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Editor: John Bernat 341-4045
A ssistant Editor: Bernie Olson 593-6423
Webmaster: Al Armand, 583-0362
November 2014
Mike McCann
At our November 6th luncheon meeting, the officers and directors for 2015 will
be installed. Many positions will remain the same as this year with the following
notable changes: Current Little Sir Mike Lazzari will assume the Big Sir position. Peter Deutsch will become our Little Sir. Gino Medina and Ken Masry will
be officially installed as Directors.
One of our own, Sir Al Malouf will be our guest speaker at our November meeting. Sir Malouf will be sharing some experiences as a Navy Bomber Pilot during
World War II in the South Pacific. It is a honor and a privilege to have Al as our
guest speaker and I thank and salute Sir Al Malouf for his service to his country.
Luncheons are held at 12:00 noon,
on the 1st Thursday of each month at
the San Mateo Elks Lodge on 20th Ave.
Come & enjoy a hot lunch, listen to an
interesting speaker and socialize with
your other members. Bring a friend.
Honey Bake Ham with a spiced Rum
Sauce and Herb Roasted Chicken
Salad Station
Reminder that on December 6th, the SIRS #142 luncheon will be at the Basque
Cultural Center in South San Francisco. I thank John Kristovich and Bob Lockwood for coordinating this annual event. Tickets will be sold at the November
meeting or you may contact either John or Bob for tickets and/or additional information.
We still need to fill the Hospitality Chair position after Bob Smith resigns after
the April, 2015 meeting. Thanks to Bob for all the years of service to our SIRS
organization. If interested in this position, please contact Bob or any officer/
I encourage you to continue to bring guest/friends to our luncheon meetings.
Maintaining and attracting new members to SIRS is always a concern. If any of
you desire to start a new interest group with SIRS, please contact any officer/
director. We strive to have sufficient interest groups within the organization to
maintain current membership and attract new members.
Thank you and hope to see all members at our November luncheon meeting.
Mike McCann
SIRS #142, "Big Sir"
Membership data changes
The following changes: address, phone
number, E-mail, medical status information and any other changes that are
recorded in our roster should be communicated to Tom Malaspina at the monthly luncheon or call (650) 701-9100 or
email Tom at [email protected]
Free Lunch on your Birthday
Only if you ar e at the lunch and you
are the lucky one to have your name
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Little SIR
Michael Lazzari, 312-9414
Scheduled speaker
Ken Mantoani, 368-2009
Harvey Harrison, 341-7534
Check your Badge numbers for special
deals! If your badge No. is 1-25 and if you
purchase $5 in tickets, you will receive 3
extra tickets.
Ken Mantoani, 368-2009 &
Harvey Harrison, 341-7534
October winners were:
1. $60
Frank Hambrick
2. $40
George Trelut
3. Jewelry
Peter Deutsch
4. Wine
Peter Deutsch
5. Free Lunch Dick Hogan
6. Free Lunch
Joe Lysek
Each luncheon there are six drawings.
The latest edition of SIR Happenings
has been posted:
Would you like to travel here is the Travel
January 2015 Lunch Meeting
November 6th: Albert Malouf, SIRs member. He will do a presentation on
“Flying with the U.S. Navy During WWII”.
Don Parrish,
Jim Hansen is undergoing
another Knee Operation and we
wish him well.
Wishing a speedy recover to Cy Rinck
and all other Sirs who are recovering.
Mark Harrnett
Vice-president of Complete Solar gave a
very informative presentation on the value of converting to solar energy.
Rick Hawkins, resides in San Mateo,
retired as manager of telecommunication
companies. He loves to play golf, guitar
and ukulele. He is in training to become
Court Appointed Special Advocate.
George Trelut
Beginning Balance
$ 2,559.09
$ 1,220.00
$ 1,435.21
Ending Balance
$ 2,343.88
All expenses have been reviewed and
paid. All receipts collected at the luncheon have been deposited.
AS OF August 31, 2014, 141 MEMBERS
Attention all members. If you are
looking for additional social
events, the Peninsula Italian
American Social Club of San
Mateo has a luncheon on the
third Friday of each month, and a
dinner dance the first Friday of
each month. These events are
open to all, with great food, including wine, at a very reasonable price. For reservations or
more information, please contact
Tony at 650 343 7981.
January 8th will be the first
meeting in 2015 due to prevent a
conflict with New Years Day.
Editor’s Note: Articles to be published in the Newsletter must be received by the 20th of the preceding month, so the Newsletter can
be published on the Web site ,prior to the meeting. Thanks for your cooperation! Printed copies are
available at the luncheon.
NEWSLETTER ON THE WEB: If you are not receiving the monthly email broadcast announcing that the latest Newsletter is now
available on the website, you should contact Tom at [email protected] email address.
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GOLF (The wee small balls)
Bob Chang, 703-2342
Golf Report – November 2014
Seems like only yesterday, but our golf program is entering its last month. Our last golf tournament for 2014 will be Dec.
2. We still have room for golfers who want to play this year and next, so let me know if you’re interested. We are adding
three new golfers this month – Rick Hawkins, Tim McMurdo, and Charles Bundy. We also had a “fun” offside tournament at the newly modified Poppy Hills golf course.
Our golf program will close with a luncheon on Dec. 11 and all of the “alumni” golfers are invited to attend.
For the past month, the notable results were a resounding win by the team of Dick Roza, Jim Cunningham, John Wong,
and Dale Heiberger at San Ramon, low scores in Flight 1 Big Sir Mike McCann (83) and Bob Chang (85), Dan Scannell
(91) and Ken Masry (93) in Flight 2, and John Wong (95) in Flight 3. Other notables for the month included two
really close to pin shots by Dan Scannell (the closest being 2’ 4”) and 5 birdies by Bob Chang
Our remaining golf dates are: Oct 28 Sky West, Nov. 4 Presidio, Nov. 11 Poplar Creek, Nov. 18 Crystal Spring
(Scramble), Nov. 25 Santa Clara, and Dec. 2 Spring Valley. Give me a call at 650-703-2342 to find out more about
the golf club or to reserve a date to play. Signup sheets will also be available at the November meeting.
NON-RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE: All tr avel events and other activities sponsor ed by SONS IN RETIREMENT, INC., or
its branches are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and guests who desire to participate. SONS IN RETIREMENT,
INC., and its Branches do not assume any responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants or passengers, or their property, or any damages whatsoever, in any manner pertaining to said travel or other activities.
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Interest Groups
Interest groups continue to have their normal meetings. Since future newsletters will now be electronic, we suggest you look into
the two computer meetings. Both are now chaired by Branch 1 members, but all SIRs are welcome. Meetings are held at the
Charles Schwab/Silicon Valley Foundation building a 1300 El Camino., San Mateo. Unless indicated otherwise
Rick Dusine, has a monthly meeting. on the 4th Tuesday of the month Meetings start at 9:30 AM –11:00 AM. A $5.00 contribution for coffee & donuts is suggested but not collected at each meeting. Attendees share their experiences with computers and
help those with questions.
☺ Collections and Stamp Group - Rick Zanardi 343-2917
The next meeting of this group will be on 3rd Monday, 10:00 AM, Bring your favorite antique, stamps, coins or bullion to discuss and
find out what it is worth. Call Roy or Rick if you have any questions. Roy Hansen (Branch142) 583-4657
Bill Bromley, has a monthly technology meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the IHOP restaurant at 1510 El
Camino in Belmont.. A no host breakfast is available. Meetings start at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Bill publishes by email a very interesting monthly newsletter on the fast changing industry. Attendees informally share their experiences and solutions with computers
and personal electronics. This is an excellent place for beginners to get their questions answered.
BOCCE (The Little balls)
Dan Scannel, 341-1245
We play on Thursdays. Looking for some new faces. Come join us at Beresford Park in San
Mateo. Coffee and Doughnuts at 9:30 AM and games start at 10:00 AM. Teams are created
by drawing so no team can horde all the best players.
Some potential players need a ride to the games. If you can provide a ride please let me know
so we can make the arrangements and increase our players.
(The Big Balls)
Sir’s if any of you are interested in BOWLING in our Sir’s bowling league now is a good time to join. There is plenty of room
for anybody that is interested in joining the Sir’s Bowling League. You’ll also meet a bunch of nice guys (Sir’s) from other
branches, and you’ll have a lot of fun and a nice change of pace for you. We bowl at Bel-Mateo on Fridays from 9:45 A.M.
to 12:15 P.M. If interested contact Ken Braband at 650-572 1250.
Ken Braband
650 572-1250
Note: Required Attendance Rule 100 states, “Any member who misses (3) consecutive meetings without proper ly notifying the Attendance Chair man, or
attends less than five (5) meetings within the last 12 months, will be notified in the prescr ibed for m of his pending member ship ter mination”. If you must
miss a meeting, phone Joe Lysek, Attendance Chair, at 650-578-9208. Otherwise, email him at [email protected] by the Monday before the lunch date.