Resurrection Lutheran Risen Son October 2014 The Mission of Resurrection Lutheran Church is to promote Spiritual growth in Christ and service to all people. Pastor Sue’s Message INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Ministries & Education 2 Birthdays and Anniversaries 2 Love INC 3 Worship Assistants 3 Change for Good 4 God’s Work; Our Hands Book Group 4 4 5 6 Care Corner 6 Out and About in God’s World 7 Offering Progress Report 8 Sunday School Need 8 Food Pantry News Person in the Pew SPECIAL EVENTS One Lutheran, One Jew, One Hour Tuesday Oct 2 KTOO 104.3 Southeast Cluster October 17-19 Reformation Sunday October 26 Visit from Bishop November 22-23 By about the middle of August, the rumblings had begun in ELCA clergy circles…do we still need to celebrate Reformation Sunday? If we do, HOW do we celebrate it? Is it a big old party to celebrate how Lutherans get church right? Do Lutherans get to do a victory lap---Lutherans 1, Catholics 0? Is “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” blatant triumphalism or a cry of hope in God’s promise? I love Reformation Sunday. I love it because it is a moment of history that calls us into our future. It is not about old grievances and arguments, about who was right and who was wrong. Reformation teaches us that the events of the past, while they have indeed formed and shaped us, are of the past. We cannot change them. We can only respond to them. How do we want to use those events that have shaped and formed us to be God’s church today? As a congregation, we are constantly re-forming. We are a different congregation each and every Sunday. Some move here, some move away. Some are born, some die. Some travel, some visit. We are always being made new! So, it seems especially appropriate to celebrate this Reformation Sunday by welcoming new members. We’ll wear red, and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit that leads, guides, directs and empowers us. We’ll give full voice to “A Mighty Fortress,” a hymn that breaks in to the chaos of our world with God’s fierce love and protection---not an invention of Martin Luther, but the confidence of Psalm 46—a psalm that bids us to be still in the midst of trouble, in the midst of change, in the midst of tumult and war---“Be still, and know that I am God.” Even as we sing with faith and confidence, and the organ sounds, and bells ring---be still. Be changed. Be made new. Reformation Day is not about our past. It is about our future. Rejoice! With joy, Pastor Sue REFORMATION SUNDAY October 26 is Reformation Sunday. Wear red! We’ll also be welcoming new members at that service, including Jared Campbell; Sonny and Sheryl Davis; Maxine Yow; Chaya, Bailey and Ashlynn Israelson. RISEN SON October Ministries and Education Sun—9:30 Worship with Communion Sunday school after worship Thursday—Book Group, October 16, 2-3pm, in sun room Monday—Adult Bible Study, 5:30pm Thursday—Council, October 16, 6:30pm Tuesday—Al-Anon from noon-1pm Wednesday—Women’s Breakfast, 7am at the Sandpiper. All women are invited to join in the fellowship and Bible Study. Saturday—Al-Anon from 10:30-noon Third Sunday of the month is Food Pantry Sunday. Please bring food. Thank you for sharing! Wednesday—Lutheran World Relief Quilters meet from 9-3 to tie quilts, visit and eat lunch. Wednesday—Bell Choir Rehearsal, 6:30-8pm Fourth Sunday of the month Dan Kassner provides a sing along at the Pioneer Home at 6:00pm. If you are interested in helping Dan please let the church know. Our prayer partner this month is Table of Grace, Bethel. Please keep them as well as our bishops, Elizabeth Eaton of the ELCA; Shelley Wickstrom of the Alaska Synod; and Terry Brandt of the Eastern North Dakota Synod in prayer. As always remember RLC members and friends in prayer on their special days. RLC October Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 STEVEN PETERSON 11 TREVOR LARSEN 2 JACK CADIGAN 13 WILLIE LARSEN 5 MARGARET THORDERSON 15 FRANCES FIELD 5 JESSICA WRIGHT 15 GENEVIEVE SELVIG-BAKER 7 KELLY MAGEE 16 LUCY MERRELL 7 MARK NEYHART 19 CHRISTA HAGAN 8 BERNADETTE OSBORNE 26 SOPHIA OWEN 9 WENDY LARSEN 28 BETTE OLSON 9 JACOB MILLER 29 ADDISON FIELD 9 PETER NEYHART 29 KAREN MORGAN 10 KRISTIN CADIGAN MCADOO 31 ANGELA OWEN 10 CRAIG AND HOLLAND MCMULLEN 31 We’re on the Web www. rlcjun eau.c om HUGH WATTS Confirmation schedule: 4:30-6:00 on October 2,9,16, and 30. 2 OCTOBER 2014 Worship Assistants Thank you to all who share their time and gifts to provide a rich worship service each Sunday. There are many members who assist! October 5 Worship Assistant: Randy Sutak Reader of the Word: David Brabaw PLE A FOR SE SIGN NOV U EMB P ER Power Point: Connie Olson Altar Care: Marian Koelsch October 12 Worship Assistant: Amanda Bay Reader of the Word: Lorrie Garner Power Point: Julie Neyhart Altar Care: Kristin Wright October 19 Worship Assistant: ?????????? J GRO AMES F AMI UP I THI S IN CH LY SM ONT ARGE H! Reader of the Word: Lucy Merrell Power Point: Connie Olson Altar Care: Mary Lou Peterson October 26 Worship Assistant: Delores Graver Reader of the Word: Delores Graver Power Point: Julie Neyhart Altar Care: Mary Lou Peterson Love INC’s phone number: 780-4090 Our phone lines are open Mon. Wed. Fri. from 10am - 2pm and Tues. evening from 7pm – 8:30pm. We thank God for the way He meets the changing needs of this ministry through the hands, gifts, time and service of HIS People! Thank You! CURRENT NEEDS: Furniture: Queen size box springs/bed frames, and dressers/chest of drawers Kitchen: gently used silverware and pots/pans Transitional Backpacks: Used adult size backpacks, fleece hoodies or sweatshirts in large sizes: XL, XXL These backpacks are designed to assist those being released from jail by providing a few essential items and resources to encourage a positive transition back into the community. We're working on moving this ministry into a local church and need volunteers willing to work in this ministry to fill backpack orders. If you're interested in volunteering in this ministry, contact Marilyn 780-4090 ext.28 or email: [email protected]. 3 RISEN SON Change for Good Update: Check the directory board in the gathering area for a history of our Change for Good projects! In September we sent funds to Lutheran Disaster Relief to address the ebola outbreak in West Africa. Food Pantry News: From September 1 through September 26, 296 families visited our food shelf, collecting food for 1,069 people. Thank you for your continued support! Your food donations help fill our shelves. Your monetary donations help RLC purchase food from the Southeast Alaska Food Bank at 14 cents a pound and from Costco. We thank God for his abundance! He has given us resources to help others put food on their tables. OCTOBER CHALLENGE ONE LUTHERAN, ONE JEW, ONE HOUR Thursday, October 2, 7 pm All who have ears, listen! Check out this radio forum on KTOO 104.3 hosted by Pastor Sue and Rabbi Dov Gartenberg. Peter Neyhart will match up to 79 cans of Spam donated to the food bank!! GOD’S WORK, OUR HANDS September 25-29 Thanks to all who made the trip to Wrangell to do God’s work with their hands and the hands of people from Island of Faith and to all who were God’s hands here at home, following David Brabaw’s lead in cleaning up the sanctuary, gathering area, downstairs and grounds. 4 OCTOBER 2014 PERSON IN THE PEW Hi, my name is Sunny Israelson. Although I have been a member of RLC for twenty-five years, I have never written a “Person in the Pew” article. I was not raised Lutheran, but rather Episcopalian. When I first came to Juneau I attended Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Juneau. I attended the Assembly of God here in Juneau for about twelve years. When we moved to North Douglas I started looking for a church closer to home. I worked for Alaska Airlines on Sundays and needed to be able to go to church with the kids, get home, change into my uniform, and get to the airport by 12:30 P.M. At the time, our youngest daughter Tekla was attending the RLC operated day care. I really liked the women running the day care and decided to try RLC. It met the time-distance constraints, and I knew it was similar to the Episcopal Liturgy, and Ted’s dad’s side of the family is Lutheran. They are very Norwegian. Needless to say, we stayed. My children were all baptized and confirmed at RLC. They all played in the children’s bell choir and two of them, Tara and Tyler, played in the adult bell choir. One of my best memories is a Christmas Eve, (when I had family visiting) and Tara and Tyler played in the bell choir during the midnight service. I was very proud. When we left the church after the service there were Northern Lights in the sky. I work on the RLC website all year, even when I am in Arizona for the winter. I love Pastor Sue’s Bible Studies, and highly recommend anything she is teaching. I will miss these studies and her teaching. However, I don’t just sit on my hands when I am gone. I have a church I attend there and work in that church office every Thursday. They have many group Bible studies that meet in homes. I have already signed up for a woman’s study of Galatians. One thing you may not know about me is that my real name is Cheryl Lynn Israelson! Sunny Israelson Double Thanks to Loren Rasmussen!! For providing a supply of Boy Scout popcorn sufficient to cover a year of Popcorn in the Pew. Thanks to Lucy Merrell and Carrie Joy Warren for their work in coordinating the Cluster Rendezvous! Housing, transportation and food are still needed. If you can help, please contact Lucy or Carrie Joy. For taking photos to update the directory board. October photo dates are the 12th and the 26th. NO TE DAT E CH AN GE We’re on the Web 5 Popcorn in the Pews! October 25th Children’s Feature at 4:30 Regular Feature at 6:30 RISEN SON Southeast Cluster Rendezvous @ RLC! Bishop Shelley Wickstrom will open the cluster sessions with a presentation on Lutheran Identity on Friday, October 17 from 6:30-8 pm. Keith Mundy, Assistant Director of Stewardship for the ELCA, has been to 64 of the 65 synods of the ELCA--Juneau makes his journey complete! He will present several sessions on Saturday on the topic of stewardship. Sessions begin at 9:00 am, 10:45 am, 12:30 pm, and 2:00 pm. All are invited to participate! Book Group The October meeting of the book group will be on Thursday the 16th at 2pm in the sun room. This month’s selection is One Summer: America, 1927 by Bill Bryson. According to Neal Thompson's review Bryson sets out to document the “most extraordinary summer” of 1927. One Summer offers a new look at a transitional period in history, re-introducing us to such characters as Charles Lindbergh, Babe Ruth, Al Capone, Jack Dempsey, Al Jolson, Charles Ponzi, and Herbert Hoover. This is a book about the moment when important things, for good or ill, began happening in the United States. You are welcome to join. Come read and discuss or just come to listen!! CARE CORNER SE Cluster—Volunteers Needed Stay in Touch Nancy Hixson, 800 F Street Apt. P4, Juneau, Alaska 99801. RLC will be hosting the SE Cluster Fall Rendezvous October 17-19. Volunteers are needed. Dan Squires, 5993 N. Street, Juneau, AK 99801 Nancy and Mike McMullen, P.O. Box 240587, Douglas, AK 99824-0587 . Janet Routsala, Wildflower Court, 2000 Salmon Creek Lane, Juneau AK 99801 Ready to help with food, housing or transportation? Then contact Carrie Joy Warren or Lucy Merrell. Ed Nygard and Emma Houston, Juneau Pioneers’ Home, 4675 Glacier Highway, Juneau AK 99801 Ted Merrell,3240 Fritz Cove Road, Juneau AK 99801 Elaine Vuille, PO Box 20345, Juneau AK 99802-0345 Brenda Krauss and Teddy, % Sharon May, 8039 43rd Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98115 Marge Schmeige, 1800 Evergreen Ave, Juneau, AK 99801-1424 Proof of the many talents of David Brabaw from projectionist in church to . . . yes, AAA road assistance. (Priced better, too!) The tire, which only appears flat on one side, is attached to Carrie Joy Warren’s Wagon. Pastor Sue will be in Anchorage October 20-23 for Clergy Collegium presentations on stewardship and boundaries training. 6 OCTOBER 2014 OUT AND ABOUT IN GOD’S WORLD The snow birds are leaving, the snowbirds are leaving! Dot and Jim Wilson have already bailed out, taking their RV on a long and circuitous journey from Seattle to Jim’s hometown of Jackman Maine. Now many of you are unaware of the thriving metropolis of Jackman, located a rock throw from the Canadian Border. Last census the burgeoning population topped out at 862! If anyone is interested in a winter vacation in Northern Maine, there are two outfits that rent cabins there – probably good prices, but you’d have to provide your own snowshoes to access them. Heading toward warmer climes is Sunny Israelson on 27 September. Bring your bikini, Sunny, as here it is mid-September and current temp there is 99 degrees Fahrenheit! A bit larger than Jackman, Buckeye boasts a population near double of Juneau, and is a scant 35 miles from Phoenix. Sunny plans to study about Galatians while there. That way when our RLC bible study group covers Galatians, Sunny will have all the answers. Bob and Loretta Mosley are Texas bound. I don’t say down south, as Texans all identify as “Westerners” not “Southerners.” Liv and I, along with daughter Tanja bail out on 12 October, travelling first to Hingham (south of Boston) to visit our shut-in sister-in-law. Thence Liv and daughter Kristin will fly to Russia on a buying trip, after which Kristin flies home and Liv meets me at the little place in Stuart FL her uncle left her (about 20 miles north of West Palm Beach). The only thing comparable to typical houses in West Palm Beach is that we also have indoor plumbing. Have to brag- grand-daughter Adele (Hagevig) made 8th grade Honor Roll with 4.0 average despite the challenges of Algebra I. Joy Baker recently left for Kodiak to attend a three day convention of the Pioneers. (I didn't think she was old enough to qualify! Maybe she's a gate-crasher.) From there she is off to Vancouver BC to board a ship westbound to Hula-land with a High School class reunion. (She says it is a 57 reunion - so whether it is 57th or 1957, the math is the same!) After returning she will visit that frequent home-away-from-home of many RLC folk (Virginia Mason) for a couple days of fun and games there, with a drive in her RV south to California to Shana’s place before coming home. Have fun, Joy! Allison Hagevig and Leah Neyhart were seen running in September middle school cross country meets, and football fans saw Taylor Sutak on the gridiron for Juneau Douglas High School. Please submit “stuff” for sharing to Jack Cadigan at [email protected] 7 RISEN SON 2014 CURRENT OFFERING PROGRESS REPORT RLC COUNCIL Adam Garner, President Karen Lawfer, Vice President Amanda Bay, Secretary Mike McMullen, Treasurer Andrew Keeffe Lucy Merrell JUNE NEEDED: $21,267 YTD: $112,831 RECEIVED: $21,924 YTD: $113,867 Bob Mosley Connie Olson Dan Squires Kristin Cadigan McAdoo JULY Pastor Sue Bahleda NEEDED: $17,052 YTD: $129,883 RECEIVED: $14,574 YTD: $128,441 PLEASE KEEP THEM IN YOUR PRAYERS Another Web Site Challenge AUGUST Go to and find the answers to these questions: NEEDED: $16,165 RECEIVED: $14,261 YTD: $146,048 What is the date for the upcoming 2015 Glacier Bible Camp? YTD: $142,702 What scripture does our website suggest you check if you have “Had a Crummy Day?” From what university did Mary Mukii Ngumbi graduate? To enter the drawing for a prize (new prize source) send your answers to [email protected] no later than Saturday, October 11. he Web t n o e ’r We n u j c l r . www Needed for Sunday School If you are traveling out of Juneau and are willing to shop for some specialized legos, please contact Amanda Bay. She has funds, but is unable to find the particular pieces she needs in town!. 8 Resurrection Lutheran Church 740 West 10th Street Juneau, AK 99801 Non Profit Organization Us Postage Paid Juneau, AK 99801 PERMIT NO 5 Office Phone: (907)586-2380 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED We’re on the Web Pastor: Pastor Suellen Bahleda M-W 9-12, Th 1-5, Sat 9-12 Worship: Sunday 9:30 with Communion Secretary: Penny Stevens M-F 1-5 e b o t Oc Food Pantry M,W,F 1:30-3:30 T &Th 1:30-3 Risen Son e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Resurrection Lutheran Church 740 West 10th Street Juneau, AK 99801 9 r
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