Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 1 of 11 October 2014 Contact information Linguistics Department University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive, #0108 La Jolla, CA 92093-0108 (858) 822-3206 (voice) (858) 534-4789 (fax) [email protected] Current position Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Linguistics Department, University of California, San Diego, CA. Affiliated faculty, Center for Research in Language (CRL); Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science; Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies (CILAS). Associate Editor, Language: Phonological Analysis Education 1993 – 2000 Ph.D. in Linguistics Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Dissertation title: Harmony, Dominance and Control. Alan Prince (advisor), Akinbiyi Akinlabi, Hubert Truckenbrodt, John McCarthy. 1989 – 1993 B.A. with Honors in the Linguistics Major University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Positions held 2013 – present Professor, Linguistics Department University of California, San Diego, CA. 2007 – 2013 Associate Professor, Linguistics Department 2000 – 2007 Assistant Professor, Linguistics Department 1999 – 2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese University of California, San Diego, CA. University of California, San Diego, CA. The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. Books Baković, Eric Blocking and complementarity in phonological theory. (2013) In the Advances in Optimality Theory book series. London: Equinox Publishing. ISBN: 1845533364 Baković, Eric, Junko Ito, & John J. McCarthy (eds.) Wondering at the Natural Fecundity of Things: Essays in Honor of Alan Prince. (2006) University of California eScholarship Repository and BookSurge Publishing. ISBN: 1419646796 Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 2 of 11 October 2014 Journal articles Baković, Eric Pajak, Bozena, & Eric Baković “Complementizers, faithfulness, and optionality.” (2010) Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem (ReVEL) 8.4, Special Issue on Optimality Theoretic Syntax, pp. 248-260. “Assimilation, antigemination, and contingent optionality: the phonology of monoconsonantal proclitics in Polish.” (2010) Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28.3, pp. 643-680. doi:10.1007/s11049-010-9099-8 Baković, Eric “Abstractness and motivation in phonological theory.” (2009) Baković, Eric “A revised typology of opaque generalisations.” (2007) Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 2.1, pp. 183-198. Phonology 24.2, pp. 1-43. doi:10.1017/S0952675707001194 Baković, Eric “Antigemination, assimilation and the determination of identity.” (2005) Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony and stem identity.” (2005) Baković, Eric “Exceptionality in Spanish Stress.” (forthcoming) Baković, Eric “Phonology and phonological theory.” (2014) Phonology 22.3, pp. 279-315. doi:10.1017/S0952675705000631 Lingua(GEM) 2.2, Phonology: theory and analysis, pp. 77-132. Book chapters In Rafael Núñez Cedeño (ed.),The Syllable in Romance Languages: Studies in Honor of James W. Harris. Mouton de Gruyter, Boston. In Matthew Goldrick, Victor Ferreira, and Michele Miozzo (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Production. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 199-209. Baković, Eric “Opacity and ordering.” (2011) Baković, Eric “Elsewhere effects in Optimality Theory.” (2006) Baković, Eric “Local assimilation and constraint interaction.” (2006) In John Goldsmith, Jason Riggle, and Alan C.L. Yu (eds.), The Handbook of Phonological Theond ry, 2 edition. Wiley-Blackwell, London, pp. 40-67. In Eric Baković, Junko Ito, and John J. McCarthy (eds.), Wondering at the Natural Fecundity of Things: Essays in Honor of Alan Prince. University of California eScholarship Repository and BookSurge Publishing, pp. 23-70. In Paul de Lacy (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 335-352. Baković, Eric “Hiatus resolution and incomplete identity.” (2006) Baković, Eric “Unbounded stress and factorial typology.” (2004) Baković, Eric, & Edward Keer Baković, Eric In Sonia Colina and Fernando Martínez-Gil (eds.), Optimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology. John Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia, pp. 62-73. In John J. McCarthy (ed.), Optimality Theory in Phonology: A Reader. Blackwell, London, pp. 202-214. “Optionality and ineffability.” (2001) In Géraldine Legendre, Sten Vikner, and Jane Grimshaw (eds.), Optimality Theoretic Syntax. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 97-112. “Optimality and inversion in Spanish.” (1998) In Pilar Barbosa, Danny Fox, Paul Hagstrom, Martha McGinnis, and David Pesetsky (eds.), Is the Best Good Enough? Optimality and Competition in Syntax. MITWPL and MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 35-58. Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 3 of 11 October 2014 Baković, Eric “Spanish codas and overapplication” (1998) Baković, Eric “Geminate shortening in Fula.” (1995) In Armin Schwegler, Bernard Tranel, & Miriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds.), Romance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives. John Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia, pp. 13-23. In Akinbiyi Akinlabi (ed.), Theoretical Approaches to African Linguistics. Africa World Press, Inc., Princeton, NJ, pp. 239-254. Conference proceedings Baković, Eric “Local blocking and minimal violation.” (2012) Baković, Eric “Partial identity avoidance as cooperative interaction.” (2004) Proceedings of CLS 45 (vol. 2), Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL, pp. 1-10. Proceedings of WECOL 2004, Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno, CA, pp. 13-25. Baković, Eric “On the logic of conditional grounding.” (2002) Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony and cyclicity in Eastern Nilotic.” (2002) Baković, Eric, & Colin Wilson Proceedings of CLS 37 (vol. 1), Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL, pp. 45-51. Proceedings of BLS 27, Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, CA, pp. 1-12. “Transparency, strict locality, and targeted constraints.” (2001) Proceedings of WCCFL 19, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA, pp. 43-56. Baković, Eric “Nasal place neutralization in Spanish.” (2001) Baković, Eric “Assimilation to the unmarked.” (1999) th Proceedings of the 24 Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium (Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 7.1), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 1-12. rd Proceedings of the 23 Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium (Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 6.1), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 1-16. Keer, Edward, & Eric Baković Baković, Eric “Have FAITH in syntax.” (1999) Proceedings of WCCFL 16, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, pp. 255-269. “Quantitative adjustments In Yupik.” (1997) Proceedings of WCCFL 15, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, pp. 17-32. Baković, Eric “Strong onsets and Spanish fortition.” (1994) Baković, Eric “Maiduan noun phrase structure.” (1992) Baković, Eric “Review of Vowel Harmony and Correspondence Theory.” (2004) th Proceedings of the 6 Annual Student Conference in Linguistics (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 23), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, pp. 21-39. Papers from the 1992 Hokan-Penutian Languages Conference (SIUC Occasional Papers on Linguistics 17), Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, pp. 53-60. Review articles Baković, Eric, & Edward Keer LINGUIST List, “Review of The Prosody-Morphology Interface.” (2000) Phonology 17.3, pp. 484-494. Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 4 of 11 October 2014 Working papers Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony and stem identity.” (2003) Baković, Eric “The conspiracy of Turkish vowel harmony.” (2000) In San Diego Linguistics Papers 1, Department of Linguistics, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (Also ROA-540, Rutgers Optimality Archive, In Sandra Chung, James McCloskey, and Nathan Sanders (eds.), Jorge Hankamer WebFest, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, Baković, Eric “Deletion, insertion, and symmetrical identity.” (2000) Baković, Eric “Unbounded stress and factorial typology.” (1998) Baković, Eric “Complementizers, faithfulness, and optionality.” (1997) In Bert Vaux and Susumu Kuno (eds.), Harvard Working Papers in Linguistics 7, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, pp. 27-38. In Ron Artstein and Madeline Holler (eds.), Rutgers Linguistics Working Papers 1, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, pp. 15-28. ROA-212, Rutgers Optimality Archive, Baković, Eric “Foot harmony and quantitative adjustments.” (1996) Baković, Eric “A markedness subhierarchy in syntax: optimality and inversion in Spanish.” (1995) ROA-96, Rutgers Optimality Archive, ROA-80, Rutgers Optimality Archive, Conference presentations Namboodiripad, Savithry, Marc Garellek, & Eric Baković Baković, Eric “Moraic geminates in Malayalam: evidence from minimal word effects and loanword adaptation.” (January 2014) th 89 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, OR. “The relative and the absolute: the Tunica stress conspiracy revisited.” (January 2014) th 89 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, OR. Kanwal, Jasmeen, Roger Levy, & Eric Baković “Analogy and predictability in Russian noun stress.” (2013-14) Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 23, UC Berkeley, CA. (May 2014) th 88 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. (Jan. 2014) nd 2 American International Morphology Meeting, UC San Diego, CA. (Nov. 2013) Brooks, K. Michael, Bozena Pajak, & Eric Baković “Learning biases for phonological interactions.” (November 2013) Brooks, K. Michael, Bozena Pajak, & Eric Baković “Learnability of complex phonological interactions: an artificial language learning experiment.” (January 2013) Baković, Eric Phonology 2013, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. th 87 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, MA. “Breaking down rule interactions.” (May 2012) North American Phonology Conference 7, Concordia University, Montreal, QC. Baković, Eric “Local blocking and minimal violation.” (April 2009) Chicago Linguistic Society 45, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Baković, Eric, & Bozena Pajak “Why and how not to counterbleed.” (September 2008) Baković, Eric, & Bozena Pajak “Contingent optionality.” (January 2008) Workshop on Phonological Voicing Variation, Amsterdam and Leiden. st 81 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Chicago, IL. Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 5 of 11 October 2014 Baković, Eric Baković, Eric, & Cynthia Kilpatrick Baković, Eric “Phonological opacity and counterfactual derivation.” (April 2006) th 29 Generative Linguistics in the Old World Colloquium (Workshop 2: Approaches to phonological opacity), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. “Anteriority assimilation in English.” (June 2005) st 1 International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. “Partial identity as cooperative interaction.” (November 2004) Western Conference on Linguistics 2004, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Baković, Eric, & Colin Wilson Baković, Eric “Laryngeal markedness and the typology of repair.” (January 2004) th 78 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, MA. “Conspiracies and morphophonological (a)symmetry.” (January 2003) st 1 Old World Conference in Phonology, Leiden. Baković, Eric “The consequences of microvariation in Eastern Nilotic.” (April 2002) Baković, Eric “On the logic of conditional grounding.” (April 2001) Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony and cyclicity in Eastern Nilotic.” (February 2001) th 25 GLOW Colloquium, Amsterdam. Chicago Linguistic Society 37, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Berkeley Linguistics Society 27, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Baković, Eric Baković, Eric, & Colin Wilson Baković, Eric Keer, Edward, & Eric Baković Baković, Eric “On the motivation for nasal place neutralization in Spanish.” (Feb. 2000) Penn Linguistics Colloquium 24, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. “Transparency, strict locality, and targeted constraints.” (February 2000) West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 19, University of California, Los Angeles, CA. “Assimilation to the unmarked.” (February 1999) Penn Linguistics Colloquium 23, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. “Have FAITH in syntax.” (1997) Hopkins Optimality Theory Workshop / Maryland Mayfest, Baltimore, MD. (May) West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 16, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. (February/March) “Spanish resyllabification and the breath group.” (February 1997) Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 27, University of California, Irvine, CA. Baković, Eric “Quantitative adjustments in Yupik.” (February/March 1996) Baković, Eric “A markedness subhierarchy in syntax: optimality and inversion in Spanish.” (May 1995) West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 15, University of California, Irvine, CA. Is the Best Good Enough? Workshop on Optimality in Syntax, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Baković, Eric “Strong onsets and Spanish fortition.” (May 1994) Baković, Eric “Geminate shortening in Fula.” (March 1994) Baković, Eric “Maiduan noun phrase structure.” (June 1992) Student Conference in Linguistics 6, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. Annual Conference on African Linguistics 25, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Hokan-Penutian Languages Conference, Santa Barbara, CA. Invited conference/workshop talks Rose, Sharon, & Eric Baković “Directionality in distance effects.” (May 2014) Agreement By Correspondence Conference, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 6 of 11 October 2014 Hout, Katherine, & Eric Baković Baković, Eric “To fuse or not to fuse: Approaches to exceptionality in Mushunguli (Somali Chizigula).” (April 2014) Southern California Students in Linguistics Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. “Defining phonological interactions with string set intersection.” (Oct. 2013) Workshop on “Opacity in Grammar”, University of Leipzig, Germany. Baković, Eric “Breaking down rule interactions.” (April 2011) Baković, Eric “Looks can be deceiving: transparency revisited.” (June 2006) Baković, Eric “Cycles, levels, and morphological edge asymmetry” (November 2003) th 6 Annual Rutgers Linguistics Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Current Perspectives on Phonology Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. “Where are We Going? Phonology at the Edge” Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Baković, Eric “Counterfactual considerations (in phonology).” (April 2003) Baković, Eric “The consequences of microvariation in Eastern Nilotic.” (March 2002) Baković, Eric “Faithfulness and optionality.” (October 1997) th 8 Southwest Workshop in Optimality Theory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. th 7 Southwest Workshop in Optimality Theory, University of Texas, Austin, TX. st 1 Workshop on Optimality Theory Syntax, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. Invited colloquium/research group talks Baković, Eric “Breaking down rule interactions.” (April 2014) Phonology Lunch, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Baković, Eric “Conflict resolution: Proper inclusion v. overlap.” (April 2013) Baković, Eric “Breaking down rule interactions, take two.” (April 2012) Baković, Eric “Proper inclusion v. overlap: the domain of conflict resolution.” (April 2011) Colloquium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Rutgers Optimality Research Group, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles, CA. Baković, Eric “On becoming more similar but avoiding identity.” (October 2009) Baković, Eric “What it means to be ‘sufficiently similar’.” (March 2009) Baković, Eric “’Elsewhere’, disjunctivity and blocking.” (November 2006) Colloquium, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Colloquium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Colloquium, New York University, New York, NY. Rutgers Optimality Research Group, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Baković, Eric “Phonological opacity and counterfactual derivation.” (March 2006) Baković, Eric “Partial identity as cooperative interaction.” (September 2004) Baković, Eric, & Edward Keer Baković, Eric Colloquium, University of California, San Diego, CA. Colloquium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. “Take your pick: options and the lack thereof.” (May 2003) th 10 Anniversary Celebration, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. (May) “Conspiracies and morphophonological (a)symmetry.” (September 2002) Colloquium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 7 of 11 October 2014 Baković, Eric “Problems in Turkana vowel harmony.” (November 2001) Baković, Eric “Arguments for a cyclic approach to vowel harmony.” (March 2001) Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony is cyclic.” (2000) Colloquium, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. Colloquium, University of California, Irvine, CA. Colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles, CA. Colloquium, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. (December) Colloquium, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. (November) Colloquium, University of California, San Diego, CA. (February) Baković, Eric, & Colin Wilson Baković, Eric “Transparency, strict locality, and targeted constraints.” (November 1999) Colloquium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. “Dominance and residual stem control.” (1999) Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (October) Colloquium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. (February) Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony and metaphony in Pasiego Spanish.” (January 1999) Baković, Eric “Dominance and markedness in Maasai.” (November 1998) Baković, Eric “Inventories, grounding conditions, and featural identity.” (April 1998) Colloquium, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. Colloquium, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY. Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony and structure preservation.” (November 1997) Baković, Eric “Vowel harmony and structure preservation.” (February 1997) Baković, Eric “Quantitative adjustments in Yupik.” (May 1996) Colloquium, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. Colloquium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Colloquium, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Baković, Eric “Complementizers and optionality.” (May 1996) Baković, Eric “Optimality and inversion in Spanish.” (1995) Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. (October) Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. (September) Guest lectures and symposium talks Baković, Eric “Generalizing openness.” (January 2013) Baković, Eric “More than meets the ear.” (February 2012) Symposium on Open Access and the Future of Academic Publishing, LSA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Muir Freshman Honors Seminar lecture, Muir College, UC San Diego. Baković, Eric “Social functions of language and their consequences.” (April 2010) Baković, Eric “All languages are odd.” (January 2008) Baković, Eric “Sound patterns in the mind.” (November 2007) Warren Honors Program Faculty Speaker Series, Warren College, UC San Diego. International Affairs Group lecture, International House, UC San Diego. Muir Freshman Honors Seminar lecture, Muir College, UC San Diego. Baković, Eric “Cross-derivational feeding and opacity.” (November 2006) Guest seminar lecture, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 8 of 11 October 2014 Baković, Eric “Electronic presentation, publication, and archiving.” (January 2003) Baković, Eric “Newspeak and linguistic relativism.” (September 2002) Academic Journal Publishing Symposium, LSA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Guest class lecture, Department of Political Science, UC San Diego. Grants, fellowships, and awards 2008 “Border Spanish: Sociolinguistic and theoretical issues.” 2008 Winter Quarter Faculty Fellow. (with John Moore, Grant Goodall, and Ana Celia Zentella) UCSD Academic Senate Research Grant ($19,050). UCSD International House, Eleanor Roosevelt College. 2006 Distinguished Teaching Award. UCSD Academic Senate ($1500). 2004 – 2005 “Subcoronal assimilation in English.” 2003 – 2004 “Eastern Bolivian Spanish phonology.” UCSD Academic Senate Research Grant ($10,000). UCSD Faculty Career Development Program Grant ($15,000). 2002 – 2003 2001 1996 – 1998 “Linguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to optionality.” (with Victor Ferreira, Department of Psychology, UC San Diego) UCSD Committee on Research Interdisciplinary Research Grant ($14,054). “Spanish language database project.” UCSD Civic Collaborative Award ($5000) Chancellor’s Summer Faculty Fellowship ($5000). “Optimality theory in syntax: universal constraints and the lexicon.” NSF Grant #SBR-9511891, Principal investigator: Jane Grimshaw. 1995 “Introducción al estudio del lenguaje.” 1995 Award for Distinguished Contributors to Undergraduate Education. 1997 – 1998 1997 1995 – 1996 1993 (“Introduction to the Study of Language” in Spanish.) Rutgers University Dialogues Grant #2-09749 for course development. Rutgers University Faculty of Arts and Sciences ($1500). Rutgers University Dissertation Fellowship. ($10,000) Linguistic Institute Student Fellowship. (Cornell University) Rutgers University Excellence Fellowship. ($10,000) Linguistic Institute Student Fellowship. (The Ohio State University) Reviewing since 2010 Ad hoc grant proposal reviewer National Science Foundation Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2004 since 1998 External examiner in Phonology Linguistics MPhil Essays, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Ad hoc abstract reviewer Annual Meeting on Phonology, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Chicago Linguistic Society, Generative Linguistics in the Old World, Western Conference on Linguistics, West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, North Eastern Linguistics Society, Penn Linguistics Colloquium, Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics. Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 9 of 11 October 2014 since 1995 Ad hoc article/book reviewer Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Language and Linguistics Compass, Linguistic Typology, The Linguistic Review, Phonology, Linguistic Inquiry, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Biolinguistics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., John Benjamins Publishing Company, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Equinox Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, The Ohio State University Press, MIT Press. Scholarly communications 2014 – 2015 Chair, UC San Diego Library Committee Vice-Chair, University of California Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) 2013 – 2014 Vice-Chair, UC San Diego Library Committee Divisional Representative, University of California Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) January 2013 Symposium on Open Access and the Future of Academic Publishing Planning and co-organization for a conference panel on open access publishing, jointly presented by the Linguistic Society of America and the Modern Language Association, Boston, MA. ( 2004 – 2013 Moderation of and regular contribution to phonoloblog since 2004 Regular contribution to Language Log A public weblog for discussions of interest to phonologists, A weblog for discussions about language and linguistics, written by linguists for the general public, since 2000 Moderation of the Optimal List since 1996 Administration of the Rutgers Optimality Archive A mailing list for scholars interested in Optimality Theory, [email protected]. A distribution point for work in, on, and about Optimality Theory, Other organization and service July 2015 October 2013 Workshop: Competition in Linguistics Co-organization (with Mark Aronoff, Stony Brook University) of a workshop on linguistic competition (a.k.a. “blocking”), with invited speakers and discussants, to be held at the 2015 Linguistic Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 50 Years of UC San Diego Linguistics: Languages, Theories, and Methods Planning and co-organization for an event honoring Professor Emeritus Leonard Newmark and featuring guest speaker Dr. Rosina Lippi-Green. ( April 2013 Linguistics Goes to Hollywood: Creators of the Klingon, Na’vi, and Dothraki Languages Planning, co-organization, and emcee duties for a speaker panel including Marc Okrand, Paul Frommer, and David J. Peterson. ( October 2012 UC San Diego Center for the Humanities “Imminent Questions” series Planning and co-organization of a talk by Stuart Shieber (Director, Office of Scholarly Communication, Harvard). ( Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 10 of 11 October 2014 April 2009 November 2007 March 2003 Screening of “The Linguists” followed by discussion with K. David Harrison Planning, organization, and fundraising ($1450) for an open-to-the-public documentary screening, University of California, San Diego, CA. ( Native American Language Documentation and Development Workshop Planning, organization, and fundraising ($500) for the Fall 2007 California Native American Day Celebration, University of California, San Diego, CA. 23rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics Planning and co-organization, University of California, San Diego, CA. May 1997 Rutgers University / University of Maryland Phonology Workshop Planning and organization, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. 1993 – 1994 25th Annual Conference on African Linguistics 1990 – 1991 1991 Linguistic Institute Organization and editing of proceedings, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Organizational assistance, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. 1990 A Festschrift for William F. Shipley Manuscript editing, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Invited courses July 2015 April 2013 January 2013 “Introduction to phonological theory and analysis.” 2015 Linguistic Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. “Defining phonological interactions with string set intersection.” University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. “Introducción a la fonología.” Estudios Fónicos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain. Other teaching 1998 – 1999 Lecturer, Department of Linguistics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Graduate and undergraduate Linguistics courses. 1993 – 1996 Lecturer, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese / Instructor, Dept. of Linguistics 1990 – 1993 Undergraduate reader, Board of Study in Linguistics Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Undergraduate Spanish Linguistics courses. University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. Undergraduate Linguistics courses. UC San Diego graduate courses LIGN 211 Phonology (F14) LIGN 211A Introductory Phonology (F00, W07, W08, F10, F11, F12); Phonology and Phonological Theory (F13) LIGN 211B Nonlinear Phonology (W01, W03, W04, S05, W06, S07, W09, S10); Phonological Research (S14) LIGN 213 Issues in Phonology: The Cycle in Phonological Theory (S02); Spanish Phonology (W04) LIGN 215 Topics in Phonology: Assimilation (F05); Variation (S10); Underapplication (F14) Eric Bakovic´ Curriculum vitae page 11 of 11 October 2014 LIGN 240 Field Methods: Chuukese (W02) LIGN 270 Topics in Psycholinguistics: Optionality in Language (S03, with Vic Ferreira) UC San Diego undergraduate courses LIGN 8 LIGN 87 Languages and Cultures of America (S07, S08, S09) The Linguistics of Invented Languages (S03); The Threat of Texting and Other Language Myths (W09, S10, W12); Perceptual Dialectology (S13) LIGN 101 Introduction to the Study of Language (F02, F03, F11) LIGN 110 Phonetics (F00, F03, F05, F12) LIGN 111 Phonology I (W01, W05, W06, W07, W10, W12, W14, W15) LIGN 143 The Structure of Spanish (F01, F02, F07) LIGN 175 Sociolinguistics (F07, F13) INTL 101 Culture and Society in International Perspective: Languages in Competition (F08, with Sharon Rose)
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