. 590 I I U I ZHEN. AND AUGUST I I In 0 ‘C E 0. 0 V C 0 0. -J +DEX U- -DCX +DE X EX 0 30 [DM Fig. 5. DMF and DM50 exert 60 90 0 120 effect with DEX in the 120 160 induction of FMLP IO” l08 lO6 [R A](M) SOI(mM) [DM F](mM) a synergistic 80 40 binding to HL-60 cells. while RA does not. Specific binding of H-FMLP to HL-60 cells in the presence of 50 nM 3H-FMLP is shown for cells grown 6 days in the presence (#{149}) or absence (#{244}) of 500 nM DEX and varying concentrations of DMF. DMSO or RA. as shown. Each value. expressed as cpm bound per 1 0’ cells. is the mean of triplicate samples ± SEM. A duplicate experiment gave similar results. The increases in FMLP binding seen with DEX alone as well as that seen with DEX plus DMF. DMSO. or RA were all statistically significant (p < 0.01 -0.001 ). The higher concentrations of RA tested decreased the slight increase in FMLP binding induced by DEX (p - 0.003=0.007). The highest concentration of ethanol present in experiments using RA, 0.1 % ethanol. had no effect when added alone on differentiation as assessed by the three assay systems used. the presence or absence of 500 nM DEX became adherent to the culture flask as described8’9 but did not exhibit significant FMLP binding or NBT reduction (not shown). (far in excess of the binding ologic was sometimes concentrations Corticosteroids exert a variety of effects in diverse tissues. In man, the administration of corticosteroids produces neutrophilia29’3#{176} and has been reported to activity either of surface of the polar inhibit myeloid colony formation in bone marrow cultures.31’32 The differentiation of some murine leukemia cells to more mature cells may be induced by corticosteroids,’2’13 while in other cases the hormone effect. required may block agents.7 be mediated This remains DISCUSSION the differentiation A widely studied HL-60 promyelocytic mature elements costeroids have reported leukemia of the granulocytic been found to have Nevertheless, to contain high I in response system is the to inducing induction of cells to more series; here, cortino effect on differ- HL-60 cells have been affinity corticosteroid recep- tors (- 1 5,600 receptors/cell with nM),27 and physiologic concentrations been found to decrease the expression on the surface of HL-60 cells.3 We DEX alone, even at a concentration K for DEX -4 of DEX have of Fc receptors also found that of 500,000 nM level that saturates the steroid receptors of the HL-60 cells), had no effect on cell differentiation as determined morphologically or by NBT reduction, although a slight increase in FMLP We tration receptors have observed. Nevertheless, physiof DEX markedly increased the FMLP inducers, examined the receptors DMF possible when added or DMSO. mechanisms with of this A correlation between the DEX concentration for half-maximal synergism and the concenrequired for half saturation in HL-60 cells suggested that of the steroid this effect may through the steroid receptor mechanism. a strong possibility; however, further support for this mechanism with 1 7-a-methyltestosterone was not provided or progesterone, by studies steroid blocking agents in other cell types. Steroids have also been shown to inhibit prostaglandin production,2’33 and it is possible that the observed synergism results from an alteration of prostaglandin Bonser et al. recently reported arachadonate release during maturation.34 In our studies, been shown to inhibit metabolism. Moreover, that DMSO stimulates induction of HL-60 cell indomethacin, which has prostaglandin production in From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. EFFECT OF DEXAMETHASONE ON HL-60 Fig. 6. Dexamethasone had relatively little effect on the induction of HL-60 cell differentiation as assessed by the ability to reduce NBT. DMF. DMSO. and RA all exert a slight synergistic effect with DEX in inducing the ability of HL-60 cells to reduce NBT. The percent of HL-60 cells reducing NBT is shown for cells grown 6 days in the presence (#{149}) or absence (0) of 500 nM DEX and varying concentrations of DMF. DMSO. or RA. as shown. Each value is the mean ± SD of 9 experiments. () Denotes a statistically significant (p < 0.05) increase in NBT reduction by DEX. HL-60 when 591 a2 I-. z a, C 0 V 0 a: ‘I, 0 0 [DMF](mM) cells,34 had no effect on FMLP receptor added alone or with I 20 mM DMF (not Another possible mechanism effect is corticosteroid-induced face receptors for trophic not CELLS tested this hypothesis of been endocrine known to an effect and of steroid studied such [RA](M) documented mechanism DEX system, observed has modulation of cell surhormones. Although we have in this the activity shown). [DMSO](mM) systems have ‘C or induction of the ability induce presence on of more seen more activity of or absence HL-60 NBT differentiation surface of DEX, than either is measured NBT, RA did by not FMLP receptors in the and actually suppressed the induction of receptors caused by DMF in the presence or absence of DEX. Similarly, TPA induced prominent changes in morphology but had no effect on FMLP receptor activity (not shown). The differential -I U. I In effect of these agents in activity, a unique myeloid inducer the action. tiation markers suggests [RA] (M) Fig. 7. Retinoic acid blocks induction by DMF of FMLP receptors on HL-60 cells. Specific 3H-FMLP binding to HL-60 cells in the presence of 50 nMH-FMLP is shown for cells grown 6 days in 120 mM DMF in the presence (#{149}) or absence (0) of 500 nM DEX and varying concentrations of RA as shown. Each point is the mean of triplicate samples ± SEM. A duplicate experiment gave similar results. are effects was DMF or DMSO when differentiation morphology or the ability to reduce 0. inducer to reduce potent V C a well inducer than the increase Although RA is a far 0 C as other corticosteroids synergistic E 0. suggested in several target tissues.3539 DEX had a slight synergistic effect on induction of more mature HL-60 cell morphology and a marked effect on FMLP receptor activity when DMF or DMSO was the inducing agent but not when the inducer was RA. In contrast, potentiation by DEX of the 0 been where permissive striking with RA as the with DMF or DMSO. In also synergism inducing feature FMLP receptor of HL-60 cells, presence of different mechanisms of Such differential induction of differen- systems.”#{176}2 The phenomenon has recently of a been permissive effect of physiologic concentrations on HL-60 differentiation provides tem for studying the mechanism observed or in other synergistic of glucocorticords a new in vitro sysof corticosteroid From by guest on October 28, 2014. For personal use only. SKUBITZ. 592 action as well as the role of corticosteroids poiesis. The data suggest mechanism than the polar in stimulating differentiation that the activity of FMLP same control system in myelo- erties, that RA acts by a different inducers DMF and DMSO of HL-60 and therefore receptors is not under the as the other differentiation NBT reduction and ZHEN. morphology. 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