Government of West Bengal Public Works Department Office of the Superintending Engineer, Central Circle Fauzdari Court Complex, Berhampore, Murshidabad Pin – 7421 02 Phone: 03482-251216, Fax No. 03482-251216 Email Id: [email protected] NIB No. 02 (2nd Call) of 2014 -2015 of The Superintending Engineer, Central Circle, PWD Memo No.:1344 Date:21.10.2014 Notice Inviting Bid for Services of Supervision Consultants FOR THE WORK OF : 1) 2) 3) Widening & strengthening of existing intermediate lane carriageway to two lane carriageway of Krishnagar-Karimpur-Jalangi Road (S.H.-11) with 0.75 M hard shoulder on both sides from 77.00 Kmp. to 93.615 Km. of Rs. 23,56,93,221.00 Widening of existing intermediate lane carriageway to two lane carriageway from 2.00 Kmp. to 77.00 Kmp. of Krishnagar-Karimpur-Jalangi Road (S.H.11) in the district of Nadia of Rs.33,10,33,827.00 Widening and Strengthening of Ranaghat-Krishnagar Road (SH-11) from 0.00 Kmp. to 25.162 Km. in the district of Nadia under Nadia Highway Division II, Length -25.162 Km. of Rs.38,50,83,290.00 TOTAL COST (1+2+3) = RS.95,18,10,338.00 1. Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal invite bid through Superintending Engineer, Central Circle, PWD, on behalf of the Governor of West Bengal for Supervision Consultancy Services on the basis of Competitive Bidding from the following Consultants for Improvement of Highways Sl. No. Name of firm i) SAI Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. ii) Sheladia Associates Incorporated iii) SMEC India Pvt. Ltd. iv) The Louis Berger Group Inc v) Stanley Consultants India Pvt. Ltd vi) RITES Ltd vii) URS Scott Wilson India Pvt. Ltd. viii) STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. ix) Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd 1 NOTE: The Consultants already empanelled by the West Bengal Highway Development Corporation Limited and MoRT&H are eligible for participation in the Financial Bid as per enclosed bid submission format. No other firms are eligible for participation in Bid. 2. The project basically comprises up-gradation/improvement/widening of existing State Highways/Major District Roads/Other District Roads/Village Roads, construction and rehabilitation of bridges & culverts and other related works. 3. Public Works Department intends to appoint a Consultant from the short listed Consultants as mentioned (1) above to act as Supervision Consultant for supervision of the Highway Project. As per Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, the Supervision Consultant is required to supervise and review activities associated with construction work of the projects on behalf of Public Works Department so as to ensure compliance of requirements of Agreement. 4. The interested consultancy firms (as per list in 1) may obtain the documents from office of the Executive Engineer, PWD, Nadia Division, Krishnagar, Nadia by payment of non-refundable Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque/Pay Order of any Nationalized Bank amounting to Rs. 10,000/(Rupees ten thousand) only drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, Nadia Division, PWD. The Bidders may contact this office for any clarification or quarries before submission of Bid. 5. At the time of submission of Bid the interested Consultant Firms will have to submit earnest money @ 2% of their respective Bid value in the form of Bank Draft of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, Nadia Division, PWD. If the lowest Bidder declines to execute the formal agreement within 7 (seven) days from the date of acceptance of the bid, the earnest money already deposited will be forfeited by the Govt. 6. The total time period for the assignment as Supervision consultant upto December 2015 plus 3 (Three) months. 7. Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal will not be responsible for any delay, loss or non receipt of Financial Bid document sent by post/courier. Further, Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal shall not be responsible for any delay in receiving the Proposal and reserves the right to accept/reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof. 8. At the time of submission of formal Agreement, the lowest successful (L-1) consultant firm shall have to submit Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque / Pay Order in original (Photocopy of which is to be submitted along with bid documents at the time of submission of Bid). Formal Agreement in Non-Judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value is required to be executed in 4(four) sets within the specified time frame as mentioned in Letter of Acceptance. The successful bidder (L-1) have to submit a Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized Bank @ 5 (five) Percent of the accepted rate as per prescribed format issued by the Department. 9. a)Last date and time of application for permission of purchasing of Bid documents from the office of the Superintending Engineer, Central Circle, PWD- 13.11.2014 upto 5.00 p.m. b) Last date and time for sale of Bid documents from the office of Executive Engineer, Nadia Division, PWD – 18.11.2014 upto 5.00p.m. c) Last date and time for submission of Bid documents in a sealed cover to the office of the Superintending Engineer, Central Circle, PWD- 21.11.2014 upto 3.00 p.m. 2 10. The Financial Bid documents consists the following: Section-I : NIB(Notice Inviting Bid) Section-II : Requirement for Construction Supervision Consultants. Section-III : Terms of reference. Section-IV : Form of Performance Security (Bank Guarantee). Section-V : Financial Proposal (Enclosed Format) Section-VI: : Forms of contract Section-VII : Annexure: 1- List of Personnel with Qualifications Section-VIII : Annexure: 2- Format of Curriculum vitae (C.V) for Key Professionals 11. Bids shall remain valid for a period of not less than 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the date of offering final rate through submission of Financial Bid / Negotiation (whichever is to be conducted later). If the Bidder withdraws his/her/ their Bid during the period of bid validity, necessary penal action will be taken by the competent authority. 12. All types of co-operation with good behaviour is required to be extended by the successful Bidder and their personnel / team. 13. Rate to be quoted in the Financial Bid by the Bidder after visiting the above mentioned work site considering all aspects for which in future no plea and extra claim will be entertained by the Department. 14. The Superintending Engineer, Central Circle, PWD reserves the right to reject any or all the applications and Bids for any reason whatsoever or unavoidable circumstances at any stage of bidding process prior to issue of Acceptance Letter and is not liable to reimburse for any cost that might have to be incurred by any Bidder. 15. Apart from the content of this N.I.B., further information if required, will be had from the office of the undersigned in any working day. Superintending Engineer Central Circle, PWD 3 Memo No. 1344(68) Dated:-21.10.2014. Copy forwarded for information and wide circulation through his office NOTICE BOARD. Chief Engineer, South Zone, PWD, New Secretariat Building, Block-B, 3rd Floor, 1, K.S.Roy Road, Kolkata-700 001/ Chief Engineer (H.Q.), PWD, 8th Floor, Nabanna,325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-7111 102 / Chief Engineer, Planning, 8th Floor, Nabanna,325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-7111 102 /, / Chief Engineer, West Zone, PWD / Chief Engineer, North Zone, PWD /Chief Engineer, South Zone, P.W. (Rd) Dte./ Chief Engineer, West Zone, P.W. (Rd) Dte./ Chief Engineer North Zone, P.W. (Rd) Dte. Chief Engineer & Director R.B.R.I, P.W. (Rd) Dte./ Chief Engineer, N.H. Wing, PW (Rd) Dte. /Chief Engineer, P.W. (Rd) Dte. (H.Q.)/ Chief Engineer PW (Rd.) Dte. Planning ./ Chief Engineer, Social Sector (CB) P.W. Dte. 2. Technic Technical Advisor, Finance (IF) Department, Govt. of West Bengal. 3. Superintending Engineer, PWDte. Western Circle No. I/ II/ . Presidency Circle No.I/ II, / Eastern Circle ,/ South Western Circle / Southern Circle,/ Bidhan Nagar Circle , Northern Circle, N.B.C.C. No. I /II & Survey and Design Circle /North Circle , P.W. , Social Sector Dte (CB)., /Central Electrical Circle, 184/7, C.R. Das Rod, Berhampore, Murshidabad. 4. Superintending Engineer, PW(Roads)Dte. Sothern Highway Circle / Western Highway Circle / Western Highway Circle-I /North Bengal Highway Circle / South Western Highway Circe / Northern Highway Circle /Central Highway Circle. 5. Executive Engineer , PW, Dte. /Nadia/ Nadia Construction Division/ Berhampore Division No. I/II/, Murshidabad Highway Divn. No. I/II , Nadia Highway Division I/II Murshidabad Social Sector, (CB) Dte. , Murshidabad Electrical Division, PWD, 184/7, C.R. Das Road, Berhampore, Murshidabad. Sabhadhipati, Murshidabad Nadia Zilla Parishad. 6. 7. District Magistrate, Murshidabad, Nadia. 8. Contractors Association, Murshidabad, Nadia 9. Murshidabad and Nadia Zilla Thikadar Samity. 10. Murshidabad , Nadia District Unemployed Engineers’ Co-operative Societies Association. 11. Murshidabad, Nadia District Central Engineers’ Co-operative Society Ltd. 12. District Information Officer, Murshidabad, Nadia. 13. Secretary, Labour Co-operative Societies Association, Murshidabad, Nadia. 14. Secretary, Murshidabad District Allied Contractors’ Association, Murshidabad. 15. Secretary, Contractor’s Welfare Association, Murshidabad. 16. Secretary, F.O.C.A. & Building Association. 17. This Office Notice Board. 18. T.A. to Superintending Engineer , Central Circle of this office. 19. Estimating Branch of this office. 1. Superintending Engineer Central Circle, PWD 4
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