Uses of Cancer Registry Data in Cancer Control Research Mö venpick Hotel Ankara Bestepeler Mah Yasam Cad No.1 Sogutozu | 06520 Ankara | Turkey +90 312 258 58 00 | [email protected] Ankara, Turkey October 21-22, 2014 Objectives: This course will address an important dimension of the outcome of population-based caner registries established by the Middle Eastern Cancer Consortium (MECC) Registries and the new cancer registries coordinated by the IARC designated Hub in Izmir. The Course will focus on uses of the MECC and the Izmir hub cancer registry data for cancer control research in the Countries where the registries are established as well as in the overall region of the Middle East. The course will also include Methodologic lessons in descriptive cancer epidemiology and pooled data analyses, including “virtual” pooled approaches; risk factor surveillance, etiological research & consortium studies; assessing targeting and/or impact of cancer control interventions as well as other research methods and research planning. Training course Committee Dr. Lisa Stevens, CGH, NCI, USA Dr. Hoda Anton-Culver, UC Irvine, USA Dr Kevin Ward Emery University USA Dr Brenda Edwards NCI USA Dr. Murat Gultekin, MOH, Turkey Dr. Murat Tuncer, MOH, Turkey Secretariat Julia Hernandez, UC Irvine Day 1- October 21, 2012 09:00-09:15 Introductions and welcome remarks Dr. Lisa Stevens, CGH, NCI, USA Dr. Murat Gultekin, MOH, Turkey Dr. Murat Tuncer, MOH, Turkey Dr. Hoda Anton-Culver, UCI, USA 09:15-09:30 Meeting objectives and outcomes Dr. Hoda Anton-Culver, UCI 09:30-10:00 The importance and purpose of cancer registry data in cancer control research Dr. Sultan Eser, Izmir Hub 10:00-10:30 Keys to establishing an effective population-based cancer registry Dr. Kevin Ward, Emory 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break 10:45-11:15 Cancer causes and risk factors to be considered in cancer control planning Dr. Hoda Anton-Culver, UCI 11:15-11:45 The cancer burden in LMI countries globally and within the Izmir Hub region measurement and evaluation of priorities IARC Report 11:45-12:15 Cancer registry data processing and analysis methods for cancer control research and annual reports Jenny Chang, UCI 12:15-12:45 Q&A and discussion 12:45-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:30 Presentations of cancer control research papers using cancer registry data based on submitted abstracts. Presentations will be 10 minutes with 5 minutes of Q & A. 15:30-15:45 Coffee Break 15:45-16:00 Assignments for 3 small group discussions on the role of cancer registry data in cancer control activities across the cancer care continuum Group A: Primary prevention Group B: Secondary prevention Group C: Tertiary prevention Moderator: Dr. Lisa Stevens, NCI 16:00-17:00 Small group discussions 17:00-17:45 Presentations of results from small group discussions 17:45 Adjourn Day 2- October 22, 2014 08:30-09:00 Research methods and data analysis using cancer registry data; The SEER Model Dr. Edwards, NCI, USA 09:00-09:30 Virtual data pooling, harmonization and integration examples from the MECC Jenny Chang , UCI, USA 09:30-09:50 Comparisons of most common cancer rates between MECC Countries Jenny Chang and Hoda Anton-Culver, UCI, USA 09:50-10:10 Breast cancer epidemiology in MECC Countries using cancer registry data Dr. Barbara Silverman- Israel 10:10-10:30 Lung cancer epidemiology in MECC Countries using cancer registry data Dr. Pavlos Pavlou- Cyprus 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 10:00-11:20 Colorectal cancer epidemiology in MECC Countries using cancer registry data Dr. Sultan Eser- Turkey 11:20-11:40 Bladder cancer epidemiology in MECC Countries using cancer registry data Dr. Omar Nimri- Jordan 11:40-12:00 Discussion 12:00-12:30 Research exercises instructions and assignments 12:30-14:00 Lunch Drs. Edwards, Ward, AntonCulver and Chang. Drs. Ward, Anton-Culver, Edwards and Chang 14:00-15:00 Research exercises group discussions 14:30-15: 15 Reports from Research group discussions 15:15-15:45 Coffee Break 15:45-16:30 Future Collaborations 16:30 Adjourn Drs. Ward, Anton-Culver Edwards and Chang Drs. Hoda Anton-Culver, Kevin Ward, Jenny Chang, Sultan Eser.
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