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Paramus High School
Co-Curricular Handbook
Club Description, Advisor & Meeting
Join a club!!!
It is a great way to get involved in a positive experience,
meet new people, build your high school resume and have fun!
Amaranth Literary Workshop
The Literary Workshop provides a meeting place for students interested in writing
original poetry or prose, and for creative artists. At the informal meetings, members
exchange opinions on original work by students at the high school – both members and
non-members of the Workshop. We encourage submission of material across the entire
curriculum. This assures fairness, and author’s and artist’s names are never revealed when their work is
under consideration. At these meetings selections are made for Amaranth, the magazine published by the
Workshop in late spring.
The advisor of the Workshop sees the meetings as times when “students of varying degrees of interest and
talent meet to exchange views on what makes good original literature and art.”
All students are welcomed into the Workshop. They need not write or draw to participate in the meetings.
Advisor: Mr. Gallagher
Club Meets in Room 817 on Thursdays at 3:00
American History Travel Club
The American History Travel Club is an “open” club, meaning students may join at any
time during the school year. An executive committee, works to enhance the historical
and cultural growth and development of students at Paramus High School. The club
offers three and four day trips to Boston, Washington, Williamsburg, Philadelphia, Gettysburg, and more.
The club also offers local daily and weekend trips to the Ramapo Mountains, The Pine Barrens, West Point
and more. The club is self-supporting and meets when trips are being planned and organized.
Advisor: Mr. Deluca
Club meets Fridays in Room 813 at 2:35
Animal Club (P.A.W.S.)
The club’s purpose is to make students aware of animal issues and safety.
Money is raised for animal organizations. Donations and drives for food, toys,
bedding, etc. are conducted by the club.
Advisors: Ms. Mariano & Ms. Antler
Club meets on Wednesdays in Room 703 at 3:00
Art Club
This club provides students opportunities for additional art experiences outside of school art courses.
Students are able to work in a studio environment free of stress while engaging in the creative process
learning new techniques and methods while the advisors offer assistance when needed. The students also
participate in developing artwork for the Amaranth, Yearbook and other special projects. Self awareness,
and understanding of personal responsibility to community and increasing leadership skills are just a few
things that students will develop through their involvement in Art Club.
Advisors: Ms. Steele, Mr. Gorski
Club meets on Wednesday in Room 411 and Friday in Room 409 after school
Asian-American Student Association
& The Chinese Yo-Yo Club
The Asian American Student Association provides a meeting place where the student body learns about
Asian cultures. The purpose of the club is to help Asian Americans (born in America) enrich their
knowledge about their own cultural background and history, although the club welcomes the entire
student body to share their curiosity of both historical and current Asian cultures.Through many fun
events and activities this club willpromote Asian cultures and serve as a gathering place for various
cultures to meet.
Club Advisors : Ms. Ondich & Ms. Madison
Club Meets on Thursday in the Library at 3:00
The Chinese Yoyo Club is a club that specializes in the diabolo, Chinese yoyo. Performances will be done
by the club in order to raise cultural awareness as well as money for local charities. Students will obtain
volunteer hours for their performances.
Cheerleaders – Fall & Winter
The Cheerleaders create and stimulate pep and enthusiasm for the sports program. They cheer at
both men and women’s varsity sports programs, make spirit and PEP signs, decorate the
Commons, and take part in all PEP Rallies and dances. The Winter Squad also enters cheering
competitions deemed appropriate. The time the girls put in is approximately 25 hours per week – all
Varsity Advisors: Ms. Wengrin & Ms. Delucia, Junior Advisor: Ms. Dreher
See advisors for meeting times & locations
Christian Studies Club
The Christian Studies Club meets
weekly throughout the year. Activities include study
and discussion, guest speakers,
debates, singing, socials, and community service. All
students are welcome.
Club advisors: Mr. Glaser & Mr. Graves
Club meets in Room 713 on Thursdays at 3:00
Dance (Spartanettes)
Did you ever want to be a Rockette ? Here's your chance to be part of the Spartanettes here in Paramus.
I WANT TO BE A SPARTANETTE ROCKETTE- Dance project! Auditions in Fall- Performances &
rockette Experience in NYC.
Club advisor: Ms. Ranieri
Club meets in the Dance Studio on Mondays from 2:45 – 4:45
DECA’s mission is to enhance the co-curricular education of students with interests in marketing,
management and entrepreneurship. DECA helps students develop skills and competence for business
careers, build self-esteem, experience leadership and practice community experience.
DECA students also compete for awards and scholarships at regional, state and national conferences.
DECA students operate the school store and attend various field trips. DECA meets twice a month.
Club Advisor: Ms. Ogunyinka
Clubs meets on Tuedays in Room 207 after school
Delphian Yearbook
The Delphian yearbook is a lasting memento of a student’s career while in high school.
Every effort is made to produce a book which staff, student body, faculty, and
administration, can be proud. Much time and energy is needed to produce the yearbook.
Work must be done daily on the book in order to accomplish these goals. The Advisor
appoints the editors, but the staff activities are open to anyone interested in helping.
Club Advisor: Ms. Sarnoski
Club meets on Tuesdays in Room 815 at 3:00
The purpose of the E.R.A.S.E program is to organize students to combat racism and sexism in
our schools, community, and country. E.R.A.S.E., a student-motivated program, educates
students to perceive the problems of racism and sexism, as they exist in American Society and
to build acceptance of others.
Club Advisor: Mr. Allocco
Club meets in Room 814 on Wednesdays at 3:00
Euro Challenge
The Euro Challenge is a club for freshmen and sophomore students interested in international business.
Students complete against 100 other schools in developing economic policies, as well as enhance their
understanding of the European Union (EU) and the euro. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to win
grand money.
Club Advisor: Ms. Kondratowicz
Club meets in Room 301 on Wednesdays at 3:00
Fed Challenge
Students determine monetary policy in a competition at the Federal Reserve in NYC.
Winning teams compete in Washington, D.C, meet the Federal Reserve chairman and win
grant money!
Club Advisors: Ms. Diliberto & Mr. Deluca
Club meets in Room 807 on Wednesdays
Forum Press
The Forum Press exists to open up and improve the channels of communication in
Paramus High School. The Forum Press is primarily involved in the total
publication (writing, editing, layout, printing, distribution) of a student newspaper.
The Forum Press also collects information for and writes press releases on school
Club Advisor: Ms. Moe
Club meets in Room 620 or 622 on Wednesday and/or Thursdays at 3:00
Freshmen Class
Ninth grade students work closely with the freshmen class advisor regarding school
programs for the class. Students are aided and guided by the Freshman Class Advisor
through activity planning, fundraising, etc. The advisor works closely with class officers
during scheduled meetings.
Club Advisor: to be announced
See Ms. Gudelis in Room 417 for more info
Gay-Straight Alliance (G.S.A.)
GSA is a branch of E.R.A.S.E. whose
primary goal is to provide safe-space for
all students, particularly those who
identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or
transgender. G.S.A. functions as a support
network for students, raises money for
causes that promote respect and works to
build respect for all individuals at the
high school.
Club Advisor: Ms. Strumwasser
Club meets in Room 802 on Tuesdays at 3:00
German Honor Society/German Club
Meetings are open to all students currently studying German. The purpose is to further the
cultural knowledge and understanding of the German speaking countries. Meetings are held
several times a month after school. Meeting days usually vary, so signs are posted in advance.
Some German Club activities/events include: Oktoberfest, Mayfest, German films,
autumn/spring hike, visiting a German restaurant plus much more.
Club Advisors: Ms. Malik & Ms. Lauzon
Club meets several times monthly in Room 310 – see advisors
Habitat for Humanity
The Habitat for Humanity Club raises funds and educates the community on the conviction that every
man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. Raised funds are used for
more decent, affordable houses and disaster relief for families across the globe.
Club advisor: Mr. Ziemba
Club meets Thursdays in Room 704 at 3:00
Hand-in-Hand Club
Hand-in-Hand is an opportunity for students to participate in community service based projects with
young children. Our goal is to better the lives of children in the community. Hand-in-Hand collaborates
with the Child and Family Services Organization and the Early Childhood Center to interact with children
and raise funds to better their quality of life.
Club advisors: Ms. Ondich & Ms. Rosenberg
Club meets Wednesdays in Room 914 at 3:00pm
History Quiz Bowl Club
The History Quiz Bowl Club is devoted to students who enjoy history and the thrill of competition.
Students who join will compete in regional, and potentially, national history quiz bowl tournaments.
Club Advisor: Mr. Allocco
Club meets on Tuesdays after school
Interact is a community service club at Paramus High School. This club was encouraged to be formed by
the Rotary Club of Paramus. The Interact Club in essence is a “service club” whose purpose
is to instill an interaction of feelings and warmth to the community. Students are working on
community related projects that will enhance their feelings of worth and understanding.
Some of the projects for the club include the responsibility of maintaining the high school
bulletin board for community and high school events, a Pancake Breakfast, involvement with handicapped
youths and Senior Citizens, Special Olympics, food baskets and field trips.
Club Advisors: Ms. Tarabocchia & Ms. Condal
Club meets in the Cafeteria on Thursdays at 3:00
Italian Honor Society/Italian Club
Membership to the Michelangelo Chapter is open to students who qualify. The purpose of the
Society is to promote an understanding and appreciation of Italian culture and civilization to
tutor and to raise money for the scholarship that is awarded each year to a graduating (senior)
member of the Society.
Club advisor: Ms. Campagna
Club meets on Tuesday in Room 221 starting at 3:00
Jazz Ensemble
The Spartan Jazz Ensemble consists of five saxophones, four trumpets, five trombones,
one piano, one guitar, one bass, and two drums. All players are selected by the
director, based on player ability and reliability. They perform at concerts, the
Scholarship show and various other festivals, workshops, and special events.
Club Advisor: Mr. Gizzi
Club meets on Mondays from 3:00- 6:00 in the Band Room
Junior Class
The Junior Class Advisor meets with the Junior Class officer representatives early in September to discuss
class activities such as fundraising, social events, and projects which will be service to the school
community. The meetings should be held as often as necessary or at least monthly to discuss the specific
details of each class activity.
Club Advisors: Ms. David & Ms. Wiezik
Clubs meets on Tuesdays in Room 218
Knitting Club
The Knitting Klub is for students interested in knitting. All levels of skill, including people who have
never knitted, before are welcome. Students are invited to bring their supplies if they have them, or to
borrow from our collection.
Club Advisor: Mr. Barlettano
Club meets on Thursdays in Room 909 at 3:00
Marching Band
Includes Flags, Instrumental and Percussion-The Marching Band is composed of all concert band students.
After school field rehearsal time is approximately twelve (12) hours per week during football
season. This rehearsal time is also spent with Color Guard and Flag Squads.
There is also a summer marching clinic the week prior to school opening with five (5) hours of
instruction per day. During this clinic, an orientation is held for all new Marching Band members.
The Marching Band performs at all Paramus football games; marching band festivals, such as the Herald
News Festival; and parades such as Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. They also perform at PEP rallies
and other special events.
Club Advisors: Mr. Donellan, Mr. Gizzi, Mr. Goodson, Ms. Martino
See advisors for meeting times – club meets in the Band Room
Math Club
Club participates in New Jersey Math League,
Math Meets with calculator, Math Meets
without calculator, American Scholastic
Mathematics Association, and Bergen
County Math League monthly competitions. In
addition, the club hosts the annual
Association of Mathematics Teachers of New
Jersey and American Mathematics Competitions. Math Club members join students from Bergen County
Math League member schools and attend the American Regions Mathematics League competition, held the
weekend after Memorial Day at Pennsylvania State University. Awards to the top students are awarded in
each competition.
Club Advisor: Mr. Helsel
Club meets in Room 719 on Tuesdays at 3:00
Model UN
Model United Nations (MUN) is an organization that explores the fundamentals of the United Nations
from both an oral and written perspective to better understand the global society and foster international
awareness. Opportunities are given for students to learn debate, moderate, and teach in a variety of
different ways.
Club advisor: Ms. David
Club meets on Wednesdays in Room 218 at 3:00
National Forensic League
The National Forensic League, also known as the Debate Club, offers experience in formal debating.
Debaters have an opportunity to participate in, interscholastic competition. Paramus High School, along
with twenty (20) other high schools, belong to the North Jersey Debate Monthly Varsity and
Junior Varsity debate tournaments are held in which individual and team trophies are awarded.
In May, the league holds an awards dinner to honor all debaters, and to recognize those who
have compiled outstanding records.
Debaters should expect to spend a great deal of time researching the debate topic, gathering evidence,
preparing speeches, and working with a partner to prepare the arguments.
Club advisor: Ms. McKenzie
Club meets in Room 615 on Friday at 2:35
National Art Honor Society
The National Art Honor Society is a program specifically for high school students, for the purpose of
inspiring and recognizing those students who have shown an outstanding ability in art. The NAHS strives
to aid members in working toward the attainment of the highest standards in art areas, and to bring art
education to the attention of the school and community.To become a part of the Society, one must be taking
at least one art or art history class and then [he/she] must be recommended by [his/her] art teacher.
Club advisors: Ms. Steele
Club meets in Room 409 on Thursdays after school
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Neighbors Helping Neighbors is an High School Service club. It meets alternate Mondays and Thursdays
during the month. The Mondays are organizational and informational meetings. On Thursdays students
meet in the PHS Library, and walk up the hill to the Farview Avenue Human Services building to meet
with the Social Worker. There they perform volunteer services in the Food and Clothing Pantry.
Club advisor: Ms. Madison
Club meets on Wednesdays in the Library at 3:00
NJ Science League
The New Jersey Science League offers competitive exams in Chemistry, Biology and Physics to all high
schools in the State of New Jersey. Four exams are given – one on the second Thursday of each month in
January, February, March and April.
All students who have completed three of the four examinations will receive certificates.
The top 10% of the students in each category will receive individual awards. The four
high schools with the best team ranking in each category in the State will receive plaques.
See Dr. Pilacik, Science Supervisor, for details see Dr. Pilacik in Room 417
Odyssey of the Mind
Odyssey of the Mind values and nurtures creativity.
Through its activities, Odyssey of the Mind
provides opportunities to develop creative problem-solving skills that are important in an ever-changing
world. Odyssey of the Mind’s mission includes the encouragement and development of cooperation, selfrespect and the appreciation and understanding of others. Creativity is its highest priority. Odyssey of the
Mind focuses its energies around providing activities for students to develop and display that which they
have learned. A team of Paramus High School students will participate in Odyssey of the Mind
competitions annually. These competitions afford the student an opportunity to solve long-term problems
using a team approach incorporating style and creativity.
Club advisors: Ms. Jost
Club meets on Thursdays at 3:00 in Room 616 or 209
Students who play a string instrument may
section rehearses during the school day and
join the high school Orchestra. The String
the entire group meets once a week on Tuesday
The Orchestra performs throughout the year at school concerts and also at civic and community functions.
Club Advisor: Ms. Wilkes
Club meets on Wednesdays in the Orchestra Room at 3:00
Physics Club
The purpose of the Physics Club is to provide students the opportunity to explore the physical
world around them. To help students fully appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural
laws and gain insight in to how the universe works. The goal will to provide stimulation, appreciation, and
discussion of topics related to engineering and physics that may not be covered in Paramus High School’s
Science Cirriculum.
Club advisor: Mr. Ziemba
Club meets in Room 704 on Fridays at 3:00
Ping-Pong Club
Do you like Ping-Pong? The club meets and plays games regularly.
Club advisor: See Ms. Gudelis
Pit Orchestra
The Pit Orchestra is the accompanying musical organization for the musical production. Students will be
selected by the director according to playing ability, reliability and the instrumentation of
the score of the show. The Pit Orchestra will be formed in December with two months of
intense rehearsals leading up the performances of the show.
Club advisor: Mr. Donellan
Club meets Tuesday & Friday in January through April in the Band Room
Pure Hearts
Pure Hearts Association is a club dedicated to spreading the awareness of developmental
disabilities. In addition to researching various disabilities, students volunteer their time to
work with people affected by these conditions.
Club advisors: Ms. Robbins
Club meets in Room 803 on Thursdays at 3:00
Red Cross Club
The Red Cross Club creates activities to support the health and well-being goals of the National and
International Red Cross organizations. Students engage in efforts to raise funds for Red Cross causes and
relief efforts, collect clothing for people living in poverty or facing disaster, and learn life saving
techniques like CPR in seminars and workshops organized by the club. Additionally, the club attempts to
raise the consciousness of students to the needs the Red Cross responds to locally, nationally and
Club advisor: Mr. Brown
Club meets in Room 602 on Tuesday at 3:00
School Drama
See advisor regarding information about the school drama.
Club advisors: Ms. Sarnoski
Meets in the Fall for November/December production – Room 815
School Musical
See Ms. Rawlings for information about the musical in the Choir Room.
Club Advisor: Ms. Rawlings
Select Concert Choir (Prem1ers)
Select Choir is a small choral group that is auditioned every Fall. Students in the choir give many hours of
extra time during the year. This group has a separate series of performances in addition to its performances
with the other choirs. Regular rehearsals for this choir are held outside the school day.
Advanced credit is received if selected for this group.
Club Advisor: Ms. Rawlings
Club meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 – Choir Room.
Senior Class
Students work with the Senior Class Advisors coordinating and planning all of the year’s activities and
fundraisers. The advisor(s) also set the proper climate for all the functions of the senior class and the senior
class as a whole.
Club Advisor: Ms. Regalbuto
Club meets as need in Room 705
Senior Prom
The Prom Advisor is responsible for coordinating all phases of the Prom. This includes forming a prom
committee and meetings of the Prom Committee. The selection of a band, photographer, colors, flowers,
theme, inviting chaperons and the selling of
bids are all under the aegis of the advisor, and
the committee. Of paramount importance is
the selection of a site. Prom Advisor and
committee members visit sites, discuss
accommodations and report back to the entire
prom committee.
Information sharing
meetings are held with the entire senior class
throughout the year. Daily supervision of
prom bid sales, seating arrangements,
delivering of programs and prom favors to the prom site are some of the activities which take place close to
the time of the prom. All of the other details involved in a prom (tuxedo arrangements, decorations, etc.)
are also managed by the advisor.
Club advisor: Ms. Collister
See Ms. Collister in Room 317 for meeting times
Ski Club
The Ski Club plans to go on 5 trips to Mountain Creek Ski Resort in Vernon, NJ this year.
Trips will take place on Thursdays after winter break (weather permitting). The bus leaves
after school and returns to the high school at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Club advisor: Mr. Ferrari
See Mr. Ferrari in Room 410 for more info
Sophomore Class
Students work with the Sophomore Class Advisor regarding any activity they initiate, which includes one
or more fundraising activities. The advisor meets with members during or after school
Club advisors: Ms. Lorenzo & Ms. Quinato
Club meets on Thursdays in Room 720
Sound & Lighting Crew
The Advisor of the Sound and Lighting Crew is responsible for the supervision and design of the
light and sound effects for all productions performed in the Paramus High School
auditorium. These productions include those of our Drama and Music Departments;
and the Recreation Commission; several outside organizations and the annual
Scholarship Show. The Advisor is present at all performances.
Club advisor: Mr. Gizzi
See advisor regarding club
Spanish Honor Society/Spanish Club
The Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica is an
American Association of Teachers of
The purpose of the society is the
Spanish. The Paramus Chapter is known
Honoraria Hispanica. Students must qualify for membership.
honor society for students of Spanish. The
Spanish and Portuguese founded the society.
recognition of academic excellence in
as the Capitulo Joan Miro of the Sociedad
Club Advisor: Ms. Gonzalez
Club meets on Thursdays in Room 223 at 3:00
String Ensemble
The String Ensemble is a small string group,
to 12 students. The director, on the basis of
students. They perform at concerts, festivals
with specified instrumentation, consisting of 7
reliability and playing skill, selects the
and special events.
Club advisor: Ms. Wilkes
Club meets on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons in the Orchestra room from 3 – 5 pm.
Student Government/Senate
Students work with the senate advisors regarding the school’s governing body.
Students take on leadership roles within the school to help organize various events
such as pep rallies, thaunted hallway and various fundraising events.
Club advisors: Ms. Southgate & Mr. Jenkins
Clubs meets on Tuesdays at 3:00 pm in Room 603or 803
This club involves high school students working with the elderly. Fashion shows,
parties, dances and other activities are organized. Trips to nursing homes are planned
Club advisor: Ms. Antler
See Ms. Antler in Room 703 for info
The UNICEF Club is a service organization whose goals are to advocate, fund raise and educate. The
intention is to raise awareness about global humanitarian issues with lectures, movies, or discussions.
This club will hold fundraisers at the High School and in the community.
Club advisor: Ms. Madison
Club meets on Tuesday in the Library at 3:00
Video Game Club
The Video Game Club is for students who have a shared interest in various types of video and computer
games. It allows students to enjoy playing their favorite games while being in a social environment.
They will have access to playing various types of games from TV's and big projector screens. Students
will also have the opportunity to participate in scheduled game tournaments to compete with their peers.
Students of all levels are welcome to join or just stop by to play a round of their favorite game!
Club advisor: Ms. Madison
Club meets on Fridays after school in the Library
Vocal Clubs:
Club Advisor: Ms. Rawlings
Club meets on Wednesdays in the Choir Room after school
Prose is a student run, all girls, accapella singing group. It has been in existence since 1996
and student run since 2005. Prose performs music from all genres; traditional treble choir
music, pop, sacred, musical theater and standards. The group entertains in the community as
well as PHS throughout the year.
Club advisor: Ms. Rawlings
Club meets on Wednesday in the Choir Room from 2:30 – 3:30
Shades is an acapella, student-run singing group. The group performs contemporary popular music and
demands excellent intonation and improvisational skills.
Club Advisor: Ms. Rawlings
Club meets on Thursdays in the Choir Room after school
Weight Training
This program is open to all students and is held in the high school weight training room.
During the fall, winter and spring the weight room is open after school.
Report to weight room after school during Fall, Winter & Spring
Report to weight room from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm during Summer months
Wind Ensemble
The Wind Ensemble is a small concert band consisting of 35 to 45 students of a specified instrumentation.
The director on the basis of playing ability
and reliability selects students. The Wind
Ensemble is a select group for the more
advanced performers on the Concert Band.
They learn and perform up to college level
The Wind Ensemble rehearses one evening
per week and performs at the POPs Concert
and other special events.
Club advisor: Mr. Donellan
Meets in Band Room on Tuesdays