Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost / Promises Kept October 12, 2014 THANKS FOR GRACE… Thanks be to God for Pastor Craig! Pastor Craig volunteered to trade preaching weeks when he noticed that Pastor Shannon already had a full schedule this week that included a funeral, a Wednesday Night Service, and an opportunity to spend some time with Justice during the weekend. Thank you, Pastor Craig - You are appreciated! Haiti Mission Trip Supplies Thanks be to God for those of you have that have purchased supplies to send with our mission team to Haiti. If you forgot to bring your supplies today, please bring them to the church by Tuesday. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE… HELP of Beaufort The fourth Sunday of each month is HELP of Beaufort Sunday, when we collect non perishable food & personal items for HELP of Beaufort. Of course, you can also drop items off in the narthex ANY TIME. Lutheran World Relief Coffee Project Coffee & Hot Chocolate Resupplied! Fair trade coffee & hot chocolate are again available in the Narthex for $7.50 per bag or tin. Please place a check or cash in the can. Please DO NOT put it in the offering plate. Thank you for your support of & interest in this project. Operation Christmas Child Boxes to be received November 16-23 Now is the perfect time to start stocking up on OCC items! Purchase things for boxes you will fill, or buy and drop items in the collection bin in the narthex for congregation packed boxes. OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW… Oktoberfest Picnic NEXT Sunday, October 19-noon Mark your calendars for our fun celebration! We will gather for a picnic of brats and burgers and German side dishes and desserts. Sign-ups will happen during the services today! Receiving New Members TODAY, October 12 and Sunday, October 26 Sunday, November 16 St John’s will be receiving new members today, October 12, Sunday, October 26 and Sunday November 16 at both services. If you would like more information in becoming a member, please contact the church office. SC Lutheran Copies of the September/October issue of the South Carolina Lutheran are available in the Narthex. Please feel free to pick up a copy today. Women of St. John’s Circles Tuesday, October 14 All ladies are invited to attend either of these meetings. Invite a friend!! Miriam Circle, 10:30 am-we will meet at the church. Marie Lawson will lead the lesson from our new Bible Study, Women of the Bible. Coffee and rolls will be served. Lydia Circle, 7:00 pm-we will meet at the church. Amy Hamilton will be the hostess. Jane Moellenhoff will lead the lesson. Wednesday Nights Together Supper 5:30 pm - Program 6:15 pm October 22 - BBQ provided by Thrivent supporting the Haiti Mission Trip Roll of Saints Sunday, November 2 On Sunday, November 2 we will remember All God’s Saints, those who have gone before us into the church triumphant. You may add names of loved ones who have died in the past year to the list in the Narthex. The Giving-Thanksgiving Worship & Food Distribution Sunday, November 23, 6:00 pm-YMCA Beaufort Churches will gather for worship at the YMCA in Port Royal. Gifts of food and funds will be used to give Thanksgiving meals to families in need. 3rd Quarter Giving Statements Please pick up your 3rd Quarter Giving Statement in the narthex. Door & Alarm Codes The door and alarm codes for the Sanctuary and Growing God’s Mission Building will change effective Wednesday, October 15, 2014. If you would like the new codes, please see Gloria Bockelman or contact the church office. Shepherd’s Voice Articles The office is working on the November/ December Shepherd’s Voice newsletter. If you have any articles or photos that you would like to have included, please email them to Gloria Bockelman at [email protected] or bring them to the church office. All articles and photos should be turned in by Thursday, October 16th. St. John’s Lutheran Church 157 Lady’s Island Drive + Beaufort, South Carolina 29907 phone: 843 524 3461 + fax: 843 524 5950 + [email protected] Pastor P. Shannon Mullen This Week’s Calendar Prayer List Sunday October 12 RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS 8:15 am Worship 9:30 am Adult Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 3:00 pm Helena House Bingo Our Deepest Sympathy to Linda Dale the family of Jim Myers. Amy Deloach George Dillard Hospital The DuBose Family Barbara Klein—NHC Temple Erickson Betty Ostrander-Baptist Alton Fanning Health Nursing Joe Fulmer Terry Gates Homebound Anne Haigler, Summit Place Carolyn Gilberti Faye Glessner Mildred Keith, Texas Shawn Goertz Robert Kizer, Home Payton Green Tom MacNew, Summit Gus Gustafson Place Wallis Hallman Bob Spetz, Morningside Vickie Hamaker Elsie Watson, New York Ellis Hamm Deployed Gerry Hayes Matthew Mickey, Kuwait Lisa Heese Jill Henning Special Needs Courtney Hershberger Nathan Adams Randy Hodge Susan Barnfield Jamie Jones Peggy Belcher Brenda Kennerly Sally Bennett Alexey Khlopoff Sara Bittick Allen Kuehn Brett Bockelman Carol Lambert Bob Bougher Paul Lambert Jackie & Carl Brinkman April Laughlan Randy Byron Ione Lawson Dan Camp Marie Lawson Will Campbell Betty Lehman Beth & Phil Chappell Grace Lehman Christian Izetta Lingle Carolyn & Buddy Clark Laura Lingle Marquilla Cohen Katie Lopez Mindy Cole Joseph Mandich Brittina Collins Dell Mariz Peter Collins Bruce Marshall Sue Collins Linda McElveen Patricia Cooler Mary McGarraugh Sharon Cox Greg McLeod Belinda Crout Betty McNurlin Valeda Curran Virginia Mickey Monday OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:45 pm 7:00 pm Staff Meeting Miriam Circle Lowcountry Chorale Lydia Circle Thursday 10:00 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Martha’s Animals Bell Choir Adult Choir Next Sunday October 19 COMMITMENT SUNDAY 8:15 am Worship 9:30 am Adult Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Noon Oktoberfest 3:00 pm Helena House Bingo ATTENDANCE 10-05-14 8:15-62 10:30-105 Sunday School-34 OFFERINGS RECEIVED 09-28-14 Budget $5,592.48 Designated $1,630.00 Weekly budget needed $8,803.31 GROWING GOD’S MISSION Time to Build, Time to Grow as of 09-28-14 Pledged $415,397.89 Received $376,887.29 (includes $34,165.44 from first campaign) Alice Miller Ed Moser Macy Mullen Keith Parker Caroline Peterson Karla Peterson David Pettigru Vito Picaro Nicole Portis Billy Powell Paula Repphune Chris & Kelly Riggle Linda Robertson Roger Salveson Wesley Sanders Paul Santoni Paul Schaa Dorinda Selby Elaine Senn Lynette Sheffield Mardi Shoffner Marcy Simpson Clara Smith Alex Snell Charlie Snell Zoe Snell Dottie Sorrells Ernie Sorrells Troy Stone Judy Swank Tammy Verheyden Ruthann Vest Debra Washington Naomi Wasson Edd Wicker Barbara Wietfeldt Anna Wise John Wood Bob Ziemmer Gunner Zielinski Dorothy Zinser
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