Belonging Messenger The Making Growing Christ Serving Known Empowering Newsletter of Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Hastings, Minnesota A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Volume XXXI - No. 7 Saturday 5:30 p.m. Informal Worship Communion each week Sunday 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:15 a.m. Blended Worship Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays 10:35 a.m. Contemporary Worship with New Creation Worship Band Communion each week Education Opportunities Sunday 9:15 & 10:35 a.m. Church School Wednesday Church School (5:30-6:15) Homework and Hangout (2:45-5:30) Supper (5:00-6:15) Confirmation (6:15-7:30) High School Worship (6:15-7:30) Coffeehouse (7:30-8:30) October 2014 Welcomed and received as members of Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church through Affirmation of Baptism on Sept. 27 & 28, 2014: Saturday, Sept. 27 Connor Angell Taylor Archambault Nicolle Bond Colton Cassidy Katie Chatelle Annie Fox Luke Johnson Zack Johnson Sawyer Karas Alex King Jennifer Koudelka Erica Kraft Aaron McCullough Joshua Miser Amber Petersen Haley Petersen Bradley Risch Allison Schlander Morgan Schultz Olivia Sylvander Blaine Wasvick Noah Zak Sunday, Sept. 28 Lilly Anderson Ann Bacon Cole Benson Elizabeth Bruch-Andersen Allana Dold Logan DuBé Jade Erlandson Becca Francis Brandon Haraldson Sara Lund Kiley Lundholm Katherine McCord Logan Nelson Kallie Nygaard Judd O’Connor Claudia Schmugge Grace Smith Aria Tennessen Elli Walker Olivia Welshons Rachel Wester Congratulations on the beginning of your faith journey! Thank you to everyone who helped make this day possible! Pastor’s Page All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before him. --Psalm 22:27 Spiritual Hunger Spiritually-themed books, movies, TV shows and blogs are having a major resurgence. There seems to be all kinds of evidence that there continues to be a deep spiritual hunger among people. At the same time, the church does not seem to be addressing that hunger. David Lose shares a story from a friend who struck up a conversation with the man sitting next to him on a transatlantic flight in his book Preaching at the Crossroads. Not Getting Anything Out of It …This gentleman and his family had recently had a long conversation about whether to continue attending their local congregation. As he explained to my friend, the previous year they had become critically overextended. Between work, social commitments and the activities of their two children – one in elementary school, one in junior high – they were exhausted by Christmas and struggled to make it to the end of the school year. Determined that the coming year would be different, they had held a “family council” over lunch a few weeks earlier to review all of their commitments in light of how each helped them be the kind of individuals and family they wanted to be. After an hour and half of conversation, they came to their decisions. And church was one of the things they had decided to stop doing. Girl Scouts remained, but church was out. “It’s just not that meaningful,” the man explained. “We go each week and finally realized we’re not getting anything out of it. It’s hard to believe I’m saying this,” he continued. “Our parents took us, and once we had kids, we took them too. But it just doesn’t connect with the rest of our lives. So we’re done.” David finishes this story by saying that after listening to his traveling companion for a while, his friend asked if he had talked to his pastor about what he had just shared. David’s friend urged him to do so, and he promised he would. About four months later David’s friend got two emails. The first was from the pastor of the man on the plane thanking him for encouraging the traveling companion to talk to him. David continues: The second email was from the man himself. He said that after he shared with his pastor the family’s reasons for no longer going to church, his pastor asked if they could repeat that conversation on Sunday, during worship, in place of the sermon. After they did, the pastor asked how many others felt the same way. In a worship service of just over a hundred people, more than a dozen hands went immediately into the air. So the pastor committed himself then and there to leading his congregation in a quest of how the biblical story might become useful to them, how it might inform their daily lives and decisions, and how the faith they professed on Sunday might help them sense God’s presence and activity in their lives and community the rest of the week. The email closed simply, but profoundly, “So that’s what we’re doing. And you know what? We’re in. We’re staying.” Your Turn No one has come to me with a story like this. But, I suspect that is simply because no one has encouraged those who have left or are thinking of leaving to come and talk to me. So rather than wait for someone to come forward, I want to ask, “How many of you are feeling like the man on the plane?” If you are, would you be willing to help me make Our Saviour’s a place where the biblical story might become useful to you and others, how it might inform your daily lives and decisions, and how the faith you profess on Sunday might help you sense God’s presence and activity in your lives and community the rest of the week? I am willing to lead us in looking at this. Are you in? You will have to let me know. Send me an email: Lloyd. [email protected], give me a call 651-437-9052, or just talk to me. Pastor Lloyd Menke Our Website: Church email: [email protected] Our Ministers: All members of Our Saviour’s Church Staff email addresses: First name.last [email protected] ie: [email protected] Pastoral Staff: Lloyd Menke, Senior Pastor Doug Duin, Associate Pastor Kelli Weiss, Associate Pastor for Family Life Page 2 October 2014 Financial Update by Pastor Lloyd Menke Ministry Needs/Operating Fund Shared Ministry Position Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! Are you ready to assist other in discovering their God given gifts? Do you get excited about helping people understand their life as a mission? Are you energized by one-to-one contacts with people? Do you feel called to help other discern how gifts, passion and time merge to go hand in hand to give life meaning and purpose? If you answered “yes!” to these questions, we have an opportunity for you. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Hastings, MN is seeking a full time Shared Ministry Coordinator to assist people in discerning their God-given gifts and helping them find meaningful ways to utilize those gifts. This position is about assisting people to discover a connection, meaning and purpose to their lives as a service to God in broad ways, as well as, working with volunteers to assist the congregation as an organization. Salary and benefits commemorate with experience and demonstrated skill. Position description is available on the Our Saviour’s website. For more information and an application form, please contact Pastor Lloyd Menke at [email protected] or contact the church office at 651-4379052. Web Coordinator Position Do you have an interest in web communication, design and layout? Would you like to assist Our Saviour’s in keeping our congregational website up-to-date, attractive and easy to use? If you answered, “Yes!” to these questions we have a part-time position for you. We have an immediate opening for a 10 hour per week position available. The full job description is available in the church office or online at http:// More information is available by contacting Pastor Lloyd Menke at [email protected] or contacting the church office at 651-437-9052. October 2014 Giving through the month of August was 3% ahead of last year. Thank you. It is great to have made it through the summer months without needing to access our line of credit at the bank for operations. Your continued strong giving has allowed us to continue to provide on-going ministry in a variety of ways. Consider attending in October and November as we will be highlighting various ministries on video during the offering time. Watch your mailbox for information coming soon regarding 2015 estimate of giving information. Giving through August 2014 $574,198.48 Giving through August 2013 $557,301.55 Total ahead of last year $ 16,896.90 Growing in Grace There have been many positive comments about the renovations done to the Fellowship Hall. The final touches to install the media system in the Fellowship Hall will be happening this week. The Fellowship Hall committee is still exploring options on different chairs. The new doors on the Fellowship Hall should be installed very soon. Thank you for your generosity in making these updates and renovations possible. Giving to Growing in Grace for the month of August Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving Electronic giving offers convenience for our members and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. There are two ways to set up electronic donations. You can visit the church website at www.osel. org, locate the donation link and follow the instructions or, if you wish, you can simply complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms and additional information are available from the church office. $ 3,901.32 Homework and Hangout Volunteer Starting mid-November we will not have any volunteers for Homework and Hangout for several months. We are looking for adults who have flexibility on Wednesday afternoons and a love for middle school and high school students to join us from 2:45-5:30 pm. The responsibilities would be to keep our students safe, as well as support and engage them. You could volunteer your time once a month or every week, depending on availability! Spread the word for us and consider joining us! If you’re interested, please contact Pastor Kelli. Donate from your smart phone! Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church now offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick Response (QR) code reader! Page 3 From the family of Rena Menard... There are no profound words to say to start this short letter. No adequate phrases to express all that is in our hearts and souls at this time. We loved, prayed, believed, and rejoiced fully as Rena was conquering every medical battle she faced. Now, just as completely, we grieve at losing her. During those 10 weeks of fear and uncertainty in the ICU at Erasmus in the Netherlands, we felt we were not alone. We felt upheld by all the prayers of our church family and friends. Though ‘Thank you’ seems such an inadequate word, it is the word we have. Thank you for all the prayer cover you provided for Rena and our family. We were so far away for so long yet we felt united with a multitude of believers. Thank you also for the outpouring of financial support. We don’t know the individual names of all who gave us monetary contribution, some of them were very large, but from the depths of our hearts we thank you. This event has left us with a multitude of unexpected costs, the greatest being the loss of our daughter/sister. However, because of your great love and generous gifts, you have helped alleviate some of the financial burden we have been faced with. It is good to be in fellowship with a church family. Love that comes from and through the Holy Spirit, is genuine and ministers to the soul. Thank you for that. Thank you for all you have done and given to our family. Please continue to pray for us as we grieve and mourn for the loss of our Rena. I know we would be in utter despair if we weren’t being lifted up by a multitude of saints. Please know that you have our heartfelt appreciation and thanks, for now and for always. The Menard family, Ray, Lonnie, Adriel, Naomi... and our angel, Rena Page 4 Thank you to our Accounting Crew, Tricia Agen, Marie Smead, Pam Sorenson, Ardel Woodward. Thank you to our outdoor sign changers, Duane Davick, Dennis Martin, Mel Agen. Thank you to our volunteer receptionist, Pam Ganrud. Thank you to our Messenger Task Force, Audrey Adolphson, Helen Andreasen, Marion Crane, Darleen Hanson, Joyce Hoffman, Lois Malm, Jaci McNamara, Janelle Stevens, and the Tuesday Women’s Study helpers. Thank you to the Happy Stuffers, Audrey Adolphson, Jennifer Bonness, Marion Crane, Duane & Janet Falkingham, Chip Grosenick, Darleen Hanson, Marge Hanson, Lois Morlock, Duane Sanderson, Janelle Stevens, Marge Trautmann, Roger Youngquist. Grief... It’s Real Join us for a Morning of Self Care and Education! Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 Speaker: Donna Mathiowetz “Grieving: An Essential Skill Set” plus Break Out Groups Lunch with Stories of Hope Time: 8:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. Where: Hastings High School West Commons Cost: $15.00/person and $25/household Preregister by Oct. 22: 651-480-7670 or Sponsored by the Hastings Grief Support Group. Come hear stories and life experiences of significant loss. Ask questions, discuss and understand your own grief as well as those you care about. Thank you to all who attended the 22nd Annual Pancake/French Toast Breakfast on September 7th. Because of your generosity $1,301.45 was raised for Heifer Project International. This is enough to send two more heifer(s), numbers 65 and 66, to Tanzania. Since 1992, OSEL has sent 67 heifers to Tanzania both through Heifer Project and through the Saint Paul Area Synod. A special BIG “Thank You” to all the workers for the morning. Jamie Chatelle is the “go to guy” for the morning and things would not run nearly so well if it weren’t for Jamie’s dedication to this project. Thank you to Laura Cassidy, Tammy Bailey and Irv Christnagel who all rose early to begin the process of getting the sausage and French toast batter ready for use. Thank you Shawn Lindstrom, Erin Lindstrom, Kira Lindstrom and friend Elisa Schwartz and to Paul Lindstrom, Christa Hamann, Matthew Hamann, Jeana Sandquist, Cindy Benson, Joe Benson, Samantha Benson, AJ Jaeger, Kira Chatelle, Katie Chatelle, Becca Schill, Missy Schill, Mike O’Connor, Jude O’Connor, Alex O’Connor and Sam O’Connor. Thank you to Jason Espersen who was the disherwasher all morning and took care of all the dirty dishes and pots and pans! Thank you to Jennifer Peters, JD Peters, Karen Burt, Autumn Burt, Annika Sonnenburg, Jaylen Hanson, Gavyn Hanson, Trent Hanson, Ryan Hanson, Drew Sonnenburg, Pam Johnson, Mitchell Johnson, Myana Green, Sophia Green, and Ariana Green. A special thank you to the cooks that morning, Laura Cassidy, Tammy Bailey, Jonah Schill, Steve and Jenny Green. Thank you to all who cleaned up following the breakfast in record time! Your hard work and dedication to the project are what made it all possible. THANK YOU, ALL! October 2014 Caring Ministries Serving our need to care and our need for care. Jeanie McCabe, Council Rep. Team Leaders: Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Prayer Chain is composed of church members who pray daily for those requesting prayers for themselves and others. They need not be members of our church or community. Requests are kept confidential unless otherwise specified. Prayer requests may be submitted to: [email protected] or to the Prayer Chain Anchor, Rosanne Otto 651-226-8299, (voice mail is available if no one answers) or you may call the church office. If you would like to become a member of the email prayer chain or the phone prayer chain, please call Rosanne 651-226-8299. We pray that God will bless you with peace! The family of Roger and Jane Youngquist invites you to help celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary with a cake and punch reception to be held Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 2:00 – 4:30 PM at Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran in the church Fellowship Hall. Personal and Family Devotionals and Care Notes Provided by the Pastoral Care Team are available free in the rack outside the office. You are welcome to take one for yourself or offer one to a friend. Grief Support - Pastor Doug Duin Care Cards - Audrey Adolphson Prayer Chain Anchor - Rosanne Otto Lay Ministry - Paula Davick, Tricia Agen, Maxine Wiech Communion Ministry - see Pastor Doug Duin Hastings Area Grief Support Group is a welcoming place for grieving people to find comfort and understanding. The meeting place is Tilden Community Center, 310 River St. Hastings. Grief Group meetings are held every Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m. and are open to the public. October 2 - Richard Close How We See God After a Major Loss October 9 - Pam Meyer It Helps To Journal October 16 - Janet Stein Taking Grief by the Hand October 23 - Gordon Gathright A Soothing Voice October 30 - Dan Kocher Many Losses Fall Special Service Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2:00 PM OSEL Lay Ministry will host a Fall Special Service for homebound members and friends and all who would like to attend. The Communion Worship service will be at 2:00pm followed by a light luncheon. Gordon Gathright will share the message and Jan Differt will provide special music. Please contact Paula Davick, 651-4383738, if you need a ride to Our Saviour’s in order to attend. Lay Ministry Committee Our October Lay Ministry meeting will be Wednesday, the 8th. Gathering and coffee at 9:00am and our business meeting at 9:30. We’ll finalize plans for the October 21st Special Service and consider more information about Project Night, Night and other possible new activities. We invite new members to join us and all present members to attend as we move forward on our ministry projects. Our projects are not hard but we work hard to make them successful and pray they are a blessing to others! Ruth Dahl and Char Schoen are servers for the October gathering. Our sincere Christian sympathy is extended to: Russ Pond - death of brother Donna Sorenson - death of sister Christensen Family - death of Brian’s dad Please remember these and others you may know of in your prayers. PLEASE, call the church office with news of a birth, hospitalization, or bereavement. Privacy Laws - Hospitals are not able to give patient admission notification to churches. If you are aware of anyone in the hospital who would like a pastoral visit or be included in prayers, please call the church office. October 2014 Page 5 Serving Ministries Congregational Contacts... Hastings Family Service Board - Shelly Rohr, Terry Storholm, Carrie Jo Short Meals on Wheels - Maxine Wiech Narthex Food Wagon - Carol Rupp Fixers for Christ - Greg Mikel Food With Friends - Sharon Langenfeld, Cathy Shores Servant Road - Cary Nygaard Sharing and Caring Hands - Jana Serres, Heidi Siebenaler Tanzania Partnership - Christy Baum Opportunities for Service Fixers for Christ Do not hesitate to call the church office - 437-9052 if you need help with a leaky faucet, a squeaky door, removal of a dead shrub, replacing burned out ceiling light bulbs, hanging a picture, etc... Our volunteers are eager to help you! LSS Counseling and Family Resources offers a full range of mental health services which integrate sound professional practices with individual planning by a multi-disciplinary team, including psychiatric consultation. Services are available to individuals, couples and families. Children, adults and families come to us with a variety of issues: depression, anxiety, stress, behavior problems, abuse, suicide, divorce and marriage problems. Contact: 651-642-5990 or visit their web site: You’ll find many great resources, interesting stories of changed lives and ways you can donate or volunteer. Page 6 People helping people! Sharon Langenfeld, Council Rep. Hastings Family Service 301 Second Street East in Downtown Hastings 651-437-7134 ACCEPTS ONLINE DONATIONS: Hastings Family Service provides emergency food, clothing, financial assistance, and other support for those experiencing a crisis in their lives, HFS works to give them a hand-up rather than a hand-out. Provides groceries to people in need of emergency, short-term assistance. In addition to a five to seven day supply of groceries, persons receive a voucher to a local grocery store for perishables. Items such as pancake mix and syrup, bottled juices, diapers, personal hygiene items, including toothbrushes, laundry soap are always needed. Your contributions may be brought to HFS or dropped off in the blue wagon in the church gathering area. Thank you for reaching out to our community. Meals On Wheels In partnership with Regina Medical Center, this program provides hot meals and a safety check for the elderly and people living with a disability. Do you like to drive? OSEL delivers meals to residents of Hastings every other Monday through Meals on Wheels program. Call Maxine Wiech (437-4356) for more info. Just Friends can always use drivers! Residents of our community need rides to medical appointments within Hastings and/or the metro area. Receive mileage reimbursement. Call Mick Humbert, 437-7134, if you would like to be a driver. It’s Tanzania Time Our Tanzanian brothers and sisters are always in our prayers, but once again at this time of year we remember them in a special way. The opportunity is available for you to help provide educational funding for students. Many of you have consistently supported students these past several years and we are grateful for your support. We are actively looking for new supporters. Our goal this year is to provide sponsorship for over 20 students. The cost is $400/student. Maybe you can make it a family, or neighborhood, or small group project? Please sign up at the welcome center if you are able to help. The students thank you! Food With Friends Ministry This ministry on the first Thursday of the month serves a meal to people unable to provide a meal for themselves or their family or those just looking for someone to talk to. Thanks to all who helped with food and/or serving in September. The next two meals will be on Thursdays, Oct. 2 and Nov. 7 at 6:00 PM. Sign up at the Welcome Center to provide food and/or help with setup, serving, and cleanup. Contacts: Cathy Shores, 651-208-6244 Sharon Langenfeld, 437-8128 Sharing & Caring Hands Sharing and Caring Hands is an outreach ministry of Our Saviour’s. Every other month we deliver meals at the Sharing and Caring Hands facility in Minneapolis. Thanks to all who helped with food and/ or serving in August. Our next date to serve will be Saturday, October 11. Watch for sign-ups on the kiosk in the gathering area at church to help provide food and/or to go along to serve. Contact: Jana Serres, 651-707-7241 Heidi Siebenaler, 480-2225 October 2014 Christian Education Theresa Chatelle Director of Faith Formation 651-437-9052, ext. 27 [email protected] Ellen McCullough, Council Rep. Christian Education Leadership Team meets the 4th Tuesday of every month in the church office conference room. Next meeting is October 28: 6:00 PM Anyone Have a Kiln? Looking for someone willing to glaze and fire the 5th grade communion cups in February 2015. Please contact Theresa for more details: 437-9052 ext. 27 or [email protected] Church School Dates to Remember October 5 - Together in Faith - 3 yr. olds and parents (Praying Together) 9:15 & 10:35 October 15 - No Wednesday School (MEA) October 19 - No Sunday School (MEA) October 26 - Together in Faith - 1st graders and parents (Lord’s Prayer) 9:15 & 10:35 November 9 - Together in Faith - 2nd graders and parents (Ten Commandments) 9:15 & 10:35 November 26 - No Wednesday School (Thanksgiving Eve) November 30 - ADVENT ACTIVITY DAY 9:15 & 10:35 AM (no regular Sunday School classes) December 3 - ADVENT ACTIVITY DAY 5:30-6:15 PM December 13 - Rehearsals for Church School Christmas Worship: 8:00 to 10:00 AM (9:15 AM Students, all grade levels) 10:00 AM - Noon (10:35 AM Students, all grade levels) December 14 - Church School Christmas Worship Services: 1:00 PM (9:15 AM Students) 3:00 PM (10:35 AM Students) Dates to Remember October 10-11 9th grade retreat 4pm - letters sent October 15 - No Confirmation - (MEA) November 12 - 7th grade parent night -“Baptized We Live” 6:15 November 26 - No Confirmation (Thanksgiving) December 24-31 - No Confirmation (Christmas Break) GRADE 7 Welcome to Confirmation! Please mark your calendars for an upcoming parent night” Baptized We Live” November 12 at 6:15 Watch for mailing with more information. GRADE 8 Keep working on your Worship Notes and Service Hours!! GRADE 9 • I should have everyone’s mentor information-- If NOT, I need it ASAP! ([email protected]) We are having a training session Nov. 11 and 13. Your mentors should have received a letter inviting them to the training. • You are expected to attend the Wednesday night High School Worship. Please come at 6:15 for worship and discussion time. You should attend at least 15 of these this year!! October 2014 Page 7 Youth and Family Ministries Kelli Weiss Associate Pastor for Family Life 651-437-9052, ext. 17 [email protected] Laura Cassidy, Council Rep. [email protected] Join us on Wednesday Nights! There’s something for everyone—join us for faith formation and fellowship. Homework and Hangout (5-12th grade) 2:45 pm to 5:30 pm Children's Choirs (preschool - 6th grade) 4:45 pm to 5:30 pm Supper (all ages) 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm Intercessory Prayer (adult) 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Church School (preschool-6th grade) 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm Confirmation (7-8th grade) 6:15 pm to 7:30 pm High School Worship (9-12th grade) 6:15 pm to 7:30 pm Romans (adult study) 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Coffeehouse (7-12th grade) 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm Chancel Choir (adult and high school) 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm Regular Events Homework and Hangout (H2) Wednesdays are busy at Our Saviour’s, so if youth want some time to do homework, or just get to confirmation or high school group early, they can join us for H2. We’ll have pizza and other snacks for sale for a low price. Wednesday afternoons during the school year from 2:45-5:30 pm in the Youth Center. Grades 5-12. High School Worship Our high school students have been dreaming up a special service for high school students on Wednesday nights—and now it’s happening! Join us from 6:15-6:45 pm for check in/ small groups and then worship from 6:45-7:30 pm. This will be a mostly student-led worship service with topics that our students request. If you have questions, contact Pastor Kelli. Coffeehouse After Confirmation and High School Worship, join us downstairs in the Youth Center for Coffeehouse. It’s a time to talk about issues happening in your life, play games, and hang out with friends. Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Center. Grades 7-12. SERVE the Lord! Go in peace, serve the Lord! We serve God by serving our neighbors, community, and people around the world. 1-2 times a month all youth (middle school and high school), adult leaders, and families are invited to participate in service right after worship on Sunday morning. Serve the Lord Dates this Fall! Sunday, October 5—Scavenger Hunt for Hastings Family Service Sunday, November 9—Rake n’ Run Sunday, November 23—Thanksgiving Outreach at Oak Ridge Manor Sunday, December 7—Free Child Care for Families Sunday, December 21—Christmas Caroling and White Elephant Gift Exchange Upcoming Retreats and Overnights Friday, Oct. 10 - Saturday, Oct.11: 9th Grade Confirmation Retreat Thursday, Oct. 16 - Friday, Oct. 17: High School (9-12) Cardboard Box City Overnight Friday, Nov. 14 - Saturday, Nov. 15: Middle School (6-8) Moonlight Madness All-Nighter TBD: Fall Girls Retreat Fall Boys Retreat TIM Team Planning Meetings and Potlucks October 19 from 12:00-1:30 pm in the Youth Center Last Names ending in A-I bring dessert, H-R bring side item/snack, and S-Z bring a main dish November 16 from 12:00-1:30 pm in the Youth Center Last Names ending in A-I bring a side item/ snack, H-R bring a main dish, and S-Z bring a dessert No meeting in December Please note date changes! Page 8 October 2014 Summer Mission Trips Friday, Oct. 24, 9 AM - 5:30 PM If you haven’t been on a mission trip before, try it! It’s an incredible opportunity to serve others, grow in faith, and deepen relationships with other students from our church. Information is already out on these trips—you can pick up a packet and registration on the bulletin board next to the Fellowship Hall. Start making summer plans, registrations are due end of November! Saturday, Oct. 25, 9 AM - 1 PM. Middle School—Next Step Ministries Trip to Milwaukee, WI Garage Sale and Bake Sale and Items may be brought to the Youth Center beginning Monday, Oct. 6. Proceeds from the sale will help our youth offset expenses for upcoming mission and camping trips. Please make sure items are in very good to excellent condition. Items that are broken, cracked, soiled, stained, torn and missing parts or pieces do not sell, and cost the church money to discard. If you have large furniture items such as sofas or dressers they must be in very good to excellent condition. Setup for the sale will be Wednesday evening, October 22, with pricing 10:30 AM to 7 PM on Thursday, Oct. 23. Volunteers to help during these times as well as during the sale will be greatly appreciated. Any questions regarding the garage sale may be directed to Sheri Fox at (651) 437-8359 or Gretchen Studenski at (651) 437-9217. Questions regarding the bake sale may be directed to Joyce Zenner at [email protected]. Students & Adult Helpers - Sign up in the Fundraising book at the Welcome Center. Congratulations to... Dates: Sunday, June 21 to Saturday, June 27, 2015. Who can go: Students who have completed 6-8th grade. Cost: $505-540 (depending on the number of students who register) For more information: check out their website: www.nextstepministries. com and grab an info packet and registration on the youth and family ministry bulletin board. High School—ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI We will be joining 40,000 other ELCA students for the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan next summer! We’ll be doing some service work closer to home the first few days of the trip, and then heading out to Detroit for the Gathering. We worship, serve, hear great speakers and bands, do interactive learning, explore the city, connect with so many other Lutherans, and have fun. Dates: Monday, July 13 to Monday, July 20, 2015 Who can go: Students who have completed 9-12th grade. Cost: $725-830 (depending on the number of students who register as well as hotel placement for the week) For more information: Check out their website: Gathering (especially check out the videos) and grab an info packet and registration from the youth and family ministry bulletin board. Love Students and Volunteering? Part of our vision for youth ministry at Our Saviour's is to provide as many opportunities as possible for our young people to connect to loving and faithful adults. We also know that youth and family ministry takes many volunteers to be steady and thriving. We ALSO know that adults that spend time with kids by leading, supporting, and mentoring find it to be incredibly rewarding, faith deepening, and a way to participate in God’s work. Consider joining us! Contact Pastor Kelli if you are interested in learning more. Specifically for this school year we are looking for adults interested in volunteering in the following ways: Tiffany Owen & Ted Peine on September 12, 2014 Kelly Smith & Adam Ganrud on September 13, 2014 Theresa Nyblum & Scott Williams on September 27, 2014 Ashley Freichels & Nathan Knights on September 27, 2014 Regular Volunteers: -Homework and Hangout Volunteer (2:45-5:30 on Wednesdays) -Coffeehouse Volunteer (7:30-8:30 on Wednesdays) -Serve the Lord Volunteer (1-2 Sundays a month after 10:35) -Youth supporter during Wednesday meals (5:30-6:15) Other ways you could donate your time on a less consistent basis: -Prepare food for a Wednesday night supper -Be an adult leader on a retreat or overnight -Help with the Middle School Homecoming Dance -Prepare food for a Serve the Lord event -Apply to serve as a leader on one of the mission trips next summer October 2014 Page 9 Worship & Music Ministries Music Celebration Sunday, October 26 Hymn Festival 9:15 AM Organ and Piano Recital 4:00 PM Join us as we celebrate the gift of music and the instruments that help lead us in worship. Dr. John Ferguson, retired St. Olaf College organ and church music professor, will lead a hymn festival at our 9:15 service on Reformation Sunday, Oct. 26. Dr. Ferguson has prepared and led many hymn festivals throughout the United States at churches and professional conferences. He is known for his ability to interpret the hymn texts on the organ as he leads the congregation in singing. Please join us for this inspiring event. To continue the celebration at 4:00 on Sunday, Oct. 26, a joint piano and organ recital will be presented by Diane Pearson and Dr. Nancy Parker. Diane is OSEL’s organist and Nancy is an adjunct professor of music at Bethel University, Concordia University, St. Paul and St. Cloud State University. John Koziol Music Coordinator 651-437-9052, ext. 28 Diane Pearson Organist 651-437-9052, ext. 21 Kevin Gagnon Media Coordinator Choir Directors: Kathy Hardy - Jubilee Ringers Lin Warren - Chancel Choir Tammy McMenomy - God’s Little Angels (Preschool-Kindergarten choir) Diane Pearson - Good News Gang (1st through 5th grade choir) Jerrie Pittenger, Council Rep. Twenty-five years ago there was great excitement at Our Saviour’s as we eagerly looked forward to the long-anticipated installation of our new organ. The organ committee had worked with our organ consultant, Dr. John Ferguson, to choose the right organ for our congregation. Money for the Holtkamp organ was given by our members with a generous gift from Ebba Hoffman in memory of her son John Peter Hoffman. In 1990, Larry and Jody Hoffman realized that OSEL desperately needed a new and better piano. They donated our lovely Yamaha grand piano in memory of their stillborn son, David Joseph Hoffman. Our Saviour’s is very fortunate to have such wonderful instruments to lead us in worship. It is a joy for the musicians to play them and inspiring for those who listen. Thanks be to God. Jubilee Ringers The handbell choir is still looking for some musical people to ring bells! If you’ve ever thought about joining the bells, now is a great opportunity to start! Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:00. Please contact Kathy Hardy at [email protected] if you are interested in joining! “Save the Dates” November 2: All Saints Day December 7: Advent Lessons & Carols Recently Baptized at Our Saviour’s Wiley James Peterson Born: May 13, 2014 Baptized: August 24, 2014 Parents: Zach & Nicole Peterson Sponsors: Luke Riveness and Gabriele Riveness Braxton Eugene Sasik Born: May 21, 2014 Baptized: August 31, 2014 Parents: Aaron Sasik & Tabetha Virchow Sponsors: Nate Foster, Jake Mirau, Laura Swaback, Jennifer Walderon Wesley Thomas Schweich Born: March 29, 2014 Baptized: September 13, 2014 Parents: Jake & Stephanie Schweich Sponsors: Reshia Gogerty and Matt Thurmes Camden Alex Ploeger Born: April 6, 2014 Baptized: September 14, 2014 Parents: Marcus & Alicia Ploeger Sponsors: Rebecca Glass, Patrick Sieben Briggs Bruden Dugstad Born: October 7, 2013 Baptized: September 21, 2014 Parents: Matthew & Shaunna Dugstad Sponsors: Shane Ewing, Kelly Goeke Kailee Jo Heselton Born: June 21, 2014 Baptized: September 21, 2014 Parents: Zach Heselton, Samantha Freiermuth Sponsors: Justine Freiermuth, Nick Loesch The next Baptism Seminar is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 11, at 4:00pm in the chapel. If you wish to have a child baptized, you must first attend a seminar. Please call Jan Steele, 437-9052, if you wish to register for the next seminar, to schedule a baptism, or if you have questions. Page 10 October 2014 Coming Weeks at Our Saviour’s Church doors are open 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., weekdays. Please call the office to schedule ALL meetings, 437-9052. Thursday, Oct. 2 9:00 AM Men’s Study 5:00 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM Food with Friends Friday, Oct. 3 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal 9:00-11 PM Homecoming Dance Saturday, Oct. 4 3:30 PM Wedding 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Sunday, Oct. 5 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 9:15 & 10:35 AM Together in Faith for 3 yr. olds and Parents - Praying Together 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service 12:00 Noon Serve The Lord “Scavenger Hunt” 6:30 PM Men’s Study 7:00 PM BSA 503 Committee meeting Monday, Oct. 6 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Adult Study on Luther 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 - Park Clean up 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Tuesday, Oct. 7 7:30 AM President’s Committee 9:00 AM Women’s Study 7:00 PM Good Neighbors 4-H Wednesday, Oct. 8 5:45 AM Men’s Study 9:00 AM Lay Ministry 2:45 PM Homework & Hangout 4:45 PM God’s Little Angels Choir 4:45 PM Good News Gang Choir 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 5:30 PM Wednesday School 6:15 PM Confirmation 6:15 PM High School Worship 6:30 PM Adult Study - Romans 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Coffeehouse Thursday, Oct. 9 9:00 AM Men’s Study 9:30 AM Rebekah Circle 5:00 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal Friday, Oct. 10 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers 4:00 PM 9th Grade Confirmation Retreat 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, Oct. 11 8:00 AM Sharing & Caring Hands 8:30 AM 9th Grade Confirmation Retreat 3:30 PM Wedding 4:00 PM Baptism Seminar 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Sunday, Oct. 12 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service 7:00 PM Sons of Norway Monday, Oct. 13 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Adult Study on Luther 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Tuesday, Oct. 14 9:00 AM Women’s Study 6:00 PM Church Council Wednesday, Oct. 15 5:45 AM Men’s Study 9:00 AM Quilting 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 6:30 PM Adult Study - Romans Thursday, Oct. 16 9:00 AM Men’s Study 4:00 PM High School Cardboard Box City Overnight 5:00 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal Friday, Oct. 17 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, Oct. 18 3:00 PM Wedding 4:00 PM Off Site Wedding 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Sunday, Oct. 19 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Blended Worship 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service 12:00 PM TIM Team Meeting & Potluck 6:30 PM Men’s Study Monday, Oct. 20 12:00 PM Church Staff Meeting 2:30 PM Program Planning 6:30 PM Adult Study on Luther 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers Tuesday, Oct. 21 9:00 AM Women’s Study 2:00 PM Fall Special Communion Service 7:00 PM Just Thinking Book Club 7:00 PM Stewardship Ministry Team Wednesday, Oct. 22 5:45 AM Men’s Study 12:00 Noon Hastings Ministerial Association 2:45 PM Homework & Hangout 4:45 PM God’s Little Angels Choir 4:45 PM Good News Gang Choir 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 5:30 PM Wednesday School 6:15 PM Confirmation 6:15 PM High School Worship 6:30 PM Adult Study - Romans 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Garage Sale setup 7:30 PM Coffeehouse Thursday, Oct. 23 9:00 AM Men’s Study meeting at Perkins 10:30 AM-7 PM Garage Sale Pricing 5:00 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal Friday, Oct. 24 9:00 AM-5:30 PM Garage Sale & Bake Sale 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers Saturday, Oct. 25 9:00 AM-1 PM Garage Sale & Bake Sale 5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service Sunday, Oct. 26 - Reformation Sunday 7:30 AM Weekly Prayer 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Worship with Hymn Festival 9:15 & 10:35 AM Church School 10:35 AM Contemporary Worship Service 4:00 PM Organ & Piano Recital 9:15 & 10:35 Together in Faith for 1st grade and Parents (Lord’s Prayer) Monday, Oct. 27 12:00 Noon Church Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 503 7:00 PM Jubilee Ringers NO Adult Study on Luther Tuesday, Oct. 28 9:00 AM Women’s Study 9:00 AM Women’s Study 4:00 PM Messenger Deadline 6:00 PM Christian Education Leadership Team Wednesday, Oct. 29 5:45 AM Men’s Study 2:45 PM Homework & Hangout 4:45 PM God’s Little Angels Choir 4:45 PM Good News Gang Choir 5:00 PM Intercessory Prayer 5:00 PM Supper 5:30 PM Wednesday School 6:15 PM Confirmation 6:15 PM High School Worship 6:30 PM Adult Study - Romans 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Coffeehouse Thursday, Oct. 30 8:00 AM VFW Dinner prep 9:00 AM Men’s Study 5:00 PM New Creation Band Rehearsal Friday, Oct. 31 9:30 AM Bulletin Stuffers Weekly Community Groups at Our Saviour’s Tuesdays 7:00 PM Black Dirt Theater Thursdays 5:45 PM T.O.P.S. 7:00 PM Community Bible Study Fridays 8:30 AM T.O.P.S Newsletter Deadline The next Messenger deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 4:00 p.m. September 2014 Page 11 400 West Ninth Street Hastings, Minnesota 55033-2025 (651) 437-9052 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 95 Hastings, MN Dated Material Address Service Requested Card Board Box City- High School Overnight and Bake Sale Friday, Oct. 24 9 AM - 5:30 PM and Saturday, Oct. 25 9 AM -1 PM Our Saviour’s Fellowship Hall Support our Youth & Families attending Mission Trips and camps Thursday, October 16 through Friday, October 17 4:00 pm to 8:00 am We’ll be heading to the state fairgrounds and camping out in boxes for the night. The event is to help us better understand homelessness, as well as work together as faith communities to bring an end to it! And, we’ll have fun! For more information, check out the website: and click the link under council events. Registration forms are located on the youth and family ministries bulletin board. We need to have a ratio of 1:5 adults to students, so brave adults are needed (contact Pastor Kelli if you’re interested)!
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